BARRIE DF.-VLEGATES FOR CO0KSTOWN._ Ayp"n1rro1gAi%;fVLocALs. George Plaxton. OBITUARY. '18f\ ;al%D' with i1s*arl4*aTax*1 For the %;5a'%s: six weeks, while the nishing" touches. 'ha,ve~been- put to` `the fxyq k,-_' the town `has, been stagger-A ' ' hat power and light- W c'o,til`od-.e.~;iI1 je':ef'u1_1.isE__g by `the 'much- over- 1`-:\jr )'e' St .e %fL th; .. [3 ' fr ......u quuuruay. Lms IS the third dam `the town}-Ins =bu`il_1;. at `the rapids. jfhe pren,;nt~ dam is_at n1g_>si:' substa.i1t- xalg.-.._.ce__n'gen t structure, butit ~fro_tn the most "a`pptrov_edp1a-ns, andunder the most vcaneul-;sfu;pervision... It has cost tl`s9atOWn' 379.000 , Thenew dam of the Orillia power plant, at the Ragged Rapids, which has bee'n'u_xidcr cbntructiorrfor three gas(ns,~g:=wa.:-~ puti~i_m:_9_-1j1se for the first time'S_:itu'i'daiyf `This is the third the `townhas .hu'm, ,. .4... ...-uA - .._..--av vi a _Decea'sed was the` eldest son of Mr. Jonathan Sissons of Towt'1,-and g-aduated in_Arts in 1894. from the Iiniversify of Toronto, and from Os- goode Hall in 1898. He received his preliminary education here. On re- ceipt of a wire, Mr. Sissons left im- n_1,ediately~for Fort Frances. Much svympathyeis felt,`for -the ~'fa.mLly in, their sud'd-en bereavement. ' One o_f- the popular_young condugt-VI ors purposes becommg ea bened1ct' `next week. V ` . I _ . .f - sauna:-`JQIIJ , QLII . was 34 years old, andleaves a. widow and two. young.chil He was prominent in soclal and club life in Fort Frances, where he had resided for several years. Mr. Sissons was a Masonand an Oddfellow. 1-; I Word wasreccived here on Tues- Iday morning of a terrible drowning! eavcident at the upper rapids, near Fort Frances,twhereby Capt. H. J. F. Sissons losthhis life, along with two companions, thrr:-ugh the ciipsizing of Mgr.-Sissons gasoline launch. _`The bodies havefxiot yet been recovered-` Captain Sissons was a promising young lawyer. He was Master of Titles of the district, and was Captain: of I.\o__. 2 Company, 8th Regiment. He was 34 vears nlrl and 1-...-- .. ----A- '1:~RbwNED `AT FORT FRANCES. Capt.- , ........ ..., vuuuatlull uL'.I'C. Ufl :eipt nediately for Iympathy is in ilxeir I V; ORILI.. IA S NEW DAM. Sissons, a Formeri Barrieite, Meets His Death. Wednesdggg H the making of Dresses and Suits, is C;-j ' wn,`and who will be pleased to help H e_ selection of your Fall Dress or Suit. ..pleased toannounee we have secured ices of Miss Hunt.. whose skill as an t I ""~~. Misses Mc'MO!_'l'a.n are home from a pleasant holxday .m .-Parry Sound znd -other Northern po1m.s{.T `S3 ;-` , "' -'~" -Y`*hv'*?I41" .~,J<~-Ara > .`,,_`."4;._:-,d.,~_~_ `~ Dgess king De__1;__._ and best ass ~ 4 vhenl go wan` have view the largest w ;to gpther. V ock it has been our privexe No effort has been spared to oduce the very best values and assorents it is possible `4 Ont Formal` Opening exhibit Sf N'vy'JI"a`llPu1%-chases will itake place teo. xVickers ECIAL OPENING OFFERING 11; EACH DEPARTMENT VEDNESDAY T0 SATURDAY 1 it troubles: in 6531 0 Vmg{n1` . p,Qwe'r jtmn nAYsFLLow1NG The watering~ca;Irt.-`came to grief last Fndayf~and_"s_1ncLe Lhcn the 6th CHI X3 VIWX T. W. Un|`iuo cigars at`5c. __ Lqcfqma at loc. Unexdelied for Fla\;or. Manufactured in Barrie by J. A. JAMES, W` . Owen St. 1:l`*fHU*RS;DA1?., `SEPT. SAMPLE ONE OF` OUR Wvuvna up ue 3" Wlulamutcu us ucu . .,. `V> ' , t to id A , f 11 {he Ennis fftke last rea:ised Eitssoesgnlglfl 3 `in am am M`'.i1D81_ity to be entitled to V9" 0: :1. r `iD-htr at Elections for me . mpu ,,`-W13". lbtive Assembly and atlm pm; Hind that the said list was 4): Bairrie.hon t%1e4_th A . - m 1 .r..|lId--I`hereby call upznnih $75,933 toll: " V` -`9'dilI8sto have any em" according to law.ELL `V 1 n. DONN ~. . , E" 3 u 0 m| an at 8`;nt1:Ie11%.ei1"i. 93013101513 W A g Clerllrotth m nu thh smaay,o:sepm.%%r. 363. >'6uN'rv or SIMCOE .~O'l_`ICE ishereby given that I h8V%t:g. ` muted or detivered to the PS0 mg L , ed: in Sections sand 9_ of h_e g, -jV,Q10!`8" List Actthe copxes require edotae . - a 1' er ?i?12.?:P?gd `.i`LtJ..`rVa11 pare?! ` K1111-I5 UL` uU|lVUrUu Ll) DIIU \-V" 1rhe 0| ed` 9 "F V.9ICI`8f List Act the copies rclwlfed 3601103! to be so transmitted or den vere no, ".01. made V ufauant to said Act. of&11P 3,1 lhllnnrlna iifhn Ina! natrlan Alesmcnt _.n lTown of i5Lrrie| `VOTERS LIST. 190*] paid an official visit to Burton Ave. School last week; 'IH[ SARJHINT G0 Y..l } IS A l;lNE`l:ETARDENT And will not ignite from sparks Vcoals or cinders. More durable than shing`es. H3? stood the test of time. No expen- ment, the-T gxigide will run "i'r muss A coon Roor And yet cheap. PAROID noormc; All enquiries cheerfully T answered by MUNICWALITY or me A LIMITED. Barrie and Orillia Mr. and Mrs. `J. T. Clark, Essa Street, have retiigmed from AToront.o. M. c.........`7{`.1. ..- ...........;.1 g..__. I3 WATER PROOF is under the supervision of IS DURABLE 17.` I9,`~_g \ .1 . - ...._,....-..--.. --v..-- -v.vonn.v- Mr. S_ea.ton`: "Vf_i1 :`1s vremovd from Bradford Street to Cumberland. Street? 5 ' last, a .son to Mr..V and Mrs. Alex. McEa.chren. j Mr. J. Patterson is- again em-v ployed In the Carriage ~Works. ' Mys. Jo_s. Holmes is in Toronto staymg wnth Mrs. H. Rosevear. `>110: o T Mrfv.-`.T.V(;I`odd:of Toronto is -visiting 11-r son, W. E. ., ' A .\l1_r" 15ayid' hii Sf.--"1`oronto_ { is stayzng wlth Mr._. J. Mason, T ' up ioooooooooooooccanoooooooooocooooooQodo3I - There is___ no reason," said Mr. T. .Lennox, M.P,P,, `in his igdgress `Eh? f.~;N9!ith e York Ccnseermuveye ate, ~`=1*` \'!~.'1.31}31`k? ~.or_Iee?e;e5%*I.`e433**" " aet!!;09n.e; Miss L. McLerman is l1omefrbn 1 .T(ronto. -I2-t'h, the wife of Mr. Jas. Chippendale, a daughter`. 'l.I -t`(`.. ,0 o.f":"I:<')-1:<;nto visited at Mr. G. .Cow1e s thxs wpek. 1\-_,: .1 rru; _ ;QOOOOOOOOOOOOOO9000OO99..........bQ.....OOOOQQQ0.0: X ' . ' . * A 3 oooooobogoooooooooobouo6006300006ooooooo Iii NORTHERN. ` N Ioonoooooooooonooooouooooooooooqoudoodouong ' Echoes From South Ward} OS. inazeci in _ the Libera1_ In- " terest. ' 1 A BREVIARY or THINGS Timsruuuc IN BARRIE S RAILWAY QUARTER [he individ 1 racter'of our cqats must appeal to you. The s,tyles.are_attract- iv an ghe value con incing. Our showing of Mant-lesfembodies all the _newest a d m stgdesira e ideas.` V T l " ` "r o R AuTuuIulMANl1'LE cA1'u.oeua. Goods andlSi . Leave yo service. If yo order here. 0 0P3 'g. D3) Y9 lW'i,". Sewresentationef elegant range of Dress` forder early in the llssmaklngl f'I)`eplalrtn.1erlt and . eo ` ensure early `ant.the best` sajction, andyou surely_dn-`-`you will leave your, Pm ' The newest feazuxfes `in FallMil?li ne ry . i1l display} ' .v , ` V K Miss Poweln, who gain int 9 ar tht._ % `on, assisted. by?Mi` f"Andre`w_s and 'a capable st,aFf; willtbe on the spo to! k af 1' your interests. ;;gt%, . ' A - 3 t T ' , ~~;-...'..a'~f ~ You are-c ordial1y invited to on} forn 1 al 'M"i'lli" 1 .9 WEDNESDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 23rd; and follQwiI_1g dlay % - ` ` % `L I NoR'riI Y_Oi:K.; EAST sxmcon J. M. ."A,71."';'.'`.`_ '~', .' The NwAlFaIr'Dfess Gooci at Dougall I s [igh' ` Grade Mantles `1`ENCH--At th`e R} , I-Ijoslpital, B`arrie, Se`p`!:.W 13,: 1908, amuel lench, aged 88 yqags]_"- j `Interment in Unibi;`iv q;n_ etAt3f .xy f Iusta,yAafte mo6n;_%`.-<.`__. ,. V V : ` 39 - I Th, Adyane .-.- Bi?0LEY---At_ st..;;.a; Sept; K 719"o8, a`Mf. and Mrs. S. H ; `Bro-- It-v ~ ' Mr. Archie McCa11um was chair- man of the convention, and '-Mr. T. H. Brnnton secretary. Everyipart ofethe riding was well represented, no less than 180 delegates casting` their bal-` lots. Nominations wese made ' as fc,llows.:4- T - Mr. JIM`. Art'nstrong,.of Schoinbefg. Mr. T. H. Brunton, of Newmarket, Mr: J. `D, M'cKa.y, of Newjnarkett. Dr Stevenson, of. Aurora- ` t sis .. eyohn ACutrx'-y, of Newmarket` 'w`a:g1en Keith; ' Joh;;_1qo;.s or ;QvI`_e.e'n'sx`r`filjIt-..5 _ " ------- I Mr, F. H. M'cGuigan, whose tend-l er for the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission transmission lines has. been accepted, is well known in Canada and in the United States as an eminently successful rail-- 'Vi:y man, whose executive: capacity has been proven through many years of relationship with the Grand Trunk, `the Great Northern and other roads. full of enthusiasm, and so determin- ed to win. While there was `a keen cuntest for the nomination. no soon- er had the chairman announced that Mr. J, `M, Armstrong had received a. majority of thevotes cast, than Mr. T. H. Brunton, his opponent, moved to `make the nomination un- animous. The delegates rose to their feet, and "the audience cheered and arnlauded vociferously as the noni- inec `ascended the` platform, and grasping the outstretched hand of his late opponent-, turned to address the convention and to accept the nomina- tion. Mr. Armstrong is avyoung man ofpleasing manners and address, and with a. marked `talent for public. speaking. He wiil make a splendid candidate, 1 and will roperly `repres- ent No-rth York in ai'liament.,, . -.. _v----,- -- -u-.- n\I|~\Iuo |"-v ~' - u o a A spark from a passing engine is the supposed cause of the relast Wednesday, when one of the oldest" houses in the Ward, owned by J. McCabe, and occupied by Mr. Brooks, was totally destroyed by re] with all its contents. On accountl of the_ prevailing dry weather, it was impossible to save anything, and with great difficulty the `adjoining house was saved. Mr. Manley Chew is .3, son of *-Mr. George Chew `of Midland, vyho. un- successfully contested the rxding in 1900. He` is .a_ mill-owner and.an_ em- ployer of labor. His` ho is. the same as that ofehis opponent, Mr. \V. H. Bennett, `the `sittxng memberg M r.v of Beaver~ tc.r- passed through here yesterday on their wedding tour, and were met by a number of friends. The bride, formerly Miss Olive Gower of 'Mea-i ford, is well known to many. 6th Wm-ders. Miss Margaret S.,~Duncan of Owen Sound is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Stephens, sr.,a Essa Street, on herway home from; `Toronto, . x _ _ V ` 1 Mr. W. Johnson, having severed his connection "with the .G.T.R. here, is removing his family to Emsdale. Mr. Brooks has taken Mr. Johnson s recently vacated house. up up -_. Warqers have ben.1 almost sn1othei-- ed w'.th dust. * nmp; s%oaxJ% igkiwgepma ' . I. f1'lie.mai'ket was: over.-sl;pplie_d' with StuLk_1'S, whighi are nsualy in good dcmand at th1s`sea.son. But the dry _ ` pastures have lemasenetd the inquiry `L for = lg`we'r pincefs, V} ; the1'rj,_and.while-]_al1 the oerings are being. tal_cen there is, a ,tendency to Q43. " oz-vv\-A gignscc. ` I, I ` ' ,_ -Choice. milkers are `vyanted and but `;'e:\y~ w.e1ye` offered." P1-1ces"are steady` 51* szs. to4AssA% % M 1. no LII! ,- LI. J.'B."'Tudh$pe, oinial -All` retired` in v lute, xvuaxanuy favor of Mr. Chew, who -wag nttggn} tendered the unanimous. nomination, of the convention without` `a bgllot. :_ vA~_s1iglitl;r rmer : m the;_market`-for . Ith_I~:e- as not`._myh_ . . VR:s;ivt9j,h&Y9T `bk " Good butchers? are always in `de- mand and are still~compa.rativ_ely high in price, Sellers of them were in-_ clined to hold_vthem-back to-'da_y for lnigher `prices, and `in. some , cases those paid were higher than could `have been obtained last week. The stockiwas very` hard to sell" and` much pf it was_still,unso1d at"fnoo.n.' `Cows are p[ract1cal1y'u_nchanged, but bu_vers and `sellers found at ..dllc;.1lt _jtq agree asttof pt-ic'es.- J * ; With the departure of the Exhibi- tion visitors from the city a-\slower demand for cattle for local killing has come and tradeat the city mark - et dragged along to-day in a lifeless cars,'.with only 887 cattle, 2,397 sheep and` lambs, 622 hogs and 150 calve3. Complaints are still heard about the poor quality of the oerings, although as a whole` s run was better than any last" week. The drying up of. pastures from lack of rain will certainly not tend. to improve the qt-ality of the immediate offerings, although it will hasten the indoor feeding of the cattle. " lmannevr. The run amounted to 70 I ' Exporters were a_few fairly choice loads, the demand for which was, however,` `rather.,sl_ow,-- and they did not fetch-.v'ery high prices. .A few light expottersfor Liverpool brought la _?litt1_e_o over $4 ` E . " d z;.....;.;.C.'.'I.'I.'L.' lbIICIO.|IOlU_ClO-CO I dP38ed. .._.....uous'......... Spring Chickens. dressed.. . . |Duuks. dreased............' .... .. TuI`k8yB.-u-- Iouuonoaosooouuooouu lPotatn>.n nnw. hnah ,, - ' `Turkeys.....I '.'....I.IC.`V.UVCV.r.rU; b hlI'..I-C.-...C.. A nnlna Potatdes new. bush Apples.......... . nay. 111110 my Ottittoboottouooooov Dressed l>lnm:_ Ha-ht. nun. 5Ul'BW Duncuea...........u....... Dressed Hogs. light. cwt........ do henvv ................ . - .Ul'|`-W39 1108! REM. c , do heavy........... Butter, per 1b.. Emmi. now (11:21. J, B. Tudhope,- =M.P.,jpi'esided.~` In response to his call for nomina- tions for a representative tofcontest East Simcoe in the next Dominion election, the following gentlemen were named: Mr. ManleyChew, Midland; `Dr. Spohtb 'Penetan gui-- shcne; Dr. ,Milne, rill`ia;H_. Mayor LL-therby, Midland; W. H-. Manning; Coldw_ate_r; H. Cooke Orillia*;s0ctave` fiign, Tiny; D. L. White, Midland`;- Tstdhnno (We-Hlia .AlI' --a:...A. :..' IDUUK (1886 ooooocuooonunaoao Hay. imothy.. . . .. Straw bundled - . . _ _ I Brownlee, the Auctioneer, -Barrie, handles credit sales of farm stock and implements `promptly and satis- factorily for $5.00 and upwards. [Dates can be arranged for at THE `ADVANCE OFFICE.I " L Vllvu JV) IJIAF I IIIZDIB Wheat. tall... do V $8. -..u......u"uno--..u.oo.. 3 do (new)......................... `Bat-lav . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , , i H Potatoes. per Hay.nert,on...... GreenHtnes...................... Caltsldns,per 'lTallow, per`lb..........;......... wO01PiCk8.......n.n......-..... Home H'idn:.--_.-,, , - ` 11311`--..uu........n.... W'88h8d....s..............: Wool, unwa.shed................. , coo.-fuoniuuooao-...oo 'VV00ll'l0K8u........n....n-...... } Home I-Iides...... . Home Hair- . . rovo-out-no I`! III: gnome nmes.......T.. .. .. > H31?--..-.o.....---non-o. VWool-w4mhnd... er, peflb.` ;. km: l`I,Iz7A Live Stock Markets. frag: MARKETS The convention of East Simcoej Liberals, held in the Opera House- at Orillia on Saturday afternoon, isvfdee scribed as one of the most enth`u_s-I iastic and hearty an . recent "years. All parts of .the riding Wererwell re+ presented, a special train bringing` in delegates from the north. . " ` Tonoxro. Snrvrnunniz 15111. 1908 Toronfo, Tesday. .*:fe1in.8" is evident ;ca.lvs.A although nu-3A4`: : \.a_;,v;:, i`..|_-ll-llullgll .ggLv];l_`;r1`.-. In pnce. _. : V _ _ . ` ` 52 48 ) Al - ,_ Mr. Haughton, Lenngx, MA.`1`,'., "spoke at Zephyr- (North 'Qnt;iriO);1 Qn- Tues- day night in the in_ti'etof .Ma.`jor Sam-rSha1"pe._ L HeA:_address;e';s_`_fthe.j Con`-. scrvative xconvenfaon; off-~LNorth` Ox- 1 v"*?%4. `*LLLWF?k 5.`i* %`%W9.F % - :912j[ M % - ..__..-- -gov: s Deceased s family are: Mrs. F. M. Smith, Town; Mrs.`T._-Torranc_e, Galt; C. W., barrister, Town; Mrs. H. S. S`o_tt, Brooklyn, N'.Y;; Mrs. E.`frB.L Crompton,-.Brantfor_.d; and Dr. Otto, Parry Sound. Mrs.;LPla:-_ct-)n' died -in Fgbrtary, 1905. There -are twenty-. 'v_e "grind-cluldren. OneA' survivittg brother, `Wi1liam,,I_i_ves` in Ver rniljon,_" Alta. o, . _...a..... nun yva-nu./In Ill. 1009. The late. Mr. Plaxton was a ma-n of many estimable qualities. Generous and large hearted t_o a degree, his hand and purse were ever open to as- sist those who might be in need. During his younger`,days he was an all-round athlete and `held several` championships." Even to the `last, he did not relinquish these activities al- together, and as a quoit player he could maintain his own with the best. `For some years Mr. Plaxtor~._ was -connected with the Masonic body, having been a member of Corinthian. `Lodge. He was at one time a trus- teeof .Collier St, Method_istxchu1;ch, -but latterly became ailiated with the Elizabeth St. church. In Qolitics he was `a Refo.rmer. \ I - - e The deceased sat in the municipal council three years during the. sixties, but it was as a member of the re dcpartment, perhaps, that he did the best service'for his fellow citizens. 1-Iis qualications as a fearless re- ghter were generally recognized, and during his chncfship he lzrou ht the biigade to a high state of e ciency. He resigned his position in 1889. `OI.-A Q. `DI--_A.-.. A,-- - ` Bot-n---On `Saturday, Sept. 12th,. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs; Joseph f.l"rask, Cumbexland Street. I iMirv.WP1axton s demise recalls the early days of -Barr1e s history. `Born in the township of Albion, Peel. Co., he settled here in 1849. From -1859 to 1872 he. `engagedin. the tinsmithing and plumbing` business, being then succeeded by his nephew John Plax- tnn, now of Winnipeg. His father was the late Charles Plaxton of Oro. In 1872, sMr. Plaxton migrated .to Kansas, but the change did not prove ccngenial, and he `returned to Barrie after a short absence. Since then, he resided continuously in the county town. = * .-..-.u.u, ..;uuuAua1c 1103.0. VlVl!'- 1-'laxton was in his 76th year. He had been ill only a few days, and until Mon- )day night a fatal termination was not 5expected. The funeral wixl take place tn rnorrow to Union cemetery at 2.30 o clock. Death removed a prominent old- timereside~nt of Town on Tuesday fnrenoon in the person of George Plaxton, who passed away at.the re- sidence of his daughter, Mrs, P. M. Smith, Sunnidale Road. Mr. Plaxtonl was in his win. ms... U- L.: I--- for thefin and cam; i"i1b dificT'iL11t`_v.f.-In: selling. them. I \ A; '_ .- L I- ~_,-.l ADVANCE" , Followingis a list of Barrie dele- gates `to the South Sim`co,e- Conserva- tive convention at Cookstown to-day (Thurs-:lay). A special tram will leave here at II a.m. Addresses are expected from Messrs; R. Blain, M- P. for Peel, W. -F . Cockshutt, 'M.P. for Brantford, Haughton Lennox, K._,_ C.-, the sitting member, Major Currie, Conservative candidate for North Simcoe, and J. S.` Duff and Alex. Ferguson, M`.P.P s. . `I it? I /-1 1`! 1-1. no --- ------ rletcner, Ur. broad, R. Buchanan, Ed. Wtllxams, B. Terry, Sam Turn- er, Thos_ Rogers, W. H. Ken-nedy, R. Bradford. Ward VI.-`-G. Wilson, Geo. Pouch-. er. I. Little, Dr. Evans, Ed. White- bread, F. Burton, S. J; McMorran, N. Dollery, M. Brown, A. E, Patterson.- VVard I.--C. G.` Strange, J. Will- mot, D. H. MacLaren, Thos. T homp- son, Geo. Livingstone, Wm. Taylor, A. Leadlay, Geo. uColes, D. :M. Ste- wart, Geo. Morton, A. G,,.Jas. B_ell, A. C. Wiggins, GR. tMalcomson, E. W. `Shim L ___ ___ __,,,,_.,, .....v.;_ ;4-vsnnsguv--~- " Ward III.-F; "Lower, W . A. -Boys, J-no. Powell, Jas. Arnold, John Smith, Dr. Palling, H. G. Robertson, Walter Scott, Geo. Vickers, J. F. Jackson, A. W, bell, "` Andrew, `R. `H- Vvebb, Jack Armstrong, Jos. Arm- strong, C. H. Glassford, Grant `Han- ner, Thos. Turner, M. J. Frawley. Ward IV.-A. -C, Garden, A. `E. H. Creswicke, R. Powell, Ed. Urr_v,. E. T. Tyrer, Chas. Jones, Dr.eLitt1e, Dr. Wallwin, A. W. Wilkinson, W."A. - ae, P. Soules, B. Lawrence, S. Wes- ley, J. F.~Craig, S .Maley, W. Fowl- er, Martin Burton, John Gordon, J.. Kissock, J. R, Torrance, J. Shepard, T. Lennox. `Ward V.-V`/. C. The-niipson, R. Fletcher, Dr. Broad, R. Buchanan, Williams- TPffV Qarn Tuna VVard II.--A. F. Malcomson, E. J. Byrne, R. Black, Jas. ~MacBride, C. I-."t_.nter, R. J. Fletcher, Ralph Bur- ton, W; D.%Bothwe1I, Alex. Kennedy, Dr} W. A. Lewis, Thos, Livingstone. .' ur....1 rrr ~n - - --r. Mr. Manley Chew of Midlnd