STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to ioan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. - ` DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., % BARRI'S- A..._ CA`l. -ZJ.A_ -5- Dual: A: !`n..nn_ HSE. A. T. LFTTLE, late of Chu:ch_1. Ont. Oice and residence John St,, near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. H.T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., OCF F I-CE in Bothw:lI s block, Allandale. On I 4.1.... ..-.-............. 4:` .-.:..`Lb DR. J. CUR_'IE SMITH. OF- _ . . . A . .. (`..H1... ..A.---L D5. w. A. ROSS 9 -4... T D!` DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- n:nu-I Cu-n-A.. atn .Ca-u.-.-:a.1L-. 'D-- L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- ICIAN, 1 Surgeon efn (`m-nun. rm. c:....,.A..\ V -`*1 Having speng: 4 years Pos_t Graduate work in British Bospnals and havmg served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ofhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hositql, Bx-isto ; and Birmingham Eye Hos ita . mgham :former Member of British hthalmological Society. nvf n'n n------ 7" ` """ -ls R-u-v noun - v - - V - - -- _-- 'No new name will be add-e the Sub mption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (NY.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m.f to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. -.---`-------------- $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate. of interest. No principal - money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. NIEL V. AU-Id-1', lBL\, ' ha`:---pv- tor,` `Ppoc__tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. ` Special attention in drawing and probating wills,` obtaining let- ters of administration and. guardian- ship, collecng accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross lock, Barrie. Money to loan. < ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. ` ` . ;. A. KAU.E.lVvnU1\DL, '.Da.1uau.;, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank of Toronto vB_uilding. Money to loan at low- ._A. Qo|`AIB THOS; KENNEDY. ARcH.n=Ec'r. 4. Office, Ontario loclg, Dunlap St. _%_________ UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN on-` t31'iO Land `gnrvnuno-a 1':...__.. _ - wssmvacn:-:w'. PROPRIETORS ct tat esi 'Ll.LVI'\.L.4.IJ l.\\JDJ, L4..l4.L!., .111 LL\L\Lu' tr, Solicitor, etc. Ban of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. L AJKILIIVVVII 9 IJl\I\.l\, ALA; the premises at night. 'L\o J0 \/\JL\L\LJ.4 LJAVLLLLL. ce and residence, Collier Barrie. Phone 61. ll.\ WV: `In .I-JLLhJ.I\. `Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., C.P.,. London. Office and dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. phone, 77. n. J. n. u. .uvnJ.V.3, 1:.r11b1\.,1AiV, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence: `William Street, Allandale. Tele-4 phone 30 a. At Stroud Office: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. --._ Eyg. Ear, Nos Throat. L\. L\\JJJ--I-lL\J- J. AJ1\\JII.Ll, L111-J1. cian, Surgeon, etc. -Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. - -.,...... .. ..u_ym uuuuuu ufnmalmic Hospital; ristol Hos ital, :and ye ital, BB-mingham : former ritish OFFICE-78 Duxmp STREET, BARBIE. `Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. VVGE J11 .LvvysL us; -bIll4aII\av-J: _ Miss Ida Stephens of Boyvmanville as visiting the Misses Hipkm. 1--...- 1-..... -._.:.n, ua.uL\r'.r.l1 OI LDl'.t51V_,UN- tarlo Land Surveyors, Engmeers, etc. Established 1852. . Ofce, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and.Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- mg, Barrie, will be promptly at- tend_ed to. 1 A ,1 Ivbl Ill; THE BALL PLANING MILL Company. -Carpentering, building, andzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blindo, mouldings, etc. Planing _of factorily. Hot blast drying kiln. -District Agency for grained lurn- ber. Factory, Bayeld street, Bar- rie. Rodgers 8; Gallic, successors A,to`-Geo.g'B_aIl. ` - V 1131; G. BEGGS, ARCHITECT and C-iiril Engineer. Office, over Bosank,o;B_lock,. Town Inspector of Plurnbinz. uuaa.uI\y_ DIOC r Plumbing. -- _________._____.__..__.V___._____._ RADENHURST, -Barrister, A - ._ \T-L....-o Dcqku R1!` n m-.1. ARTHUR ROSS. MANIWACTURERS. ADVEg'r1sl: IN Z nouwJ, ..--y, -v- - ..._..- Miss.Ethel Dougall offksronto is. holidaymg at her home an Town. _ vM_is_s May Higgins of Bracebridge 1s v1s1ting relatives here. . V LII . _ 7 _r '|'_____`,______ __.__...--..__.__.._.__-._...___._ MONEY TO LOAN. PHYSICIANS. SURVEYORS. ..ARCHI'l-`ECTS. FINANCIAL. A TEWART. BAR~ ',_ x1.-umoine p11hIiC_ CPI-IYSICIAN ITAZ.-. T D suvvvnola - ----v . -Dr. _A1b_e1jt_ -My;:gr;"c>'fv Jamestown, N.Y., 1s vnsltmg h1s mother on Tor- onto Street. an n .1 1-` I II street, ' 1'CSi-_ Tele- ?:'-H%.1isDAY, JULY 30, [The Northern . ' Tau: 'AnvA.~zc2: 15 pp largest circulation or any p`;`,', ,` have Town. the co ~ '1` latter fact de `} its patrons. It ygn haIe?_T,,ta;3_the3ml'` I. R ing nOtiC85) Ce `um 1wrIEa3'7%`u Itllsfgaad Vc1't' qmlg W g:ti1;:gih the pper ghat reaches the YICC. `ffcatmdwvay t 8 p Mb? larged acc rd W ,_;dvel1'g`l i"1:';g`,{t;s,,,t`;;`:?1eefsl\1re ma}; 0 sP"' 6 Ole. M ; 1'3A.`lSIEN'l` ADVERTISING. , Auction Sales, Am_usem Le8.},,.$nion 510 rfcnts Erierohne en` .- - ce ~ ? 33% ugntmsertlon er 1. Les the 18 DC!` II . ms p . 5 cents per "9 insertmn ` . e f for each_subsg:m _ e matter. msun h,l,;e;ts1o31f0ft;l}l?;::}$rac:1;r, charged as51id" 5 n 9 Poetry 5c pet me. obitnarv 0 t V?\' asPirefte}fred posxtgng for local men` n epaper W1 or: sold -I of one-thirgi on above ra_ro_2s, ant} 3,? 33:30! account W111 agecxal pos_.1t1ons be given T rule W111 be stnctly camed (mt. ' ` coxrmcr CHA.\ GEf-i. ` Advex-tigers will please bear in mind ml notice of lntentaqn to chumzc mivertisemelt` must be handed mto the Office not Saturday at 10 o_ clock. and the mpy tom change must b e m THE .-\I)\'AN(,`P.`otce;c later than 12 pclock noon _m Monday in M0` week. otherwise the ad_\'ert1s_4-1"s :mnounceme,," gnay not be made pubhc unnl the week 10119., 112. ~ I 4 ing, 19 lug. 12 changes of Advertiscm(-nts: ye_ar. if more are required, comp: wxll be charged. Advertinern wiil nnf k. ..u,..... ,1 W1 UC Uqu[gC(X._ 7` "`Q Adverusers wril not be allowed tow, space for advertlgmg anything out. -sid~e 111'? own ,regular busmess. should mm d tranpxent rates will be charged ror"suct? u vert1semenLs. 54 VIVID W 4- V-nalvu Miss Florence Ovex_'s of_Barrie is the guest of hqr cousm, M1ss`,M;. M. Andrews.-- News. _v_- - J _;..._ CONDENSED AI)\'!-`.RTISEMI-:.\'Ts ' Condensed ad\'ertise'uu-nts on r as wantaof all kinds, lost and found for sale or to rcnt,_s ecic ax'IiL-I(- must be accompamc each subsequent insertion 1 tom lhnmnmaddrpnepa and nrnr-on ..m...... _ _ vfith the ca.=sh. be 1nserted-rst xnsertlon 2 (-(-m, 5 page am V . propen, an L-tc.. eIc.._ and vim .1 .. _,, be accompanied with thc<'a:-;lY1.H.H'EV insertion per worf` per wom gmmemaddresses and gures counted as warm, 11!; a. reduction of one cent per word will 5. mode when the number of insertions ofsam matter exceed [our Cuts {or advertisements must in em case be mounted on solid metal bum Dwelling lroomsb. stable, drive h011S(`,Sh(dg, and nearlyli of acre of land in garden and 1am Come; of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barr}; Dwelhng-6 rooms. stable and shed. Largf, lobon Peel Street. nnn`\`n t'uvauInm IE:-nnvnn {n 1\n1.L .._r-1 LUIDH (931 DlI'CC_L- ` Double dwenlmg. 6 rooms in each, on (`lap perton Street. Vacant `not. of an acre, on I 011elanf.;nishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMEIH . 10!! u.....:. _ *5 :5 DVERTISING RA1 ..OF... 'pHoNs 250, `or drop us}; P0-`tal ifouy would like something good in a loaf of out Machine maae :- `Bake:-`s, Cream. Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. 4BR0WN S BAKERY CAKES. PAST RY.CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. Mrs. J. Bailey is in\M'eaford for a few days. I" 7 ,.-4,- -1 I\....._........:`l1;. . nan: ..-~: - ----nu \aa4.u.w `assay--....-- Private Funds to loan on first man gages. Uorreebondence solicited. Omce. Bank of Toronto Buildzng. Owen Street. Barr e. Om. INsuRA&cE Acznn CONVEYANCER,ETC FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCI n,,.___A_ n\-___., {min .'~';,.;t;i1'.a gas in We` have the above for nn` 4 uwu uvyvvgcl Puusun-, P":1_80!f. Co. Toronto. Advance Office BARRIE. , CBAIGHURST. om. % AvcTI9P'E E?` ,_. _._. __ - AI` It ~ -."`.'9.`V\)'4U nuva lv---- : 9UNjrv or, smcoz. ' blgagtgrms. given on 3 Boi|er&Engine Barfie Property For Sale. TH9.8MITH IEVV uul no Rev. Fr. Sweeney of Orangeville was in Town on Thursda'y. ~r - 4- h, ._,_.___:n- JI\nttv An 8-horsepower Boiler and` oruepower Engine, made by Elisa: AA TA-Anbn wnsx mum mus A_ to meet. the ever mcreas I ing demand. NOT A GRADUATE BF MST TERM |DlE. ``' ` ````` placed twic eeee any wm an TD mnoum. on FISEWHEE? 7 IUI. Lulu 7 >7 ` Vunx - ... - methods and general resuhs. -Fall Ierm Begins Sept. 3rd. VEXCELSIOR BUSI- _ NESS COLI:EGE. home. `".f1i;I_9a 00.8 "wow cmc&u1ijii.' Barrie. conxnmzur. commcr For Sale. Is) 71.115: unuv av`.-V-4`... -..-r ---- -. :55 Miss Annie "Stone is home from Qumcey, 111., for a vacatlon. 1*.` ,1 `l\__,,,_11 -1 "l"........A.A :11 T'.ARRIE - Address "U" ""II8Vvu--- `and see when we of- fer. Comparrcur fete, ~ -~- I -......1vn o, I908. . . ;\.\\,I`. oicen )1) inn . J 501` 5 zmnouncc-men; 11 10119:. TN-nts a1_lQwed pa , composluon mu ` RATES `ug- 14Vr.~:fS;'scu11y of the Bank of Montreal, Toronto, has been holi- daying with fri nds in Town. ' `yr 1 ,,,-.-,_ 1t__I--..;-.. Cg. our ofce; immedlate Jul- Barrie. J the 93; smog vv-ran o--v----- vuu - - ~-,--- _ M_rs...VV.m. -Hunter, Mulcaster St., as vxsztmg at Newmarket and Jack- son s Pomt. A a nun VI 1 hcac tern Her nun Ccn can" mm He {he P. S. Ispector `Mills was. o.ered_ but declined the principalship of A-onfe of the new Normal_ Schools, prefer- nng his present posntion. - ~ u-pus.-qyvw wv.--.- .,.vv.. _. V Advertising is me g~r4e_z;fv ;node`rn business lever. It (espec1a~1}y news- paper advertising) has no rzval as a tirade-producer. Try the co1umnsof' The Advance `and prove the state- uuaauulv nnnn And- n-pvoou on www- Ed. Scqtt, G. T. R. `cpnstable, has been appomted. a provincial detect- Live. [He will continue with the mil- way company. _ ~. and" Mrs. Archie Torrance-Lof Thqrnton came to Town on `Tues: .a~-day of last week, intepding to sta-`rt on.,the 4 o'clock. train. to..visit. in Nmzm .Dakota -"and" lSa'skatchew'a,n.. Th er." stayinssajz the -`Barrie H;~ = % `vdowh; tax when cgmzng I1 per`~;1-; -'.Aw&.vance' ._..v_ _-_ _-_..- _..-1| 1.... ...-IA...14-o1.nQu1n 9:-v oO\QvIao-vv ment correct. vlllfucha eympathir is felt fo: Mr. lguid `Mrs. James Maxwell, in `the death on Thursday, July 23rd, of their goungest child. The littlefellow had een ill for several -weeks, but was thought ,to lye recoverlng, ' when`.he_` was sexzed wtth-convuls1ons,' and (lied _short1y.afterv_vard; 3`. ,.,-I. __ '4 VB`:-akeman R. Neilly is lying in`? the R. V. Hospital with an vatnputated foot, the result of an accident late Friday night in the Allandalc yard. Neilly had just come ,in_; onhis train,` and was in the act of`uncouplin'gLte cabbose, when he slipped andvgqti-`his. ::~fo`otin the way of .,the-moving g_}vhcels._ ~ . ' ~ V T in} P13; 48 Column Newupapor, Pub!-lahed from the office. 128 Dunlop Street, Ban-ie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada, every Thursday Morning, by Cl _. 'i3AR1uE RAILWAY GUIDE. rcasctauns. To From 23-1o.25 a.m. 22-7.55 am. 25- 2.00 p.m. 24-1.35 p.m. (Allandale Sta.) (Allandale Sta.) -1 AAE nrn O`.__E )E fh 2>':;'7'r;s"',,.;,;: Tnnus or Svnscnmnxox. Penetang. Hamiltgn. mu LVLCGLVI u. From No. 62-7.s5 a.m. :` 42--1.o5 p.m. ` 56-5.25 p.rn. LIIGIILIGIU 9|-Bo] 26-5.25 p.rn_. %j~`o_'oo9oooooooooooouo: }Co;uldNot Fixkesponsibilityl lb The inquest into th_e` `of Nel- } son Garrett, the victim of last week s railway wreck, was concluded before. Coroner Wells on Fridty night. Five more witnesses , were L ueard. The jury was unable at the end to x the responsibility and returned an open verdict. ` : ' J. Wisdom, of Town who was a 7. passenger on the Cobalt yer, de-W posed that he was among the first _ to get out of thewreck. He went up to the `engine to see who was 4 hurt. Saw both the engineer and the reman. The engine was almost upturned. Examined` ground and no- ticed where -truck had rst left track. A This was about underneath the last_ car as it stopped. `Saw. the impres~ sion of the ange on the ties. Where the truck appeared first to have left the track the ties were hardwood, but a coach length or two away the` ties were cedar. Could not say which car hadleft track first. .-Would judge that the` train was not going beyond the usual rate of speed. He would have expected to see the eng- ine farther away, had it been derail- ed first. It wouldibe three or four car lengths past the curve `where the first `-marks were noticed on the ties. If the accident had been due_to ex- cessive speed the train would have run off on the opposite side. ` E. Jr Benn of` the Allandale C\.A. was the next witness. He, too, `was a passenger on the ill-fated train. The first intimation. he had that something was wrong wasrthe sudden stopping and the. application of the emergency brake. Did not! seem` to be travelling at an excessive` speed. Much of his evidence corro- borated that of the previous .wit- TICSS. i- Arthur 4Meeking,' the engineer, (sworn) said that he took charge of- engine 1023 at Allandale at 5.35 _a.m. when they pulled out. `He had often had the same engine. Always exam- ined, an engine before setting out and this one was in good condition. His attention was rst arrested by a sudden jerk from behind, as if the tender had raised. He put on the emergency brake.. The engine seem- ed to be pulled off, but he could not swear positively that it `did not leave the rails- first. They were 40 min- utes late in leaving Allandale. 4He was not going beyond a speed of 35 or 4o.mi1es an hour at the time of the accident. _ Was just _emerging from the south end of the curve. Had frequently rounded this same curve safely at 50 miles an hour. Had gone southon the ` previous Monday on a faster train, No. 66.: He had noticed that new ties had} recently been put down. There was. nothing to indicate that any part of the train was out of order. He had had 26 years experience on the road. a nasty son was ient isvnt g1,'SS. JAPAN Ann Tm: A unmzn STATES. J. `R. Donnelly, Master Mechanic,` testified to being invcharge of the repair shops at Allandale. The eng- ine was rebuilt in July, 1907. She had had but slight repairs since Oct. A11` . The aquatic sports on Thursday evening were as usual well attended, and there was plenty of amusement.- Darkness had set in before the` pro- gram concluded. Results: Novice Sing1es--Gordon Gallic, Art King,[ Art Pae; -Gun.wale-Dr.; IMcLaren, Clarence Bothwell;' Fours--Dr. `Mc- Laren, Pae, Harrison`, A. King; Bas- stt, Bothwell, Powell, Bradley; Mil- ler, Buchanan, `Bingham, Sloan; Crab Race-'Dr. McLaren, Miller, Basett; .Doubles-Bassett and Miller, Both- well and Powell, Gallic and Pae; Tilting-j-.Ga1lie and Pae, Bothwell and King. A FRENCH WRITER WH-O DOES NOT SEE THINGS As THE GERMAN PROP!-IETS . `HAVE SEEN THEM. - : -. ....-...- - ....... -- MAKER on PORTRAITS . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQO (Paris. Correspondence of the New York Times.) ' A member of the French military` commission now in Japan [has just written an interesting letter. to" his friend, Mr. Stephen Lausanne, edi- tor in chief ofthe Matin, concern- ing the possibility, or rather what. he choses to believe the impossibility, `of a war `between that coun tr.y and th United States. The letter was` written in response to a statement by M`. Lausanne that there are still many well-informed people in Eur- ope who think that such a_ conflict is imminent. - _ `- IIV Ell`: 9vU\l\`I|Fl\JII `II I-51; Ju l"*ly`WI He continues: .I_can afrm abso- lutely that J'a`p_anesc atjthis gun- ; cture ,.-Va,;'.g.%'g_1_v1!1,8 n?oa..mor%e thoughtr to ~ ghg, Plqlnpprnes. than they -are` .-to-o,ut` ,bW'4- 5519!`! =I,ndo4Ch;ina~ I .%i:%say 1 ; The ofcer in question- points` out that in the first place thesJapanese 1 ;are the least impulsive people in the lworld, and` that such-a thing as pub- i lice opinions does not exist `in the ` Mikado s Empire. Wart would only ' be decided upon by the thinkers at 1` the head -, of the government, and as 5 they have everything to lose and nothing to gain by an _American war, it is incredible, that they. should" ever . undertake such an adventure. After; pointing out the :impossib_ilitY'.`.0f~ Ja-e 9 pairs carrying.`-"onga successful naval 1 campaign against the Pacic littoral of the United States, the oicergoes 1 `on to showgthat the highest .-success . the Japanese could hope] for. would A, be Jzhe-ac.'qiuisition`tof Athg; Philippines; Mikado s Eye 13 iury at Garretf l:A:;qu4estV Returns Open Verdict y _scalp wound. Dr.` Robert- as In attexgdancehand the pat- Vnow makmg satlsfactory pro- O11 engines_rec`_eived more or less repairs from time to time.; Engine 1023 went .out on her last trip in perfect order. He_ saw `the, remains of the wreck. There `was nothing defective about any. of the trucks even after the de- railment.` He` had specially examin- edithee anges after the wreck, but found --no breaks. There was not even'ian`axle broke. Speaking of the roadbed, witness stated. that there were oak ties all. round the curve. Then. about twocar lengths from the place where the first marks ap- peared the ties were of different ma- terial. The oak ties had been re-: newed within a` week or so, he would `say- `He had been in the mechanical `department since 1863. Found no a defect or unsuitability` in the equip- ment of the `train. None of the re- pairs. to engine, asked for by the 1 previous driver (Davidson), if not Z done, would have caused the acci- dent. Engine and cars would have i been on other side of roadway had] L accident been caused by excessive : speed. He was condent that engine _I had not left track rst. Train arriv-a]s an'<'1Tdepar t,ures "at andfrom Barne areas follows : Going N_ort_h. No. 49- _*4.go a.m_. ---North Bay ' and Englehart 61:3`;`p. i8:3::?.i:} 5- SuthRiver " 69-1I.58~a.m.--Muskoka Express ~ 63--2.03 -p.m.--Muskoka Express? " 65- 4.00 p.m. -North Bay " 67-8.oo p.m.--From Toronto to ' H _ Meaford " 55-- 8.05 p.m. -For'Ori11ia ' 47-- *1I.I5 p.m. -Cobalt Special Going South. , " 46- *4.45 am._ --Cobalt Spe_ci:_11 " 54- 7.30 am`. --From Onlha -62- 8.00 am. -From Meaford 5 to Toronto " 44-9.35 a.m.--From Gravenhurst to Allandale (mixed.) " 64--12.45 p.m.--From North Bay " _66--1.33 p.m.-Muskoka Express " 68-5.20 p.m.--From South River . " 48-'-*9-oo p.m.--From Englehart ' and North Bay P. J. Lynch, Asst.-Supt., was the last witness and supplemented his previous testimony. He-had not been able to ascertain the origin of `the accident. I`Iad examined the ties. There were oak ties on the curve, and from this point onward the- ties were cedar with an: odd oak tie. The ties had been renewed recently, but not beyond the place of wreck. V Mr. H. H. Strathy, K.-C., sought to obtain from Mr. Lynch a categor- ,ical answer to the question If a iutrain passes over new_ oak ties sud- \den1y to old cedar txes would not \cr\`rv|a1\;v|n-11- Lnnnnnp, `D+ f1-an \l1;C'11ncC Quill LU ULU \.\.uu1 tuba vvvulu Jlvt. sdmething.happen? B t the witness _would' not_ give a direct apewer, say-d `mg that It was a supposxtxous case.` ;He (Mr. Lyn_ch)_ was ready to ans- iwer_a1l quest1ons- In regard to `the lparhcular point. of accident. Mr.` Strafhy then asked Does the condition of the ties affect the safety `of a train going 40 miles arr hour? The witness would not say yes or no. He would say yes, if rotten. 1A good deal of fencing here result- led, Mr. Lynch~ protesting against mere hypothetical questions. He was prepared toanswer the question in the negative`, if it was understood that the track was in the same con_- dition as at the point of accident. Finally he said-I don t .know. . v--.-av: That is why, while we speak of the `yellow peril, Japanese orators "speak of the `white peril. That is why they are aiming China, helping to train her growing army. They. count. on China` to help them some day to repulse the " Russian invaders, knowing that for an indenite period China, herself, will never; single- handed, be a serious military rival. All this being so, you can count up- on it` that Japan is much more con- 'cernd,in* the _double-tracking of the Trans-Siberian than she is inithe ar- rival` of; the American eet. i And thenyou should never for- `get i that a war with the United States would ; mean, Japa.n s ruin. T-he_re__would be no indemnity, that ' is_' obvious.` The V cost pf operations in such a` war -would be terric. Commeri:`e"with the" United States \. would at ; the same} time , be annihilat- ed. This .commerc'* is __,Japan s- most 1mpo_rtant.ebra'rtch'-.`o_f' trades `The' .?'_United; -`$tates,,;both for exportsand `for imports, is `at the head (of theylist 'i.Tap,`an is'_ still in her 1econon'iic_ in- fanc%'y. ~.;Wa,i'= `with the .United ' `S'tates~' could _g_er y'~ easily`, be her `economic - '-suicide-=u-and _8he ~vlno_svs-lit - In summing up the evidence Mr. ;Strathy said that the most plausible explanation of the accident lay in the difference between the two sets of lties--hard and soft, Mr. f)ona1d Ross by way of reply. `argued that the roadbed was in per fect condition. He thought that the place where, the train was shown to }have left the rails disproved Mr. |Strathy s theory, as at this exact `point the ties were of hardwood. JUL IJLII (llllLA`l\.Gll_D 6&1 auuau. D1J\ull\.l.' ing their millions in improvements. No, Japan s' zone of action is China. We in Japan are convinced that there alone lie her ambitions. The Japanese wish: at any price to be the leaders of Asia. To achieve this end, one thing is obviously nec- essary, the mastery of China. This being so, the most dangerous enemy of Japan to-day is Russia. The Ja- panese are perfectly aware that so vast a country as Russia is not seri- ously stricken, not even by such a war as the. last one. The Japanese `know that Russia develops automa- tically in- the direction of .Asia, and that her invasion. of China is inevit- l able. ;_ This clos_ed the, proqeedings, the ` Jury returnmg the_ 'verd1ct .as. above stated. 4 4 :`l.3'uZt"'z111"t-1-rat mare `gr; dist- ant future, and the Japanese, like the yellow races_in general, disdain the! question of time, and are not inclin- Japanese do not want the Philippines for several reasons. In the rst place, they are -engaged in the colon- ization of Formosa, which ' is far -from being completed. , Formosa is still making heavy draughts on men and money. Japan /is also working "hard at the colonization of Corea and Manchuria, a work of- vital in- terest, likewise requiring men and money. _, The Philippines would be a harder proposition still. The Ja- panese would not know what_ with them, and they are willing to let rich Americans go ahead spend- _No, Jia an zone of action is] 1,4- - _-..-- ed to rush at things headlong. The! I`! Collingwood and Meaford. To Frc No. 53-Io.25 a.m. " 43- 3.40 p.m. `.` Qf\f\ as-rn E`__KI) Asiatic territory, where, following A1nerrca s example, a new Monroe Doctrme W111 be enforced. THE uoawxzm ADVANCE T . - %% H 543500.000 TORONTO BANK OF Attention is drawn to H the fact that this Reserve is $5oo,0oC more than the capital. The `Bankof Toronto my % Ex&IZ g -ru-11:.--re ran. -.n can an run". ,~ ..-.--V -v--- - - uv uvvnuw s . ' ~ 1 Berth: in` ".'rmr'xs_9 Tln9pi."` Carl It smgu ` extra cusz. of secures: n advance, Ans-iv to mw (.2? G; '?'3-Mekt Ag'c_ng_1n, 1,," frIforma`J:m an 1! `reelnpy ufI_"|_ugh_gggg`k.,~3' ~- 'Pnm,9H~=+ T9.-'.."!T';"+ . .. .. wC.. THE ploayli-lean Aowmc: June 9, "'AE.3', 18 ,Jnly4 21. Sept. 1_, 15,29 u R9*t*r:i..35is1S?!%-siickets % 'Nor=th-West ` - 0 Excursions and is `an illustration vof the strength of this OLD RELIABLE INSTITUTION. :1V`ixe-Ziund is .composed of V `prots laid aside, and premiums on new stock issues, and is maintained ' . as an additional guarantee to depositors of thesafety of their money. `MANAGER manna: BRANCH. From an Ontario _8tnt_icmstoAWInn8pe . Calgary.` idmo.-non` and in-jnci points In I-tantvba. Sanka. c and _I-Jberta at .__:.-.-.- _- 4.-_-_. - `_-, Borders same price as Sidewall. Capital 54,000,000 Interest paid oh Savings Deposits. SCOTT S and SUBURBAN Bookstore BARBIE. . WALL PAPER "+:z;..i.-;T;oo.-,' `% o'.:on':.a';;;; ...x.. . 7'.....'.'.-| ~a|-.`.-:.~... A--- , . us was Amounf or "nu: _ New Designs Artistic Effects Level on Tuofdays VII` A -A . ....--V--------""- STEWART 3! . 43-1. A-n "WTT LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, Barristers, 'Sol'citors fox: obpaining probate of wills, guardxanshlp and `- administration, and general Solici- tors, Notarics, Conveyancers, etc. Oces, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street,` Barrie. Money to loan at 41/5 and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. nHaugh- ton Lennox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. T Brown, L.L.'B. __________.____.______.______, . HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme `Court of Judicature of -Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanccrs, etc. Money to loan. Oce, Ross Block, Barri ; C. E. Hewson,K.-C. A. E. H. C eswickc. N $13111-LIBUIIO To ' From I\.To, 54-7.3o a.m. No. 53-10.30 a.m. ` 56-5.25 p.m. 55- 8.05 pm. * Daily including Sunday.