V `mic: at Artistic Poctraitg; %of_ou.r Coin Spot Cunai'Mu$lins, Fancy '($3nritain:Mnalins.jMadrus.Muslinsgswiss Net Muslins, at prices that have f eenfprt_ven:tt) -be theA lo_west in `the trade. T: 3% 5 MIT H s - .'.' ,\\.\\\\\\\\ -` - % 'ronE THA'l`-SETS; THE 1 we shoiv an extra value at $2.50, $3.00, $4.25 and $4.50. endeavor to. carry. at times a complete range of sizes in all J" ftheistaple shades. - `Last seasonfwemade a specialty of a Skirt at $5. This season we -fmo1`ef'tha.n ever make this the leading price by selling three `numbers at this price--all new and popular styles. DIRECT IMPORTERS. -ooooooooboooooobooooooooioo ouonuouuuuouuum : J;Macdonal no man played so active- A premier Province of Ontario, as Sir Oliver` Mowat. Moreover, the paths of the two men curiously intertwined -. at certain times during their long 7 son` and was privileged, as theifound- lerof federated Canada was not, to_ 'career was unique. As Premier of icy withinthe British Empire. u- v: v- .---o Luwifi .i'..I-1-e_ exception of. Si_r,John A. a part inithe history of `what was once Upper Canada, and is now the careers. and again were widely, di,-V vergent. Like the -great Macdonald he was politically ,Fortune`s favored- spend his latter days in peaceful en- joyment of one of thephig_hest honors "his sovereign could_ bestoxvghappily re- moved from the turmoil of party can- ict". V In one respect.` moreover. his the Province of 0ntario"he remained in'offic_e uninterruptedly for nearly a quarter of a century-a period of continuous office;" to quote'_ Morgan. which has never been -accorded to. any otherpublic man `by the people of any province. colony. or dependen-._ '32.. &..`I'l `l2..L- -4! L26-1.... 4..-.lu.una.nn J-`sauna V - V ` ` - 0 oooooooooooooooooooo ' % oom3 ` and {Shoes ` Bf in mint` Gina! `nu. :. L vaaiacll an); I L` UALV ' ADAFOR cL3 FEING Men : Furnishings V All the new thing showin in Fancy and White 8 ' , Co no Ties, Sox, Underclothing in every grade at 25 per cent otv!'1-e`galar cost. Bear in mind tl`1a.tw"tFl;i: via. the btggeet-Shoe Store in Barrie, and that we sell the coldbnted George ` A Slater : INVI,C'I`US'. Shoe for jllgn _:nd Women, ind the boat .0 .3` 1nd Amaticun makers %soos:-%-eeu=pie=, ls12::6o for $9.00. ~ . T - Short Grey. Ovoroqats, silk lined for young men, at $5 00, $7. 50 and $9.00. Raglali length, medium or short. Good Worsted and Cheviot `and .Whi Dark Gray Venetmn, Raglanette, style, shower" proof Spring Overcoat, worth _ , -P E Anntrnn-n , I\lI`I1'rn Venetian Overcoats for $5.00. gcord Overooats worth $10.00 for 87:50. ,You'rns*.~BoYs2 AND omn- . DREN 8-CLOTHING IN T. ` GREA1?.V.__ARIETY AT mom PRICES. s l ;'m?l11et:cAsn" man 18- THE V `CHEAPEST INCAN- ' ynvgvv JJGIA VI. IJIKIIE. LWCGI Dalia I01` DU, 11' h Grad F ` W rated - - - ,. regnm 15.00 :81 lfgca I 34:0 00 aSnl:llt;lii|.6.0.gl'Ot vanety of new colormgs and .tY1es, B13<`ks 0133'. Vienna and Venetian Worstzl Suits, $8.60 values for 00, 310.00 Suits fbr $7. $12 Suits for 39 Q0. 815.00 extra tmmln 9.1;:-.. 4-... an 1 M . _ ,_ .._---.. .. __.-..a v. n.\ll-IL wlovv bu VU.VV U11 WERCOAT or1'J.`ROUSE1;S. The regular $5.00 Suits we sell at $3 50. What is usually sold at $7.00 and $7.50 we sell at $5.00 and $5.50. $10.00 Dark or Light.Tweed Sujts for $7. . Gfd Fnndv wnlilfnt` .Qn:l>n in an nun--5 ----'-L- -4` -- 4-- Stylish Overcoats and Raincoats 5 `{PhV_OtO s%o. ;`ppIies auout FAIL 'rfo SEE_'1.`I-IE , ' ` TcE1'r.Ui?.Y AND POCKET toga. kl R%W I N IJHIDS nu` 1)]. VIZ BIIIIS I0!` Q3 Q0. 15.00 extra "made Suits for $11.00. "i. I ' 2 I n n u _ - oorrnaon-arty,` IN PEREECT-FITTING CLOTHING. v v V V V VVVVVV???TTVTV,`V {BIW IN. Separate Skirts like separate Walisteare -indispensible gar. ments. This store s reputa- ` tlon for excellence of garments sold and superior values given is well known. pring Clothmg Extraordinary vsmiinr o~1I.*1I9:s. - Demise frock me. on sunasy` ,B_hortly. after ten.O_'c1ock '-'1_'he_ . n-n.-1- u-.:-.. \n4....._..'na- U Shortly after 10` o'clock org ;Su`4n___1'ay ;-,1n__o_rning Sir Oliver Mowat passed away at Government House. Toronto. and a_few` minutes later the flags of ..the4oity,!1oated' at half mast,,npj- `prising the residents of `the -fact that another otthose grand old _fa-V jthers otaconfederation -had passed. ini- to the Great Beyond." Thetelegraph. wires ashed theesad news over Can?- ade during the day nndfitting refer-. ence to the Nation's" bereavement was ._ _mnd`e from many pulpits at the even:-' ing services. 'I'L ----.. -._ LL- Q-._J_._'..!_.'I.L .__-_.2 , Mr.,W. A. Evans; Principal of thgg. *.;!;o.ke`field Schools has ,-.beenf appoints-= faduto Que yacanby at" they--West`: Mllnrd . `ibol fotiused -by tl;ejrdVs'ig`na`ti6n :2 or T ' `;_fMi:;;?F6Ster7iifill*j:B6ii'ini1` ' MUN1cIi;XL- 1 3E"-17:_ITEc'1'1o1~.*s % I?! U0 wavy: Villa - II WOVV1 *v'Q< Whole. Nation Mdurnu `B13. on ALL V:-1'>m L_tgn. m.,~ snmn"olnMAiI. ypv , wuuv aua.pyx:u_. -_The manner in_ xvhich f_ie' r:.)1;1li Aed from tlie shock was a. _surpris'.t_o-j;11e. -physicians. taking into_ consideration the fact that Sir Oliver wa_.s -in his 83rd year. and they 5be`oaI_:ne_ quit_e [hopeful until the relapse p;'_eoedi_x1g ' He lapsed into 'h00liS:i- gousness Thursday. `taking nof1,1'rther _,nourishmez_it. With marvello1'1s-jfvi- tality. however. he lingeI"ed"ui1til . ~ Sunday xnorning. IITZLL LL- ..__-.._.J._.- -3 02.. 'l'-'l._. A . ...w{.-4.1u'-- vv..-.._-._--.__. The, Finance Committee, through its chairman. Ald. Ross. recommended the payment of `accounts aggregating $237.41; also_ that of S,`-J. Stephens be paid the sumof $35 for lot includ- ed in the Agricultural. Park: that a grant of $50 be made. to the Chil- dren s Aid Society and that tenders be asked for.the_ new issue oi-town debentures`. v . `The report was adopted. y_ In speaking to the report Ald.B.oss stated that the Children's Aid Soci- ety operated throughout the County.` 'and.in fact had, conly to-day, taken two children. in charge from Tiny 'l`ownsh' V. He urged. therefore. that the oute municipalities. as well as the tow - should contribute to the support of soworthy an institution. The officials of the Sgiety asked {no pay for their scryices. and were so greatly` interested inthe work` :0! child-`saving as to take. some of.-the children into their own homes until` suitable places could `be found to: themi. - ' ' 7 ~ -.` '- .. _~.-_'.`::` |_1 -.v The Mayor expressed his pleasure at the grant being made to the -So-' iciety by `the unaninmous vote of the Council.`_ Such `action was exactly in accord with his own feelings "on the subject. '. A . `T BOARD OF WORKS. The ~7Board"ot ,Wo1_'ks.= through - ehairman; Ald. Powell. recommended. '-`-Tha t'7't'_he` tender of Ben Parker itor watering streets in parts of {Wards '99;9eb?9d :;eh9ts t!i9;i;nl9hk ha `gluon Nos". 5 and 6.-tr-the? sum "or7's1oof be mguth "! ;iv".5%-E.l!...y`:"_3";.93` be 7 taken . up I tron;..I9h n.ftieet ,=t.. ~Brador.d .street.- ,-.,and .Vthn_I;4 the; terial-' that -~..-will who ~-_r.mqvod~, -,1,r9!p; _s,t'r ee't.s` suitahleL ` lacs: .toundp.'tion .`;tor_ .permannt4=Lijd9w1ks ha. ipkaoed. ' th_'o;;i*.e.:_ W From Flctcherfxregigning his - *posit.iom-asmtladerman-.;om.-:.auoonnt ..-oi ,illne`s. ge}=otj'.l`oront6"Tst1jeet- in {he rearqt their _`p1_'op`erty.' ' ' -:n_-,_, -1 'r1---4--- 1-r_-_~.n,_I " Frin 06.. `1*tli drain};-' vvnluaunvnn ' Inn-r< ovnocavg -4 u Ald. Otton instanod a case in -which the Gas Companyf_ .-had failed to properly replace the fillixrg in some BE their excavations. ; s ` Ah o-. ' us A :1 t\ , I ".{iT'iS5I1'E;lZ3 that `the Queen's Hotel sewer had been excavated un- der the s1_u'-veillance of Street Inspec- torHynes. The Gas;Company intend-. ed replacing the earth? properly.` 1:711! A `V1113 l\t\1l"ll"| IlI\'I' I.` A ~%PAvMm T0 BEGIN; Sewer. to? B.9TU.t'1`_.':15Ii-lK'Oh ?j-Now!'Hydr a.nts Becomtnpnded . ` f-Othe;f B;;`asnesa-Igetorg 3` ` A`- ' _th'e ;0ou`nc1t`Mon-- _ _ * ` V mew? V A Stephens" inqi1ired`who was responsible "for the earth being re-. placed in certain sewerrexcavations `on ,Du'n1'o'p street. in .suoh a manner asrto 1_ea ve=.the roadwayvjn as good a oondition.as:formerly3 . ` A11 t\LL_,_ 0 _ _ _ . _ _-.I - _-_- 2-- mm %:ackson,| .'1':1`tiLv?v'A'1.."K `bu .mL1zA,31i:'_t-3 sfrnmzjr WILL BE LAID AT cmcm . --w V- vs-n\r rvwg wvuv -`--...v- Ald. Powell replied to the effect that Mr. Armstrong was` acting un- der the i_nstruoions- or the `Commit- tee in; taking the-.p1`anks_.liome to be out into-`Vsuitable lengths for repair- ing otherLwalkh.> T - All -I.'____ __1_._-'-_; LL_L _ _.-L2-- I..- apna vvonvn r Iv v-aqu-v ",Ald. Lowe advised that a notice be posted which would have the effect of keeping citizens" from making _u thoroughfare ofevethe gore at Allan- Idale. ' L ` _. .. V . . - -. "I;'h9` regular n`1jt:n`g 6f `the Counci! _was 1;;eldLM`)'xi'd`&_1y evening; with th 'Mayor"fprs'i{dii1;g and all ' the; member; presgnt with_`t_h9 exoeptioni rot; A1d.,,$trqnge. MacLa_r`en and Flat`-g gner. * \,\ M AI_I`.l3:|A__>."__'f ,,"1- 4:` ',, 1'1` _ACla ppert`op`_ streptsjt. -__,.-1-'_ -._.---u. vcqy` `LII V YO-Cu. A; pqI",i:t`iq_; w:_a.s `riaoeitved "fxfpm. Alex-i ander Kqnnedy and oth'o_rs_ ,as_king fox: TthA oon,st13uo',t'ion"-`pf a; ranolitl_o_ vavmenmn 'h<**5rth'% `do ".0? Mc- Donald ,st_1jeo'3t. :bg`tweex; _V ()yyp agd cbMMUNfA?rtgi~rs . Communications were 1- received} V up tollows:- :~ ' ` ` 'l'.I._-_.. LI, _ `ID A rm : 1-- ."-.1.=.`._';'. \Kr:-.vv5v.% Ellis. 'stating'.that, a. hbg vb e'lqn gin'g` to him in Alla n`d_ale.` which`_::ho;(_1' been conde'inndv,;j wasn`ow inja sthtc of _rp6.`ir. _ u._ -m._,... " 1-___ __ `ll _l1_... .11 .'-.. - .1...:._ ;_ `The cemmunieations were referretl to the Committees with the excep`-. tion of th'6s e received "from Ald. Fletcher find the Royal_ Vietoria Hos-, pital. ' ` .- .' 4. . 1'\Tl\'I'T\`l"l\ TYNE `.-...~-- "INQ:U`IRIES. J . Ald. Strange inquired why __VVil- liam Armstrong was al1owcd..to `take. the'old~ planks removed from the side walks instead -of hgvingf them stor-. edin the market p1a_oe'for~the _bene-' fit of the poor as fornferly. A`I.`l 1'x,___-'n _.-._1:-.1 1.- LL- `.en_-A. l|_JlIVl.- ` - . `V A Ald.` Lstrgpg p.nd- Mg9vLa-"ran took; thei`r,,sgg;s}d_qrjng this` jevejming. Q A .-...L:A.:...; -....... '..';.-_:;.-.i`r_-__ AI-_ From.-the Mayor of St. Mary : e_nl-i closing resolutions rn-,w.ido}. tires. ask?- ing -their endorsation -for presentation to the; Ontario r-Legislature`. V L 'm_.__ 1-`... In--1-n_2.n- -___I_.:..__ a-L -y 4 -gyv-m `awn! -urvooov unICQ\u `~39: nua- r0.li;'et fell, tireaking a small bone at xthv thigh joint. he had not regained ;the full use of his leg. and oco'asion- allgr had to be moved by .at_tenZlants. V .While lifting him on Sunday night the bone sna1iped_. nu... ___L2.X_ u`_"." _.v__'11:_`v-`.: bl! IoI.IU_ \llI'aI]U .I.lU`l3lll|g'|II'U_o . ' From John Mo_Bride._npply i;1g t;`Ji' the .-position of. Mnrk9.t..Gle,r.k. gn Superintendent of .Weigh S[oa1es_,.at.aV yearlyaalary of'$106.00.- ` X ' 13.1.... 1 n a-_Ln. -_I_:_`_. LI..-J. ALL. _.._-v --v------- .-v v.-w-. ..._-u- - a Alan. Brownies 4 and oth;:if.; asking that. an,Inspecto1: he" appoint- `ed under the Act regardingthe ex"-I `terminationotkblaok knot~..: A ~From -J:I;n"(3<;tftey and c'athrsgaasb:- ing [that a`~g`ranolithic walkhe loony struoted on `the=west` side of Bayfield street.` from: Dunlopptreet. to .~ the. northerly limit. of the `town. n..__. n >1-.1 n1-L_L___ __-_,_`_.2.._. 1.2; I1I..__..vI .. u'l`l1.'._ " ~-__' ..---v--' 7- 7 _ y ' - v V. _ from J. G. Scott. askingh tht usual grant be..mader_ to the. be_Lqd.- : _; "i1?{o{'5'bya1 Victoria nospmu, complaining that a town patient was unmanagable. " A .f'.`._ ___._ 1" '1" 'III'._ _L_L'_.__` LI__L - v "Jll.U\IIIlll.UB; K 11.551115 thanlt _t,~he %g"ra_gAnoli.thiq pavement be con- tinued on BIake street. to` the East 1'?" I 4\`. 1 Armstrong. re con.- st1`.1`i'Toti`)fn;'Lfof fthe Wellington- street sewer.` _` ` nfa slfate of rpiiir. _ i\_ % _ From James Mccandless. asking L_L LL- `;___.".4I_'.LI_2_ ____._.._A__L L- A-.. r_""-"$ ' "'_ "` F `F "'0' FIN`ANE:_E COMMITTEE. .y -u -v----- _v--w --v-~- --.._x-.'-_ V. His -full list 0; titles embracethose of King's Counsel, Doctor .-of Laws, Privy Councillor. and Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of. St. Michael and St. George. First abare rister. then a Bcncher of -the.,Law So- ciety of Uppercanada, Vice-Chancel- lor of the Province. an officer of the `Canadian militia. and Alderman or "the City of Toronto. 3. member of the Parliament of United Canada, `thrice a Minister in Cabinets of the old re- gime, 'a Father of Confederation." Premier and Attorney-General of the Province of Ontario. first Ministerof "Justice in the Laurier administration. 7and finally Lieutenant-Governor got` "Ontario. This, constitutes a career svhich few Canadians can equal. A'\'I ' 1'__-I_- I-lvllul Dr '7.E;'sE}:1"5t `$65.00 will` be paid the auditors for their services. TL ------ ---A~A- ` .-_.. -. --.u &\II. uuvll. DUI. vuica. It. ;va.s moved by Ald. _Powell and Otton. That the 1fesign'atio_noof.cMr. Robert E. Fletcher. as Alderman for Ward. 5. be accepted. and that talet- ter. expressimi the sincerest regret` i that of the Ceunc , continued ill- health hascompelled him to resign, hep tor_wa1:ded . to him by the;:,`clerk. ...Ga_2._rr1Ed. ', ' j ,_ : . V'.l`he_xnembers of Barrie, Council. Ca- nadiain Order of Ghogeu Friends. gave 9.: pleesent, entertainment `on -Wed-V-`V ,x_1esd`ay_`_evenin3.:ot last week. A1} :ex_-e cellent epV1:Ag1_*a_1`m ,hhd]bee1i arrengeg ad _at_tep ;'e_freshn.1efnt,, `\`ve1_jejser,ve d ` `P110 ' 9V[.I1i!i.8 ` 1'.8..d"' VYW1 &hi8` #041 ` E 1.0ambbnrs*e guns} - .-V v~ `. ' ...~ `V. :.:~. vunnuu Ald. Powell stated that it was im- p_erative that the coal ashes be moved off the streetsat once and if they were wasted it would cost the Council $100-to draw other material for the foundation of thepavement. This was the only reason why" this particular piece of pavement was being rushed in ahead of the other work. . The report was adopted. SEWER `EXTENSIONS . The Water. Light and Sewers Com- I I mittee. through its chairman. Alld- Otton;_ recommended that for the north -John streetextension of the waterworks there be placed one hy- drant, east of Bayfield 210 feet. on 4 north-side of street. also one on North street. east of Charles street 220 feet, in _front. of G. H. Atkinson's. property. also that another he, plac- ed at the corner of Owen and North John .istreets.- For Blake` stfeet ex- tension it was recommended that one hydrant-` be placed at the corner of Nelson street. A ' ' . ' The report was `adopted. , - Ald MacLaren and Poucher moved. that the `Committee "appointed re Creswickee c1aim~be `empowered `to make. a settlement.-*-(}a'r'ried.A ' . (\.. _-.-;`LI,,, 'A An. - V - - 2)-z;"-x`1'1ot"ion% of` Aid.` Stephens and Poacher, the Park s Committee will -have two fountains and the electric light: poles.'pain ted at a.cos.t- not to exceed eight dol1ars.. ' `.f- IIIL ______, At `All: A- nun - __..._... .- ~vuonvn.|a.I.InIvc`*\JIll.AlUI.Io `On motion of Ald. Barwick nd Powell, Mr. J. R. Hambly, was ap- pointed `a member of the Board of- Health; 1`~" Tte`df}' he-::ereo_ted.on aaidx.w.-alk`-.;' alse- that .-a Pementg !,a.lk, .9Yn :.f..9.t. in .$!i_*1*.1% be } pqzit,ruq'ted en` s'm_1thV;siAde, pf E_li_za'-' 7"b eth ti`e`t v"f;`om?`_J6hn ' street ` to L 5`Br9.dfo1\d *`stree_t`.*`a bo'ut 960* feet}. 'in`- , o1uding_:Acrossings..a-t John;-~Mary and VTergnto;street_-.3;at an estimated cost ; qt_$750. _Also, that e._ceAmen,t wqlk he` "constr"ucted ori Me."r_y street. west side,i ' `south of-El*i"z:1be th.street. ` to oo'nn`e ct; .:withpre`sent: cement walk. live ffeet; .ten:de.rs qtqohn Scott, Sarjeant &- ,Co. aqd Miekle. Dyment }& Son." bef 9 .c'oep't`ed t for` the supply ` of ce_me_nt ` s reqni1fe d f`or present yar'at $2.75`. per barrel. delivered at the works ag, requiyed. .and to. be alloted to these firms in equal pox-ti`ons.. 'A.1,'a 'nL..'_|....._ -4: a;__..-._; J, - ,3 ,, ,_ flfukcn e::I11zazste1iV e Litieeti:a.?.Mr;_rs.forjr?eand` Mm W-'e'bb ~ _f"grbperti8;i- aha... :permanent"` Ir-ailing = wide and about 200' feet `in length, _at' / an e,~Jti,m_a1;e1_ cost of _$125;;;also the? . -__ V-..- IvQ6 Am. 3 Cornmit te"h a'_ epnsidered' the matter of V the vctilyertt `on Eljzabeth street, tregge wented to l':h6w.if the` when making up their; report. There: `had _b'e`eh a Iot. of humbug. `in his bpinion. in th`e_ way the town s.mor'1ey had'bee;1`spentfin recent years and 'it was timeto` call a halt. He wanted `to see no more Imoney `wasted on such work .as'tho;d been done on the Wel- lington` `street sewer. AI; -rm, 1:. - '- -- - f"'";_.;iT`l .`". :6`l:to1`1_ ' objeoted to a railing }:lo1ig"the`fpuve'ment in front oftho ~'pr6perty"of `M11. Wobb `and M1`. Jogy. Het'h oug`h't tlie prosehtv fences were `gqod`;no\}gh.' t ' ' Aldl P`o\'?s'e1l`Vtexpl::_`i'x1`oclt that `th`er_o would be a }1`1`o`p _of ' about {five feet from the \paveinent to `th"e gfognd `thos f,nces'.` 1' A`Ij run ' .'-. ~ --:- `\ir_h`i'oh' would not. be"protected .by -u`. not v -.-..v- wav- :\ld.VRoss urged that more time be taken to consider the whole question before any part of the work be taken `.1? V IIIL- at, 1 . . - .-. _ _'V Qaovon -vvv svv-now--.-.-..-v V`... '1'--_. Sir Oliver Mowat was born on July 22, 1820. in what is stated to` have- been a modest cottage on Quarry '-Bt.. now known as"Wel1ington -St., in the Town of Kingston. His "fzither 3_va_s John Mowat; a native of the -parish of Oanisbay `in Caitjmessshire. North \ _'_Britain. ~. . -1, 1,91` 0,- _L-L- p..__._ In _ -r_ _--v..-vs-w | Ald. Tyererv wanted to see the Work go-ahead immediately on Elizabeth street. in order that the coal aghes, eto,, which were now lying on the streets` couldi beiutilized _for the foundatiori and for filling. If the worl; was delayed -the ashes would not be available. ` `-t'1"he Maypr also wanted further de- b tails. ~ ` ' :1. -. `qu\- . --- ..'._--_- .7; vv van nu) LFDIIIII-IIlIIWVII\lr`II 1 41. Pw`elI ahd "1`y'i`ex'_ fbotn "aoke `in -gwyr t6. `the! prvitius apeakers, 'poiutihg`o'ut thiit such a r'ep'o'rtv Was heig forn`n 1`lated.'-' mid` "`thoLt` the 69st at ',any ,work~'dohe in the meantime %w6n'ldbe deduoad" from` Tthia axhdunt ti; be qihf in _the `ward whih `mg; "bene`fit"t .ed.T - v--- --v --canvu ""Ald. Barwick suggested thzit a special meeting of the Council be held next Monday _evening fa discuss the whole. question of sewers. `Such a. large `question. demanded a whole eve1:ingAfor' its full consideration. A11" uvunuxg Lur u.-3 Luu consmerauon. A1a. I5oucher advised that `the question he la-id. over until the town wag fully ,represented at the `Board. At.` present two wards were not fully represented. ' ` ' T AI) nu - .' L . .- ' - `Ald. P'owell"_said that the culvert would be planked. It was not intend`:- ed' that `an expensive cement culvert 'wou1d.be built. V ` ~ed ~';t5=we? maiuiet` in` which the `cm- `atrtiction `of pavemdhts was being"1`e~.` -_.-__v,-._- ..-.. nan \:rv._IsI`nA_ lava. ss`vuau-- Ald. '8tdphns quid` Strange objefcit-5 I bbmz'n"d ed' _B'y' 't!ie"'B6hr'd of Works; BvbtVli`~'V:in_te`d% to 'see' _6. `1"ep6t-`_t: lirougpf in-` which w`qulddpp'ortion_ the amotint `of `?'1non'ey'ft6 be _spent" in" each wa'.`rd. befbre -9.ii'i`;work" `was reommended`. v 11.: 11...--.--11 _-A 3' `II: '41. ` =- - [nonun- `Oouncyilg tVhehn_ adjou.rnd. Llbvuluo _ '._l`he~remains laid in state. from 2 until 5 o'clock on Tuesday and from ,10.30 to.12.30 on Wednesday. the Eu- neral. which was a public one.` taking place on Wednesday afternoon to` Mt. Pleasant cemetery; ' u:::.% ' ?m a 3 ,.;e `L5 -F. iI1InAVnn;(Knnh&n. ..'... .*L and othen. Wta .uu..= __ V` Whlf95\.!t4vfeql:inteuutjforcdprying pity ` `Write us g:d.we,wil1':no?p.l:i:: 5-|1ownIIho4cIli-control-Innis. ., TT .-J fwantod tbfupiioint us in? all We tea.-ive dailv. information ftom our Wall Street:-spotter that enables our cuntomcts to ha on the right side And to nuke money. You Ihould be :vm than and stop qontinual lvues. _ha_ve inside information V a. stock that. will have 3 30 to 80 point: advance 'l`hose.intetesud in such stock: as , ~ ` A CHANCE TO. I I``V `- nhg`&:qt ' "!sIc.` Lot 25, Coaoeusin 5. Township of Oro, :50 ac:-lee, :15 cleared and in good state of cultivation : balance in good hardwood laugh, about 8 miles from Barrie, Large barn 91x45 mtlubasemcat enabling (cement oor) capable of holding 40 cattle. no horses, another ham imnindr.-mxae with ntnblimr fdr nlu-on and 1.-.... noon up:-Lone or nolmug 40 cu_u:1a. _Io nurses. another barn jonning'.3ox45 with stabhn for sheep and hogs. good unplement sheds. rngnq houso_ with ex. cellent cornea t cellar. tchntd _|uIt beating, hard and soft water. For futt er [61-tu:ulars as y on the premises or to ROBER BERTSO . Shnntv Bay. A , ~ _' L 11-23 DUIKUILUL" LUIS IJXUUULUIVS. 14-17 '. _ L 13 Owen St., Barr Dated thi__1st day of April. 1903. Ull- TERMS-.-Ten fper dent. of purchase money on day -0 sale and the balance as set out in the conditions of sale. This pro erty will be offered for sale sugieot o a reserve bid. noun: ...2I'l -1..- I...` -30---.) 3.... ....l-` Through the retirement from the Town Council. on account of ill`-health of Aldermen Fletcher and Campbell. two vacancies have been created. Ex`- Ald. ,Mc_Lean. it is understood". stands` a good chance of being elected in Ward 6 andin -Ward 5'. the name off ._Mr. W. P. Soules is being; mentioned with considerable frequency for the ' sent.,.Mr. Soules. having retired 1;o_m n_ctivejbusiness. has considerable spare` ..;*t_ime` on his hands just .now',_ and` ~`1.vit~_h,. -his capabilities should Ttiu, ;'t-1:_;'t_a_i11 em; ~*-::1`l`?::; pldtyi `if he `._ `can pegnnded ._ to"; EUU COL LU ll. IUSUIVU uxu. . T ere will also be-offered for sale by publ_ic.auotion on the 23rd day pf Apnl, A. D., 1903. on said premises. all the household oods and `effects -therein. For furl: fer particulars see hand-bill's as to same. `lib... lung`-Ln: -snug-3-nq`n`_.a- au-s.1 A..~..`I: 1liL1l\l'UlllB G3 LU Dfllllilo For further particularsand condi- tions of Sale apply to . D. M. STEWART. Qnnnil-nr fnr "mvnnni`t\v~u , Ill LLIU LUVV L` U! DEL _1_\v1EJp B11030 valuable parcels-of lan . bein lots numbers thirt -eight.(38 . and t irty- nine, 39). on t e east si e of Toronto `strae . in ,_the sgid7oTown of Barrie. containing two-fths of an acre more or-less. . This roperty is situated in a most ,d_e_sirab e loc_a,l1,ty_and has_ ac9x_n_fort- I . foperty desirab localxty and acomfort- } able. commodious house erected there- ublio auotionyon SATURDAY, AP-* IL 25TH. A. D., 1903, .at twelve. '0 -A clock noon. at the QUEEN'S HOTEL. in the TOWN OF BAIBRIE. those rrn`nun`\`n mninnnln ll` `(:91 T . |--OF vALUAB:.E-_ . BesidentiaIPro petty [ Town;-n;fT%HIF;rrrie.. Mexicpn Central N. Y. Central Th`ere wi11 be offered for sale by- gublio AP- TT. 9K'I"IJ' A 11 1009! al- 4-urn'Iun'n _ IMPROVED" FARE roa SALE.` I ` 7 o6o9oooooo xj 1 IL 34` 06 313 V ouvaza MO;V:T_ P588318. 4w,u ' xmu. or mAns..ANo.,aoNon`.`.` ` T YlBUliIi!1H`uuu*w,uuuwI?-.|I..I~VWW- ,1; ; M '2 =s'eo8ot.j.,i~411,;ouh1'% Ctgrtilaino room, we are" -.u4b1'dgu`,A.Vcuhuy-&ag`ih 1;,-oger 1*a,n_'go`.thghfever agld smce the mtroduction %';7o`;! ffbfooiii:o`[ygQ_:;1;?in,omk, i3 ;d`ecidQdly. a pleasure` to show customers Ham-`full .mnge.}3:VVeg19gY/0-V%[ ` ; ` I . .~,' ' "`3By.".'s " Fine 3;5!;u,i5;'.o.'33/z@445 % 45 inches wide, pretty dsigns, special m\o;val\}eperpai.A;o$100 %}!1Td1~2- X %o % , ,`T]o`gbi"n.fg yards long, thobnegt bedroom Curtains made, special Fgg N:)ttingAh5am~v`Cp`1't_aihs,.:3% yards long,f,with newest fern and oral designs, ' ;;;*"apacia1 Y31o`1`eoai._t" s1f50.:,;2.oo, $250 and 33.00. o:%.1?=F ?g;1-g Brqssp1sfNetCurta.inB,`3 , yards long and full width, guaranteed to wear, ` o:o`sPif&'1oV8.l11:eiaIg $:4.75f%axV1o `$6.00. o o A L - "! '_v.' {' ., ` ,. . 7 oooouooboowoouyooduuuodouoooouoooouoooououm3 1 5- :---- Make Money` E'xEcuToRs'= SALE '1 .......-a .-`gnu-guamvznnno, ..;_'? 'iai`s,.rm....% I51 | in Ladies .VSepa`rat.,;Skirts . . u. LYJ.o D.L.|:a-vvA1:I.J.. Solicitor for Executors.= Barrie; 1-]. J__ -3 A.__.`I -unnn AVRJE A NT" 3 S M IT H. 1.`; A; .rV :/..~..7._. ; ;'~, :1, t I .. _ '7 . fassgrtment pf Lace G'urta}ns% for spring embodies gevery d.;e,s1f1h,ble,Vat1tt1I311;=-gnewest j d'esigns,'prett1est effects, full size, ser- viceab1ewonder`f11;%y$.l11e, I ` ' " ' 7 ' - ;I ' -r-- 1 av ww- "It was, on the Sunday night previ- -0115 that the venerable statesman met .,with the accident in which he sus-. _tain6d' a fracture ofthe right thigh. " .W's"q'uickIy' `set ; `between the middle and upper third. It occurred? about - 9 o clock . w-hile he was being lifted from a chair to his bed by `two attendants. Doctors were. immediately summoned and the bone . Itis not 'known_exact1y1h9w;~ the ac: ,cident.0ccurred. some time ago Sir ~'4\u..__. n. \____.I_!.... _ -n__-n n__'.._ .1. v . r~'..=,.,x:-