U6 ` AS` f: -w - Same style of Coat ie:b;ix;g sold at $8.09 td_ $12.00 elsewher. Is this not good argument why vou.shou1d buy from us ! _ " ,n @ A "Lg A1 aux Q: 4: 14 ' About 50 only left of the lot` advertised last week end still the choice is just as good as there were no two alike originally. This was the genuine sample lot not old stock made up` and sold as samples. We are always there when there are anv snaps going, and got these cheap enough to sell A $8 to SIS Goats attAl_1Ae;`R.ldlcu|ously Low Price of $6.00 $1.25 SateenUi'\derskirt 89c.; 52 `iU4nilerskirt (Venus) $1.50; 35 Ladies _ Silk Collars 25; $3.00 Wool Blankets 52.25; 15 Cream Flannelette 10c; 50c and 75. Men's Cnps 25_.; These are only'a. very few of the many saving opportunities that `await you,providing you bring a. copy of this advertisement with you,that s the only condition we make. . EVERYTHING REDUCED. Z.______.: A no u Qj1TC1?A II") , 9 I E A TIIYIIE A C, QYIJIIZ Illfli MORNING (8 o eiJc1) to SEURDAY NIGHT CKIIIIIIIIVII V19 THURSDAY MES JVAIR & SON . ' WEDRYILGOODS AND SHOES ca-s1'ANDARD_1>A ETERNS EDECEMBER DESIGNS . _ A A A _._-- . 444444gQQgggg4---44 . _ V Iinioirder to. prove to our own -satisfaction Whether the spending of immense sums of money. such as we do on advertising, is a paying investment or not, We organize the Advertising. Test Sale. ; Reductions procurable only to Ios.e*.brlngIng use copy of this advertisement. Whether or not it will pay you to. trouble.yourse1f to do this is for you to decide. We ask you to carefullynote thativerythlng In the store is Reduced for these three days selling. _ Some of the Special Reductions: , ` V n Will again be reduced as during cur DRESS GOODS SALE; ` Every piece in the house. Your last chance to secure bran new "goods at savings of from 25 to 50 PER CENT. .. A ONE LOT OF 50, PIECES, BLACKS AND COLORS. worth from 75c to $1.50 per yard, clearing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c $25 per cent. ho)?` all Fancy Silks. Special 10!; of Plain and Fancies in Colri, up to $1.50. and $2.00 regular, clearing at per yard . . . . . . Thursdayfridayand Saturday, Nov. l2th,l3th & 14th lllluv UV 018;? }S3'iI' ih'ii5hiIes at $3.69, s4."%9.o.V $5, $1.35, $8.50 ___- din AA 1.. DA All __-._- A.L-_ _... - _w he anniversary of Giiy `E9pWk5 of`"'*-'lt<=d in Angus--With`5A9?F9i iuncert in the eve`ning .1 n the people began eo*,gqvrd=:th:; 2. s. The hall.Vwhioh . *2} n9 0f SO many "lik`e;6i:` Q` mil-1` 1__-__ . 9,- ._ .g-_;` *_-uL~`..;_:'.'|; 3 BARGAINS IN WOOL AND CASHMERE BOSE auoaunus nenuamms In many uamrueurz Enormous sales In LADII,-zsf MAutL;s_ AND 3ApNcoATs BOYS UNi)ERWEAR `Each one of these lines soldregugularly for" from $2 to $4.00 rofe than W}: ask now. Dress Goods . veyed to -Dr. Dunn s office and re- storatives were applied. After con- sciousness had been regained, an ex- amination of the extent of his injury was made. It was found that the jaw was dislocated and parts of -the dou- ble teeth'~on the lower jaw were bro- ken off. He is improvingmapidly. We wish: him 1 a. speedy recovery.-Bee- I ton World. ' I _ . The funeral took place. last Thurs- day afternoon. of little .Roy Poucher, youngest son of Mr. and `Mrs. Leslie Poueher, Bradford street, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Bedford. The remains were followed to the grave by a very large cortege. and the floral tributes which were laid upon the coffin, were most beauti- ful, including a harp from ..the pu- pil-s in the tw'o'rooms' throughgvhich the deceased has passed in the Pub- lic Sch-ool; a wreath. from the pa- rents; a crescent from Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Poucher . grandparents ; star. Q from Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pouch- . er ;espray; Mr. and Mrs. N. MacNichol : lorescent. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clarke; star. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong; sprays',"f1fom Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt. Mrs. Joseph Daiy, `Mr. and Mrs.- A. `Clarke,-,_;Sr~., Miss - Cavena ' and Master ' Carl 0 G_on'nor. The: pall-bearers were Ma;ster_s,.Ljorne' and Allan Brunton. h_l'g`rlanVkM_._an t`l parl ._ Ofconnor. _ Clark. ..Humphrey_s' and ' Roy Glassford. ,_` Mr. and Mrs. J; B. MoD(mald, Mr. and fsponrs AND PASTIMES l A A` matched footrace for 100 yards uwasrrun `off in Barrie on Saturday.` lbetween Taylor. of Toronto. and Knox.ofA Orillia. The former won_ out_by _a,bout tour` feet, a`fter.a vry _exc.1tingf L test. the Orxllian -being abl\8, t0.,]_101_ the lead Qmtil the~75 t~3'rs;r_d'3 `mark; .fa+8-:reap`hed'. A side` =bet . -._[j``$590 " h&'1.v,;? 91r=1waered "on .-the` Wheat. . 0: I000 ne Printed Wrapperettes, fast: colors. full Assorted sizes VcZuizZ1Z1_itZies, regular 25;: (to 350, clearing at, each. ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yard wide, regular l2}c. value, tq go at per Y8.rd;___ V 115 percent. 017` all Plain Silksg CHILDREN'S UNDERVESTS WRAPPERETTES The members of the Beef Ring As- sociation. held their annual oyster supper at the home (of Mr. John Buie on Friday night. The weather was all that cou1d.be desired. and every family of.~the Association was well represented. Games-of all kinds were- lndulged in and alsd tripped the light- fjantagtic toe till the`-wee sma? hours. /`when: _all"Awen t away? _fu1Iy~ satisfied ."{v`ith .the evenings pnoqeedings. ____,,1___; -3 1.1.- v__-_...._ ._.. -__I- _4L_; Iv nun. Inna`: u.avv-.-...-_. r- `vv'--..~. A nuin_ber.of the .young people wefe pleasantly entertained by Mr. .. and `Mrs. T." Jabkman__ at _t1;9ir home` on T'e'_`dayie'vening. ' J , .\. , .__,_ ~,u h ' I. htohou-Icoc0C Druned H C35 ) 0" |g_ OgIoauuccooIuIoooI0IOU Chickens,perpa.ir.............--u C .pCr`Dair-..-.....u.nu...- operlb.-Iconoouuoocunonottcc Tlllktyi.perlb......._..a--nun-H` er lbOIOOlOlll|`0.". utter! Tub; per lbuoooocoonoovvoIO ltperlb ' ` 1E!8 I.per doz..................... P`lt0cl,perba.g...-..........-nu my) er tonuaoccanuooooonccllluut 1 ' d . . .. . . . . Ralghairi i\dV:)so-cf,` Per cord. . . nmma 1.114-- IIQILOO uooaIoO||' Mr. George Lambert_secured a po- sition in Allandale. and left on Thurs- day morning for that place. Miss Jennie McLeod. who spent the summer at her home here, returned to the Queen City last week. Mrs. Jas. Thompson. who has been seriously ill in Elmvale for the past couple of months. was able to be brought home last week. ,I VV IJUQI _ Mrs. Kidd ana Miss Lida Jones, of -Mulmur. are guests at Mrs. Jones this week. .. _ ~ 1 ' 3 'Mr:9. M. Jackman went to `Toronto last week to see `her daughter Lena, ~ who is ill with typhoid fever. Misses Mary Shaw and Flora Gil-' christ..left on Thursday for Toronto. `to spend" some time. .- 71 _-_ ___ .-___ 1--!___. --.. , nZ:}ivs?I.{1{ 7iEJK;}To}'631ia1{;;73&E is renewing` acquaintances in this vi- this week.` 1 II'__ A lI,-'_-L 'lJ"_'__ .vA I\__I__L__.._._ 2- \r_n`.anv. u..--. u \r\a`I Mr. Albert Moir. of `Cook-shown. is '-the guest of Mr. James Moir this ` week. . ' ' .- _-.__ G _-n cIn\q -- A ` vun-w Iv vv..- ii 1 Mr._Ransier and Mas:ter Andrew, of '\N-ottawa, spent `a couple of ; days L here last week.` V V. v -u--... 5 `Mrs. H."1!v4;-<;'1'e, of Vespra. is visit- 1*i'ng her mother.thi.s_i\week. ' l Ifli _ - ,_ ,1` 1,1. _nv1 \A- 1"\'__ -. I- fFi:n``d1|If1!es ' I I ~ I - o 11.09 me ' %C-ms.p:`.?i,::::::::::::::::::: Tulowuvef . . . . -ocoltitnoobiotto Lu 5 - Wm I)C1t8. ffe3h9uoc'ocou . - o - u - o o u I nouvoooooonuoo H 3 Hides . . . . . , Inolivocnoulcttrlv vv ~rv...`. .-'.._..v v-..... Revival services 'ai'e being con- ducted in Beulah Mennonite Church. SUN N IDALE CORNERS. ........ ..$l.69. 39c 10c . 9c . `R-. The Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets Durlnz the Week. A 1v__. . `P + + 1' -I` %% ': Barrie : 'B$iV"gain?HodL _% _ L % 1; +-:~~:~+-:~~:~~:~~:-+++++-9-++++-3-++4y5:-+++++++-:23-eeyz-++++++4~M++4-+29-M-i+ IILIU . Vvalvl" `. Maple Leaf--Ma1teseC1foss, J acquea The uest 65c Best Rubbers for. . .. 50c 50c Rubbers for. . . . . . .4-. . . . . . . . , . 350 Men's 75c Rubbers for. . . . . . . . . . .A . _60c Men s $1.00 Rubbers for. . . .f. '. ... . . 750 Overshoes, Long Boots, Lu}nbe'rmen s Boots, Hip Boots iand` everyhing; made in Pqibbers, `:,:Fc:: at wholesale prices -I ' Jute 0 at and ckagc. ' uIL:A .. Toronto Farmers Mrkets. % Tonomo, Nov. 1 -3 1993: 4 . . 13,! VL_ .-. THE MARKETS `I urn gund.. d- C- IEARIIIB, Nov. 1 I903- n 00:01:` 23::-0 ICC. 8 000000, 6 00:..- .1 o..*.._ g . as for.... 35c ........ .,.;,... Lu'rnbe`rmen V 75, 8 so 55 (IO DU wIIHL3ImnvAIM Vand algod rie y6_u' caii bng down the .Tlm:gest4go.me.- : Buy. your rile_ and % outt now. Get-used to your weapon. "Yo u Mcin "buv` `good " ' fsure V at having the. opportunity "to ad-_ (dress such an enthusiastic and appre- ._.. 24 v ciative au'dience. The recitationie "by Miw 'Dobson._ of Utopia. Miss Ruby Shields and `Mr. Geo. Cunningham were well received. especially the recitation by Mr. Cunningham. re- calling an incident. of-the Dublin. Fu-i si1iersi*n' the South Africaniwar. The appreciation of Mrs,-_Sanderson s; solo. gave evidence of her popularity. The` hit of the evening was the appearance of th_e "Old Boys. .Nothing ever held in Angus pleased the audiencemore than the. German, scng'."`_It beats the Dutch. . The "Old Boys" deserve` much_ cre'(li-t~fdr the able manner in which theyperformed their.part of` the programme. i II-IL- -A_....._........'.... nnnlnma lIAVIlI"II`. Ries, L` ~~lhililItii-tion-;-0;` S_por_ti_nfg Goods- R055 Luv, ye-95:. uusugva The `Anniversary Services oonnecVted";V with the Presbyterian Church here. Oet. 26, were [Va great success. Rev. L. McLean, Duntroon. preached. two_ 'ableV_an`d impressive sermons. `The supper and entertainment did not` meet witlhsucoess a.`s'expeoted. _as the; weather iprdved. - _ver'y - disagreeable. Re -v. M'r.`~MoLean s lecture on Habits,` - ` '- - - -4! L .r 1u'.... 'r..:.1.......... ` [ .D;U'Vc .Lu;.I.o JN.I.fUJ.lUCtLlhJ -ave..- --- .._....--_ wws a rare `treat. Mrs. Laidm-an. off: Barrie. rendered several solos.) which_ were `well `received . Tle local talent performed their part with credit to; tthe-`melves. -_- A ,. V :~ 1-, . - ;fhMr. and Mr`-s. Blevane and daughter.` spent a few'days in" town. Mr.f`Ble- vans enjoyed a deer hunt due the ;P13in.'3-:"`*' f _ ,.,:.:`- ' ' ` A A ' L ` . _ \ 3 I ! :zt2'n.m I Mr`. 3." H. Gibgoln lef.%.~1i`stW9k 501" . Mar`q`uette/}`M.ixsh.~ r ' I at _ 1-41.-.. `I3...-nu-n 1:9" Vnnnll VET. WES .v Marquette. .m._1_vu- , ' '0 Mr. Chas. Brown. of` Vancouver, was .- the ggest of, frien'd`s her_`9 last w-eek.-Q war. .....;.`I 1|)I'1mn flan, Juno-. 'pa:ren:ts.V = the guys: OI Luuuua nun; mu. ...,.,._., . Mr._.anjd Mrs. Geo. Jagd. of Bolling-; wood. are, V`.i.itiI1`g`W.VVith Mr. Jgo'sf. Mr. andf Mrs. `Bert Young.`of GT8!)-: tel. sp_.eT_1_1tV Sun`day with` Mr. and Mr's. W V~Ii.:,}Bl6xh?$111*n;f`:i? yTi '*7 ?"`~`v ` T IIIIQA -a?iI7 2. ` VI |aou~---._, . Lt}1;;t;i)`nA`V-vtfgg; ` ' 4,1-l$ _, visitinsmth bf all lin&s'.tAf.l.1e_iov.vest price from ie;=~ - .. ;4M1j,,`qn_~.:;Mrq.-;.`J. _G;1;ifi_th.]qf Egbert. `A 3 day A01." %1q;t..;;`ye9l_< `with Mr`. ` *4 . ,_.w__. A A . ~s.,`B`e`rt' Y-orungof Gren-E The death `took place" on Monday may with" and Mr.` morning`. of lit'tl`e'M`a`mie' Stephenson: 1; `y .- the '5 year old `daughter of Mr. and ,; 'j3y`9,_?-;},`ms _geured_ a sin` Mrs. Edward_ Stpheson . % Campbell 13.. Steialiils. Bars` `Ave. The child's lungs? became Vet-V V. , ,5"; -`Z f5i. '.' - Vfeoted"a8 the -result? of a sVev'ere..at-r g_,.}.-_;;_, (_};;itgith.:_qf Egbezftf, wok of jvvhoqpingvoough contracted in v*. .;g,_A1`% .vv_it_A1A1_,_lI.r;~-`.-t_l1_ _ispiiing-Va.n`d~*Lshe:r;haa.:.been; ta`;lin_gg ' *: 1 - ' " ""*" >_:`_.;: .`vi.l[I7;E 1?`- +`1?.-`.11~.~'?A.3%f`,Ll5 911H51`937Th9"*?`*999*5"I'- T. `A as ` ogirJ19.3:Jil3'l t.hipg.~,vp.p.d; ; . : V Mrs."George Vair` had t,o 1_j1ndergo -z_mother~operatio;n on Fri,eday_. Since :that time an impro'vement`i;.`1 hereon- -dition has been apparent. _ b "Master Russell Pou-cher, son of Mr.*an.d' Mrs. Leslie` Poucher; is un- `der"" the care of"a A trained nurse.-'-He `is suffering ,fIfo`m- an attack (if pneu- .-mOnia- '3' Mr. Wil1`_}iddell s friends will `be ;s.01'rv to. learnrthat he isrhaviing a hard Ltime of it in 'his battle with`_.typhoAid "fevyer. Heii-s at the home of `his pa- rents `in Tottenham. -' --.v-u-J - Mr. and Mrs. Thos.'Blair were call- 'ed hurriedly to. Midland on Satur- daynight. by the illness of therfor-' mer's `mother. I ` Firrernan Cullen is `moving his fa- "`l\'r..from Toronto into a residence on ..-.in street. '. I _ Mr. and Mrs. James Stinson. have moved from the Post Office to the residence of Mr;`:(`_Wil'liem; Sheets, Bra-dfordvstrleet,` 4 _ . . Mr. Geo- Wilson has opened up_- an `insurance ._office in the [Bothwell Block. He should be able to workup `fa-"large business. V Mr. Herb. MoM`orra.n has suffici- ently reeoyered `from the -recent" ac- ,oident with__which he zmet . to ~be`.able -to resume ( Work. '-gr` I`-C `u I '- 'rst- xty) pro- Mr. Barry Ri'd_del1 wasable to. leave the Royal Victoria H`o_spital on=Sa- ;.tur day.LV He has gone down to Tot- Ltenham .to reccuperate, Mr. Albert Riddell is able to sit ,up_._ ____-_J_ l_______-..!___.. __-L\_-',:,A i l 1 J.UI\I\J.\JlJ. I53 (`U19 Iv`, I|a ll)`. S . Two` most harmonious anthems were sung in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. That in the! morning be- ing What er our earthly Bliss and in the evening "God is our Re- fuge. `,' `_ ' 3 ~ -. Mr. Wm. 'E.-:Allan. of Torbnto.` has made" application for the transfervof the" 1-iqusbrt license formerly held by the late James Graham; Iti-is under- stood he has purchased Mrs. Graham's good-will, interest in, the` llioense and ixt'u.reas.. ' A V - .Mr. and M1`-s_.`J. S.VBr;unton'. have b'ben_ in Stroud fo r a few days. vi- siting the lat ter s father, Mr. Wm. ; Brown. j P I - ' w'i`1-1:awIA;r.e+sbytc`ar ian c.h}o_ir'_is busy re- hearsing the special music for the Anniversary Sermons `a week from Sunday. ' i I 'l|A`_. ___.1 In-_'__ n-n,__, --ru - -n I... --..v.-- Mr. and Mrs. N. MaoNichol. and Master*- Nichol MacNichol. came. up from Toronto last week. Mr.~ Mac- Nichol` has returned to the City. but ,Mrs. MacNiohol -and her son will. re- I main in towm for a few weeks. .vi- siting `her parents. Mr. and `Mrs. George Po-uoher- T `I1-.. \Y-_'I l'1-___._I_-`lI _l t\_.- --_. Mrs. Page is slowly-improving.a nd was able to be 'removed to her home from the Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday. ` (, "l`I__ 1'I..__I_, J, I ' I I O U D IJUICU 111.511; 111 L116 UVULIIIIE, . . In the Burton; Avenue", Methodist Church on `Sunday morning`. the an- ihthem, Now to .the' - Lorfd fa. Noble Song waassung, the, solo being taken ,by_"-Mr. Joseph LKreitz, and the duct by7Mifss Laura Wic and Mrs.4Mor- ri;so'n,._ Miss Maggie 1_B';'unton sang ghe V6010, L``It"w',i,11`z;pver'_`g1'ow .0ld_ during` | the ofe.rto-'r'y. h " j 5 - ` = -nu--Ix--- -5 n_.-__.L1`______L~ 2`_`W_2 I m1;{ll;.- of .Graven1V)urst, is vi- siting her daughter, "Mrs, Thos. An- derson, who is -preparing to move to` L Gravenhurstl this -,week. Mrs. -Anfcler- "son entertained`tthe ladies of the L Miasi6nAary_ Society _on Weid'nesdavy _ ievening`. _wh_en' she .bad,e?them farc- yweil. `Both Mr; `and Mns; Anderson {will be greatly missbd `ins :t he`.' ]?fre_s'-, ';byterie}nxQhu1:oh._ 2- Mi." anu Mrs.` D. MoMi11aLp.; Sr;, have returned from visiting their son _in Pa1flgda,le_. _ _ i u ` B` vu vnav -w--v % Rev. Neil Campbell, cif Oro, con- ducted both morning and evening l m-ons in the Presbyterian Church. in ;the_ absence of Rev. H. D. Oamerom. i A particularly large congregation ,h`eard Mr. Campbell preach fromthe ,text Let_y_our Light-`so Shine be- ! fore Men.. in the evening, V 11,- I-\____L-_. A___-,___' 'lf_L1__'j!_L I IE8 Mr; E. LA..Ly-on and fzimily h'ave ta- Vken up residence over .the'.]E_ o'st Of- fice. - ` ?. Gondutor Dan `M_fcD_bngall, has sold his Viiotogia street`property. for a good, figure. A_ .- c Mr. W. Mocleary Has retT1r.rV'1d. after an extended visit to`Gravenhurst and Toronto. T ~ - I Mr.` H.ar_r'y Ma'rVtii1.i isytili ooiksick ` to resume his post at the -Essa` Road ` gateb. . - _.----v- wv ---ou~na\p\uItov val .nJuaIo\ll.IJlJI For juicy roasts aimd the best of ` steaks and chops. try IO.` W. Poucher. Mr,"Wm. MMorran was zit Guil-V ford on` Thursday. taking? in" thelball. Mr; Rainey. who has Abeen` visit- ing her parents, at Craighurst, re-- turned to Allandale on Saturday. Wnm 3n}-.. .........J... -_...`I LL.` L__.L .5 5 Mr.LiAa:'gus, Mohennan ' bver Sunday. ' ' The Court- of Revision Orange Hall-on Monday. . ' ~' I|'UNERA1.'o OF'R5Y-POfJCH$R-.DEA'1'1:l' on u-mm mum smrnmnson -now mm. s1cx ARE 1=no'ea.mss- cusp. ltclms :~=`,nf`A :lc'st'1%-V's%g_ A ' N ' Residents ` j . % Acnoss nu: BAY `-#2" NJ .- 1.; was ih.-ome sat in the; gl.'Ui1I. L Uuuuauo The evening anthem in the Burton `Ave. Church, was entitled "Sweet the moments rich in Blessing. Miss Laura Wiee singing the solorand a trio part being` taken by Mrs. Morrison. Jos. Kreitz and W". Keley. During the offertory, Messrs. F. B. Smith, Jos. Kreitz, N. Dollery and W. Kelsey I - An L1... 111'-.. . un LI.A\JtJv utataavx---v-~v --- _. an earnest and `eloaqueng .temp`ranc:a sermon,'by the pastor, Rev. Mr; Bed- ford. A . L - Rev. H. D. Cameron was_ in Toronto. last week,` attending` the annual meeting of the Dominion Lord's Day Alliance, of the Executive of which body he is a member. Mr. Cameron states that it wasede-cided to urge for more advanced legislation in view of` the decision recently given by the Privy Council in this particular. Mr. Cameron, `while in the city. also took ! occalsion to`yVv`,i`sit Y.yM. C. A. head-I quarters,"in"a'n endeavor to arouse in4 terest in the establishment of aUrai1- way. branch (of _th_e. organization in ; Allan-dale. He`wa~.s so successful in` his mission. that the - Railway Secre- tary will be up to look. over the : ground "in" the _near `f future arid, Gen- `neral Manager Hays will be inter-_ viewed" `iii regard to_`-the __1natter,. ~ ~-`A "f-_ _.!._1_.l. --A-`I-nnunv 4:`- pathy from the community, in` their great trouble. nu... .........:...-. -..+1..m :n 441:: `Rurfnn .l\1'u1L'a, .u. uv;;\,;_, .,.,..... ... ._...l`._,._, I sang, "Jesus Lead me All the Way", as a" quartette. Mr. W._ Kelsey sang, "Have courage my boy to say No. as a` most appropriate solo fo1lowing| - -J -7- J `_I__.--....L I-nunnunlxusnrlnnn VLOVVCU ).u l.(}5(Ll.\.l. LU I41-l\I Lnnnnvvvgu ! I Mr. Demoshiles, night operator at the G. I1`, R.Vstati=on. who came herel from Montreal about _three -wee\ks ago, was the victim of `angl acoident,-some- Q what severe -in its nature. Last Sa-'. stiurday evening. Mr. Demoshiles went`; out toe..turn.,the semaphore. when the dogsslipped-in some inenner and the ~h_endlfe of the SWit0h`v,jf1&W_ back. hit-L f1:.iLi1g >a.~j.tremendou-4 blow eiznder, l5if11$`$.iBhif3dwi._.vB ' r A o en` 1 *asV*;sm::;eaiateIy .3 I ..00v"11V' 9O"'.vV" 00" V" ..0C:"'y1V vV'_' WW ..gO.. VVVV .....v""' - 1' .O'....1V' `M V =: ' ' 1 4 M ' . .;',; I'ii.X:'U`-7 ' I ` .,. ` .-,,,xc_. , V-_ EAIJVERTISING its? SALE .15 602. Boys Wool Hose, all sizes, regular 30c-, to ' goat....' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c 25'doz. Lad'ie Cashmere `Ribbed Hose,,re2. 35c., to go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .`._ _. .. 22c _ _ . % . j T , _REAISY-TO-`WEAR_MILL1NERY AT BARGAIN PRICES 50 Fine 1{ew Fe1t`Ready-to-wears, newqt shapes} reg $2.75 to $3.50, .Advertiain'2 Test Sale Price . . . . . . , a.r\.a4-v v-y-..-~ .Boys ;'Shirts and Drawers, in Uni'o;-a_r;d Anll-wool regular 25c to. 75c, the garment, clearing` at. . . . l2%c """` "'IlllOllDOOjI_&OfI.I 33- Poutogser doz. . - 0 uvu u 0 0 EM , Beef: t,":'r`:jC1l|arters per `cwt. . ..._, ... ' Y uotouuuoooqoo val. " "-occupant-ooqconnoon E` IN """"'|_IoooovIlc'OoaOVf . 'perbilgun-u...-n`noooo7 yum` quarters, per cwt._._'. ..j. .` .3.-