Northern Advance, 6 Sep 1900, p. 9

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ersey Cloth, satin lined our choicestli ,_ .... ..s1o.a The lists also show that there wasag tight at Rietfontein, ' probably near Pretori-a, last v 1'Jmrsday, in which 14! iot the Seafarth Highlanders Werevcap-,' touted. - I __ _._ v- v`-.._..-- ,A macro har)_;_dful of soldiers sufficed td quell - the d-isturbance, Many .p1i.sonsears were tazken. Four houses in all were wreokeod. Hatred of the `foreigners `is the_ explanation given for the outbreak. , long clear bacon,` J car 1dtI, 8.1=-2o;ton 10. 8-B-4c; `case lots, 9c; `shbrt out pork,. QVQKA L- ado. n 44;` was s,"I'tb;"l1-20 ! Possibiy the men were snaxppedvtupl tfby-afo-we detachied by De VWet'fromI {Bait-zburg, on the other side of ihe, `Vain, where he was camped on the day` ` of the ' I .- .._ I .]2t rumoured that Kruger : grand- `son, Eloff, has arrived at Lorenzo: Marques, bringing 15 cases of specie. The boxers Only Succeeded in V Wrecking Four Houses. - A despatah from'Lon.don says:--A despatoh to the C_3en.tral`News from Hong Kong,,.dated Tuesday, 3.35 p.m., .stat}es that on that n1o.r' an abor- ative, attempt was made to sack the Tartar city section of Canton. ' It; ` I shocking Work or Boers e"Nea,m _ ' Krugersdor.-p.` _ } - A despatch tr-om Krugersdprp says: 9 -A patrol of tivewhileeeouting. were- ired upon from a supposed neutral` farm. the inbabitantseote which had taken the oath. 0_ne - was wuunde.d.ax__1d captured by the Boers {why then mnu.~r- ` dered him, beating his brajns ont,and..` fiddling his A_bo`dyTwti_h bullets. * e ,g' 4.... Buffalo, 4.-"-Spri`ng wh.ea`t-A-"N_0.- !.1Nowhem, car loads, -37 7-80. Winter 3-whse`at-Red, 75 asked, white andvmixs _,ed. 74 1-2 to; 74 3.4a. `Oats--Firm, No-. 2 white, 260; -N04. 3,250; No. 4'white, 246; No. 2 mixed,`23 3-4. to 244`; No. 43 mixed, 23 '1-24:. Oo*rn'--Strrong; No.~2ye1low, 45' jbo 45'1-4c; No. 3yel1ow; 45 41-40; _No. 2' oou'n, 45c; No_. Scorn, 44 3-4c. Barley-' ;Ohio, malt-ing, 44 to 46. Rae-Nominah ly,..56c. FIour_-Quiet:, but steady. `Il'!`l f Milwaukee," Sept. 4.-Whbat higher; No. 1Nort-h:ern, 77c;. No. 2 `Northern; 74 1-4 to 74 1-20. Rye--Firm; No. 1, 52c. Barley-Firiner; N0. 2; 510; sample, 88 to 500} poor- th we ve cute Cash Sto erst is th Duluth, Sept. .1 hard, cas'h`,,79 5-80; December, 79 7-8c; No. 1 N0'I't*hlei`n, cash,` '77 548; September; 77 5-30; December, 77 7-8c; No.` 2 North- ern. 75 1-80; spring, 71 3-4c. Corn-L-40 ! 3-so. oat.s-23 3-,4c. | Dehroit, Sept. 4.-Wheat - Closed- -No. 1 white, cash, 76c; No.2 red, cash, 77 A3-1c; September, ']8 1-80.. ' I so. Louis, `Sept. 4.-Wh3eat - ca.-hi, 71 3-4c; December, 74 7-843. I .. . . -._. . III! 1 - The) Are Now Marching to ,JoI "` Lord Roberts. 4 1 - A despatch from London bays:--A despatcih from Lorenzo -Marques mi-1.6-..... `L-`Ip....L .11 LL. `l !..!L!-L _ n F __-- i `the attack a big affair, but it failed had been .1v) 1an_rxzek-l-;vi-cl-en't_ly to'mal;;-A ;at the crucial m:>m.e-nt through `the: E riotors law]: of, co-operation. . ` -u 4 u -'_`. ..Af.pt1"n.i`tlve frofce ofaodlqiiaeii. with one gun, uncler Col, Carr, surprised the farm, took t_wo_ prisoners, and burnedthe house, bringing all h'e.vifo- men and 'child'r_er'1 here. Arms and"am- m;unition `were `found, concealed on the 'arrn.- It _is hyped that . an example `_will; `made. Ogithe menekeh. V {Boer .Com,man`daLi1tT shot in tho` i . .' Abdom9ns_ . .. 9 - ~ - --v .--------v . --5-U-1 states "that all the British prisoners at Nooitgedaoht have been released, by the Boers, and are marching to Watervalboven _to join General Rob- eufts. President Kruger and all the Transvaal officials are now at Nel- spruit. ' av vs-new `vac, vv, wallvao VIII: In `$1555 10 $1-.93 hepj.vy $16.50.` Q...'..I__ J MIJRDERED A PRISONER. izes, fort GEN. SMUTS woum:-D. TWO SMALL %--msnM>s."[ PRISONERS `RELEASED, my to sneu cumin 4.-Wheat - August 77 1-40.; October, 791:; ;o. Ootrn"--No. 2 cash," r,` 22 1-4c. - `Ana. 5 Ca-l1ed'-1 ort`he- Extermination of all I Foreigners. ` , A. `despach trom' Landon says :-A ,. g1o__patch from 'Pekin , hearing` date of 22, confirms the report of the ;a`u-est` oif Chunl"g-Iai.,_ the `Military Gov- ` "7n9r<'f.5?`1i, 4esP%f 1!,9dd9 tint a Pro-T British Garrlsont frhee Has Burned Its Stores. ` Adespatch; `from Ma.sura, B-asuto- .1,and..says:--Commandoes under Eouril,` . Grobelaar, Beam-ar, and I-lasbrouck, together with two hundred of Theron`: scouts,-are investing this British gar- rison at Ladybrand. " - -Ibis reported thxat _th`e troops have already zburned their stores, and` it is ' feared that they will be compelled to ' -tivifrnder. _! The NoIrt.h- St-affordshire and East E: Lancaseh'nre Regingent, with 300 irregu- . lar trc-ops, went to the south and west toaday in `an evftoxjtmo corral Com- 1 ma.ndant- Theron, but he eluded them_ Mn the` tog, after a skirmish, in which ? ' the Brri'.tish.lost four killed and several How Kruger and Steyn Escaped ` Being Fired On. vdealpatoih from Lorenzo Marques, eay.s :---0ifioers in charge of the .wounde1 report that ex-Presidents ?.Kr'uger and St-eyn were at Nelepruit yyeeterday in a xfailyvay saloon car- fri-age, which was coupled to vans cov- gored with La_rg_e Red Cross ho-ods to prevenrb the `train from being fired MISS 3 "( :_Ve;iT_f"`"\x1_I._eAx' in hatoning, to their :"i-A V ? `OHUNR-LI'S pnocuumou. Attempt to Acorral Commandant Heron Faild. A depatoh _rom' Johannesburg, isaye:-'1`he gmat Vaal river railway. jhridge at Vereeniging, which was idynamited by the Boers Last May, has been_coImpletely restored. The first tara'in carossed to-day- The task was cleverly" ocrmpleted in eixweeks by i the Rgxilway Pioneer oorpa. _ u -r,\ `A despat_ct,h-It from London, seys:- The Hang Kcingceurreepondent of the Daily` Telegrapuli` says that Japan created` thevdieturbed eituzatioxn , at Ame-y with the puzrposee of aggression. A [Japanese cruiser quickly landed men at Kulangsen and\Amoy, claim- ing that the Japanese subjects thenre required prot,-ecztion. `These subjects belong to the Chinese criminal classes, whoescape jugtice and register in Formosa as Japanese "1'tJ}H$ a'fif;17i;1' kloltzanely sootti Turner tell and a Vnum-bar of the Kimberley garrisson.were_ki.l1ed and wounded. ` Battle at Tchchou in Which Ame; ` % "7 j. Were Successful. ` Has Annexed `the South African M Republic. A desrpatoh from London, says :--V 77...-1,, 1 L ,A 1511, L rm I ; RECEIVED WITH CHEERS. Cape Town, Sept. 3._--'1`h*e communi- 2 cation to-day to the.` Assembly of Lord Roberts? proc-laamation annorunc-_ ing the dnnpxation of the South` Af- rica-n Republic, which will hereafter be known `as t'he`T-ransvaal, was gdfee-ted. by the Opposition with sil- ence, and by-the Migisterrialiatts with pgrolosngid cihsers. wete A cexgsvns of Johannesburg is about -nnaLs' I.ElllEN'l' sumac: 18.11] at: place ygstemday, Carter- s Ridge. Burghers Allowed to ` " L 60 With Fines. - .A.despatch` from Kimberley says:-- The trial of the Carter s Ridge re- bels, who were caught fighting, took p . 1 u u 't"woZ lead'ers of the band were fi'ned125 eaQh..W-hilei the other pris- oners were merely detained until the risi:n.g"of the court. U11er**'&.IT.T73: ieis?.`.?E;' {Eire 5 -Roberts; rep9rts:-- ` ` ESCAPED IN THE FOG. "*(;-ns_itl7er1`nt;Le_`feel'Lng has been arous- ied _by the leniency of the sentence. .`.`I have tto"-day issued under her Majesty s waxrran-t of July 4, procla- ! mativons announcing that the Trans- 3 vaal will_ hem:-evtorthV.orm a part of`! her Majesty's" ` nouns PROBLAMATION. It _is`r'eportgd_ from Shanghai that] LADYBRAND INVESTED. UNDER THE RED. 03033. V0110 Boer wa killed and Cavalry Which Foilowed the Empress Has Returned. A deapatch ram Rome says r-Mar- quia Sa1vago Raggi, the Italian Min- ietevr to China, telegraphs from Pe- kin to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that : - Imesian and Japanese caval- ry who were sent in pursuit of the fleeting Empress Dowager hays re- turned to the capital, recognizing that 1t was impossible to capture her. Premier of Cape Colony `Unable to. ` e ` Pt-edtec Early Peace. __ V A despatch from Cape Town says Sir John Gordan Sprigg Premiegqt "Cape =,691eny' -said in Parlian;`en" A .ter[da`y ' that he mt unab1e.t pmamf hggeeextinn ._ot-; -hostil'itieq::A",bq,sv_qa _ E;`g'a.;`;deanc1 t_1g`g,';`rax}sv V. 4 St. Petersburg 'Despatch says They Have Been Begun. A deapatuh from London says :-The Dhily Telegwraiilrprints a St. Peters- hmrg despatoh saying that the Chin- ese Legationc-laims to have received news that peace negotiations have oommenced, and that a portion of the allied fame will leave Pekin for the south to destroy completely the t c"-`ow' of Boxers who have fled there. In an action yesterday near Ma~ chadodorp the Boers lost heavily, Many of their dead left on the field One pom-pom was captured. LONG GUERILLA WARFARE- Gen. [an `Hamilton and Col. Manson have arrived here with their troops. 001. Mabnn had only bwodaya rest last month; He made many long marches andgtook 12 prisoners at day on an average. V. ALMOST ANOTHER DISASTER ough in B public tas 2! Took 12 Prisoners a Day for_ a Whole month. A. despatch from Pretoria, says:-- The force oi Gen. Baden-Powell and Hickmanw Mounted Infantry are hold- ing Warm Baths, 60 miles north of Pretoria. Close Call Near scene. of Wreck of Scotsman. A despatoh from St. John's Nfld., aays:--Dr. Grenfell, superi.ntendent`of the Deep Sea Mission` to Labrador- Fisher-men, who arrived here- to-day. reports _ that a large four-.-masted! trans-Atlan-tic `passenger steagner narrowly `escaped becoming a . tot-a1`. wreck in a fog in the Straits o{Belfl_e; _ `Isle within. a" few miles of the, A.w.1_1eIre. the British ste_a'mer `Soots;tn%am_ - was wrecked September 23 last. ~ -. fthe allies won a victory at Tohohgm iand that Prinoe Tuan was killed in t.he battle.` The Chinese loss was 1,-. 590 men. The Japanese drove the re`- maimdem of the, enemy into Chili. MAHON S LONG MARCH. German Papers Furious Over Expul- sions From South Africa. A de6rpatoh' from Bremen, aays:'I.`ho recent expulsion of Germans trouI_ -`South Africainadnes the press furious. Demands for Foreign Minister von I Bue.lo_w s protection and investigation are made om. all sides. The Hanover 5Courier says that if England can-5 not fumish evidence that the one-' Iplcion. leading to the expulsion of . these Germans was well founded she aha-uld be made to take the consequen- ces. The Weser Zeitung and Koln- isbhe Zeituxng take; the same position. forgetting that Germany is almost weekly expelling American citizens with little or no valid excxuse. It is by no means imdisisibl. how- ever, that Germany will demand an explanation from England. GERMANS WILL ENTER `PROTEST. A despatch from berlin says :-The Foreign Office confirms the news to the eftect that a German depqutution from the Transvaal will be received andlistened to. It wasistated yester- day that the complaints of the depuh etatiion will receive careful attention and investigation. 9 It is reparterci that Li-Hung"-`Ohnng, finding the allies obd-urate, has seni: tot-he Dowager Empress a memorial to be delivered whenever cube is `found, aeki-ng her to appoint Prince C_hing- Lung-Yu, Prince Chan-Chi-Tung, and Viceroy Nukwang joint peacemakeru to treat`wi_th the powers. Cou;ri;2.rW as a.;a is nliana Plaid: an [)0 vd.. sol 50 quality 0 L. we sell at THE PURSUIT HOPELESS. PEACB NEGOTIATIONS.- DEMAND REDRESS. ing Placl F66} (ICU Du -v-., orth almoa nods Sm! uality a `vo'{{1d'n7| . for 15o.| s-witl War . ' " . % % . M with Complielty 1n- the eks on the Legatlon. v - - arrested by the Au'str1_an,ii; Pres t . 1lry(}::e:t1ve 8l_Pekin. was Milii A... or f Pekin. and adds that; - of "Chinese me-I) dmv det:111:? in`g 3 Itrocit-ies accum`1te n13hment t W]! {J 5-eV9I'e 9t Pu till be '1. le "1 PQOP ` `t by the whole , 1 oPi`:` 5 ,. . nseD55 `F _,city : adequate- t,1.,e(;Ol'1e Imperml bu isjthat 19"s hraze-:1 d. W ? . de-s" wet and .8 Wrlafcf interpnijness--~ Vhmese are 11]-"I mes as `V99 brbearance of the , J "_"B ytery outsside axis are too re .~---w w eupply them with food. ht only sent afew melons. ' "When. lied for fresh meat, the Chinese of- Eiais replied that a state of, Will` M; and it \\'~;i.~3, therefore, im- Mible to grant the request. The Chinese pushed their: attacks Wishly. Placards were posted mmlghlut ih1c't}'dcciziri,ng thlt the ' Wzners must be exterminated in [It was only the cowardice `the Chinese; who feared to meet foreigners in 8. hand-to-hand h pre-vented their success. hum? of .B.tI`0I1 vonv Ketteler, the! a coffin, under a heap of sal_l_d. lloeeto the spot where he, was mizf ed Showing that the '1`sun_g-li- "`'n 8`story that it had been{ care-I lidposited in :1 house was falsey `lie. of the worst thimrs was the. fa PLAGUE AT GL AsGoW.?f of the Relief . of Pekin Arriving. - , . ldesputch from London says:-V-Ac-, ts from Pexkin describe the Wild usitlsm which mzmke-1] the meeting ; tween the besieged Iolreigners and i ieirrelievers. The men and women A; edand shook hands with the offi- . .._so1~:Iiers, 0'.-1mpf0llowers-in fact H):-dy who accompanied the'a1lies. foodsupply hmd not failed, though ' Mreople in the Legutions had t_o Hmrseflesh. The Tsugng-li-VYame_n mnised to supply them with food, M melons. "When? why! :-._ 1 ` . ` CHUNG L1 ARRESTED. iskillings and Second Brig-, formed the a.Lta'-k"ng party. The` net suffered most. . , `Hope the casualties do not` ex- lifty or sixty. One officer was ad and two were wounded. `A NAMELESS ATROCITIES. Roberts reports from "Bel-L follows:-- ` ements are slow an ac- tof the extent and nature of country. To-day we made a ~-mory advance, and met with yto Bul'.er s troop; and resulf';_ed me capture of Bergendal, a very ng position two miles north- of Dalmanuthaq `lmetiBul1er at Bergendal short- Ifter it was reached by our troops. am glad to find the occupation less than was feared, on account the approach being across an open a AAA `ed success. The work fail e_n-`i fo`r`2,00fJ or 3,060 yards, zagndjting mined stand of `the enemy, The I the north parallel with General ' `while General Roberta isawait. mlopments in the centre. LORD ROBERTS DESPATC-H. `H1 French is advancing slowly command-oes are gathering` at- land Beth-hem - ~ ml Buue capture of Bergen-A-i owed by two days of severe he Boers determinedly held I um Two hundred Band 110-; Agr0- - small rocky kopjea and` ml1P`.d 3 - 3 aired a, bombardment With. l.yd-3 mdlater 3 charge by the to compel them to vacate. .wmmandant~, named Moosthu- ,3! taken prisoner. ~ -.....+`nI1.n fn hnld nnnitinnnl to we; ` 1,:Sh"1S Tsung-li- 3 5`??? lihut PS1ted m false. f things was the- ng d.secmtion of the foreig `I5 the west wall. The are 1`evultin.g for publica- ` __iEVe`ry d*'1." details '95 accumulate, showing that 5eV"9$t punishment that 5. +1.-.. 1 md law: u. ,,._.,_c_ them vacat . . V T 0. 'ommandant~, M V V `was oosthuf gnogra continue to hold ps.t, I got the railway at Belfast.` mg: . f1\V0h.aVy guns shelled 8. H47 zdgcompelling their transport t - - o ta that P9309 Wm. i I V i L(',nd.ovn,V says `:-The Lrrested Astrian}. 3 at Pekin, r of addS.Lthi;_?7 iungzlrian contingdnt. iS;. Ch ung-Li's pale 9-;`AQ:.f`-fL- . he was turned 6ve_r__,t 0_ lothing. gnd Silk 19ooA;i at l While the indict_men_t, which van very -long, W183 being read, Breedi- acanned the -faces` of the audience without any sign of .fea_.r or effronteryj The indictment `showed thatgthe as-`V sassivn had indulged in incessant tar- geb _puractic.e wnd that hiei-had D!',0P8fl`- 'ed`b~uliets so 3,1 to - render, them" more ' dangerous. ,_ ' 1 1 - - -V . .. . ; V I n:, "4Fren`ch advanoedon` ' the left to! :_ Swartzkopjes on the L'yd`ej1burg road . : and prepared the way _fo r Vth_o vmuvee iment V. of. P919-4Carew.'a diviniun to-` ;lmorr_ow. " V ' ` '-' Gevnefal. 'B1;lle.r s co.sual,ties:A>ug- ust 27` were :--'-Killed; one officgr and 13 men; wounded, seven officers and" ~57 menj. ` ` Brescuhe Assassinof King Humbert, Sentenced." ~ ` .A_depatch from `Milan, says :-The3 , trial at Breaci, the Anarchist who shot : !ana killed King aH'um=berb at 1ta1y,' !opened here. An immense` crowd ` of ; fpeople -gathered` about the oour.t_vroinjj5- `early morning aieeking~'adIxiis1O`ii _- co-u'rt-room, A whe}re7~qn_]y "_a;*fevvf. Eplacea were reserved-tor the ticket? `holding public ` - - u u u u I 'Bre.sci sat in the dock, calm, and 211-? `most. indifferent. `He coun.se1,'Signor- Marhelli, head of Hate {Milan bar, and_ `the Anarchist writeizrsignor Merlino,` jmadeerequests on various groiindsfor jan adjourntnenb, which` were refused. `lb waeisaid thiatj Bresci had written ` be the judges declaring he would not reply to the mteigggatory. Soldiers and _ gendsarmes` were pfenbifully stationed 3 `about: the court. ` ' wiwt-rm:sse's' ware. thenv in.troducd, ! There were eleven tor the prosecution. and fivg fur the defence. A wjihe (V3`;i.lFIli1fl.'f_Lat\ i;)n7 1 followed. He d'eO1a'redLhe hadV.`degidedT to kill Kixig B'umb;`b after '"t_h eT gventg in: .Milan and Sicily "to avgnge the mi:-1 :11`- ,1 3- I ,. _ .-A -|_,g'_ _ I cry of th5e`p-eople and my town'." * ' `GEN. ROBERTS HDESPATCH. "Bullecr e. advance occupied Meohpg-_4. d-odorp `th.'1s" efternoon. _The_e`nei1_1_")9 [made a very poor stand `end retired; northward, tolldued by Dundona1d"s mounted troops who could not pro-' coed `beyond Helvetia on account 01* the difficult nature ofvethe country and the enemy takinvgiup a position too strong to be dislodged by the mounted troops," It `appears that Bul- 1er s casualties were very-few. 1-13 I '-\`He'.'a Tifmauavice our accomplice. 4 ` ' CI _-.;- -.,_ Au, __ _ _ J -__,-_ 21) _. ._ __ `S QVA til 1! up * "General Rundle reports "that" he` made a .reoon-naissance in (itlxe, Brand- water basin on, :Au`g:ust_f26,.. anl `suffer-i ed game casualties. Qua? Boer ,vfvp..s kill-'-` ed and 17. were capt-urLed.I 'H_e..-also so. outed "ct g.tt1a.___`q * T .- ' . A _ , I Gen. Botha_gl_aims_ to have 15,000 men, of 'whol n 5,000_wi1l fight_ until dei:}th.p , -j I " French.cont-inued` the movement to-day as far as Elandsfonfein from. ` which he tzuirned the enemy out with *no difficulty. The latter retina very [rapidly leaving cooked food behind. pronounced guilty. and sentenced to lmpvrisonment for life. `KT: LI. 4 Is-4-`.1... I-A `Ln J:"4rII1n-ulna tlnanan` Gen. Rund1e.T,ak_es some Prisoners andA700_eAad_of Cattle. ` L `A deapatch `tram Lorndon_, sa_ys:-' {Lord Roberta ableg t'haefWar `Office, as {o11o_w_e:- " ' - ` `. 4` . - ;,' ` - -`-r -In ' T 1., A_.Ll_ L. I___. . . -f_ i-..- -, --V~--ru-`a .--an-u vrv-M Gntn. French is nearest td `him, with` better mounts than he ha_s-_~had hith-IT erto in'the cazn-paign,, and ithrd may be an exciting pursuit. The country: is difficult, and fever is} following the` rains.` - . ` b . I 1 ' Bresidant Kruger is reported to be ` at Watervalpnder sticking 't6_jthe rail-7 I ` way. ` ' U!'~l.||.'|'}l.I\JC\l bu ALIL`n.I.Ao.`rvvJ.Ia.n|v-A1. nun. an-LU: Wibnaihaolute "inditlerence Bresci V _rec-e_-ived' the verdict, and was led away to his cell. where. henceforth, he will see no one and hear no ofne`; not even his gaoler. ' ` ` - KT.-..l-....H-'k.a+.nnAIn.n '|-uh: -4-nrlnrnnnf {vi }F1cHI1Nc3.TBANnwAIER; with exce e is full 0 "good manjtvv Boei vfar -lfilllpid, dhd I-Lawn -;-_. P0111-Pom, ' quldit-fiigngi .g`un, w captured. . A ' 1 "Be.1d:eon-Povwell` redr tCn;at .he 00-" it is not dos7i;;a\tx)1s at ~th`e pr'esent; tbf `prioceed furthervhnrth, V and, "their" ftroopsare vretixrnsing t`o Pretoria. g k ` j____,,L,I, D _- -_.v -`rV'iCG`J}I-3 Irv `J-lpil-\.lAl:o VI A despatch from London says :--The 1 attempted British. envempinz move-1 I .. V . . I ment at Maohadotlorp has apparently I not succeeded. `Gen. Bothgx _has- gone' nqrth with_the Lydenburg road open. `lain 1'4`-..\.__`I`.. !- ,, 1 Ana 50010;. - _ ` Notwithstanding his gstatement in , the coru._rse of his examination that he had no -xoi1at,ion;s with Anarchists when ,..._'_ 1.`; -n_`.-.`u.a.-.: L- ..-....:.....1 7 uuu IJULLUDGLIIUAAID Vvsbu fllllhlvans-EBB vy an-ya.- Em America, h admitted he rgceived 500 lire at Gnoa from Paterson, NJ. mabo11ca.1 'rx-fa ALL WERE : MASS ACRED.f PRISON FOR LIFE. 1 . . . 39? `.27 -13. a te. out of Pickle =1`c"1eee ` -..e.W.e,reso.1. w... un.1.`..` My-- '0 1 -whi1e,.w1;eeL.at1-594.2 to;-70.--""` -q" t9d-f-"- 5mk-"1 mats 's`4hzi't iemoe 1 ,3 14 7'`?' 8.37` _`..9 -P. 1'.1"`?%`"1.`91- f..i nW 5*3' 3529 "mneitaie seen` '4_3. s'rii1g1wheeIt-';-No'.. A ?.:if:.1 .E-.9P .`1. i`. ~`l'??3:"-1_"t.` t`?_1_`?, .1 Northern, -car` 1oeaeI,).7 .7-8c. Winter . _._ per. uise;v_yweny-LVe:_....~ _ -- e ' -_ 1aeorhaym1a-at from#11*to.$12-5.f:aferZt1.*eei} 3`2.i`Z.`?`2.;.2.`3?..,;f`.`: 3i`. . 1P$`1`._ ton". and oneload .0113 `straw so1d.~White"26c.; 35250; 4.W.hite Wheat "white, st-raigh't`80.69 1-2 30.70 `i"' 23 3 " N -3 mmd . for `."s1o.50.,`; - 1 5- 10 1-2 to 1101 _n'Wheat; .1-e`d_-. _. i _ 0_-70 . 030 .231-2c. No.-2 yel1o=v v,v45'_ 2 Wheat. .s0ose..... ... 0.00 .-0.68.1-2.t 1-40: 2 _ ,Wheat, spring. ; A. ' . 7 0.00 0.73 * 0ats,_`old..." . ~. .1 H , _ 7 - -0,-00 9-3.4 `Ohio, m-alt-ing, 46. Raoi-Nominab ragztzz .-.~ tow . Barley.-.,_ . 7. . 0.42 0421.25 M11waukee..Sept-4--Whoat .'Ha_y, o1d,_.p-8, ton `_7_-_, 11709 .7 _12_5o '_No_~. Northern, I-gltay. yew; per. ton. 3.11.00 12.507 7 .%..::;2.v;:;:r~ . .; .992 1&2: 2 --% Butter,` in .lb.` rolls. . 018 0.19 .33 * 5- . - Eggs, new. laid.` .. . . 0.13 0.14 Sept. -.1 hard. _vCh1ckens, per pair. `. 0.50 0.80 . cas`h ,_79 D-eoember, 7-80.; No. ,'1`urkeys, per lb... . .7 0.11 - 0.11 Northern cash .77 September '.Ducks, each, 7. . . 0.30 0.40 V 5_8c_' _ .2 1 Potatoes, per bush. . 0.25 0.30 Dem'r T7 - ;`Beef, fhindquarters. . 7.00 9.00 75 59411118. Crn"4o ,1 i .1gee.`forequarters.. 4.23 .8-80. 3-4c. 86- carcass - - 5- . - D or ' . .-w t .Muttn'V ' ' ' ' 5'00 ' 7'06 `No e1w0l:t eS 476c' 1`:a2 red cash 77 1 Lamb, spring, per lb. 0.12 , 0.121-2 ' ' . . 3-40; ' W RIDES SKINS AND '00.? 4 1 Sept. caeu. Hide` `market is quiet, but steady. Calfskvins are still weak, and` not Tmedo, Sept 4.__wheat August _ msuch doing, and lambskins steady and 'and september, 77 tifairlyn active, with offerings better. December, 73 1-40, gagh, '.l`alloiv_is steady. The market for. wool 7 42 1.8g, September, is slow and featureless. Offerings free, zea-.511, 51 1.23, Cloveraeed __ 1898, but exporters are cautious buyers. "prime, $6; 1899, $6.22 1-2; October, 1 jHi.des*---_I.oea;1 dealer quote green `$6.60; No. 2 35.35. `Q.l\;IIv.n~ '7" `I O`. __...`l -L, ,._, __J D- hge. ._ P:ov.iaiohs Q:-_t.;ivg a.1,z1;a'i rm: `Lard! AA-re?-k tmet light malivlr I *m;an% adnI,e/e-.1i`l.1es`;`iDf&l1hK>.1;`I9._-" .'.l?ovtavt'oeg.-The market is easy, and street offerings very liberal. Market Jiswell ,s1u:pp1->ied and lower prices are looked for. V Dealers are buying here at about 25c per bushel and_ae11 out -"of store at about 80 to 35 per bushel. . 'Beans--Ch-oviee hand -picked beane are ` ;- wqrth tram 31 `l_.) to $1.75. Buvtteir--Cho1iIce dairy butter is a. little scarce, and values firm. The de. .live.riee of second q uali.ty are more 'ree than dealers lL_k'e. T Creamer butter ismactive. _ Dealers were selling to rgtilere .to`-d.a~y as follows. - Dait_ry,~,.tubs,-.18 to`19c for ch6ice;;_ 15- to-.162 for segaond quality; small dairy 1b;`prints, 19 to: 20,0; reajmepy. tubs and b'oxea_, .20 'to lbs. 221:0 23c. ETHF, CHEESE MARKETS. _E WoQdi;0(>k. Onty; Sap. 4;-lAtEc1i re- Agu1a~ti_JI1'l2*.*-`.138 "or E. _th-(`local cheese, ll,'B omr`I_d,` held l1`er... th._re_vv9r _;1;9Ttac.- fjgm-1_gge_ .:.'o_er_9d ..-@3677. oi ycheee. -,1',7_(f;_Q'?_~'xy1'1it`a% a.ndjfj1.9_O`8_._; V c_ol_o1u"ed.: E-. .l`lIaA 79.-.;9TF"5:19."jt7?4? iliT1ae Elsalesell ?`\1`9.1."89;, t-3-i:f`8:lP %i"dq7.'9.9'Wi$ {N - I 9. VVWdols-i3`le;(:1aZ,_V16c offered her'a, `Z1c;,_anud svupars, 18 to 190. '1v'it.h holders in country asking 2 to 30 ' `higher, car lots; pulled; extra, 20 to' THE FRUIT MARKET; Toronto, Setpt. 4.-T'he . wholesale` "market was somewhat dull; to-day. There was a brisk movement peaches, and prices" declined a little in ooniseque-nce. * Quotations range as follows:-Pears, 20 to 406 per bas- ket; tomatoes, 10 to i15cpe;r basket;- cuumbegrs, 10 to 150 per basket; ap-' ,plis, 10 to 20: per basket; aippls, icshodce, per ibarrel,'$1 to~$1.50; g`__ijeen `corn, 3 to 50 per dozen; potatoes` 30 ,to'35c par b_u.9Ih .; Canadian peachu {.25 _to_ _40c par Vbaskpt; Vohoice peaches, 55-;50~ :t6;775tS~i par t'b:is_ket;. . La be:-rigs, :..6; *9 8 ' pw;.b4<=i!lst3;.P111m19o 25 '50 - 60: f lii.'l1:is:lr1e;lons',-v- '15 to "200 per `basket, and _85 to 500 per case; celery, .35 to 406 per dozen; hucxkleberries`, 75 to 900 _. pear basket; Southern grapes, $1.50 to $1.75 par d'i'ate'; _Oa! champions, E 15 to 20; Moore's early, 30 to 350; and l bananas, 31.25 to $2 per bunch. Honey-`Good honey meets with active `sale. Dealers are paying 6' to! 7c, Voru'tsi_de..' Dea1e1r3'qu.0te from 83 'tox9c per` lb, tor_:5, 10,Ao,r 60-lb tinsgf `Comb honey sell; here at $1.50 to $1.75 i [par dozen `sections . ` :31.23' to 31.40, Spring 1;.mb;-Deal- "lens are-paying: 45 to 550. - puaun ._ - _.o . PRODUCE. Eggs-.'I`he deliveries today were free, and the market easy at 121:0 '13c for choice. No. 2 hot weather` eggs sell at 9 to me. Dealers hre arejbuying choice eggs at 110, de- liver ed._', - V ' dealers green cows, `7 1-2c;-aanud steers, 8c; cured, 80. Uo'u1n't'7ry`hiudes- ax"eiqi1oted at 1-20 less. ` Sheepe\ki.nss-Dez11ers quote` from Q1 nu 1., A 'I\ 1 ii 'Tali(Jnvvs';-Loca-'v- _l"<'ie:1"lrs are offring ill-2Vto 43-4c, and asking 5 to 51-40. : 'I Y olck, [I19-V .39, outside. - iBa1_ed ` gnd sellers /apart in their Ldeas,.'and "very little is sell- img. ` No. 1 "timothy wi.ll~bring $8.75 to 3, 1 I - ', I -' . ___ v**C ",` ca1tsk}ns-Uncha;ag'e'.&' at 8c for No; 1. and 74: for No. 2.. V hziy-Car lots are q'u-oted _at $5 t_<> -$5.50; on `track. nan. . -` 1%mM%%oF wnB.Ln;~wx-w mm long bacon , ca glow`; Sell at - `about i13`to 140 for Canada; 99 a. l5x1ie5 of cm.TEn.}e;e. Grain; &e. In the Leading "Markets; DAIRY" AMARKETSQ. _v '5. `.,,,,..y_' W, ,Lvovvn Sfoked mea` ` Hams. .1maVY- 712?` m_Te-"dining 13c;Vlig'h1b, -13, 1-2c; Tbreakfw 121-2 to 13; picnic_ 1? roll bacoz}; 10 1-_-2 to He; smoked b3`f5* ' 130. All _me-ats out of picklelc 158 `W9 "prices quoted for smoked meai'8- { f g Lard-_-Tiercies, 8 1-go; tubs. 8 3-4 *0 9? ; pails, 9 to 9 1-4c. 52 61 the Kimberley Corps and 1 Seaforths Captured. - A despatch from London, says:--The; casualty lists just published show that :the Boers captured 52 prisoners ati _Klerk.sdo-rp on July 25,.principally of; `the Kimberley Mounted corps. No previous mention of fighting in this Aneighboirbood had been made, though it is known that Klerksdorp was. evacuated about a fortnight ago.

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