% Ir! ler! It 80; for Sin!!! IP`W0O`o_T&oII `_OII load: In town Jo: 03.25.. ` A very sh`~e|.1'g`east wind px-evailedy during the)"-latter part of last week `and the wa.\_res`re.n so high as to `pre- jvetnt the Islaiy taking her tripto 0ril- lia. A --..- - - 1, N, ,--4 g. 24.. |.-_._ _..._.I `Ian o '!I!eklo. hymen! Q So": lnvo good summer Wood. split. at 02.25 per log: = m, Western Roads -Asso. meets in the Board -Roomon the Ex- hibition Grounds. Toronto. on the 8th _ and 9th of September at 10 a.m. each `iday. A numberot addresee will be _be given by men 0! experience. - ,3 ; _ x _____ ".1__.__..`-.. ...... .`kn_ _DlII IVVID II` Q-av:-_ w- v-r-__-__-_- One of the itownfdraymen washe- tore'the Magistrate the other day. charged with `driving on the cement walk. He was let cttwith a warning but the next ottender may expect tr0ubl9b ` v '_ ` - t e' -Mr. Reizner is now'r.rea.dy to re-1 ceive` pupils in French` and Germany} IIIL- .|-1-.._z.-_ L- LL- ....-.;..L (WI...-in-` VIII 7 Y` wvllli OCH Q C The delegates to` the recent Churn ' .bers of Commerce onvention in Mon- treal. `passed through Barrie on their way to Muskoka at 5a.m.. Thursday Imerning and again went through on Sunday on. their way to the West. in... nu--- cn..-_... .......I.u.l~n nfi DIILIVAG-J Ul.l'I-Alina. Wu; lull Iouv v- V..- -Mia Clara Strong. graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of -Music will resume her work second week in 8ent"ember. V `- ' ` ` ` The proprietor otlthe American House has been fined $40 and costs (second offence) for selling liquor during prohibited hours and the pros prietor of the Barrie House. on a eim-_ ilar charge wee mulcted to the tune of $20. T ' unn___... I i|I........ II : Dinning II! QDQ `I. V .-...`.._ v,__..-,. New snail} foi tall soviln -'l"ImoIlu . ,0lovon. orahnrcl RI-mun, wn Mix- tlltc-I_..oIq, ,;l!.0fl`llWl~I.l.98- -_ h = we `A;ttbfhey}-Gen ar: n';js:;`6;r%;ere `I anginvestigaigg into}; hef de`ath`- o": 311:; ;.. " or apzu. . A - Plume! Flannel! Plume!!! are or gel: but and ehoapon now at no !!!- at us. " ` Jno. Budge Qsghefore Police Mag`-. . istrate Ross Monday` charged with J the theft otliguor from the premises % of _P._ `.1. Moore. He` eolgmitted ; for trial; A. _ . ` mr- n1.....I:.. 'I'\nnI:n and `Mr, `nnll-nn tor trnan. Mr. Charlie Devlin and Mr. Qalton Murohi'son_ have entered into partner- shipland will oonduot 9. dry goods business in the two stores formerly an2lIIVBElIlI\Ll0ll ll-||q.I;'}.I.Iu. uvutu vs gnu late` ~Ma;`tin` rV1v Barrio. ___w_ho was oopfn1ittod f`to the Iou`ae"vot-_-Re- `uIe.':.a`t `inbtami in-d 3w'e,ndered' away dying ; atterwarda. asthe result, tit,-the _. exposure and hardships which he_ one e For s`alfeon `very easy te`rihs`.` 6. tam` ` .` I. {of one hundited acres. well tended, >p1enty_ot `good water. one lat-ge`barn`. oow and horsedstables. and p1enty_ot` other out-buildings`: '9. good Asi.x_-_room Ihouse nice. young orohand. Thie Vtarm is in a good state of _oultiva- gtipn `end I 'wouldVta1;e a sn1;}1l..house in town; he _"'p art paymentai-1orf,the salme. F-or urfther_ particulars. ad`- t grog JOHR THOMPSON. craighurst` O] CO Old Boys" in Co1.lin`g`w9od-. (1l'B$ IIUQLV LL.l-Vdihnhluvadnp vow--a.--_-.- The Oollingwood Old Boys residing in Winnipeg held a. reunion of their ,own.!1a.st week. Ameligat these _who; batt_en ded the ebanqiiet res iMr. L. E. Wright. `who at one time residediwith his parents in Barrie. The, Winni- peg Telegram says they had ayery jolly time mid sent greetings to the I,AA A,4- !__|_ Msi:e no mistake I YARD, FOOT OF 'l`0RON'1'0 STREET. 0ice--91 nunlon Street, Bani: V The Str. Ente`rpris_e left_ for Jack- son's Point on Monday under her own, team. This is probably the last that Barrie will see of the old boat. as -the machinery is to be removed. The Huntsville and Lake of Bays Naviga- tion Oo. have -already prepared the plane for a new :boat for these we.- u.'-..1`.. LIAIUIIOTII soedg; [:0]; -'l;llnoIlI.`o I m..u-p.- Ii:-nlnnrll nu-nun. wn The death occurred on August 25. in 1`or`onto; of Arthur D. 8tro_n_g._ formerly of Bertie. at the age or 24 years. Mr. Strong JIM! been employ- 99-noeehier in the ~ottiee~'ot . the N-ojtlheimer Pinup Company. end` was `b`fk"_en"ill w_ith toys; mt, qpr1`ng._';At- tuftne tever lei; mm $19 '9: mgggngs ljeajne dlteoti did etubereulajegias te cause-Id! -deb.`txh=.~ For? years "'~lIr., tmpng was 9, member of sherbourne `tweet 011p :-o_l:,el$oir,`;._;'.._'l{`3je tuuea-a_l: plane on Seturdeym . y ~- _ :".Iben s -q5it.z' high; win at V t1i_e_*`-'Gra:m __d ppera. House` on hjiday. the ?4'thj-`iuet..* haarm tiratA'Ii|el`:iean production at - Carnegie 'Half,{ `.--1,N.ew . the "price of gudmiuion -ing ' nu 1ar.,_ett er vqgiqlilit iyasone - at. t . `Thf$'9i`eB3tlia at A tpp ollifs Street zrn'om- e..Boson; a 1" ~ ., . V -u'`~\- 4. -~u.-..- nu.--L_- -11....-1 `fin-Ir Dlvltulo LIJVCBIV. aavuvvaop -` t-he Jglgnhattane Theatre. New York and at Mrs`. Osb6rn`s Play House`. `al- ee in.New,.__York. '1`hui.it w_i1l'be seen that -it iuggn attraction` `of unusual- high` order. 1174;. is ahtory which has probably neyeifbeen` equalled in. m od-`- ern d_`rama and eanonly be interpre- ted by the mnstftalented players. -- `-- tr ur:'n`:... I... nnhvl h`u~hn 1-d- `I200. Dy ulu llbvbulvubvu 3..., ....... ~ Mr. J. H.` Wiuis has sold h_is'hard- ware "business to" Messrs. Wilson &` Jennett. ` both; of :whom_ are well , 4__~.: 1.--- ...-.....'o Cu`-hand: in `Whig Jenna`-K; UULH VI. Wllvln. u.-- .. ..-_ known and have many friends in `this iliahriot . Mr... Wi1,.891I was 9101' some years: _ith JR. Hjnblywd Mr; Jen-._ A Anouungamue. The Toivn Council met in special session on Monday evening for the transaction. of general business. and the consideration of several by-laws. chief among which was that author- izing the Council to extend certain conceions toithe Barrie Carriage Co. The Mayor was in the chair and the members were .all present with the exception of Aid. Stephens and Bar- wick. - A I I,,- ._.:| 11. `nl ..l'9.._ WANTED-A maid kw Qnnf Vlteu LU uzpuzau uu._u 7 Mr. Quinlan referred idifti-_ pulty of collecting gate money at the` fall fair when free access `to the grounds could be obtained through the ravine on Bradford St. A fence running from the Bradfordst. `gate to thepoultry house would meet the requirements of the Agricultural So- ciety and he thought. that as the town ha-dreceived some $70 from the Society in dividends. lately. a portion of `this amount might be expended -rL'-,4 -2 ......L n Fnnnn Q-Q immune: nmw A PUBLIC ummxg-:1--v771LL as CALLED V warm ram AGREEMENT - ` wn.L Bx mscussmn. ` tithe: Matters De:l;;-'V;1th ha? The Town Council on Monday Eve!_nnc,- Fire Ban Improvemeixts Recommended. W [U53 - Mr. Dan. Quinlan and Dr. Mccar-I thy. `who were present as a delega-` tion to interview the Council relative to the erection of additional fencing at `the `Agricultural Park were in-- vited to expres their `views. --' -~--I-n '_-L-__-.l 4... #5:) diff}. OI. I.u13.a.|.uuuu-. nub..- ..- -.__, on the erection of such aefence. as was needed. The Society. he stated. was maki_ng~-`great efforts thisuyear to make the Barrie Fair the best in Northern Ontario and great -assis-9 tence wouldbe given if the fence was put up. ` 'n_ mr-n....Ll... gnnlpn nlnncr fhn game I. up. _ Dr. M-ocarthy spoke along the same lines. stating that the members of the Stock Company` `would be put to ben.si=derable expense inthe near fu- ture F.in repairing -the building and did, not feel that they should be ask- ed to put up this fence. ' "3 n` - - - - ---3 13--an :i|lIII:I`OA 00. up pul. up Luna Lvuvvo Ald. '.l`yrer and Ram inquired into the teesibility of clearing the under- brtush out of the ravine instead of erecting the fence. 4~--- _---..L..|..l- .4-A I-kn 1-Innn- ruuuug Luv Luuvvn This was acceptable "to the depu- tation. although it was pointed out `that this method of frustrating the attempts of men and `boys to get in tree. might _be more expensive than simply putting up a fence. Inn- .....u..... u-ran Inn nvnr fnrfur- Sllnply puuaug uy a. Lvuvvo 7 The matter was left: over .or`f_ur- that .-discussion. - - _-7 ---_ - _.'--:-AA G.-am "l\lV.ll1a1J-A goou UUUIS uuu 6- maid by Se t. 1st. A ply to J. R. com R. Owen t. _ - `Vdjprepcir of ame. Iuuxj ,-utauuanuu. _ ._ - -A communication was, received from -'Hewso_n & Creswicke. stating that their~`c1ient. John McDonough. would claim damages for injuries caused by affall on Ross street through elleged The communication waisreferrfedeto Cihe Committee. v,._ __.~. Mayor Boys asked if the represen- tatives at Ward: 5 and 6 had any qomplaintk te make fegar-ding the quality of a certain brand of cement which had been used in Allandale. . ___.: `I|t-I' ....n `r`\l'\I`II'P`I*' wnwn nuu uuuu uauu 111 n.............. Ald. P cher and McLean thought the oem % t which had been'cQmplain- ed ofhad now set in a satisfactory manner. V " ~~-~~-- ---`I`l3.u.-nI'I nviun Ald. Brennan andjPowell advised that more -time be taken before an `opinion on" this cement be given. ; ` It seems that payment for this ce- ment has been refused for the pres- ent and judgment is to be susended for atime. ` ` ` ' ' r--'---3 L---- 2;. ....... 51...!- 101' la. Luna. Ald. Lowe inquired how_ it was that only a~ portion of the iron. railing on Elizabeth -street between Mary and Toronto. streets had been painted. `- .--- .. _. 1-1 .n_1_-L -...I..a... haul .I.0l.`Uu|.U Bbxcuuu uu-u uvu... Al-d. Powell stated that ;&-$}whaa been issued to paint the entire railing. - -- --`_- .I 2` :5 {nuns u\I\a\_ UVEII 1$uvu vv rlqlnav u...` -..--_ _ V . Ald. Strange asked if it was pro- posed ta do any repairing to the Mul- oaster street wharf. stating that it was in a very dangerous condition. Ana 'r\-..___II _-._I:-.I I-A I-`\A gQ.n`- WIS In G VOL `\|G-llavsvun awn`.-- _. All-d. Powell replied to theefteot -thatas the boats had now stopped running it was hardly probable that anything would be done- this fall. When the Government constructed the new wharf at Baytieldptreet the old top timbers would be secured from there forjrepairing the other ,wharves. ` - -~V- '33----I-' (`A-n...-CLLA \IDl|IIfD`I: :+ I .Tl;ew1;inanoe Committe, through its Chairman. Ald. Ross. recommended the payment of a number or! accounts. a The report was adopted. A The report of the Board or Works. as submitted by Chairman Powell. was taken up in Committee of the Whale and diecussed'at' length-. It dealt with cement walks and finally paeeeid. as, amended.` recommending the construction of,-.wallms, as follows: A `D__I___L-_ L .'uAuU| .l.l.IB Ilinlalou uvulvu v:.; vv u u -..--- On East side of Muleaster St.. from the Market Square to North side "of Worsley street and hfom McDonald] St`.. to James St.. 5 ft.` wide: from James St. to Penetang 8t.. with cros- `einga; the former piece to be built: only, it the county ponstruots a oe- me_nt"walk on Wursley St. from Mu};-' outer St~...bo the Registry`-Office. 4 ft.-wide. at an estimated out of $240. - --- AI------ -nAa\Imvl|i|_ WANTED-By the 1st ot spp_t- 6!- perienced coat. waist and sklrt mak- ` ers. [George Vickers. I - -1". , ..._- I`. - . i. Oohti nu on V-baz, Ativg. Ito;~W|uB, in. nu uuuxmuuuu aw..- -_ Y.._-, Various other olauses.~ recommend- ing the construction of certain walks were held in ahoyanoe until at full re-_ port oanfbo 'submitt'e'd`.`as to the fi- Inanogs on hand; o ~ .1 u 1` 1-u_----11 2..L..-.`l..iuuI `hi : I\\r'_'Igu1 AND in nonmnou or cauanal OUR c|u'rniuox._ ? 1131100; 1111 nuuu. . ' _' A151. Powell introduced his by-la ?to,;.prevent tpersom, spitting on I T0 3% mm l|PON.| "-law 1 the 3 Miss Powell `and Miss Kathle`n Powell are visitingr. in Toronto, 11's.. 1...`. -nr..._..\_..n -5 D...._:.. .......\ II`le_IlGS_ In buulngwuuu. / Miss Orr. of Collingwood. `who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Phillip, Victoria street. has returned home. Mr. Parker Willmot. of Mt. Clem- ens. `is visitingihis sister Mrs. Brown- lee and other friends in town. Mrs. Amelia Creevy; of New Or- leans. is` spending the remainder of the summer in Barrie. Mr. B. Devlin. Miss McCormick and Mr. Charlie Devlin have returned from Atlantic City. . - The wedding takes place in Trinity Church.'this afternoon. of Miss Alice 0. Foster and Mr. B. Holford Ardagh. - Miss Allie Sherin has returned to town after spending the summer va- cation with her-parents at Lakefield. 1 `r,._ 1- n ~nr-._........ ....A Rn, WHAT B_ARRIE-PEOPI..E HAVE BEEN ` nomu Duamu THE PAST WEEK- VISITORS TO THE TOWN. so y-nu in-lawn.-. --- _v. v__.. i ,. .. _ _ \ Miss Jean Marshall. of Barrie. was iin town on Monday.-Orfillia Times. [ Miss Lennox. of Ivy. is visiting with [t1fie_nds _in town. ' ~ ` vs A0 `I - A`o_.L-____ any _V AN'I:ED--A bo to atitend to now. etc mowing an evening- APP1Y Ad W06 0;qc_t3._______________,___ LA lvuua nu , vvvv us . ; -`Miss Gertrude Horseld is visiting ifriends in Collingwood. ' / -3. "A A A In-_, _____AAj ___`__ |______ Uuuuu wu.u uuz. llclbvnuuu nu. - ........ _- Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Morgan and fa- mily have returned from their sum- mer home at-Sandy Cove. -.. .1 I BL ,___ V.--_.1I..Q. LA (:54 `I116! uuuu: 0l.l."L`JlIIJ\lJ \J\:vv 3 Phil, Jory left on Tuesday `to at- tend the Ontario College of Pharma- cy. at .'l`oronto.. Mrs. Holmes and hliss Bertha Holmes have returned from apleas- unt visit in _Port Carling and Sudbury Mrs. Willie Ross. who has been vis- iting in town has returned to Toron- to. accompanied `by Miss Lena Ross. Miss Isa. Scott returned on Monday from Alliston. where she has .been visiting friends. `Miss Carrie Scott, who" has been -spending the summer with relatives in Galt. arrived home on "Wednesday. ` Mr. Vin Meeking is back in town after having spent the summer with Mr. Samuel Lount at Bear Point. The Mises Fraser, who have been summering intown. returned to their respective homes on Saturday. up ur 1 tI ..`II..6-I nu-Ir` fa.-niliy are .l.`.U3pcUv.|vu uvuava vu ~....... _.. Mr. W. J. Hallett and family are home from a pleasant summer spent in Muskoka-.` . Dr. Oliver haselosed his summer cottage at Big Bay Point and return ed to town with his family. V _ 4 ---... c....... 6 Lu Luwu 1vu.u uh) nu-u...._,. Mr. Albert Dyment was down from Thessalon to spend Sunday at "Row_- anhurs ." - A 7 -2 n!-_-..L.. :3 ` UulIl.I\l.l'8|.o . i Roy Graver. of Toronto. is visiting with his grand-`parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Graver. ` 'I--- '__..-- L5. VI`- uuu $11.15. no \J1(lVvLc `Miss Grace Otton has `gone to To- ronto. to stay" for a fw_ weeks the guest of Mrs. Frank Bemrose I The Sault Star predicts that A. Mis- campbell will be the next Commis- sionerof Crown Lands. ran,-A_I,-._ ._ L......... f..,...,, an-uucr un. uunyu ..u,....... . Miss Lizzie Fletcher is home from New York visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fletcher. Bradford St. `Mrs. Wm. Hun_ter._' Mulcaster St.. has returned from a two months vis- it with her sister in Rat Portage. Mr. Milt-on Gray has returned from Watertown. N. Y.. and has resumed his studies at the Collegiate -Institute. Miss Lulu Mitchell. of LosLAngeles. 0211.. is -spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Marr. 1171, --1. _ it-`rl\l\l-I Wlllll Ulf. uuu .\.v.I.l.a. J.'1U\.|o .-.......,. Miss Cristobal` Whish. of -`""Woo(-1 Cote." is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Ar- tirus. in Port Hope. 4 ' Mr. W. Piggot and wire. or Bar- rie. spent the past week hblidaying on-the lower 1akes.-Lind.say Warder. - cu..- - 71-43. 1.... -A#uuu\v\r` En` Ufllll. uuu uluanvnu uunuu. _Mr. F. W. Williamson. who .has spent some time in Pittsburg. Pa.. has returned to town. - `Miss Edna. Anderton returned ond Tuesday from an. extended visit in Owen Sound. 1,, 11..-... _-L.-........I an Ta`:-Igu on `LL10 IUW OI la|Lva.--aa;uu..n._, .. .._ _.- Mia Ethel Hinds has returned t-o her home after a. two weeks` trip to Orillia -and Muskoka Lakes. cur IIY!II!-__A.._; .u`l.n Egg UWBII Douuu. Mr. Frank Gray returned on Friday to Rome after several weeks holi-' days spent in town with his parents. 1' Y -t1-:`..'l.I kn: u-of-nu-not` fn. Upulll. III DUVVII Vvlbu Lulu rust- V..- J. L. 'Cofi'eld has returned to" his home in `Buffalo after spending the summer with his `grandfather. Mr. D. Lewis. " ' `------ ----A III-L `FIIIYI U. uuwxa. V Mr. Bob Henderson came up from Peterboro on Saturday to spend a few holidays. Bob is one of the "Old- Boys" whom"everyone is pleased -to` see back in Barrie. `A _ " _ Mr. J. `J. Brown. of the Brown Co.. seed merchants. _Barrie. was a caller at this office on Friday last.-Orilliat Tunes. A T - ' v rl-4-..; _..-.1 L1... .'M':.an- V"nuna_: zumes. , . I Mrs... Hunt and the Misses Young.` of Washington. D. 0.. who have been spending the last week in Muskoka. have returned to Gray Gables. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titfin have re- turned trom their honeymoon and are ` spending a week or so in town. prior to-leaving for the Coast. - Mr". and Mrs. Simon Dyment. Miss Irene Dyment and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett have returned from} a. trip to Atlantic Git; and New York. ,Mr. A : W. ilkinson and Mr. S. Caldwell `are home from New York. where they vufitnesed a couple of the yacht races for the America Cup. _, Mrs,` Herry `McKee. of Sturgeon j 'Eg11s,p passed through ' on: Wednesday g t_c'iT,6ro'nto.Vl)eing joined here by her h*i=i*F?`..lE?P21+. ~ ~ * -M M iie.*Bii=!i&r~$;9i : .1? ii-if Vii: snout All) Pmsunnt. itingher `parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Carley. Peel street. 'nr__ 1-__ I.'--_..._ -.._`| .._.:l-- 1)....) vloznvlg J.v\.I_a wynvvuu _ Mr. Jas. Kearns and family. Brad- ford street. have returned home from Cobourg. where they spent the last two. weeks. .09 `Cops. 0 I An ` `IF, I VVVII. I Mr. A. W. Wilkinson left `on Wede nesday to attend the annual meeting `of the Dominion Millers` Asso.. in To- fonto. A Mr. D. W. B. Spry i's chronicled as being amongst the recent callers at the Toronto Globe's office in London. England. IE9`... 1'.VLl_-I I\L&-__ 2... _._._..I2...._ - $109-L WANTED - For one"or two. . M115 $12 a month, nowashing or= ltoning. App1y 54 ary` street. Qaona -v-an-nu ` Miss Ethel Otton is spending a couple of weeks in Orillia the guest of the Misses Sanderson. Cedar Is- ylanil. .. . >- -.-. nus LIV VII uauux LIGJ ojllluvulv nauuvvo Mrs. Sparks" and children. of To- ronto. who have spent some weeks with friends here have returned home. , \ Miss Gertrude Paterson. of Barrie. ` is visiting with her cousin Miss Muriel Paterson...Miss Florence Webb ric on Saturday.-Elxnvale Lance. -nr,_ n___u,_. __._n _L:I.:_-_ _ III- navanavu _ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lount and ]family `have closed their cottage at `Bear Point for the season and re- Et.ur.ned'to town. - -_ . -. van. -w.---- _-J - Mrs. (Rev.) W. McConnell. of Craig- vale. was, _las_t week the guest of her sisters. Miss Porter and Mrs. Mc- Candless. at their old home. "Sunny -.side.."Barr\ie. ~ s_ ,1 11- -vs 1 1-: ,AA ,,L_ -_--..v- av vw Misses Pllvy-llis and -Bessie Car- michael have returned from Lan- sing. Mich. _Miss Bessie will remain at home and Miss Phyllis returns to" Lansing on Saturday. , 1*r\-__\ `IT Il'_l1__-._-lI _ lV_-_2... I\A\J'. J.rinn'O\nvu ` `Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty, whb ;are on their honeymoon; passed Mhrough town on Saturday on their way to Huntsville. where they will reside. 1u'.. 1:v-.....1- mr........ IS` r;......a `D-.n:Aa 1'53!-GU. Mr. Frank Macey, of Grand Rapids. `Mich.. son of Mr. Richard Maeey. a. formervresident of Barrie, has been `in town for a few days looking up old friends. ' V " Mrs. D. 0. Cameron, who is living at the Barrie Hotel. Ee11_ and broke her arm. while in her room on Sat- urday evening. `Her friends will be interested in earning that she is im- proving nicely. Rev. Mr. Redditt. of Barrie. de- livered` an excellent address to the men at the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Sunday last. on Thought. Speech and Aotion.-Midland Free Press. `II - ..-..I won C D Qnnffnn (If ".11- Aouon."-m1a1ana riree rresa. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Spotton. of To- ronto. were in town on Saturda on their- way home from _the Mus oka. Lakes (here they have been holiday- iniifor the last month. 1'. and Mrs. Wm. Gallie and Mr. Gordon Gallie. Mary street. have been in Oakville during the week attend- ing the ceremon incidental to _ the Q0. ebration of t e fiftieth anniver- sary of the wedding of Mr. Gallxefp parents. . _ _ Mr N-Anrtrn. Street. 01-i1l1a's well`- parents. Mr. George Street. 0ri1lia's known nurseryman. was in town on Saturday looking up old friends who are always glad to see him. Mr. Street has been on the Advance s subscrip- tion roll for some 30 ears. ~ T -` The Gobourg .Wor d says.--Mr. . J. A. McCarthy. of the firm o.McCar- thy, B0 3 &. Murchison. barristers. Barrie, as been visiting at Mr. McCarthy's. Wa1ton_street. during _t _'e past week on his return from Mon - treal and Quebec. - _ T\- nvut` vmra M91190 (if R2"3Qh- L:-; WANTED-T bl `d ' d`htel . A9111) at +he_aNIWm:&RllII1]1n?I6US.!E, Elnh n . - .- - ,--II2_.. An 1 tr_ea1 amu Quebec. - . Dr. and Mrs. Mallagh. of Ballagh- in-Furness. England. who have been visiting -the latter s b'r-other. Rey. ` Tl_1os.-McKee, left on Thursday to join one of Cook's parties. with which the have been touring Canada. Mrs, Ma lagh is the youngest sister of Mr. McKee and spent seven years- of her life teaching in the Methodist Col- lege in Belfast. Ireland and six years as a missionary of the Presbyterian church. Ireland. at Surat. India. where she taught a Normal school. opened and superintended eight other schools and also attended to zenana- --- -_1- ` $I).I.l'\JIJli ; w-ork. {non PER ANNUM. 11 ADVANEJE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CKNTB Au Allandale Fireman Arrested and Taken to Washington. D. C. L i L `_|. ` mnim_i_ was a stenograp 3 Washington. 3 had been secure . mediatel ; ital for V on -Tuesda . E. B. Steger. who came to Allan- dale. from Washington. some two weeks ago. with a young woman. who claimed to be his wife. was placed un- der arrest. on Sunday. by Chief King and Constable Sweeney. acting A under authority of several telegrams which described the man accurately and which stated that Steger~ was wanted in Washington for forgery, in issuing a cheque for $400. A letter was also receiyegl by the Chief from Roanoke. Virginia. containing information to the effect that Steger had. deserted his wife and child in that city and that his present com- The officials found Steger in bed at Ferguson's boarding house and brought him over to town. sending word to. Washin ton that the man An official im- _started from the U. 8. Cap arrie and he arrived in tow_n {leaving again with his South. during the _St,eger_retained Mr. A. E". H. Cresc- wicke to represent him and claimed that he was not the man who was wanted. The warrant called for the arrest of Jose h D. Steger and the Erisonerstat that his initials were . B. The girladmits that she was a ste rapher. in Washington. but claims t at she was legally married to the prisoner about five months ago and_says that their only reason for ooming ;N , was firing on the B; O. & wasthijown oiuIt.of* tmplpyment. She knows nothing of any wife in Roan- oke and Steger says there is no truth in` `the statement. He _went - ba_ck.to Washington without fighting `extra- _ditio`n-';.and the girl acoom anied...him.' ` 'A"-unnuu`:n-I- inni lift. in .8 prisoner. or the afternoon. her from orth was that Stegeri` wllio I . o op idition and me gin auuum aumu nun. I .A peculiar incident in t e affair 13 that the informant against Steger is the lawyer in whose'offioe the girl _was employed as astenographer _in I K to, Steger. . Washington before she was married? A snnsrwu. ARREST | Pl_Y ii` `Lll`._lVl!AVV lJ1.l.\l.\I.rJ I-5\""":_:'. FQR"`sA"`m:T Taw'_n-d--w,ell"ing. sol-d ""01! house. No. 39 Mary 812.. 3- H- FLEMING, Ban-ie. T 35 t1 oath .... .. 9323.25 . 61.50. n.... 8648.50 1 3o5.oo_ 0 tr 3 I '1' '2' - 32,500,000 vs mm - :2.auu.uon .03 SALE-15 `acre `farm tor~`sale. m *9 E8-St end 0! the saw ; all un- 0 It` ' = . '``t``n- good . new trame house, 1: wk barn 6tc.. good water. fruit trees soil cla ' y_ loam. excellent I 1-. market Fiardemng. Apply at The'A?i- ' "W39 Office. 35.37 `L . MUSE FOR -. s T 11 but h\l8e for rentR<]>g')onaldmsatreet.l B M01115 \ . 0-3 E8TEN:and stable. Apply `L S114 IMPROVED FARM FUR AIoIIn- snu ' 54 L0! 3. Con. q.. lnnisl. Fume house. but bmhlood orchu-d,two walls and 3, . " miles from Bartie ands} from"P.O. Mat a sacrifice. For price and particular! 3%`? .3 ` to ` P' "". .<' I`! . ' "$1 T0 L? fuudlt` . . Wu have :"13?K ``"nt of mxtnwy |4I.nd5Per c00~m. 5 ` . u ` ov . M cmzruv. 3 1so3F`rx op SUOO3 Bm All the best quality and gvuanntded. LL mpnovnn. max FOR SAl.`B-"-'1 5.... 3' L9` 3._C'.|- ":'.,` M" . J ---n.I`_'.3I4I3n Il"I`Il~- ' G . . % A uo.'::::.L:::.`.:*1`.*:: :.:......"::f.l'.`:.'1.::';.'.'%'`;'.. "`*-Moderate rental ' V ~ ill 0"? g? 1:1 1 1- W9` ,4: ._v AV````"` 1' , = t-. ' 99 d 0 tins n 1 itable 01` mac '9! . ifoom 6341118 located over the r M t uzto. . ta; mp?` `cf,- `[t "g : '1f61" , .1` 0 {`g3`}`I13RARIAN iTJheSariea!'!99~1 V F03 RENT-A` well urni sh edT radii; 'III:nLI _ A I `_ __. 7n"w l,mu,. .. And:-ow Than: null om lion. John lhunlo ;!1::,',','.,..,....- 1:. 1:. we :BA.RRIE_ . :a_RANcH' A general BaukingIBuuinho| Tcoa_du4otod.. Duh: issued on :31 mm`o!`:h'o wot-1d;Dc-' Wm received sud intorells alloyed It hlh-` mute. ______ __ ------I 'v- w--` _.._r~ 35: SALE on T0 n1i:N'r-io`o`4.`.`;aor98: `Ana A--g-I-I-:uuth' Q` It SALE 03 To T1ug;N1'.;...1uu Iurw 9 or less. consisting. ot.h0!;E3.5t 1 act 26. inthe second o'o'no5i9n the Bunnidale road. a1l_;in,.00di . IO. HnH mu- c. ........:- T..)u`T1` V "50 of isltivation- with~~gcit)!!:i?,'13\-W-`*":' 4 "ntwood. Apgng `a_1`k`.`2`i$%";`u5:337Ii othoe. railway _ ` 0rderYour Coalnw and Get summer? Prices IBJAERNKQLMEHI HALL PAVINGS How they "grow ; inthe: : :` : ; A, Succasson T0 Jomvsron & SAIv.JaAN1'.' g ._.%,.., _ mw ADVERTISEMENTS; mam Vroa sans. 3AN"}'(`:`T'T(3!';\ONTO` o In an - V31 MONEY 1'6 C'c_7A'I~L. A1_"O`RE.NT. yearn vvu 'I amount: amotuntl G in T&'7v"" $1.000. WHOLE No. 3588 Dwunrl ntnr . ~ 3 :0: I l.\II3v 1t. 1-I-El-I-l~~l-1-4-+'!~'l+-I"!-l'i-++1~&++*l-`F-_I'~_ E There s ariskuess T '2' ' _ -.-..--....m was Aui_-.=-.. -Fo-:--:--:--:-:~-:-:z--:--:--:-:-:-tiot-`-:-`-:- 2-2`--:-::-33' |`lE`E`E~ uvmgmsnu U! Uvn vu. .. 7 iomo` ' nun AND S01-"l`>WO0D -.. .-sun -rm R GRAND Aohenn HOUSE L 1r1unu.nrrmn 41:11 Associated with DON _ IOU` I II 331.: ---__ -_, Ronnnrson - and 3 Selected Com uy in HENRIK Insane 5rest.rhy . ej- __ n-~ T ` .....'..:_...a Wo"ncn'.hm'b I uni-tin c N I. t.`oK"a . 'o'u:dinuct:onI_ on-dalivorod out-ooau man 8 `and 9 of the` Ontario` Volorp loll! Act, I-ha main mauled by_ I_I_D0_!I__t_O_}10._I.o;`t`rnua|;. saulortors act of all persons s g_ the last rovuod `tied Assessment Roll of to vote in the said municipality at election forman- bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Munjcipal Elections and that said list was that posted 11.1 In my oloo at Allaodals, on the Ind ' day 0 umber. 1908. and rsxnaiss than for has Electors ancallslupostos and if any omissions or any-othororrors; tluotoil. to tako luunsdiato ploosodaags to have the corrected aoootdlag - UHIVII B. .I_-_ ` ` EST QapjtalABLEsH:3?$88es {- `mmn V V55oi|'i>"L. 1` ho. Auctioneer . ..::... at T5: Avmcn oux`"i's nmoltl can In i -...I `ohm: an-an i3":3n"aTe"ran ADV and cum} urn 6:}! it -to tlgcir hi A M CHVAHI-I35 Pnhuulvu. V 36-38 ` Ciukofllininl. Dated a thin all day Sopt_umbot.,x9o3. ; . . ` CORKS .'UN_|Ull'HI'l I nor un;..- , Township of lnmsl court v_9_I_'_usIMcoI.'g Pure bad (tab ground. PEPPER, GLOVES. CINNAMON, ALLSPIOE. NUTMEG. - - MACE, 'J:Uunn1c'.oA'n;.1c, V C-V -u--mu-` - ____~n _ Whole mlx;d `spice. Got ourpricoi snd_ ice our quality. Rberrson s Drug Stfore The Literary D nihatic Event . of the nnnnn " " = .These Evenings. IMMIINS X (50. thit malted the weafingvof` a. now. Fall Felt ,Hat 3 ml pleasure. nllll 'nn1 nugn anu- "west o materials and honest. workmanship are turn to miko a satisfactory _ nlr ' 6 VII ll|UIU|II'U * Our `new style: are guaranteed correct and the but! will wear until You to tired of tpe sight of 5m- V ovliosrrm roar o1rmcn:,h BARR1l3`.,pN',l,`. . ~ Sat nte. W- 0- Mon1~oN_ Mm: IMIU 1 hat. Vow M'UN |OIP::l'-.'I7V 6: 1'0-in n I ` . I . .4.-.._g v-..- m. . II - cAmsupa or Quart JARLRUBBERS 533!` "HAW" HA-r Plcku-3 . fqnm STOGK_8ALlS. ``~'<- 4` *--- -0-oh gm ova. `own MAxurAc':unn. `IA AH litu- Siicii IVAED` SHlNGLE$` . AS YOU WAN ! I1`. (`ran tuinansts. or BARIKB.` run coimrv or srucon 3005, MW, BARBIE, o0_IAJN'rYo1r SIMCOE, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903. [-1-own AND vxomrrr. .' .--Le`a`v e' your. :oal% orders with J. G. Scott. A . V Mr. Frank Jackson has -purchased } a very 'neo.t_ little 18 foot gasolixf 1 la..un'oh._ ' *_ aaprnunias or A .wnnx .m 1 :]m ANP_ saunas;