(Tm) " Toronto 9 New De igns Artistic ` Effects I.-I-OLLY. . late for "last week.) Young of Barrie vis.itcAd Mrs. W?m. Bloxham, last or` L ll I-ldul-IJC vaaucu n, ' vv 311315`? II` ' 1'l'A'IlONso - Or'd_er` your wedding 3 Invitation early'.*'aI'1d at the right-~*pIace'. Tht. ;Advauce J b_ Printing __Department Collingwood andmi/iegfc-3;-1_.` To Frc bio. 53-1o.25 am. No. 62-7.55 AG,__ 4! AI\ r\vIn van! {'rHos. % KENr3r:- ARCHITECT. - Office`. Ontario Blogk. Dunlap St. LENNOX. COWAN & BROWN, -n-_.:_.-_- c,.1:..:n~..e rm nhtainina G.: A, RADENHURST, '-Barrister, o_ Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building`. Money to loan at low- `..L -p-{Ann HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR-` risters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors , Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C.` E. Hcwson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke. ` _--------------~------------.------------------ THE BALL PLANING MILL Company. -Carpentcring, building, and:manufacturing.of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done promptl and satis- V factorily. _I-Iot blast rying. .kiln. District Agenc ` for grainqd lum- ber; Factory, ayeld street, Bar- r fi. ` Qiongn an-n-A I p STRATHYT & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Co_urt of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, -K.C., G. H. Esten. Hnngpenti years Post Graduate work in British capitals and he served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square . Throntac Nose Hospitsl. London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moore ds) ; for 3 term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London thnlxnic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital. Brlsto and Birmingham gm i:1`Lthnlmol%l4:lnS:)(f:?:;?rMembrt OWI`Tl".l'_9l hywaryn-. n....-._._ -- - ------- DETNALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- L-_ CA`I:-:A-A4 Al-4. -Dnosb A: "`1\-r\o-I, L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & 5. Glasgow ---SURGlON-- FINANCIAL. ` $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold, securig at lowest rate of interest. 0 principal money required until end of the A term. H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. TH: Nolfrnznu Aovnuczi ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5 percent. ` Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan 8: Brown, Solicitors, Barris-- ters, etc. V trio Land S111-vpyvnsfa QE- rf1T.X1I<}xLL, -M.D.-,-C.M.; OFFICE in Bothwell s block, Allandalc. On I the premises at night. E1512. A. T. LfTTLE, late of churcxl. Ont. Oice and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. _ M. D-. C. M. ('l'or.) I Late of Toronto General Hospital. Ollce of the late Dr. Smith. Collier 5!. Phone Ii. 32-}: `on. w. `A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Ofce and resi- dence,.Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. ' DR. `ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose `and Throat. Oice and `residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. .Box 456. _ Dr. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence : William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. W. A. LEWIS.l DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- OAI1 C5 Tnannbn 19.6; A` D-AA1.1---u WESLEY G.CHEW. PROPRIETORS 1 SL\` 5TEjWAK'1'. 8 Dlnvvngxn, u risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Comreyancers. Money to loan in any_su`ms, at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art,__ L.L.D., D. M. `Stewart. w-,- -,_ .5. .._, . . V. AULT, BA-RRISTER. SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. Special attention in glrawing and probating Wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collcctin-g accounts, etc. Of- a:... Dana Mm-let Barrie- Monev to JLNLVLUL, \.\IVV I'LL` \lp lJA\\.I vv aw, Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries,` Conveyancers, etc. Oices,Hinds' block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at .v/ _...I -v ..-- pant R!-ant-H 11$:-pg Street, .D3I'l'lI:. ZVIUIICJ I.U Avail as 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices "at Crcemore and Alliston. ~Haugh- ton Lemox,DAlcx. Cowan, G. E. J. 13---__.. T `I LUII &.aCll`lI\lJ\, 45: Brown, L.L.B. lI.\vI 0 .1 CU tufy, Bar. ne. Rodgers ~ &' Gallic,` ._ successors to Geo. Ball.` . ` ' \. Eye. Ear. Nos? Throat; y-v.vv&LV VL\JI\['n-1 N UN` tario Land` Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oiee, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond `and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with` Strathy 8: Esten, Solrcitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will" be promptly at- tended to. V . I\J&V l'lL4JJ l.\\JsJbJ, Aa.J.4.J.I., 1.14 L;\L\.'LsJ' ter, Solicitor, etc._ Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrae. Money to loan. ilrka e? ;.}. ..;.;'-.}}i1 23.; 'aaE&}3 Salish. alption List until the money is paid. Subscribe:-'3 now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annnm. .... .... -__ est rates. lL\n $Vl.\JL\&L1V.lL.`4l.\ 1_a1\ILV, 31. ball` ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and` Ear *Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St.,` Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hogrs u a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pomtment. . ----- vyuuaunsuvlvjlvil B00105 . OFFICE-78 Dmtnor Bran-r. BARRIE. `Phone 51. T P. O. Box, 96. -- Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. MANUFACTURERS Collccillfg ibbvunlsw, I-|.\.. 9 R955 block, Barrie. Money .0 uonmr TO LOAN. L ._SURVEYORSf ARCHITECTS. ' JTHIIIJ-IKUKIO To From Iio. 54--7-30 a.m. No. 53-10.30 a.m. 5(>-5.25 p.m. 55- 8.05 pm.` T\_!I__ !_,I,. ' PHYSICIANS. ` VrHURsnAY, AUGUST 27, _'_.__'-------:-"'m.*'-""-'------- nos? Ont. -Tm: ADVANCE 13 largest circulation of at 'I`nwn. *3 P3-3733 If You have am` adveifgulhty place it with th `- n not `afraid to pa"3l1It:e;r>r?c]_` reaches them "9 PIh Advertisements 1, gpaoe-l8 lines ag1a.tilx.1e{e1:.:s1:txE`i:;erx(},1`{11t>x-ii Ole}: TRANSIENT ADVERTISIVG ch Q 1 '--_I `!_4.I___ 1 .. , uua uuwr Iacn demonstrate `I 1 4 Y or sainaoc. 3581115-given on all 13`::`%AI{Huns'r; our. -; v . `__;:'_ A "'.`.'-'.4'.`g-',,_ - _ A -_-Q3` urgent cxrcmauon or any Town. 1th :1! `n ms: 50 star the - Legs. lNotices. Auction Sales. A ' ' etc.--First insertion 10 cents er II1`iI:]33mln gu nent insertlon 5 cents per Yine, Oh _ A_ 1113 potices, 10 cents nor 1:... . 3 VIII! In insertion : 5 cents per insertion of the same 5 111168. 01 Ch Obituan Poetry 5 BUIIIAIUH 0 notices, _cents lme for ca matter. ch cents ]jne_" D01` lin `man: or Sunscnumox. $1 per Jurmm in Advance A`n 8-horsepower Boiler and 3` htlcpowgr Ehgine, made by 9 Poison Co. Toronto. Havinginstalled gas in our ofcc. hiya the above for irnmedim Office mam. 9Q'Preie-1'1-ed positions for l 1 . meats in the paper will be sold Om ad'" M an ad : of one-third on above rates, and or "nu account will special positions b 'l~ no "` rule will be strictly carried out. e men` TM CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertigers fill please bear in mind u, notice _of lntennqn to change a mustbe handed into the oice not later zh, Saturday at 10 o. cloc-k, and the <;()p_v form; change must be In THE AI)V.&.\'L'l-Jofce no; later than12o`clock noon on Monday in. week. otherwise the advertiser`sun . _ HOUHC may not be made public until the W i . - "52 changes of Advertisements ml year. If more are required, compo will be charged. A .'I_...._a.:_-__ -A-1 .`."'d per smou me. week tollew; 1 P 1 Arthur and eoggai. W`<*91L?`d{' and Frida .3.3o p. :11. (Friday Steamer "``` to Duluthg roruannouun Island. soo and Mack- |IInc-Lesve Collingwood 1.30 n. m~ 0'- Bonnd 11.30 p 111. Tuesday and Saturday- steamer cm of Windsor. ca_rr.v1Qn`?:LT_ ted number of ng`er8108`f5 `(f 1'1 wood Thursday. 1.. pm.. Owen aoun - ]).m.. for Suult and all way ports. l I an Barlland sgglbo isgwlood Monday 8114 Friday 10.39 p.m. For Mlnnlcomco Home Ban. C0999 ll 83 So I :1 Porn! 50|"`` Le.:v%PeneI::ng wgk 5'33 at 3.20 9 m- sumuan urns now In EFFECT Tickets and information from all rail way 580 II. II. clldersleeve. G. H. Nicholson}. Her. collingwood 'I`ra1cMz1'- 53 '1 VVuv". 2 of Advergisemoms allowedw eIh1l1!11<.)g1'gdz'a.re req mred, composition Advernsers w1l1 not be allowul tousethe; space for Aadvertlgsing anything outside meg own _regu1ar busmess. Should the`; do tx-a.n_s1ent rates will be charged for Euchagio verusexnemag ` Boiler&Engine 1 For Sale. -.,.,_..-...._. ..., V A415` nnr_.I|b.\ 1,5, Condensed advertisements on r as wants of all kinds, lost and fOl1lf([1,m;;ps:h for saleor to rent, 3 ecitic ax-ng1..5_ NC etc must be accomnanic with the cash, uni! wa` be insert.ed--rst insertion 2 cents per won; each subsequent insertion 1 cent` per woui namesmddresses and gures counn-d as wordy lit a reduction of one cent per word Wm be made When the number of insertions otsam. matter exceed four Dwelling 1 rooms). stable}, drive house. sin. and nearlyf of acre of land In gard en and lawns Come; of Peel and W'ellingL0n Streets, Barrie Dwelhng---6 rooms. stable and shed. Large lobon Peel Street. 'I\n11}-n urnllinrr rnnrnu in out-la n Fl..- msunAiac:~: AGENT. convevamczn, arc. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds to loan on first mort cages. Oorresnondence solicited. Office, Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street. Burn. Out. An 3 Page ii 4~,;.."..'.;.'. hle;vepapor, Publtshedtrom the omce. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. In the County of Simooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning. by 109011 T881 DLFCC}. I Double dwenhng. 6 rooms m each. on (`lap perton Street. Vnnnnt `mt. l nf an acre. nn Ppnnmnoniahnn. 'PHONE 250, or drop us a Postal ifyou would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- Baker's, Cream, Twist, Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf, at 5c. Brown ogenuine Home Made Bread. can for advertisements mm: In em can be mounted on sand metal ham PCTIUII Dlllltlv. Vacant mt, 5 of an acre, on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY. l).._..:.. 1 fl}! CAKES. PASTRY.CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. BBUWWSBAKERY .:,;r:.: "" "' `Th latter fact 1*: nah-nun If `nu. %J`!,mv - - v. u --.-`, .-----v 3 437- 3.40 pm- 67--.8.oo p.m. Barrie Property For Sale. THOS, SMITH TOURS OF GREAT LAKES 42tf AND" GEZOTITRGIAN BAY COHIDBCIAL CONTRA 01` j coxnsxsnn ADV!-IRTISI-_'ME.\'Ts, llI\Q1h1I on):-A..o.`.-....... .._ ._ , _, Wu far largest subamw` demonstrates th u any_ adven?s?:;hu?N ` ,pe1' ghat reach:-L- in Rug K\ t) 5 Eu *1 Q 13$ \~ {Q in t}:;\ ` \ :1 RATES. THE TYPHOID VQUESTIOIN. vlklv Barrie. ' ..n./lam atio -lic. oli for Is} naruun RAILWAY GUIDE. T61 . qy-- 'q.du can. --nus Lu ya and Englehax-'1 ' `"3 : ' 6l__deP. 10.50 mm. - South River 69-u.58 a.m.--Muskoka Exfaress 63-2.03 p.m.--Muskoka Express `EMA A no son Znnrk nau- U3-z.u3 p.m.--1u.us|cusa nxprca: 65- 4.00 pm. --North Bay -6\7--8.00 p.m.-From Toronto to 6 A 'Meaford- 55- 8.05 pm. -ForOri1lia. 47- *Ix.I5 p.m. -CobaIt Special ' Going ` South. V ` 46- *4.45 am. -Cobalt Special 54- 7.30 a.m. -From Orillia 62- 8.00 a.m.' -From Meaford to Toronto 44-9.35 a.ni.-From Gravenhurst to Allandale (mixed.) 64-12.45 p.m.-From North Bay, 66-1.33 p.m.-Muskoka Express 68-5.20 p.m.-From South River 48-*9.oo p.m.-From Englehart and North Bay ` L SIIU `T560 l .0 From 23-10.25 a.m. 22-7.55 am. 25- 2.00 p.m. 24-1.35 p.m. (Allandale Sta.) (Allandale Sta.) 6H___HAE rs:-vs fl` III/III! man I us-cu-uuwov basin 2`7'-- 7-45 pm. 9.- V Baily incrl't;<'i'ing Su:1:Iay. Penetang. Hamilton. IIIU IVIFCIUI U From a.mL 42-1.05 p.m. 56-5.25 p.m. Iuauuau: aux. ; 26-5.25 . p.m. fill; Jew: ffpqds. ~,.sc3ap'il "them i if: Vvive -;'.l`l1'ei}`? wise}/thing is tot-re`dnce_Athe danger of-`infeetiony as far as ;poss`i_ble. -For -ord'inary- milk, pasteurization`; `is the most? "efective treatment. Better than paste'ur.i_za-. ition, undoubtedly, is the production of g milk in such a hygienic` manner that contamination is practically im- possible, but until we `reach! this stage, we had better rely. on past- eurization`, T Where _ continuous or momentary heating is followed, 3.- ternperaturel of- 176 degrees F. will be necessary` for the best results, al- though a.` temperature of 160 degrees to 165 degrees F. will produce very good results, and destroy most of the `germs. `Rapid cooling to 50 de- grees AF. must follow. III! R " About one hundred and fty peo- ple witnessed the game last Wed- nesday` between Bracebridge and the Barrie interrnedxates. Unable -to secure their re lar team the visitors gecured ,four A rillia. players, whose. mdividual work `was fair, * but -- the lack of .combma.t1on ,' gave the._~ Brace- bridge `team; great eopportunitxes and the ganre.` wag too one-sidedto_,be r.e"a)ly `anterestznmg - Ate . 1ta.rter._t1rne the _score_ stood 2-0 for. racebde, at rhali trrne .3 gtbree -avquarterisg sseo. "The ~:Sanitary Inspector reported that` a. good many, cesspools. in` the a town "were in a decidedly unsanitary- 'state. Now like -Board of Health have, time and again, appealed to the council for substantial assistance in. their good work, but -this poikilotlr ermal body oddly enough, takes its long sleep` in the summer months, so that little can be expected from them for a while. In the meantime, the `Provincial Board of .Health has been" summoned to Barrie and if things are found as they ought not to be, there may! be some trouble. `Last Friday night the crowd who _went on the Islay moonlight from Allandale had a longer evening than they expected. `About thirty feet of the stern cable get tangled u in the anges of the propeller` an stayed their `for about six hours.. After? a good deal of mute blasphemy and references to .one thing` and another, the beastly. thing was `sawed otf_ in one foot lengths, and the folks got home about , the time the Cobalt spe- - cial goes south.` T g e On Tuesday of this week the an- nt-al convent1on- of the -`Chartered Stenographers Association Jof On- tario met in `the Parliament building, Toronto. The -American Assoc-_i_ation sent eight representatives, piomxnent amongst whom,=. was Geo. A.- `Mc- Bride, of Phiiadelphia, .aon 'of Mir. Jgs. Mc Bri_de,` -Mulcaster Street, Bar- 1'16." . V 'M'rs}*`i{4f11&;}EI{ 13? "Toronto is the guest of Mrs. .J. Armstrong, Col- lier Stree_t: K f'Mabel Moore of Port Huron, 'Mich., is holidaying at her home on iO\_wv_gn -S_t`ree.t`. T Miss . Bessie _S1';npson of Ga1t.has7` been visiting friends here. 1: run an . - l E. Sculy of Toronyo is spendmg a. few weeks with` fr1en_ds in Town: ` ` - forgoing facts. at: not cited the desire to f`scare" 13 anyn, _ r,;3ni}urev` the daixjy_ bgxgiiggisgj Mi;s":TCo-ra .Lightfoo,t' returned on Saturdayfrom a fortn1ght s stay in Toronto. T "iv/Iii-sis ~S'l-1ve;)'-laerd of Barrie is visiting! `Miss. K. Andrews.--Collingwood En- terprxse-Messenger. ` ` I l\I'II u 1` };a:;g.;'typhoid scare on. Even _the1r town water. is supposed [to be 1nfe,cted. -u a - _ The marriage of _Miss Gertrude Rolland, `daughter of Mr. and-Mrs`. O. Rolland, Montreal, to Mr. M. Teefy Mhlcahy, 4Orillia, is announ- ced to take place in September.` uuuguua U4 . JVLI. GNU U113. J Pliggott, Midland, to Mr. John S. tMcDowvel1, the maifriage to take place quietly` in the latter part of September. ' A local physieian_who is disting- uished for his inability to remember "names and people, was caught up Iatelyl. 'W'hile _mak_ing out a pat- ientfs receipts, his v1s1tor s name es- .cape_d him. Not wishing. to appear so forgetful, and thinking to_ get a clue, he asked her whether she; spell- ed her name with an e or an 1. The `lady smilingly replied, Why doetor, my, name is Hill. illlC3| Mrs. Jno. J. Moore and children are spending a couple of-weeks at. the residence of Mr. James Cleary, |`St. Catharines. - - -__ V v r-av` -as jvrwwuc-ttno '._l`h'e e`x; g agement _is announced of `Miss Kate L.` P-Iggott, youngest daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. James Dianna M:AI.....I 4... M. 1.1.. cu Gladys Berfy, of Barrie, is. vxsitmg with her `uncle, Mr. Henry Leadlay.--Cookstown Herald-' ' Mr.`T'1=., Vs} mS~t'evv.e_:'1'son_ of Chicago, I. (s spending .the vweek 1n_ town and at The Farm, Oro Statxon. Tm.` Ehga;1e;,"'M';,;"`gm, is wsitmg friends in Uxbridge, Sand- vford, Goodwood and 'M,o,unt Albert. HANK JACKSON _MAKER OF PORTRAITS : Mrs. Laidman and little` daughter returned on Friday. from a trip through the W est, as far as Edmon- ton, A1ta.- * 1 `II Miss Ina. Robertson, of `Barrie, is spending a. week s vacation with her cousin, Miss Dollie Smith.-'-MAidland Free Press. ;m-d Harry P. Heaton,`. Detroit, are vis1tmg.at the `home of Mr. E, Brown, -Colher. Street. `II ... VI`! _ SUBURBAN URBAN and 'v%EA12-ii? DAYS ` tit 1io`fTAiisrA; V `Threshing is 9. altogether 'f<.1ierent'>~% now. A The ail and the tramping of "grain with horses. is no gmox-e. The steam traction. " threshing machine takes the `place of `these cruder methods, ' ' A 'Dhe Ensoti Business Col1.ege~p `Toronto is well known as, one of o the: A -'o1iufg'eoSt- and best commercial , sch ,o1,&i=`:%m?~I;Cahada; A114 intending` _to ~; .`.5$,"_5/3,i1"-r7_I.;` `lpisgcssz :Q(I!l1.C:8ti0l_}f}i.l e` `m-A F % '5o3`*.1"""~'.<.'-..5H'8T' for .3 s . o1o:T4=rm. . E -dirt to get into milk `used for hu- "'3 Samples from wells in town show- ed the presence of typhoid bacilli, and chlorine to the amount of 73 and 80 parts in a millon. Water contain-' ing 10 parts of chlorine in a: million ought to be boiled in order to be sale. Several stlreams on the out- skirts of the town, which are open to the use of milch cows, were also. tested and found to contain bacteria in rather dangerous numbers. Now, if there is one thing which we ought to take care to have pure, it: is milk, _.'1`he' milch cow transmutes the past- \:rage and forage of the farm into sdible protein, lactose and fat at about one half the cost of similar `units of. beef\ producedby a steer. 1 Milk is thus not only very economi- ` cal but when pure it is amongst the I most wholesome and most easily dig~- ested of all foods of animal origin. -3 But there is no fooii under ordinary ` (conditions which is so `exposed toj contamination, that is so .easilybcon- l tarninated, or thatso fosters conta-3, Inination, as`milk._ The allowing of pi than food is an oense which{ `is xhuch more worthygof ,condeinn`;ation `the addition. of water V or the] re} .~ tnoval of cream`. _ A It was N eilw *M. cArthur, father of ex-Raeeve McArthur,V who took. the rst threshing machine -into Notta- wasaga in 1849. It was a six horse power open cylinder engine and would th`resh,~ but would not separate, the straw from the grain or chaff. Men had to do that with hand takes and forks. In a few years he got one that would separate the straw. and chat? from the. grain.` `. In early days of the settlers the pxce of grain was small. I was told all they would get for a.bushel -of iwheat after taking It to Barrie was two, shillings (fty cents) and txladle at (that. They would _ hardly get enough cash to pay their way. 1 They had to haul it with- oxen, and 1 take tvqo days to make the trip. They paid high prices for the goods they bought, such as, for example, tea $1.00 to $1.20 per pound, salt $2.00 to $4.00 per barrel. The rst church was a Congrega- tional and built of logs and nished inside with dressed lumber. It was in :the -upper, cemetery grounds. ,1} think the rst person buried there wasvowlm. Ross, who was accidental- ly killed in his own mill. There was no minister in the township after Climie left` till 1853, `when the Rev. John Campbell, M.A., was ordained in F. .Hewson- s` barn in the summer of the same year. He died in the _fall -of` I864. The Presbyterians were divided at that time. -The Free Church party built a` church north of Dunt- man in 1858. The Rev. James Greeneld was the .vrst- minister. ` The two .chu.re_hes' umtediin 1875 and j the first minister of the united churchwas the Rev. Alex. .M.-`cDon- .ald,. B..A. :The `Episcopalians built a `church at : Duntroon_in"x879 or, 89. Rev. `Mr. .Farncon'1-b. was rector ~.a*. -that time. * ' Among thenuseful men of the ear- ly pioneers, was .;William Ross, who built the rst grist mill in the `town- ship, In 1840. `He dld all the work about the mill except the castings , even to the quarrying and dressing of the stones. Five years later Mr. Ross was accidentally caught in the water wheel` of his mill andkilled. He had a grant of_ land from the Government for its erection. Another of the rnost industrious of the early pioneers was Mr. J. D. Stephens, the pioneer merchant and manufacturer. He opened a store on his, farm, called 'J.`allyho, about (845. H.e also erected a. tannery, {making the first leather in this part, and built a carding mill at Glen Huron. A . Another early manufacturer _was Jonas Holden who made_ chairs and rocking chairs with elm bark bot- toms, spinning wheels and other art- icles, - I was told by George Bell, now of Bellvxew, that Malcolm Livingstone was the first school tea.cher in the township. .He went to the school himself. He taught in a. small shanty that belonged to A. Lawlor at that time. The next teachers, be said, were John Moore, and John Rogerson`. 1 know that the first school teacher that I went to was John Rogerson, in. the summers of 1845 and 1846. The school was held in a tent of hemlock brush on the! west end of Climie -Church when the weather would be dry and hot, and in the church if wet. Peter Fergu- son at the same time_ was teaching school in the old log schoolhouse on the south-east corner of the graveyard. * The eople were divided at that time. remember well when the scholars of each school met they would be pitching `sticks and stones at one another and sometimes ght- ing. In 1847 they united, and had one teacher, Malcolm Livingstone. Duncan McLean, the blacksmith,` made hoes and; lrixed ploughs and h-arrows. `He made his own horse shoes and nails. , Peter Beveridge wasethe boot and` shoe maker of the settlers. he had also 3. tannery, making leather on I Lot . 26 Con. 10. I John MoCallum, the weaver, and Dougall Campbell, the tanor, were others of hngn esteem in Nottawa- `saga. Wm. blair was not a stone- cutter by trade, but supplied most of the settlers wxtlt grmdstones, quarried and dressed by hrmselt. Some of his grindstones went to batne, Uwen bound and Markham, v v v- vuu---u contaminat milk, Tknowingly For unknowingly, with disease germs -. __.._._..-I `I .A. VC.' R- Sing and his brother, J. R. Sing built the nrst cardlng and full- mg mlll in the township about 1649 or 50. James Cooper bullt a sawmul on; the batteau L-reek, south of the batteau village, in 1849. lt was the hrst mill that was handy to the peo- .ple around Scotch Corners and back' Settlement, as 1t was called at that tune. The Nottawa. mill was built,f 1 thmk, 111.1652 by _.Me1ville andl Bulst, and of all the mills it was the most useful to the farming com- munity. it created at good wheat market. .Befor the rallroad came to Collingwood the prnce or wheat as very low. James Mair, a. lay preacher, kept -the Gospel alxve among the people, held prayer meetmgs and preached` in Enghsh and Gaeuc on the Sab- bath day. A SUCACESSl'~U`I. cqLLEcn:. * The Fiat Chm-cheluv A$NbnTn1mN'- ADVANCE % Quite a numper from _ fre spnt ' 3. .\=yV pkasant. time at"I-'1 le Lake on FIa;]. aftert;QOtl__.,_ 5 A ~ .5. > - -_ 1- -.~n-:.~.= - air... Zelm-a Srigley returned fo the cxty on Monday after spending a. few weeks at.-her home here._ ` `|l':-- I'.`I---:- 'I"I.-......- .._ -1` I\-.., - a-wu --v-ow`--.- .M?:*`aaJVM&s.`;v=nff 4.: of 35.: ~.r49i8I.>ent"a:%1t!Pi10 5 ~ rw;a:A ii-iendse her ,""' *'". m~"I;4":is_` B511 _ha.sA retu:n`d after spending the *holndays* . ` her home at Jarrat; s.-vv - ~ . . -- . . :1`: -\ .4: Wuv a1'1.i'" Mrs- R. '-C pbell of; Hamilton ` spent ' unday` `at Mr. T. Campbell's. 1 -. Miss Ixoaeheedi, vs this :;e.ck " to spend game. _` gin Toron- v .7----J, Iv pupa so-vvvuvy awn nos-I i; Ignorance of the law in `In ordinary court of justice is_' not recognized as an excuse for Vthe __of- fiance. Ignorance oi the priniples person, commiting the oence. ~`{" .mi_lk hygiene is no excuse for. ytheg HUI. ' Camerqn of _Wyeva1e were the kguests of Mhss Clara Brown last .wee . L ` . l\'VV VVCCl\ Glrllcl IIUIIIC IICLCQ: `Miss Flossie '_l`ho.m_pson of Ottawa. vxsnted her cousm, Mass [Mabel Dyer,` last `week. ` ' f % ` ` -Mr. T. her sxster, week. = "7Mssrs. Wilson and Clifton Kell of Cookstown spent Sunday at Mr.` I T ' Van : ` ' - - `$4.50o.0oo "I81 `1-ms AMOUNT 7 or run.` Reserve Fund TORONTO BANK or 'Q_uite number from. _' r` spent' (Irv nlpncnnt time 21-,"`T`3O In .1 an. .. Train arriva_ls and .departt;res at Ind from Bame are as follows : _ ' `Going North. _ _` No. 49-- *4.2o a.m. -North Bay GUI!` no-atria`-Inob The Bank of and is.___an illustratibni of the strength of this OLD * RELIABLE (INSTITUTION. Th fund is composed.of_ prots laid aside, and `premiums on new stock issues, and is maintained? as an additional guarantee to depositoss of the safety of their money. - MANAGER BARRIE BRANCH. Attentioh is drawn to the fact that this Reserve- is $500,000 more than the capital_.. Borders same price as Sidewall. SCOTT S Capital $4,000,000 4 Interest paid on Savingsbeposits. Bookstore A BARRIE. WALL PAPER A quorum of the Board of -Health, 'consisting of Messrs. W. C. Hunter, Geo. Ball, C. A. Perkins, F. A. Mont- gomery and Dr, Little met in the Council Chamber lastgThursday to discuss the possibility of lessening the typhoid danger; During the course of an hour a good many startling disclosures were made by the Medical `Health Officer and also by the Sanitary Inspector.- `Seriously speaking, things are far from being in an ideal condition. While the water from the town mains `has been found to be absolutely free from all bacteria, and is chemically pure, the water from a good many other sour- ces is really to be feared. '