Northern Advance, 5 Mar 1908, p. 2

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THE NORTHERN ADVANCE _? lnteriest Paid on Savings Deposits "'c. E. "B'yoa? % V ; % 97*.'*~'*-- 3 met at Elm- o'clock, a.m. YYQ"\lun;\q-n -\.aIuL lbC U1 LIIC the decision Lssd to sub-I the . County `pnannn at oI...l -- AT` THE -- Park- Cald- Simp- Dunn, , Beat- , Mary ` ";;5"a:;.:-E0?"'T;;;;1};).-EE;)ba1t Special.) 15 `V- ,.-,I__A A--...V_ 75 5 V In Your Spare `line at Bone. Or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn, we teach on cash or metal. rnent plan. We also teach a personal class at schod once a month-class commencmz last Tuesday d each month. These lessons teach how to _cut. tand put together any garment. from the plame st shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over 7.000 dressmakers and guarantee tozive $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the axes; of 14 and 49. You cannot learn dressmaking as thnrouth us tlus course teaches it if you work in shops for years. Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outsxde the school. This ls the only experienced Dresscutting School in Canada. and excelled by none 1!`) any other country. Write at once, frr nar- ticulars. as we have cut our rate one-third for a v short time. Address 5 V Q 1 A nu:1:: 112:: -jnnog :.|IQ1\O 31 Erie Street. Ntntford. OIL. Canada. ANTED AT ONCE--We have decided to nstruet and employ a numper of smart youn ledxesto teach our course 1n Dressmak- ing, aving one teacher for the six nearest towns where they live-age 20 to 36. Those who have worked at dressmaking. or hke drawing preferred. Please do notapply unless you devote your whole time. Address- Tux: 803001.. 8A_Dl_iS_DRS:$ c_u1j'mte scifoot. r__ `, . NDRES SMAKING BY MAIL j).m.-For' "Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.--For Pcnctang. 8.00 p.m.-For Stayner, Coiling- ;wood and Meaford. *xI.1o p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- balt Special.) You cannot at better ssibly have than Z- Szby meets and Storekeeper: in 1-). and -lb Tins. -- -" T T A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter : extreme cold. WALL PAPER Oxie can to glwaya nuke you buy St. .George ;. !hvey9iaepy`o! om ne_wc_ook hook? . Scat free it you unite lhhnnnl .11.... L n....:c...1 .n.. ..a is best for Biscuits -`-`best fog Cnkes--b'cs: fof Pics--best ` 8): evctything you bake that_req1iireI_ Btking Powder..' Mr. John Wright has disposed of the license of the Railroad `House to Mr. W. J. Gilks. The transfer comes before the Board on the 13th inst. Bordetfs same price as Sidewall. JSC0'l`T S Bookstore New Designs Artistic Effects Mmmz. _O-`1c.e, Ontario Block; Dunlap St.` N I,EL ...If" PLANING MILL % ~Ca1-npnm-:n... I...:1.::.. ~ . ing, tended to. UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land `Surveyors, etc.` Established 1852. Office, Med- ical Building, S.E. ` mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tionstleft with Strathy, & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- Barrie, will be promptly at- Meaford debentures sold at about 94. This is considered satisfactory by the town in view of the stringen- cy of the money market. $70,000 F0-R INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term. H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. , at 41/) 211!` E ns nan-it C_-,_ Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ofnhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham : former Member of British phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone 51. ' . P. 0. Box. 96. L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8:. S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- DR. J. A. c. EVANS, MEMBER on ' College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical F Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- , coe. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. STEWART 82 `STEWART, BAR- ristcrs, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums `at 5 peg cent. Oice, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, LL:D., D. -M. Stewart. iW. AULT, BA`R:RI-STER`, SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, "etc. Special attuntion~in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- `ices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to can. . , DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. EDR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- n;nn `Q...-.-.-.\.-. ll`l! C-u....In1L-. t4`-. G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank .. of Toronto Building; Money to loan at low- es_t rates. . Mrs. W. W. Beelby and children of Thornton spent a few days last week with Mrs. Beelby s parents, iMr. and Mrs. H, Marr, -Mary St. !DR. J. CURRIE SMITH. G-.. ....A _....:.I.....-.. P-n:_.. L \ ENNOX, COW-AN & _BR=OWN, Bartisters, Solicitors for "obtaining ' probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Creemore and Alliston. -Haugh- tron Lenno;<,DA1ex. Cowan, G. E. J. ..--_... T ! H.T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., 0iI`F1c 3.. 'DALL.....1I .. l..`l....`l- AlI.....1..1.-. f\.. EEK. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. l Ont. Oice and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. STRATHY & ESTE_N, BAR-RIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- ter,' Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- i to Building, Barrie. Money to loan- I`-i.E_WSON & CRESWICKE, BA1i- IC.'!.`-34.__- -1 LI... C .... 4...; uuaaunu DIUC `of ~ Plumbing. .4 ; `gnu uvu MILL _C-Io-mpa'r#1$r. -Carp_entering,~ building, and.-manufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kindsdone promptly and satis- factorily. Hot blast drying kiln. `District Agenc for grained lum- ber. Factory, ayeld street, Bar- rie. Rodgers --8:. Gallic, successors to, Geo. Ball. The B. 'C. I. took a fall out of the! Thornton hockeyists at Crystal Rink _on Friday night, walloping them to the tune `of 8 to 2. Dick `Stewart captained the visitors. and played centre. King, McNab, Bond, Nee- lands, Hart, Ty:-er and Pae repre- sented the Collegiates. Eye. Ear. Nosev Throat, ...... 3`\J[11V.|..l.l1 UP IVIUN; loan at 4% and 5 per cent` terms. of re-paymeqt. `I Cowan & Brown-, Sohcitors, ters, etc. r1\. J.\\.lLl-1'4.l.\L Q. 1)1\\.J(L1J, 11101` cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. rJ\. J \.rLl.I.\L\l.JJ nJ.LV.l..l 1'11. ce aind residence, Collier Barrie. Phone 61. IR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Oices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. AlL\AVllA4 .J.J-',\.a..LV.I.., Kid-'1' L\L'4 hi1;.Bothwe1l:;,;)'iock, Allanda c. On the-premises at night. Ll-'4VV'sJ\JJ` \l- \./1.\L'4uJVV.l\`4L\L4, 114315 risters, 'Sdlicitors of the Supreme 'Court of Judicqture of Ontario, Proctors, Nothnes, Conveyance:-s, etc. Money ,to loan. Office, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. H-ewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswjcke. ll .I4I.lIIl\JJ\, All grown, L.L.B. Dr. J. ARTHUR T ROSS. % ADVERTISE IN "Link Lowe, -who will hold down second base for Montreal this year; is a younger brother of ex-Ald. Lowe of Town, Lowe is a veteran at the game and formerly played with the oston Red Stockings. `He was with the Bean-Eaters at the time they had the famous ineld--Tenney, Lowe, Long and Collins. `Mrs. Eustace Bird was thehostess Of 3 ohnrmlnn fan "I`L.....-.!--- Ah~' ---:--_ MONEY TO L0i N. ARCHITECTS. SURVEYO1/{Si- FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. LEGAL; V - ova \.I at 4.; 3 _|_ `I cent. Easy .vment ` I mm-.. u I. 1.243] Lennox, s, Barns- yr- street, I ww--v, -v-v---. ---- ---- rv---v ----v . 7.25 a.m.--For Cardweli Junotion, Georgetown and Hamilton 0 _. -._ ,,I _II V , n'-,, vvvI.:Io .1113 Inc 581119155 U` `VV-t.`..`V`"F-`ikcall Ind see us bef9r * . _, . Mvancg __.Job Printml 9871?, and at the right place. The ' otdef` YO!!!" wedding invitations .A.d"3 J05 Printing D artmc "@333 .3 specialty ,0! this ecliass .;I:h ` ' oi .4.-fun :}..9t..-T?lf.:n.a `-.gvwu VIVICU OfO0. Bank I street. 1 <--737 unsunica AG couvzvnuc mam AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE ENT. Bake:-, s, Cream. Twist, Vien-' na Sandwich. Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. ' 'PHONE 250, or drop us 3 Postal if you would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- K __ ` w I haxc now a large stock of first class COAL on hand of all sizes. Also HARD and SOFT VVOOD. and shall be pleased to receive your orders for same which will have Prompt and Careful Attention. IQL Q--:__A___--- -_ - ~-- - -r -1- 1! -I-i-!'-l-'i--l'l-l'*l-i'!"!!- -I-l-I-'1-i-cl-cl-vi--I--9+-I-`P BROWN S BAKERY 5.25 p.m.-FOr -Ca1-dwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. *2.oo a.m.--For Orillia, North Bay and Soo. V-. ....-....... auvu;u::nnmn.\l.`,. i Condensed advertisements on rst pageguch as wants of all kindp. lost and found, propen, for sale or to rent, 3 cic articles, eIc.,e ; must be accompanie with the cash. and w be inset-ted-tlrat insertion 2 cents per wow l each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wow (names,addresses and gures counted as \\-(,m,, but a. reduction of one cent per word will 3 made when the number of insertions of sun. ` matter exceed four ` 'f must in en; case be mounted on solid metal hue. '5'-I-P-l'!"l!-'1'-I'l"l-`Pi -Iv-l"!"}-1--I-l~!`+++++ Tu: ADVANCE 18 proven to he }lt`1(}'eIl?1.:soi:lculal:io1; of any paper in gheatg noel u. so 5' at the largest subsmw` T latter fact demonstrates the gtlsagtiroggih l gt; Il)1:rvot:haz:y advex'tis?,?gl:g!q 8 ncsfnid to pay; me.p:-ice. reaches he Wt sna.cev-13 nn"21:fef ?. . 153 `f`. , d5nz L `.$ a Preferned positions for local d . ments in the paper will be sold at or? ai of one-third on above rates, and on no om: account will special positions he tzivt rule will be strictly carried out. Am TM` CONTRACT` CHANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mind an notice of intention to Cllalflge advcrtisr_- J mustbe handed into theo cc not later Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the Copy for mu change mustbe in THE ADVANCE ojcem later than 12 o clock noon _on Monday in, week. otherwise the 8qVePtler's annollnccmem inay not be made public until the week rouo, ing. , 12 changes of Advertisements allowed W year. If more are required, composition me. will be charged. Advertisers will not be allowed to usetheg, space for advertising anything outside theli . gown regular business. Should they do 1 transient rates will be charged for such`? vertisements. , 1 The Northern Advanc Barrie. - Ont, \ TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. Legal Notices. Auction Sales, Am etc.--F` insertion 10 cents er 1i`:femenq subeetaqent insertlon 5 cents per ne, ' GI Res mg notices, 10 cents per line insertion : 5 cents per line for each sub '4 insertion of the same matter. All items ml 5lines,ot this chm-acter, charged a35 Q Obitnsrv Poetry 60 per line. `I .'IT"I-I-UARS DAY.% MAT-RC=H 5th, 11.00 1.m.-For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. ` `V .0 C\ ADVERTISING RATES] OI` 'l`1Jl1I stun run nun mmnsums and no what. we of- ! fer. Compare our fees. methods. and general results. Fall term aeginEi;:. am. EXCELSIOR BUSI- NESS _ COLLEGE. "we ask mu T0 new usn it:l;l;e:t'I(I ever increaa. NON GRADUATE UF UIST TEBMIME "` ` ' placed twice aamnny WHY 80 T0 TORONTO. UH El8EWHEE? `" " " %"" better close at home. A WEDDING INVITATIONS. ,_._ __-_.4- Has a marvellous effect on rough: skin. One or two applications. will remove the roughness, and by ' its occnsional use the skin acquires : the smoothness and softness of I. baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky. and: gloves may be worn a few moments . after using it. Druggiat, MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET "VI p".{{-Ii<"c>}' 'o}1'i5, North Bay and points West. 8.05 p.m.-For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.-For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.--For Stayner, Calling- wood and .Mgford._' - ......,... an-u urucnul xutcuuon. "Jhs. GI-IEESMA and `vnn 3I.._..L-._A IV " ` v.-_-vu Iu1&n&lIl$lU and Wood Merchant Corner Bradford and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 153 MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MON KMAN . coxnnmcuz. coN'r1uc'r ms-rug, CONDENSED ADVERTISEM ENTS. .._..._.I -J_-__A:_-_, ., . .-`i t"iv(;e 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. B.A3i%-2E .E:_._ ---v.-uvuuc 301lC1ted- : of Toronto Building. Owen Barr '0. Out. i I1Wk.l Mo. 3 Bracebridge has fonlmdabranch of the Anti-treating League. Each mem- be; pledges himself to refrain from _treating_ others and to refuse treats m publxc places. OF THE .3Mo.: In accord! h are one inch Barrie. T gmi - I Prior to leaving for Fort William `Rev, Harold G. and Mrs. King of -Gravenhurst were made the reci- pients by St. James parish of an Illuminated address and a silver tea set. \Nhi1 of the money too, in ience 0 who t alted 1) Like 1 never instinc tion ` amoun man 11 -eral Ia the ivrj inf; fewjv `mi batc burg. vhiutua Hvdy chanu only rmnk fence the h Sehol ghwn JAL rzmt twecn lcngc for \Ncbt very Of the HO c0g,il 5.20 p.m.--For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. A!,._ xvho iddcr mevci C1355 Dow ratc- close poor aur \Vc way ion dou fricl ancc THE Noa-lean ADVANCE WESLEY G. CREW, PROPRIETORS - ...u..-.: v -caucus a JV y 81 per Annum in Advance 51% new name will be addedto the Sub Jrlptlon List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears fox-`three months and over will be charged $1.50 per umum. :+'M+%3+4-'3'-~+4~-!~+-H'*!-i-!-4-!'_-t I Mr. R. J. Hill, Clerk of Innisl, has been appointed a Commissioner, for taking afdavits in the High Court of Justice.` I Mrs. H. C. Crease has gone on a visit to her old home in Australia. Rev. T. B. Hyde and wife of To- ronto were here for a few "days last week, guests of Rev. W. and Mrs. Hipkin. Mr. D. Williams of the Colling- wood Bulletin was a: caller at The Advance office on Friday. Q`:-4-:--1-++-1-4-+-1-I-t-1-++-1--s-1-1--1--H-t-+-1-3 Peterboro s tax rate for 1908 has been struck at 17 mills. 4.. s u-...T4s ;.;..`.;.`. iu;I..}{.I.;I. `Published from the office. 128 Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County of Bimooe. the Pro- . Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by "'l);i;}:. vi-r-1:luding Sunday. nmuzm RAILWAY GUIDE. Of Local Interest. `runs or Sunscmrwxox. Always keep 1 box of Ayer e Pills; in the 1 house-. Just one pm cc bedtime, now and e chen, yeti may sunset 0!; Elmvhlg _Play a Ftiendfyi ,4... - Elmvale sent` doin four rinks of.` curlers on Wednesday of last week and played morning and afternoon games withdthe local club. The vis- itors seemed to enjoy `themselves thoroughly. These scores were made : d Mr. J, A. Jamieson replied on be- half of the recipients, then the chair- imen who gave short and appropriate iaddresses which were interspersed `with selections from a violin orches- tra and the gramaphone by Mrs. R. Little. The ladies then served a lunch which they provided, for the . occasion. man called on several of the gentle-_ %1=a}{e}s.3n sk. 1 Todd sk. I0 Hjypson sk. I8 Vair sk. 7 Signed on behalf of your many friends J.A. Thompson, Thos, Allen, Wellington Webb, W. F, `Grey, W. C. Henry, R. D. Henry, H. C. Black, Joe. Bowman, Robert Little, R. J. Hill. `Mr. Thompson _madc the presenta- jtzon to Mr. ;Wright, and Mrs. Allen to Miss Wnght. I ___-< `Todd sk. 26 Hypson sk. I7 Vair sk. 21 Patterson sk. 18 We have learned with regret that you are about to leave our midst, and, while we do not` wish to magni- fy those qualities which go to make the essentials of good citizenship as exemplied in your ` lives during those many years, still we are com- pelled to say that for consistent, honest, uprightness of character you both have reached a mark that might well be emulated by us all. We realize you have had your fail- ures as other mortals, but the char- acteristics of success and goodness so far outweigh those of failure or weakness that your neighbors and acquaintances could not allow you to leave our midst without giving ex- pression in a social way by drinking a cup of tea wth you and in a more tangible way of expressing our ap- preciation of all that has been of a good and commendable natura dur- ing those many years, by asking you, Mr. Wright, to accept this chain, and you, Miss Wright, this watch, as a memento in each case that may serve to remind you of the many friends and well-wishers you " are leaving behind. We trust that wherever your lot may be cast your newly formed friendships may be as pleasanteas those, of the past, that the thought that we are only re-l membered by what we have done may inspire you to nobler deeds in this life and a stronger hope for the life to come. [ ('Mr-s. Vanderbtirgh and her `son, Fred, we_re visitors in Toronto" about a week ago. an A very pleasant eveningwas spent at the home of Mr. Robt. -Wright on Tuesday, 25th inst, when between thirty and forty of their friends and neighbors gathered to bid them gcfod bye and enjoy a sociable evening with him and his sister before leav- ing the home they have occupied for a number of years. When a_ll were assembled in the spacious dining- room, `Mr. `W. C. Henry took the chair and calle_d upon Mr. R. J, `Hill to read the following address: To M r.Robt and Miss Annie Wright: i Dear F riends- Through the vicissitudes of life we nd there is little of the perman- ent here below. You who have liv- ed in our midst from earliest infancy to the present have been looked up- on almost as an indispensable por- tion of the society of this neighbor- hood ,and thoughts of permanence, as _regards your abode in our midst, have always been associated in our minds. However, as the wheeb of time keep steadily and surely revol- ving, so also do our hopes and am- bitions surely and frequently .need changes and disappointments. (Too late for last week.) Mrs. `Noble spent a week lately `visiting with her sister, Mrs. J, J. 'Reid.' (}:e<'3'x`g Sharpe is spgznding a iwell-earned holiday with the Misses Ross of Barrie: F ('(Il\;IWiss1VI*ai1-<:`1ml3anting of Ivy spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Jack McKnight. No sense in running front one doctor to another. _ Select the best one, then stand by` him; Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer s Cherry Pectorsl for coughs and colds. ;'_l'-`hen% use it or not, iust sci he says, `Barrie KILLYLEAGH. cunnmc. " Aftet;ZIoVoVx`1; 1 l`__;- uornin- II Thompson sk. 9 Kennedy sk. 11 Cooper sk. 6 . Peters sk. I2 -T(VZvooper sk. io ' V Peters sk. IO _Thompson sk. I3 W0 nun boqlunlyogp E1_mvale A resolution was passed mit the` dispute with` Cc Council as to the maintenance 0: Kirkpatrick.- bridge to` dec of the County Judge. V` e I` L Council adjdumed to niet i_v=gle, MarchI4 , at_ 10 o c1pgk "G":fahi1m-Bell-'-Orde`red that the` Reeve be authorized to take any ac-- tion that may: be necessary to carry out the intention of the resolution this day` passed with, regard to" the `sub- Amitting of -the question concerning the _Kuf.kpatric_k bridge to the Coun- ty Judge. . _ ` ' V vv--ww-up `In bh?\vI|UO The following accounts were pass- _ed for payment :--A. H. Campbell, examination of indigent lunatic, (Howell), $5.00; J. .B. .H. McClinton, do., $5.00; Jos. Higgs, rep. culvert on 6th line, $1.50; R. Bell, refund on payment made by him to Wm. Lynn, for attending Co. Council re V. Kirk- patrick bridge dispute, $3.oo; M. wKelly, rep. bridge, s. r. 20 `and 21, Con 8, $3.00; Council` meeting, Feb. rs, $1_5.oo. 3 J. FRANK JCKSON MAKER. OF PORTRAITS LAAAALAAAAAAAAALALL 'wG1T'ah'a.m"--Marley--Orderd that the time {for the return of the -Collec- ` tor's Roll be extepded till next meet- ;ing`of the Council. 1 ` -Be1l--Drys`dale--Or de`red that the " Reeve and Councillor -Graham be ap- pointed-a committee to purchase .a scraper. ' `F105 Council met at Phelpston, Feb. 15, according .to adjournment. `All members present. "FL- 9,1: III.--Elma Robinson, Phairl Simpson, Tommy Kenny, Elexey Partridge, Earl Wice Jr. III.-Max Hewitt, Roy Gough, Violet Kenny, Laura Peacock. Jessie Linklater, Teacher. i Junior Room. II.--Roy Johnston, Eunice Dunn,! Victoria `Hewitt, Ferd Robinson,` Margery Robinson, Dorothy Pea- cock. i "rvf Pt, II.--Evelyn Gough, David` } Johnston. ;' II :-'.m}.;: II.--Melvi1le Sutton, Pearl ;Barnes, Willie Barnes. 1 "Sr. I.---Earl Kenny, Stanley Park- % house. . Jr. If-James Gibb_ons. I v__ _ -an-vv IV/l.`--Lucy Qlxlnlan, Enid Part; ridge, Ruby Parkhouse, Elsie Coates, Anna Kenny, Katie Gibbs, Pearl Graham, Virgia Wice, Oliver Cald- well, Rex Robinson; Dalton Duns- `more, .\CliOrd Robson, Bert `Huddle- ston. 5` VI CIICI II Mail Northern Northggn Northern Advance and Nevvs outside of Barrie Northern Advance and xFarm'-` er s Advocate . . . . . . . . . . Northern Advance and Weekly Sun .. . . . , . Northern Advance `and. Herald and Weekly Star . (Montreal) .. Northern Advance and Toron- to Saturday Night . . . . . . .. Northern Advance and Orange Sentinel . . Northern , l Mail L . 1` Northern Trains leave Barrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :- South. *4.2o a.m.-For New-market, To- ronto. Montreal `and points East. _. ,_ IX (,0; Sr, IV.--May Quinlan, Ezra house, Mary Hewitt, Mamie lson, Frank Johnston, Fred ;well, Harriet Johnston, Joseph` 1 James Rix, Eunice Parkhouse, `rice Hewitt, Wallace Simpson, Rxx, Mxlton Peacock. Y1! The following is the school report for February: ` Sr. IV.-Lil1ian McNeil, Evelyn E [ [ Carson. `V Jr. IV.--LuciI'le Gossling, Thomas ,Wallwin. School report for February: Senior Room. V. Class.--Jessie Robinson, Mabel Caldwell, Vernon Caldwell. .717 1' 1 II.-Fanny Stone, Earl` Carson, 1Mable Sione, May Campbell, And- jrew Willwin, Georgie McDonald. 1 Pt. II.-Walter Wallwin, Maggie Brett, Frankie 'Chappel. Those who received the most con- duct marks are: Howard Carson, Evelyn" Carson, Earl Carson, Lizzie Cameron and Fanny Stone (equal), Lucille -Gossling, Lillian McNeil, Sr. III.-Howard Carson, Lizzie Cameron, Victor Brett, Leola Mc- Donald. - Jr. III.---Cassie Cameron, Harry Chappel, Dora Chappe], Ernie Wright. - S. S. No. 5, VESPRA. wur v v---v, 8.00 a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- Ia and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.--For Allandale. *x.oo p.m.--For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. cwnnmc RATES. nos COUNCIL. Your MoneyVVill b'e Safe| Advaxice and VWeki3Vr (CROWN HILL. Aa;;.;.c; ;na"w}i& ....,.uu. vvuu LIIC uounty of the c_. Brie-la. fri ska -I--3-=4 Advance and Daily- BANK 0F TOIIUNTB Myr'aV Morton, Teacher. .. uzla. nuslace bird the hostess of a charming tea Thursday after- noon at her residence, Harbord St., Toronto. Her mother, Mrs. Henry Strathy, who is staying with her, also received, while Mrs. Arthur Strathy, Mrs. Gerard Strathy, Mrs- -!-Iolford Ardagh, and Miss Kathleen 0 Bnen were assisting m` the tea .t'o_om, where the -table was bright jgyuth pink carnations and. lily of the N_al1_ey. 4 Daodils and narcissus were" n-the` ' "drawing room. Amongst. .v present. were 5-1-Mrs. IfILa`!_'ry' Jtth _..~; yrs; f,l,!1d"_ ~ M

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