ome your call` `Christmas. _.c v-- - v-v- _.__- Mrs. MaoNichol and Master Nichol MacNich'ol, who have been visiting the former s parents, Ald. and Mrs. Pqucher, have gone to Stratford for a few days. but-. will return for '\ v--- ----.....--u- -\ Mr. James Dalton. ocar-inspector, is recovering from the effects of an accident with which` he met. last week. He wasinspecting the'5.wheels of a coach when-another car {was shunted against it {and he bvas knocked down with sufficient force to shake him mt) =oonsiderably `and render him unfit or duty for a week l\`I`|l\ L. L. No. 432 met last week and elected the following otficers for the year ,`-- ., W" NI`, .1 , R, `R1-unfnne `D. '|\/I'__ Gan, year ;-- W. M., J. S. Brunton: D. M.. Geo. Leslie; Chad1lain,'Clarenc'e Srigley; Rec.-Seo., . Lougheed; Finan.-Seo., A. Little; Treasurer C. Palling; Dir. of Cer., T. Campbeli; `Lecturer. Jos. Ferguson: Committee Men. M. Brown, Jos. Johnson. Jas. Campbell, W. `Car-T -son and W. Dickie. . AL I-Inn lI1\v\A\II1.:I\I'| A` `-`In nlnn+:nn 0 -son anu w. uwxle. T At the conclusion of the election a banquet took place when over fifty were seated at the lboard. Addresses were delivered by E. A. Little, M. P. P., Haughton Lennox. M. P., Chas. Palling, S, G. Blow and `others. who nmmino nnfhnm in `the Burton 3, `Jgmms DAL;(-D_t;_ME'1` v Acommm-, LAST wmmx. on TH MEND. j:'a.u1ng_, D, U . Dluw uuu ueucra. The evening anthem in `the Burton Ave. Church was entitled Glory to Thee My God. this Night. Theduet was taken by Miss Laura Wice and Mrs. E. Morrison withtthe chorus by the choir. Miss Laura Wice also took the -solo in Uhe offertory chlurus Softly! now the Light of Day. Beeton World,-"A message has been received from"the\.head office ` of the G`. T. `R. system tothe effect that the agreement between .the corporation of Beeton and the G. T. R. sytstem for su ply of water to trains taking `suppy at Beeton and for the water requirements at the station for the sum of $725 pe-ryear for five ears, had bgeen accepted. This is we ome news. V. 5130116 U|puIllDBo .\u.:v\. ` chard an`d _ 5011 m a etate of oul nation. If no fa.rm_ will be rented. Ami grammes or- to R088 & olioitorq. Barrie . ' Dated; July -15Ath.-1908. North half. lot 2. Con. 11. Innisfil. 100 acres. Ono-half mile from Holly post-offtiog. hAll vtrsleizlzrfed eflceptd five aoreso us . 9 once an wa- tered. large brick house. good barns and stone stables. _Gqod yo_nn or- and hrs -rate of oul ` not sold the cum wm be.r=;t2-.1&vr;1.z.:. "...:`.`r VVIICHL-nooocvoo Oats...... ..... DIM .____.__.__.._________ FARM FOR SALE. Residexits 1`111~:% NORTHERN ADVANCBE wrrn`AN | L. BUT IS I The Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets During the Week. - '-B/uuua, Dec. :6. I903. - JAMES VAIR7 & SONS 1) A 1:nI31"l:\9. .'I7T-I32` STORE 3 :OOOIOOOICCOOOOIICOCOOOIIOC OOIOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOOIOOOIOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 | WV WWVWV VVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ................. ;`Tip-iopaahhi 3a!! aPackage at !OOCOQOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOIfOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ; `Immense assortment, every conceivable style and quality, from 3c each to, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fine pure Linen effects with real Lace edges Fine Irish hand embroidered Linen effects. Elegant Box Goods. initialled and plain, with quarter and half dozens. Ice Wool Shawls and Fascinatora, Clduds, Child- ren : Toquea, Hoods. etc. l."'V ITIITUWUUU, lllil Iuvnu - - - v - - - ~ - ~ 7 Rough Hidesnnoouunsouw'uIuuoI00C' Gfen H.idCs.o-o--noon-oounoolaaoct Calfskins. per lb.......'..........-'- PC!` lbunuouuo-unsou--0 Lambsfuus and Palm. fresh. . .. . . . . V Picksootaoacouoin-0-soon-coco H|8eHid`eso_-ouoovoloocuu-000000`. V Kid Gloves, Driving Gauntlets; Swell New Neckwear, Fine Suspenders. A Fine Umbrella Fancy Cashmere Hosiery, New Patterns in Shirts, M_en s Silk Squares, Boys Mufers, Handkerchiefs? separately boxed, Silk Handkerchiefs, House Slippers, Fine Underwear. New spring samples just arrived in time for Xmas trade. Buy the swellest of next season s pro ductions now at 25 per cent. discount, which we get onsamples. . Tea Covers, Tray Cloths, Sideboard Covers, Dresser Covers, Centre Pieces, Doylies, Fine Teneriffe and Battenburg Work, Laldies Silk Embroidered Cashmere Hosiery, Cushion Covers, Purses, Wrist Bags Fancy~Work Baskets and a hundred other suitable and appropriate Caristmas Gifts that, will bring pleasure if given to the right one. [U E); LLUUVI Money has -ret.u1fned home FINE? KNITTED WOOL GOODS o Come Izere and you will have no trouble se ecting Goods displayed so as to make choosing easy_ ' RENFEL. BARRIE S STYLE STORE DRY GOODS AND SHOES Eon: SUITABLE eu=1's r-"on MEN Toronto Farmers` Markets. _ T Togzoxvro, Due. 16, 19:3. W1)eat,Whit6.....o IOII0IOIlO0QlIO$A 78% 7' . 78 \K/hon} rat` , _ . _ . . . . . . ..oouoIIoIou- u 78790.9( LADIES Fm: uM3R.=.=.I_.L.As THE cLo1'Hs THE HANDS You MONEY 4 YOU `rm: 'after spending five years sota and other places. `IL- _ T1'_-I____SJ..- .'_ } 9-I\IIrIh u-a.n\.n vva.nv.L ruuvvuu ' Mrs. Jno. Hockridge fs Lspending a couple of weekls-in Toronto. r _A n-umber of the farmers around . here are drawing wood -from Vespra } Siding gto Barrie; ( school "house on Dec. .7th. uuux Lxvu lav LIIIJ Lnvunua A meeting of -the /areniel Farmers Association was held in the Grenfel . TITS! .._... 2-. T Mr. Alex. Ferguon is building an addition `to his house . \ Jl.l|lUl- Lluillulv vu JJ\r\l0 -uuu Our teacher, Mr. Wm.` Wilson. in- J {tends -hgving a concert, shortly. I-IANDKERGHIEFS VVIICJI, Wllltuuoonco can-I Wheat, redcoouuo OI|'|"' wknnt annR_.......un1 FINE LINENS These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk. Jute o Mixed Goods in one bath-they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Trya pachge. All colors at .. .- -- . Annnnn was-uvvn no-I-\r\r|I'!_ _ LL `REXALL Will have 5 chief `place in the thoughts of the HOUSE WIFE until it is over. Unr help to -her is extended in the. supplying of everv single `thing in the GROCERY LINE she I ...:n .......1 rm... nww mnnm :. ..r .. ........ I 3111510 lllllul ILL uuu \Jl.U\J\. J.'l1IvL JJI..|.V.ILl D510 . as wxll need. Th NEW FRUIT is of a very fine quality this year. New Dates, New Figs, New Currants, New Raisins, New Candied Peel, New Shelled Almonds, Wal- nuts,Cocoa-nut. SOFT Icing Sugar, Essences. Pure Spices, SWEET CIDER. &c. T44 can hang vnnr nrnr We 1:13 nivn An 1. ID DJPIUCB, I.) IV nu; uxyuzug unv- Let us have your order. We will give you sasisfactlon. ` IEIOBLEYABARAOS. Christmas Dinner ` UUIUIB GB D. H. McLAREN'S DRUG STORE3 2-tf. VVHCEI, rcu...-an canopy - u - - - - - -- Wheat, goose.................. Springhuoln IODIIOOIOIIVIIIOC". Bafleyu ouIuooctt_0IIIoIOII|"" 0at3.....u......'... no-III||" D..- 7 'l`-EA AND COFFEEMERCHANTS. -- 1`HE --- Household Wis \Jill'ononuooIIc< RyC....'noououu pan: . _ . . _ . .. . Rye...a--nu-........... u - v - - - - -- POa8........ uuuoooo_I_l|""""". Hav, Tim0thVuu.......-..un--- Su-aAw........... Dreued Butte p_O\1l1d...-nunn----0 Chickens, sonnguvf Pd ' ' ' ' ' ` ` Turkeys pefpound.gqaoonnouInonu Ducku.........-onun.u-no--0 l1....-- , . . . . . . . . . .-n.-Vnnooo lJLlCKDnuootouoo-nouns: Geeie...,... ooacoo 000- Wnuun an-In-I ,,____.. H8836-an 900000 ""0'9""'.` Eggs. perdoz...........'........ Potatoes,.perbag............... Beef hindquarters per cwtn ---- Bcef: forequarten. per cwt. - - - - Muttonansuuccuoucutoontcuuoun` V...-1....--mnnd . . . . . . -unnclootoo II I Vea'l,1 @'wVuC'I-` MARRIED ..WINGROVE-'1`HEKSTON-In Barrie on Wednesday; Dec. 9th. 1903. by (the Rev. T. O. Kean`. Mr. Gareld E. : Wingrove .01 Veapra. to` ,Elixa,bet_h For Christmas Gifts why not give something useful We show` a great assortment of goods suit- able for gifts and at at- tractive prices, ` IJSEHIL... gmenrs J. 5c. Lawn Handkerchiefs. 3c. 80 Fancy Handkerchiefs for 50. ' 25c Fancy T Lace Hand kerchiefs, special 1243c. and 150. Silk Handkerchiefs, worth 750., for 600. $1.00 Silk Handkerchiefs for 750. L . j - * - SCARFS ' Fancy Silk Neckscarfa at 33 per cent. 05. . A , The samples of a big Old Uauntry House, ranging from 750 to $3 00, at one- thlrd off. ' KID GLOVES What better gift than a nice pair of Shoes `or Slippers. Largest stock and 1owesb prices at this store, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 to $1 `75, all special values. ' wvtnnnllnilr Advance styles at out prices ; $8.75 ; $15 00.Juokets for $11.75; Fur Capes and Cloth Capes. ' New Blouse Waist: for Christmas received this week. New Matting Blouses at $1.00; $1 25 and $1 50. New Silk Waist: at $3 0.0, $4.00, $4 50.. Our $4.50 W niats are worth $5 00`and $6 00 elsewhere. T FOR. MEN AND BOYS-Give Breces. Ties, Gloves. Fenov Hose. Souls. Shirts, `Slippers, Shoes, Overcoatsj Suits, Sweaters, Valises and Suit Uaaea. For Men and Ladies; all the latest. in Stringl. Bows, Derbya, Knots and Puh ; 35c and 400 values for 25c. JACKETS AND CAPES Mqgss Gladys Arda h; ('5t' , ,_.. -1. A V ilou can save inoney on your holiday buying at the Cash? __Store. " ~ um-..- [tnohh\I~oluolohooocnc u - - u . . .- m'pcrPun&."...'..I...CI.I... 2 l errin s Kid Gloves inll shades. Specials in Caahmere Hosiery, 20. 250. 350; 500 grade for 430. can pjjj 3 A 1 Em. vnlua at $1.00. $2.00 and 33.00. THE MARKETS J. C. I F?V\/IN, Barrie ; Bargain House. `I0 00....` A AA - U'MBnELLAs 3 00-... 7: 78 ` '-V 7a_ `-X 78.- `Q `J; 'i'i6'sfERir 5; $10 oo Jaikets for $6.75; $12.00 Jackets for S; 820 00 Jacket: for $15 00. 15 per cent. of! BLOUSES SHOES V `TIES 1050 `O 00 as #2 Fl ! G 3: and 9. good rie you can bring down the largest game. Buy your rile and outt now. Get used to your weapon. You can buv good ' ` - Rifles, Guns. Ammunition or AI-371! and Longfellow. _ The great Duke of Argyll was visit- Canada, and met Longfellow in the American poet a_ ancient colonial man- sion `at Cambridge, Mass. As they sat together on the veranda the duke per- ingg his son, then governor general of ' sistently asked the names of the vari- ous` birds he saw` and heard singing in the poet's trees as well as of the ow- ers and bushes growing in his exten- sive and beautiful garden. Longfel- low `was neither botanist nor ornithol- _ oglst and did not know. us ....... .....n'-Iuul on nal vnnp Long. SINGING Oglst uuu. Iuu nub nuvyu "I was surprised to and your Long- fellow such an ignorant person." said the duke subsequently to an American acquaintance. ' Indeed! Pray,'on what subject? ` Why, he could not tell me the names co! the birds_ and (lovers to be heard and seen in his own garden." ' A1---__' 9 -_I- Lgj XQIIIIE ` Criterion. nu ECU III IIIB vvvun May I ask how mz:1'1;-la.x-iguages you speak?" the American asked. _ Certainly, but one." . Mr. Longfellow, was the answer. speaks six and translates freely from almost all the languages of Europe."- ` Why she was Thankful. - A camp meeting was in progress in g the wire grass region of Georgia; The afternoon service was conducted by Uncle Mose Bradford. an exhorter of deep piety, but entirely innocent of book learning. He took for his text on this occasion the words of St. Paul, "For I haveiearned in whatsoever state I am therewith to begcontent. .-.-_ r_.._.__. ..s....:4- Mann mintntns 1 Illerewllu LU UC_\;Uuu}.um After taiking about fteen minutes on the beauty of contentment trom a Christian's point of view he suddenly announced that he was going to throw the meeting open." His invitation was, If you've got anything to be thank! hot sit up and say so." u 4 A-u -u..- ....+hm- mm and make or tor glt up anu say nu. - . 1 One after another rose and spoke ; peace and contentment under circum- Itancea that seemed impossible, judged , from a worldly standpoint some said ` they were thankful for things theyhad miued.and at last an old lady arcs? ` ulhod back her annbonnet and with aming countenance triumphantly ex- claimed, j'c`W_pli, Brother none, I hai`n'.t V buttwo teeth: but, God; they I _ rf-l? I\IIl\! w--- -----_-_ w___-_-__ _ , . SportingGoAods Z of all kinds at the lowest price from WIIH SIHHJY HIM J. Ross. V:NEw.s FR6M . % ,1 | ~ ACROSs"l`HE BAY, `Items of Interest _Co n_cer n`-1 .ing_Sixth Ward` _ `sac Mr. Herb Mc`1t[orrans little 801:1 `is convglesoing. I'll-_ nu, ',, ,_-_- 1.-- :_!.--.'I L1..- ~ Mrs. Frame s condition is improv- ing; V ` \ I -mr__ ;|-_ a_.;J. :. -1-:`I`I .......:.....1.. JLIBU4 ` }, Mrs. Alex.-Scott is\..still seriously _in. % V T ` `A -- u -- -- n Itlli \l\J|l v g.-vuvllaan ` i Miss Mary ".l`ho'mp_son has jcirned the` . Presbyterian choir. I 1:; l\L___I!-' 111-21--.. 2- 1.-...- 3.... 1.1."- L A no avg. av-on g.-sag- - 3 L`&;,JCharliT'Wilson is home for the Christmas holidays. - ` ' -,1 L L ,`|___ I_-_ .1. .'!\A"... \lLAl 15:14:41!-Ion JJ\l-L\AB|tJ nu [ There is a bright ba`b_y-boy at`Mr. _P. 0fHearn .s-residen.ce.` l mu. a nu In __-._'L \J .l.LUI.1 In L) `J. vDluvu'v ` `Mrs. Thos. Sibbaldm left 'to - visit Beeton friends on Friday. 4 I . -arr: ___,A_; -1. L1...` `x\ `::~: "W. ` N `N. `N, `N. `N `N. `N. N N `N. N. *4 I `3~~;;`V N `N. `~:~ `N. `N. ~:. ` Javvluvnl 1.; Avaasauv-a van .5 Lnxnvva - Miss MoGdwan is 9. guest`at the [residence of Mr. Walter Berry. L\Ju-IA\n\laAvv vn mans: v- u--....- :7--. I Mrs. R, Jack was at home via 3.1111111- ber of her friends one evening last; week. ` -` . nuns 1| _ _ ;__ vv uvao I. Mrs. Page s condition {continues tol `be suchas toxcause her friends grave `anxiety. ' i ( l 1A',-'_. 11-; 1-- 1- ,1: . __ ,. __ _____ 7.---_---J - ` Miss Birdie Lefrenir, of Graven- jhurst, is'visiting' her sister; Mrs. P. ; 0 Donnell. L` ".'1\'1}. Wijll Ridde1l s friends will be ;pleased` to.learn thathe is able to be 1 up again. Il',._ 1-I\`A\ vain: ny-u _`. -=`--.--v _ Mrs. (Pr of.) Fletcher, of Toronto. xis visitingAher' parents, Rev. Mr. and |Mrs. Clark. ' I l .v .The S. 8. pupils of the Presbyter- ian Chunch will be -given a sleigh ride and tea on the Tuetsday after |Christmas. T IIII, , 'r\ I 1'`! u -\ Mi'.'Sid. Armst1fong,'dispatcher. of '.Toronto, is visiting his mncle. Mr. Coulter, Cumberland street. a | `If, W; _ I I\I'I\ I 1 -11 , AI "'n7c?7.{e'r ',wE?f'6313}}inEii Ts"su11 suf- fering fr.omAthe injuries which he received to hi-s head flast fall. |- `En; B-E1-"s.SU:'3.`;nV,-':_.J`!'Ie-th;;;a.`l'f and Miss Eva have returned to St. Thom- as after visiting relatives in town. | `II'_.. `II, l'C____- _- I__, (1"l4UzU/ya CJ DIILII III, \---7- classhonors at Toronto niversity)` Pupil of `Mr. E. W. Schuch is now pre , pared to give lessons in singing- Ap e ply` at her. residence, or R0. Box 9. vu-- wqvwu v-~ov-$5 -v-u~--vvua no-O wvvv oc- Mr.s.~ W. Cannon, accompanied by her three children, has (gone to spend `Christmas with her parents at Guelph. 'nr_ 1'___._ 'r:__-_____. .a-.___,___|_ ' 355` l""`.-K5 VI I'll \l .-IKE-`-I5? `III \F "V-PL-II Mr. James Brennan, formerly of .town, passed through the other day on his way from Penetang to Mon- treal. . The Royal Black Preceptory meets Friday evening for election of offi- -cers. A supper will beheld at the_ conclusion of business. ` Mrs. Pat . Tobin and. her daughter, Miss Mary,_arrived- from Toronto on Saturday to take up _ residence in Allandala. " U-\ u-- u 4-. q - u. ` Rev. Mr. Bedford. on Sunday night. spoke from the text For this is the love of God, that we keep His Com- mandments. -I\E{._}fL;rt Riddell was [able to "leave the Royal Victoria Hospital on Friday. He went to his home in Tot- tenham "the same evening. 112.- `I'Y'-_ , _ 1 ,,L,_,,,,, 1 "`iI_r.s. H'eeIs and daughter returned "on Saturday from a trip to Port Per- ..._. 'I 2_..]..___ -.._`I fl\____..L. ' 11 TI.`I- ______- ._w.-_ W` _..v V... - -- ;;;, Lindsay and Eo;o1"1-t-0. ";?V.hile away I Mrs. Heels successfully underwent an` operation. T 'll",_ .lI'Il, ._ T,, ' _, 7 _, 1'7 yr.-----'- Mr.[Thos. Leeming came up from Hamilton on Friday and l_sold a couple `of pianos in the 6th Ward. He was 3. guest of Mrs. Catcher, Essa street. whilst in town. ' ' Rev. Mr. McKerroll, of Sutton, de- livered two most eloquent addresses on {Sunday {in the Presbyterian Church. In` the morning he spoke on Moses and the burning bush and in the evening on Peter s vision. it an no `u up . --o 1