Northern Advance, 6 Feb 1908, p. 1

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sumo 'ruNEaT J 'l'`-_. 1)..-nl4.oA| . ' -" I I r. o'coNm;LL. Proprietor. `" """" Winnipg%` Inmc_ns 31'. --~---.I_Ll-_ t:.....nA-L `--- sow BY -- nanny: uomnrr :I. _ ` w. AULT. R919,` Block.` . 1-H: Iufcazsrs -or ennui , Baby? 33393; Ald. Stapleton was the only ab- sentee_at Monday night s meeting of Council. 7 ' `EEL{{y , vvho d y of N are reqd ,_ ._ A'-1' The Trustees of the Baptist Church ._asked form-emuneration for `loss sus- tained by reasonof a defective drain on Worsley--St. e ~ Commissioners. Beecroft and Don- gall reported upon the year s trans- actions of the Electric Light and Water Works .*Departments. The former _has 46oconsumers, 133 being new in 11907;` the net prots were $786.51. There are 1,011 -wa_ter tak- ers, 84 having been added last year- Net prots in this department were \ $2494g2s. _- --o 1 0 , I LI-_4_ A.L-:.. 1 The G, N. w. advisedthat their assessable Barrie revenue. for was $510.18 which did not include $147.87 for the 6th `Ward; the gross revenue from eac these amounts. h L being double I907. J. Somerville asked to be appoint-I {ed Road Overseer. { y vs. --w-_ _ -Chas. Meekums .. applied for _the1, position of Parks Caretaker. ~-- 1'-J ,- 4'- `a !Chief Smittx of the -Fire Brigade reported 8 res and 9 false alarms during 1907-. He `recommended the purchase of an extra ladder also a quantity of hose and referred to s.ev- era! other matters. - The Bell Telephone reported their gross receipts for Barrie $14,687.15 for last year. Clerk, 'Demill & Co. advised that unless overdue payments were made on machinery sold the Spencer `In- dustrials Co., they would take pos- session of same. Referred to" Fin- ance Committee. `Chairman Beardsley recommended payment of salarxes and accounts, also the appomtment of Mr. Alex. Brownlee as Assessor at $450. Jackson-Craig, in_ amendment. -- That Mr. ,-Hart be Assessor at $400. The amendment_was lo st,.1o-4, the nays being Warnxca, Garrett, Jack- son and Craig. VC . Dub 1-, ime of-s Chairman Jackson moved that the 1 }services of N. St. -Ongeibe dispensed \ with after the 15th April and that .Mr. Graham perform his duties from i that date. . - i A second report advised that Chief King tell the License Inspector of any _infractions of the Liquor Act which might come under the notice of the police, and that P. -C. Sween- ey be paid $45 per month, dating from Jan. I, 1908. Ald. Coffey ex- plained what was expected of the police and the report carried. Enquiries. Ald. Garrett stated that escaping gas had caused the destruction of two--maple trees on Essa St. Ald. -Coffey asked for a. diagram,- designating what roads should be ` County roads. I 1 Ald. Little. enquired as to the steps being taken to have the ceme- tery road kept open. - A . 1 u p u vv-.l --..V _ Ald. -Coffey wanted to know if it were within his rights to give per- mission to representatives to have the snow removed. Town COUNCIL v-- v Ald. Thompson and Jamieson ;stated that they had put men to work and their actions were com- mended. , _ 3 Ald. Jackson suggested prompt steps to open the cemetery road, but as this i_s in Vespra, somedelay wille necessanly take place, asAHis Wor-e l ship ndicated. - Ross St. is entirely blocked, said Ald. Beardsley, but is rapidly being cleanedeby Vespra )at the Town s ex- Thompson-Garrett -- That the :Board of Works consider the advisy ability of underbrushing and cutting through Jane St,, at a. cost not ex- ceeding $35. - ` 1,1 wry`.--- Yvv. The mover explained that it_ would `be a public benet,,as _this street would ,be va..~connec_ting link with, new England. - e ` . ` T e Ald. Vair_supported the motion as he thought 1t would `be a convenience to many. ~ ~ _ A ` 1 ' __ ` - I I 4I_AA. _ Bothwell-Vair-.-Recommended that the Finance `Committee, raise the street vendors .-fvcenses .from $10 to $50. * . ' `Craig-Jamieson-`-{-,'l`hat% .-the._jna'me of John St, be changedv toj.`M'aple} Ave. V The Board of Wot-ks,_ willaconsider the matter. - Noupl-: Tb cautions` advised that .I_1 - D--.n:- conirnfliin `(If u. .1908; . erwioo deliver to G. A. 'tosond_b _, _ b O'l`IOIlI'lg1'0s.!: nu nluqntnr . 1'4 VV AZKVI} reet. B 1! January. _ 11-as couarrv or smcoz Reports. Motions. Ullidtlg v -w-vw HRUEST. Burl F|9!'9S'~fr Exam: isarjeant s. ` V . L . -`--Cross1and s Witch` Hazel Cream P -- -- can an 0 1` for IUI wtlayyvu uuuuu, ..v-. _-_._ _. If you want your business to d- vance, advertise in The `Advance; - I A ---_1-_.. -..:n VGIIVU; Guv bl. slaw an 4- us. - -- . .._---. Several rinks of focal curlers will attend Meaford bonspiel_next Tues- ay. 1 A 1 I , _ 117----.. --9:111 boll er .. Church `next Sunday. ua . V en. Agchdeacon _ Wargen ._w_i11 preach at. both servnces `1_n Tnmty , b_1-n 1.2-1- . -2 "Lolll.lI|.lI JICAL uunnuug. > Go to Wilkinson : for all kind: of dry Hard and Soft Wood, also Slgbs, sawed and split any length you wall, and sold DO! cord. not ox loads. 1'?- ,1, rl'\__ 1.. `IIWCC ana Split in] Jun us -yvu vvauu, [and acid --Remember the_ High Tea in Tr es- day, Feb. 18th, at 6 p.m. `Il-A.L-.I:.-L C Q iuay, Juuuo IIJI-ll v ruu. 9 at The Collier St. Methodist S. S. anniversary services have been post- poned until Feb; 23rd, on account of {last Sunday's storm. .j_f_-L _;. I"..- 1 IGIBL uJunAuuJ -r -any-..-. !Barrie Juniors met` defeat at Gra- venhurst on Monda evening to the - tune of 15 to 2. he return match was played here last `gight. "$800.00 Limerick. The Lipton peo- ple are having one more Limerick, this time on their Jellies--the finest made. Full assortment of avors at Bothwel1 s. T ,.j,._ A'__ I!!! Ell Vvvcp Ito A social and concert under the auspices of St. Paul's Church, Innis- l, will be held .in the `Methodist Church Painswick, on Friday even- .ing,mFeb. 7th, a good program and light refreshments. .Mr. W, A.: Boys will preside. ' ` ~44` --- L`-A no 1-H: common or _cANAna oua can-amou. A VV n od_i_s_t S. S. on Feb. 17th. ulal. up .4. van w... -, _..- The remains of the late `George Byrnes, Sr., who died in Toronto on Monday were brought here yester- day morning and interred in St. Mary s cemetery. , Mr. Byrnes re- sided here for many years but about 1902 moved to Toronto. He leaves a widow and grown up family. 17,` LA;I- 1Bobby Rowe and Steve Vair both piayed in the great hockey game last week, when the Renfrews ,de- feated the champion Montreal Wand- erers by 12 to 5. That their work could not have been improved upon was the opinion of Eastern s`porti'ng writers, Vair, particularly, showing brilliant form. - or upon... -v Oranges! Orangesl. .This week we` are.,q_'erin some tempting prices on oranges good oranges for marmalade at Both- : ``n '_ _ . SEEM` --Eithr hard or soft corns can be cured with Crossland's Liquid Corn E Cu_l'e. : gfir-e.`5c.'*"* f-1a~>aa;a:t|31:~.).;s45-`,;., ,`_.'_h \ru-n V. _ --.,_ _g'. -n.-,..-.-qr,p,4..,V._.-__ . Barrie s prowess in various lines of sport is a matter of eager interest to former townspeople. E. J. Luck of London, writing of the junior hockey team, says:-I am but one of the hundreds of Barrie old boys, scattered all over the continent, who have always got their eyes on the old Town. It is a pleasure to see that she is still at the front. rs '\l J ---Look out I ! VVIIL Fl 99529. A _n__..-...L :.. .t"..u:-... Q; IOU u-nu -u -1---- .- Very Rev. Father Roche, Super- ior of St. Michael's -College, will be the speaker at a Musical Vespers to be held in 'St. Mary s Church next _Sun_day evening. Extra special mus- .a Is.-.3:-up-up use-nos-no-or` "11! fhu F110;!` auuuay CVClllIIs. Lazstxa oyuynun -nu. ic is being prepared by the choir, and as Father Roche's ability as a lecturer is unquestioned a very plea- sant service is anticipated. Proceeds in aid of the Altar Society. m'1:e1:or*1tol Daily World `and The `Advance for one year from date, for anly $2.50. To those seeking an up-to-date daily this is our best clubbing offer. 1`___!___._ 1---! _....._a. vs-.'---~: '---_- Mr. H. D. Jamieson, local `agent lCanadian Express Co., begs to say that the company will send any par- cel to the Shacktown sufferers in Toronto free of charge. This will be a good opportunity for many townspeople to help the needy ones. All .........In 51-.4-\1(` kn nritlrpccnrl ' fn tuwuapcuyu: LU ucn un. uuyx.-J u.u.u. All parceis should Pbe addressed to the.'Shacktown Relief Fund, Toron- to, and marked with the name of the naounan ` UNI IlI\I [ sender, ii` VI. VII ` use C1-ossland"s` V and 45c. \ n~--- 74'. After `a prolonged illness Mr; Robert L. Meeking passed away in the R. V-. Hospital .last Thursday. `Mr. Meeking for many years con- ducted a grocery business in the 6th Ward. with his nephew, the late` S. Meeking, and ~was known to .'a large number-of people." The re- -mains were shipped to Toronto on Friday for burial in St. James ceme- tery, Deceased was in his 82nd year. ` \ The contest for the Sleeman curl- ing trophy will take place inf-Colling`- wood this year, instead of in Guelph, beginning. on Wednesday, February 19. The Collingwood Club `is ar- ranging for the bonspiel, which promises to be the greatest event of the winter season in this section. Four valuable prizes will be given, two for the winners, their runners- up, and two for the consolation winners and their runners-up. Col-cl ligwood won the trophy last year. ,9LI_ ' You sim ly ean t a.R_or'd to do with- out The orthetp. Advance. It con- tains a vast amount of newsy an- formation and as an aiivertising med- ium is unexcelled in the County. Try it in conjunction .,with the Weekly Mail. Both papers for one year. from da_te for-$1.25. ` V . - _ v 5 -Mr. John Wilson, a resident Barrie for many years, died at `gfaimily residence; Elizabeth St., ~`Sun`day,-'VI".eb, znd, after an 101) >ness-, aged fyfqats; ' vDe'cea`_s'_ sx-.-_`_-_:_'.'. '1.`:. .- .....&nun -l`IfI:o & `ant ` ucaa, I. _survived esmence, nllzaoctn on, U `Feb. after a- Ion Lil}- ed -.83 `years. Decease us` by} a widow,` who~is,.:_at. prc-. \ ': ~:,.: _.. L 1"_oc" '. 5 1` 3 ' JickIing_ throat` T1`i`2'1a'i`?."*~*i*re;e 25c. ; xlulauu. . Miss Violet Brownlee is visiting in Toronto. Miss Ida Pae is visiting in *Hami1- ton and Dundas. cur .. P l`____}_ _____ A SUI! csuu pr in uuuu u. , `Judge MacWatt, of Sarnia was a `visitor here yesterday." .1, I_4. __ annAn1r VIILUl lL\:l_\o luau: \-no}: Mr. J. M. Smith left on Tuesday [for Richmond, West Va. Miss `Mary _Craig is home after a month's stay 1-n Coldwater. -Mr. Bob Banting was up from To- ronto for a few days last week. \ T?` I. (`L I..KA. lxdl IUIILU Lu; as nvwv -.-J-- ...._- . Mr. Jas, Bond, High_St.,'Zlef7t on -Monday to take a. posxtion in To- 1-onto. - - 4 1- 117-,___3____ ;_: I \.III|v\lg Miss Inez Adams of Winnipeg is staying with her aunt, `-Mrs. W. G.` i Cqlyille. ' " ' ` -A _-A_--__...-.1 ` UIVlllC -Mr. J. II-Iealey has returned from a trip of several weeks through the , South. V ; - In 1. .n.,. \A -_2, j__ LII`; Klvlulvnnc \_ Mgs. Speers of Sau1t'Ste. Marie is Lvisitmg her sister, Mrs. J. M, Ness, [ Belleview. ' g in 1 , _____ bnlw v av vv n i `Miss Parks of Cookstown was the guest of Miss Emma Payne for a few days last week- -an 1 n,4L1_-._1_...I l\` `D....A I was !y to 1 rian -1 dford is spending a week with his '4 Lcvv ua._ya luau vvvvvv ., -Master Fred. Sutherland of Brad- uncle, Mr. W. J. Sutherland. 1-4 -_-ZA.I. HIILAC, 8'15: vvo ;- an ......... _.. .Mr. Garnet German, formerly with Morgan & C9., Owen Sound, has ac- cepted a position with Geo_ Vickers. 1 .rr__-L I.-- ..-A...-.....-I on Lg.- \.CpI.\.u u yvuu..v.. ..---- ---_ Mrs. J. Hunt has returned to her home in Toronto after spending sev- eral weeks with friends here. 11! 1'1 (`'1' '____A VI VV\-wsuu vv - --__ ` Mr. and Mrs. 'W, P. Gill have taken up their residence in Toronto after visiting at Apple Grove Farm, Midhurst. 1 ,- _( f}-L-_LA-n cl` 61 Ill, Autumn: uh. l ' Mrs. Edward Brown of Peterboro is visiting Mrs. Geo. R. Stephens, Collier St. and will receive with Mrs. Stephens on Wednesday and Thursday the 12th and 13th of the` ... ....sL L lllnll J\l` i month. SRIGLEY---At Holly, on Jan, 11th, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Levi Srigley, a son. STAPLETON--At Barrie, on Mon- day, Feb. 3rd, 1.908, a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stapleton, Welling- ton St. `CROSSLAND.-At the Royal Vic- toria Hospital, on Saturday, Feb. ` Lst, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm- ,__!-.._I STAPLETON-Ax Barrie, on Feb. 3rd, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stapleton, H.OLvME'S.-At the R. V. `Hospital, Barrie, on Friday, Jan. 3xst, 1908, Joseph Holmes of the 6th Ward, :0` L35 anti: uynar `of *3." sent seriously ill, also by one son in `Ban and one brother and sister, Mr. Abraham fWilson and Mrs. Clarke, both. of Toronto_ Interment took place in St.. John's cemetery, Bond Head, on Wednesday. Rev. W. S. Westney was the oiciating minister. '- . Fl`, _ u-uu|AuII or any man or n recelv rm Ill] lilo Ip\u I . The -County `Council met on Tues- ` `day evening and adjourned until `, Wednesday afternoon, when their ` first item of business was the ap- 7 pointment of a County engineer, ` Mr. R. H. Jupp of Orillia being the! choice. Daniel Logan Campbell, Sophia St., who died Tuesday evening, had been foreman of the Barrie Woollen Mill for 23 years, and was favorab- ly..known to a large circle of ac- , quaintances. Born at Seneca Falls, N.Y., forty-seven years ago, he spent most of his youth at Flesher- ton, Ont., and came to Barrie in 1884. For many years he was a cor- net player in the Barrie Citizen s Band. In 1886 he was married to`; Miss Janet Duncan of Innisl, who` survives him with a family of four daughters. The funeral takes place` I o _ to the Union Cemetery, Friday after- _L -4.` ...-an 1st, Crossland. \JJ\pyl| LL\/llnnvur in his 30th year, our 3-lav \-..-'_ v--. ;noon, at 2.30 pm. | 1.` gs _f IIKIUII, GB bog? `awn.-up V The ofcers of the 35th Regt. }Simcoe Foresters entertained their friends at the Queen's last Thurs- day evening. About one hundred guests satdown to a dinner prepar- ed by Mine Host LeRoy,_ in his cap- able style. Lt.~Col. Bruce presided. 'l3he~"usual' toasts were proposed and responded to short after-dinner` speches were mzidepby Lt.-Col. J. B. -McPhee, Capt. A. B. -Thompson, Major F. L. Burton,'A Mayor Bennett, - J. S. Duff, M. P. P., Warden Barr, |....A ITo_\lfau-(Inn Rnvs_ -Ihilg Dr, o J . 5. Unit, M, r . t'., vvarucu pan, and Ex-Warden Boys. "While Arnall, Major Rogers, C"apt."WhLsh and W. A.` Boys` took part in the. musical program. _ I` .- ._ 1 I\'_A..- `II.-...A fgn , [III-IDIVGI Y1 \-I3: sun--I h At the Grand Opera -House, on: hWednesday, Feb. 12, the ever wel-| come romantic `comedy, When Knighthood was 'in,Flowe_r, win he presented ' with f`ascinatin g Grace `Merritt in the stellar role `of Mary Tudor. `The captivatinanggy, the ro 31 love of mntnnous _ y Tud-; L` or for the dashinggraptain of the royal love 0! muunuus luau, Lau- or dashing raptain. the .King s Guards, and tits tetnpestuous and adventurous course has been one of the most successful drarnatizations T- of a novel ever made. This is Miss ' Merritt s second season as Charles ` Major -s charming heroine. Unusual care has been exercised in the selec- tion of Miss 'Merritt s supporting 'ci;sm`pan')*, which is declared to be one of the best organizations tours ting `the country. at present, while no "e"xpfe nse`_i has been spared in fitting , iipfisgletion jwjith` a `most elabor- ' 91:??? em . I . `H-xi` . .- V, ` I :;;.;.;;;.'.'.:* BORN. u to t . lgtecot by or V DIED}. - pI`x__1 loving memory of - my dear hus- band who passed peacefully away ~Febmary 4th, 1907. gI'}ovL " him, yes, no tongue` can tell How ' ep,how dearly, and how well. Christ loved him, too, and thought it ---best`-. To take him home with Him to rest. $1.00 PER amuuum Anvmcu" SINGLE QOPIII "VI CINTI 1 The cup v3as bitter, the sting severe To part with one I loved so dear. The trial is "hard, I ll not complain, n _ . , .-L LA`... 1... '.Unnupnn O-ts anal nnunnos J. IIC ` -But At my loss_ I `will not murmur, Though it lls thy heart with 'pain, Nature"s' ties areptrong and tender, But my loss is husband's gain. Then farewell, my clearest husband, Till we meet on Heaven's shore, For when li.fc s short day is ended We shall meet to part! no more. Not one un:g.cnt1e deed, Not one ungenerous thought, VNot one. unkind word, - That, dying, he could wish '-to blot. ticulars .... lanhl respecv 0 City of Peace, in thy palaces fair , A beautiful form I can see, And thy voice qats to me through \ 4-I-.1. ont nurnrunrv n;r Lxuu I-II": vvnuv uv u u V . ..- -.-.-..-- . the _soft evening air And w}n_spers I _am' watching and. wamng for thee." day, Feb, 18th,. at 6 p.m. The Editor: of The Advance: ~Sir,--The poor make no- new friends. They lead a life of in- creased loneliness. One by one for- Imerhfriends pass,. and none of very few new friends take. the place of the old. Our late severe winter weather has set some 0 us doing some hard, and.not altogether pleas- ant, thinking. Yet it is a. grand thing to read how Toronto, and the country at large, is waking, up and taking a tangible mterest in Shack- town s needy people. Could. Barrie stir up a little on this line_?. Not alone in helping those at a distance, but in looking a little deeper._ and closer into the needs of those around Ar. _. __,:1 1 .. _-...;....-uln ` A - 1 u v no-\f CIUDCI IIILU uu: uccua ul. Llluax. u...uuu.c. us. Often evil is wrought for want of thought, and not the wilful neg- `lect, of a needy claim. Let. us look on the needs of others andtthat will find an*outlet for our benevolence, and sympathy. One objection to helping those who need a little time- ly help is: I don t like_ indiscrim- inate giving, for in so doing we help those who do not deserve help_" True. Perhaps the: best answer to this objection is, we must do. as the Lord God does. He sends the rain and sunshine upon the just and. the unjust, and it is a pity that_the.- weak and helpless should suffer for the wrong-doing of one here and there. Let us look about us in Barrie and see if a neighbor needs a little fuel, food, or cash in this keen winter time. Some would endure any strait than let their needs be~kno,wn:. That is a pity and it would do us good all round toebear each other s burdens and so fulll the law of Christ." l By.-sa=A.ND,m_. The,-Young Ladies Parish Aid of Trinity; Church intend tepoeating their. tea which was such a. success a year. ago. They will. give. a High Tea in Trinity School House on Tuesday, the 18th inst.,.at six. o'clock. iAdmission, 25 cents. Qhillia, Feb. 2--tI-L.Mi11ezr of MiI1i~ ken,; near Uniomzille, aged` 24, un- martied,a reman on the southbound G.--. T. R. freight, from Midland, was the victim of a fatal accident in the station yard hem yesterday after- mmn. He was standing am: the ten- der: of the engfne pulling open the slide of a coal chute when he slipped and `fell backwards, striking hlS head with suc n- violence that he died within an hour; s_hor.tly after regain- hg consciousness. The Coroner dc- cided an inquest imnecessary, a_nd` ~L- L--4-- ....11 u; o-.t...... 4.-n Uninnville Iaucu an: n-- - thg body wi. this evening, Barrie~,~. Feb. 3rd, 968: HUNDREDS onaooouazot `ma glut no 1 t=rrx_aay night And .\aet\u-any morning, hfgdraibf peo- glle. who had been eounti on bging. p nt st - Q` 8011 1.8 rd: ~ ~-- No ac-'=%...,:,.;~.,.;,...... th do t. . mi: 3:, ``i.'. ":{.g f. :?`..!:":t2m.. Great Sb tar ng this week. Q30 -the tint 9 In} store. has been 1&0 I swarming. eun- ' `IE Ida rm dvely close on tin date nuuil"eI.nth x f- u.`..n.'.u an.nnxkm:aIlB!'.*.'l Bh;_':;8h _R_ail- Letter to the Editor. IN MEMORIAM. lRm3r..B.':93'= I3 Ildlu, L It ILUL yuulylanln, in 1-Ieaven to meet again. ginber` the High! Tea in `f_`.':1ddI.n..a:m_:..I_ , Un" Ana: Tuna KILLED BY. A F-A.L.L. (Mrs.) N, Dyment. iDlT0i IIQUFQQSS. Lame Lurvucx ug- u_1quns__t . unnecessary, and .wLl1.- be_ taken to Unionville HIGH TEA.. wwunoon ll you on. menu dz! wm pnnttvoly N _l'ot.-rnuvl - V" `T KEPT AWA_Y "saints; V3.11) : Lily: uv-1 of V ave been aeig % IITC mu 1-1 __ , or cANibA%`{`\ .zsTAaLIa}_aD `a6B.Q'."~-._\:";\: 43 Years 0`: Shady Grow th CanadianBan_ers' AssociationV Mqny 0_1:de_rs_ payable all: arts of Canada and the Unite`cl.h__.,' tates, sold at all branches. ` `x Circular Letters of Credit issued tojthe-~..use of Travellers, available in a parfof the world. Sa _" gs Bank Department Vablxahed at all Branches.` A In- terest at highest current rate paid fhlvl vv -vv yawn..- - Lot 19. Con. 1. Sunnldale. 125 acres cleared, bslnnce bush.) elm. maple. basswood. etc. dwelling. 7 roomed frame house. born -10 x 100. lean-to stable, 30:86, good well. never tailln Itream (Mad River) runs through corner 0 !arm. soil is 160 acres of clay loam and about 40 of sand loam. as youn bearing orchard. 16 not-es or tall wheat, and a Hall ploughln done. Itnot sold by the 1st of March. .1908. t apro- ........, will 1.... mm-.d fora term of years. Reason \1\4SIl be uJ - BARRIE BRANCH W. D. MORTON. Manager FARM or 200 ACRES FOR SALE 1;-I_ ant -.._..- nlgnnn by the 1st or 1vn.rcn..uaua. use pru- iperty will be leased fora term years. Reason or selling. the ropxletor is going to tho North West. Apply V M. GOLLAN. on the farm, or Angus P. 0. 61-9 _ .___.____________..__.._._.._. EWART.` 3 .rm1,t.. I-In!-uh` Offices to let with vault, the omoes now oc cupicd by G. A. Rndenhm-st. l%amster.over the Bank of Commerce. T Apply to / -- . ur unl_tzIMn'hl'_ FOR `SALE;-NOIZEDBHBD l{|lIl'IvUL' uvt 14, Concessxon 10. Inmal. 50 a.cres.%near Strand. In good state of cultivation. frame house. frame burn and orchard. well watered. Possession March lat. Apply to DONAtI;D ROSS, Solicitor. Barrie. TRAYED--A `small ea:-ling: Gre Steer came into the rem es of . We ton. on Lot .3. Concession 1. Vespra. about the lot of June. 1907. The owner can have the same on paying expenses otherwise the animal will be sold. Tenders will be received by the "undersigned VIP to noon of Saturday. Februar 16th. 1908. for nl rivileges in connection wit the Buildings `an Race Track. Tenders to state whether the rink will be for roller or ice purposes. _ No tender neeesserilei accepted. Further particulars may be obtain frnm H19 1-e(`.l`tB.!`Y. V _ __ -,, VOL. LVII. No.6 WI-COL! NO. 3816) wcsuw a. cunt. Pnol-muons. . F announces that during the session of Pnrliamen he will. in addition to hem in daily communi cation with his orce, be at is office in Barrie on the following dates : Saturd ay. the 15th of February, 1908. Saturday. the 7th of March. 1908. Saturday, the 21st of March, 1908. Saturday. the 4th of April. 1908. Kuhn-nuv, the 18th Of .A.Dl'. 1908. acccpwu. _ 1.` ux LIIUI ya trom the Secretary. -_--- FRED. MARE. Secretary. West Riding otvsimcoe Agricultural Joint Stock 00. 4-6 (`l\' I\.r\` . or def e vi1lage_ nty 0f r of the `Mr. Haughton Lenno}, Saturoziy. the 18th of Apnl. nous. He will also be at his oicc during the C`1`rtitst- -mas and other vacations. Li22i;e Distd Simcoe. _ pmm FOR quarter Lot 11 nmmmzmnn 10. Inmal. a.cres.near GRAND opmux HOUSE WAcg1'Tnesday. February 12th MISS GR"? in The Tre QQU OI ICGXIOTY, Illliutlliulpy 'vv----- av` Guaranteed to be first O18ll.~_-J Prioes-$l.00. 750 and 500. b " Gin ! (Plan at Robertson : Drug Storm) 6 Church ofEngl$na ::.1a}:'a.'.':}{.%-"n'c;1'5'.`.:;'.i_x"}." n. " . I.I0.--- 01'!) n " Sp. m.-8unduy gm`! 'Y0l`|3 P" 9`.,"'] Superb scenic an and of scenery . hie ,,.L_ d elect:-mi oaci torlcelly correct 1 -5 4.- L- dun} llil. "'1 v Eveuong and Sermon -~ "Jena-ubloV - Archdeacon Warren Wm at bothaemou. . V . L - A ' Tak , o isting I to Wiktyr|s:1 ?Mill. _ dag, 5c per, j ..-v1 4Vl.)4s,,~1=-I sumuv. I-'EbIRAUA.RAV A % 'rmm'rv cl.-lUAR,li_I .s'lIHV_,3= -.:F3. ' as -: TENDERS WANTED OI-'F|(EF$ TO LET U0. Qyyny VI: `A. w. wmxmson. F u Ea 21st ay`; N. WALTON Minesing. mums! Vresenfs ` , , C E M E R R I T '1` ndous Success VVVWTVV v v i Help` -A I --` 1 u g 1 noon EAST or mnnu: HOTEL i oooooooooooooooooooooooooo g_1}__I_J_ n s MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of Private Funds to land at 4} and 5 per cent on the security of cod farm mortgages. McCAR'l`HY, BOYS 8: URCHISON uunlop Street. Barrie. build H;lth l'Il'\I1\v Iv---.-, I Action and Tone Regulator. Piano: Always on Hand For Sale. 37-1)? 36 JOHN STREET, BARBIE. ` lV0|l`.E_`._l|LT|JRE.} FIRST-CLASS A MADAME CE)EIH-%IRANE or To- ronto has ogned a studio for Voice Culgurgk at DEVINE S, 'I o,-; MAD. IJL3 V Lavba In}, -2-- ronto St., Bame, and will be there every Thursday from 4p.m.Ati|I4 pm. Friday... Madame Cochran : is a pa il of the famous Signor Garcia and rofessor Fred Walker,London, ` Eh land, and of Madame Diviviet of ar_is.- Voxcns T1_ss'rr-an FREE.` nu. uy an after said inistrator ts of the titled as of W adminla nu an- rm: GREA'1fES'1` c L E A R A If E Baby : human. life in to be healthy-that'|e o torsbahy, It is his ht to t d sleep. to laugh an growtgt- , `be well. But he cant be well Vhgn his food fails to nourish him yijoper-_ I . ""5".-" -'--* . A large am_oun_t of private and trust funds for Investment on . the secunty of} real estate -at. lowest Acur-`. Tent I'a`C'. --I A191 III `Dim: `lack- B A R 1`,1.i-i: HAS EVER :__KNowN, ou ENTIRE smck OF FINE FURS. AT` MANU- ~FACTUREWS \CQ5IE..AND LESS. pert ood--the best. one for a t w 5;. because so easily ctiif ted and assimilated. Con- n ust\he nouria ment babies in need 9-`-helps them to grow and be etvong. Ordinary food does not always do this. 0_lll' malt? thin `babies thrive. It is a `~-Emulsion always does. Jtll wava cu- -..- MILB_IS___E_I_I!' HOTEL .. IQALII-IK`I I . pI'nI'|I'ltDf. '5'; u`- 3i'i7cE`s"3"3`1-. Wlnmlw o First-class` Accommodation. Remodel- led and Retnrnishod Throughout. ~ THE `FURRIER. ;~.`f5u a Bottle `3 guaranteed. z;e.1::.*:*.s::e.2s:..`. :..,`:. 3.3?

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