Northern Advance, 3 Sep 1903, p. 6

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From 9111 Druggisf-.3. 5c`55-- P'- W`! b es to: `M0. 01 dxnct 'P} .. .` e.`-` .._"~.`... `.1-. `umum: Y tr ' " . ~ -~ BI: Guns. Hunters Always like to Have _ nenauasu-or 'i'holr,Gu'n.'n *`l_"rowu- I Apoldt jngjon utdIho'. _ V _, Mani .-ho.usos,, vhayeg .th'eir, V Vans adorned with't`}9 hunting of `, their-. occupiers. But. it -is: much m0l'O interesting',vo.nd very muchmore un- c,omh1on~, toind these trophies made. into articlesrof furniture and serv- _ing a,- double purpose `of _use-'a,nd1or- nament. ' ' ' -- 1 3 The hunter who has been gored by . g_rhi119ceros and c_e_u'ries the `melrks ` \ of his wsunds about--with. him, must ..I nd a strange "fascination -in using" ;` .,the very! ham` with which his `injur- , ies were indicted to` hang his hat on. , One of. the ._`bestj-known` big-game hunters possesses "a, 'superb`ti'ger ,` `set up as _a'- dumb-wxiiter. This same `tiger, once almost tore to pieces the -4-magn he new` `stily supplips ,r.with' W-whiskies and"snda'.,` . - .4. `rJ .'.. 1u'nnai-u fin`: `King 1103335593 3 xwmsxxes 8.110 u,uuu.; - .~ ' _-_ _ h "4, .His_ Majesty th`TKing possesses .a somewhat .similar trophy : .in the shape. of ,a-. fcro`c.ious`.lo_ok.i_ng boar.` which he himself shot many, years ;ago in Russia... ..:It; now stands in the ;smoking roomu ht -Buckingham Palv ace, gravely holding a tray in -Its.`: jrontepaws. ' ;, , ~ .. . ' 7.. 4|..- `\a`` n? Rarnnonu Ii`l`.`h.!`d- ! Qnlyone trophy. exists which` com- ,bines the oices ofwthe `last two, and, fwith jaws agape, brandishes `an elec- trio lampv in its right paw-'Awhi1e' he ;stretches` the other invitinglfy `to-=. wards his ma`ster a'guests `-and` `oers them; "upon a, silveritray, a. selection` " of choice ':``." This A-i's"the `proper-` fty oi Mr. Ratxiliffe` Pope; an_d'.occu- _ pics .5. p`osi'tion, of_ honor in` his house at: Fakenham. `, ` `v ' . i Leaying .the"siib jec tj`of bears, we nd._ quglly useful" `an-d interesting trophies .ma'.de from other animals.` Picture . av .ba,by-e1ephant squatting upon its heunches, with its trunk` c'r.r_led'; inwards` to its, chest,` . qalnd with a comfortable `seat placed. I be- ' tween its front legs! Thisunusual V piece of furniture. was . modelled, many years` ago. `by-.a, 'W'c1,1,+1<.I.10'W1 . rni. of, naturalists in`Lo_ndon fr,orj,i ' a_. young Ceylon elep_h-ant, and for - some time, occupied a._ .prominent po- [1 sition in the. hall of anlargve estab-1 lishment, where it. served as. a. hall 3 ponber s chair. . It has. -recently, how-j ever, comeunder-the hammer, and is to besecn in one of the country res- ' I idences ~ of s Mr. -Vanderbilt. 1,1..- 41-- __,-_A., -..:.......-.1 AI...-.u'un "`*'r-'f---f-r--_`-`-x-_.4.~ ..V_....;-.~.s ... ,s..,a...'.-....`. .. -n.... ` ' AR:`iinZx'L #uagijg[;f uuu,_ "I161: 10 LL\I\l\AL1"IIaav .----- ------ ;'a,ysoft`re5d light. This specimen; was` 'k1lled`in `Alaska... . =~~: ~`: .luUIll;U5'- U1` '.Lv.u . =*v auuc: Ullvo,` - Probably the. :most: original chair in the world_ is to.,be found ,in the- -/residence of Mr. J .`.Ga.rdiner Muir the well-known -hunter and tra.ve_1er, at~Market Harborough. -It is made from` a baby girae, 5which, with its_ imother, was shot n'ear- the -Kidbokb River, British East Africa The seat or `the chair"is' arranged between `the fbre-1eg`sv `and "ihevhcad looks-`down ` from on high with a. glasky sta.r'e*up--1 ont who`ever4-happens to occupy -this exceedingly unusual but =veryL-com- r-..4;.1..1.. .....n1.- ' ., . -.4---.9--V -v -v..__-_. Many {trophies exist which hive; been made.-from Hth skins` of various ` pct birds and monkeys.-' In the lat-_ -texwcase, the most usual arrangement ti for the `monke' hold in its hand a. lamp or fruit dish- Birds arg somewhat : ditcultv `specimens -to . V ' V mount attractively. ti`... `ll --:..z+-. ;+ ln'A- f\nnnn 15:3: in frn*H'_ Uauvuunznboa un- fortable nook} - ...%m%u.}sa bes:?I;3a.nd saist waiy to $_k:eep *` Baby skin healthy is 2&3 use;-;;<`i3`xi1y ;~ .:.A~1|'~nd.-`g 1-Lg`.---A- _ Eyre,` , Ltliadoutptcurc. M l'\'9VwA _Id`oa`in 0Bt`I._ T Artistic-Cnonoeptions. ' ` .`_4 ~ Ithi etez .;:sp~c: 3: cent In .many1jnes 5;: 5 A Bargam lot of .4 _.. 1! " s, cardei 7 2.25 Letterheads, I Nnfkanl- V` V . NN 3%N+N++H+++& 3' ft`\,f,_??`_tfff9*`*+MNm, _; ~.s;>"".n";`"iboTTE.e%i;~".::?3`;`:x;;,f:fA > *0! An: avorworkqd` wife . `It"a:' `:`m3:l_ i" I` `Ga-at , onegslv ::-&-'$`3.'F{95.-" ~- 1.5xrin_lina;;i:-:i;1 "'1 015 5-03 V ,. ' ?1~u.~ 3 . .-.. 4- ?.95`3' 551399`.- 5" - .`- =`~"+* " we 1;: v. it *1, 94$; +++++++++++M+ Mo ++++++++n+++++f ++;4:. V 9 +++++..~ `A-*,`"++++++++++ 1.. ` :1 ,.__v . W THAN EVER -- 3 t AN"EX`l`B.A INDUGEMEHT 1 F011 S1~:PARA'roji_ BUYERS : "'t1iiiI1g`h'fi1""dYx-yiriiif 5-ecently remhrked : Q gregt R. inducement about? 1 0:: v..., . *\rn!w.vz_ru ;~. , sch: Q; WSzA@EAR1>| ix, 4. 9` M e VI -I'\lla.lll.-`Tull Jlnwtvwyvr .. . . '?v- ~lIi*~3I0l Boom Gollm-1 ++:++++`5w+++4+..+ . . .`pv~.'-t-ar"l! aw;-_~. . `ow. .-.1 t ,; ;`=s,,.`1'! , .. 4. v. . _.- n, - ... -- - .-.. .. . v *vf;J, \"' S '1. . I `A8! . . u . .`.,_;A A-- """"-s" ""'~f.-."i: ;~$`*:\ pack paper 3 pg 1'" I60 2: -'9'?` .; `L00 :53 ttbeir sbsolupe sqfetyiaxlzcl` , the ~ease"winh which they) are -mu-`-.4` I Ant-\,D Lona On | LIBII-IVUIIAVIJU lnllvllb. 3 THE sn-A'i>1.1fs TUBULAR SEPAR'A_TQ_R; WALTERSCOTT. .-- ,~ - -All 'x1f1`d' 4S'sp';lies necessary for Collegiate. Institute J? --1`-3Puliiic Schools at the lowest prices. - Msilorders receive prompt attention. 4 *':*'.' with which they v .~1.... 2.2, .m,.z % 50 ,.t..i.nJute 91311. rn...z., `z rorworkcd` wife? TF9 _ ma CHEAP ` J93 ' % PRINTING PQf?YYVY?yyYYvvYYvY VVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVYVQNM H V ' ' " ' 0 R1fles ,,. ...`K` c 3', g .. , a ' , "V -`M , `n:-" V '~ 1. ' %mnA;iAA `x-`gf-1-=~"=*r'~ aw ; '-W.` ,.= L , a gun ghter in riiona`. `and tomia, went ,up into the Klondike verylittle-"has-,bcen' heard of him by JL ....4..~:A.. miih-I 'l`hn lnhf. nxnlnif. si*Rou D. %%%%1HE%%N9RIHERN ADVANEE l 5::-9 L ;e:`nm, '3 _gfsUPpmEs AT . . . . . . . . 7'- - - .~. zozj`-W6 w 31" A ,1` iii`iWS.:$ii6a%.county People. 095` J1!" 1~.H\_ 3.. I g _ We baile a large assortment of Fire .*. Arms to ofI'er'-..1this_season at prices 0 away down below all former prices. i _V Do not fail to see our stock if you are - G00dS at low p1`ic(5_ ~.'-.';- .3; -.,Our stock of Builder. Hardware is - V the la`est and best that money can purchase. We invite all pmiies re- izirinv Locks etc to see our stock 5 9 3 Ii BUYEM . . ' before purchaemg We 11:1\'(*']11st re Wu` ~x.-.-.a.'u- t `- u --v -..' " 9 ~- . . , .. . 9 w J3 man celved our second 1m wort onler or Y 1 :A re t 1 VV . - - - - 5 `W8, 5 > e can sue 3011 mono} by V ,"le1;tin`g us gme on Vour .w;1ntsin:1ll ,a .1 _ . -. _ . . PLES 1 House Furmshmgs 1n our Ime. .yea.rg beforegthat. he had been: finite... very uwwTuM.w=u I-WW V W W .Whencv'er `it is rammg." nesam. tn. outside wwld. The las;._;9XD10i_,` ` Sn v_ ,, ha mm, fun 91 young ; that ;-\l;rougl}t_ hi_In in/00 ` PV`3_`},.5,3-*9 } ptsdmexvif 0 'stay}1our was .1115 .dec1_s1ox;i 1ttl_1e c _Z:`;;ggt ` hgm-~_ 1` Q da,y__{ni_g;'q;'t, `I hafegx g an. ' ` ';.:".`r,":1. * r `'--:-_!.#u \\:::u co, when he gave the gl1"tb Shh.1`*` mggugn .yfl.'1he' salgg 305 . 011 a1 i"`= 1`3.l1' } ""T01`-' F0 7;`: T?-..1|i'trt :}?~`3"nce.-':;7:..:$ _ .21 5 " ` __( ,,- ` ,.* ' ,$ ` a -'4 .. .;..,.a...a1..v~..m.,;;..V . fnrxnnadf his`: .. `X9T-i `&'E1,?79_m `S -` " .2A.;I-. _\:f`I .. A5DVER'ISING IAN Q FBARRIE M..+...z+.w.... `(I HI Ammunition -. .. Envelvopes, % Statements, USE UU1UIU,.jbl1..?"> (LU uvtaaf \{\ 3,11 `orde,v}y4.;,&:itiz'en` -..ior=vong..;4Qf 1,115 reputationw-as=~ a 18!`!!! *~`-`*lIh*e1'r- `. 1;-\-..~... 4... ...\..:.-. nun hnvn drifted V Dd8ers,.: Trom a dollar a thoum O O 9 Q Q 0 Q 0}- ,___---:-/f rePuWaL1Un"uU II: gun `4AIuvvs:~ `` u:'IV\t.j.'u:wvA Fro'm the stories L that.` have` drifted` down" from. the Klqdik in `t'hel'ast* few weeks it appears ' that -Earp b has` rsumcd '9. ' favoritei "trick. of his. known in the west. as shooting `up, the` tiownn He was much p.ddjct.ed,.toA `it int` the old. lawless days gotf Ari-_ -zona `and Ca.[liforni8.. . 15-..- ........-`.....u nn .. bunch II1hn'nni|hI -Z0118; V\Ju`lllU| Luau . Earp was" never a man w1io could ~ easily be tamed, consequently a, story told: got his suppression _a fe_wl.~_ ago by a diminutive Cockney -"mein -V berl `(if the Canada Moilntedw. _ will be found interesting. In-ea` or .0ivillzq_`.t',I:olI4.`V ' .,- `ur- "Efarp drifted into Dawson seuelaijal ' months ago full 01 a. l.dete1?'1n`ina1:iD_n-- to get action, said a man in 6 pay- son "to some of Ea.rp's old-~` vi'este`in'=` fricngls the:-`-0-that n.ight..,,_ i'.`,.C_`i_\(_il_izba`._-; tion,II_ policemen -and` prggr_es__s , `gener- ally knocked. out Eirxi- s"`;t11hxf1;'ghting game in_ the States` some vears ago. and he had been quite orderly and well V behaved `for some years. , l`l')...; .`..L..._v L- .-...-ed. (A nnin ' a bad man `many -years ago. . He-' WEI; .uc11avcA ~uu u\.uuK_.'o ,x.vua~~1o_, - _ r `_'But Whenhe EOE-to - Dawson. he mung a.;;=se11t1e'ment like tho*p1a.ees, in ,` which he had made-hismeputation as io1iiil men carrying guns-a.round_ in 1 their` belts and getting drunk , arid 1.` sheeting` people `wh0"~ `:11-appened to ' dis- `l.` please them; -and-`i-t :ga.x"c~- him ' the fe1{_e1 to get-..back,,..into.. =t.he...~game.....inm. whiqh he was an adept in the days 1 BQDQ by- ' `FSO _Earp discarded ,his `store ' tf clothes,` `got himself zrannel shirt, a.7 11 pairfof leather trousers and a. som-- re brerb, stubk a gum `in his'~b'a1t,< 1oad-~ ed `up `on: bad whis,~key.j and gwent tr arbund the sa1oons and faro_ banks 1 balljzragging eve1;vbody- `who `Would g1:!a'n`-d fm- his mime . nndi'1:.kin2 a. few 13 sic` LHll{J1 a.f.',g.-,1ug >UV>Cl.,VUL{\1_Y . W_|3U VV\JlDl-\l" 1 sthrid 1'01; h}s game , and'tiAA.k:ing few 9 shots at some men -who'resented -it. `V There werammnumbexmot . ha.d..~mm1~`,., .. . Dawson .who were sufciently awed d` by Earp s reputation to him. and for a Week he had things 1 p1_`_e.tty much hi_s-_o'w`n`w'ay.= ~ ' ` V "f` ` . Moixnted PolIco"Figuro. -M ` aovnnuuus. - -..-`V ..----- "`Ve11, the facfxthagt Earp _ was hit- ting it up got to _she ears of a. little vg.-ifoot '-*6uck*ney`=n!ember~ofw1>he~*~Ga-- njafdian Mounted Police, one of whose duties it was to seetthat Da.wso_jn be- Th a,v ed itself. Now, map didn t~knoWV 11du<;h about the Cimada '-Mounted Police and `o$ men who ctfimpose vit. ' ' 4'4 rI`lxAu-hfnnwn 1-111-unvu `All . 1.r\*I`I*IIf\+_ shaVed.itsc1f. Eafusp didn"t'kno\v W*~`= aw ==~+U-vU"=.W=~~*~- ' __ _ _s_c,h . T earth or ice niuch about Canada T110 ha```ma`1.`` 3; d at` loon. making t -. . ._ . -L. " " .'%t.he suburbs h 1 d t k Bolnce and 0? `Per-1danc""'~C`_}nm19te ` ` - .- , t 0 5 C 305 3 impose _ _ mformcd an Express .1cf)rgentat1Ve cases of ir- I V -- . ' t.oft' '-"{[`l1erQfo1`e, yvhcn he wagl t:er_rup_t- 5'-that 7`$`*" e _ BECAME w ed. `in el .l"-' ` ` . `E _~da.tce"r-J `re d"'._ . I _ \ ` -sh` c1et'ining' ht aafafb `Da.wadn" - h`.' M191` d k lms ~ 5 f 4El?. _ as hli dn_ niglf. by t1"V1'.sV ikgthle `;m9t}f:'q..' $5`) s_ ta .\I3'ER?P:ars&`%: ,-.3.-, *;:;__` 14eIf1\!1 u_p;to _him,._ l}e,,_ 'iog.f}eine.1.:mu V. aT=1_#*.9\ _ S ,. M-. ?f~ `$69 "-H`-s'jf g1V_,_e hnn ....]-{Ts gun, e Dene h1s . -. hn Says, knows better Lord a-vehs . th n` h V vr wide swore N0 n- ` -- Jihoils a 15 eyes 8 Y , .. _....__u _u.._.:.._..,. -...m...... reccntlv. 1e-awn = A -.r- - 6 '- ;` v_.i\.\--_ , 1`: it!` " Cookgy lgg_ui}ue&:_*l'331 J-Ad M-i ; inx $9!- hsgq Bii"~I_aQt_ `h` an?! x ..-5` I K-1`. 1.; 1a--` .QI._-..- 4.. II` (1 Thug H|l'I_II` n'n`;n;_;u.,uq;gg{.u..5 _ Con?-Skiers in _n3 ax`~'h.t '1: ies`. it 8_o Cipvo Up ph_gh,Gu`n_..___l`_, cu`.-.... 117".-.4-I: am. ' uuc 111511-qr u_y.;%uup ' ou-nu vu u\._:,-uwuqp. ` s . K, ` '. -`.`~ v'x'\' ' up jto him, ztlg qllfigir giv_j_e him g.-His gun, ` m`o;a;1t.h an__`,A\hisV'eyes Yery wic.i_e, swqre a-= Ihighty wpgid 'ot_'iTd;tJh3*:. ` ,,{smshed_ tyne little te`1ik2W{!:;?F1jv.j1*i;ct_i`:x;`jz`:'i-$"<`i>`____ _;_,,. .=.;.`. .. 8.} nllgnty 11;) ;1_1g;. 0`; ,."Y'PVf"."`,=.:`.-"`_."` the fe1 3.kjjg[_;j;1%.`ri_;I_i1;j;z'`= ` _ ,j}r1, 5` cap if ' he xvanfe" tb "ii`i"tL '1ia`;a5s"""`a mce or wait a few hours. j rp was somewhat surprised which the ~1i7b1>l(;.~-:fg3;1lQy;3.s_i1nply -.v_,sm_i1ed .- _b politely and said:- -. X7.-u. s-aunt} nr':17r\ -rv-Rn `-I-Inn. lvii n1 `xnltur RIKIJII/\ZJ.y OILOUI Q`-I:I\Au 4 _ ` You must give me `t1;e/ of bury- -it _;si1f-. ..).and ext;Aende(_1-V _11is:.,ha,?I1d.-LioJ;`;t.he ' lllA`-..v'\ _-vw.uA unsung.-Aanan `lniilh mal- oh the shoulder. . H _ _ ; V V 1 `I beg.yo_urApa_.rdq.n, sir,fq_.1ye_e'aid, {but if you _come `out with _a` {gun in ,sight. t9~morrbW I s'hall"haV e`to,tVake M ' it awayfroxh ydii." ` " ' T Eai'p` turned `purple with'ra;g'e, but..- he had no nerve left when: her con-3` " ffdntd 'th atpo1ite1y-' Vsmiliing ~fo.ce. t the He roa.r`ed'_~_, few A amuse e` ` `..$Vt1_i?__`}i.., A "'b1_in - V 8 k " . ` . i`%5 m.. `?ai~.1:e.?. . VV (.7Q.1ll.)lLn "Earp swore some more. ..but not quite sc > ,e1oquent_ly,`.for", all the _ timo_ the little man. was s`mi.1ing5.calmly ,in his face. - Fi`na1l y, I*3`q;-,p; clean` us- j.ered. by_,'t1_1c;ti`on,j5ullec1`hs'_-, -from his bvr;-It and dred it three times _ into the, ceiling, Whereupon" chis t- tle Inan, still smi1in;':',Ksa`id:- ot\T.L`-.' _--.."II `L.---A L.` `Amway: |8L."7 ls.` LJC ultlll,` avid; DLALIIJ-`IR. Hutu -"No"w,' -you'll have to bu;'y~ " . or AI`]`l~ have to -:take- itfrom' .Vo11. Si!`-.' " .`Take myVg'un* away. fr 1e,!.' roared , Earp. -.4 .-r.~-.._..u.`. 9 .....:A V 41.; 1:++1n" dun` !'L)iu`l.`u Juan 1:. . . r " 'Exwctly, said the little" man`. "-'Mayb'you doubt`I 11 do` it, ,s'i`r'?" - -` * . Earp Cowod.` 5'. . "However, fa, crisis 1wa.'s-?a`verte`d - by Earp s putting the` gun back into his beItI"and starting to" leave. the place. Just 'as~1ic got .-to..the-door, the `po,-`V liceman 2 walked over and - tapped -~_ him the shoulder." ..ll 11' 1. A . . . A nu 1\o\V`!`l'\I`\` ;|A;G:.i!`V , _t,n `..\YI:Il_la|."' pq`?!0` ;" 3335 i>3Tihere`*:s*s:,A:*t. v=e&y%`.few dr' ` ` px;o'cAedpd.JtQ 7 W `Che `next dy `"1511 Cockney tried to take- his 101`!- u, r_un...- I'M I-Ann: Linn lull nl hn]nl,' uocxney t.r1eu {.0 Lu.1su= u1a_.Kuu. . `Why. :1 !-1 h19w~.hi_m,t3_nl 0! holes, ho said. ' -. link In lmnlrb.-. H . ., . an: ga*1?:.:m:`f 331'. vii km them mun twill->tak their!) 68- In -the end. E_a.rp,v gnu` will_ have the whole Br1usn::arma`m:eta. :1 necessary just to put. you out- < v a-ml... not-Q ,?_rInu Earn} Vnfit. sober n" "`.~"3`.'".`~``..-;.vx.' \ ' "Yes,' said . the `listener, but _ A you p;i3`._.`8.,b,IQ 6.. iilga-hl.n`1 . L Put 8. hole i * _ will llwgith two_ `:3 3 Ifgipu .. 2 nl ,, '*.v` `_ I :L.L.|1':~. A. -.`.l. 4!-ilgloi. ' nan Tn ",,"I `R; when we` `B iish'.-Emi`.-4 which it` JUST; D0 pub. yuu unu- "The nq 't.r~,day.._Earp;_ very. sober 1 ' and very h'ou`g~h'til, appeared on tho ; streets of Dawson in the` store , zothes ho came -totown with. _ Alo ; ost the first person he `struck was I the Cockney, `who, had. eyiqpgtgly been. waiting for him. prepa.r'ed" .to;'_ta".l in. ---- .-Inn-- Grain. v`|'I1H"`i'. lid 11018 111 but: -vlslucl-I -i-I-r`-W "-'.'- _" an ._vitj,h twp, .ez1..11_f;.9u kl f'o u `Will-W355` .th11`3i3 13-...` --LII 11131` -`D3110 flan 10],` 1111]], I4\l> IIGFWU snow gun away from him it he: showed `it.- As soon , as .he% 8,6-W . P: he}; 599999`: ` ' litl `and "said: - .- T up"v`;e':.l\yn1\p`(:A'1llsII3y' uh-1 + and thanwtsurned . llull V g .. had Vela ` `IN A _1____ _` FAMOUS AS A Eutfi, FIGHTER cqwso AT DAWSON,` % yes very wide, " `"' "-" ` 1 j ;_ `.fgiQ, 9_}:`3'(lv'~-1IhP1V;i.%:`M~.$&b9`} j\i`:`t'1_ i.`1"i\(`1_.1`.`.;lf".1'J`.< >"`_,;.b ,-2?:_,;.!t:_1 " .1-.{ .": ` v3'iliaaS"""`fi: "'tHm*h' 'rs`m'm'a y" Han or-n :'lnnv"ivnr1 nf-fnnc ,5, 6 . `5:i<!:su1:1;!*?;. ., 79$?b?.:=|W ...;:;an9e; i:.n99sM!29 ~ supposed to save `1n the J aturday _m'ght s shopping. - V v'W1inever `it_ `is raining. he said, b 't11.I__ ..-`I--_. 1..-..- Aug. 911'` A` Iitutlvutll bar like the men. a~`.'i`l1`e men customor`Be;`*1hd`{ `like? 1 it, put I can do I1AO12h'iIlg.`_-"';;{:.i"., } _;.`;,.`6 E S|uunIfnl'S|glI. `V = . ,.-_ 1 I l I Enquiries in the city 9 `Ow \t,,ha.t` `it, 5` is quite a qomniohpractice`fo`r`young` '-.94 i;`3}rt 73 B""'13` f,.=.a= 3-` ~Qri9;,tYP,.139.:" meet on Fridmi nig` ts at"3'a'vorit,`3 `T public "k'd'l1`Sl3 S"`" End"` "take wturns -J .._f(_,sta;;ding" drinks, - jsvhiczh "generally `._,I thl`5"t11e form of pott wine. Very "-3" frequently half a qq`la.1'tern_is_t.a._1Vien "home by ea:c`:;'of\the girls.." ' _' rmm n":-u1r{r'n': m- dm'.`nL- is: nf so in-` ` ` ,w$i_ch x" 0. _change: -2. 'i2l.t.`.e pill ..--l.'l3...`.. L Commoq his Haggis-'5-3IqroLVVomd_n _ ` Thug: on .!3!~-.pnns ` Qifllgirn . ' 7"-AAx:o.$1\'o"-%xc1` gas,` ` Tho` clog; the` im'>e_st';i"` V tfbns ._i1_1t0' we dzfinlgilfg _ habits of,` \ fmen, tkge -mu`:-n '%'f.1.rf.N3i\o"3:ma"r`A. tlrin i*nvola.tioII7s 1"-*Wl!*%=#&'w-wtsuvazauuhgmwzz #5:V!9. J. -- - eu;,enV,_, 11 e_t\l_1,e qaygqon ba,;',= - 9 winch He 4:-"1`ti,e `%Wsnt-e`* :- e t:;""*t5E"rr' L? wxprkiii .-clas mm. P` is @9%**`t*`am e1_1ly_f_=`o ri`e` 9`Wta.kes - ttl0:!\0hl1<'\! gs.` 7 ar'ow**ii1v:is~-`~'pw:u1`re"`e` *~myf= ~-~-sou .house' I lnaxte iseen halfen dozex;7.we11_;' B` t vdresscdt children, ;`wh_o- _sit_ ,o_n theg` .`(`}` A_loungcs.and.._takeV 1_x[:`.tho\,x_`oom ._1`,c`- . Ho, quirod by grown up people. t -The wo- ` men are of the .-m`idd1e-claSs type`.*- *`=E`: ; and I have`-noticed that... beginning ` .with one. visit a ,week,: theyeve nt-,., gm _` ually pay a visit a.lm.9st',e\._r_ery night. Some come every night, `call "for ,' their own drinks, and,i`n mdrethan .,o_ne`-` instance, have Mood upyt T . ., '. '1 '... .... __--._..-_-.J; Li`.`-..-.'.--.1. 'n1..u` n.. --3: n'- ` . , >l. . .. ' 1 ,. ..~... nu ma ;%i`;}`i{{ii}:.;.lTTf`5T xjg1`lhomomh4`%cp;.m};17y.f. AN` j -~t9`wn `-the idiahtia amnfraee 515 tfi . 1\.. r1..-..._........1'. .. 'l')1nnLvI~.n1-n V I vuv -u-- v-. V- l IIUIILU Uy Cu:\.u.I. UL u.|.u.2 g.5u.a.u.. __ ' The: c'raving_for drivvnk.-is. of so _in-' sidious a chgracter lfchat they ,ima,-. gine that .th-s "faint feling of which}. they ,compla'1_n is a sign that a stiom-_ ulant, is nec("le`d. ' They grow up. to. look upoh drink as tfhov panacea. for all ,the ills that they; are heir to`; `llaulhs.-'.l z-.N'.r-nag -awn nnnnininng in "`d'e"?1"`{-i1i`"5 ; itE`l`i` "_'W 8k", ` 'w'h'ty""a'rc "$11030" ' -' ;.;oi\00.9hi1drcay . J9 ;t%iAr1s9:_1h,a.d0 17 E3 - 9%., " an -every 1v1~t3(0~0'childreri~-born clicsvbcav .fore -they a,1e a year old. 1' . Otfupringnf Drink. A The osprings of drink are insan-v ity. pauperism, 0pi1epsy,.and feeble- .=.'::1in.s1:..dxn._:r*:S.s... .. ..J.x:.....;.l;-.91r1s:!aI.1...;,;t1.1.9,r_e ._ 2,000 cpileptics and about 100,000 *'pa11pers,Wan.! all over the country there f``11_(),00Oqunatics. ' rn1-- '.'.1...:...~....".. Al .. n" nl 1\t\n!\l` oi-_ (L15 Jwvua ubv A was--v 1 Inna ,I.l;\g an--.a 5--u~- -_--`,. --, - Medical. oliirycrs vare: unahimous in `V the opinion that the drinking habits "bf W"`'i`i1' ".1-'cr.-tr1vr -*m'-wane **birt'l1' ~of* -1 1 :1 1__, 7-- 4.1.- ..._...Ll. .-..\n..4-our (U \V 113 LIIU llll.Il.h.l.|l7 UCQDIL Lauu JO riblg-...~'.` Dr. Grcc-nwood ,y ofA Blackburn, _ recently .informdJ.the town, council that_;3'26_ out of 1,000 babies bornlin the;bo1'ough do. not live to be"a.`year old. 0 ' ` "V 0' " ` .1 L `IA A`__ USU- Morp,-, t:ha'n.._ha .1f the _deaths i\n _Dar:_ .1aston are those of.chi1d1'exL who _ha,v'e` n0t reached the `age oL;v,e. In,Lciy- cester, out of an average of sixty- -""Q'_*-549*)`-"_II}_s'1 gr-;1:._x_.,x_-. _J_~_._4_,'_-,~,..-.,`_- . ,1` `_-_._,.._,_,_. 1. `Runs _ .` ,j 7- g1jc:_z`t,V gooqJ..bu1. it has not steppe; Jill: \J1lLLu .LV.l.L2D~)\4AL5\.;a Lnvv .--... -. '0 A. .*p!.'\`l.t.\,.uu`,-3 - .v . 'V the 'd1:iiiki'x'1g` among \vc`>L fi1&;-rii"f"""I`I`i* . at.`,homes take the 'fo1:1n,Aof a`.' drink-. ing bout, ` t:--V_a_rds the. ,c-.xp1cns_es `of .whic_11 the}j ,a'la contrib_ute,_ e`a.p11_tak- ing a.t,11":1"1:iz1 fctchii1g_th 1~iquor.'"` - . `it .t who are dcpr'ive_d ofAfood,*" 3oot-sVa.nd n1at0rna.`1 c a1e--which includes clean- _1ig_9_-whi1e mothers have carou_sa1s at.` _eag_fi;6$3i~'l'i: $7 ;'Iib1'iss7;"","T ;""* ~ '1`h `Chi ___-- _;_ ....- .l kud :4. L311 v.r'\ nfnnnntl 1d'Messngr `Ac-t ' did ' u.` A Elephant-`Hunting. in C01/fen. In the Isla.nd"o'f"Cey1on the people `- are very fond of `elephant hunting.` They` begin by clearing an open -space 3nea;r a.1`orest,- part * of which _is `strongly, fenced in with -trunks of .tr_ees, .with_';open places.for doors. This is cal1e(,1ga._qorra1.: ' When so_much of the work done, ` na.ti\es_ got` behind and around the ' elephants` with` blazing torches, shak- 'ing spears and. "rattling" all` kinds of noisy "instruments, in order to frigh- t.en the huge animals, -while all the -time drivingythcm toward the open doors of the corral.` .At"laSt. _with a. rusl1,..the'_gr_eat;,herd enters, the ._en- trances V-_a.roA ,'ba,r1;ed', and the .poor ~ giants of the. woods nd ,the;1iSelves _hopelcss}y imprisoned. " .` " ` " ` ` `A- `..`I-...I..v`..'...u..'e`.-....m `:n'v~`As'\niaI'|` -fn llUpl:1Uaby l_LLlpl Lauucu. `M `An elepha;nt`s: rage is'dre'adfi'1l to ' witneas, but the `ingenuity of man has found 9. way of subduing `it; Ono -by one each prisoner is freed again, and"o1ephants, remarkable for t their sa.g`a.cit,v,' come up to him, stroke him with their trunks, .,and otherwise cpjole him, until, they, lead lgim on to a.` strong tree. Tho na- -tives creep up behind, and in a". min- ute a,. rapeiwith a.'running knot;."_is found `the e}9phant's leg `and .'fdst _r`x- 'cd to a. tre. - V- -35:11 LL; L:...- ALI- :_ '_...1..... -1.- - `Ii- cu I./U u _|IlUK.7o -?All the timothis is `going on the ' tame elephants are humoringaitheir doluded victim, but- as oon as he` is a secured theyggo away and_.1ea.vo; him. -The-n the men bring him nigo .cpco,a- , nuts and :.;,1_oaves V to eat, `which, % of course, he rofues, as shewis _ag'ai_n n a great rage, and'ugg1ingf to be free. ` ` ' ' L ` But hunger. suloduos even t`he<.vi`c:- V eat, and at last his w'vi1d~trumpB`t- ; ings cease to resound through -..:"the- woods, andl-`he is-{forced to eat. A~FVrom that time the taming process: is com - parativoly pasy. `Again and again , ha" is fed. as he requires it;,],5y_`,a. _- ki1_n`_1" hand; .itndW_the `ele'phant,` `scepf-y stVib`,L, to jkindn_e`s_s,` becomes at._`-last` a`. ' x_gv:'r-\- tfi l M .. 'l`_sllgBlrdn. - , ' "In a. public `park 'a.t"C`a1cu`tta. `are ' several birds of `tho ad jutau vspebids; ' .They_. p, r_a_ the atork,, of:-~the In-in @398. % LW!*.a-em T&but% .6, ..:fe.e.t ` in l ,.;:$'i3`1/ w;;:u&n:1f;;v.:f:i;a:.:nc;1oo; 30 111h:,f:1i1$9~? `j1d.i9`r.*7":t1`**r"`3`"?<'.?EF|. ' `T tor=Gren'a'tl1` u naonnns. . u c u 1L\.o;r.1ySuQhg,. ,1 .ol _..~. ..-L food and victuals. ~' ' ,,__L( ' ; WVit11 -this load` the balloon c`ouId- ` set forth and the `pole would` be }waeaa:hed..;acnntdiz;u.\,to...3.Iz:...S nencer, ;-in about thirty-ve hours, The actor` '. nauts. would then descend to the earth ice nd abandon their b?7.11-,3, the sledgcs taker`r;`,w"i~t_h them. loon, the"`return journey on j-j ``:lx: v:`i g. ., ~':: 39:. H{I}HAT `.qv_g)s_:3\ Rosy qg-gelsgc ; 1 [I ;.4\,uu. .A.\(|gv\zAJtJ\a\J\4L u -4 uuu-V-, `poun- recently, leaving a fortune "Jr" oye; tional one. - 1 An old lady who died some -time _ ago had been for many years ho}Is_e- S keeper to a. nobleman whose .riccs- - , zztral` `residence v ~was.-.-rie_h~~_~ in ,. historical A`-{='W'f;9'3`i"".f1`tS"iTIe:3L1is an exqcp-. ~ assoeia,tio'ns.v.As itwas her privilege; E` -to pocket the fees. baid by Americans 1;-` -I ----at-1d~-~o t-h_en_s-tong:gviewing;...hg:,:.._mansio n, she speedily amassed a fortune of re`- spectable `proportions. .Wh'en_-"`s.l_1e -died_ ._ {and her will. was pubiislmed; ',_it. was` found that `she had` left behind her a.- - `1a.rger As.L`1m '_than `her mas`te1_', whose estate` was heavily entailed. , ` , c.......-.:.1-nn......1. ...1.--. ..a:...a .x.:.. .....,.I'... but ll Blllxlul Ilulu. buuuuxuau tuuuug , Gentle . thoughts . and` calm desires, Hearts` i with equai lov `bombaiied, Klxfdlej never-dying reszw I ,.,VVhere._.;these ,a.;re. got I despise,- L<'>_\"e1y `checks, or lips, or "eyes. ` HA . ._ ` ` A____.__,, Rut 'u` `smooth ."uid: sfeadfast"in.1nd. F1.-4-In 61~...unIhI>u and` an-Inn r1ndlIIn_ " IU IH; VULB INA UQELUUIV. 1-; I j rIx<' .., ` . x '~` C-+-Bbn ,1:-gu.i. V A9han: ',n_x.y i'io_v} 111_-i_,'uto' ` a J ". I .-I 31310; Ant|1_:o l Exhilgjlo; ` _ a The pxfin`li)taj"`.:oi:1\I. 'V i:'o8_$ , Dumont, * in En .}x1;d,is`.';hIr., _;{_e'ai\'al Spencer, who 15 ongs:1`5lo' {'1 famxly oi7`L professional aerogaxqs, ,5; }:1'7}VI!,,i_IIg;.- , U10 principal balloo` fa(;to;-uy'in fEng- I 1and- . `. _ 5:`! :- - '9 u u an , .1, ~n,, ._21:,_. 1...; 1 loon Iour tlzpgs. 1 ' "A 2 , * _r. V. |_ V Undantegl `by the"mela,t_1ch`|oly `ram; . of Andre, Spencer seiousl} coil`-3. 3 sidens.;..t.hemD0$ibilit)(..\of; ...1`ac.hi11&. tine `North Pole by balloon. His idea. the whole journey .should be mtg.` `tempted by` balloon, but that , tl_`oT'.' ` latter" should be `attached-to an 03-.` pedition which vould*push`on' as fast 1 toward t.he pole as possiolc, estab- .1ish headquarters `zit the most north-_ em point for the winter anduthen s.t.- {off with: the. first" wind` b1owing`.`fro;'m_ `the south-in tho following` spring` `sum`mc-r. ` `~ ~ '-" E 1 -11 _ _,_ _-,, -mr_. c4.____..-..5- Pl lllkalx-l_I4l UGIAUUAL lIni\`IIu\Il*y an: _' -'---R :1`; - r TMonths.,befoI_'e the Brazilian.ha_d succceaezi win: yiiig - 'ays` E u`on~sia+ ab% -cg s ,.s1.isL.a,zzc.e.....9L . .!,1..t1<.!....s-#.->.c..*.:.`.IJ;3J.?.... .f!`.I.B.,, t 0 ,.p,`tc,r1t 311,-wlpvclg which attended his`:_. `eiiehtsiz-:`flm-}-2 S`pcncer navigated his airship successfully rights acroslt -`L9_i3don.- \ ~ - - v" I. ru__';. .1 _.; `.3- I_9_. l'.`....A. :I_-!I-..:.. '.scent_,'with `this fa.t-horKinU1872; wl1d:11`~V' LJULIUU v .uu.I.u1-nu; J.-uusun u-Io --Iv-"0'--"a""'* It'll". - -' . _*'**.'_ `Mr-1.fSp e.ncex` made his x-st 'balloqn,'._ 111 `R5? hav`vVas only eight fydns old. Sillt. 1 ; In the hall of- .Ba.r.on.esS Ekhard . thenhhe` has _i1`a[Vig'atcd `the uppcr- fstgin.'_s .bea.utifulA mansion in Grosvo- l in a.ll"paLrts got the world, and has] mop, square there tozbe seen an crossed, the English 'Cha;m1el_i`n a ba_:1- even larger bear; onoof thewlargcst. loon `four ti;n's. "f ` ` 3 :1-l ,3 in fact, that hascver been shot, that .l Undannten `1sy-theme1a,nchp1.v _Illls the-uso'fu.l= o'1cc`- of: light-h01d{`- Ar`1dre,`Mr. s`er'ionsl5'/ coil`-s; ;In' its left paw -is clasped,.a.n electric.` ..sidans.;,1.11e,..p0$Si.bi1ity..lo5.,1'e0.Qili11&-"5 '- `torch, wvhichcan be switched on from His `behind, when it oods..the hall with _;'_.IxL 1__ ..-I__1- _--.-....-_- ..1......1'A I... -1-__ .___-.1 u..1.4. fI1l.... av-urnnivv-u\i\ mau- judgment, should be of sulnclent. S130, 3_:?,ca:g; rxyeight, of 9. C0lnp1'p". eaging exf)6&_1'tion of two men, wi h the ncessary 's1(*dg`e$,' `a.mmunitio !_1,. food and v ictuals."` " ;` _L| `Ir-11,` 41-.-.4. .1_-.I-1.1.- u;_'n..-.. -'_..1`.'I buuu` u.u.p1' auxvngu. nu , ' ` - ' ` - - v .. . ,,a ;;u1_e_,__ft;1.1(g,e.y_`_saV'e the 'C0mmlSSl0nS ; _ ' _e_'bf:If?J:~I`iiV4l:.1`11'('it3:f'S*}'"'IVi`('~3'I"1` affd j 'the-1g'tiba:,1;: menu;:`riaic151aig;e3;spq3;a 3 Inrihrrc +hnrn_...o Innnrl aarvnnf. in nna ` lllllllllil 0 .' k.0;P:1uSucha,~ II`inw:InMr;$IS;pmerf?s` judgment, should be of sufclent si;!Q,. `II-A nn1I.'n1r' fvldn `tnirrkf nf in r-nnnnirdzn. S, I Takgil I r , ; 3 " "" ' . t-)rce'-.u Laine- ' Lu. , z . _ M . A Cou'(`j1m;I. . t1'e i;`*'-whb died . A`._..;.._, _u.... .e5L.u.Lc_ wa ncuvuy u.uLu.1u:u. Sqmul 'Waugh, `who `died .six weeks "ago; at the-ageof 91, `-after having" `been butler in` thdservice of `the'C1iy fa,mily_`.for 65 y_eax's,L left 2,128; '1u',...a. .a-..;..a..;:-- ...I.....-`..1:...'.:~ :...~ .....'..., ........._,_ ,.,,- \I\l _,_...--, ,-..._ ...-_,-_.-..v _ ., Most domestics who`-tlJc_di' 1n.`, [com- fortablejlpircumstanccs, however, make, 'thcir"moneyfafter leaving service. As'; ' . _ ....I.. JLL;-. .....`._ J.L- . 7 1I;\-sauna-(V1-lurk-In!` . 9 I n"u't.ucc:ne`on1u`s. . { Oxi` day 9; bull-:y,`~"ta.l-1,1`pale-faced , gentI_e'1_nanV 'wit:h~bush_v, -restless - ey - brows`, ienterfed a `London taV.ern..-'1`l1e'er `did not ask. him ,tor his. or: 11.8.1`. but im1nedi8.t>1)mb1?9.`:`9l?`,t Wm 5 a~pIa.te of bread. .aM,=1)8e$%.%nd a;z.1a,s= of ale. _,$o,yipg g:onapme,`cl his. lunch. this _. ggest gaft; _1_1prij:ht_"1u<"l1j hait -- tolyo. AwhiAig', jlqining hi s`hands oh` 3 hiw "V1kih' 963 `nd :9W'inz.':ly` at the` '<`:_pposite-=w'al1%,' an inn`- "a-`argam. `Ot~ a.-"stidden ho. ga.vo:i:a' 1 " `start-. ?I-I`o5-`aeiied: thyempty; glass --fund duhed:91it.:tq.. the, oor :with.,,-. `all ` his `might... .it to ,a._tp:;1_s. ,;He 1 ,thon;:r` 1tee.ct.`d_ 101' ;g, -;nogn.e1_1,t',,-,: L'i, `, g " _.ecoin 9n,.t11e%;`&9h1,e. _.,go13 (up, and.:,__ett % .t.11e_ , inn, gv_,i3 ,1_1dut,., a . _;w,o'1d `to `any one`. After. _ `big _;depa1 -turo` ;anoth`e`r- _ gzujcst 1hq;iha `;cur'1oity`_to` ask the = ww-.9: ` `whthdf ' F `who I had .;just -55 `."g'on_` dttFwaa="~xwrong* in` his; -bond", .."1r:*`*.v .3 9 ' _ _ 3 `3j.- 8-L uni! -E ' -1115]." Vnln I-`Iua'n& n nun` ~14 v I . sag :-q_.,,-, 1,: `Q--a.._ sf Vpc?\r?-\J`vnnf;~-gnryufnfb I rings them--a head servan iii 'oe ` west end Ae$tab`,de 700` in "tips. last ye'ar-and_Vthen_ fake an hotel or a. boarding house. - I'I \I.-._.. -_ . _ .....v\nIn.-us A8 T3...-I :-.-.-..L ll. -I-`\I DUI. `IL III _|l\J(4|:l LESLIE &l\I\4h3\0 There; is a.-_member ._o.f .Pa4'lip._n}e11t , who-wa,s vonc_e. a- butler,` `Having _sav- 3 ed ~some__.m',oney, he borrowed more, `and ' tboli , an _` hotel gt. ,3, renfa1'_of 531.200 :1 yar. `In I5`_yh,rs,' having ! made a. large prothc `sold `the cs- 4 .t.g.blishme_n.t;: a;1_ d4i'reti1j3d -; _I,.9n clon 2 WV 34931.-,:'. , . ;ua.l- with.:'im.[.:Si1`;- '1`-'8 broke .ma+,b9., ;;g;gtaf;VLa;;,tuinkih'.,- ancmeema to -tie: I;f" I.61jd1[gp.ulay.%"'a1r. %*. .3 ?i ~:' It UIJU Wwnvvoo .- wuut 7- '4' -_ 3. = on. no.jsir. th&.t.78.x nothink um;-i-*1 I ;. u;1dre__1.. 1218:8898 . ainca 'e s} b'9'exi fa.-~`-. j .min. t9..t,hi= "om.-L. E` don't ` sem= _;to know - 1_t when `a doesfit`. `E just. ' `at ' aomothink '~ ~`9e"aA thinkin ..` n . ". -$ 2." : A" mo,g`nmwnt* v . A` -Fog V-*Ix_\:_Ieo_to,w. ip1u.nt8.;' Vmpgiloq. 7 To` TH'(E POLE `IN ;A'BAtJ1.ooN; I. . mBE3A!E jHjY ON TIPS. .9 "N - 5 4:.-. I _ >' _ , ` . "-: ' t, ,-.'z`..1I~v u " ""*'-`** -'-`**-"l`l*3;`l'"*'1{ii1~`IIi!`n*2i*`: ~~b~~'-~--wan--.~-. -. . ...~. -4 ` "~ $4 - Aaaoa. :_ J \I`I8l`I- DI! `the. I When the .1{i_1pe)'t'3, (0 .1.Q_t.hi..`7* '9. > V . " tn uric aqid,e sytv.-t_n. the 1-eaultxs Eegghgzry gay th,:__K1dxeys' sum: $h13e'W,9f~;i8I 9; 0 . I 1.`,-% _ go cur_1_s pot. le.. J `. '*."`\` : ~ ~``` A , - N 5 _:! D g; " _- V v- -:h`;:u'mh.tism quick? are the most perfe`c"K`_i` (nu ` quv.-s..-..._.V., - -- THE @993. 9853: A ,5 `."' '-"T""'~.."""' i . ieumhtlsm quick! and forum "tinie u` : perfgcg "K_i` gy`cp_rrgctive gbegrgr ddlsc ` 5:; . From iii Druggists, octs._per_ 6 boxes for $2.50` 011 dgrqct fray}: Hr ,._"_~ _ V rounoney back gr Gin J

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