w E AN/[gm V um.-A cnnmm IV AFXTEVND You TOLLENDAL. Unusually large displays will also be made in our cloak room, Carpet, we CORDIALLY EXTEND YOU AN INVITATION TO oun SEMI-ANNUAL DISPLAY or AND FOLLOWING DAYS. D|F?ECT IIWPORTERS _'|:Ll9 guoul. 01 1!l.l.$ A1108 M11108. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. aokmaan and family. `of South River. are. visiting .=th.to`z-%e1_-`a fbrothn grated gth , as _ amey-span un _ .W1 ` ;Mias'Lily%(_iil_:;uaon. A _ A T * 7. A,-'B,x_ohardaon.~,."o~ -Edeuvlalte. 1 1' 1 r `A `mmiter in. the...:Barr_io._A.dvnn_`ce. ho .0t y1.~;| his-~= v?;itincs.: "Imp1';u1- V Jgdnggli ,Atto:st;houg;;ts"= 1. . ,1; . . THE MARKET . ,_..,B"Ll.EBMM|ll ' an expressiont of our appreciation for you and Mrs. Morrison and we ask you to accept this purseof gold and fruit spoon as a shght token of pur love" and csbaem for you. and we . ray that, if it-be our Heavenly Fa- .her .s will. you may be restored to your old `health and strength and that you may be spared mam years 1 to brighten :and `benefit other liv- es _Signed `on behalf ' of `the school. Archibald Qilohriat. Pearl` Brown. John Gilchnst. M3_artha Brown. El- lmaor Beaaly, Jemme Eantholomew. Ml`- Mnrnunnn, {an a fan. .....II .-1.__._ uuu-1' Dvuclx. JGQDIB UBITCDOIOIDGVV. Mr. M-ormaon. m a few well chosen remarks. thanked the parents ;and Mrs. V Morrison. -gggils for the kindnes shown Ito him Mr - . Morrison is in we poor.a_ta.te of heatth. suffering as he is -from para- lyajis. and-his hosts of friends while regretting his illness will be pleased mo learn of 'thi.s -rlzindlv nnnnnninni-{nu xc-5uU|.uug ms gungm wul be p_leQsod learn of {thus -kmdly appreomtxon. ' - -Z-I-`---1 ` upuun. V uunugsy at our -oorner. _ ` jWe"a`r_e `sorry -to learn of the` n- D.l1;' 4i,l_lgo_as_V_:ot _,lit_t1`4e Elsie Mus. ~ 6 I} Mr.' John narz'u7 and his daugh- `ter. Mrs. Adair. oi Stouffville, spent last week with relatives hem. ' Minn Jnhnnnn Via-A .-.4: 'n'..|..--_ 2- [ Until further notice, CI_l(3PPING will be} i doneou-Tuead ya, 'l`hnndaya and Saturdays 1 = only. " E Try the FLOUR from the New Mill. nun. W06]: Wllin IOIWIIVGS D013. Miss Johnena `Kidd. of Mulmur. is pthe gueatof Mass Alice" Jones. Mr; and 151-. n A 1'--I---- --4 Winnifneg and Return . .. . . . . . .$30.00 Mobray, Man, and return . .' . . . . .. 30.00 Deloraiue,`Mau. . and return . . . . . . . 31 50 Brandon, Mung, and return. . . . .... . . 31.50 Hartney, . . . . . . . . .. 31.50 Moosomin, Assn. . . . . . . . . .. 32 20 Kamsack, " . . . . . . . . .. 33 00 Mocssjzw. . . . . . . . . .. 34 O0 Humboldt, Suck. _ . . . . . . . . . 35 00 Melfort. " L ....` . . . . . .. 36 00 Battlefotd, " . . . . . . . . .. 37 00 Calgary. . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 Strathcona " " . . . . . . . . . . 40. 50 And other N.W. Points in proportion Ticket; good 60 days and include free ` berth in second class staterooms on steamers. Second class cabin meals 30 cents each. in For {n}`l-ivnformation apply to all Grand Trunk Railway agents. H. H Gildersleeve. C. H Nicholson Manager. ' 4 , Traffic Manager, Collingwood. Saruia. F\o++++++++++++' Harvest Excursions to` Northwest. VIA STEAMERS SAILING From Sarnia Sept. 13th and V A 25th, 3.50 b.m. [THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION U0 H. "P L":-EW " --.--9---- SUNNIDALE CORNERS. .....$30.00 3150 3220 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3850 \...._40.50 -JQHN 'B6WMAN. ' Mr. Alex. Campbell. Jof vee mo 1I1':..8nnday.'.-_ t his aunt's. F5 `ca'.nbehad:;tt`1:el;v-as`t1-Jbssible price. CALL AND sum wan HE CAN DO I; . % FOR YOU- ` ?il _.l JOHN BOWMAN , at 1 ~:?z`i1`:.f`be`t`1'.%`gt? -EE?,;.f:E,fm?`ic:. where everything FRESH NEW` AND UP- _".'9"'.ATEM NEW snncm ?++++4as++++++++++++++++.:.+; ..:-.---" 1 12 -:'1`HU~RBDAY. SEPT. 14. 3i`+4"!'!-!'l'4-Pi*P!'!-'!+!--'-1'--++--++: A PALACE BAKERY, LUNCH and ICE CREAM PARLORS ICECREAM A. E. Carscadden. Bath Towels, in white or brown, regular 25 each- Now 15 each , % Bath Towels, in brown, with white stripes, regular 35c each. Now 25 each 7 ` V ' Bath Towels, in brown with ijeclstripes. regular $1.00 pair. Now 40 each or 75 `a pair. 5 We have odd lines to be cleared out at less than wholesale prices in Ladies White 5 and Black Silk Waists. Dress Goods and- Ginghams, Men s and Boys Suits, Men's and Boys Odd Pants. % - v LUV T Highest price: paid for farm produce- ..`... Headquarte.'s for Give us a call. VVho]esaXc and Retail . White Linen Towels, regular 15 each. Now 10 each " 20c 15 each - T . or 25cpair .. . A 25c e Newj20c each or 35 pair tr 7"" `W. "ii:-3:11;: $2.00 Quilt: for $1.50 Rcgular $1.25 Quilts fOl_'_85-I. T ' - % An cup In 011, Q__l HE 2 Regular $2.25 Quilts for $1.75 Regular $1.25 Quilts for $1.00 2 2 5 0 . 7 Regular $2.75 Quilts for $2.00 `Regular $1.50 Quilts far $1.25 2 ' 0 an nn'1\_-c,n-.1-- _ tn the -v-c WI V1-#1 ` LADIES RAINCOATS-We have a few sample raineoats to clear out at less than wholesale prices. These eoats being samples,` are made with more care` than the ordinary coats and each one hasa distinct style of its own. i i >V ~ e Regular $1.00 Quilts to: f New Flannelettes New Blankets (cotton wool) New Hosiery New Wrapperettes T New Flannels . ' s New Pillow Cottons s New Dress Goods New Sheetings . Our` lallgoods are arriving every dav. A In order to make room for them we will give special in all departments. v , e e A -' `RG13! XAIQIEQAT CI . l_n-- _ I _, ,,_I_ DeVlin%M\Irchis0n .l\IE'\All"A I. I TWHITE QUILTS uusfr ARRIVED TOWELS "1'ie&i; $3.000uilts for $2.25 _Ald. Beaydsle_y s pnoposed by-law dealing with canines is timely. We .th~ink. however. that tthve cla.ujs-3 re- lartin-g to deer hounds - is too sweep-_. i`n~g and VwilA!- hardly secure much support in. Co'un'oil. _ If `he part salary and part fees be changr ed to all salary. That such an anti- quated sevecnteen-th or eighteenth century i-dea should even prevail. let alone be acted upon, in the present !age of eduoationyart. science, and [progress comes asa surprise to-us. {More is the surprise that our geounty town should be guilty of be- 2 ring so far behind the times. Sad it iis to see a nice town. a beautiful i-town as Barrie is. plodding along in tthe same old way orf our great- i great-grandfathers. By the `way, are 1 there enough great-s before grand- .fa.ther? If not. can safely put m-ore. But to turn to Athegquestion `of our afterthought -writer. It is certainly time for a change if the ovounty town desires to bein keep- ing with progressive towns like Col- |lingwoood. and'we were going to say !0rillia-and mu. In Ceollingwood. we pay a salary. and the proceeds of the court, whichby -the by have been few this year, are `turned inlbo the town exoheqmrer to help to pay the pnolioe magistrate s division` of the funds which erstwhile are coon-` trolled by -our frieinad. Mr. Donald- Knight. By this `m0_t`hl0d there is no- imduoerment for the peelers to make an extra` shilling. henoe it is sel- dsom that any one is troubled un`le$' they are so very had that `they are horrid. Dear Barrie. dot :wake lup- and takehold of hands. "and if it is at all peossibie we will bevagood Samari- tan -and help to keep you `awake. FALL GOD s anina it aoas gobanash allVdog's' fnom the highway: between (May lat. and .Nnovcm-bef let. in gash `year it One; Door East of Union Bank . . .A . `.11-I-NESIN~G.A . The W.C.T.U. met at `Ala. PrimrIoae .s on Wednesday aternoon. Atter rout-inve .-business. oommunioa- tiorna..eto.. had beanklisposod of the reaipornd,i-n~g :Beone\tary gave" a.-` > pagtia review` of ...the hiator of )tho -trajtic-` betvwaenz. Eng nd iand `_- llIl|ilI!' 7139- mi-11` Oh-I-7 '.nn`n`Jui 0 nun I.1'B.11|0 DGCWVDBKI` .I!:'ll'gl~a..I_1(l ina.- closing at the first ucpmm .w-ar. which took lane shor~t_lyL alter the accession` of 1ctoria;;-The cupid- rA;i?; 9.?h9.A V3*9%%TV%`?4 5r& lla .VVU'0 WILL! I] l Parr. of `Gr-enfel. "sun I)` .....1d-`I. IGIIL} VI. \J.l.'UlI.lVlo Mrs. B; Smith. of Al[a'ndaIe. and Mra. Munshaw of Toronto spent Sun- day with Mrs. W. J. Andrews. - _. _._..L__.___ In; uuv uuq. Mrs. Pete Jamieson of Scvenn Bridge was the guest of Mrs. Eden one day last weak. V - Mr. and Mrs.` Robt. Wnalbace have` returned home after spending two months in New York. `II - 'l)...I......L I" lI'I....I-.. ...._.I III... ' 1560 U110 y IHBL WUUEn Miss Emma Eden, late of Toronto, has gone to Btayner to take charge of a dress-making establishment. Mr. and Mrsz.-Wfliiam B110-xham vi- sited friends in Barrie on Sunday. I '|M'i.na Annin Q.-son. nf Tlnlu-fnn V thio-rities seem to think that .-the pro- '. We have -the necessary; mach-inerty in Barrie for keeping __the streets. in `good condition, but the town au- per place for the roller. `grader and ebome-crusher is in the` at-ore-(house 'l or lying idle in the public parks or. van thetrace track. These im-plemletnts were `brought "to he used. and there" is "a splenidi-d sphere of opportumity_ right here iotn Dunlep stmet. The condition of this ~_thorou'g.hare is `abominable. The stneet is ridgy and eany doubt on the point just look at it after (a rain. 'The hsoll-o,w.s should be filled in 'with'fin-e `broken -`stlorne and rolled. Whenever a pave- fbor its `own purposes the least `that. `the Board of Works should -d-o is to see that the rouad-.way is made good i med `back into the tn_e;nch' and `the; whiole thing left as a nuisance or, 1 : rutty fnom end to end. If you have ment is ripped up by a company` again ' Pipes are laid on the street; the earth `and paving m`a/terial slam- ` .'lm:til suchtime as the town `fixes it 1 'BLlK7|l LIIVLLUH Ill IJGLLLU IILI WILLIIICIJI Miss `Annie Srigley of Dalston spent Labor Day at her home `here. Mr. James Bnorwn has purchased a. new -piano from Mr. McLean of 'Bar- 1-in VVVV&o . The home of Mr. Maurice Tebo has been brigh-toned by the arrival I of~u%....e..q.9' I K -V u1:|..._.'. .....1 n1::a__.u 77::-n All IULIGVL I Little Emmett Goughlin fell intoa cistern last ,Thursday- and .w.oul-d have been drtowned h-ad {lot `his mo- ther jumped in after hxm just as he was going down for the third A \ J I` a (`lo .I.`JIl.'G11 15 1157111`? G-LL61 1:11 with his daughters in `Toronto. Mr \UiH `Domain "Inna Mann an Nllllllllllolll Ill LVVW LUIS: Mr. `Robert C. Taylor and. Miss :Carrie Moore spent Sunday, with j-friends .n-ear Oookstawn. `Kan D Y. Bl....... Insult` Jnunmkn `mcgiuite a hmber `fuom here . `at- tenisd the exhibition in '1`oron=to1ast 0 - VIM...` 'I...n.._..n Al `II - `II ...-._!-.. M ;"`nEee'Z``I wagon and Clifford Kill. ot Gookstown. spent Sunday with [friends here. T `Ilia... `I3 I'h.'........`I-.nlI .-.....p....& .. (9-... 2-..`. 3Z'iL `.3Z'%m% bell spent a few days `last week wit hexgfriemd. Miss E. \ Parr. nf G1-Anfanl . uluwuay cvvuxus. Dupt. .LO|.Ll- Mrs. Walker Alexandxeg`, -of Owen Sound, left for Barrie on Saturday after a ten-daysf visit with Mrs. Mc- Mohael . 1 'I':..LA.I.. 1.1_..__..;.L t1....-._LI:... :_n :__;.._ lwlbll Ll1`_3 uavugutvxa Ill LV1UlRLU- \ _ Mr. Will Rennie has been spend- mg a few` days with friends here. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbons visited at Mr. Harry Shep ard s`qn Sundaqy. r Miss Mary, Brop y hag xeuturnend _home after. spending a few weeks 111 the oity. Mr: Darn To rn iannm nf Rn:-no-nn at the citizen s expense. Where 9. mad-bed has been torn up `the open- ings should Poe replaced by new out `ethane and gnavel and pthoroughly_rol- led instead of being left loose for traffic to consolidate, otherwise the grade will be destroyed {and -the Surface drainage injumd; Again. it is bad policy to let a street lga'mttver- ly to pieces before commencing the ' work of repair. As titVch_ in time sav- es nine. We have singled out Dunlop St.. but there are others. The Ald-_ 'ermen would be `better employed in amending` to matters of this kind. in awm-d-grabbing and `:|1n.seem1y_ scrapping 'ovnr sie-own`l_ks._v 'L1lClbuB 5111761 \AHJ&5ll.IVVl.lo 9 Mr. R W. .Sl~oan and daughter `were calling on friends in our vil- jlage one day last week. N| _un' Emma Wnn `In!-n nf Tnrnnfn wXr?};`\L1u1l'mib!`;4:>.';c)l'efVt on Friday for Ttoronnto after spending a couple of.- monxths at uh-om . ' - VIN}...-. ...........,.l L... ......I ...-....-.....L ._-.:I| Ll.l`U1Jll.].l3 ab ll1'UL|.l`Uo ' The annual tea and concert -will be held in the church here next Monday evening. Sept. 18th. NI'r.u Walker Alovannr n.+' nwrm Strob has fret unweud t;'o- her home in Cl-evreland after. gspending the summer here. T A...J-`l....... o;...1_.... ..-u -.. 13-2.)--- 2-.. LVVV _ua_y.3 Ill. 'L Ul[I.lNLU- Mxss Pearl Wxlsvo-n_ home after spending Barrie. `II-.. QL_-L I--- .....L 0710150 u.1u-gs uuu .L'a1.uu_y. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams v1s1t- ed ifrien-ds in Allandale on Sunday. Miss Violet M:1\Ec-1}ae1 left for To- ronto on Saturday. Miss Gertie Stokes is spending a. few days in AToron:to. I/flan D09 rl W:]cnn 11.0 at -u-.04-.11 V--n.n'-I .I..lGVV.L`I'U\ LlU la-SI: WEEK. Among `the visitors to the Toronto" exhibiti-on from here were Mrs. W. Harris. Miss Mary Harris and Mes- srs. Walter and `Arthur Tiffin. Rowe. John Easton. Mr. and Mrs.` George Hines and family. Mr 911.!` `MPH Wrn Aonnu 11:nH-_ 1 thefkind-e:i.1t'o W9 `WY * 5~E5" l tfimgaa: the bnieh-and otter : i debris-V-`ha? Ttnftvm 4 ~ an 4n"}P' if Apleted . cout'ra`ct.` .No`\`rr`the strange l {the .aor$ai41 `tr 1 . vices on'hss occasion. he ifj'reme._n- can aeweremsmnz. Another M l nominally taking place though iiot part or fit is that -the ;:mnib9rS;5-of i bored, the town .wil1mP5.Y f0!`-.W51`, supposed to havefbeen called out _,_.to feaature is that .1Ih1' *9 Chaifman 1 of Sewers nor -the Chief _of.Police -gave ondera for the flushing whioh.. required, wasfvirt-uially a gauzy. at- gcempt to cover up. a job under the guise `of somethi-rlgcelse. It is nice to see `how active some people canlbe "ater the event." these. alder- man bevanfaas l zealousin seeing that the Agricultural Park contract ws.s_ pnoperlyv performed :as_. in vdtjng away the mate-payers money there` would _hage been no need" to resort ' to devious methods. vW'-ha-t a pity the accounts could not be charged against the contract. or, failing that, against the members of Council who supported it I Honor roll thus far: To amount of contract. $15; To 12 cords light .wood. say. $24; to fire brigade. 30rt _h Ju ly, $27; ttodi-tto, 11th Sept, $4. Total $70.` Do the citizens I imagine for a `moment that they` have received value for this sum? We trow not. Devlin & Murchison Lxnaxuun Lu JJuLIl..3Vl11t'z. - .~_Mis.s M. Johnson was the `guest of [Mars A. \Dem'pater, of Utopia, on |Sun.day. - I/Tics: nloha 'l`:$f:n `no.1: 9:oJ-inn 2... M1ss"'c1ai-a Tiffin was visiting` in Hawkestsone last week. AfV||I\l\l'D n$Ln c:n:`-no-n L4. aLL- 7f\-..-_.LA- 'l"l"l"l"l"l"l"l"8"3"3"I"3' g correspondence. T-Miss Ida Tiffi;1_--i_s-ho~me on a'vi-sit. . _-iss .Maud Choughley is visiting friends in Huntsville. `II':.... `It 1'...1..._...._ ---...- -LL- .~---L 1' +-!4+++-:-:-+-x-+-:--:-n-::-+-:-:--:-+-:--:-+++-:- if-+e:~+-1-3--:-+++-5-':-3-+44--:-:--a-:--:-4:-+--oz- 1 (`Lou-rAeip'ondentI will klndlv `remem- ber no to heal their loud-an containing copy. as otherwise 11: um not can-1! "I810 I gniniittin A` casual `ob.ervei'_ procetgding along Bradord qr.Elize`bath St. on Mon- day brenooq -,ahd` his eyes in the direction ;Qf:Ag;1;i .`ul`tIl`r`a-I Park might -have etribus `con- ` 2%; `lei ix sh, . bgre. Impressions and After-thoughts, .3n8..8..2..2..&.8..8..3.J..8..8..8..a..L.8....L.:..a..2..2..L .9. Mr. A. Eden 1s name after a visit I's"`\ R35 .1.-....n.'l.-.4.-H... :v| "`t\`i1\Q|"ln BELLE EWART. ANTEN` MILLS; COLW ELL. HOLLY. THE%N0RTHERN ADVANCE has retzurneki a month -in ' p10 1 you for 1 ...I.. . '7 The Gollinwood Bulletin` make: fthe tollowing naughty` 3thrust,`j-at _j:B`arrie a expbnse. which shoyuld, _af-_ {odd for -thought to our oiyio fi I uu. ua.vu1ura_y, mun: auu LL15 111:4 home of Mr. J. C. Morrison, "i?bll:a - % lda1,w1as the scene of La pleasant `event . when .a lar 3 number of his n!-vnunr nu;-:I.n In-n Ca-in-`.41.-. .-.1? Q Q 3;h?t'.'"whar-i'.a"la:r'"e aam.a5er"as 1:35 .ormer pupils ' friends of S. S. .` No. 17. Oro. % drove down em show their appreciatilomt of his services as teacher during (the last four _nain~d a `halt years, when -t-hnough _s;_c_klneps| he was moompellvad to resign. After.` [being tWl0 weeks at the R. V. has- ital he .wsa.s mlovre-d_ to his presenlt e at Tollendal. HIS many friends of Guthrie patiently Wlaibeod for him to gain strength enough to stand the little gegncitement connected with the -evvcnt and on the above daate ~ he was ,'.rese-nt-ed with the. following ad- I dress and "a well filled punse of gold. ;Mrs. Mprrison {receiving a hand- gt-some fruit spoon: `V ` ` _ | .uaI.a.uuUn. LU T110 SBOHOII. . ` . You alwta s placed high id-esals he- qsre the c ildnezn :a.nrd your many knndly ouou;ntee__ies have not been Egr- . gutte._n by /thyenr Vpamnbs. Your Info twas m_ evvery_~w`a _y exam-pL_ary. -1uoIt' only dnd you iduovottp. your ner-glee who -your_sohool. but you were 'neady _ at all tzmues Ibo help the ' . peo- v plea at their meetings an nev:6r4-did ` I V1011 refuse- Tri fh-in urnv In-nu .4-nun !-....4I yLv__ an. 'I.u,vu'_ lLl.BUl..l"8'v8 anu never`-am | refuse. In this w you vtouchqd for good the liyos of t a young poo-~ leavo that their devotion to God and -is; church was st-imuisa.-ted and much atneng'-t~hveun_dd. A . V. 1 I It .w.a8~.`find,oeI.d. `with I neat` sorrow. -the .pectia,on.;par.tad`. wigx.` you. You `felt Vthait? owing e_o fauilm` :'=-haaalth I1.t.'oo13*.:I`.\1..;wit ; 1IB._'.8.1_IIl, "'.tm..,,: t . 5 s w&ti::em.nch;,xaum:9a `acne ` 1'UUa.ll `L116 yyfUUU. \`VL|1C_.Ll IIOWVUU .ll.KC water In the etreetspo-I Canton. while _Brita1n dema.nvded the repeal of the prohibitory opium law, and otheri changes in the government of China. 1 the Chinese Em-penor prqtesting. "I will never consent to T8188 revenue out ofvthe vices and `misery of may people. Truly England has denied `the doctrines of Christ for -the same reason as St. Paul `spoke of when he says. "Demais has forsaken me. having loved `this present worl .v Will England s punishment come in decay oz ideals. decay of home life. `decay `of reczt-itude in public life.` or decay of righrteouisness.-in the Church *3 For all sin. whether nation- al or individual. works out its ow-n pu.niehment. W i Dear Mr. l:V Iuorrison,--We. Qa f:ew_o-f ` ` your many afrieun-as in Guthlji-e. where you spent your dust `years In `tqach- Inn` and where mm) hnvnn n-;m-m .n... mg and wh_ex~e you have given the best of satxsaotiotn to _the section. have called on you thus afternoon to convey to on our sym` .azthy in` % your prolong illness. an ` .assur-v an`no.n fhnf mnn my-an maul l...-an.-.5-&..... 1..-! gruu npvm. your uuast. years In `t-epacn-1 ~_ynnu -puuuugvu unless. ana 388111`-' ances that you Igre not forgotten by; your host of frzends in Oro. `I111-I-in ff 1' `ID min-n tin cans: n......... L ~ .-..-1.J.L ` yuan uum. 01. Irlunns m 'U1'0. During `the years you span-ti with us you yezn-dearevd yourself `to ol-d and -young and you gave the best of sa- tisfaction to 'the section. Vn\11- olnnnnn .-`I.-no.4) 'l...:....1.. :.'l..u-I_ .'L- 3: -~-~`~"-!"--'"-`-M"!f;'`j--'-'~-M~-4---H--~----""-~--'34`: `smuggled the drug into China, -defy- ' ing the Chinese prohibitory 'law. was ;not spoken about at all euphoniously. `The dastardly u-tatack on the `rights of China to ,self~government . was plainly stated. but the terrible evils `resulting from . he use of opium. could be only imperfectly inldicated, including- the dread and dislike which [the Chinese naturally entertain to- wards Christian foreigners; who go to teach them Christian ethics and 'explain the Golden `Rule, pleading with the tbenighted heathen to ace cept, it as the divine rule 01 life. ,The same vbeni hted heathen could recall the vb_lo which flowed like ......4-.... :... +1.5. ..a.......L.. ..-; n.......... -..1..:n.. 4 . I 3 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv F A;AqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAA4 AAAAAAAAAA;a;;;..;;;;:f On Sat-undzay, rrghe 2nd inst, .'the mnnn ni` Mfr T Nfnrvian-n VI".-.lIn-. cellent showingof Silksand Blck Dress Goo.ds-our specialties--is the finest within your. rea_ch. z'.`..:,':".:`t i" BONNETS and MILLINERY NOVELTIES For Fall and Winter 1905 Thursday, September 21st Fancy Goods and Dress Goods Departments, and we assure you that the ex- SARJEANT & SMITH PATTERN HATS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * - I Q A C V - -