Barrie Fair of 1908 must be writ- ten down as another big event in a long string ofsuccessful years. Large crowds were in attendance on Tues- day, the only drawback being the what uncomfortable for those outside. -Still no great fault could be found with the -weather man, considering the previous day, and the directors are now all wearing the smile of contentment over the continued good fortune which seems to follow in ` their foot steps. The gures for the chilly air which. rendered it some`` gate receipts are not at hand, but it is understood that the record will be` quite equalled, which fact must be taken as eminently satisfactory. `In the main buildingythe exhibits! exhausted most of the floor space.` A gratifying fea.ture'was the display made by a number of local business houses, and this, idea might be ex- tended in the future with consider- able advantage to those concerned. The fruit and vegetable department` was much superior to last year. Dairy products were, as usual`, well repres-l ented. The specimens of ladies work| occupied a prominent position in the north east corner of the building, and excited much interest. Fine Arts ran about the same as in previous years. In regard to this section, it might be well for the directors to give greaterl `encouragement to purely amateur ef- fort. No more laudable object could be promoted. - - The exhibit of fowl in the poultry building was of high class, although perhaps not so extensive as on; some former occasions. All the favorite breeds were to be seen. This por- tion of the Fair was well patronized,` thus showing the popularity and im- portance of what must be recognized` as a growing industry. I s2 ._ _ Down at the live stock- sheds and at the stables there was aconstant stream of visitors. The County 0f\ Simcoe. has always maintained an enviable .reputation for the number and quality of her farm animals. This year proved no exception to the rule. There was as ne a show of cattle land sheep asone could wish to see.` Swine were of -good quality, but not [so numerous. The horses, as might ooooooooooooooooooococo vvv_ Acknowle_dgmentsV to difect_ors of` Cookstown _and Beeton Farts for press comphmentarys. Inn 1r_____ f`,.........I ...:I1'n nnn4- nn l.u\.aa \o\lllllll-nn\v->-s~-J .. The Vespra Council will `meet on] Friday, October 9th, at I0 o c1ock' :1.m., at the Town Hall, Midhurst. -- -If you want a. job of eave trough- I...... an ..nua- Lnuen Ar` horn (If 9: 119511 - Hug , e; ; .- ;.heat- ang- *,-*,`}`a92e`*;%"*?a:*%`*f}`a'** a~n lands & Son.- . 3wk. Pe.aches,-Peaches ft r preserving are` no best and cheapest. Season wn " -~ . .; _". : -, qcasun Will. u: qu ity and quality at AJ,___-- 1.-.. ........I.. .. `ll. Gnu quuuu Ins a-wo--vw-- -. I The Advance has made a special clubbing rate with the Weekly Mail and Empire whereby subscribers can secure the latter until Jan. Ist; I910, for 50c. our-11 e__-._).. 1-- .11 1.2-3. .1 LL11 a\ \ao . Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds `ff ' 8. sawed "31: t" any} ` "en you _ ang _so1d nor cord. not. 0.: loads. 4- .1, IIrt"l'*- anu IUIII HUI Invsug navy nu- .v_..-. The regular meeting of the W;C.T.' U. will take place on `Monday, Octo- ber 5th, in the;Parlors, at 3 o clock. A large attendance is requested as important business connected with the Provincial Convention to be held in Barrie the` first week in November will be arranged. ' _ A I An Ottawa despatch says that 'Steve Vair, who has been down` in California the past few months, will be given .a. place on the hockey team of that city the-coming season. Steve played with Renfrew . last year, and- earned. the repI;ta tion of being the best forward in "the Upper {Ottawa League. -- - - _-u.,o qu` .` _'_ _____A`_ -..,,_-. The Galt Kiltie Band was, much enjoyed by the rnusxc lovqrsof `Bar- rie in the concert last week at the Grand Opera. -House`. There was! not a dull` number on the program. Some of the members were treatedl to a. spin on the bay the followingl morning-by Captain Lyon in the` Audr.ey. 4 . ' ` - ,, _rI ` -Lhl-IIJI_VJ a Crown Hill; Thos. King, Elmvale. o * day evening, Qctober 5th, is of . the `nest _drawmg- attractions on the 3 toad. . This hilanous play had a long min in New..Yorl; sxmplyigon the _ There are _at present five cases of appendicitis in the Hospital all of I whom. have been operated upon by the local `surgeons. All are making 1 good recoveries. They axe as fol- lows: Willie `Carter, Manitoulin; W'esley Scott, Grenfl; Robert Bur-h ton, Elmvale; Percy Huddlestone, _ `The Real Widow Brown, which visits the -Grand Opera ,1-louse, Mon- ` strength" jofits clever.~aitnat1ons.and YA interesting. eomplications. " Prices -25c,` ; 35c` and soc ; ,d~ seats on "sale. " 5 selected ' :roun.d.inj , , AL`-. .......,`% HERE IN BARBIE Barrie's Good . Fair. Large Crowds and SpIendid`Exhibits. be ;g`x'pccted, attra.c_ted the most at-I tent1o_n, and. the Judges_wcre_ kept busy 1`n se.p3rat1ng the pnze wmncrs. ,_ -L1__,_ 11--.`..- A... .....1-.. .. '-'--.7 --- -"r--'-----a ---- r---.~ --~~--;--- . ` But it takes other things to make a ` Fair. Inside the ring'was' a veritable Midway Plaisance. Your `country cousins we_re there in force, and whe- ther it was `-`hitting the monkey, eating Coney Island. red-hots, im- bibing 2 1/2 per cent`beer, explor- ing the secrets of the oriental pav- ilion, investigating the trunk mystery or peeping into the book of fate, the interest and excitement were all `the same. "You just couldn t escape the contagion. All the side shows made money. The performance in front of the grand stand was of con- siderable merit, and vied with the `other attractions inengaging public attention. Sweet music was dis- lcoursed by the Citizens Band. -4-4-- - ._ |wv\-on.-vs. `I :.-v v_-___-__ __ The race track was the scene of a good afternoon s sport, and a surg- ing mass of -humanity followed with `unabated interest their favorite pas- time. A. C. .Garden was presiding ijudge and starter, and with him were lassociatedt Alex. `Brownlee and E. A. Cu. The course was lightning fast. Following is a summary of Tuesday's events : I y ' W" ' Fre-for-a1l. . . (Half mile heats.) Capt. Spink (McGirr) "Maxy M. (Walker) Best time 1.10, Honest Billy (Gilks) . . . . Hvawa (Leadley) ........ .. My `Hal (Stone) ~ . . . . . . . . .. Maud L._ (Hinds), . . . . . . . . .. Best time 1.08 `/2. { - Stallion Race. | (Half mile heats.) cva [My -Hal (\S[toV`n) `Pinch Light (Wilcox) [ Best time 1.14. 3Mr. Hughes'r1'n7<`)rse .. . lMr. Edwards horse [Mn BIackstock s horse Time 3.05. The dates for the holding of .the fth annual Ontario Horticultural ex- hibition in Toronto. have been mov- ed forward one day\to enable the opening being held on the evening of Thanksgiving Day,, Nov. 9- Prepara- tions for the successful carrying out of this exhibition are now well un- der wgay. I.t is expected that the ex- hibition this year will eclipse any previous e'ort of the association and `will be the largest exhibition of its `kind ever held in America. l\AAl\.L wry: nn\vn\- -.. -__---_--__. -Oro Fair. drew a large crowd lastl week and the exhibition was fully up to the reputation of this long-estab- lished township institution. Particu- larly was the show of horses excel- lent, siomeevery handsome specimens of the noble animal being on view. Cattle,~too, made a highly creditable` display. The other departments were well to the fore. `Major Beeton s pipers afforded considerable enter- tainment to those fond of the skirl. A full list of the prize. winners ap- pears on page 3. ,4.-__ _l_..A. ,\l'..------1` l'\ NIH..- IUYK DI.d.l.C J.1.lDLlLus\. Ava ci dited with saying that 9o`}32}`Een'{.' J ose in his charge would have blindness by consulting a optioian in time,- which they did not grasp the lief from eye strain You `get the ex- act truth and what [eyes if glasses are re sulting -G. H. Wright, Optometry, at Reeve s Jewe Oct. 12th to 17th.- The W, F.eM. S. of, St. Andrew s church will hold its annual Thank -offering meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 7th, at 8 o'clock, in the Sunday School. Rev. S. B. Rohold, Supt. of Jewish .Missions, Toronto, will ad- dress the meeting. Subject--Th'e pres- ent position of the J_ews, and their attitude to_ Christianity. A drawing J room meeting,` entirely for the Jew- iish causegvyill be held at the home ']of \Miss Jessie Ross, _:Collier Street, ;`on Thursdajznafternoon, Oct. 8th, at` - an-A .nnPl":InV if-Iited -v.'1..-I- . i yucua VII. yut, do * ---`Superintendeqt Maxwell of New York State Instgtute for Blmd 1s V l \_,1:.-J -__Z:.L .... ...... 4-I-.-.+ nn nor npnf National - : '0 aI[C_rnUUIl-, LLJUL. (.)I.u,_ 6|- .4 o c1ockv All are _cord1aI1y mvxted |to attend both meetmgs. ` Mr. .-On Saturday evening at the home of Mr. A. C. Garden, Bayeld Street, a number of the friends of Mr. R. M. Butler, who is leaving Barrie for To- ronto, gathered together and made him-_ the recipient of a handsome, gold-headed cane and. six pieces of cut glass -ware in token of their es-' :t.e.em., Mr. Garden made the " presen- tation, and the following addresswas by `Mr. W; A. Griffth: 'n._.-:.. c... atln rnnR_ R. =M. nuTLfifI~iq7 a 9 _,':..._ :41. 5U 1 LLB, , If is yvi_t_h_e_eIi4t_13`S _ _ regret that ~:`you r 1ntxmate_ assocnates, gthci compyetqielh try 1:433. ' of vegy v`e1,_lgA:;'sV in Barrie, . ;_.-to remove Hprofound % residergcg '_PLEASANT .REl'lEMBRANCE. R. M`. sue; Receivs Hen-y T Slend-o. 2.50 Class. (Half mile hea Farmers Trot. (Mjle heats.) . Fl. 5auu.nn o l `V B::\rr`ie, Sept. 26th, 1998. `--g-40` , -1`1-e-ats.) w'iii.'L"'$i`A1IiJ`i*K'fuii'En Manficturer s % ' Prnces J.J. THOMPSON, MIDHURST P. O. PHONE I99. BARBIE [ 31.00 Pu Auihuu In Aovmcc IIIOLI COPIVIIFIVI CINTI j among us, our frequent meetings up- on the road, your kindly and aff- able manner and disposition, your many excellent qualities of head and heart, and -the warm interest you have taken in all that pertains to the welfare of our Association. have en- deared you'to us all. To your new home you will carry with you our warm -and enduring friendship, hearty good will and highest esteem. \7_ - I-Iv ,_ ___-__ _..c..._. '--`-v. Nor is this" all. We feel that your walk in life has been such, during your many years residence here, that your` sphere of inuence extends far beyond the circle of Barrie members of our Association, and we can as- sure) you that our townspeo9le...gen- erally will sincerely regret that, by your removal to Toronto, Barrie loses such an excellent and highly respected citizen. ' You will, we trust, be good enough to accept the accompanying gift as a memento of our friendly relations in the past and as a very slight in- dication of the esteem in which you. are held by, us all. p p _ . C` i{zI1'B;{'b2ii;1r of the Barrie members of the Commercial Travel.- 1ers' Association. Last Friday at Thornton, the Bar- rie eleven lost an exciting game of cricket to Thornton by 15 runs. Sub- joined is the score: Thornton. (First innings). iR. Knowles, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . Hindle, b Banting . . - - . . . . . . . .. R. -Henry, c Scott . . . . . . . . . . . .. W. Knowles, lbw. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. G. Henry, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . .. `McKnight, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . .. Fisher, C Palling . . . . . . . . . . . . .. isproule, c Palling . . . . . . . .. Ayerst, c Buqhanan . . . . . . . . . .. D. Stewart, c Pae . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R. Stewart, not out . . . . . . . . . .. Extras . . . . . . . . . . .. Dr. Palling, b R. Stewart J. Cook, lbw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. Pae, c Sproule . . . . . . . . . .. R. Banting, c Sptou-le .. . . . . .. D. R. _Murchison, run out .. .. C. Elmsley, stpd. D. Stewart _. H. `Wy1es, c Ayerst . . . . . . . . .. W. Buchanan, c D. Stewart .. R. W. Payne, c Sproule . . . . .. C, Fraser, run out . . . . . . . . . . .. C. Scott, b R. Stewart . . . . . .. Extras . . . . - - .. ANYTHING` vou wm-r m WISH I Il'A `Irvin A an---o:-. Total ~ Thornton. (Second ~innings.: L . L R. Knowles, b Coold . . - . . . . . . . .. Hindle, -c ` Palling ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R. Henry,- c Buchanan . . . . . . .. W. Knowles, stpd. Pae . . . . . . . G. |Henry, b Murchison . . . . . McKnight, b Cook ..; . . . . . . . .. Fisher, c Banting . . . . . - . . . . . . . Sproule, b Cook . . . . . . . . . Ayerst, b Banting D. Stewart, not. out . . . . . . . . . .. R. Stewart; b Cook .; . . . . . . . .. | Extras . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. BILL TIMBER. SI-IINGLBS, POSTS. SLABS OR CORDWOOD. __.__ A'l`__} Banting, lbw . . . . . . . . . .. Fraser, c R. Knowles .. Pae, c Fisher . . . . . . . . .. Murchison-,' c G. -Henry Palling, run out . . . . . . .. Wyles, b. Fisher . . . . . .. Cook, b :McKnight Buchanan, run out Payne, run out . . . . . . . .. Scott, not out Elmsley, ? run out . . . . 61 .Extras .. Q' TIC` Tal`' ` to Wi1kinson s i day, 5c per I00 `and. --J 931. Total It {on bolo DOL AR SUI the man we're mono . an Tan `Ill t 0% II `Inn Iain nlninn Bill! (1005 II a non: for his oiothea 11 a noose- snry little th , Vthe cut- tins and making are put in- un our suits. Tno conserva- tive co countenance: no '.A.__.-._ L-.. --.a ' cone. mwint sonotaum chm In thertoIriI`eunoIIan. ` 00llVt ` .5-be. T Total . . Tota.I. .- LAST OF THE SEASON. Barrie Cricketers Lose. Ba.rrie. (First innings), Barrie. (Second .'l`I:ellt4 FARMERS 1 nvxwvv onv Wow and `the inside work month of_ want. A look will stung" a-nd chopping verY . IL- .... u ' . n-.I. "iii-;','7 OK. coon-s. Oobtbmoo s"'u , ounsuoao innings)- $Toi6u| DAILY 95"` 32. 95 IO 12 anchcs from Fort Wil-. ouver, the Union Bank` the West more does any other to Van F V modern Banking facility of- E`' Farmers, Ranchers, Grain red to Dealers and Merchants. _ made, Money trans- , my part of the wqrld. wsnetgngg apepartment estabhshed at . av . B an mt Ifnmest at highest current nn. ' `paid quarter1Y- ` BARBIE BRANCH C11, $1.00 starts an ac 0S'l`-Brown Suit Case at McCabe`s Comer. 13th Con.. lnnistil, Saturday night. Sept. 28. Made: will be rewarded on leaving same the CRAIGVA-BF. POST-.; 8. 40-401) '1 ..4 . :.;,$;5._3_ |_wman-?i`wo may srunrnrrs md`F5 W111 be received by the ongrelgned for the purchase of the M mg lands, commonly called th._C'.. D1'0I)erty, namely :--- T I1-e ,The South thirty three feet, dc :) }hS. Of lot four on the W?;=St ` ghts gayeld Street, Barrxt-,',f;w!,_t.h,e` two 0 Way thereto. There are which890(! stores on this property V 2 `S In it most desirable location. ,igi`t'.1`he l\orth thirty two feet, gide 0';'1`<`-5, of lot four on the Wgst ght B3ye1d Street, Barrie, :N0,ththW3Y nme feet widehto;3='th3' Qmm0d.e-`Of. There is- a` goo ho Ious two-storey dwelling` US; 0 ' . 1, situafedfhls property most centratl;-V icpmngence Jun: humomals to W. hP.0. ?-.__.__ R SALE-Sevm'al articles of household lurniture._; n_evy_, including buet, iining table and chairs. hf` awhl brsaleb C. '1` DEVLIl\. Can be seen at Devtiuan Murchisorfs store. 10-40p .___ . --V -r--- ---:--- to learn Kindergarten Vwork in connection _ _Cenu'al School. Necessary to hold prop" Ications. Written applications received xhe secretary of the Board of Education. Teachen residiugin Town. wishinir to do lonnl teaching. to h'1nli=t}lIotr: V tothe Iary with their qualications. ` " 1* `mu FRED MARE?" A~.`lTED-A rst class saleslady to take gly stanng `sultry to =Dh`.\Hvl&8-1 8 Up Aohrqe.0.gloves. hosiery and omsllwares.` Ionllilssohn Pianos. -- sou) BY -- ?RE_9_BB_.99 K 3 . D.-'MORTON. Manager. FIRST-CLASS urtlvv I UIIETI, Ac'tion and Tone Regulator. Piano: Always on Hand For Sale .. %7<-Iv 36 JOHN STREET. BARBIE. F"" of CANADA. ndivided Profits Exceed Leautifu LUABLE 'EowN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN or BARRIE. 9* 4 VlH.0'Lt-No _vJl|s:'2, gw. PloPlII'l'_II_.' Vfurther ierms annld pa_i'fich15t3 _ . .4 ' *0 the undersigned- - 8e McDonald, Exec., ` Barrie, Ont. . g ` ' Solicitors 3: V. ed June W L :v-Ij -Pl_RNO TUNER, kmin- .....x In... n-....I-.-. FOR SALE Parcel may beA pufcfiasejd` whole .props_erty. be received by `the 91 .`1l\ nnqnnknnn as` `IE5 wt-IoLi.M:AT.i#Io. 3650} PROPIIITOIIM VV f ; ' Eat: at - olzwn q1_gg_s_ nous: hut} Wholesom Fu! x. Splendid Singin ` Rica Costume.Nimbie noon. 4 ; Prices`--25}; : OO999vvvvvvvvvvvv V, - L; Thick N~e'1.` 3 Morgan's Goitre Ointment, reduces me v Q swelling and is the best remedy for this I 6 condition. Price 25. a box. . Made only A_ condition, Price b , . vlynn. cnossumo. Drusist. Barrie wwuuwwoua-__3_o_o -s. sviflig the best remeuy tor uw: ` g % I O - 6 Ointment. reduces the * A nurpllin and is the fpr t1;_i _______________.___ 1 NOTICE TO cguznrrons one mIrr . October 5th ---. _, Reserved seem at Milne : S ore. .+...{.s* .;.`.. 1.5;. Ions &.0o. ~11-M:-|u'rI:n:s1'.s or .`;aAnnII:-,~:.1"u:' .cou`u'rv or since: AND -rm: common or camuu oun CRITERION. and BAnR1E;COUNYoFsmCoE, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 1. 1905. 3 rlt will be cheerful news to a large` number of the citizens to know that in the `very near future, probablyylby the` end of the present year, the Light Commissioners intend inaugurating an :all-day electric light and power service. `H-itherto the Town has had to be content with a lighting service only, and that, too, a within "limited hours, but now the Commissioners are seeing their way to improving the service in the manner stated. There may be a slight loss at the outset, but; in the end The Advance believes the Town will be nancially ahead by the change. Any temporary reduc- tion in prots will be more than counterbalanced by the increased a_d- vanta es to the citizens of this.ind1s-A pensab e public utility- |f5'f2EAMLANn) TMATINBBTA a to 5 p. m. sxrunmnr ` avanvaomr 5 ms. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, CandidumLilies V and Pennies A For present delivery order now,` while stock is complete. . W. D. BOTHWELL. K We haven largehmount of monef to loan atlowest current rates. either in am; 1 or large amounts. on the security of ood farm mort- gages. McCAR l`HY. BOYS MURCHISON. unlop Street._Ba.rx-io. . , . ) Church of England} TRINITIY cl-macn suumw, ocroaan 4m. . 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 11 a. m.-Morning` Prayer and Sermon. 3 p. m.-Sunday School. V7 p. tn. -Evening Prayer and Sernron. The Vicar will predch at both servioes. Sr.A'rs_ Fnmt. Au. Wnncomc. AnmN1s'rRA'r.o1z's sXE`:| | T The administrator of Mary Ann-Dawe offers {for sale by tender all that ortion of the North `half of Lot Number Thirtn `hree in the Seventh concession of the Towns i of Tossorontlo, in the Countgot sixncoe, not eretofore sold and `conveyed y t 0 ate John Strathy. whlchbsald portion contains fty-eight and one-halt acres more or less _ 'I`knI-A II amid tn h DOD the Bald Droberty 8 inore less There is said to be upon the property a! frame house and kitchen. a barn 30 x 60 feet. 3 ` .st.nble, pig penand hen house. The nmnemr is well watered by a good welg. .st._able, pig panama hen nouse. The property 006. well. and in addiuon there is` a mum g creek throu h the same. sea ed tenders addressed to the undersigned willbereceived up to Saturday. the Ioth da of October. I908. vr . em-ma nf sale to be Ten D81` cent. down, day` October. tau. T e terms of sale to per and the balance in Thirty days. , ;The highest orvany tender not necessarily ac- ce ted I `urther terms and conditigns will be made known on application to John Dawe, Adminis- .....m.-. n.-mm- Ont. or to the undersigned. HIAIUILUA Ivwopaav u--- applica on {(5 35%` trator; Orilua, Ont, or to undersxgned. . MGCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCIIISON, Salts. for Administrator. - -- . .. ..._L :__..l yavan has -I'- . Dated at Barrie this 21st day of ' September. 1908. be Piandg `DAY POWER Plomsin. sIn'In. nancnnu ank Tanking _.-..ll_..- I r---uuugp :1-u--u an w-----__ . comedians Black Faced and stralht. ' Movln Pictures. mustrated Sonia. Molisvwro LOAN. `rm `HQ. succl-:ss ONCE Mom: A'r'u:Nns% THE DIRECTORS- booooi