bar Dres` rfg Departmn a Place of %Unusua1 Interest lie:-bx` 32 53` _ Lce Boots; slzgs 2310 7. . s-2.25 Reg Vioi Kid, Blucher, Pan. tip dium heavy aolmexcellent street. style. Comeo this store for all your stockjngs. I V .Foui' negroes were_Iynched by 21' mob at Vancleave, M1ss_ l Three lives were lost in a re in lan arms house at San Francxsco. mi_tte<{ actd. M}; , It is said an ipvestigation is to be Vmadg into the cxvic system. of book- ;keepmg in Toronto. \ .. . ,. ,. The chmpion ski-runner of Swit- zerland was swept over a. precipice iby an avalanche and killed. P T` .' '11 -l'The Minister` ofw Edueaizion will require re drills to be practised in all the schools of the Province. Mrs. I-iunt of Orillip. iswvisiting her sons, Me_ssrs. Albertand Will. `V | No agreement was reached at a lconference between the city and the [Toronto Electric Light (Company. .. ,1 v ...v'..-`. __-c__- - `Mr. F. S. Wartman has iaeceptedl `the Liberal nomination for Lennox and Addington for the Commons. .Magistrate Kingsford of Toronto expressed the opinion that a. passen- ger on a street car could leave by any door` desired. -Mrs. Clark of Thorold was sur- prised by a burglar, who drew a. re-' WEDNESDAY, MARCH nth. if fdu Come here for it ou are, iggately in of oretf > } V A E ` b mg bale Prlce $|,.'l5% '-I'7I(;\v);7* V0?` Peterboro 0m- sui_cide by driiking carbolic Lndiea"$4 50, $4.00 and $3. 50 Blucher Lace and Button` Boots. in Patent Cole, Vici Kid and Gun Maul Lealh- ' era. Goodyear Welt soles. suricclv cnrrecn style. all sizes, C. D. (E. width 260 PAIRS sale Prlca ' $3.00 Rosevear of Coldwatr spent the week-end with friends. . 85 PAIRS `TI-II'_I RSDAY,. MARCH 12, volver and forced her to while he robbed the house, Eighteen Hindus were ll:-(15509 each at Vancouver for failing tr) pass ,the test under the Natal Act, but the sentences will be appealed. Chief Justice Meredith re.~'en'ed judgment in the appeal in the pro. ceedings to unseat Controllers: Hock. `en, Harrison and Spence of Toronto ` -`Dr. Ewing, President of the Christ. ian College at Allahabad. told the Missionary Congress at Pittsburg that an uprising in India \`'(l.i incvi. table. A man, supposed to be a lunatic. entered the Merchants Nationaf Bank at Omaha and threatened to bl(_>w up the building unless he wag, pald $5,000. King Edward has written thc Kari- er telling him that the British pcopie :and parliament disapprove of tilt: ac- tion of The Times in the Tweed mouth affair. The St. Lawrence Vinegar Corr. Lpany of Montreal were robbed of |$25o by two Italians, who tied t'r.: `accountant to the radiator :m:.'1 wen: {through the oice. COLLINGWOOD S HIGH LIC- ENSE. VVC want to know whether C01- lingwood Council has power to mac: liquor license fees at a prohibitive igure, said Mr. James H;m~r_ .KC., this morning, after Chi.-f Just- ice Meredith had announced that he would hear what each side had ta say in the matter on VVednesd:i_v next. 1.--- `Mrs. -R. L.` Trevelya has movdl to her own house on Burton Ave. We are trying to have the Co`.- lingwood by-law quashed." .<:1id .\1:. Haverson, because we .<;:_v that while the Council had powcr to re- `gulate the amount of the liccmc. 1`. had no right to make it prx.-I1ih;tur}`" L ,. r Mr. Haverson is acting on lwcha-?_ of VV. R. Rowland. proprictdf 0} [the Globe Hotel, in C0';1i11};\\'O0*`3 There are in that town seven _hot:*::` and two shops. The liccmc Icc 1* $2.500. Prior to submitting the mu." dz clared Mr. Haverson, tho tcinpcras Ce Party carried banners thruuggh the town bearing the legend. '\tmiish the Bar. Their idea in p'.1ti1Hj;1h5 gure at $2,500 was appzirmnbv that nobody would take out 3 license. We Will prove by evidence in-m the books that no hotel can shiml such a tax. The town authoritic< hm ? Oi yet put in any aid:1\~iz~ in 1116 case? AWhen asked whether` the <`\'I`t`-Se rof the stated case were bcinrl bcfm iby the Government. Mr. H;t\'cr.~02 `replied that he had not Um, the latter at all, and did t1"g}\"""` their attitude in the in:1ttcr--10`' to News. 3400-100 acres in Vespra. 6th Conccssib 1600-80 notes. All cleared n Essa. 1300--l0oVacres. in Vespm. 7 1800-66 mu 1 :..u`;`..`; . .'...`S`. .... .EM\`?. oLm.'-L urn: on new rum 1" H'""" "i . huildinz. od condition and 10 UXI)-l00 acre" 1 Oro. ' 3300--100 acres, cl loam in Om. 22 acres. Innisnl. . C oodlsoacre mm, well cu1m'ate ` FAR M/:5] FOR SAV 3: K0111!) Ian hailing spring. irbuy acres, . d soi .in fall wheat in (lg V `nay [Pillllv 5`. ings. ; Thi 1. `over 9 a 1 ....'..A 100 S i$_`(,`h83 Mr. Ed. Brunton of Hamilton spent the week-end in the 6th Ward. espra. acre farm in Innisl. 80` d loc8' an Mion. and gobdJ9'l"' sit still 08:6 mm. return} ng s.E.`EF _i, I Juan I ed. Mus of age. -ences to My. Vandervoort_ of Toronto is re-I newmg old acquamtancesj here at! present. 4 : Knnounc be will. i cation wi on the f0 VOL If n is wit your posits drawn trans perfec `-:t f'_"' ' ` ` txculad Vtrust securn rent r TR 8.30 I). J vVL'l U Ch ris` Ll. ll. The Hospital Auxiliary mets next! Tuesday at Mrs. W. Hunt's, Brad- ford St. l`:V(',l will ha (`L ...:..f mm This teach 9:. NEV LX153 I the RV year. some 'AN'I` muk \.I run Ente posit p Ill Th Evv mill L. coxj A Mrs. Causlo of Heaslip, New On- tario, is staying with her father, Mr. W, Satchell. ' Miss Jean Mingay of Niagara Falls, N.Y., is holidaying . at her home on Sanford St. 'Miss M. Miller of Holly is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Camp- bell, Essa St. The General Provincial Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. spent over Sunday in the 6th Ward. 1 `Miss Bessie Thurlow hag; returned to Fergusonvale after v1s1ting Mrs. C. W. Poucher. ` Mrs. A. Thurston of Toronto, formerly of this place, visited friends here during the week. Mr, Van Allen visited here rvecenyg ly on his way from Sault _Ste. Marie to his home in Penetanguishene. _ Mr. and Mrs. L. ampben i bf` Parry Sound are visiting the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.'Ambrose. Rev. Pierre de Lom will preach in` St. George's Church . next Sunday evening on Pan-Anghcan Congress. There will be a box social under the auspices of the Band in the Orange Hall on Friday evening, March zoth. Among those who attended the Mid1and-Co1lingwood hockey match at the latter place on Friday even- ing were: Messrs. A. Overs, Jas. gulbert, W. Ness, W Ross, W. Peck, -,-_I I`..- 1l7..kI\ Kempenfeldt Lodge S. O .E. won the round from Southampton Lodge by 443. `On Friday night it was a tie, the score being I-I. The `6th Ward rooters were aiparticular feat- ure of the evening; A ` Culbert, W. Ness, v\ N. and Geo. Webb. A Rnnmvmiir or THINGS TRANSPIRING IN BARRIE'S RAILWAY QUARTER. One-Thipff Regular Pride for Eight Days Selling Bargains in 3's. Friday Morning, Mar. 13, and Close Saturday, March 21 ~.-We citizens of Barrie ever have had confide shrewd person will ignore the chance of `uww ---_--- i nspegtion. The display of Bargains in our Show 1Windows will setim question in here. Note the price reduction is what we ask you to do/. A %& bu) - This list represent but a few of the bargains, .so we invite you to visit the store, see and. `for _y()u`rse1f ; you.r Money refundqd if your purchase doe;s_not suit, or changed if you wish `it. Q ,C`ustomers;A;:l; note'Sa.1e not 'allow(;: Men s $4.50 and $4.00 Blucher Lace `Boot, Good- year Welt, Box Calf -and Pat. Colt, light and heavy soles, sizes 6to 11. , V . : 4L Men's $2.50 and $2.75 Blucher Box Calf and V.ici Kid Leather Lace Boots, extension sole, medium and extra heavy soles, suited fof. any kind of Wear, al1_sizes. L: L; iii: Price $3.00 bald Prloa $2.00 200 runs I25 nuns For the first time_this season the Grand Trunk_auditor_s show an in- crease in the earnings of the road * for the week ending Feb. 22nd. The gures are as follows: I908, $776;- 487; I9o7.s$739,228; i_ncrease, $37,259. -7* 7 -7" 7 TI \J7""" "` "" '7 TV! I UI' Mrs. W. Culross, jr.', has. returned from a visit in Scarboro with her sis- ter, 1\Irs."McArthur. T --The Brotherhood `of Raiiroad ' hold their regular meets Hall, Allandale, 8 p.m., i7t{gs in r Han? Allandale. `on the 2nd Wedne t `and the, 4th `Sunday, at` . m.,A E everyvmonth, Visiting brethren wel- come. T ` _-_.__._ - . -\ W'.1".1; Y.-P._S.C.E. of the Presbyter- ian Church entertained the Guild of `St, Andrew s Church on Monday !evening. `On March 16th, the Bur- 'ton Ave. Methodist E. L. and the Craigvale Presbyterian Guild will fraternize with the Y.P.S.C.E. The ladies of this ward met in large numbers at the new .Y.M.C.A_ build- ing on4Monday afternoon` to arrange for a concert in the near future and lalso about supplying linen for the `building. Already $1300 has been subscribed towards the furnishings, leaving a balance of about $700. ` 11? A.--_Z1:_..__ A Q`. IVGVLAIE u. uuosun-u_v V- ..-..---- Th-e Woman s Auxiliary of St. George s Church met on Tuesday last and elected the following oicers for the year: Hon. President, Mrs. T. |Wilson; Pres., `Mrs. Murphy; Ist Vice, Mrs. G. Firman; 2nd Vice, `Mrs. K. Lawrence_;_ Treasurer, Mrs. T. C. Royce; `Secretary, Miss Leon- ard; Dorcas Secretary and Treas- 1'1"n FFL- C...,.2,.L.. i;;;;, '1\I'1;sA.(A. l meets this week I Essa `St, There were 29 Canadian railway iemployees killed and 26 injured in January, 1908, compared with 20 killed and 27 injured in December, and 23 killed and 22 injured in Ja- uary a year ago. Nine of the fatali- ties were due to explosions, 5 to be- ing run over, 4 to collisions, 3 to being struck by cars, 2 each to de- railments, to being caught between. cars, to res, and I each to falls, and falling material. Seven of `the accidents were due to being run over, 5 each to collisions and falls, 4 to explosions, 3 to being caught` between cars, and I each to being struck by a passing` object and to machinery. Society at Mrs. Graves , Boys Fine Grain.Lace Boots, toe Cap," solid,` sizes I to 5. Girls` Box Calf Lace Boots, toe` cap-, heavy sole, 501% through, back strap, low. heel, tidy, serviceable schoo style, regular value $1.75, sizes I I.tO 2. . sale Price sI.5o Boys Lace Boots, toe cap, heavy sole, serviceable wearer, si_zes II to 13. Child's Fine Oil Pebble Leather Lace Boots, `tee cap,` tidy, ` serviceable style, warranted solid, sizes 8 to 10%, su- perior goods. Spoclal $I.~OO Smaller sizes 4 to 7%., 4 . p`gia| 3wf5__i he ever confidence in the regular values of the store, we'r- .=\ picking their New Spring Boots when 50. fit :5. pair. A saving well worth considering. You can take our word for it, no better r rticisms. and certainly never before` were there such genuine Bargains for your BOYS AND GIRLS okgntmaur EVENTS or THE wnmc ` Continued from Pag V6. .1 "General Stoessl hasnben allowdiq his liberty pending the resu1t.of his `appeal to the -Czar. 9 . - v - A": 'h:;1-5- -a1;<;1`o_ized' to Japan for! `the insult offered the Japanese a on the steamer Tatsu Mara. ` } With` the exception of some ice in Lake St.`Peter, the St. Lawrence 15 open from Montreal] to the sea. * C1\`.- A cat no` vrvf- --v-_.. r_._'---- W -' - -' -ww. T he` Dputy Wafd_en" o.f I `M ontana`i` ?_penitentVia ry_was killed and the `War: den wounded by a number of con-Ll v_icts. } Ten sailors of the schooner John F. Milton, which was wrecked on the Alaskan coast, died from ex- posure. A ` '-Irodal /I `.---__ ,_ Ease iMidd1esex Conservatives nominated Mr. Peter Elson for the iCom'mons and Mr. G. W. Neely for ithe Legislature. _ A .`p_ ---- _-c,_-__,--_-. A `I The Crown will pay a portion of the costs in the case of Mabel Allen, the girl who was acquitted 0f the charge of arson. ' ' l Two hundred men employed on the Canadian end of "the _.Detroit River tunnel have struck for three dollars a day of eight hours. ` ' ` The Irish patriotic organizations in the United States are endeavoring ito prevent the ratication of a Brit- iiish-American arbitration treaty. }' The-C-Canadian. iirktrn liailway Company has beghpordered to vacate some lands on the Don Valley or go to arbitration as to the price to be paid; - '1 ' .1 ,_,'n, ,3 LIX- 1'\-_.. ,....... _ The strike in the `mills of the Dom- inion Textile Company at Hochelaga and St. Henri has been settled. About 2,300 employees return to work to-day. -2 -r . 4 V . I ,,x ,1, LI-.. \J|c\ vv \n~Ju | - J. S. McIntosh, a student at the Manitoba Agricultural College, sus- pended for hazing, disappeared and his dead `body was found in the attic of the college, where he had commit- l ted suicide, TUESDAY, ' MARCH mm. China has not yet consented to re- lease the Japanese `steamer Tatsu Matu- nnq g j_ LVLGI. LI` | The Anarchists of Geneva have de- creed the death of King Alfonso of Spain. I`-I N7- 77......-....-\n,n `nbfnol f(\ slllutlnn The` German Emperor's letter to Lord Tweedmouth will not be made public. 1 .,..L9_ L211 1... ........nnA I-`an. yuan. ; `Mr. Ay1esworth s bill to amend the ! electnons act was introduced in the Commons; ' Fifteen hundredhouses. were _des- troyed on Sunday by a re at Nxiga-1 ta, Japan. I I-.. 4.....A.nn.- A...-;. ` A laboratory for testing ores, metals, fuel and food is to be: est- \ablished in Toronto, 1 . I _._LI, \aUHDu\..u Lu av s V . . . \I. } Frank Myers died in a hotel stable [at Marmora, and it is supposed death |was due to strychnine. -!`-_L _A. T)..1-:n W43 UUC LU aL|_y\.uu..n.. ; There_ at; rumors aoat at Pekin t that _Ch-ma 15 about to -spend $50,000,- 000 111 naval `equipment. % _ 2..........m.........;;1 B01'n.-0 ,Feb- 27th. 3 50 t0 Mt `the time this `the : Emd M1'5- H'1hY- _Trunk/auditoijs -_---_ _.. LL- __....:....... -1 `I... ...-....-l MONDAY, MARCH gth. THE NORTHERN` ADVANCE` excellnts 01 style, specla .25 he - sole, warranted L n 1:: 1; your mind and give you a better idea of the values listed A public funeral for the unidentied victims of- the Collinwood school dis- laster was held yesterday. I ,I_:_L-.I Dbvl. vvuu uvau JV-aux-- x.-J. Prisoners at Guelph jail plotted an escape, but the1r planswere dis- covered by the authorities. * Fire destroyed the convent at Cap ?St. Ignace, Quebec, but the three lhundred pupi s all escaped. A mutiny of prisoners took place in the Winnipeg jail and the guards had a severe ght to overcome the gang. I The rst detachment of Salvation` Army immigrants arrived at Vancou- iver, and all found places, including `sixty women. ' Mr, Ai't:_h_ur, Patterson was an over Sunday vxsxtor here. Four men were killed on the Gr-End Trunk Pacic north of Kalmar and three badly injured by an explosion ' of dynamite. The California `Supreme Court has decided that Eugene Schmitz, for- merly Mayor of San Francisco, was `unlawfully convicted of extortion. ' John E, Stevens, formerly chief engineer of the Panama Canal, says the canal will never be other than a `great expense to the United States. L Forllress 33ondsN0neBetIerTl_1_a_n1_ and whatever you'r intended purchase, just what you want. , - an n - 1 ___ JUDI. wuas. yvu wally. The assortment 'a'ord I:-1 wide, i'ange` of Choice a - `store so popular for Dress Goods. ~` Don t-dela_.y;* . Comevin` and the new things ~_ _. :4 ,`_, Our New Goods are ii Of y betterihosielry ya1_ues-and we tried. Better Hosiery, better wearing and better dyed isn de. Many who buy their general dry goods at other stores invariably come to this e for Hosiery. Our Hosiery Department has a wide reputation. , 1 ping in h qualities, and as for prices, you can always depend on us for the lowest. '_ . ozen pecial` Llama Hose, full fashioned, seamless foot, ne quality, sizes 8%, I -9 nd 9%, wo h regular 45c. Our special price 3 5c, 3 pair for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 Weicoiuldin '. (E0 1201:: VIC K 1-: RS Mas; Mabe1"!Riddell of Tottenham is visiting her_brothers hgre. .