Northern Advance, 25 Jul 1901, p. 8

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Are Fashionable Cow Hides.............. Calfskins per lb. ;....`. . . . Tallow perlb.V........... I-IorseHairperlb......; Sheepskins.......... . . 'Lambskins............;.` Horse I-Iides.....`........ Buckwhgat. .. . . Juur -2'4. mot What... . - o o u-ooooctono-supraccoons` C0 03 ......'.ou`Q.o..... o to 01-foot - Peas: .... P .111-ge.. 323'-. y........ 6a.... 70.... 0000000` Rye ..... .. ...`.'.::'.::`.'.'2.13.33? _,45.... Flollfu.............-...... o u n - o n an` 3-out GENERAL PRODUCE Beef,forequarters.................. 6 50.... Beef,hindqua.rters.................. 7 50.... Mutton cool u-u-o:ooocooovuooun- 70-non Dressed!-Iog~s............. .......'.. o oo.... Live Hogs, selections x7otozoo.... ooo... u n li'g'hI:orheavy.... .... .. 600.... Chickens perpair......... ..... Geeseperlb.., ......... . .... o.... Turkeys,perlb............. ...;... 10.. Ducks, er oo. . O1,pel'lb......'..n5...... x600 n Butter, Tub, pal lb-noocnulolpoquno--n 00-. Lardperlb . . . . . . . . . oo.. Eggsper doz...... ...... ...... u. . Apples,pen-bag.................... oo.. Applesperbarrel...... ........... ooo. . Potatoes, per bag Hay erton. ....... ..............f. 5oo.... Woo,washedperlb................ 13....` Wool. unwashed. per lb ........... .. Wood,aft..percord............... 425.... Wood,4it..percord............... 4oo.... Anthracite coal, per ton............ 6 go.... 8:130 3001!? 46.... "1 3: 48 54 75 4o 47 4 oo oo oo 80 oo 700 650 60 o oo oo 17 oo .124} 12 ooo ooo 30 600 45 495 00 A. `V I 1 WI in the July, Mill ductio Our 1!: goods class I A nut 16 tril uxvc: nogs, selecuons x7otoaoo.... light orhea.vy..;....... Geeseperlb..,.............,... O1.pel'lb....n'.. .o`--nu. per lb-noucnulojouuaco-n aouoouonaocoolnuoc-'3 doz..........'.....A...... Applesperbarrel................... - o s a o o - IooOIltIuUIuHo_ n .... .... Wood,aft.,percord. ton........ .... D. H.Ll\`I.Ic[.ABEN, a. _1 A Rimless Glasss Master A1e xncl Mary Walker, Scientific Optician; M|cl.AREN.'$ D RUG STORE, BARBIE. cl-IIAJIII; III Ill-I7 IUZKIIC Cl "i'o}8:'u:'Marketa During the Wek. Toronto Farmers Markets. Toxoxro. JULY. 23, 901. I'u'\:6n ` ` '0 * A Q Tliese pirice-reductions introduce shoe bargains that easily discounts any values ever shown in high grade shoe wqgzr. - Vi ' ' Dalston Advance Correspondence. r u-cw unuvuvon V nonv- Advanee Correspondence. r -In ..` -urn -ram MARKETS. Edenvale. HIDES. Until 4 95.... j (Y|A-- Uu.,__ 15: 3,3 8 75 {En FRAWLEY &MO0RE o 25 75 an. _._...., -...... I Mr. Tnompnon Plewis, of Markdale, 1 is spending his -vacation at his gra.nd- ' ath er s, Mr. J -.A Thompson. - 7 r\__`_'-' (A ,4: an Mr. Cyril Knight, of Barrie, spent` Sunday under; the parental roof. The camp services conducted by the V Rev. Ieabell are still being continued. I [Miss Maggie Jamieson,- of Barrie, ' was thegneat of her brother, Mr. Wm. Jamieson, on Sunday last. i -If . nu` ' of. Notta.waaaga, are visiting `friends here `for 9. few` days. -an-vrv - ~-- Mr. Georg Mair, of Batavia, visited friends here last week. * Masters George Aha William Miles visited in Sunnidsle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bloin, of Vigo, visited with Mr. Z. Rupert on Sunday. On the 15th inst., 9. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Congratulations. 'll'!., 1: 1: s v V -a_ -- v --- v-vlalli - - I Miss E. Forbes, of Barrie, is upend- ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. W. Oulham. 0 There was a terrible wind storm ` passed over this place. doing damage to [ the shocks" of wheat. Miss Gertie Carson has returned "home after. spending nconple of weeks with Miss Gracie Gilchrist. I Miso Graco M orriaon, of the Calling wood hospital, is visiting; her father and mother here. This importimt -Section of our business is very complete and offers ad- vantages to buyers of Men s or B0y s Suits, Hats,` Caps, Shirts, Col- In-nu 'I`I.nn l'\III TT'...J.-........-...... Bargains in ready to wearvskirts, materials ef White Pique, White Duck or Linen Crash, selling at price of material, 7 5c upwards. In all leadihg colors,"and white -muslins pleated, tucked. Lace and embroidery trimmings, from 50c to $2.50 each. " "" "' """"' "' '-" """ ""' "-"""" "'l'."` """ _O"' `"7 O""" """ 1 ' onlgi a small quantity now left, price per yd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some very pretty summer goods, best designs. strictly new, fast colors... A few, pieces of a. special gingham, well suited for dresses or shirt waists. _ stripes, solid checks and broken check effects in colors such as blue, ' pink, green and mauve, Worth 150, the yard now selling at . . . . . . .. \J-I-41.`.-.n.aun.n\.r\n vussvn v\aI.4Iaa.LI.rn- .-.-you-u vv-. --..v.v... ..--.. V---` \;vIrLI.' . Hats worth from 75c to $1.5?) -1-1.1ay be heigl. at 250 to- :A good selection of Flowers are also included in the selling list. Flowers Worth from 250 to 7 5c on sale at from 5c to 25c per bu 7011. Latest shades and patterns in Musiin wear. A few specials in the new blue shades. spots and gures, good sellers, ....I_ .. .......11 ..-_.....|.:1._ _._._' `l..'A. .......... ...-.. -.,J Our` dress gooris section presents a good opportunity for buyers who for any reason desire to get a big pile for little money. This depart. ment never contributed bigger values. FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, FRONT STREET. BARRIE. @'OPPOSITE G. T. R. STATION AND POST OFFICE. 3% . Ohr End cf the Seasons? clea.1:ing_ up sales have so advertised themse1_ In the past that scarcely more 1s reqmrea than the mere announcement; that `es July Clea/ring Sale of the balanceof stock 0fMa1l'l6factvu,.()e`:; '.M'tll'&nery commences this week to convince our readers that bio ` s 1`e- dnctionsiin high class Millinery can now be obtained. Our object is no s Miss `Wright is an up to date Millinery artist and must have next wecret 3-S0n g -goods of the newest and brightest as an aid to the production of our usual high class millinery. J-V vnsnuuuvu Agunvu vvuovu nu.-v -- V... ovvvsalnov -v...--- V- -......-...v.. .;u_y.|.u ULIL` price has been-$2.00, while they last will 'be sold at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Si Elegantly trimmed Hats, latest New York designs, our best productions, lworth $3.00 and $4.50, all will be sold now to clear at $2 00 and $3.00 each; ` ' Untrimmed and Sailor Hats are included in the clearing sale prices. l 11-1.- _.-_.;.1; 11.--- 0:- 1.- an an ......-- 1... L..,1 -4. OK- 4.- #7:- Messrs. A. and C. M. Kie1_ are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Bzfittdn Barker at Arden, Ont. A number of triimd Hats wbrth $1 75 are now off ed at g; price. '16 trimmed Hats which show the latest features of ummer style our -_ am An __1.:|_ ..`L-_ 1--.. -..:n '1... .._1.J .4. _ .__.._v..-O...-u vv no`- v--u V- ...:.;\n lars, Ties or Underwear. Hunter` Bros. Shop News. HUNTER BROS. 1 Bead%t0-We? S_1 auugll I Advance `Correspondence . Muslins a.n_d Wash-Goods. Mr. Wm. Thompson and wife, of Youngstown, N.Y., are visiting his THE: DOUBLE STORE: $tS 1.i~%_h SW15 _Wa:iStS- Men's Wear Section. About 10 Dozen Duke of York Bows have come to hand. They are the newest, secure one 250. before they `See our Cream Serge and Flannel Suits, they are strictly upto date. ' ' We have hot weather Clothing in greet variety, many new lines having been added to our stock this week. `Our new Sunbeam collar is meeting with great suc- cess It does not cost much to wear them, 2 for 250. Ux blood Shirts have been hard to "get. We have them now in all sizes and the price is low. Have you noticedlin our window those love1y'Strip`ed Serge Outing Suits? ` They are the `Latest Style, perfectly made, and the tiis guaranteed, while the price is only $9.00 per suit . (Our Suit Department is still well assorted with all of the season s latest novelities - 54. DUNLOP s'r., BARRIE. The l\ Ien for l\/Ien. Dress Goods. __--v, vnuoIU\A All-I1 \I\IU Ull L7uuuuJI Master Russell Vollmer, of Elmvaiey inane part of his holidays at Mr. James Main- a. - ' Uramnurst. Advance Correspondence. Miss Williams, of Toronto, `is the `guest of Mrs._ D. Baker. ' S. N o. 7 on Saturday evening last, where they played a friendly game. It ended in a slight defeat in favor of 0- 7. Our boys may regain courage 10 the return match. " Anton Mills. Advance Ldrrespondencg. `Mr. George Mail-`is home from NW York State. ---- vuvvn-nut D IQII-Ill. III \JlCI-HUI. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock, of Mid- hnrst, visited Mrs. Cook on Sunday. 'Il'....m.`_ 'l')____ 11 17- n n 1:: ,___...ln _ .Mo.y and Master B. Coughlin left on Tuesday to visit their uncle; `Mr. Barry Stone, of Brechi-n. - Mun 1:I'....L nr-n_-:;_ -~_n _n_:u...... nf "-'ii1:.?1".'|.`l:;;.."Bowman and Miss E- Holmea, of Shanty Bay, spell`? Sd`y fwith if!'in ` A `u... ......u Ky muuu, or Dl'6ClIl- Mrs. Hugh McBride and childrenyf Grenfel, and Miss Mary McLM18h" of Toronto, are spending a few 5 with Mrs`, Jae. McLaughlin. I V -----A - L0_it soon. _ -`-`K-;;)V;.iol hopia xpected In the West Grenfel` schoolhouse when completed- -: ZII d i West Grenfel. Advance Correspondence. _ Mill?` Edna. Houaberger, of Toronto; i9 irthe guest of her sister, Mrs. W J` }H..l":A F ' -__ _ ' `_ tf_L ---- we -. M. E'E:wVVilson spent Sunday with hll brother : family in Grenfel. `M - -...n 'nr__ -r -n 1, -1` M:.l_ -dJm 25,4 - Miss Miha Oaler and Mr. Hook, of \ Barrie, visited Mrs. Osler this week. ' I 5, 11901; 10c 15c We are giad to say that Winhie Sharpe,ds.nqhter of Mr. M. Sharpe, who -wnevsuffering from brain disease. her recovery being doubtful, is so far im- proved thut she is able to sit up. 1?? We are sorry to have to shy that Wm. Foster has been auifering with throat and ear -trouble since early in spring and now the doctors have pro- ` nounced it a cancer of the throat. A few days ago the first of this sea- son's fall wheat was cut, and now the farmers are all busy cutting the beauti- ful golden grain, which seems to be an excellent crop. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferguson returned home last Saturday after spending 8,! week with friends at Horninge Mills. . Mien Wright, of Toronte, and, Mrs`. Long. of Lefroy,are spending 9. few days with their sister Mrs. M. Sharpe`. T Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Morris, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her friend, Mrs. George Sharpe. . noun . - qu- SPECIAL SALE A01 Summer Footwear Qn Sale, Friday Morning at 8 LO O|ock. Bjarrlds Lgadlng Shoe Dealers; Youths TLight Lace Boots, toe extension sole, in Box Calf and Doug. Kid leathers, sizes 10 to l3,`sold regularly for $1 25.Sa1e price... . . . . Boys Box. Calf `and Doug. Kid Lace Boots, toe cap. extension sole, natty _ style, regular price $1.50, sizes 1 to 5. ` 1 Saleprice..... . .. 1 103 `MEN'S DEPT. l M`en s regular $2 Dong. Kid Lace Boots, ` tip. extension sole, new shape, sizes 6 11. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's regular $1. 50 and $1.75 FinevLace - and Congress Boots in Anierican Calf - and Dong. Kid leather, style suitable . for young men, sizesi to 11. Sale ' price ........ . . . . . . Men's regular $4.50 and $5.00 Lace Boots, `toe cap, in` Choicest Calf leathers in B1ack.and`Tan. Goodyear 7 A Welt, J.. & '1`. Bell make. sizes 6 to 9;, V to clearat . . . . . : The funeral of Mrs. Henry Britten, of Waverley, took place here at S`-. John a Church on Sundav, the Rev. J. H. Tenev conducting the service. The aged lady was well known and had many friends in this place. Among her sons that were present was Mr. Herbert Britten and wife`, of Harris, 1 TI7'..1I2... ...L.... -...-..a._ wr;u:;gx;. .,o:,...;;." -_ ..---.-,. During a thunder storm on Sundav morninglightning struck a green pine inMt. Geo. McLean's` bush, smashing it to pieceeand setting it on re, and only forjtbhe timely notice 9. damaging bush re would have been the reeult. V -on Friday. Mr. andV Mia. P._Frawly, of Hille- dale, have the sympathy of their many friends in this village in the death of their daughter, Mrs. Callahan, who died very unexpectedly at Trout Creek _`,_, Q, A ("I I -_`---our", v:w- Mrs.` Dible, teacher, of Ottawa, ,in company with her aunt, -Mre.`P. Clea- land, of the 2nd of Fine, visited Mr. George McLean on Monday afternoon. F Mr. Geo. McLean heads the list for the best. fall wheat in this vicinity, it is 5J_; feet; high and 22 loads on 11 acres. It; will likely turn out about 40 bushels to the are. . ' - Mrs. G. C. Gaston and family are visiting are visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs; J. ` Darby,` at I Harrow, Ont. "ll. _ . r\_-LI- L-) ,I,__, J n.. :_ Mrs. Geo. Syn:-1)`;-Edgar, apd `Mrs. Turner. of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLean on Friday evening. I -v onto. any: '11-o\lI-own! father and mother`, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson. IE3..- \l':1.'L.-J 'I]'-..L A....--L.... -1 L`I -. *uhs;-`ildred Hart, teacher, of Noe.- var, is spending her holiday vacation with her parnts here. , -1` 111-. , ,, 1'-11,, BOYS. DEPT. July 26th. 350 95 Miss May Brown, who has just arrived from London, lLng., was married on Tuesday to Mr.` Walter J. Ratoliffe, bookkeeper. with the Massey-Harris" Co., Toronto, and torm- erly of London, Eng: The wedding took place at the residence of Mr.;N. Wheeler, and` thqbrldeemaid and. groom were ren- peotaively`, Mile Prince andMr. Joe. Young. `The lat,ter u" `then Rev.._ Joe. . `Young, of o3df= he a Ethel Neebit, Myrtle Todd, John Donne, Percy Donne, Lefrpy ; Jennie Elliott, Gertie `Reid, Cecil L. Guest, Painewiok ; Jennie Reid, John Little, Norman Sloane. Churchill; Mabel Todd, Wm. G. Blein, Giliord; Meg- 'gie Warnioa, Ssrdud. r . _ _- ANGUS. V Jae. Ernest Bell, Utopia ; Wm. Cole, Grenfel ; Wm. Comertin, Mitchell Gampell, Bert Rawn, Brentwood ; Stuart W. Dunn, Baxter; Dalton Fitz atrick, Angus; Wm. `Kirkfaetriek, Lvy; ohn D. Peto'n,AHubert Walker. L` Reuben Walker, New Lowell. ~An order has been made by the High Court of _Justice dismissing the action brought by Fred. B. Fetherstonhaugh, So- licitor of Patents," `against Egerton R. Case, also Solicitor of Patents, both of Toronto. `The plaintiff claimed that Mr.` Case had failed to carry out an agreement made be- tween the parties some years ago, which provided that if Mr. Case should leave the employment of the plaintiff he should not practice as a Patent Solicitor or Expert in this Province during the next twenty years. The defendant contended that the agreement was void as being an unreasonable restraint on trade. and also that he was released from the agreement by reason of breaches by the plaintiff of its terms. ' `A serious accident occurred at Thornton the other days in which a young man s life was only saved by a diicult operation. John Patterson. jr.. was driving a team of horsesvfrom the eld when they became trightened at a freight train on the railroad near` by. They `ran away and smashed through a closed gate, the shock of which threw Patterson to the ground. He was tound unconscious with a corner of his head smashed in. Dr. Mc_Gregor was called in, and seeing the seriousness of the case, de- cided upon a consultation with Dr, Wallwin, of Barrie. They. found the only hope of aving the man s life was by nerforming an operation. They opened the skull and took out a triangular piece about an inch to fa side, besides some brain matter, and then` sewed` up the scalp. When the doctors left he was able to bid them good bye, and is now progressing iavorably. Permit us through the `columns of your paper to express our most grateful acknow- ledgements of the numerous kindly acts and svmpathetic words of the many friends who so very kindly remembered us in the hour of our late bereavement. We hope each may accept, as conveyed in these lines, our deep- est_ gratitude, where we have failed to ex- press the same to them. . A 1 . --.... A ._--..- _ The union Sunday` School excursion and picnic to Big Bav Point on Friday last was a big success. The weather -was ne, and the excursionists enjoyed the sail down the bay immensely. Games for the children were the principal sports engaged in at the Point. The moonlight trip was well patron- ized. . ' - -- '-$-23aOQX OAw'inigNto the `eleet:`ric light being. out a.t'._ the gates`crossing on Saturday night it made travelling rather dangerous as that point. The night being dark the man on dutv had to keep`a sharp look out to watch `the rigs crossing the track to prevent ac- cidents. ` Mr; iiugh Galbraith and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Robt. Camp- bell, Esau street. - `Mr. Croker, architect, of Orillia, paid a professional visit to the South Ward on ,Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J as. Durham, of Bradford, is moving to the sixthward, and will occupy Mrs. Hope : house on `Cumberland street. :19 - --- -, _-_ .. -7-.. .-J.. ua--av Jvvvuao I;or Cdlolce Family Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wilklnsoms. All orders: delivered promptly in any clantlty. Please leave your orders at I 6 MI] Oman (Ir Tnlnnhnnn Mn .00 _____ v.__.,. _. _.v-v_--.-v_-av avurrnvwo special feature of the baseball game be- tween Allandale and Thornton on Wednes- day night was the high ball caught by Prof. Hart, who was loudly applauded by the spectators. ` ` \---o~o~~. -aqua:-suuovq-.5 lcias. A.\zi7i'l[ 'z'a.-1n-c-1--1:1;s's.;esaie- Wil- kinson were the guests of Mrs. Dougall, Big Bay Point, for-3 few days last week. `Tn-n mnamlnn ll.....aI... is-_____ .._- I -- V...-4.-s. -uunvvx cu. yrunnpuy In any uantlt . I e M11 Olce or Telephone No.-23. PATENT somcrrorcs AT LAW. 3/His}; -Eidgetown; former- ly of this p1a.ce, the guests of the Misses Uqwie. V Mr. Will Bradford yphid a visit to the vil- lage last Saturday. He` is `now working in Midland. Mr. Marshal Page, who had hi hand hurt while working in Toronto, returned home on Sauurday. ` Mr. `W-e-i)~l,) '1`-1:8 -iii:-groved T his etore by placing in position a number of shelves. NHL- II!,, II On 1. ux..' - A Miss of Hamilton, is visit- ing Miss May Tindall; Miss Williamson, of Tottenham`, is the guest ofMiss E. Page. ' Mr. Alex. Glassford returned on Saturday to his home in Hamilton. `go 1? III as ___.a'.`_- -uvw urn H Miss Agie Graham returneddaat week froma visit in Oollingwood. 1` 1.9 C- -- --- Mrs. Bs:;,_ ;>'f-1-3`al-i_o:viv1iv.-fa:--i-3" visiting Mr. and `Mrs. J obn Clzitfk, Essa. street. 'll._._. Il_'l\I U '- can-av "U055 1r$.Iiavss'i .;11~x1wettva:1d Miss `Galbraith. of Ux; ubridge, are vi_siting wiI:h Mrs. McPhail. `I3-.. `ll ,-,,,, rm Ba.rr1a s south-wetem` Division. with . its Pleasant Btreetsdts Taetv Dwell -' M83. its Pretty Churches} and its Go- a-head People wzll Entice settlement` -_A Weeklv Record of its Doints. Miss E. Newberry left on Saturday for Penetang. ' , L IlS_,`I' .n on: -__ - - `Miss Casseriy, of Tobtenham, is the guest of the Mines Hamlin. ' ` _ __-cu-.-qvvnoo H e; I121-li-e Robinson, of Craigvale, is the guest of Miss Maggie Scott. `IS... A._!. I` ` ` Mt.g&'7n&;a.'i*:-;QL;;;d children spent` Sunday with friends in Orillia. -I.-V - -5 -- Jingwoud and Uxbridge last week. "mg." Jis]tI31'.;i1';;;;- 'vi:i:i;; friei.1da,in Col- I[E.... 1) . _ _ . 44 1 `to "pan i1;a7Ec";utma` Ddgald iaae gxlleat of Miss Eloma. Marlowe. W ` - Miss; ii; Cdllingwbod, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Graham. I!" (`I9 'I\ Irv 1 u . MR. AND MRS. ARNOLD GRATEFUL. mum: mm mm sm] `-rah: hA`It.wAY o`m1~rr3A3 ~ FUTURE CITY. BAD ACCIDENT AT THORNTON. less than regular prices. ~ V . it - These Shoe Bargains will be on display in `our Show _Windows,*ma.rked -for -9.dvertised_shoes cn approbation, as the -quantities are limited. ` _ Miies ale? C1hildren s sages unl(lMSlip1i)Zers'N:vj`ill be cleared at 20 per ivijlplhin gures. ' Sal/`e commences Friday, J uly- `26th, and ` closes. Saturday, in ust5.l0th-V15 days. "Come early it means better choice in your V Please `ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. RTATQLIF`F`E--BROWN. CHURCHILL. JAMES ARNOL-D. . MATILD4 ARNOLD, `Mr . George,fof -Sl;ay,ner,`oa11ed `on ttfienda here_ on. Spnday. ' ` Of the six students who wrote on the I entrance examination held at Hillsdale, ve were successful. Those who passed were :-John Wilson, Grace Young, Winifred Hart, Amy Williams `and Lottie `Leonard. One `very worthy `student has seemingly met with some inisfortune. Mr. w."f>}1"e',3":"XI.}Z?'1'a':11a, mu. ed here on Sunday. A Mrs. J still very poor health. V ` V - T_he' long` span of dry iwesther has injured the pea crop considerably, ' I LADIES`. DEPT. Ladies Fine Vici Kid 0;: Shoe, kid tip, kid lined, hand turn sole, strictly up- ~ to-datein every detail, sold all season, regular price $2 25 and $2 50, all _. sizes. Sale price`. . . . . . . . . . . . . .>...$l 75 Ladies Vici Kid Ox. Shoe,` kid tip, kid ` lined, turn sole in two shapes, full round toe or medium,"verv_ dressy style, _excel1ent wear, sold regularly" at $2. . `Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . .,. l 35] _Ladies' regular $1 Kid Ox. Shoe, tip, _ \ exible sewed sole, natty style. sizes . V, 2; to 7. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . t . 75 Ladies French Patent Leather. Oxford " Shoe, hand turn sole, D. and width, regular price 33. " Sale price . . . . . . ; `2 46 :.Ladies Egrtra Choice Dong. Kid Oxford ;_- Shoe, kid tip, "turn sole, strictly sty-I lish, latest shape, regular price.$l.40 , Saleprice.....:. 105 La.dies' regular $1.50 Dong. Kid (extra . , ne stock) Button and Lace Boots, `kid A `tip, exible sewed sole,-"solid, sizes 2:}? to 7. Sale price, .. l_00 V "The Mapie Lea.f foot-`ball teiim in- tends playing 9. match with Midhurst boys next Friday evelning. The young people oi-this plaoe went on an excursion to Strawberrv Island last Friday. They had a splendid day for their outing and all report. having a good time. ' On Sunday morning a. heavy thunder shewer passed a little to the south of here. We understand that some build- ing at Crownhill was burned. Mr. A. Richardson visited friend in Sunnidule on; Sunday. M Miss Bella Mintv,' of Barrie, spent }.Sunday at home. A large number of people attended the foot-boll match on Saturday even- ing at No. 7. Edgar boys took their defeat in good part. . - vnvny avg J Wheat, white......}. -.............. Wheat,redW..... an-antic-ounoconu, Wheat, goose...................... Spring.................... Bar! Iooust-uulocvo-on-3:00clans!!!- oa.tS`:.....'......uu-sumo..."--u -nnann--o-can-can.-1000 vouoloo Peas............................... Hay, timothy...................... StrawnlIDOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIUOOCII Dressed hogs....A..~................ Butte:-perlb}...............'....... Chickens, spring................... Turkeys, perlb................. .Ducks,.......... ............ Geese............ Eggs perdozen..................... Potatoes, pe::bag................. Beef.I-Iindquarterspercwt......... Beef, forequarters per cwt..... . . . . . Mutton 17-..:-_..._n- LVILICCOYI - . . - Veal per 1`). Not invisible but nearly so. . I The can be made up with either solid n` nun`; c"-A Is--n-AQCAA ll\ uaAnx\ With solid :01 , old lled (warranted to years), or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. A ' We adjust them s) that they are perfectly adapted to the features. This announcement does not imply trade is not brisk with us, our shoe values are too well known to the public to have it otherwise, and truthfully speaking we have never had a busier season than this; W e mean to be progres' sive in ouribusiness methods and for this reason we start on Friday morning to offer every pair of Summer Boots and Shoes `at prices that won t cover the wholesale `cost. We are willing to exchange prot for a quick clearance rather "than "carry a -pair over to next season.

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