Northern Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 8

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Against 79 O0 -' 374 I21 62! 112 157 I19 113 m6 759 VVard I H. VVard_2 ... VVard 3 ... VVard 4 ... VVard 5a. VVard 5b .. ;VVard 6 H. 55 I22 l 91 86 126 129 124 80 I23 105 I08 I37 I08 [91 I19 I57 I31 5 190 I49 E5? 149! 121 118 92 91 V\ ard I . VVard 2 . Ward 3 . W'ard 4 . Ward 521 Ward 5b Ward 6 . s3@.? :`=` . ...,..,.u.-y -I-uquuybllg _ ` ;9%%c T:.'4i'_i,`;iti. 3801' 4:S3si: ,. -.,'::,.. `,_!~'- ~ - , . ,,"*"r" mes . .-m hhve'#bhi1'1custot1ier's for T ' " .1`? `-' wi- FE;Wr vefryf"aeon-a ' " 1 Tb1emna_m3 ;mm. , Hudson `Maxim has invented a`-new} fast torpedo, a new torpedo boat, and: a `new power--motorite--capabIe of driving boat and `torpedo -at - a speed of sixty miles an hoqr. 5 No. 4.--w. E. Todd, 1. . Patterson, TVV. `M. Harvey, .J'. Grasett, skip. "District. Cup` Skips. J. Patterso_n,'.-W. E. Todd, No. 3.--R. Mlcomsn, D. Boys, A. D. Simon, ,Nivn, skip. T % Ward I Wardz Wards ... Wat-d4 ... Wardsa Ward 5b VVard6 `IE hounded. to rent, 1 No. 2.--A_'. G. I-Iiabbick, D. Le- VRoy, `B. Love, A. Brownlee, skip. av `Lyon, A. G. I-`Iabbick, skip. _,, _., ...,..., `n. A.JLUVVlllCC,_ unip- No. 3.-J. B. `Me hee, J. H. Ne-' lands, A, D. Simon, W. M. Harvey, skip. ` _E, Todd, W. A. Boys, kip. T No. 5.--W. Duff, R.,H. JWebb, D. `C. Murchison, T. Beecroftgskip. No. V6.---A. Mohkman, J. `H. Ben- nett, J, Patterson, `H. J, Grasett, skip. No. E. Jory,_. T. Crew, `R. Malcomson, D. A. McNiven, skip. No. 8.--F. Otton, W. Cline, O. H. No. I.-J. G. 'Scott, T. Beecr_oft,.4 A. E. Stap1eto'1_1, Geo, Hogg, `skip, `Y No. 4.--Dr.`Mc~Carthy, Vair, 7 `N .1\./II;:'cVh'ison," Dr. `Mc- -Carthy, P. Love, A. B1-owinlee, skip. No. 6.-D. -W. LeRoy, J_. G. S_cott, -_--, ._.-v. ;.;.-.155, only. i % No, .:A7 w. Wilkinson, D. w. 1LeRoy, P, `Love, A. Brownlee,_ skip. `McPhee, lands, skin. . V5 _._..-.-,, vv. 1. AJUJJ, Dull). .N;(%) -f3.-'-T. Crew, H. Bennett, A. E. Stapleton, `H. J. Grasett, skip. No. 4.--J. Coffey, D. C. Murchison, A`; G. .Habbicl_<,- T. Beecroft; skip. 'r\ n ' ' '~ -- T\Tn - `II',.,, 1 Phee,' skip. " \v' I9.---P.LBi'ng ham, S. Maley, C.- Stewart, A. E. Stap1eton, skip. `|\T.. .-... No. 18.-E. Miner,` H. B. Hen- waged,` J. F. Jackson, J. Bennett, s np. ` ? . . . Touchette, A. :Monk-| inan, G. W. Miller, D. A. McNiven, skip. ~ . . I `Ar ` terson, skip._ V ucu. uuunxman, J, 1-1. 1\teelanas,.sk1p.| No. I6.-_`--H. Jamieson, 'B'a1l, H. G. Robertson, D. M.-`Stewart, J. Pat- 1%, '9,--A. Wilkes; br.`Ama11, A. --Iiq`Har't,7 M..Hypson, R, Malcomson, s1p.A `- v ` 1&6. I3.---Byron King, A. JHay, "D. Powell, Geo. Hogg, sk1p._ `Y- _ N10,. :/ Lrt_r1;')`r'1.,v".C') . `E-.y.Hart, Geo. IMonkman, J, H. Neelands,.skip. ._ A .. I m,. -g . u r_---- n -nv - A. G.Ro'gers, -G. Brown, H. E. Jory,- P. Love, _s 1p._ - s 'lI;>. }i.:1'2. '1'=.;t3{z, }3E'A"trong, E. H. Williams, Dr. McCarthy, A. Brownlee, skip. ~ T -u\ _ n . A. __ I VVal'd I Ward-`2 .- Ward 3. . Waggi 4 .. . \Nad 5a .. Ward 5b .. VVarl 6 .. | 5.-H. Dymeni, E._A1*1ntr6`ng, Drury, W. B._ Aiken, Jas Vair, 4-. . ._ - v, >v-wu, JV--n \r\r~n_vJ, `urn I A." McD-onald, JAI-cg): Milne, `D. Bolton," 3R. ' H. .Webb,- skip. - v i s. mew. "F1`esher,' Ray `Mitchell,| }Fred Otton, W. E. Todd, skip. I orzjnanks `tor ~13. . " bus. Cdmpgtions. . No.` %I.%--'Dr. BsAankg, w;~ Colvill, R. D,/rury, J. G. Scott,` A. G. Hab- ;bick,Wskip._ _ ' V. ` - r -I-'-no-i-.-. or up _-_, _ _.-av , %v'v`.,i;r;,* B."-.i)c::1i; :; Grasett, skip. Donald -Ross. D._ Le-Roy`, .H. J- O` . . __ - No. Sage Boys,` A; T j3ryson,' -`S. Hinds, J.` B...McPhee, W. Cline, s_1p.* % ` ' ' ' .. _ i A.L R'a,den hurst,V A. Malcomson, W. -M, Harve_y, W. A. |Boys, skip. 0. ` ` .. ... - ___ _' ___ L IT ]; 1\)I-cL'a rtVy, -H. Love, +13. urchison',,-O. .:H. j,yr._)n, skip.l `\.T_'. '-_ '11? 1:71`- , -1:10 . Biack, W. Jbnes, .W. Morton; T. =Crew, John `-Coffey, skip. `KT-`A. ` II` A it vs 4 A For the eM.a'.yoralty-, . Bennett had theelection well in hand'all the time-, and led inievery ward. His, majority of 344 was decisive. The` contest for First 'Deputy.-Reeve was 'Venly fought out between .Me'ssrs. ' air and Wilkes, `and the issue tee mained' in doubt until the last, the former winning.u M1-.'CoFey outran his rivals for the` 'Second..Deputy- Reeveship, and his victory was. pare. iticularly pleasing to the opponents of local option. ' N6. 1:- v... .....r _ .2b.--+A. cf E}ra.'1:den, A. A. W. Wilkinson, Dr. A. D. Simon, skip. .2'..--R. EH. Webb,V Dr.-Arnall, . Harvey, -W. A. Boys, skip. 4 ' '1` f`__-__. `I 1'1` 1-\ vu-_n u-coco .' `. -.._ ALL ,- McCarthy Cup `Rinks. I x.--w. B. Aiken, J. B. Mc-l A. D. `Simon, Geo. Hog_g, ,WardI _.. Ward2.. Ward 3 .. 'Ward4?... Ward 5a . VVard 5b" . Ward 6 `*A'.1;"L'IA:%I1` N 0RTItERN TADVANAJCET 4 cm. V;Rin.ks'. Cross- 1 1' A _7 7All the, accommodations of the A1istraIian~Canadian_ line . steamer have been secured, . it is.- stated, six months ahead. by. the Japanese_a;t I-Ionolulu; Technically, the Japanese _Gov'ernment cannot,` do anything to `prev`en`t` the "coming of these Japan- ese to British_' Columbia, ffordh the Ja- -'-panese e-axe":-,fre iagents once :they .' ;hav_fe._. .tur`ne_d~ i'n"the`ix-, ".pas.spomtsgt 'thje* :i19d5.':i. F,":"` " A " At 11` o'clock "yesterday. morning they poured into town from the coast. logging" camps, and; some ' even from the American soide`V,oT" the 7boundary -line, There" are rumofss; of " trouble, `rand: __o 1c ers of. the A,si_aticg Exclu'sion' ~'LeJag"u"e are e much T `perturbed. pf: wily .\Jl'l\-III-GI '3-I_Fua`v>l-`J11 `sent. Why the 300 -r`Japan`e_se came` here 15 a mystery, ' . 3 T `. . ' I I I Vancouver, B. C;, J-a'n.~ 5._--The a- Iexplained an-iva1`of 309..-Japanese `in Vancouver, and _thq prospect of an influx of 1,200 .w1thg;1 the next mon- th from Honolti1u,1'arc the features of the Oriental "s'itua-t`ion}hexfe at"pre- fs'ent- Whv H19 .mL-r:.~ma-- ----- `Following are .the complete re- turns:-- V D! N One of the best New Year s gifts 1, that Canada can receive is the an- nouncement that the Canadian 1'fa- cic Railway is about to `increase its ' capital. by $28,320,000. At the head of the Canadian Pacic are not only many of the ablest men `of the coun- try, but, because of the vast enter- prises they own and`admini er on the land and rivers, the lakes and the oceans, men exceptionally in a D051- -tion to judge the likely course of fu- -ture events. In such circumstances, the words of Sir. Thomas Shaugh- nessy, "president of ' the company, speaking for the board of directors, are most inspiring. The directors are convinced that Canada will con- tinue to progress, and that if there be any temporary set-back resulting from nancial conditions in other parts of the world, it will prove comparatively unimportant. l`l1re- foreit is held to be vitally important that the Canadian Pacic should pr-:- ` ceed without c-essation in the course _ adopted some years ago, of adding to the railway s facilities in -every direction, so as to be prepared to cope with the very largely increas- ' ed traic sure to be thrown on your lines. "Such language is indeed in- spiring, and will restore condence and buoyancy to those who were in- clined to be mildly pessimistic as to the immediate future, even so. far as Canada -was concerned; `As the `V&itness has persistentlyreiterated and has shown abundantly by facts and gures, there never has been any reason to fea_r any general `or pro- longed cbntraction of business in this country, and the action of the Cana- dian Pacic `Railway goes to show that byvthe springtime` everything sho_uld be in full swing again. railway, at least, deserves our thanks at thistime for the expression of its well-founded condence, a cond- ence thatrnotionly covers this coun- try, .but extends to" Europe, . where most of .its securities outside of Canada are held. Indeed, its con- dence that its securities will nd an advantageous. market at this time is the most cheering nancial feature of many months, ' The- 4 (2150. VICKERS, 'm::.:::; o"+`++o`+$+oooo++ Mwwowwoowwo wooowou ooowooonowowwwwonl 5-THREE .HUNDR`ED JAPS % ` ARRIV.E. . X From the Montreal Daily Witness. Twelve Hundred `Are A iCIcV>ming'.' . 0. ` . / . - A FINE NEW YEAR S GIFT. get first .of G_ood Goods to be sold :-No; Colxvne. and take your iaick from the bait selected Barrio; . Choose atpriqen: whioli ha.v6 hav established a new lbw-pxjice record. The-` 1-eti_ring' trustees on the Boatd of` Educatlon were all re-e1ected. I2 only _i`n. \.ra;ri% ax oolor . L f rth regular $2.0 my}? 5`0.\ ().`I SAL ;_ " Thfee sendidv gatffns all. Pure Linen Damask. Q and 72 inches wide. Our regular 85c quality. V --n-.-.--_-n-.. .`- - u-4-. [esp Tim}: ;,fu\1?i:_NA `ls? -%_rc.7 bU'uTNG%THps SAL; e_-re VI V`! .475 cm % _\Ve',Inve 67.;`Lgdiu Skirts that -must` be turned into money-they are new _and neasonablo style-are well bought and marked close, and belt of all,.; our close price will be cut deep . Examp1e:- 39.00 Skirp for, . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .86} 75 can ll pug _, _' ______----J -----w-c -vvv- psrnnt close: for the aeubn we want a clearance of all the Stock-c1-immed and untrimmed Hats than cosvof production. Some one will get the snaps. Why not you? All untrimmed Hm; 0, for Alltritnmerl Millinerv as one third o`, some 9. little less. % `Bibi-`o`ch!:g will b9`:s_oi"(l at I gm-ghs1;oo to `very mornin til our $.tock-taking is completed new lots will be thrown on the counters. First corner. It ice. Que of our pdttons having small balances left on our les are requestedto pay not later nhan 1.3 inn. "Rudy to pit on Skirts. Many new faces will-. be seen around .the aldermanic board, Alder.- men Beardsley, Jackson, Thompson and Evans alone remaining of -last year s bunch; Of sixteen members only seven sat in the Council` of 1997. 31.6} - N o` Better Chan%ce\\t3/Buy Millinng-_y Than Nc:v`v-. D '1' FAIL` TO vxsrr mm" MILLINERY 1')1tV=Xiz;i*ir 1'13:'1;I'i*_._` The `doctors of 5 Vienna have or- 1-ganized ;a7n automobile club on a; co-. `1op'fa.tive"?~%basi9;. fi.3.;- proposed? first 7 ata1?=1!a .`V:h9=31e. %manufac.tur-~ ild #r %&;gseial1&a _ .._ -..-- Ill. territory very nearly duplicate those in the Kim`b'er1ey'elds of South Afri- . ca, the-vearth` resembling in every re- spect the son of that region. Prof. .Sch_ne_ider `saysrthatgenuine -diamonds have` wjit_l;on_tf do`u bt-been taken from {the Hu'ddlg_ston- tract. - _ I 5 The report` of Prof. Philip Sch-I neider, geologist at Syracuse Uni- versity, who has been investigating, the diamond elds of Pike iCounty, has been led with the State Com- missioner? of Arkansas. The report` .stats that much `of the inspected land 'is- of novalue, but that a few zictes, making up what` is called the :1-Inddleston` and Money places,. com- 'p`ris'es- the most promising diamond land, _'1T`.;_;Su'i`face indications. in this `territory vefy duplicate those] .` hi , ln"-'IZ!.`.'J.-._1 .---' 1: J I . A severe earthquake shock lasting "six minutes was felt throughout the` entire Japanese. Empire from. Hok- kaido ~t_o the Bonin Islands; It oc- curred at 2.17 o clock- on the morning of November 22, and fortunately no damage . was done.- Hokkaido" and the 'B_onin Islands are respectively the most northerly and southerly isl- ands `of "the Japanese archipelago. The earthquake area embraces `oven-_ .I,oo_o` rniles of coast line. \'. , J` `K ` ohjih 0 -x e ._ Ty~the'*hott;f`;_eve1(_ * mi1'1:s'e', , the j1o'c'a1d"=Iop`1:idt,1`_% , ..-ped" all other ` features3~, 3t4a,1'-`vote polled was the :~`f1a;rgg=,s:te' never. A considerable"3T7c9!'I}:~L .` frbm outside places to cast t`he ir_j'-b _ai"-'; lots` and this added` 't'o;thde" ~ge'ne_rai1; `interest. It was_ nearlf i*i1i,Stj'. `~b c1o"I<' before` the -result 1 was? known; .th`_ gures standing - 770 '-_for_1.lo_cal` option and 624 against. The by-law '* thus. failed by ,66vvotes,., ' . ` . Sweeping LPre-Inventory al mu). n. .....-I. n......-s....u... l-_.*n.._...- _ Experiments made by Prof. Fred- eric Bordas, of Paris, showed that quartz and int were V tinted rose color by thcaction of radium, that uncolored corundum was tinted bright yellow and that pale rubies I had` been brightened. The experi- ments showed that oxygen of the air] was" not affected by the action of radium. ' I" ' snnmgmm ` 7 pi` ettea, pr Som very neat . patterns in Wrappergtzeo, dark I light colors, regulnr ~ ` I T j RICE .... . .30 Pretty Wnppere `shades and pattern: Kimona. Cloths throw 15, 18 and 20c. GA` 1'.` `D1! 7'1`h'e `Buy'er's (ippbrtunity ro:Ba:-gains. The Fleming -Aejrial ee`.La by-law `was heavily supported, and more V than received: _ the statutory .majority, but the `sidewalk by-law fell by the Rvaysid_e.A Good Coating: _ in light and L nninhn n. -Din-n nut` any-nun` `=I':.... SCIENCE NOTES. {ll Comforters at a Bargain. Don't Miss the Wm pperettea. Tee-.5 da. colored , Wrapper. % cipsll red, regulbr, 10c. [1 SA E HRICE....,..3c Don't Miss This Sale 5 ` l`l;li;l;le-I`: III-1:8. See Hand Bills for Ful _` articulars. uv V VI Alla! ll-I IIKIID bu, . cotton and wool lling. for ........ . . . . ..$3.25 ` . . . . . . . . .. 2.65 ` ........ 2.15 C 1 Inn "'ALE PE aring Sale Star Friday, Janna 10th. GREAT 5 in va ' suul also . ma QB... orth ."` `.80 OF ` " ft. _-my glection to ._De;puty-Reev- iLA;,fa;.?:39<;~%%a`L SECOND DEPUTY. COFFEY. Eleqted. - vv-.--vval Vial 57 `_ - I;mas`sure ;you- th? Aavwiate4$% V ... vvl .jIII`Il rcu:'.jI, SO mat only KW` tor athrey.-. -Vgvould begstackcd togethcf wifthot1t:.:..their tumbling pver. hi nd* `was made 8;; Luxor.--Scientni :Amierican. ' _` About 60 pairs of which there are not , more than a. half dozen alike. sizes. varying from 6 inch to 10 inch. TO BE SOLD AT lowed, by monthly installnlemx club will assist the doctors tn : come automobile owners. Thc 111:1 Uthly payments will be less than :`: "present cost of hiring a t\V'u-i1~>r:' carriage by the month, as l1`.4v~~T. - ` the doctors do. The club will mi ' its own central garage, and i.)l'.l.llC garages will be opened in \'. J.`::>'.:~ '(listricts,of the city as the (i.t`ll`,.ill increases. The promoters of tlxc .1~ sociation hope to increase the xivm ber -of motoring doctors from zlt. `present twenty or so to at least 20-.` five hundred pieces of the time ' Alexander the Great has been found fOne hundred of these were specimen -{of the silver tetradrachm of Alex anderthe -Great, at coin Correspumi ring, in weightto. our half dollar. Tlr :.pieces are very __thick fand are mind: of silver . of .g.rat .pui'ity'. The ob sverse be `rs the head of Hercules it fa lion"s s in ; the reverse `shows '/.cu: i;'se'ate d in a. chair. All, bear the nn.n1' Of Alegcander in Greek. Monogram: an`d='m1_ntmarks' of great intcreaj ;wei'e,found {On;many pieces of thi: t=1;., the pieces bore tl1' ~'Gre.k-word `for .thg:' mint marks. de 1.3; 7"`?3-'-.?;i i` a _y'` __ _ In the side of an old well wfierr it-vhafd_ lain undisturbed for :.;o' years, -an earthenware jar COI1t8.llllIlt "35E.!i .igig the towfrs or cities wlierf strt1c*lAt . The coins are al. * i%1igf,_pso that only twi i h`e`.: stacked toszet he! _ . ~ I` I Our Stock coneistaligf Ladies Msntles and 24 Child`: Goats. We want then` room and we want the money. lNo Coat will be entered on the Itookuheotn-they must be sold, They are all stylish and well mule, Note:-- ' 816 00 Coats for . . . . . . . ..$l1 50 15 00 . . . . . . . .. 10 50 14 06 " ....... .. 9 90 13 00 . . . . . . . .. 8 90 THERES ALWAYS A PICK. COME AND SEE THEM. JANUARY icrifice of Li. `es 6: Jhildrens Bga ltles. rcbandise in _CA_RD, or THANKS- Odd Lot of Hpsiery. mi: {N J 25 cts. 9th',' . FIRST DEPUTY. VAIR. Elected. ROBERTSON. M cMO RRAN . FOR MAYOR; BENNETT. . Elected. _ _ `SOULES. BROAD? WILKES. POWELL. _,,, T A 1*.` . ""39i #91 H: 259 i 412 453 ' ml 10 11 I3 13. 532'| J} 114 I22 118 I 58; }..R_.eeve--J. Mgbermott, ` `i " ._a Deputy-,5- e1o,_bert Ben. ,. - 1 5`. ` ;.O1111ciI1:5;_sf-_'#-J gs`- ~ :Gt_'aham,_ VJ. `Mar,-L vu-_`( II}: . Reeve--'-F. Ball. ` _Dep,uty--`VV.7' ~McLean. V =Counci1ldrs-%-Jams)` -Cocl i Rolyetfton 'a,jid Alex. W "M ` .__..... uuawLLUl1. ? Reeve--`R`ich'ard Bell, accl. V `Deputy--Jas. Dundas, accl, Councillors-Dr. `J. J. D.` Bant'i~13g,' "W. A. Miller a-nd'Wm. `Erw'iTn.7_, ._ VINNISFIL ELECTIONS.` . V; - Reeve-[--Henry. Grose. __;_ - 5 3 ` Deputy-"e E. "T.Mc'Conjkey, accl, ' ;,(_2,ounciVll9r`s -`-'-.Geo. Leslie, H; S1i`[g`ht ` _anid W. 4H;__-M_artix_1j. -i ._.w -$Q`$n I ' Reeve-j--Jos. Caldwell by 128 ma}. Councillot-s-Wa'ttie 4335, Webb 242, Cameron 240. Hickling 220, Coutts 365. Knapp I51 , Wood 134. (First: .foux_' elected.) _, . Vj V +_ } ESSA 'ELECTIOlS. R A `D........' ~n-2--7 , 7 VVard Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward - I `Ward VVard Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward I Ward IV VV a rd Ward VVard - Ward Ward VVard j \ ard' ' TWard'I' .. . _Ward 2 VVard 3 VVard'.4~,.... Ward 5a` .. `Ward 5b Ward 6 vvqnhl au VVard 6 .. Ward I Wardzs... Wards Ward4 {Ward 5a .. 1Ward 5b .. `l`;'\ ZA K [Ward'I Ward'2 Wards Wax-d4 Ward 5a ... ,Ward 5b }VVard6 . Ward I Wardz Ward3 . . . . . . ..` Ward_4 . . . . . . .. Ward 5b VVard _2bv. ... 1xI....A' IVGAVI3 all 90:: >.Wa;'d : `_Ia_;x_m;,$.on_ A ; . . Silth- . . .<`, 7.] ,~ ' . I Evans" .. [ Llttlg: . . I 7B e:;rd;1ey 1%.. fN`ess .. Richardson '. ackson . . Bbthwellf ., Hunter` .. Thompsoh .. .. Ga_rrett .. Cltne [ Stapleton -,2 . . I* Craig ..T ;` Lawrence, ) Wallwin . . . . L _ LdIIIIrl\a | Pouch er ; T % . 1 770 6 AERIAL LADDER BY-LAW: A, QQUNCILLQRS. _ it ; each ~ward LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. LOVE. Elgcted. VESPRA ELEc'r 1oNs. FLAcsiELEcrr5nsf? I il"`1\`J ` ' SIDEWALK 03.0: ,ELEc-nous, A . `I? `I i .`f\Io -fv-v OPTION B-Y-LAw._' ]'}___ A WESTNEY. Electedj. LAIDMAN. ANDREW. Elected. Ward .6. ward '4; _Ward 3,: ..Ward_I Ward 2 . `Ward 3 . _Ward 4 59. swan-d-5b` Ward 5. BY-LAW._ lJL`JJl'IVV' For Against 1'17 ' 63 I05 . 85 I26 I03 I30 . ` 92 94 ' 72 72 98 126; ~ 111 l swrd elect.ed.- TF0; 105 I22 I45 I37 II2 I16 I45 Against] ` 33 I6 16 12 IO II .23 Ward I .. "Ward 2 . Ward 3 Ward 4 .. VVard 5a`. - Ward 5b` . .Ward 6 ..

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