THE FOLLY or WORK- ` You must not blame us for this attempt ` at philosophy. gentle reader. it was sug-, gested to us by a friend, and what is `more ' Insidious than friendship? First thing we knew we fell to thinking about it. Thoughts `are troublesome things at any time, but particularly so in dog` days. Perhaps you have never been troubled with them. If not you may take our word for it. But that is by the way. _ V This gospel of labor and nobility of ti toll" talk was all well enough for our grand- ljathers. We can forgive Thomas Carlyle _ .101` stringing together his polysyllables in its s *%:honor, and John Ruskin for singing its praises in his scnorous and nished periods. `With their usual license talk of some; i thing they know nothing at all about, poets ` `may sing of it. But all the same there is `ha widespread and ever growing feeling. at ' the close of this nineteenth century that work is not what it is cracked up to be.` lg; Work, if you have noticed, is much more -fpopullar always with those who have never its acquaintance. It is like the jgirgan hills in the distance. It is like erected over the grave. of the than who worked 't`c.dcath in` blggng`fu',j. A` problem, It__la istrangefwhat ` _be_forgmost pins. That isno ., p Prices In some cases Lower than ever before. Cell and inspect quality and values, and you will be more than . convinced that our store is the best place to spend your money. has iustome to hzind per S.S. %Furnes,sia, Bought Direct from , _ ~ Englanq, consisting` of Flannelettes, Gloves, Hosierz, Etc. VERY LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Ladies Fine Dongole Self-Ti - . with turned soles. at $1 get.$l'.75 for this line. ` For $1.50 we sell 3 `ne Dongola Laced or 3 e Buttoned Boots in the new ehepee that were cheep at $2.00. 4.}, pped Oxfords, .25 ; most: stores _ vWha " T. Qgenze: cfm do for W m F0tWe_ar you ll have an i L`di" -Fi ? D99891 Self-Tinned Oxford: _ S Man's I114... I`! All through the 81:0 particularly the Mayk we are fo{ Ready Clothing to be had in only suits or overcoate for $11 ; the $18 and the $25 best_'I1)ade for [$5.00, and $7.00, worth 40 per cent: $17. Suits well and strongly made at quality for $12.50 5 the 320 lines `T more. S` be` J ck riddanoe prices prevail, but we d like to` :3 9. new suit :--We have the celebta . you Half- here 15 13.30, $2.60, $3-5 rump: I81 couecuon and aeuverv throughout the we. mm are eight schools Sane Separate), em- ploying thirty-one teachers; twe ve churches, three weehly newspapers, one commercialpollege. every da 18 market day, machine shops. plamng malls, rist glll. saw mills, marble cutters, bxcycle works, t uilders, tannery, breweries, ten butcher shops, sever- Jltlt-class hotels with reasonable rates. three hveries, three laundrnes. one creamery and all other modern ' Donveniences. Stores are numerous and car full `Ty lines of all lginds of first-class goods , com etitxon is keen and pnces are as low as xn a city. ' elegraph and day and night, telephone systems connect the town With all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. MANY THANKS % 1'1". the Goods Dept. here are a few tempting bids :--Clearing " P'iq` .`a`Lin9nr0r;Crash.Skirts at 40 per cent o`. Cloth; Serge .1 1%5V and Figured Lustre Skirts, $1.50 that are regularly $2 :8~2`69'. SP"`1 Prices on Blouses H ' d V ts samples at =40 Pet `~d`~B`mt' VSP.i8J P1:iceso?)lz`:rI{1,e:IlvnDres:38 G:oods, Pam `Shh; C"'. -L399 C1'.t3in.9 .ACountel`Pa.ne8, Muslins, Cn5 ninids." Linens. Special prices all through the for the patronage accorded our August Riddance. ` We ve not had a dug satisedcustomer--that s our triumph. The movement of the g_0fJdS 1 also gratifying, But we aim to make it still more lively. And xtll not be ourfault if we don t. Need we repeat the story of a rather ft liberal estimate of this store s holding capacity? We make no NISW in the buying of the goods-they are seasonable, and if anything, We standard ; but we find ourselves with more than we ve room for. `Thais all. V Fall stock's on its way. We can t stop that. It only remalns for us to nd room for it. You d appreciate our dilemma if you `Wm, 1 our shoes. As it is, you're welcome to come in and study the SISWO Candidly, there s money in it for you, but none for us. About this Store that perhaps we don t suiciently our advertis_ements-unva.rying, all-round courtesy without distinction of sex, age, or condition. In a to make this Eve:-ybody s Store. The child recc the same as the adult. A dollar in the hand of a goes as far here as a dollar in the hand of a grow Will everybody kindly remember this `I Ladies Ta'etta White or Cream 18 cts. Gloves, in Black, , regular price 25 7 v---- ova `ya. I n 0331153 W81 .warth cent mm. OUTING HATS now in 53: um reu_a.ole are p_roI;ecnon In every art or the we. Barne up a ra.z_lwa.v centre for eptral and orthern Ontano. Tlurteen assenger trams arrive nu! depart daily. The pos service is all that can N dented: thirteen mails arrive dailv: them In .Glovs, Fawns, Greys, El, cts. Sale price ....., ..5., u; uuuuuuon. 1n word, we try 3 o . . 1 y recelves attentxon ~..-.~..-v..v., uuultuuoxuc Lu arfing, all-roximd to shoppers, K, word, try Store- Tho ..1.:m ...w.:..-- ..u-_A:-- 3 Men`: Glove Grain Laced B001 that sell regularly at $140- Thouunda ot pairs of Boats and V men, ladies, or children. 5` ing of 25 per cent on usual 4 AIN PLACE, WHERE Y. NEVER DECEIVES. T:~W0rth co, more ever idea of nu uunrcu; mlrwen mans arI_1ve aauy; there is rompt stal collection and delnvery throughout the here one -Innina oh:-9..---- o-....l....... . 5-..`..- .|_.__.-|_-_ .1. ,_, _ for $1.00 stock at nun uepan aau . 1 no postal servxce is all that ca. dented : thyrteen mails arrive daily; there i: IIOIIIDC DOBIBJ collection and deliverv thrnual-inn! bl.- h\Va i0ANAl THE TOWN on BARBIE. Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque. 2.02. overlooking Kempenleldt Bay, an arm of Simcoe, nine miles long and from one to three rib! broad, and one of the prettiesg bays in Canada. In Iummer boats ply daily to and rrom neighboring llimmor resorts and parks. The population of Bar- rio is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are first class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public '. buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- -tricitv. The waterworks and sewerage systems are very ociont and rovide spring water. good drain- III nnd reliable re nrotectinn in even: and AF 0).. I an'd 1 have " u ' `I fovern: hid here 3'o'r'"o7i`:ic$i{: n'ci23i-'o'v'i'&` L'FiEE"s3L'c3Z 2'Jo'"'a.-."";.'. [go and relnable Are protection in art of the is railwav entral a_nd fthfll nnfan 'rk:u-I-Ann Unannnnrvnn 5.--3..- _..._-._ [hers the ..?`a':'.:':';.::s`;;`3.:::::.:.`3;:;`:`...+ M II'\-.ll.. All _.I_._ A__,,., vs," . an . Wk 32 nuumr smm. u---unov-roan:-1 gay uann\n\aa-V UHULIVLV. muuuz T0 ALLANDALI. 27.3! 1.111., 7.56 3.111.. 9.37 a..m.. 11.: 3.111.. 12.57 3.31., 2.22 p.m., 5.22 p.m.,A5.28 p.m.. oo pan. ALLANDALE 1'o_ nuuun. 1.50 3.19., 11.10 a.m.. 13.25 a.m., x.o5 p.m., ; 3005 Pom! 5:" p,mu >7s55 pomup 9-05 pom! ' --uu-v ---u --nuns -avvnjsuuiill IIIUIILIIIVQ _ `Daily . All other trains Daily except Sunday. "VTIllIIIlnve Barrio for and arrive from the mllunuatiouod pineal :9 follows: ` `nu TORONTO. nos. 1 -u-w--cu-any onus.-up \wvuou VIII ; V-DU wCOLLINGWOOD_ an MEAFORD. 11.15 mm. Maul. 5.87 pan. 3.00 pan. Ex reu. 7.58 can. ' PEN TANG. 11.15 mm. ` Accommodation. 5.87 pan. I W .In. Accommodation. 7.58 mm. ALANDALE & muuun SECTION. BARRIE TD ALLANDALI. - 11013 IJII. o W13: ` "Q I I M E u 0 . 29.51 3.3 I *Az1l'::ic & P:a?:. 3.03 3.3. The evening Express leave: Toronto at 5.20. HAMILTON. Q11 '._... 17--.... a an _ ... pom E`. 180 pm. $0 " North Bay Mixed. 7.30 mm. ravenhurat freight (south only) 9.85 . an! I nunurnnn 1. III! A unn-s `Om! MC": 0- [hill- Ep.m. Muakoka Express. 2.81 pan. JIARRII-: RAILWAY Gums. Q.` Itllh EX l'UUIo ' MUD PK! 5.83 pm. _ ' 11.88 mm. GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. LID l.IlI_ Mn ' K _ _. Tznus or Subscnxnxon. Ewllv. _A1~;. i , _ wt`:-v -IAIIFV V we have Ihulod o` thin mortal coll 4' will porch upon our uom_bItonoi forth in? bad 'rhylmo_ ugoo the lr`-I-ill.` I!i35P'"`9" J9` "*'"?'f""~ '3 ' lvoly reflect upon on :-A pogo grout-' JINIIJ `El . ii? 1i cu` P010 ` O18 no U pan. Q j ___.--v `with. A4 "'C;nr ftienasfhpvo beefn.l'opg; ontin the cold; nah-1l%wazrmy ,with boodlo. aooi to %tha;i r% thi contreoerl ohergee '33 't-l::.i;t;er emohnt thnt `we shall pay. ' " The election: give too much anxiety to the people; we 0hell`ee_ e that the ballot;-btoxen` erednly Vet_VI'}a,V ec_l ,. that re Ali-We -19 .f;m9-1!: otefomins _-Mxmt n.v.nb1i9e`jI;tfirv-ee_ee _ F J --.._.--J- V '?'1`oo small the lamouhta paid fqr public workl, ; we shall introdiaoeli -i'v between to make contracts and pocket`! *9 d*1*9n:l,b9`.'Mhl Winnt the _-- L..- -1.-- ` Sullucribers now in arrears for three months and our will be charged $!.so per annum. llhe To`:-ies` cave too little `to rail- way corporations ; we shall double the bonuses, ahd shall subsidize parallel 4 lines all over the county.` . - noun- -_.-nv --.- i `The idea of standing by Great Britain in periods of crisis is should ; -if trouble, arises, and the Empire is threatened, we shall refuse to help in Imperial defence nntil we are Ioroed to not, and, if we do not, we shall notify the Queen not to "look upon our nation as n precedent. A n You are paying far too little for your coal oil ; we hall sell out our oil industry to the Standard oil monopoly; and will thus raise the price by frexnj six to ten cents a gallon`. We have too-many markets; we shall refuse a preference in the British market ; we `shall give the Yankees all they; want` in our market so that their tari_' against us may he kept up, and we shall `induce the Germans to put a discriminating tariff upon Canad- ian products, `that the United States may have that market exclusively. The Tapper `Government have spent but $42,000,000 this year; we shall gradually add to the expenditures until they reach $65,000,000 in 1900. `:The delzt ll; T small ; we ahgll add $8,000,000 to it. ' Gentlemen,--We propose to make great reforms. Your taxes are too light; we shall increase them by 312,- 500,000. ' V Would You Have Supported Thje? - Suppose that in -1896 Lam-ier had made a speech like V this -to the elector- ate, would. you have voted for his candi- dates : . ' `-It might not be harsh to say that" many a man who works overtime in endeavoring` to have everybody else duly observe the Sabbath, allows ;the_ servants in his household, or perhaps his wife or daughters to stew over a hot stove many hours of the Sabbath in order that on that day heimay enjoy the week's reoord meal."-Brockville Recorder. The Canadian exodus is now mostly confined to. Liberal M. P. s, who recog-V nize that discretion is the better part of valor, and are consequently governing" themselves accordingly. W Sic new name will be added to the Subscription lull! until the money is paid. happineae..whioh is true wealth. Perhaps it might well to explain, after the manner of `Max 0 Rell .e -Scotchman-, tlfat, in our opinion. the folly of work lies largely in (`making work of it." 7 If we had less of the greed of. gold, and thought more of eelecting some congenial and useful voca- tion, which we could pursue with pleasure, we would have taken a long step forward to- ward the solution of `the great problem of l the more equitable distribution of interest in our fellows, which is true toil. and of 3 Work would be all right ifwe didn't hove to do itr It is this profeuiouallem aboutit which spoils` the fun of labor.` And then there in jraort of brazen-faced eudecity about the thing. "No matter where you turn you meet it in eome shape or form, as if it were taunting you. If it `were practised like poker or love-making, on the quiet. it would doubtleee become popular, and thus gradually dleappear. h grest prodigslity of folly to ears` with. dismond,ring s.' It would be" any srehytoput s-boor opens throne. `Itis madness` that onelhelf the world atsryei, body and soul, thst the other T half ms? fesst; We ridicule Bellamy and Kidd and George, jiut ssour uinine _ forefethera did Galileo and Socrates and Columbus. But they have seen. the streaks of dswn while we grape with our backs to the East. sdoptod. 1'n. old tusnff balance: will Be` found"`:inoo`:_1-act.` A new and true young at double entry will he iorthoomlhg ; and the man with the hoe V: have hi: inhings. _ T V V "Sooiol1un!vyou exoldm. Oh, no! my friondz only Toommon Ienle. II:'wonI_l boa EDITORIAL Norms. i .......,.....uu,_ worn uu wan, Ubn and IUHI O:m,, :_$5; Wni. Rose, for grevelling, $11,-, 3 Donald Buie, stumping on side road 5th and 6th, 14 Con., $33 ; Peter McLaughlin, repairing culvert on Hub- berdroed,'$3 ; Jae.` Kevqnegh, stump- ing and grading 7th line, 821 ;` A. W. Partridge, work on grader, 81.85 3 Thee. Spence, work on sideline 30 and 31-, let Con, 810; June: ,5l`orpy,;work_ on Sea. 3. ]8welev~ ;Oreek~ drainage, 845-;. lJ'erry"O9nplend,' See. 4. nvvr-$Yi0u9kl $80; * - Gonneifi-edjenrned co*3:d~oe., -.- ---r vu-If vvuvvu Vl.'l._lBU DUB Kala road. The following payments were order- ed to be made :--Henry Pratt, for ditch- ing on 8th line, 825 ; `Alfred Keely, for work, on, grader, 86.24 ; Ed. Emma, work on `Brown's hill, Benetangoad, $50. 38 ;, Wm. Henderson, for cedar for culvert, 88`; Frank Perkins, work` on grader, $2 ;*J'amea , Ocntta, work on" /grader, $1 25; Heotorameron, work Sunnidale Road, .815 ; Richard f:`Arinstrong,_ work on road, 9th and 10th n;,,,..- .H . 117.1. 1)-... '12-; --- ` U], LUWLIBBIP, and 5011001 MEGS. Councilman Primrose was. requested to get the Township engineer to dene ` the water course on the 8th Gen. line,. at the out which crosses. the said road. Thu l>'nII-...:.....' .; ...... -- ' `A IIUIHUIII _---,,.. .. Primroee-Celdwell-0rdered, that Alex. Finlay be employed to ll up the race at the old electric light house; cost not to exceed $30. By-laws were passed for levying and collecting Coun- ty, Township, and echool rates.` l`1....--:I...-_ DJ 7 ` ` [1 per "6-nmihotion of Wood and Primrose n--Ordered that Henry Burdge be and is hereby re-appointed to the oice of collector of rates for the current year and that e by-law be passed at the next meeting of the Council conrming the same. V - ' Wood--Caldwell-'-0rdered that By- Law N o. 408 of this Council be amend- ed. by etriking out the name of Isaac Downey inserted in the 7th line and substituting therefore the name of George Sneeth. |)_:_______ IL! ,1 In rs` - - - ----v V. Inwwvilullwllg Requests were received from the Trustees of the Public and Sepsrste schools asking for rates to be levied and collected in their several school 580510115. ' ,\ , - - ---- unurgea agamet lot 13, (Jan. .11, the same belonging to Government at the time of assessment. "n1sT1E."15vT'.i. `.;;;;:;;'::.3;a`i;, wrote asking ths Council to strike o` taxes charged against lot 13, Con. .11, the Slll hnlnnlnn in nmsuvn--.-..--L _L Ll- The County Clerk notied the Coun- cil that the amount of County rate to be raised by Veapra for 1900 is $1,741.- 26 and Poor House rate $31.82. 7 `Mn W T .T--..-...... -1 r\,9|s- The ninth" meeting was held on,8th August. All the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and eonrmsd. Several docu- ments were presented by the -Reeve and uvu wugn nun In ISIOBVOD. ` a May God help you all so to live that when you are called hence, you may all meet in Heaven. "May blessings rest upon you all, is the earnest prayer of L.O.L. No. -16, Thornton. e Signed on behalf the Lodge: V iRoBr. GILPIN, W.M., J OHN Wmsw, Secg, ARTHUR W.;_GnEEN, Com. `Children, may God help, bless and keep you._ Once you wept beside the grave of_ a mother, from whose lipa ever fell words of love, new it is your father you are called upon to mourn. Some of you are too young to realize your loss, but you, Fanny and Norman (who are older) will miss him. , He was ever kind and good to you. Your father loved you much, but we ask you to look to God, He is your Father in Heaven. Once you went to your father for guidance, now ask God and He will so `love and direct your lives that by and by you will go home to live with Him in Heaven. 1|g'__'r_J 1,1 - __.- ---r ----v IIVVQ CW3 BU EU replace by putting Himself in his stead. Go to Him with your sorrow. `He is your elder Brother, and He will shed around you the sunshine of His pres- ence as He did when upon earth. fVL:I.'l_.;__ n N - - Irv uuvu; unuu. 10!! Will IDIBB him there, and we also will miss him in our Lodge, where. by his untiring ef- forts to advance the cause of loyalism and freedom won for himself a place dzicnlt to ll; Your loss we share, we `sorrow in your aliction. Man : sympathies are meagre and human, "Christ alone can mend the broken A3 U` .L "` W T `.- A 12 Page 72 Column Newspaper, II Publilhed from the Ofce, 1'23 Dunlop Street Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada, every Thursday Morning, by CAMUEL WESLEY, PR`OPRlETOH v -- -now uunvuu VOID lull heart. As He_ took i;-yfou'l'hia mother, our hearts .go__out in sympathy in this your sad bereavement. `Again: you are called upon to .gi_v_e up a son kind and true. You miss greatly from your family. -The place be occupied will know .him no more,` but we pray you to look to Him who, in_ loving com- passion and mercy, sent His Son, His only one, to die for-nus all. He will so guide and direct these your declining years that they will be lled with joy and peace. . Brothers, again God has called and you weep for a brother kind, affection- ate and true. In your family reunions he will he never more. You will miss thorn and up... ...I.... -2|| --!- .(-____,_<- To Moshe:,B:oohatu}m}i onuaien ofithe -'_ _ deoeeeed Metthejf Adamo. We, the members of h.O.L. No. 16, Thornton, desire to express our heart- felt sympathy in the great aliotion yonhavebeencalled uponto beer in the loss of ' your beloved eon, brother and father. _ ` - . Ya` 1 ,Tovet1_'- `out?: - ;:*_;-.~a::: 3. Lo`;/Eh; I It:f.=~`i`i`;_g.L.`".h`rd pro? | gamma, _won1d:- you_ have inppoz-"hid it? ' -s'.l`orAonto Muil and _Empire. _ ll.-otter-`o'r can` ` .`Io1 eno e. Vespra. Council.` .;;;.y';; 1i3'$iiA .....;.Ic :._ I. L Expoition, 1900; ioneik. J mu moeohei-, of Dr. Walker : hospital. Rosherhnm House, Toronto, spent Sun- day and Mondsvwlth Mr; and Mrs. P..o E. Flotohor, "Boulown. Poroyll. Jory, of the of Commerce VISAS, Oltsin, . Mrn; E" Newton Jory ind child. Khulna, E. Jo;-pad iunim no ? '52 " 5{~.": -.- 9. * ' -'i)"u;ndaa-CoxwoV1'th-0rdered, I thot the Council; gdjourn to meet at Nicol- aton on tho 3rd Monday in October next `at _11-o clock nan.` ' ' 1.9 now xeau non of $2.98 for error 1839. _` In school taxes for aopted. . % C'ox,wort.h-D'undas_-0rd_ered. that H. L. TarBuah,' Esqz, be paid the sum _ man. I V ',__--._.n -.. uunvaav nuu IFCPIII ing E. _' line, Innial township pay ing on:l11$,`$21 ; Fred. Eagles, `lling washout on 30 eideroad, 81.50; J oaeph Jennett, gravelling 7th line, $22 ; Geo. Little, repairing road 7th line, 832 3 Dalton Sythes, 20 loads of Gravel, $2 3 W. E." Sloddart, Capt. No. 3 Company 36th Battalion, for rie practice, $5; F. L. Neebitt, for spikes, 81.19,; R.` Mominn, balance account for gravel, eto., $1 ; W. E. Stoddart, on printing account. $30. All of which is respect- fully submitted, John Ooxworth, Chair- man- - ' medicine to Nicholson, fog tile, pu egng toI.Qline_,_ Mrs. Richards, $10 ; Wm. for gravel, $1 ; W. G. Tran, tting in culvert and repair- paye- _. _-. u-.-.c vauvwnvnv, BUIIUIUIIJGU` ro BIZ sale, $10.50 ; D. J. Carrnthera, balance of account operating road machine, $39.30; John Lennox, work on 5th eideroad, $155.00 ; J. Edgar, putting in cedar culvert, etc., $12.25 ; William Maw. putting in culvert, $3.60 ; Dr. McGregor, medicine and attendance on an indigent, $12; Wm. Mc0lean. pot- ting in culvert on S. townline. Tecum- neth paying half, $3 ;' Geo. Sheppard, 40 loads of gravel, $2; Chas. Waugh, cedar for 4th line, 50c.; W. A. Demp- eter, work done on 5th line, $12.75; Dr. Wlt- Drnfnlinnnl "noun-934-um ----`I ...... um-u uuvv uuuun lulu IIUOPIBG. eport N o. 1 of Standing Committee on Finance, presented and read, as fol- lows :-J. H.lBmden,re-building bridge over Boyne river, $124.55 ; James Walkom, cedar for culvert, $6.40 ; Joseph McClain, levelling hills and putting in culvert on 8th line, $41.25 ; A. E. H; Creawicke, settlement to tax I. ma an . n T n-_--vu- `THE NORTHERN ADvANc: ..._... V. an-no uavvvnus W011! (Ulla ana The Reeve laid several ac- counts befure the Council, which were read and referred to the Standing Com- mittee on Finance. On motion of Mr. Wilcox, seconded by `Mr. Du', leave was granted to in- troduce a By-Law to levy and collect the current year : taxes. The By-Low was read threetimee and adopted. Rnrt NI! 1 A` g`nuaJ=-- (`A------3 The Council of Essa met to-day Aug. 13th, at Dominion Hotel, Angus; at the call of the Reeve. The Reeve in the chair. - All members present. The m uteo of last meeting were read end mnf` Damon; I-:3 _A-.~ ` Sixth Session of Essa. Council for 1900. WALL GOODS Dress Goods, {Silks Satins, Ribb0I1S, Laces, ....THE.,... DCOUNTRY R. T. limpma, Clerk. *`- Shawls, Veivets. Velveteens, Flannels;