1 Inn unnuunnn B AIU SUUIETY UFBARRIE have for ndogiion. in good Homes. 2 number of bright-young nadian children. boys and girls . Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secrenrv. REV- R- M C Rn"l"l'F-`PUT K IIITICU C Sec Barrio. Vriauii b ll'II`\IIirI- At his_oHice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball _--.vu- Avnaldld \I\Il'lI III` I ' _l--Wgterin , Building and manufacturing of` Doors, h. B `ads. Mouldingmgtc. Planin of all kinds done promptly` and satnsfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- ber Fa}ctory-B'a.yeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS , ,, , _- _. --w--uuIio * Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash. Blinds, Moulding. &c. Planing and Dressing of ever desaription. Hot Air Drying Kiln. lasti- mates urnished free of charge on all kind of wood work and buildin material. Handle all kinds of work promptly ans satisfactorily See our work and 1: our prices. Factory, Ba)-eld street, north of the V onndrv. . H :4-lv _._;___;_ jceo. MCDONALD [Robinson & `Macpherson. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DOMINION -AN`D--, oN1'Am.o LAND suavzvons. 1 F. I. I-t'O'B-ii`I'SON. aarrIg.,P|an|ng Mill. n. uxun. rzuvnxn rumua 1U LUAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections mad-. inany art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. onvey- ancing in all its branches. A Marriage Licenses issued. Oiee-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. A :-l V. 5.13: ` . The labor party in Ottawa has pre- {Fpured the following platform for the municipal campaign : Adoption of day Wlllbor on all time labor, and a fairiwage p-___ol|use inserted in all contracts 3 working Isday otvnine hours,;la minimum living wage, based upon local conditions, for " lllcorporation works ,- establishment of technical schools; union label on all _fa'ivic printing ; the establishment of s - civic scavenging system; the appoint yment of a competent `plumbing inspec tor; the union label to be put on all [the p_olicsmen s-and remen s clothes 3 municipal ownership of all trascbiaep, mortgages. AVACUAK 1 n I . J lSON. Dunlo Street Barrie. uvuuvu I\I I-\Il"|I`n A large amoupt of private funds for investment on Mortgage security at lowest current rates. 40-13 W. AUL 1`-, Barrister, Barrie. FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Noffrincipal money required until end of I the term. . H. S'1`RAlHV_ s..I:.~;m.-T re..- I uncrcsc. nolrnncxpal money required unul end or J term. H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. . 37 IvI\lIII-I I\I |-\.ll'|l`- We have a large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS 8: MURCHI-I SON. l)nnIn Stu-not Rn-pi- DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: 5., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological ` Society. Speclullv.-- lupeases of Eye, Eur, Throat and Nose. V0_FFlCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- ne. `opposite Post Otce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly U R.C.S. Edin,, L'.R c'.P.'.Lnd...' oaceszmd night; reaidence--Brown`: Block, Dunlop street, Bame. Telephone 77. ` DR.l_`I. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont.. (late of Drs. arvie & Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner nf Owen and (tnllxpr sf:-sofa Rnrrhn aa-lv .u narvlc a anum, uruna.) umce ana resluencc -corner of Owen and COMIC! streets, Barne. 23-ly R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fe w of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. anburban electriovotreetv-car line in _ flgonia has tted one of its care with telephone, cave The Railway Review.` ; :- "instrument is placed in the rear of .: 5' car, the negative wire being _con _ ted permanently through the wheels T d- the rail, and the positive wire being nod with a simple device resembling a hinted shing pole lmwhich connection ,if'ucnred to a private overhead ._wire "alelling the car. _ a. nnunu, m.u. u. m., r. 1. M. 9., 1.. u. J5. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon or foronto General hospital, with special attention to diseases of women, and nose and throat work. also tor some time surgeon in charge of bmergencv Hos- pital, loronto. Office and night residence upstairs in McC4rthv Biock, 21' Dunlop St., Barrie, second dour east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-_ near Five Points. 29-ly `DR. E; L. Bl;-ERETON, Dental Surgeon. Ofce over Ha.mbly s Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town xst and 1rd Mondays [of each month. - ' . 51-lv naumates, pans and specincations promptly pre- pared. Ofce--Bothwelfa Block. Dunlop street. Bznmlx , Om. , x 1-tf M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, etc. Mone to loan. Offices--Barrie Stayner. Barne ce-Bank of Toronto Budding, Owen street. 5-ly D3I'l'lC. . Money in sums of $2,060 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. II 11 \__ , ,,_,_, 4-\ II (V 1! *l1___.__ Estimates plans and specications pfomptly rated. o:a ce-Bou.wen'. Block. Dunlnn 5...... Iv _ narnuenl, Solwitota in High Court of J uatices, Notaries Public, Uonv_eya.ncers. Utocs over the Bank of Toronto, Bffl. EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tors of the Sn rem: Court of Judicature of Ontario, Procton. otaries, Conveyance:-s, etc. Money to loan. Oices-Rosa Block. Barrie II vs II_,,,, A Is It 1-I, ;,,,,,,,,,_ E.'I:'.'xiI.JsL}. MARRIAGE` LICENSE JSSUER. .---.-__ "`;T ;7(34.;xwo:th-Ervin -Eli Dowuey was fupded 84 62, error. in 8. taxes. UUll\ 1 n I , Du I 0 an "I U nunnaun, uarns- ters. Solicitors, Convcyancers, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pcpler & McCanhy. '0ic--McCarthy Block, Uumop Street, Barrie. J. A. McCAR'rmr, - W. A. Boys, `I'\ I` ll-.- ...--..--- G A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. . -Solicitor in `Chancery, Conveyancer etc. 0iee-4Fix-st door Owen Itreet. over Bank of Com- rnnnnn Ran-9:- 4n.;Q ` Iwunolil-I I\I hn\Il'|I`u . 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT, Barristers, Barrie. 3a-tf. . Opposite R. h. Station` ncrnch Odas-Lennox Ardagh. Gravenhunt; Lennox. Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and Alliton. ' 35-ly Mhwmv 'I`n rnaxv i v,'*AUL`1`-Bartiater. Solicitor.` P octor,Notary, V :oA,.,Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in `dllvgilgg um grolnting Jviila, obtaining letters at .ndu_u.Imtrntion and 13 rdianship, col.ecting` accounts, Oces. Ron lock. Barrie. Monev to Loan. nnunuvalu. barristers, Solicitor!-. L` ~N6tarie's. L0lIVcy8nel'8, etc. Offices Bank 0 'romeo'- Building. Barrie. Branch Oice, Cold winter; - Money to Loan. I\.`..-. D--- -_ _ O A I'- vv curvy . ow-vuv Irv Ad D1.W-E 8068- n.m~ _LENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & mzuwu. _Soliciton for obtaining probate of wms;;`g`u'ard:nnsh:o 'a:'id'administration. and General Solicatora. Notaries . Convegancers, etc. Havana-on Lnnmox, Aux. Coward. 3."!-louronn Aluunn, G, F`. I Rnnuyu I I I: STRATHY 3; ESTEN.` nnoliznlis Ann svnvmrons. R. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Suggeon etc., L. L.R C.P.. London. Oces and {tilt ren;dnnt-n__i mnnb 'l\nnl.~n -o-...o uurfrun LBNNOX, ALEX. UOWAN. 3...!-louzonn Altman,` . G. E. I, Bnowu, L.L.B Mn`. 0 l.l:....l-' nI.g..I- KY- 4 `l'\_.._I__. -. , -.....---_..... aonunun, \o'o I-`do 5. unuwn, 14.14.12 . Oces: Hinds"Bloul:, No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- Ic. . ucl neunng mam asked communicate with _Secrcury. REV. E. M. C. BOTT ERILL, no; . 0-19 `I W. PLAXTON, Barrister, bolicitor, Notary J. Conveyancer. etc. Monev to Loan. Private ompany. at lowest rates. Oice in Bothwelfs lock, opposite Railway Depot. 27-53 H. LYON. PRIVATE H1/1~T)s`7rHc;_I.:);s*1T~1 (In Pool Retain at Insunno soon.` I?-._...._..' _a Bkoxovsxx. Barristers} Solicitor;-. Notaries. Lonvcvancers. etc. Ofm-9: Rank "3 ICCARTHY, BOYS 8; MURCHISON, _Barris- fern. Snllnirnrc (`.nn1vnvgnn-nu-u ntn Sun.-A.-- S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. p C` `aft: rnnctinnf DI-|uc:n;9n and gnrtrnnn T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. .4 a-Iu - A has deternjihed to found eomepi-etty herd knocks in his t he will now experience that e to be up against 3' really "hard newepeper; William nu BALLiPLANING MILL COMPANY- Lrnanterinz. Building -..mI n.......:........_-...._ .4: xnoerzns _&/l;;GER$. Dnuu r1..tuVuVu MILL COMPANY genterin. bash. B'nds, Mouldinzmntc. Planing MONEY TO LOAQI. _.__-.._. -1 ,.,e.. , . MONEY To LOAN: I ____ _-__- MONEY TO LQAN. MANUFACTURES. 1viisvm.I.ANno1Js. MONEY TO LOAN. 4` *}l?iundna-Du;'-Sohoul Section N9. 2 paid $5.22, error in 8. taxes. ' FINANCIAL. 13. C. MURCHISON. PHYSICIANS. orrrmum. `LEGAL. unuun, 45-1)`- VII 43-ly I 1-5; 1 cf w. MACPHERSON. H. Ctuzswxcxz. _,______ __ 4 J. C. Blgoxovsxt. I\ll.4I.: 1-ly f%H,N. Hughes &Bro. nuuur notice. 4'Per Cent. lntereuTlT aId on Depuon-Ila The Security for Depositora in a. Loan - Uompanyjs undoubted. Ross new Block. south side Dumop atxfw east pt the Post 011106. 9 ' - v_ .-v - v-.- `.c........ T The security to depositors in a Loan Co'y U3` doubted. There is no instance on record whert deposntior has ever made a loss bv a Loan C 0'! Canadian Branch Oice, MONTREAL. M. C. I-!INSHA\V, Rfk Mannanr "`\II'Il'Il`\I& \I\.OIIIl r----- Capital. $6,ooo,ooo. Founded 1303 Application forms furnished and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. 00-}? v Barrie Ont. Oice in Bothwclfs Block fffun, predicts the defeat of the Rose " Government at the coming elections. overwhelming majority, he says, is .-a questionable advantage to a Govern- `'ment, particularly if members of the jnajority are hungry. It is likely also fhhat the assurance of the Conservative _.'victory at the next provincial election ln.0ntario will be made doubly sure by ihe overwhelming ascendancy of the French element in Quebec. {Ml}. Goldwin Smith, in The Weekly ? Steam-Laun We have `rurchased and reopened ghttii C133: ', o Dunlo street. W5` . modern a lia|t?ccsl or all csses of worst. `Sig: nomz A uonm 1N|nvs'ru1,B:nlnmBs ourri callat ourdoor. STECIAI-0 `DEL VER THE SAME DAY- J. OUL VER WELL S gHaIrcutting and Shaving E - . Parlor _0PP08I'rl_l: mumna noun. _ ' .B.A.B.RIZE. . around and "*0" `'``' SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL. $250,000. OFFICE.~-Next door to Bank of Toronto. OW Street. Barrie. A ` H-1)` Agent Standard Life. London Gum u- tee and Accident (`.o.. Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc. BARBIE IIJAN 8. SAVINGS C0. INCORPORATED 1881. STEAM LAUNDRY REPRESENT THE Fouowmc Fuu: Isscxascz Consumes: The Mercantile, now affiliated wiih The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. ' The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont Tothl assets, $334.o83. THLA `lilo.-.-;.....2..._`I \r__A.._ 1 ,0-I` .- A ' _ ---.. _._..,..-.., vJ_,.,.uv_,. The.Economical Mutual, of Benin, om, Tnfnl aecnrc Kan: n-R And the Sun Loan and savings Company` 9f.Ontar1o. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. 1 counts connected. OKC. _oOice over Henderson_s Hardware Store. Barrie nt. _ v.... _v....-., VJ..J.vlv- Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, 525:,- PROVINCIAL BU|lD|NG AND LUAN ASSOCIATION. SCROGGIE & SMITH, _ CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc. etc., must be accnmpaiiied with the cash, and will be inserted--i1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent. insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of pne` cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts. for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid nlclul bnnes. VIAJL UV uunl 60H- Advertisers will notbe allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own" regular business.` Should they do so transient rates will'be charged for su_ch ad- vertisements. ' Av Iv 11:60 12 changes of Advertxsemencs allowed `peg ygar. It more are required, composition rates W111 be charged. Atltynr-1>1':~nr-g. u-71' ~..nL-.1... -11-... .1 L .1 CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that noticeof intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Satutday at 10 o clock, and the copy for sncb change must be in THE ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o _clock noon on Monday in `an; week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemem: may not be made public until the week fol- lowing. IVQPLI 5 try: uvuv. auuuu I" referred positions in the paper will he sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This rule will be strictly camed out. xinch .............. 2% inches . . . . . . . . .. ' h I . . ..`:`i.. .:.3` x2,`, .1`.'.`.. .. `For one month--the three with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the three with 10 per cent. added. T Epnnfgs-ant` '\l\n:`::\o\n 1... LL _ insertion ; _5~cents per line for each an gluvul unwcnuvu `xv vunta pd!` 11118. K` `Reading notices, 10 cents per line for rm insertion of the sa_me matter. All xtemgugf der 5 lmes, of thls character, charged as 5 lines. ' Legal, Oiciul and Government advertise. xnents will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. AContrac_t advertisements will be taken at the followxngratesz w_h1ch are drafted on 00,, rect `commercial pnncrples and will be A strictly adhered to. There wxll be only one price for all. J o__hn pgerson, u. D. runannw, cum. J- A H -- Branch Manager I Manager. ' oQoATLASooo Ace: usnmnr r~nnnnAl\lV Lu. .muuuuu.u(:u.1 mm Total assets. $303,078. n.. 1' 1.`-..I!.-. 111-4... t`II coo:-1 .L.l4 vau- 1 ASSURANCE COMPANY. ;_I at D.......nIn:` "AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.0oo.ooo. SUCCESSORS TO E. S. LALLY. _g_________;,.. V rsuohp~e~i:pi\ _ urely ind unpre- Fire and Life.Kssura,nce. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. SCROGGIE &. SMITH. BARRIE Head Oice. LONDON, ENGLAND SAM. J. PIPKIN, M : nn arpr. "I H Founded - A-- nnninrl hv monthly rate % at ratted cor. will be .Uoxw<:r`n'l1-E;`vin-Report was ad-' Burma, "Cleft. l Aid} Bennett,--"The report just l bears out what I have been saying all year, that the thing has been running itself. The whole report whines about the extra expense caused by - washouts, etc., The drains at the R0. and Queen s Hotel are not sewers, but only surface drains. Alderman McLean will no doubt get up and say I am nding fault. But you all remember-how Alderman McLean said, slapping the table hoists rously, that they would spend $4000 and no more, and made the proud boast that they would show how to run a the works department for `$4000. This-whining report is the result. No wonder the people of the townstand aghast. They will have to rise in re-' bellion if this reckless expense goes on, `with a rate of25 mills, and an extra expenditure of $1,000 over the`lesti-- mates." 0 - * V The Mayor,-'--$700 - Mr. Bennett" Ald. Bennett,--"I.s time the people foundwout how the present Frnan oe'Min- iaters votes` away their money. , p " -The Mayor,--Not more than $700 or $800 Mr..Bdya, : . - V Ana. ._jBoy`s,--Well, than $700 0; $8003? . b V * frnm nuon Aim ALD. note. ' Ald. A Boys asked if any m_ember_knew uhythinfg. hboun` ,u;fitem of 6m_e:Q23' 9:1?-"h ' Ald. McLean,--I am much attered by Ald. Benuett s remarks. He spent 1} minutes discussing the Board of Works and the rest in attacking me. Ald. Bennett has taken needless umb- rage. I am not ashamed of my work I will meet Ald. Bennett at the Town Hall at a public meeting and it I don't make mince pie of him I will give my my head for afoot ball. The Board of works has given gooduvalue to the cor- poration. U nforseen dontingincies have increased the expense and Ald. Bennett holds me, whom he calls the Finance Minister, responsible for the extra ex- pense. Taking out extras the Board of Works has spent` only 2 0131.3 hundred dollars beyond estimates. "Any, `intelli-- gent ratepaier could understand this but if oertairr members - don.'-t" .wish'-,tot- `unde_rstaud`, it , ism. :'.`w}4)[ri_. t.: Li ' I7hav`ei no a about the nancial` v_`sta'nding 1;-fojf `ithe i_ndi.g`an'5taVaiid others. ~ ' D u'-[-'30 1., otpoil' _n_ijoum__odA Ald. Boys objected to the clause of the report stating that the repairs of the drains at the P. O, and the Queen's Hotel ought to be charged to the Sewers Committee, and moved to have the clause struck out. The Sewers Com`- mittee had nothing todo with the work and it was manifestly unfair to try to` saddle the cost on them just because the Board of Works had exceeded their ear timate by $1,000. ' Your Committee further, submitjshac the coat of repair of drains should be `a charge on the Sewers Committee. i\ e s i s tacos 75 Your Committee submit that owing to unforseen and exceptional oircum-if `stances theexpenditure is somewhat greater than t_he'es`t_imate,-'-lst' 'a bal- an`ce-left by last year s Council of $228,`- 86 ; 2nd, Through the bursting of the P. O. drain and vrepairingrthe drain at the Queen's Hotel, $3.00 ; 3rd, Owing to the bad state of repair of the plank walks, your Committee were obliged to expend in lumber $300 "more than they anticipated. _ Under these circumstan- ces they submit that they have used good judgment in expending the various am- ounts mentioned and the `fact of the "building of some 28,009 feet of perman- ent cement walks at a cost of 7} cents per foot goes to show that great care has been taken by your committee in their expenditures. (Conclnded fcpin visas. or , runntcswonxs. V Chairmen Powell presented the fol.- lowing synopsis and report of the work done by his Committee during the year :- Screes watering. . . . . . . . .$ 95- Lnmbe_r......._ . . . . . . 966 O0 Cement walks. . . . .' . . . . . . . . 2100 00 Filling `in wslks. . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 Snow ploughing in Ward 39 00 Rep. sewer at Post Oice. . 250 00 Rep. drain at Queen's Hotel . 50 00 Constructing plank sidewalk . . 300 00 General work and rep. walks. 1105 75_ Wlxgmm 8ossion-e8oiiio Bot Words an Flung Across the Bhambar. * ; 4 `W3.[;. . n...asn..% ,. 6tmns. `.~` `,\ _ oil-_-Ervin-The sum of 810 was ted reception committee on return LJ; Moir from South Africa. No. 2, Finance Committee, the `following, auma:---Ja_mea ` djaknng toad 'on.4tcon., 325. L` _'Dundu --_-Report in `ted and read recommendmg pay-` nkjink road" on 49 oon.,/$20 ;_ ---u-cw ------ v .-----u V w---- - ---u Few?! :20 entriea)--'.l`hr'e'e pair chick- 'ens, 10. Hindu, `2 Mrs. V John Bonney, 3 Miss VLH.` Srigley. 1 pair--1 C. `HindI,_V2 Haughlzon Lennox, 2 Mrs. John K'ey. . `Ill . n- \ can u new (56 `3?n=*9)-0so5l%. 1 Miss " lo! -- v`G:ilQ[1r_i_tu,: 3;Maa. Sr1g~ - * mm A Wntiom, Turkeys (76 ieutries).--Besb ve turkeys,` lst John Robinson, 2nd. Jas. Lv1u(l6!`, 3!`d Mrs. Bonney. Turkey over 20Albs.-1 Thos. Robinson, 2 W. J._Bell, 3 D. Wood. 14. to 20 lbs-I Miss Elson, 2 Mrs. John Key, 3 Miss` Annie Wyles. 10 to 12 lbs.-1 Mrs. John Bonnev, 2Jas.-Ford, 3 A. Gra- ham. 7 to 9 lbs .-1 Miss Wyles, 2 A. .Grshsm,'3 John Robinson._ A Geese (24 ent.riea)-Beat ve geese, 1 Albert Pratt, 2 Mrs. Wm.` Howard, 3 J. M. Hickling.` Pair over 12 lbs.-- lend 2 Thos. Gaston. 3 J. Hick- nag. Under 12 `lbs.--l Mrs. John Wultoxi, 2 F. Bonney-, 3. Miss Parker. Heaviest and bestzegooae`-1 Mm. Fred. Lynn, 2F. W. Montgom_ery,3 Mrs. McArthur.'A ` Ducks (8 entrie)-.-Three pair, 1 Mrs. John _Bonney. 2 pair-I Miss `Quantz, 2 Miss Tracey, 3 C.` G. Ab- kinson. - 1 pair-1 Mra."John Bonney, 2 Miss: Quan.tz,'3- Mrs John Ford. I Drone}! Pou1'try'(6 entries)-Turkey, 1 Mrs. John Robinson, 2 J as. Ford, 3 Mrs. John Bouncy. _ Goose-_-1 F. `Bouncy. Ducks-1 _Mi'aa"1`raoey. Ohickons-.-1 Mrs. W. H. Walton. - - Pork and Lamb (1! entries)--Hog up to `160 lba.-l John `Bingham. Over l_60~lbs.1--1G. F. Shaw. Lamb --1; .B1fos., 2 John `Ford, 3 Mr. smm- * Of the Barrie Poultry and Produce Fair. _ 3333.3 (22 entries)-V-[1 Mina Bonny,` Obvjw`,-3 Miaa.Drury. V V .. u-an- . 5 $177 00 On a. division, a motion to exempt` the G:-andO. para. House from taxation was thrown out. ` n The following is the fun prize list of the Poultry Fair held here last week. The ~ver`yVl:n"ge attendance and good prices reelized will do" much tn make the fair a permanent thing :--- ` ' Caret'aker s salary; . . Rent of Park lots. . . Painting fountains. . Lumber for fencing. . | Labor, eto., . . . . . . Water r,atea.`.. . . .. Fuel..;...... Repairs to scales. '. .3 Inapeotbr cf scales- Gas. Co.,. . . . . . .. . ., A Repairs to furnace . . Su_ndries..,. . . . . . . . . $375 67, e That this sum exceeds the estimate by $25.67 was due to the increased cost -of wood. The report gcesion :--Your committee feel that while a certain amount of chpffty has to be provided to residents, -the great bulk is given to persons who are t and proper subjects for the House of Refuge, where they would receive much better care and attention than they possibly can from Vyourglndigeut Committee, and the cost` would not be any greater to the town. mnxnrs AND PARKS. Chairman Cundle reported for mar keta and parks`: ' A I but hlid fin ts'"'h,`_ cuaaka:.;;u.e~ wamthu in : gentiqn ot"the Committee to humane "vol-k done. In- reply to 9. question from Aldoya he aukudwldgud tbs t he had telegraphed instructions` to To-g route after talking with Mr. Johnson , without consulting Mr. Boys,` an the time was short. and the-need urgent. "\ A I `I1 Both Aid. Boys and: -Bennett ex ' preaeed great surprise that the Mayor Aahou-ld overide the Committee by taking the affairs out of their hands in that why; but the Mayor ensured them solemnly that he had` no thought of overriding the Committee, and the matter dropped. ' ` mnrnxrs. . Chairman Bennett reported the fol lowing `expenditure for the past year: 524 orders for provisions @ 50c.826.2 00 105 wood}cord@$1. 10500 2 railway fares. . . . 3 75 2 ' " dry goods and IO! ; A- -("me bedding. . . PRIZE LIST . iiunxnrs. PARKS. bnzggepoga A;$%5o%oo %, 60 oo .. % 8 oo . 17 oo . 42 00 M753 492 V ---- vu--.-rvvnn, JIIIIUIUII Va . Paymenw. on account ofroadd and bridges` ordered to be made to the `hgnomjt off. ;ot hOlf `pay menu to 35f6A'iiijiountV-9f<$198.; ` '7` " ` - 09 . Primroee-Wood--Ordered that the County Treasurer be requeeced no re [deem the S. 10 acres of the N. 50 euros, I E } lot. 19, con. 9, sold for sexes.` Ca1_d'we1l-Lewia-Ordered that the clerk nocify Mr. Lowering that this Council will hold him responsible for outtingdown and taking of timber from 13th con, line of Veepre. A1" Iv 1-- A By-law was introduced read three times and passed for the appointment of Deputy Returning Oicers and vet ingplaces for the municipal elections of 1901. `Deputy Returning Ocers: --J. ~E. Emma, Division 1,; Chas.` Stewart, ,Dmsion 2; John Frazer`, Division 3-;;Joseph Orchard. Division :4 ;" W; J-. jBachop, Division V6; and 10:5 08P!Pb511oDi`?ii|L.6- .~ " D ` Caldwell-Primroae - Ordered that the clerk charges the Corporation of Oro, with 190 loads of gravel" taken from Veapra _pit on_ sideline between loosv5 and 6 let. eon. at 5ct;e.pe`r load. I On motion of Primrose and Woods- Oxdered that the clerk notify `Mr. Pot- ter that this Council cannot permhit him to raise the water on Willow oreek without the permission of Mr. J one3 having first being obtained. ` On motion of Lewis and Wood- Ordered that the Clerk inform R. Bell, move of Essa, that Henry Uole_ has been paid by this Council the sum of $9.37 for work on townlins. Vespra. Council. V The Council men on the 15th day as per stabut.e-All the members present. The minhtes of the last meeting `were -read and contimed, documente. pre- sented and read. `Hector Cameron resigning his oice of pathmaster, which was accepted. Minutes of9th uession of Ease. Council. i The Council met to-day (15th Dec.)i . `at the Mansion House, Ccokstown. The ilieeve in the chair. V All members pres- " int; The minutes` of laet `meeting were :~`a-and and confirmed`. .'1`ne'Reeve laid. ijaveral accounts and documents before Who Councilwhich were referred to the ijffinance Committee. On motion of and Dundee, Joseph King was granted the sum of $4ifor the keep of }aj-`Mrs. Richards and child, indigents. i_";'ii_Lf_R9[)Ol`l : No. 1 of Finance Committee presented and read recommending pay- : "uent of the following accounts :-Geo. Little, putting crock culvert on 7 line, 52.75 5 W. J. Wilson, removing drift- iood from 5 line bridge, 32 ; T, Miners, repairing scraper, 75 ots. ; John ssen, ceder culvertand repairs of 1.0 dine, $25 ;'Wm.. Oobnrn, 16 yards of` gravel, Tossurontio paying likesum, 31.60; B. L`. Banting, team on road grader 1 day, $2.50 ;"1`homaa McMann, days operating grader, $2.50; James ~ 7',Mc0rackan, repairs on North Townline, Q13 25 ; George Arnold, 6 yds gravel, Q4;'1`homaa Donnelly, repairs on 25 jideline, $3 50; Cookstown Advocate, iollector. s 'bills,$1.5O ;` D. J. Oarrnthers, Jfgjpgating grader, $12. "5 a [Q- :T. A.. Mabvhera, treasurerof Sunni- dale, enclosing accounts. ' V r -n --. ._ _ _ '_ C: F. Watt:;e o'e}ing a clear deed of and for road over his property for :the sumqf fty-ve dollars. _ ' The Treasurer aubmitied t.he_atate- _ment_-of receipts and payments from 1:: January to datey with assets and liabilities of the corporation, which on motion A of Caldwell and Primrose was accepted as correct and ordered to be primed and distributed. W. flatter re a'rreara of taxes on 108' 7, con 5. V T . Garden Sr.h', (3-)"entries)--Po- i:atoes--] John Wiggins, 2 Wm. Wig- ` gins. Turnips-l- Miss Srigley, 2 J no. Wiggins. Carr-ots-1 Geo. Otcawsy, 2 Mrs. Jada. Coutts. Celery-1 D. Tuck. Collection of Winter Apples- 1 Joseph Orchard, 2 Joe. Edwards. N orhhern Spies--1 W. H. Partridge, 2 Mrs. Walter Watson. Russets--l.G. Ottsway, 2 Mrs.- Totten. Greenin'gs.-- IJ. G.` Hubbsrt, 2 Joseph Orchard. Home-made Mitts-l Mrs. M. Ken- nedy, 2 Mrs.-.T. McCulloch,3 Mrs. Key. Socks-1 and 3 Mrs. John Robinson, 2 Mrs. T. McCulloch. Best Farmer's Team (6 -entries) - Mr. B. F. Quantz, 2 George Fraser, { Wm, Pearson. H. H. Suuthy mote re taxgs for 1899 against 10!; 3, con. 11. V .-g-ow- Fancy Rolls-1Joh:i Dunn, 2 Mtg. A. ` J. Thompson, 3 Mrs. Key. , V Because their use `enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable. re- sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, a fact of especial` importance at this season of the year. - looonbperbox. voboxcltloo. Ludnggu; ClunWlllhmIbOos.`l`oronI:o. Ont. Beause they induce bound, healthy alqep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR. and VITALITY to the body. _ i>!'*'v retmed %- 'Wj?-1 at =Mm.%`8imMga,;; `Dr. Ward"s--- Blood and Nerve Pills No redy ever introduced in gained so many` words of praisefrom suerers all over the coun- ty as these thoroughly effective pills. WHY? Because they positively cure all dis- eases brought on by impoverished blood, __such as heart trouble, nerv- ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc. Licensed Auctioneer. Appraiser. Valuator.`etc.; Credit Sale"; of Farm bto k and Implements `prompgly attended to; Farms sold and bou ht on Communion. _ GET'_M\' TVFR SAND RA S. 1\<:oNJ=.:Y T0 LOAN. - BARR; JAS. EDVVARDS1 CONVEYA[`fCB- AL L2- -132... ..-.:| __ _-._ - ,- I R. T. BA ;;l`ING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at is oice. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and R0. Cookstown. have foradotgtion. :1; H_on`1es. n_utqber I II` |so:nnLb non. -mg. -.--J3-- -L9 ` HE CI-IILDiREN' AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE nnnitteet of ecientio men who "ppointed `to investigate the matter. not an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius jaome `time since there has been 3 tone outbreak. ' expeotednt any time.- It has