Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 3

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, The census and statistics monthly t, for September reports on the crops ` and live stock of `Canada for the a month ended 31st of August. The rainfall of -the month was scant, and . the temperature high, and the condi- tion `of -later, ripening cereals was lowered, as compared with the"pr0m- ises of June and July. A fairly con- stant_ uniformity was maintained. in the Maritime Provinces, excepting the case ofvspring wheat in Prince -Edward Island, where the condition fell from 94 in June to 64 in August. In Quebec the outlook has continued to be favorable, and in Ontario also, `in spite of the drought, the conditions h ve been fairly maintained. West A . 0 the Great Lakes,-cereals were con- I siderably- affected by hot winds in "August, but less in Alberta than else- where,"owing t0 the earlier ripening _ conditions there. In Manitoba, `Sas- katchewan and Alberta the estimated yield"0' wheat 15 104,053,000 bushels, `as compared with 110,524,000 bushels `(at the end -of July. .The estimated yield -offoats has /fallen from 120,358,- 000' bushels, to 107,860.00 , and of bar- -0 le-y from ;8,_597,0004-b`u_shel,s,iv to 25,-~ Contxnued on Page Five. A %-ism-%Nomanau Ammo: are attending the Ex- ~--`- --A - life: A Down by, R. L . Box-duh `,M.1>.`, Opposition ' Leader, at Halifax. T August 20th, 1907. " ` ,5 . D Public Finance: __ Q. 4- ---- ~1- Q qua-y an --~----v-- I. Honest a1p)pro\1)1`iVaiori7'a.'nd'. ex`- penditure7of public moneys" in the. public_ interest. 'I Appointment by- Merit. '2. Appointment of public officials _upon considerations of capacity and perspnal character and not of party servxce _a1one. 3. More ~- eective provisions to ~ punish bribery and fraud at elec- tions, to ensure thorough publicity: as _to expenditures. by political or- ganizations;_ to prevent them accumu- lation of campaign funds" for` cor- rupt purposes and to prohibit con- tributions thereto. by" corporations, ` contractors and promoters; to ex- pedite `the hearing of election`pe,ti.-V tions and to prevent collusive ar- rangements for the withdrawal or compromise thereof; to provide" for a` thorough: investigation of corrupt practices, and if necessary to appoint -an independent prosecuting o-Fcer charged with that duty, to simplify the procedure therefor and to en- force the laws so amended. ' " Civil Service Reform. 4. `A thorough" and complete re- formation of the `laws relating to the E Civil Service so that future appoint- [ ments shall be made by an independ- ent commission acting upon the re- port of examiners after competitive examination, ` . p 1: an .1 11-..-.- LmERAL.`;'C%NsEnn;rrIvE PLA'1`FOl_2M.. ` ` Vllnnnaluuuv -a Refdrm of the SenVate. 5. Such reform in the mode of" se-. lecting members of the Senate as willmake that chamber a more use- ful and representative legislative L...1-- allvll. (1. body. II? \LJ 0 Immigration. 6. A mo-revcarAeful- selection of the sources from. which immigration shall be sought`, a more rigid inspec- tion of immigrants and the abolition of the bonus system except under very special cii;cums_tances and for the pui-pose of obtaining particulars- ly desirable classes of settlers. Public Lands and Franchises for the V ' ' ' People. . 7. The management and _develop- ment of the public domain (in which are .to_ be included great national franchnses) for the publxc benet and under such conditions that a reasonable "pt-opoz-tiop_of the incre- ment of- value arlsmg therefrom _ shall inure to the people. Non-Partisan Management of Gov- ` IV UI'I`l'iL IIBCII l.VLll`Sua\.us vs nun: - V ernment Railways. ` 2 8. The operation and management 2 of our government railways by an independent commission free from partisan control or inuence. National Ports, Transportation and l Cold Storage. 9. The development and improve- ment of our national waterways, the equipment of national ports, the im- provement of transportation facili- ties and consequent reduction of l freight rates between the place of production and the market whether at home or abroad, and the establish- ment of a thorough system of cold ` storage. a `- A Public Utilities Commission. ._ 10. The reor-ganiation of the pre- sent Railway commission as a Pub- lic Utilities commission with wider. powers and more extended jurisdic- tion, so as to establish thorough and effective control over all _ corpora-' 5 tions owning or operating public K utilities or invested with franchises . of a national character. - Public Telegraphs and Telephones. _A.-.. Jun I XXJOX Q 70.-tr-- :--u- - -7 V ` _s 7 , II. The establishmen after du investigation, of a system of national telegraphs and telephones under-c`onL -ditions which shall bejust to capital already invested in those enterprises. Improved `Postal Facilities. 12. The improvement of existing postal facilities, especially in. newly ldeveloped portions of the country and the inauguration, after proper inquiry as to cost, of at system of free rural ._-_:1 4-1: .... .. an LU Vuvw, vs mail delivery. ....... ..-...-.,. Ta:-i' Policy. 13. A -scal` policy which will pro- mote the production within -Canada of all useful articles and commodi- ties that can be advantageously pro- duced or manufactured, from or by means of our na.tur_a1 resources, hav- ing due regard'to the interests of the consumer as well as to the just claims of our wage-earning popula- 4,-.. blurb. Z5 0 D vuwu '--v v- , A14. _The promotion by negotiation,` legislation and other constitutionah means of a system of mutual prefer- ential trade within the Empire. Justice to the_New Provinces. l 15. The restoration of the public lands to the Provinces. of_ Alberta and Saskatchewan `upon fair terms. a Provincial Rights- I6. The unimpaired maintenance . of all powers.` of , self-government i- which have been conferred` upon the Provinces of Canada tinder the !con-' stitution.. ; -_ l `IS G. T. P.` LOITERING? (From the Week, Vancouver.) Since the date of its last issue the .VVeek has received a call from three men, just down front the North. The first has been a resident for many years` in` the Bulkley Valley, is the owner of several thousand acres of. \_ land in that district, and is in every sense a responsible _rnan. The second -has? just made a tn j up the Skeena , as far as Kitsalas a-n.4von;*_the,th'ird , ..a prominent. Vancouver business `man . has been in Prince Rupert for the ; puroose of `selecting ai_bus.ines_s :[`si_te. I All t,hree_faigr`ee Aupion; one: subict and f ihave. [ignbibed-r as `common-%:-`_simpr,ession 1 .y1h1ch=,1s-gthat the`:G~.,'T.:~ P; 13 _:;ot<,x_nak_-, which` is that me` u.. 1.. r. 1: nun. nuan- ing any serious attempt to to-ceed with railway constmction. `at one of these men-is a'po1itician;.`thy are all.- business men`glQo1ging:i;so11yv to` &the% %dYe1opmentaT% `f*1h%untrv.& for km: can :'mi L.i;a V` T" I-Ivonesf Elections- Imperial Preferehce. f NTYV or su MCOE. ' 5 ,TreaSurer s% Sale of lands COUNTY OF SIIMCOE, d v_By virtue of a warrant issued by" the Warden of the . ` County of Simcoe, bserinc dete the 21st day of Angus, To Wu`: .A V inthe veer of mi: Lord Nineteen Hundred and Eight, end ` ._ ' V V 1- I` to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the several lends mentioned and described, being in the County of Simcoe, for arrears respectively ` due thereon. together, with my costs, I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment 'Ahct*i`end emendmente" thereto, that unless the aid errors and costs be sooner paid, I s on Ipgsuay,Ih**s: nay at December, I908 -_,_. -1 n._.- -l-I--I- 3- `Lg n'OADt|l|l|I| Qt fhn mn-t Hi- III th TO'n of Barrio. 7'7" - II A a . et'the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House. in the Town of Barrie, proceed to cell by Pnblle Auction eo much of the and loads as may be suicient to dis- cherge the taxes and All lewfnl charges incurred in end. about the sole and collection of the dome. ` . . V : The following lots are patented (except where otherwise stated) : ~ t. No. T Description. Lo Con. I Acres Arrears Clioetssc '1"ote.`. ` 668 a! it you. of our 1 mgouooio o n I C - O O O I Q o u t o o u o u o c o at a 3 2 PB N i (the J. Frau: Emma) as das- cribod in registered plan No. 38297 17 9 1% TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE. / 3 W2i6f`......;..... .............. OI62& I (IA '1 741 mu... n `n.. \f `I Isl... w24.r......;........: 4 E29o1%wi53W.~P.R..`.. 5 W24 ofW 53. W.P.R... 6 swg .... ...... !IIl'\ 10 ll 12 13 It 15 16 17 18 19 UV 21 `ow 40 41 42 A3 Ill! 37 an 47 48 T49 Dl\ 5? 52 53 .54 55 HQ 371 '58 59 60 61 "U IV l.'l. o O U - - u - - . . V _ . .V 66 S20W.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` 67 N38ao."S60of_W Q . . . . . . . .. % The Adjourned sue viil1.t:|;ed at two o'clock p.m., in the Court J amen St. Block . . . Geowo St. Block . . 1 Bu-tie, August 27:5, 1903. i First publication in Tm: Bl bluff to create the impression of ac- `fa tivity where none exists. They-state ufo for instance that on the Kitimaat re Branch, one hundred miles in length, th which was to be completed this year, T there are fewer than fty men at c; work and the wagon road is not yet completed. On the Skeena, between 1 Port Essington and the Canyon, there areyvery few`. men working, and no considerable results visible. The work at Prince Rupert they consider I * rlias been greatly exaggerated and in I any case has been almost conned to g ] 1 I ~ the -whai-ves, and docks; the railway `cutting is not at all extensive, and : at` the present rate. will last an inde- : nite time. They all agree upon an- : _otl?er charge ofa serious character ` V which is -that the company's contrac- U 2: tors; are not living up to the. agree-` < f Ament-madje with the Provincial Gov- I 7: emrncnt. in-respect `of the rate , of :l wages; _and` that {instead of paying 5; f\glfnte_~ vmen `the? rate ~ current in the d,1$tf;`J,'_cti ja,s_-'re q3_1ired by such an agree-. r_1_;j 'rn_e_nt,_ 1th`eyj,are~ oering ordinary` lab- ` en ,oi;ers,j>Z?hut 5-$45, :a. month and 1 charging ;*theii1e.$5=?-A'a,:'weel i~for-'.board ., The re- 7.ult*`3!_Sf:,?(hite .1nena`re refusing ;.s.,uc_1r ` na1quate_ remuneration, which _ if helsfm tl,tv:,,;>,;11irt`ent_- r.i.,rate~ .9f:` $3 J.` UJITJ Du.` In a`1VU Anus -IUU `Iv o-I-0 `Eu: Con. Line 38, plan 392 pt . .. . ' mnlnrtfatn nu El4S .... on in WASHAGA w Ash 8t.,No. 3, plln No. 360... .. 1 - u _ _ _ _ E c.3a:7st., N31 , ;.v, W St, N0-1(9): E Elm Sr... No. W VS?-illowvSt., No? turmng to swpu\.xa ..... .,.- streets of Vtctorxa} and Vancouver. T.-he Wclg; wbuld hesitate to gblish res; .=siatgme ntg*xaygitiixout `ma :13 ,a at __,o;g_ the; VI UV 1'1 PI: DUUBUII. o - o - o o . a u - - - - . . . . . - , TOWNSHIP OF TAY. W 12 No.19 pt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..III 1 12 W 1.} 142.. No. 20 pt-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..III 1 1; TOWNSHIP OF IOSSORON T10. I.eo_n2ac.Nnt,s,E...},Ns}} 19. 6 43 Npc,8,E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 6 2 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23 6 100 n"-cnmwgnrp mi` VESPRA. Desoxfiption. IN Annmns FOR TAXES. sv. ll. n"1`m: iimnn Anvmzcn, I .' . II 12 5 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH ORILLIA. 06 .l ' ...... ..22~.9 3 1 TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA. l TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL. ToCv's1iii>"6F QUNIEIDILE. Totsndbury. TOWNSHIP or VESPRA, ............. 1o g 10 TOWNSHIP OF TINY. V 519-... v __- ...... 10' 9 H 10 1o'25 2 oo 12 an ........ .. 7 13 2o 1 5 56 2 oo 3 56 ........ .. 19 14 as 9 95 2 oo 11 95 place on TUESDAY, THE 1551: DAY OF DECEMBER, % . ...Pu 1o .. " 10 10 10 u H 10 (0 CC 00 4` 63 (I II ll 68 I6 I` II CG 6` 06 It II II I` II (C (I CC` 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 I0 10 I0 10 10 10 '10 -1o 10 10 10' 10 10 10 10 BEACH LOTS . DANIEL QUI1vL.4_N, % Barrio, August 27th. 1903. CAM.` [fact that the men who gave the in~ formation are so well known and so reliable that it is impossible to. doubt the correctness of their statements. The attention of the Government is called to this matter. . LIST. `M OF FKLL FAIRS WITH 1 V DATES. Beeton Bracebridge . . . . Burl-: s Falls . . .' . BARRIE . . . . . Bradford . . . . `Bolton Clarksburg V. . . . 4 Cookstown . . .. | Collingwood ;. . . `Caledon Elmvale . . . . . . - Gravenhurst . . .. Huntsvi1le_ .. . . . Lindsay .. .. .. . Meaford _. .` . .- . .- -'Midl3nd. .. .. .. I Markham . . . . . Newmarket. . . . . {V Ofangeville ,. I-[Q5133 .._,. .. .. ; _ 5` .Or o_f` .--V.` J, ' ;;03y_it~ 'S9ug&i~ :.;.- 15 15 16 24 14% 200 200 100 I 2-100 1-16 1-15 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1 16 . 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 , 1 16 - 1.15" 1-16: l~I6 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 ll 10 13 100 L uuu 11; D01` Word er wmul avv~~ - Trunror, County of Simeon. . 530 206 730 319 200 1049 T735 13 57 10 15 8 O0 3 39 879 ll 29 6 94 6 45 15 04 I7 90 71 17 05 17 05 4 96 ll 11 (av 7 25 16 33 46 10 art) 32 31 31 04 $5 E55 26 26 05 05 AZ \ ale`: 350 UVV 300 RA!` IFVV 300 lIl\I| Ow on 360 850 350 359 350 lIEl\ to anti 1 meet: . 1229 UV" 14 77 10 35 16 57 13 15 ll 00 6 39 251 251 251 251 SKA BUD 256 (`IR 10 59 10 75 10 78 19 88 48 00 10 08 lien- uf, at lome CHI` 25% 252 (`E3 M2 51 25]. 25K (III 552 .2. for 1 ERY L [bu Qvl `Sir C. Hibbcrt lupper *U| Van couver is laid up as the result of be- ing bitten by an spider. . Police Constable Thomas A. Gu_thL ric of Toronto died from strychnme poisoning. "In 21 game p1.21yed at the. I`sl_an'dii ~-`A LT:-nr`n"\!`i(`L7f` CoLoAo In plgtyed . _ Toronto, Bragebrxdge won the junior championship by 9 to 6 Hon. J. .\I_ Gibson's appointment as Lieut.-Governor of Ontario was. made yesterday. ` ' `~- - ha-rn Fnr Ir ` j ++~t-+-s-:-+++-%--!-+'*"""""""`.'1.':..." `A % :+:.DAY SEPTA th. % T I -` h FR . F % - 11 THURSDAY. SEPT *9` % , . . ' ' f On- d Trunk s Muskoka tour- Wj,,C;c`33gS 0' A istrgsigggg this year was the SW3-t` c it ' - ; mlo f0Ym ' - .. T an nn reizord. Myles Barker, servmg a lcuu ..... horse-stculmg. mzmaged to scale the wall of Brzmtford jail and escape. Lord .\Ii1ner, formerly High Com-_ missioner for Squth Africa, sailedfor Canada on the Virginian yesterday- .r\t\}\ ashingt<)n yesterday Orville Wright broke all aeroplane records_ by remaining in the air 62 minuteg and ying 38% miles. -1 !.2..I se. 1153?: nd lawns. , Barri . Large on Clap- guisheno LUYVLI \/|I|`J|| .5-.. -., building transmission commence at once. l}I|\.I IIJIIIB `V. /_ --..-_ The Western Ontario Municipal` Power Union urged that the work of building lines should There are many complaints at Montreal of a lake shipping combine to unduly increase rates and discrim- inate against the St. Lawrence YOU-_ The Sunday School Committee of the Presbyterian `Church decided O Day special attention` to the work In . Alberta and Saskatchewan. h mm mm has is 444 Efmagally, insuring uniformity of tun o,nd,e:cllcnt g31itiC3o There is no scraping or like you Sm. other Safety Razors. J ` .. p V . - ` sn.vsn PLA'l'ED- now rutten-`-L BLACK LEATHER t V PIOIKIN I Unable to live in an atm05Ph" lled with rumors of plots, the d0_W" -ager Queen Maria. Pia is DTGPWWK 'to flee from Portugfal to Italy. ` 1 The village of Grand Mara!-`gr-` .'! the north shore of Lake Super10l'..,.3-.3 entirely cut off from the .t5`d _world by forest res,` and the fatevof . its people is in doubt. A C.P.R. bridge near White River was burned, and the Atlantic eXPF-`5 ran into the ravine. The passengers,, all Chinamcn. escaped, but EE"`?", _Nice may not recover from his .13`. Juries, and Firenian Oliver's 1eg.W.33 broken. '1`ruic on the main line. of the CPR, will be suspended -until rho k..:.| _ --u. -\..r.1\_ wm Dc the bridge is rebuilt. - _.,, _ _-..._.--__-_.._..'__...........- AN 01 t mart ' so exactlv ~ glade itshheld agtsitgm add; `in can: - . `Susy cutting of ,thnba,gd. 0" `, `L'n A complain mm mm; ` SAFETY RAZOR OUTFIT consists oi um and I2 sharp lorwoglnn Stool Blades, packed In a con- pacl neat covmd cm. ` 1..1... -11:.-\nin'a' combine -' I c0mP131t5 DI-HVII CASE THE `jg_GL*'.' sou: no ouAnAufun av _oir fun The `Grand tour- ist busmess year est on 1-e"cord. `l'_,', EH5 `Inn qwvw-.- .' Mr. Justice Anglin upheld the May- or of Galt in his refusal to sign the_ power contract, A A -A `i I I ,LL_._ .."..-..`A-n `Laos PW" V. vv.--7-..- Threshing shows better r`esul,t_s tha'n| anticipated in thq west, and agam the `farmers-- are lookmg for help. ,6; lllllvna an-v .v--__ Five ehildrert at Brighton, pear S_t. Pat_1l, =Mmn., were_ suffocated In` a re whxch broke out m their home._ _Fore-st res in Thunder `Bay dist- ncthave caused an enormous loss of timber and threatened several settle-` meats. Anny:-wv- . The Toronto `Board of .Education decided to ask the -City Council for $320,000 required ` complete the new technical school. \ Percy Nettleton, who used a. knife in a boys ght at Fenelow Falls, was A sentenced -to three months imprison- ment at .Lindsay._ ,-A_ __--- anawo-u --V The Minas. Geraes, _the- most pow- erful warship ever bmlt, was launch- ed at Newcastle-on.-_Tyne yesterday.- She was buitt for `Brazil. C- Dynes of .Sapp'erton, 'B.C., was burned out on Wednesda _ mormng, `and in the evening was _:1led by a street car at Newewestrnmster. There is much talk _-in the. west `about grain blockades, and the (_'.`.P.R. strike, it is feared: _may .ser1ous'ly hamper the moving of the crop.` L---L-..- 3.-run t{`n1.i 'dl||yI nu. oluvyvv----3 -_ v _ The rst of the teachers from `C_an- ada.'an the United `States who saxled for Bntam -to study the schoo1?sys- tem there have arrtved at. Plymouth. Several new fruit inspectdrs have been hppointed bythe Government, `and it is -.proposed to have shipments via ythg-_ _I\_T:_agara_. River` more ,.ca,reully ` now ru1'En-. case` lcipliti i_1i'gh.'V', -uni-5'0` V ,\ UV: gv-*w`w_\_'_ .oo;-3:9-,_:, -. ~ 5&1" iiosep i`)ev-It lit; were given` "a remarkable ovation `at Queenston on their leaving ,for 'America to` attend the convention of the United Irish` League. Q A jooxcuj cu . QIQCKJ , _;I_ -u-w- _--vs`. on--1 --ve--- . _ ` 3 % EATURDKY; smpr. mu. ` f C holci-a; `has gained a fqothold in every quartet of St. Petersbufg. _2_I- A- 7161' -`vu-1-pvv. vg uwuu - -vvp------q- "An"aged man. committed suicide onA `l the _ Old Fort g,rounds_,._ Toronto. ,1 2i- rn. 0.0% \IO\I In 3| I Bl \fUIDQV--1 1 c u w - - w -u . Show ..v-vas .,s:,eV`rilwf:e _Vnc`fe"d. in T04 _rqnto to _twoTyears imprisonment for. Jan!-breaking. I A . `-. X A .0 .\- _. _'_- _I-2_ I!..`... sir * Wilfrid`; Iiurigr Qwil1: 1eave ox`. tawa hon Monday for a two -weeks tour [/of .Ontario. " . 1 11-- J?.I'III qI\IIIeO _ V ' ,. - . . V ; Ag.nts' bf AtIa`nt1c_steams1-up lmes. Vrunmng to`_Canada dny_~~that_ they will cut`rates_. ` % .__- -- .- -.a . t\.'- simple tourist. p ra,:'..__j 'rr~--..1- rI~....1,9.` DVUII .V-ll `&llIuunovn '. The German Emperqr e_rossed`_ the frontier 1nt`o France yesterday as a ' 1 w'lf!; "."of -V Grind Tufk-, -Tm-l s. Island, B.W;I'., has been devastated {by a hurricane.` 7 . - % -11- l\ 1-\ L-'A_'..4- vll A .111 g-n_ IIVUIUIEIII $3? IIII II; `no Kw! v v - ~ -v ` gCharles Judge threw himself put` of the window of `Victoria Hospxtal at London, and was, killed. '. - , - CL_-LL-A-- ` V] 3 ll, n_o\vIIan~u * f ; Mr. 0. D, Skelton} 'M.A., will sue- ceed Px-of, Shortt as professor of political economy at Queen's. -..-_-_ 1.2....--1: A106 ' Mr. Hugh K. 'Seavitz of Stfathroy,` who was wounded "in the arm while -coon-hunting, died of lockjaw. ' 1-u.s|_.1_|_-1.:.. .1:,_ U Id\lII\I\JII, CIIV-I V7 8551. g--.._`.. " \.UUIl'llul|L|II5, uA\.u- V: -v\..-_,--.. A letter from Philadelphia dis- psroves sensational `stories as -to then illness of Rev. Dr. Wm.` Pattersonp foxfmerly of Toronto. -I , ,,_.._L- a__-:-.... 5....-\. iynnncr -A\/Inlays. vs -v.v----. _ At the Toronto Sessions two yogng men were `found guilty of criminal negligene in the operation of a gas- oline launch on the Humber. ' _ AL A-`- UIIIIV IGLIIIUII vu suns. A--.----- ` Forest res are reported a_short idistance west of London, and m the eastern townships of Quebec, ' Part of._Shen1ey village has been burned. - -.._1 4.L....A I-unseen: UI-` QIICIIIVJ Vlllllav nu... ---__ -Seven stores and three houses were wrecked by an explosion at Brantford. Charles Homie, a. little boy, was killed and nine others injur- cu. , - ./ The `Methodist Board of Moral Reform urged the_:-eorganization of the Provincial pohce and the sup- pression of`[ thriller acts in public` amusements. V "` - J- - C--.-1' turn amusements. ~ M Louis A. _Gregon, who red two shots at Major Dreyfus in the Pan- theon at Paris,.has_ been acquitted of ' Ehe charge of attempting to kill Drey- `nun. After being kept in check for sev- `eral days, forest res have won their way into Grand Marais, Minn., and the citizens are being driven from the town. I .1 L3..._ :oQ Ltuonnn (15117: ` BIIV I U16 IUWII. . - For the fourth time in three days Orville Wright yesterday broke ghe world's aeroplane record, remaimng in. the air for over an hour and ten mmutes. ` -- l~-----1 -- I )n.n-A (IQ 19-25!. muzsme. e s (Too late for last week.) ' Miss Olive Stokes has returned home from =Stqney Brae; -M1jS.- Smith of Grenf_el'_visited her cousm, Miss Rose Collms, last week.` Mrs. Williams isvisiting her sister, V Miss Irene Knapp. ya `\I!__ `kl'.........o A: .A"n'-no. --.-d . Those "who hibition this {week are : Mrs. A. Orchard and son, lHerbie, M'essrs. F. `Chappel, A . Me-Kinney, '0. Davis, T. I-Iindle and J; W, Orchard. ` Mrs. Paimer of Chicago, the Misses Downey of Troy, N.Y., Mrs. Mun-n of Toronto, Mrs. Madill Qlencairn, and Mr. Downey of Elm Grove were _gu_e_s}'s at Mr. I. Downey s for the {V1158 Lrcuc nuuyy. Mr. and` Miss_Murra3_r of Avening spent Sunday "w1th= then` aunt,_ Mrs. A; Ronald. The Woman's Institute met at the home of Mrs. T. Livingston last Thu:-s_day_. ' A -..- ..Ls.-....-Hnm ('41:: RV.` ;;:sg"aV holiday.` CR0? otrrLoox ISA FAIRLYT BRIGHT. . A 1 I Barrie.

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