Barrie} - Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, mr cent. V51 DUI-I In H. H. `STIHIATHY, Q.C. VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; Bmuxa Powmm, for cakes. One is a drug. of course ; the other a chemical": , T and there are still oth'ers'-SPICES of a_ll kinde. cream of tartar, etc. ` " axuluw. Lnc arug st Knows more about them thanother poop e. W k V d t -C d k eab:Iptico}<|>;lnl;ugs.on omfan as us In the Kitchen. FThe bet lace to get drugs is at a. DRUG STOR - Thu dPIId`0`QI Irnnwc mnrn nhmut :MllNKMAN'8 DRUG STORE 92 DUNLOP-ST. _BARRIE. TRATHY 8: ESTEVNV ~ 3 1 g- DOSS &. BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitors In Nota.nes,_L.onveyan_cers, etc. Oices Bank of -..._.- n..:I.I...a_ Harri; Branch Oicc. Cold` H. LYON, Pl{I>VATE FUNDS T0, LOANi an pan` Rafatn at Iruvpcf I-aloe, F':u-n'19re' But there are other towns that Tare free to install a municipal plant. This would be probably one of the` results of a municipal league. If evnumber of towns could mutually agree to have their telephone systems. a trunk` line A could easily be established. Hence the C.M,, oice On the premises at night. in Bothwelljs 135` :--?---::- AULT-Barrister. Solicitor. Proctor, Notary, Pnnnnugnnar etc. Snecinl H.lI.CllIiOl1 in e drygs STOR . Thc?drug'F:sI: knows about Mama-I vnn-nrhnv n-on DR. R: P. V|_V_|AAN AULT-I:Iarnater. aoncuor._rroccur, qua. _,- , Conveyancer, etc. Spccna} _anenuon ARE NEEl)ED_ EVERY DAY MONEY TO LOAN . MONEY TO LOAN.` ,; ,1` I\_T___A_ 13.. ~1v1ANU1uc'rvnEs._ . sv*Ffrf" - is _>` f _ ; Though no movement "hss'yet ' mode in the matter there istslk offs nunioipol union. 5 Both Toronto pond Montreal people have started `the tstion end it is something we should like to see kept up. Some may what we mean by e munioipsl union. V Well it would simply be e league of municipalities, combined for the pur- pose of resisting the inrosds of private corporations into their `rights. MISCELLANEQUS. ADVERTISVEL IN LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers, Barrie, Opposite R. R. Station` MONEY TO LOAN. . D. C. T MURCHISON. -i=nYs1c1ANs. ' FINANCIAL. -OFFICIAL. DEN TAD. Homoeopathist. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv ""' r"r-` r - a than those of many another Company is the Telephone Company. While its ght seem to be all with the City of Toronto, it cannot be said that no other municipalities are interested" in the out- come of the legal content now going on. Barrie is interested, sois every "town in Ontario. `If the Company win from Toronto they will go on encroaching upon the rights of other municipalities. `Here in Barrie they have tied lup ' the town against competition , either private or by public ownership. IEGAL. Dnucx. 45:1) - .6. \Jl.l 43-ly IV I Barnsters, L AC Instinct: 1 . G. H. Es-mm.` :Nota.rics Public, an}: of Toronto, W. A. Bovs, .s, to loan at 5 35-Iv 3-ly ' Such action is the result of the high- hsnded methods of such companies as the G.T.R., 0.P.R., Bell Telephone 030., Metropolitan Street Railway and To- ronto Street Railway; The chief of- fender of recent months, and the one _ whose grasping actions have been before the people `perhaps more prominently _ __ _L`_ ._ l'!-'______ OFFICE.--Next dqor to Bank of Tronto. * Street. Barrie. . n-` `Canadian Branch Ofce. ` MONTREAL. M. C. HINSHA\V, nponnk Ma nan-or '_`fII"II`fi XTIVII l"I"' Capital. $6,ooo,ooo. Foundcd 1905 Application forms furnished and rates quoted b3 , GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. 20-IV Barrie Ont. Oice in McL':mhy Block For Broken-winded Horses. The only medicine in the world that iii 5`~`,F I-leaves in three days. But for a perlnammt cure It requires from one half to one bottle used according W directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough } oWd' ers 5oc. - Dr.'McGahey s Condition Pm\'dcrsdcslro_\' worms, puries the blood, putting horses. c;m':c ang calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold by i G. Monkman. Barrie. and Cook & Co.. Uriliia. 40"? 4 Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, last and found, pmperty for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. etc, must be eacc-gmpanied with the cash, and will be inserted-- first insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as Words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. ' REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING Fm: I.\'. COMPANIES: ' The Mercantile, pow aflimcd wizh The Lon- _don & Lancashire of England. Secur- .1ty, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. Ont. rr.-.m ..,....... e... ea uvu . And the Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loaf: on rst mortgages. A: counts collected. ?&c. _ (\CC n . n . van Ll..u..Ino-cnn : 'l> PP rnr(- BJUFIC tgent Standard Life. Louudon Gum u- : tee and Accident Co.. Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc- Noamem mm`: 7 ADVERTISING RATES, ihn AIIVANCE nus A cxncuu .. on muuwrmsu uummuu, AN'0L ' ` FOIKTY (101-`Es. \ Almost, if not quite. double that of a A paper published 11: Battle. Hy he! { ';1)\'1-:1uqsERs snovu) NOTE T}1[g pm . 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch " . TRANSIENT ADVERTISEME}qTs_ I First iusexrtion 10 cents per line, each an quenr inseruon 4 cents per line. V b` N..n.iinr nnui.-us H) .'-nnfu v..... 1:- Cuts for udvertlsexnenls must In every case be mounted on solid metal base. This organization had its convention in Boston last week when delegates from all over America attended and the convention was one of the greatest in the history of the .city.v We have heeded this King, .Y_ankees and Y.M. O.A. Well here is where the King ' comes in and the_ goodfeeling of the . Alnericans has in no instance been more gtrongly `marked than in this Associa- f_ f King Edward `sent a. -cable mes. L '.L.l.lU vvuwuxuuu uxuuuaa, us vv (H40; Auv. V...- Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berhn. Ont Total assets. $303,078. Also`L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pa.ny,.of New York. Cash capital, Szgc. nnn Hanrcutting and Shavmg Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- [Razors and Scissors ground and set on 8110" notice. l VV111 UU cum 5CLl- - Advertlsers W111 not be aU0\\'9l_1 to use their space for advertismg anything 0ut.~;ide their - own regular business Should they doso transient Lites will be charged for such ad. vertisements. SCROGGIE & M|TH, : collected. (Ste. 1 Ofce over Hendcrson_s Hardware Store. Barrie `Ont. un 3 Preferred positions for local advenice, ments in the paper will be sold at an admice of one-third on above rates, 0n'Im other ac. `count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly carried out. i CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in minxlthat notice of `intention to change advertisements must be haudediinto the otce not later than `Satin day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tin: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Mumlay in my week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nlmrumu nf` `.\.lvarf1:mnm\rQ nllmw-rl Km will be charged. 1UW1llb - I 12 changes of Advemsemeuts allowed pex year. It more are requlred, composmon rates Adunvoig-nu-a m{I1 A? La -,1Hn\\`m] tn nu rmi- Pnuvlncm BUIHJING Anm ASSOCIATION. tiutzuu nun: I-lvu vxnlsu t)`,I uuL'. . Re.-auing notices, 10 cents per line fc insertion ; 5 cents per line for each sub inseruon of the same matter. A11 It der 5 lines, of this chaxacter, gharg lines. r gm _ :`1lIn\ ` 311:. ed Q3 5 .1 nu.-_.:..1' -..,1 n._, ;oe, expressing his hearty aympnt_hf mm.nnd encouragement `to the Young `on ; Christian Association voisembled xinch a%V inches...........` 5 inches, % column.... no inches, % column. no inches, 1 column.. . `For one month-the with 15 per cent. added. *Fur two months-the with 10 per cent. added. ._'A.1,_._ U5: 7 Legal, Oicial and Govermm-up adm ments w1ll ue_cha1'ge-.1 at. above rates. CONTRACT A_DVEI`.Tl SING, C(mtr:u;t. advertisements will be take thelollowing rates! wlzich are draned on wet: commercial prlnclplcs and will be an adhered 1.0.. There W111 be only one pm all. R T BARBIE, ONTARlO- 2 R A 1 John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. [In \I. KIILVDKIII VV Branch Manager A r: Number of-inches space. `VEVER in its history has the E-\' 1 CELSIOR BUSINESS COL- LEGE had such `an attendance. 0 given so much satisfaction to 1t3_P`*' trons as during the present Session- Three times has it been necesBaI`Y `I; extend itsseating accommodation. 9 _ as fast as thev can be gob ready, ' 4 the pupils go to situations. _ I ,_--unhn VIC PUIJIID `U UV UILUBSIVMUI A complete equipment, a thorouah' T lvup-to-date establishment, in V y line thorough, practical. satisfactory- - '- - " l - . -. 1-` 11 flat derived from union of V-v"""I"I I ` ' ' ` ` " It pays to attend the B. C. I_ Circulanj free for a post card. EXCELSIOR Business Bollege. AUTHORIZED C.`.PI'l`.1 JIZIIMII IV-ILI5Cl I AVIKILA one TLASooo ASSURANCE COMPANY. .-I or r_\_____ bun . INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTlSI.\IES'['S. SCROGGIE 8:. SMITH: J UNE 27, I-`lead om. _ LONDON; r:.\'c.LA.\I> SAM. J. PIPKIN. Ynnzuren ____..___.__ _`_'.`._ three monthly 1 three monthly rm TAL. $ ; noun ' .l trons ):$z 50 S Elnscr-` "..:`--......_. PR 1 CE FOR I Lu. J. 1 11 n Manager. 7, 1901. dratted ly price! hi 00;, ' strict! F75i I IV} price for bv ..;.... .u;cI"l ; non: . 6mm. 1 ,_.-_. -ilnsem : 92.-...J _ advertise. 15: ..1,,m_ . itioll 6" , Owe: 1.. WHO WAS TO BLAME? The Toronto World; in speaking of the presentment of the sessions grand jury in East York, says that the politii cians got in their ne `work and the sheriff was whitewashed in the matter of the responsibility about letting Jones. Rutledge and ltice be conducted from the court house to the jail in theway they did. This is the part relating to Constable Boyd -s death :-The ` tragic ` death of Constable Boyd while in the discharge of his duties in conveying. prisoners from` the court house to the jail, greatly to be deplored. Upon careful investigation; we `nd that neither Sheriff Widdilield nor the c`icialsa`re chargeable with any neglect of duty in the matter. The cool, judi- ` cicus and heroic -r actions" of Constable ` Stewart and `Mr; Kohlmeyer,' a motor- ` man, on the, l0(_I.'0'lIion ` referred to,-' are` p (especially worthy.of_ com'mendaticn. " 1 The bride looked charmingly lovely in a costume of white orgsndie trim- med_ with venetian lace and carried a boquet of white roses and lily of the `valley. The bridesmaid,` M.'iss_Hsrvie, was gowned in tucked mousseline do soie, daintily, trimmed. The bride was the recipient of a large number of useful and costly presents. The following guests from at distance were present at the ceremony :-Mrs. T. Young, Miss Young, Mr. R. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Playfair, Mrs.- Stewart Playfair, Miss Bostewick and Mr. and Mrs. McMerr_ick, of Toronto ; `Mr. and Mrs. Tilson and Miss Bridgeland, of Bracebridge ; Miss Wilson, Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. Playfair, Mr. and Mrs. White, Midland; Mrs. Campbell, Yoho. ' V `Mr. and Mrs. N. Playfair will reside in Midland on returning from their honeymoon. T ' ' AFORMER BARRIE LADY. Mrs. Grassland, formerly of Barrie, and `now of Salt Lake City, is head nurse of St. Mark's Hospital in that place. . In "the Salt- Lake `Herald of June 7th received at this ofce a few days ago, there is an account; of the exercises attending ohe gifaduation of the youngiladies of thst training sohonoli In this description it says :- ' Before concluding Dr. Basoom, on behalf of thevgraduetee, presented Mrs. Oroeelaud. head nurse, with a. beautiful gold ring as `a token of the love `and esteem in` which" ehe "is held by the young women. `.hs= beumataau certainly `a sgrwtying inatter. .:Just- the King s;rneags _ `was received isdescribed by the._B0ston=_ Journal _ thus-.:g-Everybody shouted, and those who had not climbed upon their chairs stamped and jumped up and down in a kind of frenzy, ahd the less demonstrative, whose hands were not busy waving something, applauded ina more conventional way. The vast audience, larger than at any previous session of ' the convention, and` more brilliant, - perhaps, `for it was a short of college night, had sprung to its feet at the mention of King Edward's name. A moment of roaring enthusiasm, and some quavering voice started `God Save the King.- The unfamiliar words to the familiar air rolled _out toward the platform, and back against the walls and through the doors and across the broad avenue. ` But that was not enough. Somebody cheered and then everybody cheered with him. Judge Spencer, who was presiding, stepped to Mr. Williams side and said, `Let's rise and give for his Majesty King Ed.- ward VII. three Yankee cheers. And they rose and the cheers were given as only Yankees can give them. U Mey this circle said he, addressing the recipient, Which has no beginning and no ending, be a constant reminder of the never ending love of this class for you. ' , MIDLAND MAN MARRIED. The marriageof Miss Marion Young, daughter of the late David Young, of Winnipeg, to Mr. Norman Playfair, of Midland, was quietly celebrated Wed- nesday morning at the home of Mrs. J. F. Young, Gravenhurst. the house being tastefully decorated "with ferns `and, owers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. A. Dow. Miss Edna Harvieacted as bridesmaid and Mr. 0. Langley, `of Toronto, supported the groom. The Penetang Herald recently com- Inented upon a display of photos snd lsndscspe scenery of Mr. Bald, formerly of` Bertie, which it described `as the snu;oucli`s:;i1o;gnc1.rpretsiee it had yet] AA nnvmw or A Nnw `nook ORTWO AND sown mm bmagzmn - To some it may seem strange that I_ should. . include the Delineator among ` literary 'matters. While this magazine has been ingratiating itself among the ladies in all United States and Canada as the criterion of fashion it has been `also increasing its scope. While, for instance in the July number, there are articles which I have no doubt are the the very best on. such subjects as The Fashions in London and Paris, Styles for Ladies, The Latest in Parasols and matters of interest to house-keepers there are also short stories and various miscellaneous articles. Of the latter, there 18 one which the publishers claim is one which makes this number one of the-most remarkable numbers they have ever issued. ` This is the rst of a series of articles on the Pan-American Exposi- tion and it certainly is worthy of note- The coloring at the Exposition is said to be perfect. The buildings on the outer edge of the grounds are the deepest in co1or,paling till they reach the heart of the Exposition. Mr. 0. Y. Turner, Director of Color at the Pan-American let the Delineator have his original water-color sketches. and the magazine is to be congratulated on their reproduc- tion. They are veritable works of art. "Iva a` wonder someone didn't think of that before, a person frequently says on reading some story that has appealed to him as original. Short Stories are often based on something `that. has hitherto not been used in otion and the writer gets credit for the originality. No one will deny him this and no one willdeny credit for `originality to Erin Graham for'_the story According ; to Gibson in the `Jynly Smart Set. m'........r....:..- I.-- I..`......: ..c+_t... llakmm Eiverybody` has heard of the Gibson girl and the sketches of his type are familiar to every magazine reader. In this shoit story I refer to, this`Gibson type is `made the foundation, from which arise some complications. Though the Canadian Magazine for Jase in wonder native in this oolnmn two weeks ago, I am again going to refer toit. - There `are three yaluable articles, one dealing with A Decade of Canadian Prose, one with A Decade of Canadian Poetry, and another with A Decade of Canadian Art. In the rst of these Professor L. E. Horning` starts out thus, Canadian poetry has had `a wonderful and invigorating growth since 1890, but the progress of prose writing since that date has been no less remarkable. This is speci- ally true of historical writings and of fiction. [As it is by the latter that our writers are best known, I shall deal with itrst in this review, and, as my space is limited, no attempt will be made to enumerateall the -writers `nor to speak of each work in particular. If you want a story of complications, however, read Papa Fouchard" the opening novelette, by Miss Molly Elliot Seawall. A It is a French farce, contain- ingludicrous trouble into which the characters fall. A highly respectable advdcate of Paris, Mr. Bouchard, for thirty yesrshas been under the tyranny of his spinster sister. He rebels and goes to gay bachelor quarters,` and the bright side of life he starts to see of cost." The story scintil- letes with smart humor, as indeed does all the contributions of this vivacious `and. exhilarating number. _ I The professor then proceeds to enum- erate the principal writers, putting Gil- bert Parker first. Of his writings he says, The Battle of the Strong" is the most ambitious work, marking a distinct advance in his character drawing. There are `many, however, who thinkshis pre- vious work "The Seats of The Mighty, Parker's best; I would have liked some mention of Dr. .Parker s- latest, The Lane That Had N 0 Turning,_ but the professor has left this out. The writer continues, Probably the next author to be considered is C. G. D. Roberts, certainly so in point of pro- ductivity. As if Charles Roberts had written a large number of books 1 The only thing to be regretted is that Rob- erts has written so little ction, but what he has done is the very best. -Of the short `sketches there is a. clevr piece, called The Woman Who Looked Ahead." It will -be f_oundreprinted in another ooVl\_1mn.A _ ~ . . The J une num.be_r of the Outlook : monthly was .v e:-y.go od due. It was the _t_w_lfth annugl rodreqtin number, and-.- %_g t:' "app;-qgiriate .contributionA wan. Lmnm .cnumm. Ndmnngnn Lnuucrf. - "It is 44 years since I left your sep- tentrional re'gion-the home of Aquillon and his boreal blasts. How beautiful the bosky and unbrageous shores of Lake Simcoe must look at the present moment. in mylthouqhts I liken it to Loch Katrine in the Scottish Highlands, so sublimely pictured by the immortal bard of Abbotsford. And if there 7bea wooded isle in it whereon dwells . another Ladv Ellen, the picture `will be complete. , n1'\ .p.;.; Amman sow m..~ 'l!h:ix;';;.i ticle,'vwe1`1ill nstrated- and .w_sl_lj.written describes the may beautiful country. clubs of United States. . Two full page cuts show the pictures of the Constitu- tion and the Independence, vrith an ar- ticle on the Cup Defender. The first Harvard-Yale regatta (1852) is well described hy James W.~\Whiton, one of the inaugnrators. Besides several other interesting articles of like nature there are the regular features of current. hit- A. Fable for the Fair. _ There was once a Woman who Be-A came the Admiration` of her Friends, owing to the Manner in which she Em- played the Period of her Engagement to the Man of her Choice. She was Far from Wasting the Hours in Mattnees and Walks and. Drives, as did the Other young Women of her Acquaint- ance. `She went to Cooking Classes, Home Nursing Lectures and Kinder- garten Training Schools instead. a `-"' '1 I 11 [V_ g_ _, Her Hnsbend had Regretted the Loss of the Matinees, the Walks and the Drives during the Time of their Engagement. N ow that we are Mar- ried, he said, I Hope you will Find the Time for Some of These Things. It will be a. Gsyhseason in Town this year. T We will Improve the Passing` Hour. I am Glad, replied his Wife,"that One of us `can Look Beyond the Pass- ing Hour into the Future. I am Con- vinced that' Failure to do this is Re. sponsible for the Wrecked Families we see All About us. `For You and Me the City is all Very Well, but we Owe our Helpless, Innocent Children a Better Home. Children. need the Coun- try. ' They must'Grow up in the Midst of (Jews and Hay and Green Trees. Any Book will Tell you That. An Apartment is not a Home." ' -is n . - LEFT BARBIE 44 YEARS AGO. Whether you have lived here 44 years or not there may be something in the following letter to interest`. you. Who will say chat Barrie is not a source of inspiration 'l_ After reading this, will you not. say that if ever you _leave Barrie, but the name will rouse all your poetic ardor? 1` un -u ' So they Bought an Abandoned Farm on the Outskirts of a Suburb and Built Up a Home there.- The Woman was Sustained by her Principles, but her Husband Disliked the Country. In Time he Lost his Digestion Catch- ing Trains. Quite Often he Logs his Trains, too. On. the Whole, they; were` I?[r.- C. Smith, of La Fayette, Ind.. writea:- - A In the matter of road-making, the league could do good. If there is one thing of great and lasting importance to municipalities it is pavements. ' How many times have towns paid more than they should for pavements? y Combines exist for keeping. up prices, and the tax- payer qsuifers accordingly. - Why can- not the "towns unite to overcome oom- tbine prices, and see that each munici- pality has fair treatment ? nu,_ ___..-._._._-_i. -1. -1] -;_.._L... 3... This teaches us that Prevention is Sometimes Worse than Cine. JOSEPHINE D. DASKAM, In July Smart Set. THE WOMAN WHO LOOKED AHEAD N ob v'ery Happy there, Never Had any Children. The town ofeBarr1_e, too, must be a beautiful place, situated as it. is in an amphitheatre of hills, and laved by one of the loveliet sheets of water, to my notion in Christendom. ' ' 3" 6? Marriage, said. she, is a. Serioue `Thing. It is Sickening to me to Ob- serve Women rush Lightly into the Solemn `Responsibilities of the Home and of Motherhood, entirely Without any Previous Training. So that at the Time of her Marriage there we: `Very Little that she Did Not Know. Seats of my south where ev ry sport could please. ' Canipbell says distance lends en- ohanttnent to the view "but if he were living I believe he would make an ex- ception of Barrie and the classic lake on whose border it is situated 3 for I believe that no more space could make any diminution in, or addto the beauties of both. a ___,, _ 4`_j-g f , in one place; _ _ . The World says :--Martin Moore, of Barrie, again took his residence in the Houseof Refuge on Tuesday evening.) Martin has been there many times be- fore, but does. not like to stop long Z>])ear_ lovely bowera of innocehce and House or Reruge Notes. `Anti they I The experiment, at all events, is worth trying, and we hope that Mayor Howland, of Toronto, who in one of the propoaere of the scheme, will go on with the organization. Let us have a League of Canadian Municipalities, by all means. ` ` We - . J . J THE ADVANCE. T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, 551 be at his oice.- at the Court House. -Barrie, every Satutdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. , JAS. EDWARDS CONVEYANCER. At his `ofce ntil 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. V u-lv HTHE PLANING MILL COMPANY Cargentering, Building and manufacturing of nnnra San`-I Rnaa, Rinnhnntrc ntn D`an:n(r AF I `I113 13111414 f14l`llV1LVL1' LV111414 \I\ XV11'I11Vl"' 1 Doors. bash, Blinds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- ber Factory-Ba.ye1d Street, Barrie. RODGERS Rt G-AI.]'.TR munoesgnrg to (Man. Rn", . . I . . ' `w. puxron, Barrister, solicitor, 1~iouFy" _. `Ccnveymicer, cw. Monev to Loan. at lowest rates. ` 0ce=-McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap Street. Barrie. 27-53 Eawing an_d probaung _wxus,_ uuualumg .c...;.. III administrauon And guardnanshnp, cohecting accounts, etc. Oices. Ross` Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan. 1'1. LXULV, rxuvnxn runuo LU LUALV U. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any art of . the County. Real estate bought and sold. Cponvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. -1.-, .l FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrinipal money required until end of Hm nu-m, . S'l`RA'lH\'. Solicitor. Etc.. '1`o revert to the telephone question, we emphatically disapprove of - munici-' pal ownership if national ownership can be brought about. [A municipal union could, we" think, bring. its inuence upon Parliament to buy up the system. Then if they failed the municipal sys- tems could be put in in opposition to the present company. DIYCCC, Darne. oer r 1 `G: GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. R.` J. F. Palling. Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College" of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8: S., Glasgow, member of British Opthalmological Society. Specially .- Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. OFF ICE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- .-:..r .-mnnaim Post Ofce and Railway Station. R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon in cl_1arge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. Otce and molar` residence . uostairs in -McCarthv Block, 2: charge or Emergencv l10Splla1, 1 orouw. umu: duu night residence upstairs -McCarthv Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture wa.rerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. . 29-ly _ ` R. E. L. BRERETETN. Dental Surgeola. Ofce over I-lambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 15!: and 1rd Mondays of each month} . 5 1-lv Interest. No nncxpax money requlreu uutu cnu ox lthe germ, . H. _STRA'1I-IY. Solicitor. Etc.. I!......- "ITI`iI Ii 1Yl'IIIl V We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Nlnnarnat-s. MCCARTHY. BUYS 8. . L\lURCHI- at 4; am: per cent. on line secunty I guou [arm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS 8? MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for adotgtion. in good Homes. a number an` (rnlunrv annt`:an .-l.:lA.-n... kn`-g n-`A nu:-In KING. gankmms AND Y.M.O.A. ` The Young Men s Christian Associa- - tion is an organization whose inuence is felt over all Britain and America. It is the only union which promotes the interests of young "men, and in this matter is continually branching out. Letters received from camp at Niagara bear the mark of the Y.M.C.A. tent. In the war with Spain, the United States Y.M.O.A. s set a precedent "by. landing representatives to take care of the needs of the soldiers. And Canada had a Y.M.C.A. tent with each noon-_ tingent in the'war with South Africa..- IV Notaties, Loonveyanoers, etc. utnces Dam: a- Toronto Building. Barrie. Branch Ofce, water. Money to Loan. Donn) Ross. LLB. J. C. Bkoxovsxx. DR. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P., London. Offices and night residence-Brown's, Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. 0'Fb`1UE.-7zs uunlop btreet, aanucrs Dxuux, unl- rie. opposite Post Office Railway Phone 54. P. 0. Box 96. 7-ly Hours-u to 1. 7 to 8. I `I'll: IJIIILLIIXDLV 3 I111} DUDIILJ. X `Jr DHKKID ado txon. In _of bgight yo_ung' _ anadian children, boys and girls 'RarrIe- Parties desinng them are asked to communicate with the Secgjetarvo IREV. D. B. HARKNESS. 0-1`) ' W . 7 Cohveyancer, Spccial anenuon In awing an_d ptobating _wills,_ obtaining letters o: * administratxon gmrdnanghnp, colopptiug accgunts, _________..,__.__.__._...__.__._____.. ENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BRUW1\. Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills guardianship and administration. ana General Soiicitoruy Notaries. Llonveyancers, etc. HAUGHTON Lnuxox, Aux. Cowzm, B. HOLFORD ARDAGH, G. E. I.BRowx, L.L.B ` _ Oces: Hinds Block, No. 6. Dunlap street, Bar- ne. Branch Oces--Lennox 8; Ardagh, Gravenhursi; r .......... Ac-(Inch, (`nwan 8: Brown. .Creemore and M. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mone to loan. Oices-Barrie and Stayner. Barne ice--Bank. of Toronto Building, Owen street, T 5 1y R. `J. c. SMITH, L.C.P.S., om., (late of Drs. Harvie 8; Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly lwv-----v`-~-- "Municipal ownership of public fran- / Achises, we believe, would grow in favor ' if a league were established and possibly 9. radisl system of electric railways could be established. Those in Mon- treal in favor of a league are forced by the action of the street railway com- pany there, and the City of Toronto has its periodical troubles. We are of the opinion that municipal ownership is the solution of the street railway problem, and a league of municipalities would undoubtedly promote such. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: etc. Oee-Fi|-St door Owen street, over Bank of Com- merce. Barrie. 49-48. EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tors of the Sn reme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors. otaries. Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices-Ross Block, Barrie. C.-E. Hxwsox. , ' A. E. H. CRBSWICKE. D Darrxzswx a, Solicitors in High Court of Justices, Not `C2onv_eyancers. Oices over the Bank Branch Oices--Lennox GE Araagn, Lrravcnnunu. , Lennox. A1-dagh, Cowan 8; Brown, a:-lv `MCCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISON. Barris- ters, `Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler 8: McCarthy. Oice-McCarthy Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. - - " '* ------ ` - w A mwe J. i . _ n IIII`1I It u-vv. 5 add 5% per cent. on Mortgage. 1' l\IYKY'I" I`. `I I\I'Y\V"I" `.12-tf. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. Drugs and Chemicals irenet to. be" ml_1ni oipalities.