;ANGU& sons, last 17th, The absence of Mr. -Gollan and family will leave a vacancy in this place that will be hard to ll. The church will sustain a big loss nan- cially and otherwise, Mr. Gollan be- ing one of the heaviest supporters all round. We sincerely hope for him- self "and family unbounded success in their new home in Alberta. { T.he L o. L. Society, which Mr. |Gollan did so much for in this place, has already tendered its high ap- preciation in a very becoming man- ner some months ago, but: all mem- bers of the Order W1Sl'l to be remem- bered and wish you and yours God- speed in your new home. We fell| that far more could be said upon this occasion, as an expression of esteeml and of the loss we shall sustainby yourl removal from this vicinity, but what we have said is only slight compared with that which we should like to say. We now ask Mrs. Gollan to accept this combined Bible and hym- nal, Miss Bertha this combined Bible and hymnal, and Willie this gold! , Royal Arch locket and pin as a smalll `token of respect _by your many! l friends, and may they ever be to youi lremembrance of your "many happy` {days in Angus. Signed on behalf of the Committee.` Alex. Willoughby " Thomas Bell l . Middleton McAtear l ' William Groves_ | I` T7 4'`! 1 port by being deprived of the goodl attendance of your children, and tne able and instructive lessons given by `Miss Bertha, who has proved herself la pillar in the Sabbath School work. Her excellent example is indelibly stamped on the minds of her ciass of bright little boys who will sorely miss their teacher. What you have done for the cause of right in this place, we pray may reap its reward hereafter, and the good you have done, to further the interest of peace and good will to all men about you, will we are certain have its effect in all time to come. rceived from his friends. vv llllcllll \JlUVCD, C. K. Clark \/Vm. McMa-ster- Angus, March 20th, 1908. Mr. Gollan replied on behalf of his family in a very appropriate man- ner, expressing his deep regret at leaving his "old birthplace, and ack- knowledgmg the kindness he had re- 5 I Inspection Invited. C ome and `see t/Le {cow goods. 1Vumefr?ous :lz`nes are /zero now. o /ze Dress.Gooa s, Ready-to-wear Coats dad Skirts, TW/zit; Lawn Blouses, Men s and Boys` Clot/z_z'ng. ' In conjunction with our Millinery Opening 'we are showing thls week some beautiful .T.HUR'SDAY, MARCH 26, ,,- __. -.-J .-gnu \Ill vv yuA5~_'\u-_-. Th regular monthly II1L'(`t1`I1}."' the Women s Institute was` Quvd ;,j=;_ the home of Mrs. Pete Lxatfzn w Wednesday afternoon wit`n.;: `:3.-`gr attendance of members. .-`xmr tfiy discussion of the topic "C;mi." -\la_": 9 ing, the samples of camly ':~rougn~ by the different members \\'L`T the tested. At the close of the zm-ctm! lunch was served by the 1w.~I'~- 9Mr. Jonas TanBush, an nld highly respected resident. ;,.g5..; away on Monday evening, Mar. 23;; at the home of his son, .\lr. ll; TarBush Deceased was [mm r_A._ New York State 92 years agr. cg; ing to Canada in his early 1nanhr_.,~'_ Besides a widow, he leaves :}::-;._ sons and three daughters, namc1;.~ H, TarBush, Cleveland, Ulnl: L,;'-` TarBush Charlottetown, P.l{.l.; anf H. L. TarBush of this place, Mr; Wm. Pierce, Galena, Kan. _\:; John Riddell, Ilion, .\'..Y: and ,\1_-g W. Aulbrook Midland. The funera. takes place at 2 o clock to-day to the cemetery here. 47.`, } Mr. Ema Mrs. H. J. Sclnf`. ;tained a large circle of tilcfr `on Wednesday evning. ! . . A A 1argeg;2h;a}.'"'Z} the people spent a pleasant c`.'c:1:ng flit`. A. Lynn s on VVednesd;;_v. I-not - D n Mis_s Rogers of COlli11g`.\-~~ `ed friends herelast week. ` _We. are sorry to learn of 1?: tmued illness of Mrs. \\'ig;w. 1; 1 `D -.. A Mr. and Mrs. W. Gqrclun u:`.'.f'rI: ed a number of thexr Ir2L':`ui~ Monday evening. . \r 1 \r -- .. ~- ANTEN MILLS. John Muir has gone to C-hv Mrs. Ed. Knapp visitcrl in E over Sunday. Mrs. Vickers is spending ;days in Barrie. 1 v. `Mr. Bellam; will preach Sunday morning. 11 f" 9 to [2 a.m. Saturday Bargains 7 to IO p.m1 A few of the bargains that will be .sold only on Saturday morning, 9 to 12 a.m. and Saturday evening 7 to 10 plm. -r """'D' Ben -Cole is home ffulli %for a few weeks. L Miss Bella Muir spent in Barrie last week. \. john Murphy is rn0\'in_u `Coffey s house. (From another COI`I e. SUNNIDALE CORNERS. ! :96. I1 CK . j " 'l " I pe;.,ej ..... Loco Cnrhins_3 yat price. .. Comforten-Good heavy weight. tegnlar 31.26. Sale price. . . . . . . . . Towelling--Cotton Towelling, a good strong totalling, per yard . . . . .. Towolliug--Pure linen, I71} inchoa wide, regular .l0c. Sale price. .. _cvJ - \.I\9\p 4--.. an-`nu, up-4:.-J our ow ow, IIIII\J\v nouns; Suva &lD|\IIl8 uvv vwuv avsuaun 0 65 to 95c.each. Sale price . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . gcand 69c Boys 2-piece Suits, dark colors; 22 td 28, regular 3.00.` Sale price} - . , .2.2 5 .Men S Short Spring Topper Overcoats, light fawn color, regular 10.00. Sale r\ou-as K 1;` .Ho|e-I. adieu. and Chi1dren'e'Caehmere 2x1 Ribbed Hcae, regular 350. Sale V ' price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Hose--Ladies and Children : Heavy Ribbed Hole, regular 35c. Sale price... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22c Ho|e-Men e Fine Black Caehmeresox, pure wool,1-egular 35. Se|eprice....................... e 190 Handkerchiefs---Ladies or gentIeman s White Lawn Handkerchiefs, tape border or hemetitched, regular ` 50 each. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 for 250 HandkerchiefI-Men e Bemetitched Handkerchietl, `raga. 10c each. Sale price . . . . . . . . .4 for 25; Boys Odd Knickers, sizs 24 .to 32, made from good stfong tweds, regular `F1: `-1-; Ixa aou4`\ -5...-` AA- -441 `nu- . ----- ` has-`J: U rrn nu-D Q \I 7%` %\.II'oIB9 JISI` PriceuIlOlOg*oI.;OOlO uioouooooo 0:`!!! Men s Raincoats-Dgrk grey colors, made Yf\ nn C..1.. ......... `vow: sauna dial SI \-\lI\JI U, `I-'0:OO. vggie price - - - - - - . . . . . Men s Suits-7-Dark Tweed Double DEvLiN & MIIRCHISON EDITORIAL NOTES. An excellent line of the best worsted THE NA1'*1'1Es'r B6YS AND MEN'S CLOTHING IS H1-:_RE .3 -+-:--a-:-:-:+++-:-+++~:--:--:-:-z-:--::-:--:-:--a- MINESING. 1 l Officers of the I.-O.F. for the ensu- Iling year were installed here on Fri- day evening by Bro. Alex. Cowan, r of Barrie. Mr. Cowan and V-Mr. Congdon, Organizer, also of Barrie, were afterwards entertained ;at the home of `Mr. and Mrs. Tracy. $~"!*-~-3?!-`I-4--'l-!444N'iN-++4: _,,_ T . `We are sorry to report that Mrs. Hugh Mc'Callum is seriously ill at present, ; , I H Mr. Ed. Gregg of Wyevale is yis- iting friends andrenewing acquam_t- -ances here. V V | `-Mr. Thos. Dickinson visited friends in Sunnidale on Friday. - ' vMr.' iohn H. Dickinson and family visited Mr. and_'Mrs. Albert Spring on Tuesday. ~M3rs. Geo". Langman and. Miss Maud Bell` visited at _:Mr. `Henry Bell's on -F1_-iday. T ' vgyu V1511}: Luuuars Vi Tp1ca.s.ant- tune `spgnt;- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. `Bell Spent a couple of days recently visiting friends` `in 01-0. W Messrs. Robt. Parheil, Wm. "1`race;; J. G. Dickinson and W. `C. Hickling att;ended -the revival services at. Eden- _vaIe on Friday night. I .A danceV wasgiven -at,_..the resi- dence'of*Mr. Sam. Dunsmore on Fri- . `day, mght. % - `-We.ar e 'pleased to* hear that! Allan -Partri_dgje.is impgoving. Wehope to `see him out _aga,1n shortly. I gr.-.9 On - - -- Miss_Rix 13.1151 A-Mr. Rix have resign- ed the1r_posxt1on$. as organist and choir leader, respectively, of `the Chureh-_0f England. ` if V -`Mass Dansy Langman of Edenvale. spent over Sunday with her parents, [Mn and Mrs. Joseph Langman. . Heavy colds `arc fashiohablc now. ` Ina IRobertor_1 is visiting Megill at Shanty. Bay. , _ -V - . Mr. and .Mrs. J._ G. Dickinson, Mr. Sam. Langman and his `sister, Miss Rose, spent Sunday at Mr. John H.` ;Dickinson"s ' T Mr_.- and Mrs. Egbert Ason enter- `mined a few friends on Monday ` evenhing. ` Btjeasted Suits, regular 10.00. Sale :-price I\l\ Lidiles Sateen Underakifts; regular 81.00 ouch. 9 8310 price. . . .69 V T. V'V\rI6IC`. r15`? `IILUV CV1` 3.797% IYHXIII iVVI $319 price...` . . . . . . . ....,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..29c Towch-Bath Towels, good Iizc. regular 20 each. - Bgle price 2 for. A..25c ~Towcl|-Whit.o Cctton, gcod size, regular me each. Sale price 2 for. .150 Ladies Buck Sateen Unamkim, with deep frills, mum 31.25 each. Qn`n 9:-in; \ 094; Vest`: end Dnwen--Gbod heavy weight ankle length. [Sale price .'. . . . . Veete only--Good wveight. pure white, Lace Curui9a-Fino quality, yards long, rt-31,113: $1.75 per pair. Sale nu-inn CI 95 TI`. IIIIYT LICUQIEX IIXIIUICZUI I. VVQUX `QC? `DUI , COCO `SIC? 7135`: Sale prioo.V........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:...98c Ladies ne White Cotton Undenkiiis. with deep onnoo of embroidery` `and tucks, regnlnr 81.25. Sale price.` .......... . .......... ..90c Wnpp_on-Dork colors, sizes 34 to 40,. regular 81.00 and 81.25. Sale I\-I nn H K. . A: 4-}; spring and summer suits is now here. cnown HILL}. ALLENWOOD. _ Wrcl C ""X'. 1 VYIVLC. $lllC| priceDOIIIOOOOIIIOU._IO in. the latest spring style, regular . ................ ..... ..8.5o Ladieu Black Silk Belts, regular 25c ;nd 35c Sale price - . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c Ladies Black Silk Belts, large sizes, regular 50c. Sale -price..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..39c Wash Belts, reaulur 500. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 390 Ladies Black Ringwood Gloves, r_eaul_ar 40c and 45 HA]: nu-inn uwuuvu unuvn nnuuwuuu UIUVUS, ruuuusr QUC In". 900 Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Thread--Clapperton Spools, 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Collan-LsdioI Fancy Wash Collars, regular 50c. Sale `urine - - - _ _ O- \JvnIuIu-'.LJhIIIVI SDIIIEJ VV III] UUIIHTE, regain! DUO. le price . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c Shirts-Men u Soft. Front Shirts, regnlhr 503 and 65c esch- Sslo mice . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 yatds & . wt,-.4...-- - V.-av. -ug--3. . . . . . . ........6.5o long, good Vpsttornu. Regulsr $125. Sale , 'OQn M-iss A here Sunday was about the rstsince Christmas that "weather and road were in a state for `congregations to attend church. , Consequently .the churches were pretty` well lled on `Sunday. On Monday of last week a very large funeral took place here at `St. John's Church, the deceased being Mrs. James ;B_utler, of vHillsdale, who ` passed away at the age of 71 years. Her husband predeceased her by a about I0 years. -` Mrs._ ' -Butler was formerly a -Miss O'Connor. Of her family that. survive are three bro- thers, Patrick, Michael, and John O Connor, of. Hillsdale, and three sisters,` Mrs. F. Fitzgerald, Hills- dale, V `Mrs. John -`Murphy, Vaespraa, and `Mr. ,,Ruby, :Seaforth'. Of her children there are living three sons, George, James of Milton, an.d,Wil- `Ham Butler, of B.C_., and two daught- ers, Mrs. W. Hutton and ,:Miss But- ler, a1:...home.~j Through -life the de- ceased was_ held in the highest: re- spect, being a,lady "of kindly nature- and -Christian- character. The first years of her young life. she spent` `_with the Ardaghs; of` Barrie. The '-Rev. R. L. Weaver conducted the funeral \service,- the. ..-church, being, draped and -at -full choir attendance. The average temperature last week was about 15 degrees. The lowest was 2 degrees above zero,'and the `highest temperature 24 degrees, I % T HOLLY. Qn . 1`,i1esfday _,eX_eningf,1 `March i7th,` :.%ab!1t: me. Fwwird :2e<>i>kra% t7 'e'i }': t:ei?;-oivf 14 5111 -Born.--to Mr. and Mrs. H, Snider, _twin daughters. . .'Messrs- E. and W. Saun-ders are sinkinga 150 foot well in Vespra. -Mr. Geo. Saunders has just complet- 9ed a deep well at the Dalston public school. ' I Nothing further has been done in connection with the G. T. R. _agree- ment, and the deadlock between the Town and the company; stilliholds. The Council will be only exercising prudence if it stands pat~on its position. To ask the company to, provide for restoration, in`. case of` destruction of the shops by re or act of God during the currency of the agreement, or be content to re- vert to the original arrangement of_ 1903, is surely reasonable. Indeed, .the absence of a clause of this kind would be highly prejudicial to the Town s interests. It really begins to look as though the company was merely trying to gain time, sparring for wind, as they say in pugilistic parlance. Let the members of the Council sit tight. The _Town is granting a concession in consider~ ation of receiving certain benets in return, and it does not want to wake up some morning to nd that it has resigned the substanceonly to be put in possession of an empty shadow. Messrs. R. Jary`and L. M . Kiel, who accompanied Mr. J.. Rumble with the. band to Elmvale rink on Fridayevemng, speak in high terms of. the courtesy shown, and excellent service furnished by Mr. H. Kennedy, proprietor of the -Central Hotel. Mr. D. 1. Minty visited friends at Midland last week. ' Congratulations to Mr. and `Mrs. Robert Straghorn, on the birth of a daughter. Mr. Richardson left here last week for the West. `Mr. Arthur Willson of Red Deer, Alta., called on friends here recently. }Mr. Willson is on his way to Ire- land, where he expects to make his home for some time. `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Vesta-'wi_th' long sleeves, Draweri ....... . . . . . .........._..25ceAch long nloeven, regulnr 40c. Sale - 00:: ..regniu and 8.1. . . . . . . . . . . 75 each CRAIGHURST. Orillia Board of Trade _claims that the present system which enables a number of shery inspectors to be retained for duty "on Lake Simcoe is not calculated to produce satisfactory! results, and it `asks for one or two suf- ciently paid oicers who will devote go their whole time and energies to the business. This is exactly what The Advance `has long maintained, and the attention of the Government has been repeatedly `drawn to it. We have always believed that the deter- ioration'of the supply of game fish in these waters was due more largely to. net shing by the hand of poach- ers than to `the depredations or coarse sh amongst the spawn and fry. It is only by a. daily and sys- ` tematic patrol `of the lake that these illicit operations can be stopped, and to do this eiciently .,the inspector should be provided with ajlaunch and other necessary equipment." Last iifltmtner the Government sent a spe- .*cial=gpicial- up "here. to `invest_i_g_ate' .2 }..c*hli;;nditions,sand ~ma=i:r iday{s were ~ in thejwoi-1fc,_' `biit__ac _-"yet gird`) re'- '_- :3 thereto *` 3,? tin 18 LOQII E9` r$III QT? . . . . . . .......$l.25 i Lecinar'd~-l3`1.oxham. E Mr. Tyndale suitably acknowledg- 3 ed the gifts on behalf of himself and `his wife. Tea was then served a by }the ladies, after which all returned i to their homes feeling _they had spent `a very enjoyable evening`. a , . _._- -.... ... y y -.n- \.a\.lllull 0 This little assembly here to-night` comprises only a. few of your very many staunc__h friends, who have come to say good-bye before your departure for four new home inthe West. We deem it a privilegexto vmeet here and `in some way tender to you our appreciation of the very high esteem in which you and you family are held. Your long career of exemplary, `social citizenship in = this neighborhood has won for. you- a very warm place-inthe hearts of a_l1,whom*you have"ca`me_ in _contact with." Ineed, every p`erson_;-._;1n `th .icbmmunitay' will miss -V yoi:;_,ri churh ' i ` iToronto. During the evening a short program was given, Mr. Jas. Brown presiding. Short speeches were made by several of the gentle- men present, and solos rendered by Arthur Dyer, and Wilford Woold- ridge, after which Mr. and Mrs. Tyn- dale were presented with two beauti- ful oak rocking chairs and half a dozen silver knives. Messrs Alfred Dyer and "Leonard Bloxham made the presentation and Miss F. Camp- bell read the following address: To Mr. and Mrs J. Tyndale :- Dear Brother and `Sister- -It was with the deepest feelings of sorrow that we learned of your intended departure from our midst. During your long residence here, you have deservedly gained and held our esteem. We have always found you obliging neighbors and delightful companions. The willingness with which you have responded to all good work, giving your time and talents, as well as liberally support- ing the church with your means, has not ony awakened our appreciation but also inspired us to greater de- votion and liberality to our beloved church. We ask you kindly to ac-3 cept these chairs and knives, as a slight token. of our regard. We as-. sure you that with them goes our: ismcerest prayer for a happy and' ;useful life, together with all pros- 1 perity in your new home. V Zion Church social en the was reported a good _success.` `|I_A_' `K 1 _ -`,v--vc `H .\I1r\Q I-lI\v%\rh3 M-Mrs." Duckworth visited hsr. Messrs. Thomas and Archie, week. V -r\. . _-.- ,'M:9. Peter Milne-is attending the funeral of his brother in Toronto this week. ' -Mrs. Peacock .of Stroud visited her son Rev. P.` M, Peacock at the Parsonage _last week, alsoher "sis- ter, Mrs. Boag, and Mrs. McAtear.. - ~ --v--- -- yuan $90511 `GI VCI :l"% ".`.`9.,=::? *h$.% Pam T:'h':% s1=.9v1d%! ., fg9__rh: gx;3nd__`,;s I u Mr. and Mrs. vWm. Gollan' were waited on by a large gathering of their friends on Friday evening of last week. Just before tea was be- ingspread the membersof the fam- ily were called to the centre of the company, and the following address. wasread by `Mr. Alex. Willoughbyn Mrs. Willoughby, Mrs. `W. Dean and' Middleton MeAtear made the pres- entation :-i I V` To van?! Mr`s.. Wm. .A _Go11an : . _Sig:ne& :);1mb<;l'1':s.`I`f --of your many: fnends. ` I IMiss Martyji and Mr. House of Barrie visited from Saturday to `Monday at the former s home here. II`- ~4I-- ` Alfred? Dyer If you would se` th is thatstrike tasteful people as true examples for Spring, 8 visit our Sho ooh . Here you .will nd a typical exhibition of French Mi]- lin ' .with that lady legfance and dignity that has given this store its reputation, Com he Ll can. -`If it is not convenient to visit the store with the crowd on Openi ay,~ c later in the week. The opening display will continue all week. SARJEANT 8Z SMITH. \ai1ored, Spits in the Cloak Department that are receiving well merited praise. Eosme Display--352'