Mn)` 3 not 1 `HI -e-nTe;.t-;,rl-(;:'11'c`)'naCloths, Muslins, and 500 M hings. Come in and see! You re welcome. E nd any prece _ ,- __ t"I-LI-.- 16 patterns English Art Sateens, Draperies and Art Tickings, pretty oral de- signs, regular selling price 20, 2?) and 30c. White Carnival Price ............. .. Art Sateens and Draperies 1 Yr, T.;1URSDAY. JAN. Whi'te Carnival Price .......... .,' Now is the time to buy WHITE LAWNS. here s.a Special. Offer. 8 pieces Fresh, Crisp Victoria Lawn, heavy and medium weight. but regular selling pxice_ is 20c. 20 White Lawn 15 16c 13c White sheets & Pillw Cases As/4 Sheets, No. 2, 95 40" Pillow Cases, 16 8/4 No.1, $1.00 32" " 18 8/4 No.0; 1.19 42" , 20 as/4 No. 00, 1.10 41%` 22 9/4 - No.0 1.215 44"~m;% 34 Made up ready for use ; nothin but the best English Cottons used, nished in the best way known to the makers. Pure ,LinEn '_I`abIe `5- kins, cut I andihmmed ready for use, 5 dirent patterns, . ' K: ' . 18x20 mchesg regular prxcc __$x.59. .1166 1.10 42? 44% v 1.2: 44" ?' *2 This Sale will Ac-ind promptli {It 5 P- E. 1 _ L__.-.CL.- 1vf\!I 1115617 (T5111 hv I irnate the_benepts you I}1_ay_ gauu uy w......5 ... ...,.,.. .._-_ W M ]3)on t Wa1t untll your fnends tell you of the bargains they saw, igst and yourstlge benet. '%1J5l MQ . '.l`hlS Dale W111 5 P`-V`PJ `j"" "' 1"` `' ' ;t:maxe.t.12, PS =.`1.Z"`.`?.. .i?}`.1`. .`;'f`, .,.gf`.f.`.`.."3m??. I`hi 1.25 White Counterpanes 98 25 only Fine White terpanes, soft nish, mad? pure cotton yarns, `large siz % regular pxfice $1.25, V .Every~la.dy who is privileged to visit this of lovely white Blouses. We procured them 1 are four complete setsrof Samples for spring l - ,,.1 ._.`I ;.L:..- :. .. nan:-I nhunnn *0 BIIV are IUWIF VUUJPIUID Dvvyrvn -cu-._..r--.. _-_ 1 `U , year round and this is a good chance *0 buy Bloua for from`25 to 40 per cent. less than they will be ' AWhi_te Lawn, `O1-gaudy and Mull s .55 7 _ 1.57 .75 5 7 1.77 .97 A - 2.27 A 1.17 2.77` 1.27 7 % -2.77 1:37 3.37 he:-e lI a continuous performace during this \ Sale.` New Qehgs will : be added Every Day. vlI%\' - b-up-w :v-...._-___, 145 yde. extra Fine Bleached Table Damaakzall nure linen, handsome oral and shamrock designs. 72 inches C | wide regular selling price. 1.00. White Carnival in- f. at ` Vain lalvsovunvuu -a-.--.....__- U 8 handsome natterne in all Pure Linen Bleached Damask, splendid value at 85c, cannot be replaced for less then We. Om White Carnival Price .. .. ..... , _ _ 1 ' Qlunanvu-vu-ww. -...___ 4 natterns Heavy Unbleached Iab1ing.-l~><`)-grrhtvbefore the ` rise in Linens. selling regularly at 350, easily worth 40c. White Carnival Price. . .. . . . . . .. ,s._ nn9__- Il'lI_:_ ('15..-an 6.` Drum Tnnnl Bargain}; in-lTovely White Blouses WUKIBII `SUV. vvuluv \allLu|vua - . Don : Miss` This cnanc'S'tE `B-1.1.3" meag. You'll be sorry it you do-Come Early before it all noes. gains in Spotless Linens $1.90 :l`_ab_Ie_l_)_Ip1_{l8ko 73 - _I_ _II ..--A "II Inn sonninan ADVANCE :;5;:MUnbleached Tabling. 25 _ L I . . _ L `A `l'..\.I:-.n hf lBle-a-czhed Damask. 59 ,1! (L.-- Y 2...... Qlnnnhnd Al oth L -"3 m. o_n W`ed.,A store wili rejoice over this collection 'ed from a leading manufacturer. 'I'hey_ or 1908. A Everyone wears white all the Ho Blouses that will-be shown next spring .they sold for then. The prices are :-5 1 White `Embroidered Silk A $2.67 . $3.67 3 2.87 . 3.87 2.97 3.97 3.57 - * 5.27` Jo, .l`C|Jo Lyhllo A VIA \4\~r . . . . - _ __ soon and as frequently asvyou can. Lrgains but Come-be here of our Annual % White Carnival, but no matter II II_9A_-A IV4.._.3-.' A` 55:41.`: Feb. 19th. You can hardly overes- _._ J 4- `an:-utu|1QfI+]`T QC 85 Corsets 65 ' '.i`here. s everything in the shapliness of a woman's gure, _- ___.L A--.-n4-In khan (III Dllulruuvuu V: we 7' v-._-.. _ .._. -, so much depends than on graceful Corset -lines--you 11 nd a model that will per- fectly t you and give you i ease and comfort. vvuuv --_.._. Sneclsllg) oaks White Ba- tiste Corsets, (all stored, well stayed, non-Iustable steels, hose supporters attached. these sold for 75c and the manufac- tmezs raised their price send- ing it up to 85. We ve put it ` down again for our \ White carnival to ....65C We ve a wealth of Towels in Plain Linen, ` Huck, Damask and the Heavy Turkish Bath ` Towel for the brisk rub after the morning bath. Here's a special. 5 Pure White Bath Towels, 42x21 inch, worth 15 per cent. more to-day than when we bought them. Our regular selling price, 25 White Carnival Sale...... . Ill-IDLE. Wu: nub`...-- -..-_-._ ` ,, I 1 Fine and Heavy Huck Towels, 40:20 fringed and hemmed, regular selling price, 250. White Carnival Price ' ' fl ,, And Towels There ll be high carnival among the Hats, the oerings will be such that you cannot resist. ' Your bhoico of any Un-% trimmed But for ...... . .390 Your choice of anv.Re'ady-to- wear Hat fcr .......... .. 590 And all Trimmed Hats at less - than half price. '8oVV and no on. Bargains in Millinery so.oo"t?6x:..s K nn 6 inch, nd % ll 2 pieces English Twill Sheet- ing 2 yards wide. We bought 1 this from a_ sample `sent from England to sell at 25c. It s not quite up to sample and i now it will be sold During White Carnival ... . Twill Bleached Sheeting Seems ridiculous to sell them at the price. We have 10 patterns Ceylon Flannel and Kimona. Cloths selling 1 regularly at 20 and 25c. We want to sell them quickly. ; You ll have to come quickly l if you want any. White Carnival Price......... . 90 25 [Simona Cloths, 9c it you A, I out"