T-' vv W j-vv-- cv- e Shingles ` We keep the best ' Satisfao etion assured if you `deal ,with_ I THE SARJEANT 90., u.---A-nu--nu 4; "`p;l.'u|n`4\-n lo nnnunnuun % cAv:IN . ABAJRREN `DIBIOTOQ or 'uu:_ -OONSIBWATOBY `or ymuo -' J aanaia Music stronay. Coal, W_>_9c_l, I...athva1;fi " Fu:N's_ HATS or our. own Marzqrxowcus. 0 9 0 % % :1 AQI1 Q1:` bu.` our A8 YQU war rr. -3 9 2 Ann SHINGLESL 9 6 - l0o B" *so_Ls AGBNT`FdR 9 muuua a.msfuu,c'r "` *.3';lN sndsrbj jiaaxnll. ran coikxrf or sicoz AND mi: nounuou or emu; mm can-muox. A-,'>u u;;aabLw~.'.s.m - q`~ . -Mr. Emil sevilm` has 1-`eoeiv.ea. th `yappoiptment off 'oaretal cer- of-. the " `Polg -office`. ` L "" J " ' ' . % T AFPRIL 523, 11903. ,-4` ._`_':,-u._`,a-n. ` y 1 illl ifiold un_- _ 0'1` . : -_., 3 - I .: _`_ I I J-1. .- . '. . 2-Ev. `H ` ` \' \ , ' \ , 3| \_ ' ` `.M'{_ \ 5:. ; ~.` . I'L~.-::'="' . : __ ' PPENINGS or A. _wmnx an W" `M II " 31,; - -- --- vuvi CV8 V66 Ii. Jllllo got `to -1_1un,tI-' Bros." P;o; the 1ow_; - % * Vo owjo; . . T\43_lst?oi\'s v."R's`ur`te.'>tVipp`;` s%1\qul_d?..&_l11'E- ' trapt a.v.large' audience. .t1;is.,gv,oning .`, lat the Grapd 0pQra.."H_0\1_88`.' ; ` ' I . . , \ . v A .1 I `H, g , _ 2 wvllbw Illa la Guru: and Juan: an ! aim, ._ -, -, . 1 ' , . , 1 . _-B..0'l`l:lw _ . _, 7 . , The W., 0. Ta rU.T parlor meeting,-' 'which'wb.`s Hated for the _30th inst. `has Been.. p.ospon`9d' till "1?h_r57 May the 7th. on A A 15 .' .l.3_GI:,l`U D IIEVIIJ _L"f;`3lav I5 LVU UI?:_:l._lJ.IIUl!." ed this. season by a gasoline iihunoh whioh'hasV hepq `purohasedwby Dr.: Walls`, A A E . ` .LlMen`s Vper;eo:' fztfih" s`\`1i%t'a',_.or ` $5.00.. $7.50 and $10.00. 1 at .Huntqr_ wv-vvl `Bros; . .` _Mr.- `Qary Hartman; gave 9. beauti- * hilly` -illus`tre.tedV leotjlgfe Liane "H_iawa`- the." at - the? -Opera!" ' House. on! Monday evening. which was greatly enjoyed byr~t_hese~; present. v_Mr..~;Eee_tm*p has vsi;b'j6`1:` f"i`n "a in `-igkherefore injq ,poi_tgg? t`3.I}asa1 with ' nniz.,~.;zm'i& ='AlieWa1t:_ ` .a ` e 1` eotu1z e:iewi=':$i;,{\i'xxdo?i`~ the piees . 3 th*Wb9-a2n e;;e*.e2e?*1hrr- L9 `hut-nh _` , ` rr, `.mag,ea deepe etgtdy pt Ii'1dian(l_it_e a'nd- igitgigesting , umbetuit.:Ojibm&} statics ddr; g the - evening; sreatlsa mhaneing t ate , raetien$If;,9t_' t;}!,ef:fQ!,!t:61'_t'ainm '1`~h_e' i The. "band `will plaiadel t_rom`V&t_;1he% _b_and-room down Dunlap street ttgthe` Five Points `and back to {he Bqrrie Hotel before the St. George s S_o__i_ety banquet this evening. V ' . ' Il'-LI_ ____. I_____ _____._ I___.._I...-_SL.. ..-... -uv---1w-vw v--.- v v vs---5` . ;A-2-Mothers. buyyour boys'suits from Hunter`-`Bros. They havegthe largest assortment apd luwqst. prices. - n n n . ' U U U 1 Some much needed repairs have been inside (:6 thetthe sidewalk on L the Allandale road. but the walk on the south sideuot `Elizabeth street is" still in a dangerotxs condition. There I was A small blaze at "John Sheppard's residence. Owen St... Wednesday lnerning. The fire was conned to the kitchen and "the dem- age was slight. V -` J". "' ' -Just arrived. ear ofv_see`d`1.)otatoes. good quality toretable nee: also fol- lowing kinds of eneilage oorn-Mam- moth. -Seuthern' Sweet. Leaming; Red Cob. Oanadiancolfn. Oompto'n s Early Longfellow. and North Dakota. ' !All kinds -'0! turnip. mange! and garden _seed. peas._ eats.` spring wheat and mnndseheun barley. A new variety yet p.otatoes-_-Extra Early Rose gem. A A - Rev. Canon Rainer.` addressed the members of the local branches of St. George's Society and- the Sons of England onsnnday morningln Trin- ity church. The sermon was appro- priate to the occasion and was hilly appreciated. by ._the'. large", con`greg_ation inlatte_n`dance.,* [ ._ . 75` --Our clothing is nut made to meas- nret but to fit. Priogss ._one half less` than merchant ~Hunt- 1 _ 9;; _ V p%*l_:1`p_-aljf `A _olo't}1iers. .. . Li . A .>Jn'- aaak_.'4r 1*tiq;gZ:;np- at tl`%'~_K,ult3fa8.-` M or __ `fuqgwwhogb haaggyp`~'=Hstrhg" _.h9;r~.atxo,_ _.th;g_.#n lmy: 9V$9r. Mr- A A e 1- . 4 ' V5" -'-The Dun'donaid is the` latest style spring suit. Gallo.n'd see .them at Hunter Bros._ ready-to-wear clothing tstoIre.-. ; .;. . 1 ; 7 . A n nun * ,'1'h, Ba!'.rie;_fB1_'.anoh of. theV:Lord's Day `Allianqe . fyyjll-.a . . _h_ol_d_ its _e annual `(public met1nlgeaq;a?._1'ri`9s "-Ap_ril_ 23. 1903; `in the. Preisby.terian~.aoh{i1-ch. Al- _la`nda'le`. at 8 6 olooE. 4 The meeting ,will be "addressed `by Rex. '1`. Albert Mfoore. who was recently _ appointed General Secretary for the Alliance Mr. Moore is President of the Ram- ilton`. Qongerence of the _Methodist ._ohi1rohand ;_iI_ ,ab_l_e epeagerg ` s. _ . 7oAo_eof'._V T --'-For latest: styles in :men'sxh'ats an. 1.. n'l]'....`L---. I-|_-_a " 11.--:-.-- ;u,_ ' -n, 5 1 - Ba.r_,rie's navaljtlgetk to be__inoi-egg`-. (1 by " gaaolinxj {hunch -L.!_I. .1.-- I_--.. ,,___;_I,___j p I npir` ` `Toronto. I A ______./43.` V .f_._._\ $1 1 WHAT BARRIE pmoggys: Linvz: BERN ,ag.;z ;A` -r wn:mx+- : g.. ` TOWN ~ . Mr. %5P,9;Pt Sunday V {inf ~ 2 , K glut. u. vvauxom. pm ro.wuson. wua mu; 1'ir\CIk\7h`-vh- 'mwxg.m.-nu... ' -3,.-3.3;-.>_ _, M:2TfQ .` 2 1.:nr,t.:=.nm 1:." -r`_L'....-_ au-_`_..L..n -42 l'l!-.......L.. ins-:1`.-rienda in ;Hp1ly.-,,u- vo uww. mr.-`"V?il.iie Gii.pi-1'1ha:is',;b2x1 .9'i'sit;. -u-:_.. 1u':__:- a...:a.I. 1...-` I..:.....L.`..:..':l-.- u--- _:v-1---u-:.V,`, -n--y--vv< jh`o.1-i-c-1z`a.ys at Bracehridgc. b `:1... 1-I_--..I.... - \1"..-........ ' I5 ._.V__I.l LA Aquuo gs; l\l\Ill-ll-la vv uuuo - `VJ. W: Dividon. at B'ehesda, ` V I , Mia Leila __Po_\gv.er, `ofp,A,'.Vl`horz_A1ton'.,_ has ` been ..vi;siti_ng friends in t_ow';1_. e % Missjorris _`ha.s bgn blviqitfngb Mrs. J 11".. `I53... A_..1-_.A._.. 1---..- L- .......' dvdvwqn-V -(--w-_-- _.. ___.`, -_ :, .Mi.8$' Edna Angrton i`ea;i;':?t_o-njo-`i morrqw. to yjgit f.r.i_e_nds i1`1__'.l`9_ror_it and Mrs.; Percy %'1`&}Y10,1t we1je,ovj-`; Aer` tram Orilliqjor Tusday's dance, T `Iiss4Al1ieH8herin. ot; 'th`VY_est VVa_rd ` School, is ill at her home in Lakefield. man `W;-nan!` io *5,` -,f;-.`-,, -,;.';` 3?. `._ -----v_. -- - w- yugvwy -nvv --- . > `,Pv 5. ._|m9n;e. leg}: week. ' ,1 " ~-` W-I5: . ' 'ah'..::." 3 r. D. ftkom. owa . was I :01: va.V'awIIc=b..= v1If`\`wt:A.I-n4u~;.:_.y,:.v, .;..-.,_-;-, .x_ 4,9: ICU T"V""--"`"'T !!I*`?)'I5lHT`( - _ `f'."9F,I, ~:.dnu `V Johgson Marshall. of Toronto . was h'om _`Ior Sunday; ; E an-,_ IIYSIIS- nu_:_. `I.-- :_"_`.'__ "_':_:;. 75! 55;" ,p.n pvocupu non ggrgpov _-I '. Misp, Minnie .s,mig:p M5; , yi1tf;- friends in Tottenham. I ; ; Mr. and '31\t[rs_.;,., H_allett`V spent `chi? x L .1! .`I...._ an L `Juan n'n`mun::ltun _Ig.syz~ ildmnnvvunj` 37` 40? v v_-I ....-f- gs. {-.9 Miss B,i0.sWi1li'm;-.V ll`..- 11?... GL....'I......... `[7451]:-u. B`vgpq_upQ '.u-u-v-u .73` 7': - Mrs._Wm. Stgphen.R-R-i'7:1-1{`;8;i gt { -is_y_iiti1__1g friends in , ollnngwoodq -. { man `.'Mnrr:n `hon v;n';'ri0.' Bonoo1..1a1~u at not name In uaxeuuug. _Miss_j`rgs_e1`,_head milliner with 88.1 ;- ,j.ea.nt` & Syniithgspent Monday in the -:a... ` '.---_-, ____ .___`_i ` , I _ Bity, `I ,} t ` `( ' 2 I 2 , -Miss saq1g'in:11is"wgs in_'Toronto an 1 Friday and a._t_endeg1 Etbhg Musical HFes-if ,LJGllc _. Mrsi Brown.'o_t Torpnto.'has `beer; spending a. few da_y_s with Mrs (Dr .) W_ells. - - _.- .' u u _l______ V V WJIIIUO Mrs. James Shrubsole -Aha`s return-1 ad from visithjg [relatives in 'C9oks- town. . "' "' ' '|`---4 --_.__ .I---... \ . I` ; Mr, 41 e1_-9y ]."li1 1nn.1e`1 came}; up ffom Trinity _Uni-v.ersit3'r' V for. `TudayY.s Ball, , '- ' Alan A,``,___ j_____ BUVVLIA Mr. Hgrry Laidlaw came down from,Th9rnbury for the ball on Tues- a day last. ' I ` 'II'_.. `ll'-2_A_ 1...... ....L..u-us)! `IVIIIILI Tn}- u.a_y Luau. - Mrs. Maines has retulfngd from Tot- tenham where she was visiting Miss Eva Nolan. In-_,__ 1t\-_.L \`l' ____ ......I Ifnnl-nun flan- Ill ` IIIIIIII 'Mrs. (Capt.)Lyons and Ma_ster- Gor- don were in Toronto for a'few `days last week. ` --up A 'I1Vll,,_____-_ `Iq_'|_1 L355 '7 00$: Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson.` of Cold- water. _are visiting Mrs. J. `Smith. 1 Market` street. ` .-1- -n_.___ a....:n. ` LILGI. BIN: 51.1. vows Messrs. `Charles and` Harry Smith are visiting their _ aunt, and other friends in Toronto. _ i if 7 _ .__ _ I\__211:.. -.oAun Ll. luuua nu J-UL Ullvvo The Misses McLean. of Orillia, were amongst the out-of-town guests at the .Bachel.or s Ball. W _ L __ _..z.--_.;....I LIGJD VVILLI nus Dlavvnuv ` Mrs. Gibson has returned from To-` i ronto; where she has `been visitingl tor several weeks. % -_ I.-- L--- 2.. l-LID _JJGV.l.IUI.uL a gang. Miss Clara. Stephens has returned from Toronto. where she spent :3. few t days with her sisters. 1 `ll ..- l"I2I.___ L-.. -.46-noun-`A4: Qvnnnn Tn; V Mr. Charlie Plummer has been in town for a few holidays girior to leav- ing for Mexico. ,. "| L- 1-.._L__ l'1--......-. 'lfl- nu LUI G9 7 Us as W vvnwu ` Illa LIIL iKn\lLl.Vl\(I,` Hon. Senator Gowan left on "Monday to attend the. session of the. -Senate in_ Ottawa. n -5-, Q -n._-_' -c 11-`- 'DUllG|uD l.I.|_ van. The Very Re\'r'.l')eaxi Egan"-. of Bdr- rie,' was in the city yesterday.-Tdr- onto Globe. April 16th. ` V ' 1 - 1 -.__. llI`---..- ` UIILU \1IUUDp R1111: avuuo Elmvale La.noe.-"Georg Ddvidson. late of Barrie._has `taken a position- on the staff of the Leading House." ' I --- _ -nu--_-~n__I1 _ LI... ll`- . I Do Y0`! UII LLIU DUO-Ll. VA. lvuv aavupuaua .-.v-.-v- Wm. Johnston Marshall. of the To- ronto P__olioe- Force. is spending his vacation atihis home. Blake street._ '1 . __ nil . TI?` 1` vaoauon acims name. nguxu auzceu. Bradford :,Witne&9.-Mr. W. ,J.` Sutherland. of` Barrie. spent _ Easter 4 Sunday in toyvn with his brother Alex. ' ' ` on us .0 _'|V- __Al_ ___"` V Mr. John Devine was in Toronto on Saturday evening. and ` attended the performance of "II Trovatore" at the Princess . ' ` ' Mr. John Sn'1jth.'Ex-Reeve of Ash- b\1rnham.~who now represents the Lon' Mfg" co.. of Orillias on the road gave The_ Advanea `pleasant "ea'll_ org Friday-evening. ' y` ` ' ' 4` ` Miss`Dl1, McKee went to` Toronto lastireek to attend the Musical Festi-' `val in Massey Hall. .. While in the `city she was the guestof her cousin; Miss` Mary Elwood. St. George ;;sm;;e'ta.` =5 I :M:;1._"8. '0,` S,1;1iit`h.`yf9y'h6V-Wljas been in New. ,York {or sbn_1_e7 m`o'nt_hs `rgturned home` " . f '3`, I ` `V .\: ' I 3 - _J.. aunav u-u-an-as V-I-J`: V. Mia` F} D. `McKay. fermerly ediitor.` ot the Peterbocro. Review.` who is `now ide1;'t.itied`r-wi'thv the A_-new `automatic tlep`hone_hsystem _whi_oh_.*is\ being ;in'- ,`t_'rot_luoed..ii1te' 'Ce1iade,",yzja,s Lin ' toV`Vne early` in the week. L and .ga',v'e The Ad- fehee `a_'pl_e_se.nt Veall.i -r I` :l...:f ~ 4 '_a_--.. n Miss Mabel Bryson and Mr. ?Fred. Bryson. John 8!`... are visiting K in Bradford for three weeks. before gee ing yvith their parents to 'l`oronto,to reside. ' ` .'_Mr. R. E. Henderson. of Peterboro. formerly _of Barrie. has been appoint-' ed Color-serjeant of H. Co;'. Peter- boro Rangers. . ' - ` Tiie 'l`;ronto News !,.of_. Thurday.- `fmong {the visitors to" the voourt-` rom`was Mr. JIisbioe- Lount. who h9.d_ reoov ei`ed sufciexftl from his j `re- cent trying illness ...to `come i,down' `twni "~H__e7 took : -a suit the ' ibenoh, `n. d.- %war4'*1 nut; odil}t?;_cr9%* A _, __ __`__ n; MiVssV Dbrothy '1`aylo1:.- .'>f Toroxito. .wh6` "has" A been visiting` kMiss Irenoo_I.)y- monk. returned hom on` Saturday; - lay TWELVE cfcimi ~ ` Wa emp I L r 4 `H321??- > "3 3 I3 OUC [Eaton wh - _ \ We cannot begin :0 l{.I'ducn~ gh \ `fos- resultmd M our gra untes. Ema.-any um. . ' Pita for cu. 5--_~\ . . 1_.,'.A,}. typewfkillg [nah '00- -11` In fMr._ 0h'ari`es'-Gaudaur. W116 1"ecen`t'ly the Vio'to1j:ia,;_H6t%_l.% f :\,t'a,`kgn A gig : ` xiegiglepog --at . f?'1fhe- ~Nnrrov(,f : zouuays up J:rauepr11g.c.> I 4 V V I z Mi_ss,.Brunton._ gt _Newma>.rk_et`.V igghg .---..A. -3 112.... n n \ lr:1I:.-.'... ... "' 1<~'-~21.` i _" \*_"(1'*'y 3"". auto. J43 g :'_;.,;.gfi`1l,;Fletcher. of l`oro11 Vlzt'.fgvi a_ A I--L -.....4.I. MRS. EBENEZER Baowiiz. Mrs._ Ebenezer `Brown. Collier St.. passed away on Saturday night last after an illness lasting since last fall. The family _moved to Barrie from .Orillia about two years` ago, Mr. Brown being connected with the Bridge building department of the G. T. R. Rev. J. J. Redditt officiated at the service in connection with the funeral.` The pall-bearers were all Grand'Trunk men. The floral tributes which were forwarded from the dif- ferent departments of the G. T. R. were verybeautiftil and most pro- fuse. including a wreath from Mr. McGuigan, Manager; a pillow from the . Bridge Building Department; wreath from Motor Department, and a wreathfrom Mr. Tiffin's staff. ` WILLIAM HENRY MYERS. ' The death took place. on Friday last of Mr. W. H. Myers. who for the past` quarter of a century has been one of Barrie s most highly esteemed citizens. `- He had been failing in health for the` last few years and seven weeks ago was forced by in- creasing weakness to remain confin- ed to his bed. since which time he a rapidly declined. The deceased was 69 years of age, and was born at Bur- lington Quay. awell-known English watering place in Yorkshire. He ac- companied his mother and sister to Canadahwhen a small boy. to join his father. Dr. William Sheppard Myers. [who had left. England a few - years previously, and had establish- ed apractice in Thcrnhill. Both par- ents died in`1843. leaving the subject `of this sketch an orphan at the early age of nine. years. Kind friends, how- ever, intc:::'c;l tl.c;;*.:elvc:. 1;. him and he -grew up in Thornhill and eventually embarked in the boot and shoe business in Richmond Hill. where he married. In 1877 the-family came V to Barrie wher_e Mr. Myers estab- : lished the present prosperous business _ .which is now carried on, by his son. H. B. Myers. Though having no pre- dilection for apublic life Mr. Myers .occupi_ed, for many years. a seat at the Barrie Council Board.. He was a Conservative in politics and `was a member of the Reformed" Episcopal - church. A widow and three children ` survive. the latter being H. B. of Barrie; Dr- A. E. of.Jamestown, N. ' Y.; and Miss Alice. ofjrBuffalo. The funeral. ~which' was a private `one, took place_ on Monday afternoon, the -7 services being performed by Rev. "Mr. Witten assisted, by Rev. Mr. Thornley... The, pall.-bearers" were _ Messrs. O. H. Lyon. M. Shanacy. C. ,- -A.-Perkins. John f Vvcods. Wm. Freek _iand.A. Wilkes.-* ` . . 1 1,.` WIL_LIlA`MfNORTHGRAVES. `~ V A... William-` ' 'l~Iorthgraves,' notice of {whose death appeared in the issue of. ~thej;9th.,died at his `residence. `Lot _,23,;Con. i8._Innisfi 1,`April 4th 1903. F; ',l_)eceased;j_w_as_g'bor"n bin ' E,_lsternwick-.- _Iiolderii~ess. :.Y`orkshire,' `England. on ` t 27th:.-1829'. and was therefore rig. ?.4t~1iL.'&iear4..iM'r~ .Nrh;gra-ves "to tthis. country- in April." 1852, A ' ` air .. 'I`cron_tfo,=`7whfere ; he years.` i .In`; 1857 he mari- .H".`.`.'.-i'.t'..t.1..9_ f. Cbhyofd: Then la we-.`rownsn:pi;.aor Kine. 1 NORINE ROBINA Lovn. r at1_1_1idnight*. of No'rine"B.obina. the Mr`: and. _Mrs'.` R. J; Love. Penetang `street. The parents will receive every 'sympathy.< Mr. Love.` who h-ad driv- en out to; the vicinity` of Creemore earlier. in `the week was unaware or his little one s death until he arrived at home and` found the crepe attach- ed to"th*e door.` '.l`h'e shock was. nat- laee_ on Friday afternoon at four o cl6dk.- ' `;i'I`Ali`e` 'dea`th dcourred on` Wednesday, ` little-.` eighft-xonth s-oldj` daughter of urally;' a great one. Interment took a . The "romaine of the late Lottie Grant` Dale. eldest daughter of Mr. James Patterson. 0_wen street. were removedon; ,Thursday.eve1iing to her home at~;Waverly. Mrs. Dale passed -~away,_~pn,Wgdnesday night after a long period efyillncss. she being a sufferer from lung trouble, for many months.- although her immediate death was not anticipated. She was an active church worker in Waverly and-played the organ in the Presby- terian church. Sincere condolences will be extended to'her husband and other relatives "in town. \ Lt:-1'89 Number-`bf Deaths in Town and -V A County During the Week. LQTTIE AGRAN1` DALE. 4 0 AL: I'IYIv`&I Iii utrvvvi " We have a large unount of Ptivl_te Fund: to lead: at 4; and 5 per cent. 0 the security of cod farm Mongagesp MCCART Y. BOYS & URCHL SON. Dunlop Street Barrie. usnunnv. `_ Farmers are too busy just now to payYm1ich attention to the nmarket and prices are somewhat stronger, this: week.';_particularly in V connection with dairy `produce. "Buttern soljdqat 22 and 23 cents on Saturday. Eggs have advanced a cent or two and are .bringing 11 and 12 cents. Poultry is almost unobtainable. unless specially ordered at special prices. Nice. big chickens seli vreadily at a dollar a pair and are graded down to 6.0 cents. Maple syrup sells at $1.00 and $1.20 a gallon and the best quality is hard to get. Wheat is bringing 66 and 680. oats 29 and 300, peas 60 and 650. Dres- sed. hogs are not `being marketed. Live ones are ivorth" $5.75 per cwt. I honesty. He was} member of the English church. The remains were interred in St. Paul's cemetery by Rev. Canon Murphy.` Deceased leaves :1 -..:.I...-- ...2._ __.-_ _.v '.....v.. .5...` 1111. : IJvvGuD'J\.l. lVd\VUD a widow, six sons and'two'daughters. The daughters are. Mrs`. Bone, Allan dale. and Miss Alice, at homc:_the sons are, Charles and James, Nzmtyr: John, of Allenwood; Denton. of Elm- vale; `-and William and Joseph, of Trail. B. C. The family have the sin- cere sympathy of the community in their loss of a kind` husband and lov- ing father. Mr. Thomas R. Graver, formerly a prominent .hardware merchant of Barrie. died very suddenly on Thurs- day. after a short illnes at his late *esidence. No. 591 Church street, Toronto The services at his late residence were conducted by his bro- ther-in-law, Rev. Dr. Wallis, of Cale- donia. and Rev. Dr. German. Toronto. The remains were brought to Barrie on Thursday evening and the funer-: al- took place the following afternoon from the residence of his father, Mr. - Edward Graver, James street. Rev; J. J. Redditt. conducting the ser- vices. The pall-`oearers were, Noah Grose, J. Smith, R. King. A. Milne, J. Wills and T. Hambly. Mr. Graver was a native of Whittlesea. Cam- bridgeshire. England. and was 55 years of age at the time of his death. He came with his parents to America at a very _early age. After living several weeks in Buffalo, the family moved to Barrie in 1854, and the de- ceased was educated and afterwards went into business in the town. He was united in marriage to Miss Mc- Rae, daughter of the late member in the Coinmons from North Ontario The widow and one son survive. The Misses Cae, of Bracebridge, were in town for the Bachelors Ball, on Tusda`y evening. ' 4 H.isL`ordTship Bishop O'Connor, of Peterboro, is meeting the clergy of the Diocese at the Deanery _to-day. ,RQV. W..H. White has qrfived from Ottawa to assume his duties as Vicar of Trinity church and took the S1111- day evening Service.` V .;` -- _-..--`. .r-- 1- -wv--- --..... -..-_... .-_--J ._.- . _ gone to Toronto. as -delegates to the Annual Meetingdf the.Woman s Aux- iliary at St. James` `Cathedral. Mr. W. W. McKee. of Stroud, theo- lqgical student at Queen's University, will take the services in the Collier Street church on Sunday in the ab- sence of Rev. J. J. Redditt. who will preach special Sunday School anni- versary sermons in Uxbridge. I . On Tuesday morning at gt. Mary s church, Very Rev. Dean` Egan per- formed the marriage `ceremony _un't- Vin"g Miss Mary -Wedlock. of town. nd Mr. James J. McDevitt, of Pittsburg. A becoming gown of pearl grey crepe de chene was worn `by the bride, who was supported by her cousin. Miss `Clara Byrne. who was costumed in muslin de soie over pink silk. The groomsman was Mr. Wm. J. McDev- itt. Mr. and Mrs. McDevitt will re- side in Pittsburg. The Bachelors Ball, on Tuesday evening:'was easily the most success- ful affair of the kind which has tak- enaplace in Barrie in many seasons, The Town Hall was most` elaborately decorated for the occasion with flags and bunting and the glare of the gas- :'light` was pleasantly softened by col~ ored-"shades. The costuines worn by the` ladies were exceptionally handsome and a large number of. visitors were present from out at '-town. To the latter the music fur- nished-=by the Barrie orchestra was a revelation. as it is "not-vgeserullyr -`known that the town: posscssesianv or- `ganizationot such merit. ` ,__. A very prettywedding took .place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sibbaldy on Wednesday, April 15th. when their eldest daughter. Miss Minnie. was married to Mr..Geo. Bigclow. The bride was very charm- ingly attired-in white silk organdie -waist with garniture of white satin, baby `ribbon and lace. the skirt being blue grey 9amel`s hair cloth. Rev. Geo. McKinley performed the core- mony. . - . . . _ A _ __ J`? WASH.INGTO'N--At -Wolpseley. Asa.. `on 'l.`uesday.`April- 14th. ; anon to . P W` M?` 39% . P...-.o` .1>_nR(A :~muu xx ADVANCE SING!-I XVI`! V3 CINTI Miss M. E. Ross anti Miss May ___L_ __ j_I-.__L__ L- LL- weal mun 77 1'. R. GRAVER. BORN A general Banking Buliuole oouduciiod.` Drafts issued on all parts '0! the world. De- posits received and interest allowed pt high- est rate. T %W- 9- MOIETON. Manager. ,,o,.G,'g. Gmuunn Srs. 'l`onqu'ro.`. I 1 ul II _ RI % ,"'fz"f' 1, %"1'.l .'s'.;.:'i-`vif.`.`.`:.-.'.'.-.'.' :32e ::3 s33%:3? EOUBITYA-/~~=T " uzuzmi L - , & ]?I};5f0.I100: RESERVE mm - a2.Blm.000 uAP11ui"' - %1L2;5un,im a2,`aun,o ?-`.3KE` `x`':`a;`{x"L.'-`~" `' ?" "%?"`?` { Rest Prolldent -- 4AnIII'0w Tholnlon ~ Vice-President non. John Illurplo Gen ! Ma nugor E. E. "Webb . . BARBIE BRANCH` V ANTED-- A Good General Sen-vant.` to I momh. No washing nor atoning. Any 5 'IA'AD\' QTDIPDN` .`_-2 l\lV1l1U--' A U000 UOIIGFII Bl'VI!Iln I0 I No App?y 5' MARY STREET, _ / |_6-I ANTED FOR TORONTO A cool) GENE_R_AL SErRVAN l`_._ small family; wood 01!, , , ,l._LI_ n. l- Kevnnlda, Sn-nud P.(?.. 01' C9-LUNIUQKQ COWAN 5; BROWN. so1ic_icon.Bar;io.:Qot-tn-tv ' ANTED-A Cook. .Applyto MRS. PLUM- ` MER, Peel Street. 17- ` ' V" J"b$ `J11 UK r`$I` VI Blacksunhh `Hop and Buckie in the Villl of Strand. Innisl TmvnIhic\-C`-omf'I'table Illd. -nu|hlIHdn9; in connection, Tgp-my guy, I V 90 S. T. Rnvnnld. Strnud P.O.. 0| C0-L3 COWAN Rr nnnum e..|:.-4...... n..'.:. n.c_u.n.n ' ANTED--Atonce. amclm coat and min hands. c.Eo.v1('ExERs, VT.-1.;-,-A 'WANTED-Gmd cook immeiliataly. N9 with` E ing or ironing. Apply at NO. to High St. ' .ANTED-G.>od Canon! Appli "MRS. A. URQUHART. to Charlotte It. M * H-H-n 14 tf. [H1 1. ml} K311` I U (I IIUUI-I GENER Af.USll`!2R\;XN l`. family ; wages : must have refer:-ncemfaro mid for Iultnhh Eirl. Applyat the ADVANCE OFEIQF. X16-I6 `ToBAcco:: &II __I 9' pt, 140 to a tobacco store where you `will: always `get it frsh and mint. 100 digreut brands of . by ; u u ,1 unuvuw-I wt: Wholesale and Retgil. V:29P1}16P CEDAR POSTS I-`oh `SALE. om; V LARGE BAY` wonxmd Audits: V - 9 years old, one Blockey mare, ago lbw with a smart vounnr colt hv hm -Ida. Tun mod Cows. `---- -an-p vvvuuuuuuuwu `y_a-rs Zia: use igni--I;i;l smart young colt by her lids. Two good GOV". 0ne_ Brood Sow and 8 pin bv her Iido Apply to EGERTON H. OHNSTON . J mnuiing. NOTICE T - ,. . ~- ._ , ca Lipn w zu`Sb1 e Z'7t1ehtngkt ilssxon of the Parliament of onaoga or an Act to incorporate a Lumber. 4 WW9!` and Navigatnon Com any for. .'b'mE on in Parry Soundp Dist 1C` and also throughout Canada "and"-else-, Where the business of lumberers an Illanufacturers of all timberv: Q ,3; pulp. broducts; 0 erating. and _"!'fg 1f"? In all gninera s..and mines! ,t.1 _(l0Vel0[l)1ng' water power andll E5 .t:!)1t'_ am leasing. sellin_~a.n(1"; l`:: Oi` Wing the same for t._9,`purp, llht and nnwnr, < 1 '-ca---: uuu. puwcu`. ' ' ` _' V` Also power to construct and oper- 3* :1 railwa or tramway: from? :5: _!D'>1nt at Sout lBay on Lake 'N{piss,1!I. , 3 genera " nth`-.,,w, at L !.|. . _`5`.`thT1Y direct-io? to 0.!-', Domts on the Geo gian-A Bay, the 00: t . . ` 1 '1ef$:~:top(::upt_oi%!: ;on tllvfillilllloeoglfi etianadnan Paont * h_5:0f gutter Y i con: 9 1 rail t {irfnnt Sgxl iy :1 `.u..-__ ___, I T__QuB A-CC`O. '1-:3-3`-'x'-Ie.'3frIi'.=.3s:'za::':>"i;'a"3" .. .. . .2 A33 l MEAL npslggss unnnm. .mo.n. grrs. ALL Ail Lu. N . 7 ' WHOLE./N ` VOL Snnfuxxt WISLIY Proprhtor. _ wnvblll -uauun Vlv ywufqylyn - G. H a ` THE '.I`oBAc00NIs'.I.`. % V}1n1mm1,. n....I DAL- O0 nutnihh Awhm u` YOU WANT TO 13`UY K1` 1 nu-U000 COOK llIuul|lUIyo 1`? WI. `%c_n%sAL: on T0 _RI`.N'|'. I, _' I'!II_._ MALL MVINGS : 1 % How they, grow inthe: : :.: :j%:~ NEW:bVEBTIEMINTIo MONEY TO LOAN. A ,4____A. -2 IS_!..-L- E... NOTICE. A FOR SALE. --Li00d ueneral `l'VI.lIl. apply A. . |7'|7'P LA'Ma.-Mm-`' B_a.rt-lo Brdnc"h`; IIOQA-NYC... L. m.aAnom; * :..`.! A?;.`?'.*'x;..`? .} 3.77:z'.~ .';`f 0uaAns iw. H. SHAW ' `Bonn: YOU` VOIYI amouim amouim in , , n s. 1. srnpanws`. Allnmh .RE`.!?E$.: I"IWU `PIINCWAL. ullplluuupg, CKWO -. lsfiotcl mum An o'n'A woon LIME, -:-----u- ` . v > ',v n .,.'o < `V .' I . '. - Q '3 4 .' ' ' ` - V . I .3, ' -. Malta no iruhhko !` ;YARI5;:F()6T OF TORONTO '8_'1`REE'1`. f arma-91nunuonsawmarrie %n. A17Ii% M Ni ALUMBER. Lkri_1 }.`S%un%Porl|anIl cam: b BEST MADE. :I.=i:a:o:Isr:a:-a'7 8:. as. -.s_;-s-so~:gs:-+-z-~s--x-4:-4-+:-i-4~e:-+~:-+~s-:-:54-+3 s'u7.Ee'uo:E33JnJn' sagli Tel. 88. Oioo, '41 Dunlop St. Yard, Foot 9! Mary Street. +~l-4--3-+-E-~!-%'H'+'!+4~4*-'3--!-++-3-~-+++ smmoli A 9 ID 130., TuATTEn L ;+++++++++++++++++++++A ~-=- .-;- Ground oerumou u: mum wuuu muult. In wuruuuo :9: ex- poine.necjuu3r to,luiv- thou piqnqy. . he IQIIO 1: beautiful on the action rupqndp, to'fno- stout` dejcate touch." ~ T ` _ . - < 2:: .1: . ,"At tutu oelchuugod nllwhcpiuubo in tofohdou nIGrvIto'r`y-q5_'MuIic'for'tHbIe of Heinttmaut Co..` and ~ `certainly thinktln manual; mime workmauulup and tho improve- ments found thmin an won-th;tho 3 tn pounemccua to Wv $13009 _lhIl_Q`luA ho .- I.--..a.3l'..I -_ AL- --A9 }Heinliman&co.Piaxios 1 A. Al!` the hon "gnaw .. a Grey and White V LIME, V S_t_ar Po:-ung pvi