We via www- _--_-,-..--, . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Transportation . . . .` . . . . . . . . `Miscellaneous . . . . .;. Special grants . . . . . . . . . . .. Farm lands exemptions ABoard.of Health . . . . . . .. Debenture and int. (net). V Collegiate Institute, Public Separate Schools . . . . . . .V Take yo chopping to Wilkinson's Mill. -Chopp ry day,`.5c per 100 lbs., weighed in and out. - I NOTICE TO cmmrrons '!`A_K E NOTICE that Frederick R. Porritt. of Barrie. Esquire. has been appointed Liquidator of The Barrie Brewing Company (Limited) and that the creditors of the above named Company. and all others havin claims against the said Company, are on or efore the 10th day of J uly. 1908. to send by 0st prgpaid to the said Liquid- ator at Bfarrie .O.. th 1- names, addresses and full particulars of their claims and of the se- curities. If any,held by them. And further take notice that tne said .Liquidator willl after the said 10th day of July, 1908, proceed to distribute the assets of the said Company amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to -such claims as he shall then have had notiec. and that he will not be liable for the said assets i or any part thereof, so distributed.to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not` then have had notice. Dated this 4th day of J une, 1908. V F. R. PORRITT, Liquidator. `Rn hln Rnlii-.i tnrn. n 24-26 XrrIi I8 t! _0tIlqe8 to let with vault. the ofces formerly occu1ed by G. A.` Radenhurst. Barrister, over the am: of Commgrce. Alppl to pf A. W. W L INSON. Notice to the J Public. I . We` ti) notify our patrons` that we have ` mstalle into our plant an 'mvrV!%di%$`E?.'!`;F`a"8'e! CES take emf Welht 3.00:: us. We are prepared nowto do FLAT WORK tnshours, at the lowest possible rates. also I-`A ILY Ag!-NNG . All our starched wor done by n `as formerly.` = Tegefhone 55a.nd we will calL Articlee re- tur promptly.~ Call and ask for our cheap 1-ntn :- 3*`3W'3: THE _couM1'v7oI`=T smco: Ann Tl-IE noMImoN or gcnuuai oust .cm'rt-:moN`. L en\ Bros.\ incurs mo VlEI.I.3.1 T 3E6nsi:-L4ANpp_1g.___ ag: now is` time get a ndedto. .-N9, 1 Pumps on ltid money -. . . _ - .11: the City at Toronto. #42!-Wad-I !;J9=- `Erwin; BE :9 MILLS-V.v Vc>%JJ:-Fact-:s*1'oTL%I-:1 .L ___;;.L ___.u. 1.1.. -1`- `BARBIE LAUNDRY. FARMERS 1 tune I10 gen Weua um. 11 , hand now.` * . '\JI\vIT.L1 1, I.JlljuIU.ll;bUl" By s Solicitors, S1. ATHY 86. ESTEN. 'alric'1 24570 'oooo6ooo93 ` ""' . LIIC kllausc yu.n_;u. as; .Iv 'on"Dom1mon ay. . 7-H you want Lawn Mowers chea n.-A ;_U U nffnn R7 > go" ` vvvu 1- i- . If you wa,r_1t your business to ad- ivance, advertlse m The Advance. -EI Vinlnwvg vsvnuvnp-uv -.- ----v ___._. --_ Barrie will sqnd a contirggnt oi} athletes to Orilha. on-Domin1on_ Day. . -- Crossland s Witch Hazel Cream . _ T ; and Cr: l'25c. am ..,,-. . A -The Dyment Stable `won $2335 at the Hamxltoni meeting, leading all other horse owners. I` I,A_ 1,1903. od4 vuuv; anv. av v vv ..v. .. --`Grand. celebr_ation at C_ool 1 J u1y ery minute. Don t miss it. s _--Baseball tournament under aus-. _ .L. 450, Ivy, on Jply Ist. Flfteen do . ss this. `Mr. 1H. G. Phillips is erectmg ` house on the lot on Mulcaster `Street whicp he recently purchased from Mr. j. E. Emms. . . -r !,,.1___, ..2.._ _-.......... `D..- \LlL1 u Jo an. --..._--..~ l The fast Lindsay nine versus Bar- jrie will be- the baseball" attraction here on `Dominion Day. Th'.is game will be called early in the afternoon. -Send all repairing of tight bar-V rels ' s shop, cor. `John and Sophia tree , " - e-, fore the "apple barrel season begins. --A demonstration of Peters and ;Nes chocolates will be held at Robertso - ing Monday, June 29th. Call an `sk for sample. H . - -11 T ..___... ':.IJd3!: - gain Mowers at H. During '1ft_1-e.s<.1_2i$I s-`ye-l'<;c1:'1:i<:w stbrm, George Wiley of Holly _1ost nine head` of cattle by lightning. It- is said that his loss is covered by insur-, anc'e._s - 1-4, -\ on rr '1 The -ladies of St. Paul s Church, Innisl, intend holding a strawberry festival on Monday, June 29th, on \~ the Rectory lawn. Good program. L Refreshments. rnu __,A_._.___4 ..2;.;.:....... -1 GL1`; IJ~L ...... ...,...-..--. _ Th -autumn sittings of the -High Court --here are xed as follows: `Jury--Monday, Oct. 19; Non-Jury- l[=Monday, Nov. 30th. Mr. Justice 'Clu`te and Chief Justice Meredith, respectively, will preside. . , 1 _!....1 1 -4-` is strqwberry week r Awukrvwu-v~._,, .y-.. r - v . - - ~. -All citizens interested should at- tend the Local Board_`of ..Health meeting to-morrow night (Friday) in `thie Council Chamber. The Con- gsump `eve `Sanitarium question comes iup for consideration. .- I } -I-Iave mercy on_ your feet,_ and ok by havmg your shoes ipo _ _A . repaire C a hoe Mfg; Co., La L. A. Schneider epro. and Elizabeth Streets. Ibex: heels 35c. Gents 4oc. % Hi-"r;;l:1I':i`s;1"1'. `TH Bay white sl-il and` trout arriving daily at Both- we '5. ` ' ' `Sugt. Brovynlee of the Water Works Dept. 15 engaged with a gahg 1putting_a roof on the new reservom ~Other xrrgprovemengs to follow are the erect1on_of a new bo'i1er house and a coal shed, at an estimated cost of. $1300. | --Mot-gan s Restorative Tonic makes,1;_,ew. *b!0,od, strengthens the _nerves an W Price 50c and` i$.Ioo. ~Wm. Crosslan , _ Policemen Lambie and Sweeney} are waging a crusade against furious] driving. Several prosecutions have taken place in the police court and {others are pending. Bradford` and `Elizabeth `Streets are the favorite speetlways. Go to wm:inson'a for all kinds Va` '1" 513? $%& and sold D01 cord. nqt ox n 1- had a wide acquaintance. v- -v--. _.--- __-_~- The sudden death" ofnivlr. Ha;;'y Collins of Toront9_was a source of regret to many cltxzens of -Barrie where -Mr.'Co1lins leaves behind many pleasant "memories. ~.In Mason- 1c as well as m Forestr1c.c1rcles he 1- H. .'c '1 1 V --v-_`w------V- -(3pen for the seasori: Litt'1e.'Lake Summer e T hire. Lu` a r. , 3 drinks, ice cream, etc. -Miss Law- rence. tf eThomas Loftus died at Apto on Tuesday of last week, aged` 62 years. Interment took place on Friday in the R. C. cemetery, Phelpston. De- ceased, who was a brother of Licen-- se Commissioner Loftus, was un- married. Among thosq who attend- ed the funeral were: Mr. .J.. T. Loftus and Dr . Jas. Loftus of Tor- onto and Mr. J. I. =Coey..of'Town. cw --- _._.-. All The Adan 118}; is" not on` the front page. Read the paper through and keep yourself` informed. ,_ 1-\_ 'r\-1-1-_- unnsvuann nuns`. --vvr ; v-.---._ - ---_ On Sunday `last, Rev. Dr. Oekley [of Collier Street Methodist Church Wannounced, morning and evening, that he would make the church ser- vices very short during the hot sum- mer weathef, as he` well understood that the occupant of "the pew might feel the heat a good deal more than` the speaker.` This is, a. wise announ- cement, -'and should. meet with me` apptdval jof. congregations "generally. ' `I ..... -4 Tf__._- _.-.._.`- I ` B; \l vlhl urn; V\"0I9- v-uv-V--- --Horse ~races, Lacrosse, "-,Ba`.se'ball, V t Cooks- , in "`? ""'`d l POUCH ' In `\;\.rv_na- town July 1st. That's .tHe%- to L gpend the day. * ' _;-!- t*I.-I_` __-_A.Q';LL_ ...*...--' "Lilia. T ..,.._.... ...- ....._,. M The Aquatic Club` sports that were {arranged for Dominion Day" have lbeexi? Ajnostpcned to Civic holiday. The metqhegs are sorry to --disappomt `the -V .nuh1:c;. :hut:.: the % 'cQmmittee. in: .~char`g e T ~'*ca_a.`_t[e,_VLHawkestdne .re `- V (1u,1y`j1st): HERE in male the Orange picnic at` any all Lawn 4: Muownoouuouonou : K Saciety. and People. -. - -;....A;.AaaAaaaaaaoAa 1 Miss Alice. Paton home from i Guelph for `vacation. ` Miss Emms sgent Sunday with friends in Om Station. Miss Anah Bailey is visiting` friends in Collingwood. "Mrs. T..Duif has returned-from a pleasant visit in Toronto, \ i _"Mi's. Arthur Fores of Toronto is visiting relatives in Town. . . Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P., was up from Ottawa on Saturday. Miss Kathleen -McNeill is.home from a pleasant holiday spent in To- ronto. ' _ .p v\ 117 (N __V__ _f' I \IllF\Io ; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Groves ofi K Huntsville were in Town during the` week. -_ Mrs. Barfoot and child. of Toron- l to are visiting at Mr. J. F. Craig's, ; John Street. . `Miss L6y1a Stritch is home from}: St. Joseph s `Academy, Toronto, for , the vacation. ` ` ` ' Mr. and Mrs. R._ R. Rogers of To- ` ronto have been visiting friends here during the week. \ J ( . Rev. .H. D. Cameron of `Elmira, N.Y., was renewing acquaintances `in Town during the week. -` Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hambly of J Toronto are the guests of Mr. and - lMrs. Geo. Ball, John `Street. ' Miss .A. Culbert of the Episcopal l Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., is holiday- : ing at her home on Penetang Street. 5 Mrs. F. D. Garry and her mother,` ` Mrs. J. E'._Emms, spent a few days recently with Mrs. Garry of Wash- -- rd .1 -.,!,_- -....`l I`...-ea-n.Zn DENT . . am s'pa_rks,r' _6\l' Misses Catharine and Georgie Campbell of Buffalo are spending ;their vacation at their -home, Glen Almond. - Deputy Reeve and Mrs. Coffey are home from a 200-mile driving trip, through the counties of Simcoe andi Ontario. Th-eyp `proceeded north byi way of Orillia, returning via Brad-' ord... They were absent about 10; days. * i 11 }_)fCLLy llU5lD_,C 'VV\\|\.L-I115 uvuu. y.-...~.. `yesterday at high noon at the home` L`: M...= I A Thnmnann Flizahethl yesterday all. 111311 uuuu. at. uu. .uuuu..- of Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Elizabeth ;Street, when her daughter, Miss. i Nellie Irene, _was united in marriage `to Mr. F. Bright Smith-. The ceremony.v vas performed by: Rev. Mr. Van Norman of St0uiTville,'{ uncle of the "bride, in the presence of the near relatives and "friends of the. contractingaparties. The bride, who. wore a dainty gown of white organ- die, with real lace trimmings, carried white roses and was attendedby the` groom's sister, 'Mi.ss Jessie Smith,, who was similarly attired. `She car- ..ried pink carnations. Mr. Vivian Simmons was best man. 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith" are spending their honeymoon at Mackinac Is- land. _The bride s travelling suit was: navy blue.wit_h tuscan hat, trimmed! with blue. _;, ,.;_,__,; Tuesday afternoon s thunder storm! brought sorrrow to the home of sMr.'; ;Michae1. Hayes, near Dalston. About} "two o'clock a bolt struck the house} ;:_-:-:-.... -..... ....t...-....... `o-nrnl `(WU UCIUCK G. UULL Dl.l.u\.l\ Lug lluuuvu in two divisions, one entering frorni `the chimney and emerging from the; stove, the- other entering from `the eave, traversing the stdding and nding its way through the plaster` to the kitchen oor. Three of the, children were sitting on the lounge| "en, was only slightly affected by the parents. at the time, near the stove. All werei struck. Frank, aged nine, lingered` until six o clock. Lauretta, aged ve,i was so seriously injured that at timel of writing little hope is entertainedl foriher recovery. Stella, aged sev- shock The cellar joists were con- verted into kindling wood by the terrible` force of the bolt. Much sympathy is felt for -y the prostrated I ee use _of the: pavilion a_ndi booth. an mg accpmmodatxonl is offered to sun t for the summer for taking care o_ prop-` erty. Other camping privnleges are. '-$5.00 for the season. .- ' Tan Vair Tw dance also has been declared o . - X"\ The -new time card on the G.T.`R. went into effect on Sunday. There `aremany changes. The midnight frain from Toronto and the early `morning train south are taken off. Trains Nos. 64 and. 65 are discon- tinued on Sundays. The Cobalt: Specials-for -Toronto is an hour earl-| ier. A train for the north leaves Toronto. at 2` a.m., reaching here at 4.20; ,Train No; 61 goes only as far as South River. The usual Muskoka. suginmeg seg~vic`e is provided for. `See I? ea11way:" guxde on page 2. . ,.'.__,,s -.. .|I__J_-_ A pretty hot_1s,,e-wedding took place ....4......-1.... .4 laihh nnnn 91' H19 hhme `CD713, -Inll\IV van rug- -. .~ A sad death .oceurred- on Monday , afternoon, June 22nd, when -Mrs. John V-Calvert, Henry Street, passed. away in`her 39th year. Besides her hus- _4ba'ngl,tg -ideceasedy leaves a: family of- fo`m',i`children, the youngest an infant : in arms, a1'so'3ve .sist`ers,' Mrs. Hep- % :_bit!1"t, Mgs. R;oliii_':son".'and Mrs. Her- , " T0 js*.1,Th9s.'Sy male 1 4 KILLED `BY LIGHTNING. _SMITH-THOMPSON. AT. POINTIOMA. .Jas.4 Vair. gwm. Mandrciiibn . $1.00 PER ANNU(/M IN ADVANCE CINGLI COPIES FIVE GIN?! --::-1-1 mun 11 ER. snmcuss, POSTS. su on connwoon. At Manufat ex-'3 Prices. PHONE I99. BARRIE. 'Barrie cricketers scored a victory over Orillia on Tuesday, the match taking place in Queen s Bark. -The game was decided on the first in- -nings, the locals scoring; 63, to 40 I for the visitors. Barrie got 31 in the a second, A and Orillia had 4 wickets down for the same number when stumps were drawn. The bowling of `Pel_1att and Toogoqd of Orillia was of high excellence, while Cdok was the most successful of the Barrie , trundlers. Payne and.W'yles (Barrie) H batted into-`double "g:ure`s. `Score :- ""`Ba}}i. V { 1E;iL `Banting, b Pellatt . . . . . . .. Cooke, b Pellatt . . . . . . . .. Murchison, b Toogood Payne, b Pellatt . . . . . . . . .. Elmsley, b Toogood W-yles, D Toogood -. . . . . .. Dr. Palling, b Toogood .. Pae, b Penatt . . . . . . . . . . .. Harrison; b Toogood .. .. Walters, b Toozood Dr. Hart, not out . . . . . . .. Extras . . . . . . . . . . .. Thompson, c Payne, b Cook J. Harvey, c Elmsley, b Harrison Cannon, c Rae, b aharrison . . . . ., Outridge, b Murchison . . . . . . . - .. }:`ellatt, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Davies, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toogood; b Murchison . . . . . . . . .. Mcbadden, c Banting, b Cook .. C. Harvey, b Banting . . . . .. Curran, c Murchison, b Cook _... Alport, not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ ANVTHIIME vqu WANT m G. Hart, b Pellatt . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Harrison, b Pellatt . . . . .4 . . . . . . .. '.Murchison, - b Pellatt . . . . . . . . . . .. | Banting, run out .- . . . . . . . . . . -- VVyles, b Outridge . . . . . . . . . . . . .. [ Payne, b Outridge . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Dr. Palling, c Cannon, b Outridge `Cook, c Pellatt, b J. Harvey Pae,- not out .. Elmsley, b J. Harvey. . . . . . . . . . -. Walters, b J. Harvey . . . . Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davies, c & b Banting Thompson, b Co_ok .. !Pellatt, c !Murch1son, I: Cook iOutridge, run. out -,. J. "Harvey, not out . . . . . ._-., . L Extras - . . . . . . . . . . . . _._.. The intermediate lacrosse game played her on .-Wednesday of last week between Orillia and Barrie_ re- lsulted disastrously for the locals, 'who disappointed their friends by losing to the northerners by a mar~ `gin of v'e' goals. As usual, Orillia. jumped away with a big lead, and scoredfve in the rst quarter while Barrie got one. After that the play was very even, although the visitors showed superior combination, par- ticularly on the home. Barrie s team I was: Goa1--Banting; point-Webb; cover--O IConnor; defence--Poucher, Hunter, Travers; centre--Milne; T home 'eld--Broley, Marrin, Cald- ,we1l; outside-Longhurst;. inside-- Marshall, Cameron of Beaverton was referee. ' The goals were scpred "as follows: ` First quarter--Orillia 5, Barrie 1;" second _quarter-Ba.rrie I; third quar- .-ter--`Orrllia 2; fourth quarter--no .- goals. The attendance was not large. |wEG1vE FAIR i! T X Onl six dais: now and our 3ig`4,_June Sale willc Th an ha.sbeen.n,.- success. and we determin `to make th `_ days .' wllnoo lyv vlllgto Aston. gratI:.onoAy!aa I` L pottunitxes u. 1: log. closed all _ `-.1; -'(Do'minion- Day.) ' L "". .1" .`.`x`f.' no sale. ` Alt 0 3 and at Sale` R1-ice: until tholut Jung Bile; Remember-tho-~ ` June 300:. ROOF otv yum .--.- ton. - '. 3.50 per half toll-. I ton. = ` .65 per halt tom 3 inn . i.!mi\'3r Bros- Total for 4 wickets . . . . . . .. Barrie Defeats Orillia. ORILLIA 7, BARRIE 2. J. J. TH SM. MIDH ST P. O. Barrie. (Second). Orillia. (Second). erfu1ly_ Orillia. (First). CRICKET. -!:i'*i*`; 40 31` C3 M1 Rest and Undivided Profits Exceed P Lu 1- nnn ll ` TBARRIE BRANCH W. D. MORTON. Mgnager. 0!` part`cusn. ` nuuu -VA.\'(.`L. Bamc. Ont. J.`&."6E~'~E{', (`H037-rnn m.u:pLcu. Clint-llt."s. Church of England] TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 281'!-1 53-30 am. Holy Communion. 1L'u.1n.--Mo1`nin_<,' Prayer and Sermon. Hie _\I:1snn-. will nmmd thiu nnrvir-.11.. u u. in.-.v1ornmg vraycr gnu b!'1'll0I1o The Masons will attend this service. 8 p.m.- Sunday School. ?p.n1.Evcnsoug and Sermon. The Vicar will preach at both services. - S1-:A'l`5 1-`mm. ' ALL WELCOME- 5/ 2e . wHdL_l"-NT VOL. I-V','E~5,`:`'g. cazw. nos-ou:_.1','>J.!.Q,. 3.10.per halftbn. : ton. : . per half 0011.14 tnn coun'r\qx= REVISION AND APPEAL `L vu\.n IS he 1))` gwen that the l1l'8E Blln ` of thv (`mm Revision for the Munic - *9mY0f liarri- W1 be held at the Council. chnlber. on Mond the 0th day of Jul `Naval 9 ()':lm'k in the-. nnsnnnn_ to hear an 3:16. 3; o'clock in the ermmv the .3'0`v'l3I'al co Vxslsioxxs in (In: Assessme renoon, ufhear and. [aims of errors and ;namner, u_u 908. at 0 clock to hear an Nllint` Hm , 4-n Ininrunf an-I-nrn and `I 010 cc. "-vouua All UH. . 155C53lIlC kg Dursons having busineg Wlutstcnl to attend at th 5011 I01 l.VUDo - - ., " "'7" -'1 lit . `Barrie Juno 2m'1ur,(l) the sun: N-[kc g! . -1 TTZTZZ ___.r\., xe WALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN on ` -. . " "0535 will be received byl 33 }"`d 5}gx1ed for the purchase Of the . W`8 lands, commonly called -the _ D31 Property, namely if 3 WI` The South thirty 'thtc.-I;fflE.:`; :5 -me `nches, of lot four `on the `W??~*:` flde of Bayeld Sfreet, Barrie, is mh.;, gtih Of way thereto. " Tli=`i'-,i"-;1";1._ZI`.*{-".:r wh`? 80_o stores on. this - ;ch 113 m a most desirable * 0` _ ght inceheglort --.o1.1) HY--- I FRE.9-.`e5_99Ks _____..__ -IEEW ADVERTISEMENTS. win be gmnto : ltrom shod. - 7' .hSav: :6b6}LOoo Ir'III\I I 9I`El"I Acltiou and Tone Regulator. _ Pianos Always on Hand For Sale . _ g 07-1) 31; JOHN STREET, _BARRIE_. \-._ OTICE is he nf Hun I`.-..n.o FIR ST-CLASS micipality of Barrie. ladian Bankers Associatibn` 3y Orders, payable in `all of Canada and the United sold at all Branches. .-< I 7!` SI and Telegraph Trans-? MFR N3 F0 NERT A2;I\n nnr` '1`--- I)......I-L-u -- sou) BY -9-- FOR SALE by given that the first sitting ` \[ Revision Munic; A.'!'!*! , WHOLE No. 6336?." Bnnllnrvnnn A 1 Doom EAST or [BARBIE HOTEL ' ioooooooooybooooooooooooooo - -u-A-anus`!!! (`MT I909_ STYLES ALL IN. F -'- I M:;N"UFA-CTURER OF Buggies, %Car1-igges, {Wagons, Sleigh: and Cutters. % S PERSONAL " . - ' .`;":.fm Pun To Hqrmhoems STRICT I"ll3lUBAu Arrnwrxon ii`&'.mS"BAvrEILp; ST. he , TORONTO, 37117 Remains open throughout the summer and man ndents enter at this time. WE [HA 3 ~A GREATER ATTENDANCE Graduates readily secure employment. Write today for handsome catalogue. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Comznn Yonun AND Amnxmnnn S'rau:'r_ n les. Hasf, .0 expegi-Q And pthers during July and Angus`- 20 pet centfeff all work ` given gs between June nzcth and Sept.~IS_t next. Save money`. by having your furs attended to at once. * - . Crossland s Diarrhoea Remedy has no equal as an immediate cure for colic and . summer-complaint. 250. equal an lnllllculu summer-complaint. Imus HM Manufacturing Furriers. SUMMER SESSION FOR TEACHERS `TIFF 5; 3;... AMA mx-r;-o-r ; ' v ...* ~.m.`amniLL.'P:opraqtor. orposmz hoss s'r. . Joan Bmuvs om) STAND and Repairs fi"ii'ci;n`t:sv; -, --.---._ ,_. rut-clue .AccoInmodation._ Remodel- .bl_eV(l,OII_,(1vljef|.l,1`|l!,! ed"l`hronhout. .9 . . ANMIEW} nowouooog % BARBIE, COUNTY 03* sIMoo1:, ONTARIO, JUNE 25, 1908. `Bgrrie's"% Tax Ra(e;`or 1908 Struck. Kxe will ma