_'$4-so; \I\l1 52" ":sI(i"R'1`1511:1:u%=AuvANCE\ 3 ----.rr v_---_. ' he excl.ain}e you slapping .we have wra.thfu1- cried .th e1massive "gure of -43. `tall and im--! ipressivet. lady who was slowly advanc- 1113 over -the pavement. Would she recognizeh her -niece? The answer came all too soon, for when the re-. luctant runaways were still a_.good- ly distance from her they saw by the quick turn of the head that they` cguld not hope toescape unobserv- e . ` - ` I b`e1ieve-oh--I believe she _is stopPi..8 cried -Mi_ssIng1e,s as" with a stately -lurch the impressive gure veered a, little toward the curbstone. She wants to speak to .us. What. sh`ar;1Lwe'V_db"?_ _ j 1 m".`iEVo.=:"~'s'i1-'r1+1)`l~y cax_1 t :do anything, ' rephed Brooke gnmly. fAnd Aunt Susanna is `sq very, parttcular and so very sensmve. I -TL-.. uuvnon n1rihnnI- A`-\c-Anni l\` .1413` ;_wild1y waving her hand as the edge ofifea,-fa], and 1 could C,-yr, . _ old lady. _ - l 1 moaned wlflhulal auu \ VCIJ CII'UlBIV\n I _ They, were almost abreast of the `lady. who now stood smiling `amiab- ly ion-the edge of -the pavement. The _ . .a1.tomobile swept on`, came up withlr-essappealing directly to Brooke for the gure, and passed.-it. A ; chang-`5YmP8thY- ~ ing succession of expressions, as her aggrieved niece clearly saw played , , over the old lady s face as the situa- e 111 liave_t0 keep {in eye 011 Y3-11. tion developed: rst, interested and lnYW3-.Ya' Said the P011Cm3n`s 3PP<`-31" cc-rdial welcome; then, as the auto-`I118 01 8 moment 1'011nd the 0T111' mobile did not diminish its speed,l.0f g-llfiomy and perplexedh surprise;hrli-`P31`1l18-i a y,as it was clear t at the ve _ic e .. 9: - - .. was going 59 sass With0I:1t_StPP`.3 starSe.?:,Tls1:il:1dp stolp(p?li;h3i increasing isp easure an growing look. ,Oh so ` out: 01 sight. He glanced at her reassuringly. n _ me_ of them are calling. 3 e ,; _ e _ l'I`hey think he is chasing us. Have Oh, Amity.` M155 111816 Cedalwe got to go on like this? It is the window cut from her-sight the|- I, 1- - _n h, -d _. t f . - t ` ve ost my train, s e sai , furious coun enance o a very ira e Never . gmmd, he answered, I` 3 The automobile sped on. tggrgeogvgegatvre Sa:1o(1p.!)y0u can get h ' h t t (K , To gs 11:23 e`1n..arEde noSt":o 1L` If we ever do stop! she suggest- O_h, isn t it awful!:"said the gin, Q clasping her` hands, and in her dist- the automobilje and again disap-' ; Miss Ingle cried,li .w1ld1y` waving asthe of: 1 window cut her- sight furious countenance of `a very irate. - The automobile meet her in the street,` moaned Miss Ingle, and not stop to speak to her. -`She will never-_-_ never forgive me. Oh, I feel like` one of those people in .the Infernoll whirled and whirled about without being able to stop. . _By Jove! he said vigorouslys (It 15 ,a-an Inferno-and I `said nothing everhappens nowadays. ` Well, it s, something, she com-{ mented, that couldn t have happen-` ! I 1 ed at any other time. / L -Sudden1y'he laughed. ' V Do you know `there is a funny -24.. 4,. :4?! J3 s1de navy av o-u I_ am,- very glad you see` it, she. rephed severely. - ' xnuvvu .1,!,-1_ ;1_-L 21. . _. n\l.:na\y\n u v. `.- IWhy, don t you think that it s ra-l ther amusing for two people, who, have just said good-by forever, to be ignominiously drawn about together in the full sight of the multitude, every one believing that what they are doing is of their own free will and pleasure? . ' - I could cry, said Miss Ingle de_- spondently. _ v 9- _ `L3; .I:__`-..L:._... --p.. ..,.- ...... .._,. It really is a bit diverting, you` know. ' g It is awful! said Miss Ingle.. Think how every one will talk!` Oh, there is Tom `Kennedy. That s. the -fourth- time I have seen .him;` `and see, he is stopping--he is so ast-I omshed to nd us going on and 9n._ I don t wonder. v It s.a bad job, certainly, admit- ted Brooke. But is there any rea- son why we should not make the best of it? ' ' - MW this is very iinfortiinate,lethei General s-wiing together the 5 i ,,,,,e ++++-i--H++-!-+-l-l'-I-l-8-N--l-H- if Sed Old Gcnral Scrymgeur, as heiaps, and then, giving the driver the US L ed but `nu; a most important m=SS . ' , - (1 reading the note that the! directions, stood back and waved a 5`5hehad hgmdcd to him when he:farew.ell. V . lvtf of the- sta-f ` ~ - `. . - }cppei1o;in1i11cg0n11iI).: lligamto go to thel The machine started with a vast. _ hum of a hoarse bumblebee and for `C`10i?b at QC`?' `1_ 1, ,aanScI tp`;g:nl5;g3 a moment both were silent. Then. . tor 1_.LmlJi\ 11 I am dis_ the, girl turned on the Ybuns man 33 3' iiidignantlyi . e : kinur aka avnlaie-nor` An QII\IC Ivwnaw was -v- _There isn t any best, she said posnively. It s all-. worst. 9| 1 -_.-L:._,,_.| u____ _-_ rV~---"-.r- --- --- v------ - At least, he continued, we are now companions in misfortune, talk- ing very` pleasantly to each other, which we were not doing an hour or` two ago. A ` An . ;,,11 L- 43_I:-__1_-__ vv v -ugv. Of course it would be ridiculous for me to refuse to`speak to you. You see we are gettingon, and: h-e smiled. `Do you know I ve readi that in Switzerland, a long time ago,g they had a custom of shutting, two` people up together for a. week, when they wanted to be divorced. At the end of the time it usualy happened that they were reconciled. 451- I -__1_--A_2-.. )3 .._2.I| Illilb UIIVJ vv V: v . vvv--v-.--r I don t see the application, said; Miss Ingle stiiy. ` , ttusvn ___ 1--_4. 2.. `van-au .0055: -.-.-.J w h "why`,1y see, ii. are were kepf in ere, w 0! nows , - H1 ! -- 4----4- -4 - ..__--1- H -1..- 2- any--, vv --v. ----v vv 7 ` If you mean.-for a. week{ she terrupted, why, it seems` as year ready. `Oh! I-1, -, ._.___s____ ; _-. uvu--`. V--- The automobile, in. turning a. corn-| er, -had jarred against an applevcart propelled by an old woman who was slowly plodding on; her way. Thu` shock was not sufcient to overturn the cart, but, lifting it slightly on one side, sent the few apples it con- tained rolling in the gutter. I urn: L`-_'__._." -__-1_1_..-.1I DIoIaa\v\o Avon-.-6 -u- v--v -..vv-. ' The ` poor old thing! exclaimed] `Miss Ingle. We can't leave. he_r that way.- -P1-ease," she said, open- ing the trap in the top, I must speak to` the woman. ` A'1F!\1_-._- -:._n. ..- ------ 9 _-.d3-.I blunn D6 , Vila , nu; up on: la.--aw---. The .au_tomobile- circled the block,i and coming round the rst corner, bore down on ahttle group that was` helping the peddler to recover. h-er apples.- ~~W`c must give her something. `fl should think so, replied! Brooke, as he took from his pocket` 3 bill `marked with a generous gure.` Now then. ' ' ` l P\rZl\ U\l UII\p IV YIQJZIJD There ain t no way, replied the man, "but _ to go round the black, Miss, and if yo}: have anything to say, why, say at m passm . rnv -.-.__..-|_:I- _:...1...! 4-1.... I-.1.-...`l;a I 1 JV}-I vv Iyu\.u- The woman, raiging her head, re- cognxzed the or1g1'nal_ cause of A her mnsfortune, and, straightening her- self up, prepared to denounce the- machine and its occupants in no measured terms,` * 1 1-; 1 II',. _,S_.,, LL- ` -Here! cried Brooke, inging the! bill from the can_'iage_as they dashed` past,; a.'n_d edtoppmg at at. the right "moment; before the aston1shed_ven- 14-- _It"s enough to buy out not only all` her apples, but her, apple-cant. She, ought to be satised, _ said 4Book_e,, settling backgagainst the cuhion. V -ICJVIOJ "dot. ` He hag! hqrglly t.ken{ armdre co_m-l efortable posxtxon when his attention :was_ attracted by a..shzg.r-p..ca11_"nea: at e`E`.`fE. ._ .. an -,1 .L'_ ___:_`_ Ag uuuu. ' V _ ` Hi! . Pp1l`_up! .s_aid thg voice of pr_1e`ev1dently,Speakm8 With l1.th}" Pty. ` T - .r~I,.._1.... --.L LL- incl; cauuv ."Inf 2| IO ! G_lancing out, the two. saw that a poltcexnpn was _ hotly : ursuing them {on a bicycle. ` .. . V. ` _ Ho1d_;~n, th.ere---37 _ - 4 _ L j :`_:`Dpn tv I"Iwish~_ 1.. jc_`p'u;}tI?.? _ s_aid" ; the '1nf`,.tne ~3!_f." _ ~ w > ` A. 0 E `K ".3 -_ l ~ JV JUN to it? self -, the plUCl\l|yo .0 W55 sally, continued the! ` f it. 'Now 1 I cannot hear 0 , g $022333, Brooke ww U us.../\1 ..n _nn' t`\{(`]aiITld in-' al- !1fIalIine, ~.;`-`t`ell your man there .'to` istop, d:jI ll an-est theA!ob`of you. A [T:B'u'tL .\We `C3il t. answered frooke ;1,1"-551.-`I -, ','}'h` `thing is runnirig 1 H y wxth us. |" Don t you try` to give me that, answered the policeman grufy. I te`lI you that won t do with me. `Hold o_n,fnow!. . - >= l .But 1:ally , Oicer, s_aid Miss _Ingle, we can t do anythmg, and `we only ywishwe could. ' The peliceman gazed at Miss Ing-' le s- pretty fac_e, and her_. aspect _or `hen. accent evtdently "carried c.onv1c_- l tion. _ ` `_`W.el'l, said` the man in his ast- omshment, droppmg for "a moment { ogt- of sight. v-. Yes," he said despondingly, ifi lwe _ever do _stop. ` I 99 ,1, l L\C1lJ, wuu cvcx, u\'.a.xu un. au\..u a `thing? he replied. To be so near [friends and food, and not be able to 1 `reach either. ` - 1 . Suddenly she lau-ghed for the first 1 time. | Oh, do you know of what ihis, umalges me think, with all the people`; `staring at. us, and,you and me 501- emnly riding on?_ No, he said. i _ Really, though, I_dpn t know that`? ':I ll tell you-7-but_it IS so_ absurd. i = Why, a wedding in the Boisl ' By heaven! he said_ vigorously,` 1 I wish it were a weddmg-here. As you said, she admitted, it has its funny side-and the police-. man is still 'following_ us and all the people_ are staring. I r_n past minding that now. I do believe that-we ve met every one I ever saw in all my life before. .'1fhe town empty in August! Why, ilabsolutely every one 15 here. And - fievery one will tell every one else. I I m awfully sorry, he said. Of course it will be disagreeable for you, and 1 should have tried to Jump out long ago. 1 9 ed. tO`h' %\ ttlflllg he (JIM ~Y0u r c` V`3 rllilnyg Siautly {Wee bflgkgllo h*;)(l1\111ta:'.hQ notlllg trlollnd beellly '1 am Sure httj" urglfvlrn-9 ` `W11 If th I ~ `I G `` C` I . I S Ina 6: so me . Ina . l`ti_ ' `We 5 dtssent i(t"1|1q, M .._R \\vUu1d'1Qth be e? difof 21 to t det r er,` lwe SCVCT UU_5lUp. ' ` And I am getting hungry, she cQx)t1nued.. I am starving. Really, who ever, heard of such a !.:.:. ....:m :...........1.'-A 'l`.-. 1.- an mm.- IU"""" "" "" '`T' T And broken your leg or some- thing, so that I should have had to `see'about taking" care of you. That lwould have been worse. I A1~1d";1b;N zydu wili hate -me more than ever, he groaned. 1:`? '11 1 1 .1, . `I .1, _r ----- up: V. ..w a- v----_ Illa one will believe `that I do af- yter I have been seen riding with you ilike_tnis for hours. ' ' ` -no-an w..- av. --v..--. .What a .mockery! _ he criec_l. And how can _I bear the Irony of 11; when they began to congratulate me? ALI'\I II I I_I,_I 661-` m"`JOl1-," slle exclaimed suddenly, do! [you believe they will dare-do youi I gixgxggine they ll think we are engag- l A $1 i ed `Pa: _"`C_Ie'rtain1y, he replied with con- `victxon. horrib}e! she said, again shrinkmg back Into the corner. Oh, ;what shall we do?- . Thqre `is one way that would be very sample. ` .1 . -us -1, ', _1--J mine. v w_-J -----r-v- And what is that? she `asked I meekly. `I15 I` I , , , _A___I,, |__ A___ I ---v~--.Jv Really become engaged, he ans- wered boldly. Oh! she cried in consternation. ' You l_mow how I love you. And now thxs has happened-why-1t ` )3 lwould save you a,- lot of annoyance. ,1! ---w J-- -` --- V_ __~-_V_`_.p . "I_ sl;ould never become engagdl to any one to save myself from an- unoyance, M-r. Brooke. It A I in: I 1- , _- _ ____- E " -`.`'A-1;;1` VT love me-you know that you liked mea little be- fore that happened. ' T ndrr nln nu-no u-.arvu'nr`nt` Inn A` :0 a v v----w --w r-----. 1 I am glad you reminded me of xt. `All that has happened, and for a. mo- .ment I had forgotten. No, you can- not expect that I can forget that. Oh, don t yo}: thipk, perhaps, that the machine 15 gomg a httle slow- er? ` _ I | Not a bit, he answered uncom-E npromisingly. But it was only such a little thing. (`A little thing! Well, he co_ntinued, I can ima- ggine eyour bemg angry, if you `thought I -had tried to kiss you, for ' you are so dierent-so` far above and beyondeall the rest. I can und- exstand that you might never havel forgiven -me,et_hen. ` 9) -1, -,__' | 'VP' ' "" ""1 '_ "" " I can_ t forgive you now, she ans- wered. -~ . - . 4. _ - _ (Ala vv on win- And is this really to be the end? he asked her, leaning forward as if .tc: take her hands, and then, as he `remembered the `pursuing policeman and the paging crowd, drawing back. '-.- Oh, it must be, indeed, she gasped, if this ever stops. Then I m going to tell you the truth, be said, ewith the air of one who has reached a desperate resolve. "It `will only make you hate me more and more, but you might as well understand. It was false when I. s'aid,that I mistook `you for some one.else,. _ V- . t Qhv! she ,-r'nu.rrnuiredi., V [Yes, h' `went on resolutely. I knew that it was you all "the time, butt! was madlyjne lbve with you. T hen when you were -so indignant-- so very furious-T-:1 was , in consterna-" gicgn--`awfully rattled," _you.. know- :s,nd.`I=. thought abQu g`_: you as_ being .gn.;;x*pgde_ta!,`=-`Tyon sea--,a'o,~ ti;-at what " ,5. " ` ' \- mine. . "lam responsible for you; and if ldidn't put you in good hands to be taken to the Grand Central Station, lshould not feel satised--positive- ly shouldn't dare to look the Tavis- tocks front door in the face again. So that is all arranged. `I'll just see you both safely started, and then I can go and attend to this trouble- some business. The General hurried ahead, and the young man and the young wo- man followed slowly and reluctantly --more like two young persons who were being taken to the dentist by air energetic guardian than anything cse. ,L' A as =to'thin1.cof kissing you'---so I told . youwhat I did. But I ve told you the truth now, and I know you loathe me, and you need not say any- thix_1g. ? D` >VIt' evidentfy ciidhuot. please -Miss Ingle to anser, for she sat in sil- silence, looking thoughtfully before her.. `And when she spoke,- it was not to say anythnig bedring upon the subject _under discussnon. Really, she observed at _last with singular gentleness, I belxeve that at last` we are actually gomg slow-- Pl` 7 Ihdeed, it was the fact. Gradt;a.1-- A ly, with weakening force, the wheels Jevolved, dragging over the pave- ment as if weary of the long journ- ey.. The power was nearly spent, and as the speed diminished. 1: zu- most- seemed as if tired muscles and .. sinews w re giving 0l_1t, instead of. wheels at d bars ceasmg to work. At last_ the huge vehicle came to a. standstnll. I l1 have to take your names, you know, said the pohceman, coming up, get_ti1_1g slowly from his bicycle, a,'nd wnpmg` hxs brow, while the crowd gathered in thick and close. `?All ti htg said Brooke, and. drawing im aside for a, moment he. spoke to him in an undertone; then. he quickly turned to M1ss lngle. - 9" - f`-Can t we get out of ;his? she. cried. ThAere, f she exclanmed, is a. cab!` Put me m tha.t. Brooke signalled to the watching cabman, and the vehicle was quickly drawn up before them, while tne crowd fell back a little, urged by the breathless policeman. . Miss Ingle jumped in, the bags and wraps were put in after her, and she had nearly closed the door when she paused, still holding it open 3. little, and _looked at Brooke. Yes,`he said, I "suppose it is good-by at last. And please don`t think any worse for me than you lmust. I And you are sure, demanded the .girl suddenly, that it was 1 that you |mea.nt to loss. It was very dark, with only the re-light- Sure? cried Brooke indignantly. I should think I was! Hadn't 1 !watched you and followed you znto the library? Do you suppose I could have been thinking of anybody else? Of course it was you; and you know the truth, and you must hate. me for such- madness, and- that s all of it. Why, aid M_iss Ingle slowly, of course If that x_s _certa1nly so, and you are sur-e-poszt1ve sure-why-- ! ' Why, she said swiftly, "you are asked to stay with the Auchinlecks, and you had better come with me, for 1 am sure they will be delighted to have you--and-and so shall I! And you are not angry with me? excl'a1med the young r_na_m, tearmg open the door and prempltately ent- tering the cah . I was, said Miss Ingle enigmati- cally; but I m not now. Oh! exclaimed Brooke fervently,` `bless the automobile and all its kind. ' I 11'. ___ _ nu-\oo _Indeed, said the girl, it was mce bumbly old thing. If there is `any one thing that a. woman d_rea.ds morg than another it 18 it surgnrcu Upcnsuuu. We can_ state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun- dreds, ye thousands, of `operations perform upon women in our hoe- pitals which are entirely unneces- sary end manyhave been avoidedby _ _...._.._ _- :--nap-Q - QZI` -1p-not 5: this statement run the following letter. Yes, he said despondently. 11:: v I"3rB'iI(E"I3I'ri"I(}i7Kii' vaannsmcourouuq They had all been stayin ate _a country hqusc, and had come up _an the morning train together--Miss Sally lngle to go to Lenox, the General to a yacht down the bay, and Arthur Brooke to parts un- known. At least he had somewhat gloomily indicated that he had no wish to disclose his future where- abouts, and implied rather pointedly that he did not l care--- where he was to be. This was the more surprising as he had accepted an invitation to stay at the very house to which Miss Ingle was` go- inn nun` Ln.` ,.L.n.s.n.` `\:c\ r\`lIO1E I was nick for ve years. One doo- bor told me it was ulceration, and an- otherjaold me it was 3 broid tumor. and adviued an operation. No one known whet I Inated,` and the beer 1. ing own pain: were terrible. [ ~I wrotetomylistm-about. lhcndeho nclvisedxne to take Lydis E. Pinkhamh. VVegetsb1e Compound. _ I_t.hucuredn':oo1a.l1 mytroubleu, and I did nothevetohave theoperv 110:: after 9.11. `The also helped; me to plus y through Change` of Lle."-. r9_cT.eron 3'9! W If Tl `I'E._I`_ vw$j- I F o-l'-- '- I E. P. I..- "hang Vege5tramnOom and, made" from herbs`, as been the tandsrd remedy for tennis ' :.ndhaspoaitively'ouredtho13ssnd]:f women y_r,ho.ha.va been troubled with no broidtuniora.` gwuac mu \\lllL'll lvuaa .Lu51_c waa av` mg, and had changed his plans only very abruptly. And now they fol- lowed the General laggingly from lhe ferry-station, dragging agaist IS moral propulsion very much like dogs against a leash. lI\V - u > .1s3.000.000 Head Office. . - W General Mamxerfc Ofvficef AT o_I'VoIj_\to . cgpit ; 00300 _.......v nyuuoov ";\'0thing hcrc," exclaimed the General in distress. Outra8e5'!. "But what does it matter? P1034 ed the girl. A iy A 1 IV V-` deal," fumed the Genet-all`, "_Though-l say, see there! lt s all 1 kht. Here's this. ` 1 "Oh, that!" cried the girl. "That, as it rounded the corner dbrought up before them, would once have been deemed a sufficient- `? curious-looking object. With 3 My that might have been begun Y a Black Maria and then sheed 0, placed upon gouty-looking` wheels, it stood before them-a_n au- tomobile hansom, the ma.n'in has ele- Dcdestal looking inquiringh "YES. the very thing, said ` the` I Get in at once. You know 7 haven t much time to lose. M55 Inglc hesitated, a" look of Wound reection on her vivid fqcc. 'k. gazing at her in: silent dist- "55. could read evefy thought. It {:5 August.` The town was deser- "illNo one could` see them. It ii 4 be only for a short time and Stance ' 5 d St tements of this Bank areganniaially submitted to The Book an aa gtrictly indepgndgnt audit. V J % .. Barrie Branch; We Pbin'ts; N.Miuer. ` .MANAGE__R"' . ~-s\, `_ ' 1 she . ` . 5` got m, the General putting '_1_t ; Eird wraps after her, ` . mu 1.. , "|Iu...`_`__ One dollar opens an account Ed hf A . .. crest is added ' 1 . %`lV-33!`terIy.. usmnm BANKING ausmsssrnausacm. 5_AV|NGS DEPARTMENT _..,....- nfl annnuunf and infnu-nut in arlnlarl nnen-has Those Horrid Autos I cam --take care of 3113 - the girl pluckily. c..n., nnntinnpd the. Pleas o 0 `skin -_I 93.` U will utlib water. air 00%.: run crcam,~*~Ipn.n.tor . In power (or ' : '_ " -- Havtonoa j . ivory Farmer 8|_v.v%'-1% IL A. Cut out gdvotlaamwt and and - It (.0 III! `all; it -to pun i machine with vast bumblebee, moment silent. girl ind1gnantly.- 1 Now, she exclaimed, do you cull -this kind? Do you call this mce? Following me! Do you think In is the way you should behave- {after what happened--_-when` I was `gomg away on purpose? -But I. didn't know that you were going. v'I "might as well say, he. went on .(Ieseperately, that you Iwere` followmg me. . Oh! she exclaimed in horror. , .f`Of; course I _don t mean that, he saxd In great dxstx-es_s, but I knew shat you ,}1a.ted the stght of me, and uunc Irrnlrlrv On nonlr Auf A` 4414:; nuns: DUKE J\-IIII _Il-|u\v\al 5lI\r\ Ulalllr VI IILV, IblI\l I was going to get out of t}1e- way. Tl1en'I found you _were`go1ng too; andoafter I d `said. I was leaving, 1t would have looked strange if `I'd stayed. I was only trying -to avoid you, and you know that 1 d not be hege if it hadn't` been for General-- The idiot! .she commented vig- orously.. ' ' ' A' J ., ,, ,,_..,, L_-1_ L- _-__- `Va Vwwui - I ve done "my very best to save you annoyance, pleaded the young man. ` Annoyance! she` exclaimed. . - Well, pe'rsecu'tion---what ever you choose to call it--and indeed, I. did- n t want to seeyou again. _I__l __.-_I__ town and Ion. In-V Work of IO U vvwoau iv -rvv J vvv vv----- For a._ moment sh; looked ercely indignant, but she did not speak. I__ ,_ T ----I_I L-._-_ ......I-: \DInuvv--V -v-vu -vvw --.. _ "1 can t_ see how I could h$..1`/gmade` such a mus-take, he wenton. .4.- n .1,!',_|_ L`_-L 1;. '__.. IJUIVII ill nouns-vvvouv, v v--- --- You can haydly tl'1i'nk tha.'t. it can be comprehengnble for me, she an- nounced, lookmg away from him. u-- 1' `J __-__ LL..4.` `I uvl-cuss-u; ------ o- -....., _--__ _ . . . _ _ _ _. You know, as I told you, that I never should have dreamed of -such a thmg. . _ But you did it, shensaid unrelent- ly. T . It was in the, dark, _ he urged; and if I. did kiss you, when you were -so indignant I explained at once that `I thought that you were some one else. _ Oh, she cried. furiously, Betty Wylde, I've no doubt, or Miss Fast- net! It .is very pleasant to be rn1s.- taken `for them. 1:44 _A_. _-_I... is I.a._ncu [U1 Lusiuu _ Of course I couldn't say who. it! was, the continued. And the mo-I meat afterward, when I saw how. `you felt, I'd have given the yworld not to have done it. Of course I've always thought of youyas fso differ- emt---so out of reach, you know- and yet I was just beginning to. hope, to think you liked me a little. . I hate. you---I"always hated you. ~ I know that ..now,' hesaid sadly. Othegwxse you "wouldn t have been so furyxous. f A ' And you pretended to care for . me, and _yet-.-.oh,'I7hate myself for . ever havxng lnstened to you. -iv-.. ......u 1-I-Hale that I cure for |ever having nsteneu w yuuo. , "You can't than}; that I care them-fon any one else in th`e`world," he said anx1_ously._gYou must not make that m1stake._ 2 J _.-_.. A . `Q E . uh X77358 Llldl. lllluassvc Then why did-you do as` you did? -. . . _ `Hg 1_1esi_tated afmomcnt. ' A "I wish I could; tell youithe truth, bgt you would only h'ate._ -me the mte'a:A| M `` > J .. W-itVh_"=someth`ing. like a `groan he threw'_li.imself: into..;th,e._ corner of t_he Jutqmobilg, which Buzged steadnly W-ith ' " something. into, autqmobile, ; lon xts way. L ' on its way. Ms if,*_there.cot: ld"` be anyming` worse, she said. But. it is strange.` Here -we, at daggeradrawn, are s_1t-A ting so. _quie_tly s`1de,}by side. ,!-_. A`. L- :31` `I`\V& `IQ B:|\lV,.,u_y `WI\nwu ` ``It- won't be for long, he replied.` V_\_l' _l!'- soon. be t,he,.re.A L ,___a-.|'.:.`...'n _j,. ,;,1`_' "VVVe'_H' 500. DC Lucas.` V ' .And a very good thing, she said. for, though thettown us deserted, , some one -.-might` es'e.e=' us. and talk. As we calf never I3 /friends` again, that .v'vou_ld"b`e' so u;if_ortnua.t7e."_' _ o,.ea1 `OIT_1I,' he _co'nt1n'ued,`'``xt si ; emng. erg we .are, an ' soon 3 r.?3_ l`1)el:;Lv: _f111Ie, aigd (xivillh be fat at; en. ,`:.,ony a tetgme could make you understaLn`d-I could make you--hke me againf u\7___-_ so -1, , u J `v Uv anon` snow their-any .Never`,"v she exclaimed, never, after tha'tha.ppened asfit did!. Why, Ithought these _.autOn1obi1es, were `much-`faster!. - A uluru - _-_uv--u -uvwvouvo u -_YouA ll be ,iree_ frofn m quickly cnoug ,_ he yrepl1ed.,. .It won't be many mtnutes more. - `Hr .`r p And I'm very glad, for you` know tha_1t*t'hey had begun to talk before this happened; and now, as we are nev_er'f to see each other again, it would be the. height of foolishness to be discovered driving about town together like"this.' Why doesn t he go faster? There! I thought. that' was`_'some one I knew. ' 1 out all ully trma';;; 31;; i-f:;)'11msay he of- ._fered. ' V ' `No, 111$ only a few m1nutes-but `what a. slow old elephant it is- -and good-by, Mr. Brooke. And since this 1s;undoubtedly the last time that we shall speak to each other, I can tell y_0u how sorrg I am--how much I liked you at rst. . cant, I, , - .1. ,, Oh, hang i.t-give me another chance, e cried. ' A4-xv no u'u- I . 1 ` I wdn t: let you go, eagerly. `fl can t see 1 from me 1:: this vway. lL"\ . _-- --v --v v--v-- No, she said, I was mistaken`; I'ha.'ve been seriously disappo`nted. 411- o. o _ 1 But what can you (do, Mr. Brooke "she said serenely. The station is only two` blocks away. I shall get out there, and I forbid you to. follow me. ' ` ' Why isn t `it some other century, when I` could have run away - with you?" he said desper,ate~ly. But there s no chance nowadays. Noth- 1.... ..--.._ L A . A A an '3 L... 4-nu-runoor` AHA }l.'C|'CB MU CIIEIICC lluwauaya. LVULu' mg ever happens, he groaned, and I love you. I do. .And there s nev- or anything I shall want in all the world except for you to marry me. E.,. "."`-`- "-"`-r` -"- 4' -- ------a --~* It s--A-it s insulting, she broke `for- th. `.`I want to; get_0ut, but we 1.l be there in a moment. Oh, what is that ?.`._ ` ' `.4 n It was only the click of a. trap above her head. She glanced up` and saw a. red, disturbed face_peer- ing intently down, and heard_ a strong voice lowered into mild per- suasiveness. -.._ u g . .. -` Don t be.frig'}.1tened, Miss, said the man insxnuanngly. ``There ll be no txfouble. . `.59! ,,,3-.1 " '1-`.611, what-what is Miss Ingle. .1_!_ 112-. V`-Why, it's this, Miss, said the driver. I ve got the ould sewin-- machine under me perfect control- don t 1) ?-doubtin that-but I can t stop it. !|l!__ `I --__I- ...._...I' `L LL.` non :11 Ulvvr Ito Miss_ In_g1e gazed at the man mute mquxry. V LAFIQI ___-_ -A.L.'..9 ....l. at nu-r` IIIHLC lllqlllllo There s somethin out of order, but it s. all right. All that there s to do is to go straight` on, and they'll `be nothin a.n nobody harmed. - -_--_..' 1n`n\L1l-\& n.-.A IJC uvuuu u-In Lavwvso. ....-....--_ `lngle. `But __run it into your" stabis a_nd have {t stopped, suggested M155 1.. o---1.! T A- a.1...a-D 'I`Iuno-a zI JIISIC. ` I - `An how ould.I do that? There d be a brick wa1_l interpos and smash- _m the hul of 1t to b1ts, to say noth- In of ourselves. ` ` 9) _-1___1 `L- U1 VIII Eva v wan And do you mean, asked the girl, the truth of the situation begin- ning to dawn upon-Ther,"that I have got to ride about in this affair until itvmakes up its mind` to stop Itself? 118-- 'I`1.-...J.. A ..unuv II, IIIHI\\rU I0`! -v- ------- -V N . , . That s it, M_iss. There s no way of lassoin it now, and no good cal- lin for help. You see .it s gain at a quiet, decent enough gait, and we d `better keep on until the power gives out. T ' - - 0 ' ,,,:H Al... L..:n. _,1, Ullh I . And _how long will that be? ask- led the young man. ' 7.-.! K-.. an-nnn6t|:oq:v 'CU Lllc >_yUuu5 _uu_u-. - ""It ,s charged for. something like five hours` still; but don't: you mind, ,2,, 1.3- .... ..1-..m.-.1-Ann and NJ" he 2. Still; Uul UUIIU JUN `llllllu, -sir, it .s an elegant `day, and it ll be a pleasant ride for. you, the man con- ipluded, shutting down the trap. I --o In on `- , I 6 15...`... and-|41AC `I|p: *buUU, 3IIU|yLlll\ uvvvnn yang -uwr. ` Well, said Brooke under. his `breath, as he glanced at his com- pamon. ` . _ _'She had not spoken for _' a long tgme, but at `length she broke the -_s11_ence', ' ` ` . 0 ' AL- .__I . L2... - u..- I-cairn '_llclI\-Co That is the third timeiwe passed the Club, she said` yo ` . . . "" V. So it is, he- replied, as he threw up the trap end turned to speak to the man. H1, ,don t, I say, draw us up and down the Avenue `like an ad- vertismentl . Take us out in the country so_m_ewhere. . ..u-,___ _-_..;s ...:.-I oh. man bend- ]""""u `.`Ver;'r _sorry, e said _the man, bend- ind forward a.nd_i gazing through the aperture in` a srdewise and parrot- lzke -manner,` 7`very sorry, sir, but I can't tell v`vhat s the mat_ter no way, nor how `soon there mxght be - a smash _in.`th_~e_ works, and I shouldn t like bean too .far away. _ ---A LA ......b.. 0.: Ihnrnm. mano I ,. _' . "0'-I1! cri_eda the girl, shtinking |t_ill' further mto hr corner.` Thefe gs ,old__Mrs. '1`_rew?:I .}ras. `.What will "-BrQ'x 1:i*._\ .md*' -the-- Ba_ttery, _ . -muttered Brooke. .We are. an for at. [T `scam; ye-_--can : he, qslged Miss "~ -` A` -1--5..-glky `FIB Efllflt ` " Can't he-.--can he, a_s1_ Muss Ingle plamtnvelzy, her spmt almost b1'.oken,_ can't.-he at V least V take us 911 "a . `side stt_jeet_? _ ]|Hil cried` Brooke, aggin Jaaisingf fthe irggr and `gtting 3.. vnew of. the rlnan. 5 ake _;:us~ off - Fifth` Avenue at - M ., ,4 .-J . :.. :9 --.I:n}i " 1'-g; ILCJEIIEVIQ-O-_wV `_ _ - "om" 5 ctigd Mi;s Ing1e' again, As. the nutomgbxle. turned a; " corner, and 'theyf.<-we're gswtitly ; bmne ,gastwa'r'_ Li19ns.A;th Aitaterseitins stre<.=$;- `Is= It L#+9h-+!=i`%FIt~1t :An,r,-t` 5.` > T % %~~Ah#v!=*~ W `Avenue; 8, mt. _ _ - A . `Mgdisop Avgnuei `for a. secluded! _IgeighbQrl,1_99l T frg.:ted;',Br9pke.. V j ' " l".. I'_.Q..;I-- `4un:n ` . ,d1-ivex. least." _ _\ V , V Beg 'arddn,._ sir, . replied thg H you see the - Noah's ` Ark,_$be,m' ofu" o ~_ordgr, I `don't like to *1-ask breakuf 'some'thin "on. them sto,n'e- vpavementsh H9w'ev_er, I ll just- mn you .dowi1.-Thir?-fou fth' Sufegt, and gake Ay6|1u_p_ am down Madxsjon `Avefnug a bit. " ' -" - A"..`_.".-.-.V.: "S.-ac": n `cm-hid -ed,