_ A` J MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Al the time appmaches for. -the civic test the apathy which marked the part of the -campaign toia great '9n2ibii3 -in `vtnijrniotil 1 =4 width: appear nyon some at the latest tailor costumes at ladies cloth. covert, L In-ondlofh. Venetiag, `drap tie` china and `French TURKISH ooomi-: s. CHQPS FROM CHINA. PERT PERSONALS. THE Ro?AL BOX. ANIMAL LIFE. 7 V men are tuned, special From its Cape Town correspondent be provided, and ten o j'I`,he Daily Mail has received the follow-` teen lieutenants oomni :"-The second invading force was} given to Canadian oi` d,en'ign_ed to 0001197 Britetowp. ; .'bnI:_ be- -reoomx'nendution. If mt reap-,n London, Dec. 22.-.-;We understand ` that reliable private advices have been received in London, says The Daily "Mail, to the effect that virtually all the districts of Cape Colony in the vicinity of the Orange River are in more or less open revolt, and that there. is likely to besharp lighting on a large scale before the invasion is crushed. -'.l`_he_t[actios of the Boersin rallying. as manyas possible of the Dutch in. the [back countryfto their cause is proving successful. J . ._-w-- cut on-nvnu V I `luv V1 ll VII Speaking of the re-pgrts about (11; _Queen s falling health, 001. Otter said : "When I saw the Queen on the 30th she spoke to the battalion, and her voice wasquite as strong as is mine at present, and soofar as I was able to judge, havinglseen, her in both the morn- ing and evening, and spoken to her for some time, she not only `appeared in perfect health, but was most keen in her interest in and appreciation of the ser- vices of the oolonials, while displaying regret for the loss of so manyvpbrave men. She walks feebly, it is true," having to be assisted by her Indian attendant, but . her eyes are bright and her face-is quite. expressive. 7 - vn nvoovvin Thousands of citizens turned out to greet returning heroes, and they were given a royal welcome. Sixteen ocers and 275 men arrived on the steamer, all of whom are in excellent health and "spirits. Col. Otter and Lient. Ool. Bu- chan brought their chargers with them. -1` L`-'- ' ---4-.L-. _L-..L LL- Halifax, N. 8.. Dec.'23.--The steam- _` er Lake Champlain, from Liverpool, with the balanceof the first Canadian contingent, arrivedat the harbor at 2 o clock this morning and later anchored at quarantine. The steamer remained there until daylight, when the port phy- sician inspected her. At 9 o clock the steamer came up to the dock at deep water terminus, while a salute was red by the Royal Artillery from the citadel and the church and tire bells rang out a joyous welcome. The troops were re- ceived by Lieutenant-Governor Jones, the Mayor and aldermen, and ocers of the Royal Artillery, Third R. C. R. I. and militia.` A special train was in waiting, and men and baggage were quicklytransferred thereto. The steam- er. had a rough passage until Grand Banks, of!` Newfoundland, was reached, and from there to this port ne weather -was experienced. . ' 'l'L-_..-...`l_. -1` .:L.'.___.; L.__,_._` V, a . Colonel Otter and. 275 Men Reach 1w_ 4 Trouble in Cape Colony. **`%SHOP PIN G. Mantles at Reduced Prlces. Mllllnery at Reduced Prlces. R silks for Blouses at Reduced Prices. Dress Goods at Reduced Prices. AHAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Forthe mayorality the only names Jiiontioned yet are those of Mayor Budenhurat and Alderman Boys. The ;re:ae'nt"incumbent asks for a renewal h the people s condence on the ground 3....Iilly that it is now considered proper ftjpnnoipal etiquette to return all Mayors- second term.` Hisrecord is before and on that he ought to stand pntgu. T _ _ giiu the other hand, Ald. Boys states MORE SOLDIERS. SARJEANT1 our Hotaaaystock Is en. Largest, Finest, and Best T Assorted we have ever had. DIRECTW llV|POR TEF'-28. __. --_.-an ava vuu \JUl.llIl.l Alf!` can oonstsbulsry, and will have much` pleasure in sooepting up to 1,000 men, ` if so many available. They must be good shots, good riders, single, and not under twenty or -over thirty-ve. In-w speotor-General of Constabulary will send. Captain Fall, Lord Strs.tlioons s .Go;ps,`from South Africa, to pass the men", who" will be actually enlisted on arrivsl in South Africa, when pay will `commence at the rate of live shillings a day, with free rations,- equipment, etc. Vlngngement to be for three years in ~m`instanos... If not less than 1000 mejn are raised, special transport will captains and lil- teen ,:._lia'ntenanta .; oomniiasions will be 7 j _I your A gieat many Canadians having offered themselves for service with} Baden-Powell s Constabulary, the Mui- ` tia Dept. wrote asking the Home Gov- ernment If it would enlist recruits here, Mr. Chamberlain has replied toALord Minto as follows: Referring to your telegram of Dec. `4, unavoidably delayed by necessity of oousultingauthoritiea in South Africa, her Majesty's Government learnwith - satisfaction that recruits are coming Rio:-ward in Canada for the South Afri- ll nnnnb-nL..I--- A-- V` .... .. vuuvuovu 0 Dewet in. the neighborhood of Senekal. A ' ' ,_--.. ---v nu-nus Wall!-U\lo : The Boers have not received much 1 assistance in Cape Colony, so far as my information goes. We have armed some of the colonists, who are assisting our forces. Railway and telegraph com- munication haavbeen much interrupted by the very bad weather. London, Dec. 23.-The War Office has received the following despatch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretor1a,i Dlcember 22 :-So . far as it is pca aible for me to form an -opinion from the reports of oicers on the spot, I think the Boer movement into Cape Colony has been checked. Of the two forces that entered the colony the east- ern ia still north of the Zontpansberg range, while one that entered the west appears to have been turned in the di- rection of'Britstown and Prieska. Our troops are getting around both bodies, and a special column is also being or- ganized which will be despatched im mediately when I know where its ser- vices are most wanted, (JIIL _ `I1 An enormous concentration of troops is being made up on the belt country occupied by the invaders, but is not ' likely that the Boers will offer battle in large numbers. There is a renewed de- mand for the wholesale proclamation of martial law. _ Q IIUIDW IVIIJI Elli`, U, j_n:au::L WESLEY, Pnopmeron Mountains. Want Canadian Recruits. :nnnI a&e %....n- 1" is... `.1 Gents Ties. 15 speeiel for Christinss. in owing ends, . four-in-hand. lombsrds, bows, and pus, the latest: styles, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c to 50 Gents Clarendon Soarfs, the new shape . . . . . .25c to $1.00 Gents Fine Umbrellas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l.00 to $1. 50 Self~Openers|at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3. 00 Ladies Dressing Sacques, very pretty, at . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 Fancy Table Covers, in Chenille and Tapestry. at 750 to $5 00 Gents Mocha Gloves, all sizes .. Kid Gloves, lmed . . . . . . . Ladies Umbrellas with nobby handles, : Ladjes Kid&Glovea, emial value .. . .. French Kid Gloves, `_`Adonia" . . . . cg u u u. ML Peale: ' to u so as usueden _ _ . ` The question has been asked by quit? 3 number recently. What s the matter with the. teacher? No examination this year. `It reflects very poor credit on the part_of 8 teacher, after s nding a` whole year In_ I Iohool to walk 0 carelessly without havnn anything to show as the result of her labor. People look for an exam , for the? hi" `I fly! been sooustomed to it in this school for years back by all the teachers who were worthy of the name. Exams. are sup? 130 ` tests 0% a' thorough teacher and "wondering when our has 130 _ - _-r._..~-v-- __mi_nntions and will do all in thexr \ between now and the day of elec- to secure the return of the beat men for both the Conncil and fnblic School Board. Let the beat "I win without fear or favor. I W.,_e.trustt'he electors wlll attend the vucnv, C50 VIUIBII-I5 IUIDIIVUG uvnvn `-3; T. Johnatn, of Penefans i the guest of her mother. Mrs. Jae. book- Mr. J;.{;.'E.,LI.}i{ii'..}i'}i.}n}im., Hnntlville, are visiting relatives here. II`... In 1 _ 1, . .- L Msvid. Wilson left on Sabuaday _t0 9Pdf the holidays with Mr. S. Dnckmson 0 Hamilton. ` Miss Amanda. Carson, Miss Mari M' Lauchlin and Miss Lizzie Scott. of Toronto, are home for the Christmas holidays. 1. Q A: Anten Mills. Advance Correspondence. Mr..end~ Mrs. Donald Jacobs, of `Barrie. are spending Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Wilson. Hslifsx, N.S., Dec. 23.-The Chron- icle bullding was badly damaged by re this morning and considerable plant ldestroyed. A new perfecting press in 'the basement escaped without serious injury. The loss is roughly estimated at from $9000 to $12,000 ; covered by insurance.- Division 1,--Class V-Herrold Hui- berr, Florence Halberc, Edward Fisher, John Davis. Class IV--R0b'ertDavis. Harry Banting, Willie Kirkpatrick. Melville Corbett. Class III Sr.-Wes- ley Martin, Mary Banting. Lewis Fisher, Bert Reid. Class III Jr.- Robbie Holt, Roy Jamieson, Frank Banting, Walter Keccyle, Ella Cox- worth. Class II Sr,-Christy Fisher. Ethel Hallmark, Mabel Gauley, Sarah Pearson. Division lI,-Clasa II _Jr -Beverley Jennett, Norman Coxworth, Jennie Banting. Victor Gruinger. `Part II Sr.-Dalton_ Banting, Dolph McLean. Part. II J r.-Lu.ura Lennox, 'HI,irriet. Coulter, Edna Arnold, Willie Dales. V Part I Sr.-Lawi-euce Jennett, Carroll Lennox, Edith Uoxworth, Emily Banting, Bertha Pearson. Part I Jr --Mabel Lougheed, Hazel Lennox. Su`, J. B. Gilleaby, Mary Speers. oicere and men, these who [MVP eenw T in4S(_)uth Africa preferred. (Signed) Chamberlain.` Thefollowing is ftvhe Honor Roll for the Ivy Public School, S.S. No. 7. Eager :->-` Halifax Chronicle Burned. Ivv Public School. UBODIB. ,3: $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 `of l_, 7 _- a. 61-` 1%=ioa'r%nArrs. ver Aimum in _ Adva/nae. Inouul secure 3 nun-mcuauy numw ' Hand Book-iuued moathlv. All other trains Daily except Sunday. i IAIBII 'ro.Au.AxnAl.3. \ I.In., 7.56 a.m., 9.37 1.111.. u.x5 3.311., 11.5 " 7;p.lll., 5:23 p.mn 8.00 Puma . _. . ALLANDALI TO ukmn. T nu. X1010 `nah. Ilos 8.11)., 9.111. 3': p.l!`l.. 90:9 p.m. .i:arI:1me'ntA-otigthiz obi be jit,'lho_n1dVx_Iot l`'B' V u!:[oTxIZl:secu:-e a Rudd-McNally Railwny monthlv. ,3, '-___- --v-'-.---'..-..-V... --vw -v-- @I$oKNDALE & BARRIE sizcjrxon. `f;J3`I}: RAILWAY Gulbz Ian. ' '_ Mail. 5.15 pan. `pug. *Atlanhc & P ' c Ex. 11.54 p.m. M " ' North Bay Mixed. 7.80 nan. v,onhu_n-at mixed (south only) 9.35 " TT:'5.l|l'\I I l\Il!lIil'\r\l\ a. sun A nnnn .9-yvrv---_uvv uuwluu `wvllsll IIIIIJ] 090$ ;;c_oLLINGwooD -8: MEAFORD. nk Jackson, 22' Etnxinag _ nae pan. _ . 11.88 am. _.:I;; _*Alnntxc & Pacic Ex. 8.58 pan. Express leave; Toronto at 5.20. I! Alli! mnu ivgo /j`: is-`_:g':r:ri`vo fnom ._ _.. _..--...-cu an Iv , uuu his maange may ins ` poet .ofh_ia an pordinatea." Tamas our Sunqcnurnou. ar an as ; nu u. Accommodation. Acoom modation. menu} Ex re;s PEN TANG. A 53-:Qn4.`l|`:4$ ,-corny-u nvuvu-` HAMILTON . "roii61i:5:_' UISU (SW11 `:2 ' 9. para. 11.38 mm. in-.. .*4s bbulzi 1o};.{Qi{J:; - A phhcd from the Oice, :33 Dunlop Street Tlilijin the County of Simeon. the Pro-W Vince of Ontario . Canada. every ` Thursday Morning, by ' 5 8.p.m. 7.55 am. 3-55 P-mu I ially t VANCE Ipaper. ` `unlop the Pro- - ivory 'RlETOR some of the Augustus Iteqnests with Which He Has. to Wrestle. _ A United States consul in a foreign port receives all sorts of amazing re- quests trom idiots in his native land," said a. gentleman who was formerly in the "service in South America, A good many cranks `seem to believe that Uncle r Sam employs his foreign representatives for the particular purpose of catering to their hobbies. A woman in Iowa. for.ex- ample, once wrote to request me to send her ten `typical examples of the folk lore of the people and cautioned meuto have the stories `taken down in shorthand ex- actly as told, otherwise they would lose their value.- Another woman wanted sta- tistics of intemperance among the_ na- tives for the preceding dozen years--that in a country where not even_ mortality. ` statistics were collected. us .4... 3-.-... n--ne_|- 2; 1' _.,._- __gu._, F5930 7.58 pan. [l.33 njn- .When"you have nothing;tp.'aay. say? nothing. A "weak defense strengthen %yur;;9nbone;;t.:y4am3_k, qiluzoo 1.: In- The Chinese Dstudy phrenology. it `ing a man by the development of- } torehead~ and a woman _by ithe` form -`size of the hack `of -her cranium. * aIlIlIlI=I|o `Father-Whp. prepared this pudding? `Mother (looking at her daughters in succession)-_-I tnus'tn`t tell. The author` desires to ' remain anonytpoua.--Meggem dol`fe1"Blftm-_ . `-1 - v i us:-wuscu bu [Cull dorfer Bl_atter. out. Morning .l:'ost `editorially . that 3 denite settlement of the ken boundary question he not de- It says that provided the Bri- _r1ght'_e of way to the country of '-Dawson city is the capital is tier ' north, is largely due to adds :4--~`,`Un-til such mutter niayl be formally pe, that President Mo- -pus alrrlvcilo . `_"1`he daijkest hour, said Cholly Stay-i late sagely, is'just before the dawn." . She yvent to the window and peered 1 out. - ' A ` of extremejdeference. VIII. II-IIlo Am I addressing the head of the house? asked a trump. with a `gesture Well." [said the Boston woman, if can scarcely "be termed an address. I. doubt its you_ wlll care to complete even` your exordium. Thereu-pon the door seemed actually to freeze shut.- -V-5 uuusgc LUIU ll. Lneuu llIIe!'WIII'ug "Was an old soldier. He knew how to obey orders. - - - uv usc JV. Ell". ' . . . . 1 Come to dress me. have you? was` Sir George's `reply. Get out. Do you think I can't dress myself?" T At last he got so sick of the sight of these same servants that be summoned his ordm-Iv and Dawn M... :.;..o......u--- ....... mun: uctvautb ;uuI. ue qummonea 1'1-i-s orderly and gave him Ixistructions` to make them both drunk. My orTderly."A Sir George told a friend afterward. was nn nhl nnh-Hm. `Cr... 1...-.. I.-._. 4- -L-- .-u-vqvcip sue `KICK-3 When Sir George Turner of Victoria, Australia, went to London for the Vic- toria jubilee celebration, two unkies were told o to attend upon him at the Hotel Cecil. Being a man of exceeding- gly simple tastes and accustomed to do everything for himself. he was great- ly astounded when one of the servants -came into his -room and said. I ve come to dress you. sir. C`I`Am-`A L-- J.'-___ __.- I `I "' BI-I. Lulu luuvl SCLLJLLII. ``I believe, however,.thatlthelcheekiest type of idiot in the lot was the `pass .it on letter end, whose epistlcs averaged about one a week. The scheme is appar- ently veryvsimple. Some fellow in Osh- kosh, for example, wants to makea col- lection of foreign stamps and postmarks. Accordingly he maps out a route, consist- ing ot a string of cities reaching clear around the globe, and then writes a cir- cular letter to consuls at the points se- lected, requesting each in turn to read- dress the envelope to the next man; The letter is started on its `journey, let us say. by way of Havana. The consul there is expected to send it on to Rio,- -the consul at Rio to dispatchit to `the consul at Lima, and so on around the world, until at last the government representative at Liverpool directs it back _to the sender ; at Oshkosh. The consuls are supposed, % of course,'to furnish the postage. A few letters of that kind actually made the cir- cuit at the outset, but the thing promptly became a craze, and at present `theVc1r- cular epistles are used as pipelights at the consulates. But think of the cold drawn, double riveted. harveyized check of such a- proposition-e\'*en from a stamp collector. y s SI-(LI.I|.l\.'B YVCI-U \.Ull\'.\.l.C\Jo A man from Bualo, it I remember rightly, asked` for samples of native woods and sent specications as to the exact size and shape of the specimen blocks. a There are over 200 different woods in the country, andthe job of col- l lecting the amples requested would casi- ly have occupied me the entire balance of my consular term. Another enterprising fellow countryman of mine. living at Bat- tle Creek, Mich., asked me to put him into communication with some native lady of property-object, matrimony.. He said he thought thelady would be more apt to listen to his advances if he came indorsed by the United States consul. Meanwhile I was .in blissful ignorance as to whether he was a horse thief or just an ordinary blamefool, so he didn't get the indorsement. ``[.L_I3__- I.-__._-_,,,, 11,. -.I k uxfou are __ riffht." qhev aid. lneinghbonzhdodn.of"600,000,000 leer. A Years Cutof1.ogs." _ Reports ereooming into the Depart- ment of Crown Lands of the cutting` of logs during the past year. The out will be ahead of last year by about fifty mil- _lion feet, making the total out in the n A AAA `AA A.- elem maa-ma mow so I tap; diiiduhl uotiu.' 7 t h nturel poweiliiof . V -. where neer herjdue eh'ere`*in the coat of Im'p0l'iI".1 "defence. Our oonet, even in . w tiou to their strength, outdone us. If V `connection with our own regimifs. hue`. been emellin comparison with what has been-borne for them by ineuler allow- oitizene. It is e question, "indeed, if the Australian colonies have not, in propor-' If not, they me) do no, as we learn that New Zealand is now sending ' another oontingentt AThis would seem` to iudi- V onto that the Imperial authorities would welcome such nu offer from us. THE UNHAEPY CONSUL.` -Eucaved the Vuletl. !_ 1H,, ll` Had Arrived. 7 Gag Rule. Modest. `of-_h g` ' {(5 ....-,_..... ......,u-;u uuu rcugluus renecnon. 'fThe. Turkish mother-`loads her child with nmulc-ts as soon as it is born. and .;n"1small`bit_;of mud...steeped in hot water. __h Jsres-Sous-=chnrms'.`%'in itu'ck_ "M - - Ih. Turkey -the disappearance of tlie -sun at night is accounted for by the periodical re_rement of that pious lumi- nuriy ; for, presets and, religious reection.` ` 'I`n |aI.p3u`-i -and-I.`.'.. "I---I~ 1 `-"` .. ..... use 3 \.ll-ll vuaulu" A CIC5 rupu. By" withdrawing from "Peking `and leav- ing a guard the allied forces would prob- ably have the excitement of rescuing fhe `*`ua_rd later on. V-uuu. nu u.nn.uI ins. LL Ill. l.ll'3lI you 003'`! [Ts_ucc`e'ed.4 lie. lie jagain. - Washington bstur. " V: '. . The Cancaslansjin China take a tort or ` two now and then `to remind the Chinese that the main .question is `itill unsettle_d.- _ Pittsbnrg Chronicle-'1`elegra-ph. mi. dfhannun`--' `I_--_ 'l1-I-!__ _ - H C I __- _.... uuuuu bu uuiq aunncu 503111.135- A strange thing alboutithe house cat in- 'that, if allowed to run wild in the coun- try and get its food by killing rabbits, chickens and such live things. it will gradually but surely take the color and stripes of - the regular wildcat and _act ? and `live like one. 9 -g-voose that is nearly 60 years old be- longs to a Yoxshire woman. This old goose has laid for nearly 40 years, and. each year since 1854 up to two years ago she has hatched and raised goslings. A :9-nanny. I-LI-up -L-.-A. LL- I_--__, - Hbrses have 1 great dislike to camels. Sand eels bury themselves in the mud by means _of their long. horny, projecting lower jaws. A ___,_ 0 _v vi nu- `us vvnru A carrier pigeon let loose from La Lorraine, 413 miles out at sea, returned safely to its cot at Rennes. This is 3 v. -u -u--an ---.5. nun uuu gurus: J-Jvuvcb I. VDIA Olga Nethersole has had to pay a ne for taking unmuzzled ' dogs into Great `Britain. Olga has \' broken away from the manager she `had last year, but she is apparently employing the same old press axent.- . 7171I'Z"3'{152:a V has purchased 60 1 bicycles and seven automobiles. His high- _ness` must be contemplating the living of a fast life in the 'tuture.-Denver Post. I\I_'__ \V,;l_- I NORTHERN AbvAN: , 1. WA,` .1: -n; , an .. "E21;'i)I1}L"K:"Lxb?;;{'}.'xiot like other explorers. Instead of going on a lecture tourhe is going back after the north pole., --Indianapo_|is Press. II'VL_ _L_I, Q 7'5 0, I I- d AA ---_I_F..._ 3.....- .. -... _ --v-up-nu. `v-w;-,vn.-nun.-g Mr. Paul Leicester Ford may now write the story of a love that has been told.--Boston Transcript. `lf.. l`II__-,I_'._ fl ! 1? I , I_ _,, I .c -(3'l1~;1"l:s-'.-I.`-:_;x:l:;'s lias begun the business of astonishing London in true western tashion.-Boston Globe. The number of Alfred Austin : poetic license must be 13.-Portland Oregonian. \l'__ I`I,,l I` -_.-.----.-- an-up Vr-n-'a\y|\r. Princess Louise. duchess of Argyll. pre- fers to retain her royal rank, hut Prin- cess Louise of Wales desires to be desig- nated Duchess of Fife. When she mar- ried the_Duke of Fife, she identied her- self with her new surroundings and,; al- though. of course, addressed as royal highness by `friends and dependents. , yet resigned her right to a lady in waiting and receives no` allowance from govern- ment. ---- --- vvvu -Iu- us unit`-Vanni-I VIJIIIQC VV`EIIO ' ` Dr. Bachmann of Shanghai has recent- examined the emperor. . I'\A_gA___,_,-r,_o .1 1 ly stated in .a letter to the Gegenwart thatEmperor Kwang Su suffers from cancer of the throat and is unable to reign. The same view is taken by Dr. Dethere, a French physician, and by Dr. Sheng Lian Feng; both of whom have VI -.- o-vi to--v II I-noun: yv wyunco Luncheon is Queen Victoria's favorite meal, and a sirloin of beef and broiled chicken generally appear on the bill of tare. Her majesty is fond of the avor ` or cranberries, and cranberry tart is of- ten served as a second course sweet. T\ `PI 1 China : motto is. -It atrst you don't _ Tl? ucm`ii_d_ Ha. HA `nan:-. '9 ....|.x.._..-.. ----on: vv U000 Eing Humbert could never sleep ex- `cept upon a hard bed. He dispensed with the use ot pillows and used sheets of the very coarsest quality. ' ' m|.- ._-_- a__.._ ,- u.-. . -_, wwwwww luv \`\n|QllIuJl The newking of Italy proposes to give _l1is_ valuable collection of rare old coins to one of the state museums.` He says ` J that if he kept it he would give to its im- 3 movement time which his present duties will not allow him to spare. T..___`_A.`__ !_ I\__A___ '7! -4 __.,`I A In EDITQRJAL NOTES. " .1-._ H. Corby, Conservative M.P. /`T_West Hastings, ' has resigned his L" mi-owing to ill-health. ' `The Duke of York` has been appoinfed colonel in chief of_ the ARoyal fusileers (city of London regiment). _ 111;. n__;_ __e, - -_ -v....-... .\.a.;.u\.u 1.]: `"'J'.:he Paris papers say that the German emperor is at work on an epic treating of his grandfather's life and the Franco- Prussian war. - H \ ._ _. n 5: uuuuuu uv canon uuu Wlapo One of the very fashionable styles of the season is the tricorne hat of soft French V felt, in fawn,-pile tan, delicate old rose, reseda. mauve and other pastel tints, trimmed with dark green, sable ; brown, violet, dahlia or other colored silk, with velvet folds and loops and an odd oriental buckle or glittering clasp. arose. nhnd at _nk_`;u n cam:-% ._-...- 1?`:-I.%$ was-nu uaununo GIIIB Ibjlco Rouge red is the latest French shade of red. It isivery fashionable among the tailor `cloth: for both jackets and cos- ; tumea, and. having the rich glow of a jacque rose, it is more becoming than ` most of the vivid reds and` looks some what less conspicuous among the array of new promenade suite and wrap n..- .0 4|... ........ a..-|.:-_-n.I_ _4_-A - It is gratifying to know that, although i the tendency both here and in Paris is to ` keep_ the promenade gown of a. street i sweeping length, there are not .a few of % theleaders at tashion who are taking a ` most decided stand against this style.` Dunn. man` 8- LI... I-L-..L IlI_-._-I. _I_-I- without the skirt below the waist, which 4 ---- v. u vy--r vn ongusvh 11615170 V.-'1he new Russian blouse, with and nished all the "Russian blouses when; last in vogue, will rival the Eton and 1 bolero jackets in fashionable favor. T1. 2.. ...._'_AJA_.-, , vc -cw--cg `Dawns vs-vvuwl '- Ecru. cream` and ivory gulpure laces. ` with stock collar "and girdle of some . dark hued velvet. are still in marked ta- vor as a decoration for handsome gowns of cloth or `wool: or lighter weave. fI'H.- _-_ fI...._!-._ L -,, ---.g vow v-- jj* On some of the latest tailor custnmel } and deinidress toilets theinevitable black slttl belt Ind stock collar are replaced . by deep corselet girdles and folded stocks- ot richly dyed velvets. ~- '-___ -._--_. -..$ 9___,_ ,,__O, , , O- ,__ v-u-vow:--u stylish, looking autumn redhigotei made; or Scotch tweed in almost imper- ceptible thread checks or stripes. 'Mont at them are double breasted and close t-I flag at the buck. . ` - 3... _-..__ _A AI__ I . I . ll " 4. - o new name will be added :5 zhdsubscription the money in paid. `llgcdbon now in arrearsfcr Vthree months and he charzgd $140 per annum