E ronto ouple Live Stock .Mu-ms. IIIIOIlIII|t`IO L. . 'Tonox'ro, Avcusr 25m. 1938 9 Q1: 9' Ncnrrunuv ADv.a`NcE ;UUU 003' 9 90,... 7 M... .8 `_ooII'._ c0IIC" SS is 13,... 14...: 55.. it DD..(. ,7:-`vio- .15 , L: ztm , 4 1.3.. to 600... In-in 0UU| . 2 1000 naxl V til` 11 U0 (:1 -no 81! RA IVU `I0 25 18 ' 75. I (J: I .._i5;;1enf"f?0n.-:*.M`0niif:gy, t I 75?.`-1`.".';.'.`.""`."4.`` _*L=*`~"`~ `1>:essht.;'.` Re. . in. : "tih `c5h&1r.*:T'he':-i1stialbuneh` or . and" other. `dofirmhrs~ . f. %p'1_1e'sented ` 'a_nd;{1_`eai1l,, i'i"efe,'i`re dt'*"t0. 3` `Elba-nee f Coinrriiftee.`-f ;:j }'Flie' following st3 t1'I:sj'.were`0\rd'ered` ti)? be 5 'p`a,irl,':' ` Geo; .-.I.-._*'i'tt;_l_e, 0`pen`1`ng`=ditch 0n+7t icon. Vline,` " $53;_25;;[ David '.Jenentt;";l1:\uling>.~*cem- ` "ente-p1pe" putting in culvert, `$7.50; . ;Hi1`-am Cowan, cedar-` and: p't!tting*\,in " _ ;c.u1vert,_, $33.15;` Thos.: `*A'clms,:. rep. ' `road- on ;I6tl`1 .L ine,1 =$2f9.o0; 9 Thos. Gauley, opening, roads 1on".i9thi-Line; C, .$50;~?` Thos. , Arnold, igdigging" ditch, [ .45 'rods`l0ng, $11.25;" John Gauley,,-_ rep. roads`-`on 2nd Lme,$23.25; Jos. . :fMcLea'n, rep.`*road 0nt8th `Line, $39.- 1. 1 co; `Samuel Donnelly, opening roads, (II $13.45; .D_. J. Carruthers, grading A `roads, $17.50;--W. K. Arnold, filling`ul 7 in` wash-out, $5.00; W. _C. Bell, `open-. mg `-`iroads, `$I7.2'5`;']:|s; ' M:cMaster,' .- work done, _.on 5th: M Line`,.V`.$3o,0.oo; ' : Adams; rep;;r0ads,-i;$1j5Ig00 ; Jas.` 5 Hill, digging 87 rods ditch, $43.50; a t T-... D'i1nn,, opening .r0,ads,. $1-7.~7o;_ W. E; Stdddart, for .part of account, _ $50.00; `John_M'cKnight, 62 rods wire ( W fence, bonus 15 as. per R., $9.30;_ , Wm.'- Graham, 52- rods wire V _fence,Il -, bonus I5~cts. per R.,,`$7.8o; W. C. r ; Speers, _6o -rods wire fence. bonusl .15` cts. pe.r R., $9.00;`Albert Downey, grading on, 10th Line, $9.60; Thos. Connell, grading, -putting in culvert, $33.50; Jonathan Irving, grading be- . tween 5 and 10 side road, -$16.50; Wesley Downey, grading, $9.70; J-as. Ruthven, opening roads, $5.00; Dan `Shaw; rep. bridge, $4.25; M. M. Bell, _ tongue for. grader, $1.40; 'Wm...T.if- ;' n, cedar, lling wash-out, $2.00; n J . Hales, opening roads, $13.80;. W.| Carrutliers, rep. road on 9th L_ine,! -' $300; VV. T. Irving, gradingeand re- pairs, $90.50; Jas. Fraser, cedar, put- ting -in culvert, $20.00; Robert ~ Speers, hauling stone, $1.80; Wm. McLeod; blasting stone, $5.35; John Walkum, grading and rep. hill 15th, side road, $34.25; A. Gauley, lling in wash-0ut, $2.00; W. J. Bell, re-I building bridge on 25th side road, $52.75; Robt. iVIc.\/I-aster, - hauling- gravel, $99.25; Mathew Robson, rep. roads and putting in culvert, $12.50. '9 d 0 65 $1 Motions. I Banting-Dundas--That the` Clerk` be instructed {to communicate with the Township Engineer, Mr. Gavil- let, to attend to the communication received from Messrs. Fisher and |Bel1,' re the Galbraith estate. A Banting-Erw'in--`That :1. grant of $20.00 be made the Cookstown Ag- ricultural Society. rr\ . . F l Dundas-Banting---That a grant of` $20.00 be made A11ist0n'Agricultural` Society, and that by-law No. 328 be amended by. adding the following `clause. That 5 per cent. be added to all taxes not paid to collector be- foreADec. 14th . ` vs vand Police Village of Cookst_own The folloslsiing By-laws were pass-`E ed for levying and collecting the following rates : County rate, 434 mills, sTownship rate 3 mills, Gen- ance of the poo`1'-`raitei of.2 10 mills, County `School Grant and Mainten-I ance of the poor rate of 2-10 mills, rate 9 6-10 I mills. rad . .1 /N 01 lmi5u1;da;s:i3;;i_1;;2-T11at the Cduneil do nowadjourn to meet at Alliston the zngl Mondayof September. \K7 . f`_n..1.a.. -avian n\\r\;r|Qnr` PAL LIIC llu. .LV1\Jll\.I(1y U1 LJCkIl-\.lll.I.J\_?l. VV. J.4Gau1ey wa appointed Col- llector of rates. and `"1;/'1-r \s'/ii'}id I')r:1};"6fzBaffie, is! visiting her p~arents,V Mr. and Mrs.I }ThQs. Jones. _ L | E 'Mr."Th.ompson. of Egbert, spent` {Sunday wxth-Mr. Joseph Russell. | no _ `iron! I _'i\:Ir`s;d;r'r;;1e1 Ford arrived here on `Monday from Poplar, Manitoulin Is- . nail ' AVJ \Jll\.l land. Mr. James en neut, Detroit, is visiding with his father, Mr. John J cn_nett. - / n It rs -.1 F1` P `;.,` and Mrs. Smith, of Lafayette, Ind., were recent visitors at Mr. fF{apk Sm_ith s. and Mr.s. John Bell have re; turned from a visit to friends in `Midland. . Mr. Willie Jones and Aaron Ien-4` net 1e'ft per C.P.R. for the -West-last week. 9 V b _ ` _ _1\_/Igs. Heavener, v1s1t1ng her sister, last week. _..--- V Mr. George Dobson left on Mon-. day to resume his. duties at ` the. :Mansewo`od . public, school. Mr. Lorne Dobson left last week forthe lHi11sda1e. school. '..`._w ~ ,.mn.~ `-" " ' " ` - ""1-: .- " -' . ".1;-_.,. .1.. ,..' v~`x;,r- V I`'.` _ V "v. , ;? _ g [ Miss Pearl "Ax-mitage. returned to Barrie on Satulrdqy -after spending two, wgeks with _f1-xends here. Mrs.`: J, A. Key. of `Dalston, isthei gtiest- of Mrs. . Jos. .-.3Hewitt, this week. - i ,- T V -'Mis_s Mary ~Co'ates; of _Tor_onto, is spendmg a` few weeks with her par- lents hetfe; ` - - ` Miss Leigh .ai1g1 M.is.sW_Brown, of \.D_ri1lia, are vasitmg _the1r, cousin, Miss RaeA Brandon. . ` `Mr. W. R. Best` was a delegate of` Court Evening Star, I.O.F,,.`to the |;High. Court` meeting held at Meaford |1ast\3veek.. - ` ' . ' - " Miss Talbot and Miss. `Clara Tal- bot are visiting M`rs..Jas.` Johnston,` iohf .'Dfa;1s ton,n 'fo:1f two wee`ks:*_ I `.1011 F.%VV ednesday, Sept. 7'2nd,' there ~ `the town . ` `hall ` for .-school? _e children. {Following is the list oiwptizes open `to' children in" Classes Part Second` eujf C_-__,I . v'wi117be ah `exhibition -of [owers `in LU cuuux Cu a. and": Second : %Best' .1wi i:q~i`1fe "V '- ` . tat 3314:-Socgusrd .Befs?th`a1g2e b1I:tb 75 3" 75," :2n'aSpec1a5'0ch:13 V';:1"-3!-`.;`~-`.*1`> ,::=S..i,ze.. V had 1igth--bf st:i1ts33`- t G % ` J" " ~:s`s2x;* caution; ' HQ_R*r1cUL'ri1RAL A prqzns _ EVENTS OF THE J. COXS-WORTH clerk.` ` UTOPIA. EDGAR. % I of Longford, was- :Mrs_. Thos. Smith, z-.r*:..;,.':* .'\_._... . `.- V , ,- `COUNTY SIMCOE, By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the M V. , V . _.~. County `of Simcoe, bear_i_n1 date the 21st day of Augu:-srv, " ' . To :. ' f [in the vent of our Lord :Ninet:en Hundted and L Eight. avid , " ` ` T to.medire`c1:ed.Vcommsiniiisigzhe to levy upon the several lnndnmentionedgd describeai, being in the County of Simcoe, for arrears respectively due thereon. tags: or with my costs, I herebv give notice pursuant to the Assessmenu Act; 199:1 squgndme a_ there-to, ;t.hat_ unlegs the said errors gnd coats be sooner paul, I iuhan jou \. ` ' ` ' ` . ;Ac1i Emgndme there-to, ithatunlegs the and mm costs no sooner pam, 1. 'Ihh " Tuesda3:lsILLD9x_* Bcwber W08 `.5 1... (`Aunt In tho Town nf Rnrrin i - L - I J ".3 5"; -. _;_l . V _ T . v A at the ham got 1W9`-Q . nck jn_,;_the afternoon, `at he Court House. in the Town of Barrie, p r`?ico{e.d itfli by Pd ' nA(1`ctibn.Io rmuch of the and lands as mav be sufcient to dis- charge the taxes and `er lawful c__hages_ incurred in and abut the sale and collection of ma*iw.2;"*"'**"e*-A: '* V nu 2.1:, #3 - - 1-..- _ - _-a........;.! I............t ...`Lmpn no'n:n-u-mien nfnI'nr`\ - 10 ll H2 [13 I It 15 16 17 IS 19 ~ SIMCOE. % Ftasurer7sSa|e of lands av 21 :28 29 30 31 32 I 33 '~ 34 ` 35 % 36 37- 38 39 40 .41 4'2 43 AA `as .1? 49 51 n R.` 50 . 54 55 I29 Jamgs Germzm w_as cut to DiS_. by trams on thc raxlway tracks near Parkdale. _. . r `-\P:': _I__"2. V':I`hcV_ foljowing lots a patentggi (except where otherwise stated) : .1~ 60 61' W 240? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 of w 53 W.P.R. . .. la; W 24.0! W 53 W.P.R.. [s`."Vi. James St. Block. . George St Black. !~ V. Thu Ajourued Sale wiil take place on 7 `-5; two.o`,c-lock p.m., in the Uoutl. Home. uunualc. LightniI1g'-W 0. 3 hMge`0d%kill.v an.ite at Vallc) .V`W, Pa., an ed two tunnel dI'1\"1 5- Bafri, August 27th. 1908 First pubhcmon in THE B each variety, Ist 75c, 2nd soc, 3rd: I 25. V ` . A _LAoa Best 25c. eac 25c. size ` 2:c. 75; 3 25. DESI - I2 UIUSDUIILD, va.L:|._y I.nAa\a' `Size to count, Ist 75c, 2nd 50c, 3rd. Best,6 of.any one color, Istl 2nd soc, 3rd 25c. ` ` Af|2hcw.i0llowing,.-,is..g .the.. list... of prizes; iin`. Classes Third and Fourth; Lg, } 1.3; ; .1 _ _:_ 1 - o - . o \ u - n u W Ash St.,No. 3, plan No. .. ; .a ::3Besm;~; . o:;='=.:rst;-;;=7scs'a:sand.2:.~soc.:% _ifd 25c.*~*B,est'=*col1ection of ` ` colors; ,gj;of each variety-, Ist 7'5.c, 2nd 5oc,v "yd 25. Best 12 blossoms, variety `; d size to*c`ount,f` -Ist 75, 2nd soc,` [id -25c.:., Best 6 of ,any one color, 1 &.__;,t 25," f2=nJd..` 5o`c , _,3jr`d<.g5c. . % .\`Ir. John Fcnsom, founder of the !F;nsom elevator works, Torotioa. d1ed. aged 79 years. ' gf `IV 1 . n . , -1. .'..- `..\ :`-nu" -'9 E Cefur St , Nu. in}. gas , J`. T .\ 42>.- 595 \V_ Hm Sb , No. E Elm St., No w Wzillow Sr., N6} Leen2ao. Npt,S E. .N1:S LHIV V Broken . `Y 1 E p1:vl;':ke.x; \-mu. a5\.u /y _y\.uAD. 3-"; 1. Up to date 18,000 narvestrs left the eastcrll \Provinces for the western whcut elds. ` . . *--7'5 --; If |a8J:*.' I grown _ Mr. J. fest" tiduquet v/'iE1wf- hd soc, 3rd 25c. Best I2 :b!bs`sOm3 ,i 1riety,- size and length of `steam `(O5 s...`... 45+ an.-'u"~ .'3nr'..~T)(:3`-2f'C1".-2H0. B`est: bouquet, Ist 75c, 2nd 50c, 3rd` Best collection of colors, 2 of vanety, 151: 75c,` 2nd soc, 3rd? Best .12 blossoms, variety and` , .....A. on` lvfn O11!` Eril`. I bescripciog. IMNL Amu-:Ans "won TAXES. K10, Asters. avg 11, us-is VIII V\HUL1L HLIU3. A young Bnantforgl girl Hay _committcd su.ic1de by carbohc acid. vs - , - Bmiu: ADVANCE, Barrio, August 27th. 190:6. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11 1 1:; TOWNSHIP OF 1`OSSOR')NTIO. WASHAGA 360...... TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. .......... ..1o 9 70 1025 _ 2 0!"; ....... 7 13 20 .656 2002;; ...... ..........19 14 38 995_ 200:` take. TUESDAY, "THE 1551: DAY 0*` DEC -TOWNSHIP OF '?x-iwnsnlr or TAY. BEAc`ii_ LOTS. . 1o 3%: 16 C'..1o"216 . 10 7316 1o 16 . 1o rs , ..A1o Iii It? .10 .' T. 10 162 10 -log .16 16 ~ . 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 I0 15 I0 16 10 16 . .10 J6 10 16 10 16 .10 16 .10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 . . 10 V 16 10 16 10 16 .10 16 1o 16 dllhl Ist! DANIEL QUINLAN, 'Cc`in.' Acx-e Arrears Costssr. Total V Fees Three Owen Sound hotelmen wgrg` {cm to Prison for offences undetj the` liquor license act. V. .. ,e . 19 19 An FRANk aEsH .' ` YKTIUIIIII \ Bsguage delivered at all hours to and from any part of the towns Cab meet: trams at allhours of dav or night. if-` "'i -tr I "A-III? L21` DA!` Homeekers _ "_. ._ . . j ." - .: ` ' 2.. '.L. No;ihwest--Aug ~--n-- nu:.Ar.Q C3 'Q'UDCU_' _--- R q`;Y"'AfL` R661! `ARE R RETURN TICKETS FROM ALL omfnnno ___,I?0lN'l`S_, _'l`0 , {I -`II 9tOo"o' . 4 E` Doloraine,- .= . . ; . . . . . . 33,5; Lxrandon-.r . 5- 33.5: i-Edmonton; Alberta`--: ; ;, . .. ,. . 42,5; `Calgary, 1 - - 01.0.-`Q 0 III -V 0 1.: i.Saskat<:fo11.,3;_" R. . `.. _. . .3 , 38,5! 21 U, ,.\c_,A_ 3' 3-` Hu`x;1bE)l't, Sask-_. . ....'.c.` . . . Saskatoon, " . . . . . . . V. 38,59 } s L \. d all, in , ta, . . T i -Hom`;2bek%rg"t:rk??o:$naud13r)x3$i':~benm ii. qt avenger, Ind meal! `gt: ape Ir ` x. -' g": _,,,`l_;u,_._A -,_ A- ,A-,,,,_ ,u -, "*'-w Jun \zlLJ pvuuuu. A David Parent was instantly killed: `and his wife seriously injured, by 3 `Grand Trunk train at Lachin'e.:.;Bot1_1;.:% stone deaf. ~ Col. T. D. E. Evans, I-(vho:.:.cq", mand('(1 T1111 r`-mnntnnn I/Inunfnr` I IIIBB. - . All privileges as to stopover ` 2 an iution 0! route are azailnble hm gut Y Stenmshl Saronlc beave_s_~ - F . 5 5*:'.::%_%`4: .t9s=.n =41 '1 IUKUI imam 1-16 ,16 1.16 ;16 116 1.16 16 1-16 161 1-16 16%.` 116 1631-16 .1661 16 16 1.16 1;.16 1661316 1-316 16 116 16 1-13 . 1.16 1.16. 1 161} 1.16 1-16? 1-16 1-16 1-16 TINY.` 12 13 100 100 I00 300 5 105 ll 10 100 On ilk and on zal the Drss% G"oo on M655 3dfV% BY5% SW31 5 I v Txouuur, `County of Sim; 1S5_ 350 11:27 350 8-1,9 7 30 13 57 10 15 3 O0 3. 39 `23 ll 29 6 9L 6 45 15 04 I7 90 17 65 17 05 4 95 ;.`i`?"!` TKVZO ~;;nemp1c>yedA' ers have been fed and housedy -it`: M00Se Jaw City Council. 'h....:.1 n, . - -._-,.1_- 1.311411 PHONE 321. ll 11 IV 7 26, 7 25%,, 16 53 Q` A? an 2, FROM mo ,_ .\ Iar1.4;..._'_- -`Z : -_.- .`. ,, `33,5_o '.~ '.'- .-_. .....: ..`. 1`. . ., . . J. . 42,59 ' ~ .f._.... .. . 40,59 I029.-'9 ' /nI>OO otp_ou_:o'o_o,. non vAnfn.:u 71 n- 05 26 26 26 05 ()5 05 o4 (3 35 s/16 r (9 Cimadian M0ntea__ 11 African war, d1ed aVt 65 /I 7? 2 96 -36 96 32 31 31 2? (`In LAST st--August 31st ID "l?RU_N_K' % RAIL` ROUTE 1:1-R I:-uni; ALI. Iv 200 10 49~ 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 O) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 25 A x\- 1'} 25 av `.25 .-u - 350 350 350 359 350 nun `and 25 .1 52:50 :51`. r A 7 | , , :NOOvO 99 o~o+ y$99qoo;` -my 6) -1 Av 12 29 10 35 13 57 13 15. 1100 639 573 14 29 9 9% 9 45. 18 04 317 3 90 >996 19 30 19 30 Lu lF\l 721 . - 1;`; (V V v\ ,' r tken ' 11 Stew 8 f".``5 y granted 1lE1u%f concessxons fr???` 5 by the '5. ;_ grnd French cxtuc erted at * urkey. I 1 av j 0.: % A `22?J. cburs?`*~ St. John's }T5by of F1f'1 V Fonto. a youth; Y V 31,; mg xcitcmen city we t) % V M James R, DI:13;_en.ce, Mafke master at the St. a-;13at.l:i` d away at ho ' ; lust StrPP* """ 35-7 1o 59 1o 76 1o 75 19 33 43 so 10 08 N5 229 229 oOO0O0OO0OOO_OOOO0 QOOOOOOOQOQOOOQOOOO 00.4`. 00099 V M `V 1 lnounooooooooooooooooooo OOO O'O9o9Qj6.6006000Ooo t (Continued. frvzn Page Thre.) . OI-1'5"" `C yvb N Way M ,3 mm street, Toronto ,A1Vdb<,,2l`.`, -- .. Daniel J0h5tn i?gy'at Chguraj iarmer, pleaded 8' of Jafi`-35 Penn) I)<;.~}:1g on ctGr,eatt:.`;B" a the United 5513165 . 3:0 -gect 4 Srd Ireland goes In _ _ . .- - 0 `V Phvsxcians` at_ the I:?:,~tteMfs;>::. #6, York, V1-epOl t . V W111 _ J:nr?zi i ~ of Toronto r3`t vfilg1yiA:tO He in time, and 15 no OD rabies. ' .-vlv'JDl-I311`. A` ;*Rs_u1ts_ of the junia L,:3!!11nat1ox1s were at The incon vn'gencei %%nu.-'.e%d out cus- tomers will be `more "thin? compensatedj by the unusual %Ba.rgasiIi.sbe;.in%x of{e;d%.Fing~~ every de1>art%n_=$_\[*:-i % lire at 1M0We%v%i av . 3" ? % 73 `L15?-i ,,_._l _u `d .\ . .._ s , . .`.. _ 7 . >;' . `\ MONDAY AUG. 24th. Will be continued ~ pgogress of the al%tergtion"' ments to the store._. M V" M ' 10.30 unday TUESDAY. `~ 1*i \ ~.., . u,.~_ , AUGUST L ` % `Clans at Pa`stei`?<"- V V freport tht'M1"8.'v::V_ `Toronto, reachVed,,tjhi7`, i.l`:| _, * gig; is not1iI?e!}"::'tO",3 We are `really selling: go ods_ than ever before known in.Barrie. -,, o`. The Ladies junior an1'..gt_1"x_1,1cd.j ` an M effw;e.d`;:$;T;::::`;';}\";i;fi:.:i AUG. 25th._ "Wye- rdson, Sun- West Middlesex -"Conservatives nominated. `Mr. Robert` McLaughlin, for the Commons. - "~ ~ ..... ..c:_'1_:__, _g 1.1;`, v 1.161 UII 'L.I1.r\.\.u . , man Ambassad rt! States, qied spgcfgnly at `Heidelberg. tmissioner Dunn will `resign asa. pro- test" against the granting of certain licenses. v - pWest. Toronto. appoints (committee * t0,,discuss, with `*the` Toponto author- ities `the *'advi_"sa-bi1ity-~`0f~~annexa.tion = to this` city. `_ Three -barns belonging to Mr. [Francis Breen of Fenelon township ' were burned, with all their contents. i Loss, $8,000. 1 1, 1--A.A1,`-n\nt\QQQ. 153119 "I9P`nV '1a"'u;e `United. ` It ..is ireportdfthat .~Licen'se ' lUl' LIIC \a\J||L. aaaaaa -- 7 . ' _y ~Britain 4,s fth battleship: of Tithe Dreadnought type will` be"1aunch ed at Portsmouth: on Sept-. Ioth. A V Baro -Speck .V`on-u['.Sternberg, Ger- -.-_.. A....1......Am- tn the Umted LOSS, o,uUu. . V `Six Guelph hoteljteepegyg-- have been summoned on, a eh of lling, with an! i'Two*1?l`thcYi1s'`i`ii1 !iouseVv` were de- stroyed. by the. fire in Stamboul, and three thousand perspns rendered ;. , I5unn1n19.4- '<'~` 1f_.. H mree Lxxuygaaa l homeless. P lat an vuo -v..... _. J . The good people of Bqllevjlle wens: ` ` scandahzed by a `dance given on Sun- , `day by some `Hiebrew citizens in honor of a wedding `celebrated on WEDNE5VS`l')_A.,' AUG. ~z6tb. , , T _ Charles Jdn of ,_Wesg3jnist- ` A d dd fpm :~.~ hart;~,-,failur1e,. ` A *1-ugh pen_dent_ O1-dist` - of. Foqrestenfs, open`e_d 4-:1.` I5 " ~'n1.:~4`:\ \-ru scar-v pendent Order 0 at London, Ont. {Cen- 'ss A. % Eizghi` r ` Lnfne` .G1enc< 3s=s!6:tb1;shmn*,~ ~.ve,:e de F319;; x; V J Rev. "Aibert Frick a * idue ,_!_A.4_ _`n., and V. ..-.,-. I 1" ` "51-am V.` H. ., Rap 1.-egress is , b,exh`gL. mad: " in - ormatgon df` _'th_e, ' p1'-q'po sqed Dom Baptrss % xinistsr. ....r_w.r ens N e"w.:` York hotch ` Thomas Merq * 1.1-A .`.~'..1\-in-\'n`rI r-nun` ' go} luuu-_ people Bellevjlle y given re Us he .~G1encoe "business _\jvg;_'e? destroyed by 13;}-ia k4 a? Presbytrian ii1_l_efl:Tni1jx1s,elf i`n_ pperal Lua1:dA fjmurdered 111 -,_gnAoa.ks, not %%:`;aa3;"`*;';;4ic%azeaa%*xsieeaae* I ene' tp.',.`groaned=;inV `ht-S` 1s1ee-p,= -when Bry- t Wa._SA .nQt..fee1i:;g.'vyell;_ _ _ _ - f'|l'_. t~1 '15 -. o .. Joseph Bithel. was ` `acquitted on --the charge of assaulting zpconstable _;at -M-`ontreal, it being `shown that the .;constable struck? him first to keep :_him; back from the, rg 1ines._ V ' ,1-,Mr. _-71 -_v{- ,o C,V_9-Q:Ala- vv ;\a`aY-V `C; `C? `Beate r. : - .1_:_lfig %=~eourse ~ of lecture ' in " Toronto, -`=sa1d.t;Vh atv, Clcerfo-taught at system of `shorthand. ~ ' ' E"-%4The Union, Stocl`<- Yord C,0mp`an"y_ s `premises, West Toronto, were par-' ;_tially destroyed_by r-e. Loss,-$150; -nnn M`an., ,. 9 ...._-_ .. V... y-.-` an. `r n--own. ' 'f"en"wa iters Zo te steahier North- ~1a,x_1d,' who" struck because tips and wages were "both low, have_ been _ar-_ tested on a charge ,o_f_mutm y ` - `l'\..L'__;! ,, V 1 '1' ~~ ~-- v-- - ------cf _"I_"""J'_ . v Detectives in New `York 7discover- ed .o'ver_ $15,000 worth of jewels; silks and fin-s= in the house of .-Mrs. .Min- nie 3Ct`1'rtis,e whom` they arrested for complicity in seveAr'a91"robbei-ie`s. `.r~1.-;.1-- vr,_:_u;_: - n.-,_s2-u- ; Charles .Knisley}. a. ,young English- man capjtufred at `Port Huron, wi1l..be deported it'o;;Eng1a.nd, ,w11ere hefhas been .s'entenc.ed to life imprisonmnet for being implicated in azmurder. I`- 1. onservative gnontinaltions ~yester- day were : ` .Me_ssrs. AA Clare; M.P., for South Waterloo; John Shermitt, for` South IHuron; ~Dona1d `Suther- land, ex-+M.P.P.; -for so th~- Oxford; 1`\,_ B1. .1. -. , 1 `It rn , _ -n:,_1_-... I land, exM.P.P~., ~for- South-~ 0:_ Dr. ;.;Chab9g ~a.pg1 B_}_r_t9ztt, for ` `O{ct"wa".` V I sang u.v|r_3a\sI.a.: - -_r The Prices Ruling. "m" thAe`~+Ban1eand. 1 . -'1_`or_ohnt o.Mar_ket.a.DurinR. the Week _ : `_,B'Ag3[?n:, AUQUST 27TH. 1933' , xxhu`-.n'+. 30.... . V80 niooocnuounocunuuiccouunucou Fl0\X1`...'.`...nuu`.. Dan? hind nw _' A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o IIIIOIOIQI .39` Mut0n`.3.p---6.9-... you--outcoou 00-. Liveogs, selections 170 to 230. .v . . A R`: r`heaVv~y......`...'.....-. 3000.. Dafessedl-Iogs......`........ .. Chickens, er1b...........;.'..... .. 9DCl`vlbQ...`s..........`. 38-- Lar,d_. per _1`.:g}.. ---ooo'o;oc-II--Inoo 15-! Pota.toes.per 60.. l'[av.VoDe1't0Il-.u.- 00lOIlIC_IIIUOQQ'10U" Rough Hi(les;.................... 6. GreenHides.;....'.......... 81}, galfskins. Der.1b_. . . ., .. _. . . n.lInw_ ram` lb. . ..` . . . . . . . Uaalsluns,pex'.4u......._...... ,., 'l`allow,_per1b.... ,..;..., ...... .; Wool}- 1cks H.orse,Hides................_...... Horse Wool,Vwa.shed..;....`.;.,.........-.. unW8r3hed_-oo.....,..o..-u. Sheepskins .'Brownlee, the Auctioneer, Barrie, handles credit sales of farm stock and. implements promptly and satis- factorily for .$5.oo, and ;upwards. Dates} .can be arranged for at THE, ADVANCE OFFICE. ` igs vis- Wheat. fall... ...... ....$ do goose.-._................... Oats....` do.(new)......;.................. Bar1ey.....,................. Rye ...... . . . . . . . . Peas-:5! in .'u.u-fuonnooo--pnanno no Buckwheat......,............... Ho.y,"l`imot-hy...... 1 Straw bllfllued........niu....u..1 Dressed Hogs. light. cwt........ do hea.vy............`.... .... .. Butter,perlb..,.....;.............. ` .p_er.duz C xckcns. live. 15 ..... .. . ~| Au-niann. ' `K d:esaeuf.}u-oV - goon-I-nu Spring Chickens. drcssed.. . . . . . . Ducks; dressed` '1`urkeys.._... . Potatoes ngw. bush ...... .. $pD1e8...f.`..... noon--`occurs--o --(nutty--no-no a. Toronto, -Tuesday. _ Trade was _perceptibly slower to- day on the Clty Cattle Market after the good run of, yesterday at West Toronto, when most of the butchers! laidln a pretty good stock. Thels run to-day was 80 cars, consisting of 1,400 cattle, 1,638 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs and- 156 calves. Although I the stock `did not sell very quickly, everythi-ngxwas disposed` of by noon. Offerings were, on the whole, of a little better quality _than was thew` `case last week. I Export cattle arestill in good de- ` mand _in spite of the lower {prices 1 l thatgare quoted from Britian, and :, ocean freight space has been engaged I ll by cattle` sh-ippers from rM_ontreal for 1 .'all=t'he-'1-`est of this monthland part of next. .Few heavy exporters` were 1 in,but the same prices-. that were ] paid... yesterday at; ,West . Toronto would l1ave,been paid -had they been . the , rnsarket, Liverpool cattle ` brought" in the neighborhood of $5. ` ,ChoiceHbut_c`h,e,rs. were steady. uNo lveryf T,an,c`)'..'stod.k; Ored. ..but ' there 'was".'a_` '_f_airly ,'g'oo_d proptortion 9; of really"cl1 O,ic`ejbutchers s steers and l` heifers, which=*`sold at $4.35 to `$4.80.. F` The 'bull>=`Iof`. me, ofE'eri'ngs were of ,9 commo'n,=1to' ;:ned-ium. _q1_1ality,=r and An--- -..--.. .....-nan: a=..t1-xe -cheaper, V Common `to UlCQIu'nl Lilzlallty, ~ nun. these. were perhaps aastrxe -cheaper than last Thursday. ' " ----`---r-or` 4-`lmnrp he-inc rr.ost_1.. df th.e,-.~sa1esvwere between $3 and, $3.75. }Mi1`ch,cow.s do not. meet` with gt, very`, _ready sale`. at present. Even for `thechoicest the prices are Tf0..V . .I'." fwhile thedse of` peer quality .,a 1j.e hanjd to `diepose of a `t_any p_rice. ' '5Whi1e.et.h,e_`_ife~ was a. bjg rim of sheep at 1d"_`la`mBs tfxeywere taken `up well, .~-af:d-pfie`esdidjiiot `suffer, but were, 'i7r I?=fat;ct,5 ~-;~1-`fner than``last week. '-'4`- -5-'=ac..`.`fni:(\f. :[f."'.a_ `i1`:`If`act,1 vrrner man 1'd.aL_ Vvcyn. '.a1v'e*s'_-`;are "steiady at; a slight ad- `vanc-e`,u.-und'er light i:rec,ipts.-_and a good `demand. H-I. - LA.."'o1`h`i-`)6-1'25? .3!` `nk-ihanzed good aemanu. _ K ` = vThe hog" market is unchanged with a Atendencyvitoz rdeclinev,~*in-rspite of light %r:eceI,-ptsv.-...~ Selects are quoted tg-.day.,,a_t_ $_6.5o,:_ fed and; watered, and I .$`6,,(z5,P,f_.o,;h_ outsi_c.1`e._-;?;.1.-i h.t_s_,a11e enot` wanted. mud .ar.e L;m.z9%te .%.at%\on.b' $6. 4 xx @;vi-'r.t:atibi:t.o;;'iiisc.ay,*:;`w"are.:&-Q Export ntctw chbigu-.. . 1*;-`.7;-.356`-20 . 3* 5 en` 3` Qt . cl .;,-5,:;1ht.. ,$ti;rbf- s:.-'t-T`. .jn,s:-Q ':j' 4` 502.. 1:57 :10` -'mb."!...-js`~:v we - - - - - - :`;,3?50- - `'r:4=?'-5.5 I~-- -I mining} _ ; ___ ~ 5`..0 <.` III`,- II __`_V.`[,`l!!'_, I .3`, 1, o_ 1 - 1_v 1'_3`,s;ech `iv jgked . % $oi `.,a `. # .!*`"3."1 1' ; '}`.' .2 - :. -`* 6o`vjIi. ?g:hofca";*; . I '.` i?A_nKE'rs ___ u\7,_u.___ .__. 3.1.-` I14`.-. J os. cndm