Northern Advance, 6 Feb 1908, p. 4

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Fond of Fine Clothes. Persians are fond of` ne` clothes The usual costume for memincludes u 1 collarless shirt of light. pretty material. 3 cut low at the neck and with long 2 loose sleeves. and a vest that (its close. ly to the gure, also with wide. owing 4 sleeves. ' ' 9 I The Eskimo isnom. The Eskimo ie said `to delight in sneezing. indeed, it in his one form of dissipation. which he produces by snumng a mixture oi? powdered quart: end tobacco. ` . White Coral. To wash white coxal `place the coral In soft water and `let -it soak twelve hours. Then make a solution of chlo- ride of lime. In it immerse the coral and leave it for a day. Finally wash the coral thoroughly in clear cold wa ter and bleach it in the sunshine. London : Idol Shop. There is a` little shop in Bondon which makes a specialty of idols. All sorts and conditions are kept there. and It is possible to secure one which represents about any of the known re- Iigions. Oct:-ich Plumes. b Ostrlch plumes as they arrive in the market look llke bedraggled turkey 1 feathers, and they pass through a score of hands before they become the well known nutty and graceful ad- junct to feminlne attire. , Indians and Boards. We know that. as compared with the white race. the Indisnssre, a beardless people. but to say why this is so is im- possible. it is one of the physiological mysteries that have never been cleaned up, . - ` . ., it The Conway Cabal. , ,-.,. ` Sr, III.-Ida Hooper, Elsie Rich-1 ardson, Dorothy Blackmore, Jean; Mitchell, Leslie Brown,Mabel -Hurst, Burton Warnica. Last,week Mr. Robert Marshall took a trip to Sombra, ,Bothwe1l 'Co., to attend the funeral of his eousin,| Mr. Allan. Mr. "Marshall states that when he left there on Tuesday of last week there was hardly enough snow for sleighing. Mr. Wm. I-Iodgson received a tele- gram on Friday afternoon announc- ing the death of his sister (Alice), Mrs. Perkins of Toronto. The fun`- eral took place on Saturday. Mrs. Perkins had been ill for some time. She leaves a husband and two young children. PAINSWICK. 1 School Report for January:-- I Sr. IV--Arthur Richardson, How-1 ard Warnica, Rachel Nixon, Clifford} [ Leonard. j | Jr. III.-"1?:dvrd Warnica, Gladys` Lennox, James Davey, Mabel War- nica, John Warnica, Angus Mackay. I 11 .*n__,_,, 11,, . Born--On Sunday, Feb. 2,'to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Coe a son, _-_'-. `raw IQ hJ\llI. A grce storm has been raging in this locality for 3 or 4 days, making the roads almost impassable. ; Jr. { IVV.-Do1-a Hooper, Wilson VW-right, Fred. Hall, Frank Hal1,; LKenneth Mackay. o 711' -I-An o .~. - 77 _,--_-_ .._-----.., .-..,,..., .....-....,. AII.~Harry Brown, Ernest Hoop- er, Harry `Hall, Gladys Colbourne, Hazel Hurst, Willie Richardson Edna Brown, Dorothy Wice, `Harry Wi_ce. 1 E Sr:`(fI.:---S;-l`;:;1_`-`I-3'e1l, Birdie wami ca, Norwood Carley. ` I ,~ ._ I Pt. II.--Patricia Blackmore, Geo- Hooper, Maurice Carley, Willie Carr, Dorothy Vaughan. `Q! .o ___ -...-..._,. ; 'I:,:-v{ \'/gllace Cameron, Leola Mackay. As Sunday was "Candlemas Day and there was part1al_ sunshine at tunes, the bear prediction could not be clearly dened as to the fate of the balance of the winter. -A resi- dent here who has a bald "spots on the top of hxs head in regard to .meteoro1ogica1 matters, informs us that the last quarter of the -old moon rules the first three quarters of `the _ new moon. If that be the. case,'_w'et vmay `expect sorne rough weather. %8%and $10 Ladi ' ?oats for $5.00 , T T V In uxtging the prompt cl jranlhe of alfwinter sic`;-5,] We emphasize the fact that We `thing is of the reliable class. ' We better sell you nothing than let you have 1 poor article. . M Stocksin this great store are revised ever so often andwhatever can be reduced ,_:'without more harm than loss of money, is marked fo?tiu1ck selling. t A Clearin of Khsolery 25 ends Q broidery-- balance of bar 'n 2pffered last 3151 to clear -4 atper yard.....' . . . . . . ..3 _ We're-lboking forw `rd and preparing for bigger business ahead and the s oner winter goods are out of the way the sooner we cafs make ready for spring. ' If 18 Ladies Coats, tgis win- ter s styles in some sizes only, to clear at each . . . . . . $5_0o Safjeant & S111ith Clearing Corsets 7 5 pairs of Fine Corsets n some of our best makes, but :1 styles that will not be repea d for spring, 3111 on ile they last at . . . . . . . . .69 same am & Smith The storm on` Friday and $atugc_lay put on the nishing touthes In ptlmg u `snow. The` snow plow on the C. . `R. was ,st_u _fast_ ne_ar_1y all -the .ore_noon_$a,mrdayA in Binme s cut, it -hIv1nf:g__ gto-L bg V 31 ; ,gout- _with shovels.-. -as #227230 s!n.i9r:%'!ra!n from Bait W enveqth Action for ,o;g:9_p ALLENWOCD. The Store of Satisfaction. 5.`.-uuvu up uzblxluubu U18 885018 01' 11:8 541- eceased among the ties entitled tlmrez: havnn regard only to hose claims of wlmm: sh_a.ll t on have no` 108, and said adxxxinmrazz. will not be liable for the assets or any in thereofsodistributed to any person or w .x claim notice shall not have been rocemrdv the time of such distribution. STEWART & STEVVART. 13 Owen Street. Barrie. 5; 3D08fAed at Barrie this 14th day of January. If-` IN THE MATTER of the estate of (`llAE. LOTTE AGNES HAMBLY. late ur : 'l`own of Barrie. in the County of Sirxicv Married Woman. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to 1: S. 897, Chapter 129. Seetion 38. that all Cr<~:`.i'u`.` and persons having any claims agaimt ': estate of the said Charlotte Agnes llumtg deceased. who died on or about the '..*2ml :1: of November. 1907. are required on or here: the 14th day of February, 1908. to send l-_\' }(~ prepeid, or to deliver to Stewart Se Sio-Mi. of_st_nd Town of Barrie, Solicitors for th-- A. mimstrator of the estate of the said (`hu.x`l(-I` Agnes Hnmbly. deceased. their Christian as. surnames, addresses. descriptions and fa particulars of their claims, pro rly wric. and of the securities (if any) held? by thmn. AND TAKE NOTICE. that after said la= mentioned date. the said Administrumr W. groceed to distribute the assets of the sa. ecenspd sunnno an nnpohm ....o:.I..,a .i -..,.v- The Farmers Institute meeting w: held 1n the basement of the .\Ict':. odist `Church on Jan. 30, and \-.".~. largely attended. A Women's Ins: tute was organized with .\lrs. Huz` MoCoIlu`m. President; Mrs. .\ber Spring, Vice-President; Mrs. Les ; Spring, Secretary; Mrs. Will Trac: Treasurer. NOTICE TO A CREDITORS T:H.-URSDAY, FEB. om, Children's Coats at Less than Cost. IO doz. Ladies F ancy Handkerchiefs, slightly soiled during Xmas. decorations, on sale at each . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c Mrs. H. Bailey, who has been vis- iting her mother, Mrs, Caston, and other friends here` since Christ- mas, and Mr. James Morrison and son, who have been visiting the for- mer s parents, willieave the begin-. ning ofxnext week for their respect- ivehomes. in -Manitoba - Clearing Coats I 25 Ladies Coats, in tweed } and piain cloths, regular price was $5.00 to $8.00, to go on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$]_93 [5 Misses Coats, in Navyj and Fawn Beaver Cloths and Tweeds, regular $5.00 to $7. 50, to clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165 but entlre of Fine Wool Blankets and Comforters all on sale at clearing prices. Handkerchiefs 5c Boys or Girls Cardinal Reefers, with black velvet collar and brass buttons, regular $6 00, for. . . .$3.95 Boys 2-piece dark Norfolk Suits, for $1.95, $2.2 5, V th. __ _,, 31$ :;',1`U1 aoi ""j' " [""` """' """"" """"7 _" T"7J7 T"-J' $2.75and ..3.5O `Boys Buster Brown Suits, Some of these are sample suits and `will be sold at less than actual cost. 311.1. 311 Boys pare wool Sweaters, in plain colors, Navy or Cardinal or fancy stripes,_ from . . . . . .500 `[0 SL2! here in the morning` for Barrie; but only got back gs far as Crown Hill, arriving here .w1th the mans on Sun- day. A THORNTON. Mr. Bone s little son is recovering. l i 1 Mr. Heylands is somewhat improv- [ed in health. ` A The rise and progress of the `Sons of Temperance will be discussed in June this year`at Ivy. This year marks the diamonl jubilee of the above order. ; of Regina is `home on a business. trip. `Mr. an_d Mrs. Jas.,Arnold are vis- ,iting then` daughter, .-Mrs. Carr. L Mis.Blackmo1-e of Newark, N.J;, his visxtmg her grandmother, Mrs. iParker. - E hvumber of the brethren of L. $0. L. No. 16 attendedwthe Coupty hneeting in `Alliston on Tuesday, 4th y Inst. i T number from here attended` -the diamond wedding of -Mr. and Mrs, Dutcher,_ near _Bx_'adford, last`week; A_weddmg of thxs character us cer- tamly rar , I .n J`! I ' " -I'I"' " The Sons of Temperance have the brick on the ground for the work on their hall. Besides building an addition, they intend raising the ceiling of the present building about six feet. 9 V--- -- w---up iv v *s'.."ii'r'.-LMarv Hewitt, ay Quin- lan, Mamie Caldweil, Ezra Park-` house, Harriet Johqston, Eunice IP31-khouse, Jogeph Simpson Fred- Dunn; Jgmes "Rxx, `Wallace Sxmpson, Mary *R1x,,.Franklm Johnston, Bea- trice He'w1_tt, Milton Peacock. West of Angus visited` friends here.last week, { ` ._v.., V--- Rev; G; `I. Craw preached in the basement of the Methodist Church `last Sabbath, for, owing to the bad roads, he_ was unable to attend his own appo1ntments.- I 'I\ , CROWN HILL. . School Report for January:-- A .i o Senior Division. 5th Class-Jessie Robinson, Mabel Caldwell, `Ve_rnon_SZal ..., .w_y JUIIXISCOP, Margery .R son, Fred. Robmson, Lorne D hacoskg V A bsr. JI4II.-.-ElrAng Robinson, Tommy Kenny,` Phair `Snmpson, Elepey Part- iridge, Earl Wice. , . A . . DI-O -- iv Kenny, Ae Sut- ton, Laura. Peacock, V Max `Hewitt, Gough. - ' : ` V '7 . Link1ater,: Teacher. ` ' Junior Divisiqn. j ~ . II---Eunice Dunn, -~ Victofia - Hew- itt `R0 Johnston ,Marge`ry bin'-' Fyfcd. .-R6I'ih:'nAri " 1'?...~;..-'~.`-1-s'-u. _-v vv -_wv. -- Jr. IV.-Ruby Pa1;khouse,~ Enid Partridgc, Lucy Qumla`n,- Oliver Caldwell, Elsie ~Co_ates,. Anna Kenny, Rex Robinson, Dalton Dunsmore, Pearl Graham, -Kati: Gibbs, "Bert Huddleston',_ Vifgia. Wice, Cliord Robson. . . _ p _ . Men sA plain Shetland wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 6 5c, for. . . .4-7G Boys Buster Brown Overcoats, with belt and velvet collar. regular $5 and $6, for V 3.00 and 4.50" each 1VIen s Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, reg ular 90 each, for. .679 'i'L`i'a "t3'.'3 ."n $t`i'? | e~ Bgll, ! Devlin & Murchison Sr." Pt. I.I.-Eve1yn" Gough,. David Johnston, Edward Bell; A 1-. "j'."'f' .Z-"1Cie"xva`Y12'"suuon, -Pearl Barnes, Willie Barnes. "I. 0'! .. f?.:`;1::,_i:--:E;1:i'K::;1H$r;`ivIilton Sutton, Stan-ley Parkhouse. ` Jr.-,I.,---James Gibbons. `M. K. Morton, Teacher. Mrs. Robs`dn` visited her bfother `at Dalston recently. Geo."i'iiii"l'1as been visiting friends at Lotus and Peterboro. 05-3 UV In-av nuwvo v J o \'I~\|I-In (Mrs. Sam. -Dunsmore is at pre- sent in the` Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, where she underwent an op- eration last week. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. up C\an~ ac! F, `unable to reach _Crown H111 on Sunday evening ow- mg`to the heavy roads. -- Mr. Bell has disposed of his farm to Mr. -Geo. Bonney and intends `leaving with his family for the West in a few weeks. "We sha1l`be sorry to lose_Mr. and Mrs. Bell from our midst. * Miss _Emrn'a Pratt of Barrie` is` visiting relatives here. I 3+`:-41-!-++-I-+-Iv-3-+4-I-I-++!-:!--I!-+-i--M-~l_-, V A number of young people drove to the home of Mr`. Allan Bonney, Vespra, last Friday night. Mr. Bon- ney Slipped and fell, breaking his leg, some time ago, but is recovering -speedily; _ r Mis; V. -McMichael returned to Toronto last .Wednesday. `I 1 1"! I an'dH1\i/Iifszs Muir visited friends in Barrie last week. V 2:121` son George have been on the'sick list, _John Scott has been spending a couple of weeks in Mitchell, _ Mrs. Herring of Barrie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Knapp. vv . u n uuwm APPLICATIONS. as they can- t ' h th t f d! Cat 11 i gfoodrggcconetftuuteigngi a1aZ3.' and i:l-)rnd ex's t:= eure it your mnst take internal remedies Hall`: Ca h Cure is al: % Th? o_1"1- I Jas. Muir w1th a young son recently-1 It r`Mrs. LafraTn_ie_ \`ventv to O(x'i1(li'zz1-(76:11 `Saturday to vrsat her mother who 15 ill ` n . ` James McLaughlin and daughter Pearl of Midland visited friends here last week. Mrs. McMichae1 is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ru- bery of Toronto. . The Sons of Tempverance purpose givmg an oyster supper in the near future. :1\VI(r.J. M. Smith of {made a business call in `last week. - ` Business is almost at a standstill, 1 Owing to,the deep snow blocking the Vroads in many places. ' 1 1`/ll`. Mmiilbsn lane nnnv-tor` A -A-A _=- --- ..-~ -..-up i The County `road south of here has ibeen completely blocked with snow \since Saturday. They hope to have i it opened out in a day or two. 11.. 117:1: n u - H- `r i Will.` oiwFlerning,.l\/Ia11., ?who has been visiting with relatives ;at' Cookstown and Utopiaifor a few Tweeks, called on a number of friends } here recently. ' `' vs..- .1VIrs."i\/ic(Iv{( is progressing fav- orably under the care of Dr. West. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Alex. Willoughby, the popular and worthy Worshipful Master of L. O. L, No. 73, was the unanimous choice for the position of D.D.W.M. for this district. - Adams is always on hand %with his snow plow after each storm, i otherwise there would be diiculty iin getting about-our streets. We lthank Billy vexjy mych for his gen- erous servnces m tlus respect. A .I-__..4 -4- vnvu-7 u\.:vn\.\.a Ill |.uI lCDpC\;t- A deputation consisting of Messrs. Wm. Gollan, W, Kernan and Robt. Elliott waited on the County Coun- cil eat Barrieon Thursday of last week to have the townline improved west of :Mad River. Their mission met with favor. ' Miss Alberta Dobson spent last week with Ivy friends. .. .4 . . . w I sun. I iil\/I"rs.mCv}`i:'ose of Thornton is visit- ing her sister, `Mrs. James Miller. Roads- here are bad and blocked in places with the recent, storms. Mrs. -Robert Neely of Midland is visiting her brother, Mr. Joseph Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm_.'_Sproule of Fleming,'Sa_sk., are visiting friends in this vicinity. V . 1;, TI I . vs 1++s--z-+4-4-as-+i-3-+-1-so:--1--I-+-zoo:-~:--s--so-:-'-5'3 CRAIGHURST. Mr. John Letherby of Midland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie on Saturday. _SMr. John Williams `of Yellowl Grass, Sask., is visiting friendsherei He is the guestvof his brothers,` Richard and William. : [Catarrh Canndt Be. WIT I15!` `I. A nut in 1 nurn--5 , , _ _ __ ...----a`vv 36 WIT wrrn men. APPLICATIONS. .5 theymn. 99_t_;qgoh_th_e_ agat of disease. cum-an a. .v `Mr. Robt. Elliott is thinking very seriously of disposing of his farm and taking up a home in Alberta. We would be very sorry .to lose such good neighbors as Mr. Elliott and family.,_o ` II! nu Grenfel last Sunilay, V_ t71ex:e"n-7;; nc; iervice in the - Methodist` Church ere. ` - T ' `We are glad to learn tat Mr; John Bell, who has been il-liis re- .cov_ering,` but hgt able to 1_-esume his dupes in the m11`l,yet. b A, _ `opened a road to his limits on the Flats and is tak- ing out logs for his mill. 29 below zero this morning, Tues- dz) - `Miss Eliza McKever is home from Toronto for a few days! v\.l ,,_ Fl" `I1 II ` Mrs. Vi`s"vi.s;tii1-1'g her sister, Mrs. Goodfellow, in Barrie. `I '7 ' ` Barrie has the honor of. sighting the first robin and doing up Orillia in a hockey match. Now that they have aerial ladders some of the Bar- i rieites will be seen ascending up to} Elysium. 1 9 I . 1 ` THE NORTHERN M ADVANCE ANT-EN MILLS. `CROWN HILL. UTOPIA. ANGUS . nrice 75. xroxedg. Oh! Callender ' our burg , Walrus Skin. ' T Walrus skin is used to cover smhll boats, to which it is attached'with the points of the walrus tuska. Thesg ` tusks are also; used as points -for har- poons and for ornaments. . 7 "Rush-la .sAl\Pr`ovlI-nose. T` l 7 . 80 many. languages are spoken in the provinces _ot- Austria-Hungary that {interpreters are employed in the vari- ous parliaments to interpret the speeches of. the delegates and make them intelligible to all the members. On Thursday morning of last week the temperature registered 26 degrees below zero, 3 degrees lower than the lowest` record of last winter, which occurred about the second week, in January. 9 To Mend Amber; To mend amber ornaments dissolve a piece of_ amber in chloroform and with this mend the broken article after rst' warming the pieces. _Care must % be taken to see the pieces are clean be- , tore the cement is applied. and careful ` handling is necessary in order that the iedges may come exactly `into position once more. ` ' c~ '[ ` Market Value ef Flies. I The market value of tiles in Brazil is $700 a ton. England buys ies at that 1 price and uses them to feed chickens . l and captive birds and `ashes. There 1 m are almost no ies in England. ` 1 Scotland Yard. The headquarters of the London metropolitan police force is called Scotland Yard on account of the fact that a palace was built there for the kings of Scotland. to be used by them when visiting England. It is said to have been originally given by King Edgar to Kenneth of Scotland when * he came to `London to pay homage. Flag Colors. * i Red seems to be the most popular of ` ` national colors if ags may be used as l 3 crltex-ions. Of the twenty-ve leading R 1 national ags nineteen have red in \ ? them. The same cannot be said of any \ ; other color. an omice of shellac into a pint of 'unethyla\:ed aplrlt, cork the bottle and lave ltltlll next day. then pour 01! the 301911!` liquor. for use. Slightly but jbraisn tape 0|! Gold Bricks. A common brick weighs about two pounds. A gold brick 2 inches by 4 by 8 would weigh more than forty pounds and be worth some $11,000. Few men could carry a bag of $50,000 in gold very far. Stenography. The earliest printed book on stenog- raphy in English or perhaps in any? other language is Character and Arte ? of'Shorte, Swift and Secrete, Writing by Character, Invented by Timothef Bright. Doctor of Phisike. Imprinted at London by J. Windet, the Assigne. of Tim Bright, 1558. Cum Privilegio Reglae Majestatis. For-bidding All Others to Print the Same. i In the year 1777 Generals Gates. Conway and Mlmln plotted to deprive Washington of the supreme command or the American armies. The plot is known in history as the Conway cae ,ha_l.'.' A ' Displacement. "Displacement." in naval use, means the weight of water displaced by the vessel. the weight of "water displaced being. of course. the same as the weight of the vessel. Chinese Matchmaker-s. The custom of arranging matrimonial contracts through agents of match- makers has been practiced in China for ages. This business receives support from all classes, for. although the higrb caste men in some instances select their first wives themselves. the additional wives are all secured through the agents. Mr. John Selvey of the Queen's Hotel and Mrs, 'Selvey s mother, Mrs. Miller, left here on Saturday to visit friends in Toronto. Mr. Selvey will also visit Hamilton and Peterboro.

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