1 to R.S.O . -7 all creditors against the . - vs Humbly. 1c `22nd day 1`; nor before ' -and by post & Stewart, * for the Ad- rl Charlotte i nristiml and Inn] full VJ STOVESR 0 UU.. 2 09. ` 41) 01). 0. . nn OUU 36'. 1 75 -r.-. Between fty and seventy-ve per- sons were burned or trampled to dea- Ith in a theatre re at Boyerstown, 5 Pa. ` Dr`. Angtxs McKay of Ingcrsoll `has retired from the position of Lib- eral condidate for the Legislature in E South Oxford. Dutch troops have captured a reb- el stronghold in the Island of Flor- es, Malay Archipelago, killing 130 natives. l A Toledo youth killed his mother lthat he might get her money to pay this board and her jewels for his | sweetheart. Legislation giving increased pow-_ ers to the Municipal and Railway Board will be asked for at the forth- coming session of the Legislature. I ` `Miss Lulu Kennedy and a young ;man named Sissons of Thessalon Qskated into a sheet of open water in `the dark and both perished. The famous ~Emmers0n-Cr0ckett flibel case has been dropped from the icourt calendar, being dismissed with- }out opposition from the Crown. V Fort William has offered Port Ar- othur $75,000 for the electric railway ~1ines within the corporation of Fort iwilliam, with half the equipment. Hall % A permanent. _commiss_ion to take lcharge of a cw_1c electrxc plaxgt for idistribution of Niagara power 15 ad- fvocated by Cnntroller Hocken of }Toronto. . An-an emcnts' were made for a tha_nk-o ering. ' arlor meeting to be e1d,on~Tnejs y, Jan. 21st,` `at 7.30 A 'm.- at th`e.,rcsidenqM~;of,-_ ~.Mi>, J` _K, A`l1:*ri11tres9ing tn- .spe'cia_I musi "" Japan has warned China that she will cease paying duties on her goods sent to Manchuria unless the customs laws are enforced against `Russia. Co1.Goetha1s, Chairmzgni, of the Isthmian Canal Commission, esti- mates the actual total cost of the `Panama Canal at $3oo,ooo,ooo. Senator Proctor of Vermont is seekmg _an agreement whereby Cana~ ;dians will cease settmg semes for sh in the northern end of Lake ; Champlain. Three youths shooting near Chat- ham found the `body of a man m a but with a bullet wound in his head and the revolver near by. The only clue to his identity is a Detroit mer- chant s name in his hat, North Renfrew Liberals nominat- ed Mr. Norman Reid for the Legis- lature. `Mr: Albert Mackie was pro- posed for the Commons, but declin- .ed; at least until the date of the gen- eral election 1s announced. Patrick Conroy died at V\/olfc Is- land, aged 105 years. The United States will withdraw from Cuba in February of next year. 1 Hon. George A. Walkem, ex-Pre- mier of British Columbia, died at i Victoria. The Manitoba Government takes ver the Bell Telephone system to- l l o E day. Negotiations between British mill- owners and cotton operatives have been broken o. Two Jewish co-operative butcher shops in opposition to the so-called Retail Butchers Trust, are to be {opened in Toronto to-morrow. The Toronto Board of Control and the rowing and canoe clubs will duscuss the question of a memorial to the late Mr. Edward Hanlan. } The local branch"of `the Women s Christian Temperance Union met on Monday, Jan, 13th, with `the Presi- dent in `_the chair. The usual busi- `pass was transacted; The Treasur- 'er s report: was; found to be satis- factory- A useful discussion on various.~.phases' of W. C. T. U. work `took place. . ~ ` A A ve-year-old girl di_ed at Montre- al.from drinking lye g1ven to her as a. Joke by a young boy. During _the past six years Cooke's 3Presbyter1ap Chgrch, Toronto, re- duced its lxabilitxes by $32,000. WEDNESDAY, JAN. I 5th. % THURSDAY. JANUARY, On Wed-nesdny. January 15th. the s re will e V d for the purpose of re-marking the entire stoek. We will kn k do pr: es A the lowest notch. Enormous reducntions agninuto be nnnde. r erve Belt e rytlxing at your own price.- J. C. IRWIN. Barrie. ::.i:::":,`;:`:*::i:::`;;::$: :3: Great Sacrice the balance of his Immense Stqek of The season for selling Heaviwinter Goods is right upon us, and as we are heavily stocked with Cold Weather oods, we will sell them RIGHT NOW. As this is our last winter in business, it i bsolutely imperative that we close out every dollar's worth of winter goods during is month and next.` Practically your own price upon all heavy line ` as no reaso i7=ble offer will be refused. The report spread by interested parties that ing out of business is untrue, and we posi- tively assert that we are , about it, simply plain VVe will not be here next year to sell the goods, so must be cleared NOW. O.ur loss is your gain. simply the necessity for turning the goods into cash as quickly as poss le. We not haggle about prices, so now is the time to make your money do dip ble duty. . alether out of business. There's no nonsense OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A G"andV ` % ` % a Great 4 S ock Tl-I K 5 Y,JAN.16 nnbuul uno. V and _ full y veried. y them. -1' said last trator will of the said ed thereto. f which he ministrator any art of w one 'cccivcd M _ General Dry Goo s, en s and Boys Clothing. Ladis %C`l\ildbren s Coats, Skirts and Blous s, Boots, Shoes, Rulmers. now in their sen % n Make no Inistske ' and don't be misled -by` interested parties. We are `positively going out of e Business and be sold. We are forced to sdispo`seofethe' winter goods A; A will not sllow prices to stand in the wsy. _ * Q; Come before too , te,-and eturei your sare. Hundreds .of llnes to be slaughtered. See Hands Af or4S LLINGOUT PRICES. % SELLWG This Great Going-Out-of-Business Sale openson V $:5:5,00o\(o%Jrt1; of Goods yet to be Bargains fe eve _ ember of the femily. Make out your elieteat once ` ad c e while the stock is unbroken. V T - ` Railwayxtes on_$25fO0 parcels up to miles. -. -u vuuwuuvu Jusiness, iti oods -j_;I1s `disposed % of THE ~No1u:m:1:v ~A`DVANCE rm ........... .. ... 10 allow, per lh...... ............ .. 6 conuuonoo-o..uS....acoee 5.... HideS............--nun... zwofuo Horse 30 Wool, 22..... 23 Wool,unwashed................. 12 .. 13 mbskins 757... .35 uuumuns pe pples. per bb] ............. 1 00.... 2 50 oodnift ......... ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 450...; 550 ` 2ft ...................... .. 500.... 600 Brownlee, the Auctioneer, Barrie, handles `credit sales of farm stock and implements promptly and satis- factorily for $5.00 and upwards. Dates can be arranged for at THE ADVANCE OFFICE. 'l`nnn\vmn T n `V 1 I IIIAO \ he -Hur- physical customs, ace were lecturer t of his of the mission issionar- ent per- abandon- ear. Mr. ater had e aband- probably he great (1 a half oncluded referring. mplished ally tou-' l......L ah Saul)` QD'HDIIIl do goose............. 0ats.................... Barley ........ ..... .. Rye .... .... .. Pea.s..... Backwheat............ Seeds. alsike, fancy. . . . No. No. unvv "`:rvunI\n Toronto, Tuesday. The run recorded at the City Cat- tle Market to-day was 80 cars, con- taining I,25o head of cattle, 1,098 sheep and lambs, 850 hogs and 129 calves. - The Cattle trade has derived great l assistancefrom the seasonably cold iweather of the past week, the supplyl of stock at yesterd`ay s and to-day"si markets being insuicient for the de-I mand. As -a result prices .made an- other advance, buyers stating that they were forced to pay from 15c to 25c more for cattle than they did last week. The strength was again par- icularly noticeable in the choice grades, a few picked steers selling at prices that were about on a par with` the top gure for prime Christmas beef. The run was up to the Tues- day average, but practically every- thing was cleared up an hour before noon and more than one b uyer re- ported having orders he had been unable to fill, There was a `quiet demand for stockers, the turn_ in the weather dur- ing the past week acting as a deterr- ent to buying in this grade. Choice were quoted from` $3 to $3.75 with light. stoekers at_$z tq $2.75. `With values of good butchers cat- tle approaching the $5 mark there is obviously little room for an. export trade and shippers continue to ll their space with western or Chicago` cattle. There is, however, a good! market for heavybulls at prices rang: ing from $3.75 to $4.25. There were not many of these offering to-day. For good to choice butchers cattle prices averaged fully 15c above last week s levels. Individual sales were reported at prices ranging up to $5.- 25, and at least one straight load was sold at over $5, this gure hav- ing been bid without success by` a `buyer. Other loads of not quite as Fchoice quality sold from $450 to $4.- 75; medium to good, $3 to $4; choice ,cows .sold from $3.60 to $4; medium, $3 to $3.50 and common, $1.65 to $2._- 75; canners,` 75 to $1. - ` - The run-`of calves was small but `they. did not share to `any [extent in the general. rmness, -. prices remain- ing at 3c to 6c per lb, the average price running about -$7 a `head. ` \ Good milkers found the steady de- Tmand that_ always awaits thgm, prices {`sh9_wing_ little change at $40 to $55 `for choice and $25 to $35 for `med- num. - __-__, _-.v-~- Y, - .--v..-. Q Sheep and lambs were very firm, although the supply was up to aver- age. Good -export ewes. sold from 15 to 25 higher at $4 to $4.40. Bucks and culls scored ea `sharp advance, to.-day's prices being 5oc_ per hund- `ted above -last week_ s. Seleet lambs gold` from $5.59 tc $6.2_5. . ll ; ( (1`hez bog iafasvlaeen steadily weakemng durmg .. the past week, the sharp _drop xn _An_1erican hog markets bemg the prmclpal reason. Local buyers were desirous of keep- rng Values here 119. .and opening- 'pr1ces today were unchanged from the previous market. Later ,- despat- ches from Chieago; horn: tr, ::_n'lh*:tt~ - . fed a.7fur_1_,her __;b_ad;~break . 7_vva1_:`,'1c,VsV - -ghere `and for. `this jre.a1son. pr1._ce_s`:mI5i __ at fthe:citys.i::ark=re 5?.'..,?`, . t own Hill S No. 15 gar ..... u-n `L953. . Tonoxro, /JANE] 101_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ R0 13000000090eoaooooooocoooo3 Quotanons on Tuesday were-- Exportsteers. choice .. 3 medium.............T... j bu11s.. Butchers , picked choice . . . . . . u un;-vii.-..\ on n......? | UU\Vu ULIUAUU Common cuws...... Canners Choice Stockers Li ht. Stockers, Mi ch cows. choice . . .8 medium prmgers Calves................ `Sheep, ewes . hnnlzn and rm !EVENTS 0;` THE WEEK} __--- ---.... J wanna _, _-o_ _ I , Jexvs in Torpnto propose to esta-l blxsh co-operatlve butcher shops. '- 11 . 1 `I L up .u 1- I Nearly two thousand writs werel ,issued in Osgoode Hall last year. ] 'I`__.,_ 3-- Fl`, 1 The United `States battleship eetg reachd Rio Janeiro yesterday after-[ lnoon. ! I131: . , Burma. nuary. 1908 Westmo;-e_laZi1TdT V Avenue Methodist Church, Toronto, was destroyed by re. Sixtgen children were crushed to` ;_death an a pamc at an entertamment `in Barnsley, England. L Negotjatiqns vxgvith Japan in rega_rdA Vto.t1ie 1mn_11grat1on question are stxll jbemg earned on by cable. I I Ituis rumdrd zit` Paris that Japan`; has purchased a number of. French- ibuilt airslnps for milrtary purposes. AI11A' nu. ll-hr Abd-el-Az`iz, sultaiumf i\f(_>;(;_c_c'(-);.i has been formally deposed, and his` brother, Mulai iHad, proclaimed at } Fez. I Joseph Ashworth was sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary at` Comwa1]vAssizes for attempting to'l murder his wife. | The Toronto Railway Companyi Iobeyed the order of the Railwayl Board and operated cars in Toronto Junction on Saturday. ` i The Bell. Telephone Company is planning to spend a large portion of the money received from the ~Mani- toba Government in improving the system in Ontario. L i 1 The barque .Germanic, of W'ey-i ;mouth, H. S., foundered in mid-At-. flantic, and seven of her crew are be- ieved to be lost. - N An arbitration has been comrnenc-I ,ed between the Brotherhood of Loc-` omotive Engineers and Firemen and the -Canadian Northern Railway. Law on : The Irish police believe that the missing regalia of the Order of 'St. Patrick is still hidden somewhere in` the island. | Mr. Samuel Crouch and his daugh-I ter were killed and Mr. David T011 was seriously injured by their carri- * age being struck by a train at a icrossing at Cedar Springs. I Rev-. James A. Kaye, formerly of `Woodstock, has been sentenced to ;two years in Chester Penitentiary, *Ill., for having moulds for counter- ; feitingwin his possession. The cityicannot collect a business 'tax from the private clubs of Toron- ;to. ` v % _Ald. "Hales has given notice of` mo- ;_t1on for a reduction of hotel l1censes_ .: E n_ Toronto. _The` State cox_np1e'ted th presenta- txon of us case 1n the Thaw trial yes- terday. . ` V \ The C.P.R. trains`will be running into "Portland, Oregon, ' early m March,` - Kirkwood 'Schrm of VThamesfo1-d }wae' killed. at a railway crossing at i Ingersoll. T ow-an % 'i_'Ienry- Hobley was_run over by 3! %fr1ght_ca_r _-,a_t Han_111ton and died `from his xnjuncs. ' . - ; _Th_e Brazilian s3_owfernment.is con-l _s:.de:-mg a;prop_os1t1on to admit 20,0001 Japanese laborers. ' T I of CHA-R- 1` no of tha . of Simcoe, I Wi1li2`1mVP. Grenville and his wife, `- of I Hamilton, were asphyxiated in .a i New Xork boa:-_.ding house. .. Mgfbavid T. died at Blenheim, maku';1g:th_e third fatality from ghe` ._Ct_f;<:l ar_pr1ngIs". crossing accident.` ' _ Loss`. es;tiniat'ec1_ . at $350,000 was `"4::V`3`1___sL d 5 W .3 ..rer mg the storage ware-% , M; 'R'a.wlinson, -Limited, -':'1`6-7 1 ZIUKU. SCI!`-Uh . . . . .....-as.. medium common rough A. '1 J5 ..... .select.A -1:11:-n 1,-.:w:.-5 .. bucks ad culls. We have a NUMBER THOROUGHLY _ REEAIRED, NEW PIECES put in where necessary, REMOUNTED and KECEMEN IED, thus making the stove practically as good as NEW. : : ~ : :- : : 2 - We` have the following kinds : TL- D A hr A xv!` 'r,rr\1u [TORS HAPPY THOUGHT, SOUVENIR aud IMPERIAL . AOXIf`ORDA`RANGES at $I5.oo to `$2 5.00. ' Some Arst class wood cooks. such as Honor Bright, _ Linden Wood, Etc. Prices $10.00 to. $20.00. Also a number 0fkSma1'l Heating Stoves. We must clear ' thenji T0 MAKE RO0M. Come and get a Bargain ' b ' before they are ail gone. Live Stock Markets. UUUIEJB ......... medmm to _uod.. com. to me mm nn urn n)\n1'nn UULIL LU u_mu1 cows. choice . |'\ In 1\II (Continued From Page Three) MONDAY, JAN. 13th. TUESDAY, JAN. 14:11. H. H. tton & Son Ull\r IUJIVJVVIIIS QIIIKJ3 - "`11' RADIANT HOME, ART GARLAND and , JEWEL BASE BURNER COAL HEATERS. Prices` from $10.90 to $20.00. . . A ' FIVE POINTSHARDWARE STORE D"U I Station