Northern Advance, 12 Mar 1908, p. 2

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Borders same price as A Sidewall. SCOTT S Bookstore ,I can talk: ybu to a hundred hntnnh. xi-ialnf .........1 ..._ ...-... 2.. cLt_n}BING RAT_ES_. Artistic Effects New Designs igaggr Barrie Branch. B_./HENWODD. 'Ad-;}{c' 'a}id `\'A'/'e2:ki;} ,_,_--.._.----v-.- col wuwll \\J|-llllyyu A second clause of the bill pro- vides a new system of voting. in {County Councils on all principal ex- penditures of $1,000 or over. In such cases a1m_ember s vote will be valued according to the assessment jof the `municipality which he repres- enltso zAt `present:-the` vote of the` ;tt_i'e`pre"sentat1veA of a municipality wlth assessment icon! .'.-...'..'I'....'1`.e. -. '.'Ai{;ixc'e" 2:221 'x3v>'ri& Advance and News of Barrie Advance and Farm- u-1-`Ant- Z!_&cIv'211V1;:'<:v ;.Ia"13;aiy . . . . .. $425 A Avonnn |0\A `X7-aL1u- BARBIE. 95 75 TH-US. KENNEDY, ARCHITECT. -'0ice.v0ntario Block,` Dunlop `St. --,..........mvc 01 a mumcxpauty with" a small assessment is` of equal value {O that of one who represents a" _ municipal assessment in. the -5! grants so; ;CX_9'r|d-_-T} t8l'i0 Land 'Survevm-e T-Tun .... .... -ANY QUANT-ITY OF MONEY TO loan _at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms .of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- ` te_rs, etc- ________%__ $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT annrl frank.-.1A ....-....:.__ -. 7 Having spent4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Ulinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat & Nose Hospital. London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) : for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, Birmin ham :former Member of British 05 phthalmol cal Society. ` OFFICE-78 DUNLOP Srnnnr, BARRIE. Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- DR, `ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone A 105. Box 456. lDR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ` ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, ; (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. /of. P u. DEGU5, 12.1.. _ and. Civil Bqsanko Engineer. _Block. . DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.~R. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. services, and $4 and $5 per day claims `for. board at $6 a week boarding houses. All that the minister pro- fessed to know was that he made the contract and was to pay the bookkeepers their regular price. He did not ask what the price was, did not know whether the time of the men was checked, did not know that the bills were not certified, or that he had himself ordered payment of bills on which the $5 per day board charge was made. He had expected that the job would cost $20,000 to $25,000 instead of twice as Mr. Brodeur s deputy and accountant had no written contract to guide them. Neither he nor they have been able in a year and a half to nd out what the railway department paid ths same experts, though the minister said that he considered. this vavvJ vlalbl BVIJ 691 V rate the standard to be adopted. It is however discovered that the Mar- inc department had been paying a much higher rate. Meanwhile `Mr. Brodeur has found scape-goats". He has retired deputy minister -Gourdeau and suspended accountant Owens of his department. This book-keeping deal adds one more to the list of scandals which have made the `Mar- ine department notorious. ,, . much. . DR. J. CURRIE SMIT-H. OF- ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. :STEWART & STEWART, `BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. ~ . `Stewart. DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. ;Ont. Office and residence John St., t . near comer Elizabeth. Phone 213. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI`S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. H.T. ARNALL, =M.D.-,C.M., OFFI-C 3.. 'Dn&`I....1l .~ I-.`I.\..I. AIl.....I..1.. f\._ -IJJ-J ; '.uI`I.J.V]..lV\1 MILL '_C-I;mpa'ny. -C`arpe`ntering, building, andzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done promptly and satis- factorily. Hot blast` drying kiln. District Agenc for grained lum- ber. `Factory, a eld street, Bar- rie. " Rodgers '8: allie; successors - to Geo. Ball. Fw. AULT, BA-RRI-STER. SOLICI- ' `tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attcntion in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- -fces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to oan. . LENNOX, _ CO-WLAN 8: BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street-, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent." Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. 'Haugh- ton Len-nox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.-B- G. A. VRADENHURST, -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- . ce--Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building.` iMoney to loan at low- est rates. STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters,"Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. -Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. `gobuuouow noon % .-: HEWSONC & CRESWICKE, BAii- _.-A.-._- : .!2.2A..... `E LL- C .... -... a1.v.V LA! 1I'J.\JJ.\'L".rI..[ N UN` tano Land _'Surveyors, Engmeers, etc. Establxshed 1852. Oice,' Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- _'mond and Bay `Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will be promptly_ at- tended . to. .,,.,.,.. ;.\,l-1\ .I.LVV.DD11\ 1ILlV1 UN good. freehold securit at lowest rate of interest. 0 principal money required until end of the term. H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. Eye. Ear. Nds; Throat, )R. J. A. C. EVANS, MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3021. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. .L...I.. 4lL\LVJLl4.I_4, -gvJ..JJ- ,\u.u.l.., \Jl-'I.'L\/1.`: m Bothwe1l s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 51.`; VV`oJ\l&V ll. \.l.\A'4h) IV .l\.L`LJ.'4, All l.L\` risters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanccrs, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. I-Iewsonv,K.C. A. E, H. Creswicke. ' ` Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. A _\D'vEn'r1sE& IN ____.___._-.-._..__._.______._._. MANUFACTURERS. Hon. Mr. Brodeur has been before the Public Accounts Committee in connection with the famous $50,000 oookkeeping deal. Mr. Brodeur con- "esses to an immense amount of ig- norance. He admitted that he made the contract by which some $45,000 had been paid on account to the New York accountants, with their $75, $40 and $35 per day charges for .`,.,... .....l 0. -,, ,1 no- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. ARC:-I1Tr:c'1fTTs. I SURVEYOR. FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. : AWVANC3-" Lnezi 3r. Tow Ofce,` {aver 11 Inspector ICHITECT nn: -- . .. A Order your wedding Invitations 931']? and at the right place. Th` Advance Job ,. Printing Department `lM1F.8.~ 8..s'1'>9cia1ty-_o this class 0; Ali` latest samples 0 --v--vv ---`- uvvaotl Q-UUIJO *4 p.m.--For.Ori1lia, North ` Bay. and points West. 8.05 p.m.--For Orillia. 5 10.35 a.m.-For Penetang. - 3 10.45 a.r'n.-For St-ayner, Coiling-` `wood and Meaford. 3.40 p.m.-For Stayner, Co11ing- wood and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.--For Penetang. 8.00 p.m.-For Sitayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. *n.Io p.m.--For. North Bay. (Co- halt Special.) . '\-'I u 1 so an :7uCII-' IN$UB;|l:lCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER. ETC. \ nan: AND pm-rn: cuss 1NsURA:~CE Private Funds to loan on first mo Cakes. Oorresuondonce solicited. om Bank 01"!` ro toB ildi .0W9 cgtreet. .Ba,11'?o. gut. u D3 'Baker s, Cream. Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. PHONE 250, or drop us a P0:~?.".I 1:` Y0 would like something good in a loaf U. our Machine maae :- -Iii fIIivl'" Coal and Wood Merchant Corner I$r:;rl{3r'i and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 158. T? I haiz now 9. large stock I on hand of all sizes. `],__7Yl'\-\ ----/ pleased to receive your orders for sum? will have Prompt and Careful Attcmimx BRWN S BAKERY '1--!'!"!`!"l'i-1-5'4"!-'5-'1' '5'!--i--I--is-I-I--!--!'-H-+`! \r\Io' nu V nru LBEMENTF. Condensed advertisements on first page..,. as wants ofall kindp, lost and round, mfg: for sale ox-to rent, 5 ecic articles, 010.43,- must be acoompanic with the cash. and V` be inserted-rst msertion 2 cents per N4: each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wag (namemaddresaes and gures counted sL=. won` but a. reduct_i_on of one cent per word u~r.f.-' .___j, cuuu auuacquem mseruon 1 wi-Q worn _ reduction one wm made when the number of insertions 0133:, matter exceed four Out: for advertisements 1:: us! In use be mounted on solid metal b 0'" Il u--rv-v- -oauu uuvaa vuv Iuvllvj AD W0 Subscribers now in arrears for three months and ever will be charged $1.50 per annum. urn-ererred in , menu in the papggswingefggldlrictal ad of one-third on above rates and an man : account will special positions he 9". noomal rule wlll beetrictly carried out. m_`- Tu CONTRACT cums ;.:g_ Advertisers will I - . notice of intention It ocac8l?az};)g,"a:1"`_ _ `."d 1:1 mustbe handed into the office m :( r1h. id Saturday at 10 o'c1ock' and the C) change mustbein THE ADV'A\;)IL~ form; later than 12 o'clock noon on blond r .m.C*.:al week, otherwise the &dVertiBex"s8.nnotr1x} 1" `I: nxilay not be made public mm] the .Ccf;{E!x: 1 . ` A51 52 clenges of Advertisements allowed . - . . . . ts: c.::::;:a?' dvertinm-n will nno 1... ..n-_, Vang` ` I2 changes anew ed . year. Ifmore are X`QIllX`ed,L`0H1p0bili0 V will be charged. n *7; Advertmers will not be allowed to W-1.. space for advertising anythin " out. '1 own _regnlar business. She d 111;); elf. transzent. rates will be charged {or 3,-um: vertisementa. 11he% Nqnhern AdvapJ largest circulation of any paper hay, Tau Aovmwbn 19 prove Town. - thee It hn.n nlnn hr far 1)... 1..____ . , . _.-ug4g;Nu' Legal Notices. Auction Sales, etc.-First insertion 10 cent; e`:Ti`;59m, f on nentinsertlon 5 cents per ?ine_ ' -,;;. ing notices. 10 cents per line 1 1 insertion ; 5 cents per line for each 8 '- ' insertion of the some matter. A11 me ~; sums. of this character. charged 3" V . Obituarv Poetry 5c per line. 9511a, have of first chm COAL vn A180 HARD and SOFT WOOD. and .~}.:1U 5'? )l8&Sed receive vmxr nnn-a hm . .. 1. - strin run nus munsnmg and see what W6 0 ' I for. Compare our fees, methods and general results- Trains leave Barlrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :-v-` Fall lerVri1liEi1"'ia.;'nt. 3rd. EXCELSIOR nusx- NESS COLLEGE. 34.23312- 'w ASK mum Help us A to meet the over increas- ' in demand. NOT A GBIDUAT A T p]WeE cqfndl 1~e aced twice as man y war so To ma u 0, on ELSEWHEE? We in better ch .~ hnlhe. 'Pre1'en-ed nnnfn win Qhg van- `WEDDING, INVITATIONS. ADVERTISING Drug'gi8s """` 9 Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applications `will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires; the smoothness and sofmess of a, baby's. 1 Glycedonia is not sticky. and gloves may be worn a few nlomentu after using it.- Price 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET 3- HuRsD4Y, MARCH ,2, . ".'4.2o a.m.--For wlivewmarkct, % To- ronto. Montreal and points `East. iz_. -.. , in 4:1 1 Q. :c__>f\L_. 8: {wooo * - ~ v - --v---ya u-uu uc.u.c1u1 .`\l.LL'IHH].'l. JAS. GHEESMAHR and `UAAR `hfn_..L....s A, MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MONKMAN. COHXERCIAL CONTRACT coxnnuszn ADVERTISEMENTS Anan nJcv.u.A.';.-_. __ A, TRANBXENT ADVERTISING 1.1.2.... A ,, .- positions for 10581 mer will be mm ... OF THE '7&5"=lxKLli%o}"r3&'{.23.'ZE$ba1: Special.) ' ":1 `Q, I . A RATES v -----l t8.oo a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- i a- and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-For Allandale. "'I.oo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. 5.20 p.m.--For Nevrmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. 7.25 a.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. ` 5.25 p.m.--For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. "`2.oo a.m.-For Orillia, North `Bay and S00. W1I.oo a.m.--For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North'Bay. ' I'\ -1.: so .u -. __.--__. _ ___--: In 8 Page olunn ;Ie:vupaper. Published from the pmce, 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County or Simone, the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Oanadmevery Thursday Morning. by V WESLEY & CHEW, PROPHIITORS THE NORTHERN Anwmc: sauavaan Ill` QUlDDUl`Il.'I'l\)lV` 01 per Annuoqg _m flglvance wvfvw-won '3'-Daily including Sunday. muuun RAILWAY GUIDE. ANOTHER SCANDAL. J. I-`RANK mcxsou MAKER OF PORTRAITS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tums or Sunscnxrmox. Bilious attacks lick-dhetdttehes, indiges- 0: ti neti tie - II -111 a:en ec>:ne :1`. the I-esit e.`::l`;c.eI8Iluect.e liver. Ask your doctor Pi! we endorse: Ayers` PR_le_in these cage. The dope? is s;ma&l.l,`91Ir__e.`pill. _|t mama, . . I .. g...qg...:wn .....\ __...1-..':'.`-'~_Lx' _. _-:~= e Winnipeg, March 5.-During the past week there has been a. very heavy fall of snow in Manitoba, which has materially brightened the prospects of a. good crop,` for the pre- vailing impression among old pion- eers is that a heavy snowfall is nec- essary to good crops in western Can- ada. Much of the land in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and Alberta has been prepared for seeding," the long open fall last year having enabled the_ farmers to do a greatdeal more fall ploughing than usual. The pros- pects are that a much larger area will be put under crop this spring. Thousands of new settlers will seed and other are increasing their culti- vated areas. The wheat orop will likely. be increased anywhere from ten to fteen per cent.,= but it is likely that the oat crop will be re- duced, owing to the fact that seed cannot be procured, and new settlers cannot aord to pay the price of i l lmanded -for good oats. If the sea- $1.05 and $1.10 per bushel, now de- j son is at all favorable an unusually.` *1. J. Foy D. w. LeRo3 EW. Maunsell H. Brown P. S. Maule `A. Brownlee Heavy Fall of Snow, Has Improved Prospects. Toonio T Wm. Martin Wm. Mansell !G. G. Mackenzie B. H. Ardagh, 1-1p:o\ _.v' -v ucg v u v v-_ the `Dyment eentriesw for the Bualo Derby to_ be run June 22nd. Revs, -Dr. McLeod. and -W. `"A_. Amos and Mr. J. J. Brown are com- missioners to the General Assembly which meets this `year at Winnipeg. Mrs. 'Jas. Phinnemore, 929 Bruns- wick avenue, Toronto, gave a most enjoyable tea _ on Thursday after- noon last in honon other guest, Miss sMabel White of Barrie. ' ' Uncfle 'l`oby~" aho"~Co'urtown II: are Will $1`-Iuvnter was down frdm I-Midland for a few days last week. `Ir'_ ,1 _ -G.T.R. Constable -Savage, who was arrested here by Chief King on Wednesday of last week, in response to a telegram from Toronto, was taken_.down on Thursday by Detect- ive Mackie. The charge against him is having conspired with `Mr. T. J. Woodcock, former magistrate at Newmarket, to defraud the Province of certain sums of money in connec- tion with court proceedings. Sav- age was arraigned on Friday and pleaded not guilty, electing to be tried by jury. He was released on $500 bail. Before leaving Barrie, Savage told The Advance that his dealings with Woodcock had always been fair and above board. Wood- cock, he said, was in the habit of making out the constables accounts, and he (Savage) never took the trouble to check the items, as he re- \lied on the ' magistrate s superior {knowledge of the schedule. ll Two rinks of the Barrie Curling Club journeyed to Toronto on eThursday last and played a friendly match with some of the curlers who were up here the week before.A The game resulted in a victory for the Toronto players by six shots. The following tells the tale`: `l'I V The best medicine: in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken iii. If the troubleia with your throat, bronchial tubea,eor lungs, ask him about taking Ayer~ s Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he pays. n The nevy Elizabeth St. 'Methodist! -Church wnll be opened on -Sunday, March 15th. Rev. `Dr. Carman, Gen- eral _ Superintendent, will preach morning and. evemng. T A \l",,, f`-,___.-,_n `W:I:h'e":n;;rlVger`;>l'Missl -Constance Howell, daughter of the Chief Just- ice of Manitoba and niece of Mrs. D Alton McCarthy,` to Mr. Charles -Pentland, England, wil1'take_ place early in April. _`_ 4. I__A_'_,- -..` wv--' --- _-..----V Rev. Dr: Cleaver is to lectpre on` 'Jean Valjean 1n the new Elizabeth St. Methodist `Church on Tuesday evening, March 24th. ;D'r._Cleaver is a lecturer of V provincial [reputation and Hugo s famons.masterpiece los- es nothing in treatment at his hands. "` ,, I!I_. c There E? 'Jq'$}1"J}'{i{n'1}ik}{ws. paper advertxsing. The merchant who tries the bill board or the fancy. dodger, if he tests the matter thor- ouch-ly and conclusively, will nd cthatthe newspaper advertisement is the very best there is. The big ad- vertisers conne themselves .exclu- sively to the newspapers. Try the columns of The Advance. 1- 3] `skip WESTERN GRAIN CROP. V01 Local Interest BARRIE vs. TORONTO. J. F. Jackson 1 ` A, W. Wilkinson azie H. G. Robertson h, Jas. Vair, ....2o skip . . . . . ..1 LeRoy `If A 1'! Barrie 30 .18 l_v--- wuuuAua' VVll..l.l BU Upell Mrs. Stubb-Gracious! How though t- tg take._I_nn _um-brellq alouk. , Ihpunhtful. Man. _ Mr... Stubb t(read_m8?Ma1fla, here 1! In qIcc,onn_t _of a man who jumped out _ `high budlngawlth an open umbrella.` V I- 1;... g`+.n.i._.n....-a"._..`-- , J ROI` 8;ntimont. % Whit you need most." said the kind '1d`18d. is "a change ofshirt." Mebby dat s rlgh't,- mwam," `g-993.5 the unlaundered .hobo,;.but I ma, .4, Hh tnvtmvl '4! 69...... .n-__ - u___,, ..-,__ --w-v,.,- Iv k1nd`uv-guy t 4.t row do;vh`auboIom. W >`trlend."-Detr_olt Tribune. The Wonders of Mudicel Beieneo. Doctor, _can I eat between meal: if 1- feel a craving for the food?! ' 0erta1nly." ' "But last summer you sun! that I I should eat only at mealtme." NV... `In-1. -Al. 4_I__A. AI 7 __-...... ...... mu an n.ucnu.uuc." ' "`Yea, bnt `a; that t1m`e you had no` craving.-icieveland. Plain Dealer. l` ` V Real Skin cam. `There goes a man who has been working a "skin game all his life." - Ever been arrested? ' uNope:n ` "'.1`ha't s' strange. What kind of a skin game does he work-she1l game?" No, he is a tattoo artist.---Plttiburg Post. . - - Husband Q- on the contrary, Jenny, it was only because I wusl1sten- jlng to you that I` domed om-Judge. - -- _-v wuv u-u-vvw uufnv-r [lithe vne; ;{a-xne will be added to the Sub arlptlon List until the money is paid. nhnnullnnna -us-n 8.. -__-_.... 1-- `L24: __ -,. AI 7 sleep? Boperifie; ` Irate Wife-But what is -the use of my talking when you just go~to sleep? Do you hea_r_? (Bang!) What is the I use of my talking when you just go to finnj f'a.-I-.....I ' `Flu It ' ` 1 _`"i"l1e objectors must be a married men : team.-Baltimore American. _ They Tried It. I read in the papers of a profes- sionardebate where one team refused to meet the other team while they, ; kept a feminine member on the ground fthat they could not argue with a wo- ` Tl!" Mr. Macdonald s motion was re- jected by a vote of 320 to 73. The minority _'_\yas composed of Nationa- ylislts, Laborites and extreme Radi- ca s. Alluding to numerous references regarding the naval activity of Ger- many, Mr. Asquith recalled that the government did not witness with. ap- prehension a naval expansion which corresponded to the economic and advancing needs of that country . He added that there was the best reason to hope that the two peoples were advancing nearer and nearer to a complete mutual understanding. Mr. Asquith insisted that the naval pol- ?icy of Great Britain was purely de- fensive. Chan_cellor of the Exchequer As- quith said that the motion, it passed, would be considered a declaration th at the government had failed to re- deem its pledges. -He maintained that during the last two years the government had made considerable retrenchment in the army and navy expenditures without impairing the ghting eiciency. He added: Our naval position is one of unassailable supremacy. Such it must remain. The command of the sea is with us a matter of life and_ death. We must safeguard A it, not against imaginary dangers, but against all contingencies that could `reasonably enter intoathe calculations of a statesman. The government, therefore, believes it to be its duty to_ maintain our standard of relative naval strength. {early eseeding is _expec_ted. A little [has been done in the chinook (belt of southern Albertagand at one or two points _ in `Saskatchewan. but it will not likely be`-general for some weeks. 1` ~ T The British house of commons last week debated the -motion of John Murray "Mac-Donald, member tor F:-lkirk, urging that, in view of the continued friendly relations between Great Britain and the powers, a fur- ther reduction be made in armaments and effect be given to the policy of `retrenchment and reform to which `the government is pledged, l ;~_ -Mr. CyV.Warman, the `well known author . and journalist, writing on Prince Rupert in the The iCana- dian wMagazine, says :- A, 1615,! , , 1-: c -7 -.-v . --_-,_~wy-----v' v`-' - - Prince Rupert is new and attract? -ive. 'It__is to -be a model city- in every sense of the word. It guards what is` said to be the nest. natural har`- r hour on the coast, if_ not in the world. It is the terminal town of a transcontinental railway wihch bids fair to surpass, anything ever yet at- A tempted in the way of railway con- struction on this continent, crossing from ocean to ocean without a sing- le mile of mountain grade or grade that can by any stretch of imagin- ation be considered an obstacle to the economical {operation of the road. Prince Rupert is at the end of the long portage on the shortest route. around the world. Any scheme which has for its ultimate object the swift circling oi the sphere must reckon Prince. Rupert on its right-of-way. The mineral wealth of all that vast mountain region, the forest products of North- ern -British Columbia, as well as the food products of the Prairie Prov- inces and the fur of the far north- that is to say, all the export wealth of this resourceful Dominion origin- ating north and west of the South Saskatchewan, bound for the Orient by the Occidental route-will funnel down and pass out by way o Prince Rupert. Towns may be reprcsentated in the `County Councils by their mayors, in- stead of their` reeves and deputy reeves, as at present if thexbill of Lieut.-Col. Hugh lark (Centre Bruce) .meets withlapproval eat` the present session of the.`Legislature. This "method of - representation~wi'l-l -be optional and will 'be_ decided. by resolution of the majority of. they municipalitie's in each county. V . LA 5-...-....| -I-..-- -1 A ; No Further Reduction in Armamehts Can L be Made. `BRITANNIA MUST RULE THE A WAVES. THE NORTHERN `ADVANCE PRINCE RUPERT. onus on: an Jxuvallbc dll-U. VJVCW8 outside Northern er s Advocate Ngrthern Advance and Weekly un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Northern Advance and Family Herald and Weekly Star (Montreal) .. Northern Advance and Toron- to Saturday Night .... Northern Advance and Orange Senfinol .5` \.Il 6119} ll Mail . . . Northern North _:x;n Northen: Mail . . . Nc`>1;t1}`ern 1 Luca u nu-Va Sentinel . . . . And every one of the hundred will tell you. the Iune-that St. George : stands every and never loeequila strength." ,Wn'tc/affru cop Cant ' \V.A__, - C - `MAY ALLOW -MAYORS IN coumv COUNCILS. --v vvv-as it :5 HUGE}- /iZ'-ou' can ask those, who do th: baking, what they think of L , ; uuu tax: you to hundred homa's,a-ight around my store, in which St. George's is used. ~ ICYV... -_.. __I .1 - - WALL PAPER is ghe vat'r 1otTmtLof1T:he..vR ` Fi19pfthe'_- " and is an` i: _sf%Ii_pn of the strength of` tlits. &s,1_c~I"~t;$liable% institutio`n.V This Fund is}, composed of prots laid asid, and pram iums on n stqk issues, and is maintain an _}_ ,3dx-awn I to the ' `Besewe is $500,- the capital. Baal?` Additie l?j:Guarantee to depositors the safety of ' `i: their tncgngy. g I.

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