Northern Advance, 23 Aug 1900, p. 12

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me in `D893. 6 Qsia mu `years. mm is Vtrainini [MM ""i?annell Grapes.-P_ret>are as 01` plies and put over the fire with alit- - tlewater. As soon as done, place in ` .-glass cans and seal. Wrap the cans in p paper and set in a cool place ; four gal- Vlons grapes after they are picked off for winter pies. will can two and a halt gallons. Fin 1 `Ivan - - T , ,Marnl1'a(lfe.deV--if'a_re andhhalve peaches and allow three-q'uarte_rs pound of _white sugar to one pound of fruit. Moisten the sugar with a cup of we- ter, stir it until dissolved; lei boil Aandslnlm. Add peaches and stir con- stantly until done. A ,9 I?r_eserved.-Choose tine large peach- es, ripe, but not too mellow, pare and halve. Allow A as many pounds" of `white sugar as of fruit,` and to one pound of sugar allow-a teacup of wa- ter. Make a syrup with sugar and `water, skim well and add the fruit. Simmer slowly until clear, when done- put fruit in jars, boil syrup until rich -and thick, then_ pour over -peaches. Seal when cold. ' `pies and put over the fire in the fol-.` pspuioed. i(;`r'rapes.-.Prepare as for lowing boiling mixture: One quart; `-vinegar, five pounds brown sugar, halt ou-nce cinnamombars, half ounce whole - elroves. Sew the spices in a thin bag. `This is enough for two gallons pre- pared grapes. Whelnpthoroughly cook- ed in this mixture, skim" out into jars, boil the liquid down thick, then pour over the grapes. ,`I'ie tops of jars with paper, -if lids. ` ""` "."` G"'&" u *"' lWi:ld Grape `B'utter.--Plck`, from the 1.tem,.wash and put over theafire in ff.a~_lcittle water three gallons grapes. ?i-`-.`When cooked to pieces `remove from athe fire, and as soon as cool press- t~h_r_onugh' a colander. Put the mass over the fire with three poundsof *brown sugar, if desired sweet, and t cook until the desired thickness is 'V7"`1':ea.ched. Be careful to not burn, and V` do not cook as shift as you wish it to" be when cold, or it will be thick i enough t6 cut. One-third finely -mash-j Zed cooked-apples may be used with the grape pulp, and no difference will be inntiged. This should make a_ little `over a gallon of nice butter. Put in Jars and seal. 1111-cnunu an -- - ed cranstgplace in thejbottom __d_j a` halt talilespocne eur-'and " `rt when.yon-tip the;pie the wa- _ i;ii.:be seen readily, wet the edges crjust, put on` avpertorated top ngl bake nntil brdwn.` Notwith-` ' 7 ' jig the numerous seeds," this is _ clnis when eaten with good cream. lid _Grape Jellys-Remove all im- ectgrapes from the bunc-lh`...wash ugh water to start them cooking. _fvjer and when done press-all juice (ruin the grapes. Use the eameam- nt` of sugar as jufice, but let -the ,jt;he._4 sugar. A quarter of an hour gisuxght to cook it after the sugarhas Tbeen-added. The grapes maybe pick- lied on if wished. If" kept several rnonths, grape sugar may formein it. ','A preventive of this is to use one- Vthird elderberry juice with the grape `ll pint grapes.` Line 73a. tin ableepcone , saga: - '5 .ne_w_ , grepesppaur in enough" water boil a few minutes` before adding . Jtnce. The jelly can hardly be told V . from all grape juice. .`7!I,'I II 'I\- I ' A , LI, w1'.rH PEACHES. % __Y oUNG IBm=:'rs. j WILD GRAPES.j II had to shbot mine in the Indian,` muti.ny,""he said, quietly. ' I I warn-ted tq'ehh'ie1k om than and: there, but only gmaned and walked; away. ..Latea'. a friend whb knew; him tdld me the story. He was a ma- 1' jazz` in the army, and during that aw-`E `5 ml Ca_w`n.pore attair he gnd `his_fa.n1- I `y. weme capt1u_'evd.- ' _He shot his wife , i and two'te`rs asithey-were b_ein-g I dragged away, by . black brt'1tea';y after `he `h'adyb'een4 im.p'ri:s-oned and tor-1 ;'tu.m d has go; live a nightmare nbrs in China, in the name of religion. Yet Buddha, _and 4 .M.ouha1nmed, like Christ. came tovthe world`-asapostlea of. peace and good-will tdward man.` And all this; like thes later nor-i `I surely .th`e l rail 1ivi.n.g\ ot Zhummi"- M; new his hunt? We all recall the Cawhpore story, and people are retailing it no.w just as it there were not enough';pr'eeen't hor- i .`rb.r_--`how those women,` the wives and 1 daughhems: of English officers and ot- ticialsg had theiribreasts 0,111: o:tt_`p._nd _ were __thrown' into a pi; to die of their wmmds and of etarvatiopfp.` ' It/loorks as the only hope for-"the| women and children in Pekin is that their men will shoot them down when the worst comes tothe-worst. This thought reoalls a ghastly experience Ihad at an evening reception here, recently. I! was discussing the situa- tion in China with a white-haired, {, so-ldierly loo-king xna-n,` l and Ieaid I didn't see," necessary and i human as the aotv-would be under- some oiIc',a~nces. how it could be possible for tl1;e_men in the legation to about their wives and daughters. Ilhe man was silent--for a `moment, his face rigid white, his eyes gazing `into apaee before him. . . The Awfnlness nrv llavlng to Kill _0n`e's! own Wire and tilnlldl-ml." V a At this distance and in this environ- ment,t writes ,a- London correspondent, . it seems that th nations of `the earth} have peurmittedball` these `aw:-uln things I in China. It may no-t,be so, but it'_{ Looks very much like _a consultation} over a dying man, with Rsustsiaas thei family physician, Japan as -the sur- . geo'n';whno could save. and the rost of us a. lot .01 blitherimg, bungling coun- try` dootons, letting" him dieiwhile we. discuss the otiquet out all.` on A A nice waylto clean windows,"_or the ! glass in bookcase doors,~j or cupboards,} says a writer in an exchange, is `to take a s_mall bunch of cotton batting dampen it 'with "kerosene and, wipe the "glass all over careful1y-..Ater al- lowing it to stay on a short t,ime,i take .a soft, I clean cloth and polish; the glass. You will be surprised at its ` brilliancy and olearness. There are no zstreaks to rub off, over and over again, and it can be done in avery, little while, without any muss what- ever. ` The smell evaporatesalmost im- mediately. One_can nub the glass all over well, then-go about other work; leaving itfor several hours, and then! it win polish just the same.` a - ] Mlfashed.--Botil beets -in tlfe ` tisnal manner, skin and `mash thoroughly` with an equal quantityiof hot boiled potatoes. Add a {large lump of bu_.t- ter, but not milk, and season nicely. Put in a hot dish, make at holein that `center, in which .p(ut another lump of butteryset in the oven for a minute or two, and serve very hot. This is a favorite New England dish , and one especially relihed when beets are young and `sweet. Pickled.-v-Skin and slizceboiled beets, put in:a jar, cover` withcold vinegar, add one cup sugartd each gallon. `An- otherway is, cut boiled beets `length- wise in pieces `the size of rather small cucumbers; Boril equal parts at su- gar and vinegar, with half tablespoon" cloves, tied .'ina piece ,of!muslin,: to; each gallon. Pcur`boil1'ng hot over thebeets. A REMINISCENCE OF CAWNPORE. dressing. T Salad_.-0hop cold b_oIiled_beets into! dice. V To each cupful add one teasP0011 of sugar, 9. little salt,` and -vinegar to nearly cover. Equal quayntitiesbtl diced beet and diced ce`le'ry~n'1ake 9. delicious salad with a simple French Fried.-g-.-Gut oo'1a boiled'beets_ in slices ! and fry in` hot butter.` Season to taste, squeeze a 1itt1e~lemon`juice over and serve at once. , `egg batter, and fry `in boiling fat to Fritters.-'-0ut cold _beets into `slices. Cover 9. slxioe with finely minced rail onion, `season nicely` and lay oh 311-", other slice of heat. Dip careully in _a light brown. Serve immediately. I I L Bak6d,-'1`ake "two ` boiled. beats, out into dice, season to"ta'stg, put`in'a' but- tered baking, `dish _in glternate layars with diced boiled potatoes. Put sea- soning and little hits at button: `be- twegn eac,h_layer. and `cover the top with grated ` bfead; crmb. , or en aw`-5&9 `bold with vinegar and seasoning. It 9 very young, Tthy may be'sqrve1_ whole; ( Us . - TO CLEAN Ji2{7INnows. _ "Nor ere these the onljexeeptions to a clearly` defined type. There is an- |oher._ sort of anarchist, `who wdrks .stee! not` for _e. 1fevolu tion,-but `tm`1;gegxati:im,t:on Ab; -lii [own sazgaioj 99. ,5 .; F .;act'=ie - "-- --v-- vv agunvv vvaa-av \I\I.aA.-1.`;-p\a\~\vv-w--4 v. .....v "The `311511`0h'i3t. moreover; is com- front in South Africa, for I doubt if? ' 1110111! half--edmcated. Rotten before he 3 in all the world there is another coung' is ripe, he \has extracted from cheap; bry where there_as so few difficulties` philosophy all that is mischievous. i to contend with, and so many advant-? Reekingiwith murder, he will quote:Iages to `be ceIm.hracnedo I am. not` Herbert Spencer,`as the devil quoted s;pesakin.g_ of Natal, for of that country `_ScriptJure, to his purpose. I know nothing of my own observa... Such is the type to which the`-tion. `The ve1dt_urakes magniticehtg I'niost of `political murderers` conformbransport ground. The slopes are 5 ;Such was the oolish,_ amiable Vai1- jygentle and the kopjes far apart,-` while. ilant, who tthou'gh`t"that an infe;-n31 there is superb grass for horses,` ` machine thrown into the Chamber of fmules, and cattle on `eyery hand; there." ; Deputies might call attention to him- is V!10't}imb8`l`. there are no heavy f=0re-Sts i-selfand_,h'&s (fortunes. -In this he sue- tor the waggons to be forced through, iceede-3:, . and if {haze ~'we,-9 mom fol-'and t-he"grou,:nd under foot is firirn cynicism, in the advgntm-3, we might and springy. ' Yet with all this in snii.-ileeat the irony whiohichose the their favour the transport people of plaoegahfdthe method. Atany rate, the t'h,e,Brit_ish Army have beeifa-s much `yeipjityfies egperiencd 3` V ngw rte,-1-3,, ;__o-utpof their element as a duck on a ie'v`en though the lhachine was :wreath- 333 V j b `V ` , Iyedfin tltrwers; `=Such,too, _was'th`e m'is- J . mm NEED FOR nsronn, y mb1~. Henry `V -11 `mstr%n;6arat tom Whsaisiithe mo: lyaiiis "to-theina-i sen?` ;!d9a1 f ;shlflessi.-'i1rresp09~i?1ibions Whyi'te,l[l_"th`e` that~it'!. A:h$1f-knPW1d8- e5hi ie*s-W98 ,the has an'A.1*my `aguzpgseno. tor be proud *`5Y`?'yef3Y#'*6dib*i#i9 , -01. whilst ihisstoiing nun {gin bu:-' `"} 9~`' `.'?;.`! ;_":.';9`., f_h{ 39` '..n.3i3_st3.< _.l_`he is-vj stmng"en'311$h.{ 9;`? ' s i i " l * AlV?1it?haPilf'-.-Qtidushu-` to -ism. ma I I A VICTIM OF WORDS. 9` Butsays his apologist, at any rate, - the anarchist is a man of courage; at , iany rate, he risks his skin for an idea. ]Nothing could be `further from the vitmth; he is not brave, this irresolute apostle of slaughter; he is the victim. not of. ideas, but of words. Impelled to his `ineffectual act by a phrase, he rislrexcessive, if only he be zgniven a chance to 'work of! a :few 1 tags before `his judges. His quick, irestless mind omits one step in the T argument. He sees the crowded court;` he isblind to the gallows. He imagines himself for a moment -the centre of !attraction,he seems to hear theecho of his hollowwvoice, an be proclaims the foolish sentences. .which he has learned by rote. And his stupendous vanity blinds him to the last conse- quence, the -early morning and the ighostly cotrnsel, the chill walk: from the prison to the guillotine, the ob- -lique blade and the fateful basket. {These horrors do not appal him, be- icause his self-satisfaction carries him I no `farther than_'th'e"speech which he fondly believes will impress the jury. For", indeed, it there were no vanity in the world there would be no anarch- ists, since vanity is the essence of that stupidist of crimes, which is called political. 1N'on brut-a vain fool would attempt single-handed what he gran- fdiloquently describes as. the " regen- eration o"f`man;" -none but avain fool would choose for this attempt the ri- ; diculous method` of `inconsequent, ass- ` assination ; none but a vain fool would < `overlook all the consequences of his. ; deed save the chance of an ill-deserved 5 {speech in"; at hostile courthouse. And, ` ` in all thehistcry of anarchy you will 1 not tindione practitioner who did not `~i -unite in himself-. the three qualities or a vanity, hope and cowardice. I by -1 ; ~ The anarchist is a. ruffian of feeble brain `and weak inclination, who is iv pursued by a spirit of restlessdiscon-' :'tent.If Sorry for himself; he believes, bfhn easy transition, that he is sorry for his fellows; and it is this sham -sympathy, rooted in selfishness. which ' genera1ly`wins`for him the credit ofg aniability. so the discontent dwhichg <.he fondly construes iinto a keneral love of "the human race, drives the an- archist to attempt reform, and for him reform means death. Indeed, so narrow -is his brain that he can con- ceive no other remedy for a trifling m n...'.. _..__J._. a- v e -- -i - _' --y.-u.. gvusvug LU: G Iv !-I-I.-ll.-H5 illvyuthan . murder ; "would iwipe. out- `a -spot of. dust with blood, and his own war cry is `;Kill,' kill, kill 1 In other `words, his diseased intelligence - forbids him to understand the link which binds cause and effect. He rec- ognizes his,pov_erty`, and believes that `it; but he can` imagine no methiodi of "changing. a system irksome save the death of an-innocent man. That is-to say, he does not un- derstand therules of society's game; he isslike a man who would be taken for`a gentlemen, and yet cheats'.at cards. `So he rushes intogthe street, is change of system will ameliorate findsheroism in a l'up_ine brutality. Hence it follows that he is of a sa.n- A gtufine disposition. He is or thosewho hope always that the wickedness of to-day will be overlooked by the mer- cy of the morrow,.and,. in truth noth- ! need appear hopelessto the brain : which detects in an unreasoned crime In c.u-re for poverty. L T?`l'lUlI-I'D-In! nu-- ---___-- ~r I ,ar_med=with dynamite or dagger, and `rojrr. 1s mcmua mun mosr A cnuznmunnsns. * J `the; uuurenufn n-.7 llipetil and cow'- -ardli-qrmr` lilocd,.'llo .3 An` Immu- '_ 1_nuo-.m,_ svt-is tau -1-nlgueny. - -. The 'asasein'ation "of King" Humbert of Italymakes of timely interest an "article in Blackwoows Magazine or; The`Rea,l` Anarchist,` extracts from i which are here "appended. my Hum 01? AivARnHY.:::m*sh::a: mt. ................ 4'1 ANOTHER TYPE. `i What is the usevof lying 'to the na- 5' bion? Why `tell the Empire " that it . 3 boa an equipgnonb. to -,ot, whilst this `testgng min is in our - midst? `The nation is atmng enough," stout.-he.arte_d enough L to `hear the Ivgrob, fand ovirile enough .to ;-entity, 1' its error.` .Proessio,naI soldiers may `~ -A Qaxiaeer, wand aaiy` tha~_t"1ny opinion is'_ I ?;nqnfo;1_'3r;:t-1_`:,f1Vt~'oMt__V,ai1 IJt_1t ai_id;e`,1*`,`--offb. m`aln" arnmmga .11 V33 hdzm 9.! ex P'kled.-To fqu. "pounds of peaches` E110? 2 1-2 p A s of brown sugarq T one pint b_ 1t1egar,xono ta'bl_espoon 1 I 1 ch _ _ 0le;o1oves and allsgoe, and % . mlespooh mace: Ben the vi_ne-- apd` sp`ces together and 7" L1` bowling hot,,over_peaches.' ih 2.4 hours} drsn `Hoff syrup;-heatT the tiailing point, 3nd a.g`aip'-n pom- $`. 17 the P0$0he8-`1ree imes. awn-_:-_.s .. bug, obserya.-`_ -bion. veldt _ makes magniticehti transport ground. are! jigenble liopjea far while there horses,` imules, there 'no tgimber, are heavy forests tor be through, 'and under foot and J with their '_th transport people 7 Army , Q LI,` ' The transport, he says, connect-l ed with the British Army of to-day is too cumbrous, too unwieldy, too slow. For six months I have been constant- ly at the front during the present war, and each day impressed this fact; forcibly upon my mind. The first` blow in the shape of - army reform will -have to be struck there, and it will have to be a` deep and 9. far-reach- ing blow, torati the present` juncture this end of -the. service is `of little more use to our Army thana glass eye `is to a `heath-en idol. If our train; sport. service was any good it ought 3 to have come conspicuously to the front South for I doubt if! allthe world there another ooun.i ` few` difficulties` 5 to contend with, and many advant-f `lagel. am.hraouedG I a.;m._not _>_Nabal, for Mr. Bales, the` Australian special correspondent of the London Daily News, makes a vigordus onslaughq of the army transport system. _-L lessons Might Be" Taken` I-`i-op` the Colon- les-l ack-`tlorses `lnstca,d* of the ox- _ Waggon System would Soonilind the wllfo ` . [IT IS A FESTERING RUIN.| DEANUNCILATION or was snmsn TRANSPORT snnvrcn. its risk and halved its`inenuity. It! will still hold its middle-claass` meet- gings and- discuss the works--of Her- be1_`t Spencer, _but it is not likely to` \ renew its forward policy.hAll that gov, `iernments can do is to see that the anarchist, when he is ca.ught,_has the ibriefest trial and the severest sen-, tence that can be devised. For, afte_r ' `blood, he? best loves publicity. __+A 4` 4 And what is the future of anarchy? Blank for the anarchs, hopetul for tis. iThe international association, which i now devises mturder in secret, and puts % to death its disobedient members has passed its zenith of brutality.,The; activity of th-e. police, and the dying: zeal of the agitators, have doubled; W"'It`"is Idrance vimade `anarchy possible. :For anarchy is the legiti- mate child of the Revolution, which mowappears to us inja true light as the mother of evil. It thelesson of murder had. not been taught to the `imbecile citizens of the `Terror, we might never have heard of the assass- ination which appears to its votaries as the highest virtue. The Revolution it was that first discovered the gran- deur of cowardice, that first saw in the severed head of a girl the symbol of freedom and patriotism. The 001111` "try whichstill insists that the Revo,-. lution.1'n'ust be taken `en bloc aseare- birth ofthe world can hardly be sur- prised if her citizens and herjpupils have-.learned theause of dynamite and . the-knife. Assassins there were, of- course, before the black year, 1789, but they were no better. than spor- adic imbeciles, and neither Fenton nor `Bellingham struck with the weight of a misguided movement ' behind ,them. No; the anarchist is a brief [cenury.,o1d,` and already it is time 1 that he should crawl` away to death, and be no more known.- THE FUTURE. 3. !- the P ta.-Adeuied es his mmey that bought .'the;;iIIatei;ig1s; For a whi1e"h`e was 'the{_best known man in?Frenee`, fyet;f_ew eyes had ever `beheld him, and few men knew his na- tionality. ` He is a' I-`olefsaid thiione; he is `a Russian said: that 3 and we may 7cheerfully' leave it to the wiseacres ` of eastern -Europe. to settle their claim, But he was indefatigablein his ~ desire of blood. ~` Kill more a you "brutesl he isreputed " to have said, u when he thought his creatures were 3 not giving him valuefor his money. ? He was `working at An-`.werp,`he was an inspiration at Lille, and then he `vanished. Tried for murder, he was twice oondemned, and, at last, aru- mor came that he was in a Russian prison. Thereafter an enemy espied him at Geneva, and none can say whe- ther he is dead or buried alive. 5? few months of each other, in 1844, _ hrinsgs very forcibly home to English- {' man the constant diminution of the nnmbeor. of Princes of the royal blood ;!'otf Great Britain. ' '_ ;1n;t.he dir/ect ma.le_ lin the same `I of diminaition continues. The` has Vlbst itwo sonoutl of four Wales two out ._'1`he - l'te":.D1nl;e Q1 Edin- " ` ; !> &fQ1`8_hiA'fathr.VAThe his son, and the aged Duke of Cam- bridge. That, of course, is not count- the young Duke of Albany, who is-nowfto become a foreign potentate, the Duke of Cumberland,` who is al- {':_80't0 all intent; and purposes a for- l_Prince`Chritian is of the Jfoyal house by ereatioii only. } -`?II7'!.LI_'-__ _L. ~~, 9` withxyut etntecrinzg [into details the "factApreeeant.s `itself that the descend- antsof Queen Victoria represent all that` irleft of four generations of the 7H`an`A-o.1_',eri.'an dynasty. Thirteen branohes of the royal house have en- *ti`l.iCf1yVdievd,Ot T ` e '_ I have watched, from the very seat of war, the splendid efforts of our most dashing cavalry general, the fly- ing French. No man living is` less in. vclined to grudge h-im praise for his brilliant work in the field `than my- self. Yet how often have his best efforts been practically nullified by the absence of provisions to enable him to hold what his genius and his _ daring have won. He has done su-paerb. ly,/bub how `much better his work would haveibeen if the British Army. Transport Service been what it ehould have been. If we come to grief in Sorubli Africa on any very large eeavle,_t-he Transport people. will beat `the root of the trouble, for they mud- idle nearly everything they -touch. ; t T. {It seem'o4uariou.-5 that, although `the has been blessed with a [fairly large family, the number of _royal' Princes is" very limited orutside theidirect line. of succession. tr` - _..._ v- -u now naval: 1the I;rince of TWales, his son and three grandsons, -there are only thra_e' royal Priznoes now: left in Eng- land, namely, the Duke of Connaught, nun.-x Am.) LL- -..__I 1\__J| A ; it Then T he starts` (boldly e'nough,r riding one horse and -leading : the other. WHY NOT- PACK-HORSES? our mounted infantry and cavalry V should nob do likewise? Pack-horses ' could be trained to move with the troops at any pace the mounted men , could travel, each` {pack-horse being easily tethered to a rig1er s saddle, a rpack-horse between each pair of troop ghorses. v This would only necessitate the troops advancing in open order as 5 they do now, and as they will always . have to do whilst quick-firin.g gun.s are in existence. Mounted Infantry, cavalry, and guns could thus sweep .forrward, carrying food with thfe'm- to tenable bhem to take up and hold paosi. bions comfortably until t-he heavy con. Voys came up with them. If to-day' L0-rd Roberts possessed the flying -pack.-horse system of transport this yfar would not last as many days as it is liable to -last months under the ox- Whab earthly reason is there why wag-g-on system. I '0I!sIde the [ Prince of Wales, and Ills Fdlnuy. only Three Are Now Alive. The death of the Duke of Edinburgh, I? who; by the way, was exactly the ` same age as the murdered King Hum- `h....4- I.....L1.. 1_,__-.-,,I - ---- i 1 1 `-TB>Evl AiiSTRALIeN.. BUSHMAN -feo_lved- t1n e-9lroblem of war tran- .9;pl_0lte,"solved it in peace time, though - he doubtless never gave the matter of ,_war a passing thought. When a hun- _ diredn or five Hundred goldghuntere make up their minds to risk every- thing` and push far in beyond the tar theat tringeof civilization they do so knowing that each man's life will depend greatly upon his individual foresight, forethought, and care- ful "attention to detail. Not only has each `to carry every, ounce of food he will require, but he often has to carry t-he water he will need to drink, truet. ing to `his bu.shic.'raft to find enough water of a kind to carry his horses `through. Each man provideehimself with two useful horses, both broken in .to?eaddle a. .nd",to pack saddle. On one he places his riding saddle and his blanketsreo that. the horse has to carry on an average when rider, saddle and .l;'11a`-nkets are up, about thirteen stone. -.On the pack hsovrse he carries, including {pack saddle, 196 pounds of rations, so .that the pack horse and the riding lho-rse have about an equal burden to * ;: If-*h`1ve' thought out. _s:i:n1e1."queefi3innof transpvortmin the `heart; of tlIee*.1At'mtra,Ii'a.n bush when pushingihiana "with the l_ittle.~armiee bt pioneers who ransack the in- terior at the . Silent Continent in ,s"ea.rcAhv vo, metals. Many a time 'I' havebalanced it carefully in my `mind I knew that `sooner or later Australia will have to time a toe on her own shores, and I dare assert that the mest.a.rm*y in all Europe would be out to pieces if the invaders moved inland iftshe foe came to .115 with such t_ra,n.eport as is"now in vogue with, "Lord Rqbert e army. BRITAIWS ROYAL PRINCES. ` !l :0;V`VB of the defeat reac E33955. Dord Elgin was sent` 011 LIUVYHL UL LK L`4I.1lLlC\3. Ll"~`\` _ ab Tien Tsin by Lord E1, 1858, the enemy being brvughl 10 9 mission. \Vhen, hv.)\\`ewr, Si!` FF? - etrick Bruce, the newly-uppoin1t`d Mi ist-er. to the Court of Pokin, attempt ed to go up the Pei-ho, tn. 'l`::ku for! which had been repaired and :.4t1'H1Sf opened fire on his floxiilu M! such precision and effivientzv Eiv 800d grounds for the id'e.'l Hm Russian influence was at- v-'0r1~'`f" t'-hat under the training 05 "`"`L I inatmuctots the Chinese truol" '*"' being .pu.'ebared for a war with lands Sir Frederick Brm'e Il<'1 rgunboats that accompanied him- tired to Shanghai, and waited reinforcements. ' ' ' as I ?biiak.~and it seemed as if the Br= iitnlioata could not be brought 5" .-the-frange of the new and 1 " Of the forts, ComII1d 7Ii*;"'}`tgwg;1;'o: the `United states `f.` to be in the V. *;`i"{_Ai:i.eg9ioan,ornViser, 09609 me 0 using the memorable 9 " 5"`.`:isn;f'_" "Blood is thicker W` 7NEX'D BRITISH WAR wrru CHIN. The country, however, never hecam properly pacified, and seem, societie were formed with the object of restur ing the Chinese dynasty H the throne A3011`:-1), said to be the lust descendzln of the Ming dynasty, was chosen 1) the conspirators as Emperor, unde the title Teen-tih, or He-:u'eul_\' \'ir t'ue"nin 1850. He was, however, a wea leader, and the C0n5pi1`:1L'\' was alnlos cruehod out-, when 11 lezuler czuue for Ward named Hung Sew-Ls.euen, hol and skillful. His c.z1reer xx 8 brillian ly successful. In 185;. he p1`=C1iliLEl`- in Nan King, the illilugllhltioll uf th famous Tai-ping (ly11;t.sI}', whirh \'-'41 fi_an;al ly overthrown, and the re}eIILw brushed out by Gordon, uhn succcr'5. fully trained and led lhcr lmperid t"-Ifoopp to victory. An 0rut2ra`ge.on the Brilish gunboai `Arrow, in October, 18:36, c.-um-.1 :1 re A - _ >`>AA" "` I -3n-nnA ggqv--rvy, J- T669:-av- --- newal of hiostwilities. Pe-Jo \\':1s signej :_ `Ha _._-__ --_-.v-- vanvounvvo I L Jelly.-Choose juzlcy, tart peaches for l jelly. `Pare, halve and cook in__just {enough water to. cover. --When soft, -[strain "through coarse cotton cloth and measure the juice. To one quart. of juice allow one pound of white sugar. rB.oil steadily for 20 min'utes,~then add -1_sugar~and boil -10 miuuteselonger, or -n_n't_il`_ rm `whe Q`-.eo'1d plate. znake a-"much a little is tried 'on `nan apple juioowill er jelly without in! the p.ea'h'-flavor.` V created intense excitement. Cuplaai Amenoed although not fu1`Luasl_v declare -_ v.-u..... `.- The demand for the opium and to its destruction was made my Column` sioner Sin, whose action .n_Lhe mane EH_i0t-t left Canton in .\lz:_\', and WA1 bet-Ween the nations pructimlly cl until 1840. Th war ended in 1:4`? The Chinese ceded Hong Kong to Ih British and paid an indemnity of 6,(`0U, 000 of dollars and opened the ports u Canton, Ning-po, Amoy, and lu-Cha to British trade. ffzroublee first commenced in Canton during the reign of the lrimpe-ror '[;u.u_ Kwang, between the Mundurins an game English Inerchunts, who per aisted in smuggling Upiuux into 111 eounbry. All business became de ranged, and finally the l-Jnglish Gov ernmenb sent out Lord Napier, wb died of fever afew months after h" arrival in Canton. He was su(:cee. b Captain Elliott, who, in 1839, agree that an the opium in the hands 0 English" merchants should be ` dered to the Chinese uuthoritlies. O the 3rd April of that year, 20,1! ch-eats of opium were handed over 1 the Mandarins, who imu1ed'iuLely tles .t~I'oyed the drug, `a strong phruof 0 their anxiety to save their peml from the vice of-opium eating. nvI._ .1 . _ . . _.1A,., A On t-1.1e'o'ne side a re,-:~`isi9ss force determxned _to overcome all Oh. I to the spread of its commerce . y 1 Aognducb as ,wJ'Ith an equal mm, ( V , J the other side was was an old Elxnpng whose history was lost in the m1, Of antiquity, who having in th..W_TL It the intrusiu-n of r1eigl1buum; kingdoms. felt not her de(;z~e.1,1md,, an `ml believed herself equal to the tn; Of excluding the foreigners [rum he territory." T : At the expiration of the ch the East Indian Company in head of the factory was super a. representative of the 'UVL'I Greatritain, who could um business With the ChiI1e.3(- m: alt-he factozj of the company 13 The two nations were bI`UughL 11y` face bo face. Gave llp Immy 11,,,u_, `_(_'lests of Chinese Southlng IIl'l|g.lr0" : Lgggfjdtlop or Secret Soclelles. n Brier to 1858 the-Tuku forts gm,d_ ' in_'gAbhe entrance to the Pei~h(, mm .a_nd:.'t-he.app1'oach- to Tien J7sin, and : bhienoe -to Pekin, were in: V . . . ignificunt anduseless bulldmgs, utterly v;;]u(,_ as defensive works; but they He soon destined to play pm-Vin the history of elicit-.clea.r evidence of the Anglo-Saxon race her United States of Ame-ricu ad important China and to the uuitv .,g e and inrhe SOMETHING of THE rnnnnnv an v-- - nuns on`: PREVIOU TROUBLES IN CHINA. -THE OPIUM WAR. jAzjpsm 23, wvura-Ava; nsaalulml. \J\-I119- _ ' Butfer.-Pare_ and halve `ripe neach- eroe-vand cook until soft in just suffi- cient `water to keep from burning. o Press through a colander, and to one 15quart of peaches add one and ahalf 7pounds of white sugar. Boil very'elow- ly for one hour, stirring frequently % to prevent scorching. Season with .a little cinnamon or almond extraot'.V 1'1` the had don-e were defiant the [charbter the [charter o uy an 1834; lb superseded b :sov-ereign 0 Id notconduc em: merch:un 3, 1900, Sp`ced.--To every five pounds of ffrnit; anew" two_'pounds of brown su- fgar, one quart of vinegar, one ounce r)1a,on`_ot cinnamon, eloves and mace. peaches and cook in the vinegar until tender, but not brok- Vptike `opt, put in spices, boil hard _ ir6i;:xnihaItes and `pour "5`3`3,.Y"3Y1`i1l?i

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