Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 2

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% Palm?--J..M., Bo-thwpell, W. D . Bo-th. well. V \Glll.PUCllI Nasturtiums--Mrs"; I. R. Marshall, Geo. V'i_ckers.y ' ' . 'Dia.Ant.hus--Mrs. Cavena, Flet- chit.` V, Ca:'t-1a;:;ons-R. J. Fletcher-,' .Jno.q Rogerson. ' c 4;` Inn at _ .._ ._ I Geraniums--Gco. Vickers, J; J. Brown. . ' V T v-vC`?._)'l1;c't;;r'1' ferns-J- M . [Both'well, 1 Miss'A. J. Scott. - u up: on ,- I .' Petunias--D. C. 'rCafnpbell, 1 R. J. Fletcher. _ \ ...._ __-1 Sa1piglossis-R. J. Fletcher, -D. C. -Campbell. ' 4 -; up _. .__. ' .,I:/I-'igx';<:;1;'1;e --Jno. Rogers-on, Miss Campbell. Ln _ I 2 An`nuTals--D.v C. ambell, Mrs; Cavena. V ....--.v._ v- -.v- evuvvv--on r-':duce the expenditure `of ,the country, which was monstrous. VI`- I, "Ear-lendulas--Miss Campbell, Mrs. C.a1(enaAu. - Mt3i1e}?$'S'_G1adio1i;-J. Ben- \`I` '1 P ' v-`v:-vv Collection ofvgweet 'Peas--P. Love, I `P .f`n`a..-.1-.-t1 7 sut:`rb:*`sTs1uL Egu-Ixnxfrons Plants in Pots. Cut Flowers. %*rH'E% }xoR1*HRNL`L*`ADVAroE} ~ n_1ents*,.w`hieh have their` c-entre`~;~i yvvv, VI as IIIUOL uucC,. 1.4Ul1uUI1. ers, and from them draw conclusions covering the enormous range of the whoie British Press in" London and the large provincial centres . The truth is that 'iCana'da is `most gener- . ously. treated` by British journals, and so soon as a wise-.-Canadian ad- ministration initiates a movement for cheaper `cable tolls`she:will re- ceive even more attention, 3Canada's inearness to the i United. Kingdom `is; her greatest asset;,.jnot alone in draw-5 ing emigrants, buta-15.0 in"attrating British visitors and in keeping close"-_ iy in touch` with the world mo,ve:;-_f 1'1`; e-f- , 7 London. ` :Moreover,~:it .-must :be. r membered_ that Canfa aghas matte Vu re ce'den'te d" `strides mate I` ` * aver, of fB!'1t1hlh1X!5Q.,_., --v-. v. ----u -vwr vac, In--\J. hi\-I VII. Canada certainl has been receiv- 5' -ing during recent months more de- tailed attention and more honeyed words from English journalists than she, has ever received before. When representative , `Canadians like the Lieut.-Governor of Ontario come over to England and repre_sent the, attitude of the English press as one of indierence, th'ey~may be said to speak after only a` very partial sur- vey -of the eld. They probably see. two. 01-`at mnnt flu-no TinnA.-... .-...... `vy of eld: They'prr<)VI')'a{i>"lSr rs"e_ two, or at most three,. London pap- ers. them draw cbnolueinnc The Liberal party came into pow- er in 1896 on the strength of its pol- icies and promises as set forth tothe people of Canada during its 18 years of opposition. . It has been in power for over twel- ve years and the electorate will soon be called on to pass judgment upon its record. 5 4 What then were its promises, and how has it fullled them? A apd` wool and_ other commodities, vital to the ex1stence_of the Mother cc untry, why A_ustral1a knocks Can- ada o_ut every time. `The whole tro- pble :s,.not that Canada is any; more interesting or any more fertile than Austraha,_ or any more necessary to the `Empire, but simply that she is nearer," And so on, and so on. MB_,_; 1, TORONTO P15] a`n.%] t i M o nth I y Your Savings Account is invited `whether your de- posits and your balance be smaller_ or larger than these gures. ' ` This Bank ll adds interest quarterly to all Savings balances, and _its large A resources assure the safety ` of your money. BANK 9.1:` capital Rest 11.3. HENWOOD. Bank Toronto mjonPoA1*:b 1be_:5 To lighten the burden_ of taxation, which it declared to be: grievous. Fl`- ,,I Borders same price as Sidewall. `SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE _and watch thg: growt`h of your" balazic. In" five: years it will be $647.70 ' and in gen years $1, 399.82. BARBIE AND Annnunana muucnes WALL PAPER New Designs Artistic Effects IN THE Manager. "'f3".ia'm'a}{;i{'ti{e" 'puii{c"I1'e'13'{,"wnacz. wgs vigwed with aIar_m. _ _ ` _ - $4,000,000 $4,500,000 . vv'nuJII.L{lV\_l 1nv1f1'A lf1ONS. >_Or`der fyjur wedding Invitations .eaIf?l:r:`. 'a*!!ds:i-le`-` right`? 1ac.e.- The` Advance` .Il!--* Pr!_m1n;r&L,'.DFepartment " Q '3 '. h % >=aclas_s Jo ; THOS. KENI4i;'!/: ECTL _'_.`..` Dntario Block, Dunlop St. . ,7 . . " : H V THE BALL PLANING MILL `, Company. Carpentcring, building, . anwmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds; mouldings, et.'Planing _of factorily. Hot blast yi;1g_ kilo. *- Dis,trictjj- Agenc I for . gfained ` lum-' 'be1f. *Factory,` %' rie; Rodgers 8: Gallig, successors ;}'.tp o(3 eog__;,_'B.;all. .1. `j` f ., ` ayeld street, Bari` UNININ, MURPH --------------------------------------------- Y t_ario _ Survey brs, ptc. xcal B Land % &.EST_EI*_I, ON- Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat ac Nose Hospital, London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds) ; for 9. term as Resident Sm-geo inR lLondn hthal iH ital; Bristol `Eye n?. S 1ta1. Bgisto : and nlgigxnlggham { u` 1?`b";`n7t z3.'.`1mo1`3`g: ?.21`s;`: .}? M" ` ` OFFICE-78 Duxmr STREET, BARBIE. Phone 54. ' P. 0. Box. 96. . FINANCIAL. $70,000 FOR. INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate -of interest. No principal money required "until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., ~ Barrie. . , ' """-"""""-"".`-""" ' '-"--'-'-'-"'-""""" ANY. QUANTITY OF MONEY TO logn at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy " terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan 8: Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- tegs, etc. ' - . _ M. D.. C. M. ('l`or.) I Late of TorontoAGenera.1 Hospital. Olllce of-the late Dr. Smith. Collier st. ` ` Phone II. :-my v- 7 -:2. L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: S. Glasgow - --SURGEON--- w-- .-w- _-- _ - V V _ . _ -.. ll"No new name will tedclecl te-the Sub arlptlon Lint until the money is paid. L Sublorlben now inerrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per ennunn. cum.-1..-... DR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, -Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. AULT,'iB,'AR:RISTER,_ SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. 2 Special attention` in drawing and-probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and. guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- fees, Ross block, `Barrie. Money to oan. - G.c A. RADENHEI-'S'I`, Barrister, -1:__.A-_ . \Y..a.._-.'$ `D..k`l2- 9.. I'll DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, . `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. -Ofce and resi- ' dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- . Aphongs 77' DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ; ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, 1 (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II am. to 5 p.m., and by ap-A pointment. ff` "j&fT:~iv;:,STl;:.;\5i;?Ali`1:, EAR-J A :~x_-ist_ef.i's_;_Sol`icitox=s; Notaries. Public, A >'nd*.~(;onvya-ncers. ' Money to `loan m any sums. pgr cent. Oice`, ` I3 Owen stfcetg. ,arr1e. H. D... Stew- art, L-"L.D., D. M. Stewart; LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, `Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining a probate of wills, guardianshxp and adnrinistration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conve ancers, `etc. Ofces, Hinds block, o.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Creemore and Alliston. Hauglr ton Lerinox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B- .-----. STRATHY 8: -ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitcfrs -in High - Court of Justice, ~ Notaries Public, Convey.- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to ioan at 5 per cent. H; H. Strathy, K.C., G. W H. Esten, 1-DONALD Ross, L.L.B., .B'ARRI'-S- ter Snt-ifnr pfr ' :Rar( nf 'I"r{c-Ann- \'Train1 arrivajs `and dpar.turqs` at lad from Bame" are as follows : H.T. ARNALL, :M..D.-,C.M., O(FFI-CE in Bothwell s block, Allandale. `On ; the premises at night. EDR. A. T. LITPTLE, late of chu}'cTai-11. I Ont. Office and residence John St., nnnp one-nor 1711'-pnixnlrh DE A a A n on HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters-, `Solicitors of the Supreme `Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, .Conveyanccrs, etc. Money' Oice, Ross I Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. A. E. H. Crbswicke; Eye. Ear. Negev :l`hroat, 1.: uh I` Barrie. )r. J . A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o a. At Stroud Ofce :' 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. l\l1IJJ-'dL`.ILJ\h 5 AJGIIIFGDI 'So;:itor,` Notari Public, &c. Of: ce---Ist_ oor Bank of Toronto - Buildihg- Mgncy to loan at low- est gates. \/--nu \/uauv Cllu 1\.aau\..u\.c JUIIII DI- near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. \I&1JlJ.J.I.I L\.\.ls'JuJ, L4.L4.JJ., .J.)ixl.\{.\..l.uJ' tcr, Solicitor, etc:' %-Ban of Tc$ron- to Building, Balm-1e.` Money to loan. EDDING ' 1TA1*IoNs. `t.-an :-.".. An 8 Page Is column Neivopnpor. Published tromthe omce. 123 Dunlap Battle. in the County. of Simooe. the Pro- vince at Ontario. Canada. every 7 Thursday Momma. by wu%L:va.cru:w. Pnou-m:1'-ans` '5._ITRTr?i3'i5sTsT !t\l'\ L609`. u _.._.._......._..._.._..____._____.._ MANUFACTURERS. ___ MONEY TO LOAN. "*`AR(_}3!-lITE;CTS. T PHYSICIANS. 'i:i;'.' A Box. Sales ` zjjiifij O%Cvc-w- - tori "Tl-It coumv or .S|MCOE-H Most reasonable terms g1vcn'0 3 Going North. W 49- *4~= "*"',.?5N~ f.23}e1 ? 2 iCRA'|G|-IURS1`, om. L_IgENsr:n .o.uc1~1o_11_E_r:_R Advance Office BA RRIE. An" 8-ho1-sepower Boiler and 3- horsepovzer Engine, made 13) *h Poison Co. Toronto. 'i'ns_t;l-lvegmgas in our office, V? have the above for immediate. - quvcnu ---v.- - --a-poo` \a.aa.Ln.;n.: pa-may-v--- ` Private Funds to loan on first mart cases. Oorresbondence solicited. Omce. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street. Barr 9. Out. msunaincs AGENT. convzvnwcsn, ETC. mam AND PLATE cuss zxsuaaxcn un_,n___A_ ___-..A CAKES. PASTRY.CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. BoiL|er &Engine For Sale. THE NORTHERN Apvnucsl A `PHONE 250, or drop usaPosta1 ifyou would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- Baker's, Cream, Twist, Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf, at 5c. % Brown orlgenuine Home Made Bread. flTiI'U 1I` Baggage delivered at all hours wand from,anv part of zhe town. Cab meets trains at all hours of dav or night. 55 SOPHIA ST. V __,_._,_........, auu:.n1mr_'.Vll-.`.\'TS, Condensed adwjertisements on first page such as wants of all kmdg, lot and f_ound, propen, for sale or to re-nt,_ spec1_c a.rt1cI(-S. etc, etc must be accomnamed vfxth the cash. and win be inserted-1-st .msert_1on 2 cents per mm each ubsequent msernon 1 cent per word nametuaddresses and figures counted ms words) ut a. reduction of one cent Der word will K; nuu1eu,u.uu1`eucS and ngures word's)` on (3 per word will made when the number of insertions ofsam. matter exceed four Out: for ad verlisemems mus! In any case be mounted on pond metal bun Dwelling 1 foams). stable, (1 ' ' .h "` and nearly}: of acre of land in en0z1alr?3'1sah:%: Come; of Peel and Wellington Streets, Bani Dwellmg-6 rooms. stable and shed. Large lobon Peel Street. Double dweding. 6 rooms in each, on Clap. perton Street. Vacant lot. E of an acre, on Penetunguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY. 19!! n......:- BROWN SBAKERY nu. V cruaclnenw 8 space- -1,8 lines agate uarrexerrea positions for local . . ments in the paper will be sold at an?r1v" of one-third on al_>ove rates, and on no .32` aocouqt will sgecml positions be given T ' rule Will bestrzctly carried out. ' M 3 CONTRACT CHANG ES, Advertisers will please bear i 1 notice of intention to change ad"\`eTti`a`:eimg:, mustbe handed into the oice not later mu Saturday at 10 o clock, and the (0 chunge must be in THE ADVA.\"C y f` later than 12 o clock noon on Mondaompem . . Y mu week. otherwise the advertiser's announ may not be made public until the w'cek%gT1]::T ing. _ 12 changes of Advcriisemcms sllowe year. If more are required, will be cha.rged._ Advertisers wil` not be _ _ allowed to ueethel; space I018 anything outside nu... d composition rag Tov` };I`o. s3--1o.25 a.m. __OAl'\ I111`! lug. Chnes Advcrtisemcms AdV8I'tiP.I`R W` nnt kn ..n__, . SEPT. FRANK BESH `John Jennett, M_0NKMAN'S GLYCEDONIA. , -Hal 3 marvellous e`ect on ro_ub I,kinA.`_T One or two applications ;:{;'i1lrem_ovo- the roughness, and_ by 'iVt'l"= I Iionainu the skin acquires 'f_t`|IOi__ oothnm and softness of a ;=49!y_o'dobis'ls not Iticky. and P P D n ,. ' - \ Iibo porn a` few moments %T|-'|OS, SMITH EMAKES YOUR SKIN f.H1KE- VELVET j':' Barrie Property For Sale: 'l5referred nnnfn in tho run- To From 3:10. 54--7.3o a.m."` No. 53-;o.3o a.m. ` 56-5.25 p.rn. " 55- 8.05 pm. * Daily including Sunday. FICIIIIILUIIO l COHHEBCIAL CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS `nnanrl nt 1't)wf;an-v.,._.4._ ,, .. II-cup no. "=-'Ppx'i_i:o loind 25. Vnftgr phgvimz. `_CAjBMAl_`f PHONE 321. positions .ner will 1... M1.- Address CONTRACT I 17 13.533 III` 3 W 39935` I I90` I I1 per` Jmmm in Advance `:39- _-_.- ..._...A ....III I..- -AAA; 6g.,6InnQunIu RATES. Bmio. ' dbl. Barrie. "nuns RAILWAY: Gums. o V4.20 3-111. 1 "`LVUl Lu us; "and Englehatgt %o_1_'_'_3`;'p_ g; -- South River 69-II.58 a.m.--Muskoka Express 29-:=-3 .a .;.*:-.,1Y`*2l%..:`:'.fP;f:3 Meaford 55- 8.05 p.m. -For Orilgia 47`-- *xI.I5 p.m. --Cobal_t Specxal Going South. 07'-75.00 pJIl."-'1` {U111 1 VI uuuv uul *4.45 am. -Cobalt `Special 54- 7.30 am. -From Orillia 62-- 8.00 am. -From`Meaford 3 to Toronto `44--9.35 a.m.-`-From Gravenhurst to Allandale (mixed.) 512.45 p.rn.--From North Bay 1.33 p.m.- Muskoka. Express 68-`-5.20 p.m.--From South River 48-*9.oo p.m.---From Englehart and North Bay 63--2.03 p.m.--Musxoxa. nxpress 65,-e 4.00 pm. --North Bay 67-,-8.00 p.m.--From Toronto to. ~ Meaford .`o V From 23-_Io.25 am. 22-7.55 `am. 25- 2.00 p.m. 24-1.35 -p.m. (Allandale Sta.) (Allandale Sta.) 27- 7-45 pm. 26-5.25 pm- A FEW Qunsnoxs, comngwooa and Meaford. EEmEs. Tums orf SUBSCRIPTION: Penetang. Hamilton. From 62-7.55 a.m. 42--L05 p-m. 56-5.25 pm. The Chi_n e_se' head tax i's;becon'_1ing .~ an appregaable` source of reveriu to. % anada. . v_I1_1;-~the,' last _r`scal,_;year, thre_ vgngetgd _,1nj" = ,Canada ; ii, 1,4311 _ tC_4}13li1 ese,J'. law .. . ' Q?! 9 u\llllCll}c ICIIIQIII5. IIIU .BppH_bil.lUllu' Mr. Frank ._I-Ipdggns K.C., appeared for the munncnpalnty, and M'r.'Jamesv Haverson, K.C., for the liquor inter: ests. - .. V--- _--'v-u--- w--ow: so-u-r_naoovw\v\ou H. Cannon, who created the sensa- tion` of jail breaking -while ? awaiting sentence, `got sixteen months in the Central from Radenhurst, P.M., one year on each_ of two charges of forg- ery and three months. for stea1ing.a t watch, to run concurrently, and four to re rnonths "additional. for the escape, -, Last June - the" Div_isional_ `Court quashed the~local. Optlo .b`y-law in the Town. of Orillia. `Some timeago the *t\__nn apgliedtor `cleave to. appeal}? a ect the -. r`estoration._ of ;the law, .M'r-av]-.ustx`c`e A Oslerh has given; dgrncnt ""re'fu sing` V the .application.*_ I`. Frank :I-Ioldrrins '2`nnem-Ilpd ..v .. -vw -wv---g. --anon view of the number of prisoners" who have escaped` of late, Hon. W; J. Hanna has caused a `warning; to be issuedto the guards and Voicials of the jails of the province-. Whenever the escape of a prisoner is due to carelessness the oicial will beforth- with suspended and dismissed. Y` E , "`_Mr."Alla_n Palmerpf Buffalo, N.Y., was renewmg acquaintances in Tgwn on Saturday. It .1s thirty years smce "he lived in Barrie. I-I e atone time was printer's devil in The Advance i*_=- Dalton Milne had great "spe- cess at the Toronto Exhibition with` his _tri-color collie dog Ma'cl'-`herson, he capturin one_ ~rst, three seconds and a thir . >M'acPherson has since been purchased by a Toronto gentle- man at avgood round sum. ~ ` -' _--. --- Robert 1S'on of Meaford announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian ' Mac, to Rev. Charles B; _Jere of Dalston. The marriage wtllg ta e place this month. A ' - L % that ,._<:l;ifi;efT~'pLl" by '_:Li_t:_er11,v'p<>:lJ`i:`:t_ icia't1's. H' tje'- iti$w;gl that thg hief -attack was.f}nad_g'__ Cir" Conseave a'c!Vr'r:_i;x,istraLtic>fn ,L' ff \ ..--_-_- ----_ - ----v cu ww--vv W'i`h'e"I'.icense Beard 3: Centre Sim-T coe met in the Inspector s oice on Friday afternoon and agreed to the transfer of_ the New Barrie Hotel from J. White to H1. G. Boag. `I, ,,,.I `ll _- I5 I . I Bill Landry, now of Peterboro, played right eldfor his townjin the ball game against Lindsay on Labor Day. Bill dxd not have any hits, but had two stolen bases to has credit. . Mr. Hunter Kenned has disposed of the Central Hote, Elmvale, to Mr. John \E, 'McGrath. It is under- stood that Mr. Kennedy will return to Barrie. ` . was easily praeticaBle,'wit" ,the' I-e v._. enixes in hand? - V Do "we get 75: ~be_tte,r _ dr ortiona;t return. {pr a hundred milliou:expend- _itu're by Liberals than we got` for a forty or fty million expenditure by Conservatives? V .. V "Xz{rI &;1a{,"'t;"ib}}1"Eihsz, was one `of "the-Judges at vColl1ngwood s horticultural show on Friday -last. II',. .71 , ,4 1'7 0 w---v- cw-1`. V V- Did -Consctlytives ev&~ disburse such huge campaign funds" as the Liberals controlled` and gxpended in 1909 and 1904?` _ __-_A__;_ I_>_-:_ 4.2.1 1.. __.. - v- --of- -;v-'- Has less respectttebeeia paid to par- tisan considera 'ons in appointments to the Bench, he Senate, and to -the public service `generaily? 1 ,_-;; A 1--- -L_.l2_..L --I... I{'i1"l-<'1;:t':"ick and two children of Bawlf, Alta, are visitors at 'Mr. R. Kimz s, Wmsley Street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carson of -H'ail- eybury have_returned home after a. short visit with friends here. `IEIIIIIV UV. v-Us ayvvouvcoi - < 15 the Senat"e. a, less obedient echo of -the ministry now than it waS"'un- der _"C9nserv.ative gpvgrnments? ' 17, -1,_._-.._ I._-__ _......_- .}:..I-- 1 -Has thereybeext lees gtess_manipu- lation of "public contracts in order to serve the interests of `partisans, and Sounder busines methods_ in the purchase of", supplies. for the depart- ments ?- .I,, `I15 DOUG C ' . Has the public treasury or have the. partisans of -the administration reap- ed the chief return from the in'cire_as- ing value` of coal, land and timber in the western provinces? ,--L L- __. Ill Elly I v v u u - . -- r.v.----v-. If these `questions cannot be an- swered unequivocally in the a'1rma- tive, and if it cannot -be denied that the government has been amazingly prodigal invits handling of the pub- lic money, why! should the ministers] have a fourth term of office, and what answer can be made to the con- tention that it` is time for a. change at Ottawa ' -Huav/e elec.ti 'n's =l;.e`e"r;iim7cT> (r;-;T` .f.irly conducted? ` Has there beer: a` restricted use of the publie money, publid buildings and wharf and railway subsidies in order to bribe doubtful "constituen- cies? Mr. S. Caldwell has returned from a` pleasant holiday at Lockport, N.Y- Mr. and Mr.~C. C. McGrail of Ot- tawa. are vrsxtmg relatives in Town.- {It is ..n`'c'essary to get 'av,aj;" from Tgxumbuir and `exaggeration , if the 1 5 i,s'.t`Lwpro'nb.uncc:;a truepjud 3; - . g;g;f;g;:a1*,: ele`tidrr5 w`l_i `A nlme. qt` d:~`%93)!,%%;~tg;V Jfog; ` o WMis`s Lofvilojstritch ha`sre{urn e'dt'o her studies at. St. Joseph s `Convent, Toronto. ' "1{4}T';{:}d Mrs. J. c. Donnelly of` Montreal are staying with the latterfs mother, Mrs. .H(artt. ` T`. - I P. Miss Constance D'rury= left lst wee_k to resume her evocal studies-at Whitby T College. ` 77' I . I u . 1 on n cH1NEsn1r4u:`g}ou`r{'rs UP. SUBURBAN Uv:Bl"l_lVBl numlueyeu 11,095,. ghtributed.$53,6g6.=to.ith.z{ URBAN And - . nu VVUIIII lll\lll5 auuuh. , \/aua.u'a . gets the Prince of Wales [over there f y `simply lifting `her nger. Eng- _lishmeitg'of the great governing clas- , ses ock over to her and ever after talk of `her `glorious progress. and still more glorious nationhood. _~Her crop returns_ are" `ourished about in the ,-English Apressa-'as"though_ no, other e .ft`., the Emnizs ,producred; food, or. _ the sweating ; millions of , ` Britain. {Of course; fQ ueb`e_c..`-ha.s- n` interes ting history, ,`,but* . bleak`. ' r)i;r_j; s_o`ul,e . has `no 5. __o_t5her" part;:of th`e?Ei:`tp1re a1,_t;int`ei`est-V; I ' :`-iustraligy "`-C5nl-dolcers, they say, see most of the game, and if there are still Can- ' adians who imagine Canadian affairs to be insufficiently recorded in the English press, we beg them to listen to.the following comments addressed to one Australian by another a and overheard in London the other day. The utterance was made at the time when, owing to. the uebec` Tercent- enary fetes and the` O y_mpic contests, Canada- was `more than usually: to the front _ in English`. -journals. `This blessed Canada, said the Autralian, `quite gets. on one s -nerves: ` o mat- ter what paper you take up; day af- ter. day it .is the same thing-Canada, Canada, 3Canad_a.` One would `really think that no other part of the world had any ~hist'or or any present` rec- "rd worth) _tal 'n" about. ,, Canada '....a..- LL- 117.14- '__--_. 1|__A_ I I the` speculator. The Senatewas to the independence of parliament was ";' w,as"to'.be elevated, a , ATO eliminate the principlerof pro- tection, to obtain reciprocity with t_he ` United States of America, to secure for us a mutual preference with Great Britain, and open new markets abroad, to lop off over-expenditures in the civil government, to diminish the number of ministerial positions, to rid the people of the burden of , superannuation, to cut down the gross expenditure at Rideau Hall, to draw the poison of the reptile press -by destroying the newspaper and zprintingpatronage givento friends of the party in power, to make the civil service more in consonance with the requirements of thecountry, to : abolish bounties, to do away with `subsidies to railways, to keep the u landsifor the settler and away from "be put upon anew and stable basis,- to be assured, the purity of the'elee-` ' torate. was to be guarded, and the K , standard of public life, in thl,s coun,try' Has it `made good ;i } i 7 .,___ .. , That very carefully. edited weekly- journal, The Canadian Gazette, pub- lishe_d`in London, has this to say con- cernmg the attitude of the English press `toward `Canada :- : U JVL I Do L\\I'IJl II\Jll- Twelve G1adio]i-D. AC. Campbell, J. H; Bennett. - I.'l ...I-........-.... 117 n `D-LL-__-II r~_- Lo LJCIIIICI-In ' . Iflydrangeas--W, D. Bothwell, -Geo. J Vickers. Tr_itona-J..`M. BoAt>hwe1l,% W. DJ Bothwell. I Phlox Drummondi--Mrs. Cavena, R. J. etcher. 't`..1.-...:.. .t`..-.-.....1.. 1' 1': n ____ LL- u J`lC|-VllIu .L\. J I 'Ce1osia 'Coxcomb--J. H. Bennett,` W. Patterson. T Celosia Ostrich. Plume---D. C. Campbell, J. H. Bennett. r'n1nnne:g_._'D T `D1g,L-L.... II`... wu|n1yuw|I,_ J. '11- ~J.JCuuCI.ln - Ca_t1eops1s--R. J. Fletcher, Mrs. Robmson. _ V I".-.-........... `I n-_--..-... 117 Ix &\v uul.avu_ Coreopsis-_-J. Rogerson, W. D. Bothwell. CANADA AND THE ENGLISH 0 A l_RE;SS._ A 'yvIULtIU|I U1 .\J'llUll =nett,"D. C. `Campbell; .f'I_v|', .- uuus, Jr ux. .l.:U|.u,VVCu. Annual Gaillardia-R. J. Fletcher, D.` C. Campbell. V -5 Balsams--P. Love, Geo, Vickers. Sna; '_Dragons--Miss -Campbell, Mrs . Robinson- ` .Salvia-eJ. H; .Bennett, W. Patter- son. L . Lilies`--VV, D. Bothwell, ':Mrs. Ca- vena, . Rudbeckia.-Mis`s -Campbell, Mrs. H. Robinson. . _ He1ianthus--W. D. Bothwell, Mrs. Cavena. . Roses-J. H. Bennett, J. J. Brown. Twelve Asters-Miss -Campbell, lobixlsionj. T 3-1! 1'\ tn 1- 'h*g;.?xgames. of those. who won1 pg.ize;s_';A'atL` the Barrie Hprticultural 55.fiije;ty s`t`Ii,xhibition lastiiszeek are as follbws ;--.%_` j .- W _ iI:"a{:s}:~ gen `and 'al1'o_~f the above-named pledges, by -their non- _i1':lfillment, stand _as an -indictment is _.against` the once great `L`ibeta?;1:`;"a)?fy, _. }w~hich. by" itsrecoi-d has 110W come; td j"l;eA known _ as the ` party of: Lgbtdke-V ;;p,;*ok_:)is es_ and abandoned .platorms`;ff . \i\JllCIyLlV-Ill U1 0; D. `Q. Canipbell. .f`-Il_ . IV "6x )ll`'cfi <;n`:>;Tz;`;;;rs-Miss, E. lC`Zam'pbell,* J. H. Bennett, James Vic- ers. ` _ - . ` _:E;Ji<;'Tij;<;1;tti:5;:DTE`-E:;;npbell; John Rogexfson. ` - V f'71'e'rIz}}'a1 `Gaillardia--J. H. Ben- negt, -J. M. Bothwell. n - can..-` (`..:II.....lI- `I T.`|.A -L _C`oIlcc'tipr'1"' of pot_td plantvs--D._ C. Campbe1l, Mrs. Chas. Butcher. . '7$n}i}T `"'13m1'< t--. .13 , Bohtwellf as'e I J '%w"%J I _'_I_'_;_ P I! _ ' it` up in 1 .'-H.-}r;1;:_1-1;ge'as-W. D, Bothweli, Geo.! Viqkexfs. . '- ! (:1V<->il`e":t;ion- of Dahlias--G. Vikers, J--J-ABr0wn., - V _.].;':'g-';:;nias ATuberous--`Geo. - Vickcrs, J..M, Bothwell. V - I'11'1;>-a:ir..;1'1s:.;i"."'Love, J; M`. Both- J. mails: ucxson ` MAKER OF PORTRAITS g AAAAAAAAAA Agggggg "]-<')'ston Fern--Geo. Vickers, NV. D. IBc>_th}{ell. . H-=])d<;ui)i;`I-5 -evt-1'1n`ias-D. C. Campbell,` J. J. Brown. . . ' % C. Campbell, Pat-: ter_s_on._ . .. ' _ _ , 1 Zinnias--J. H. Bennett, Mrs. Ca- vena. Pansies-E. -H. Clark, D. C. Camp-9 bell. V A Mar-igo1ds-D. -C. Campbell, `Mrs. Cavena. , `"<:"a{{5'y TuAft--Miss -Campbell, W.` Patterson. . -_ Scabiosae--Miss `Campbell, W;. Pat- terson. , 'Verbens--AW. D. Bothwell, `Miss Campbell. ' "B'Zi'%"y of` owAers--Miss M. 12.3 Campbell, Mrs. T. Cavena. ' v..v--`v `T v T --Percnzgfml;l(;:;;1:I'r;:-wCavena, . IV-I. Bennett. u - saw. an Aste`r_s--Jno. Rogerson, Miss be1_1_% _v'VlY`.;'=1ble'Bot1 Flether, -Geo. Vigkgrs. ` ` V ' F .plant--Mrs, R. Marshall, D. C. `Campbell. --w-cu-we Uuwwuvuv WI; "1;l-e itself among other things:-- 'rl-- 12-4-. .u_ 14 1,, ,p .

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