Northern Advance, 9 Aug 1900, p. 10

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places, %. s_i1'9~h"[. as ..Iio:;_!j M;;i_nctvna- l_>RIvEN FROM TEE KRAALS; E; `Waeplng? KaJ_nr V`V9zz1 on` Arrive at, 7Sev-eral hours fiaghtin-g resulted in the defeat of the `Aehentis stubborn resistance. _ V ' Majotr Beddoes losses were heavy. e .119 and Li'eu_.ta.- Phillips am: swab; weme severely ` wounded." Thirtyv mm! also woundted; _ T 1 ` Iiflhre troops -will be necessary. be-,',4 fore the cempaicn can possibly tinqfa -British Loss Was `Heavy, Being Out- numbered Tonto One. N A despatoh from Be-kwai, Ashaanti. Wednesday, says ;-Major H. R. Bed- does, with 400 man.and two_g 11118. started July 24th to locate the enemy ; riots numbering 3,000 to 4,000 man.` i. three days marching. out of Damp-I (tonal ' - camp. The camp was found, the ivar.,? _ _..-..,.. no uuuu a.rev0lVer,. The attempted easasaination there came to anend, for the Grand Vizier struck the weapon from the man : hand, and at the same `time otfioera eaught his arm from behind and over- powered him... i . T A arowd of 500 people witnessed the attempted assassination. and at once made _aru_9h towards the would-be murderer. The police acting as guards of the Shah, however, prevent- ed the mob from doing violence to" the miacreant. The prisoner was taken to the police station. ' ' -qz Attempt to Alenulnue the Persian Baler ` `I Pfuo I A despatch from Paris, .says.. -A determined attempt to assassinate the Shah of Persia, Muzaffer-ed-Din. was made heereotn Thursday morning. It was 9.15 when the carriage of the Shah emerged tram the court of the Sevvereignh palace, with the Shah and -his,Grand Vizier seated inside opposite . riage step. In one hand the man had i a cane. `But this movement was only intended to hide` the" real purpose. In the other handhe held arevolvert. attempted uoame Grand from the.,man hand. and M? Hm --'---- -W ' j-----T-:u-- ROUT OF ASHANTIS. reaso-x_;,tfor the laying off of the men, and no invidious distinctions were made. -No settlement is in gig-ht,`a'nd the matter remains in statu quo un- til` Monday afternoon, when another str-iker s meeting" will be held. ' It is enticipated that other. unions 1 will go out in sympathy, practically standing idle. V , The men claim that the company, in discharging 300 men last week, laid off all the prominent union men, and also complain" of the action pt the company ignotring anew schedule of Wonk sub- mitted to it by the men. A priifate meeting of the strikers . strong resolutions were passed stif- fening the resolve of the men to get ` satisfaction. _ - THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT. A Mr.e.Whyte, manager of the road ` was seen by a reporter and `he said that up to now `he had not been offi- cially -notified by the men themselves of any trouble, and saidthat the above reasons alleged for striking are to- tally tlnsufficient, as well as incor- rnnf 'li`mH..;.. .1 LL -_ ..., -....,...,....u-um wvaxmu. |uvu|.vu:> skille-d_ mechanics andilablomors work- ing i.n t'he`C.P.R., shape-`f.rom the gmat laulnes to the coast, W85 inaugurated here on. Friday morning. A Nearly "six hllwdted men` are affected thereby, and they comprise mechanics and helpers, bovilermazkers and T helpers, fittefs. atnvd _h'e-.lpers. and blacaksmiths' h61P9g!'B. the smlth - ~rem.:i'ini`ng on 'l'\L.. ...-_ -I-2_ - SERIOUS STRIKE sax Ilhdrd lien Out ms. 0. I-._ I. won er: ship. - . ~.A`desA-patch from Winnipeg, gays: --`A very important strikg. involving a"|z3ll4...I ...--L- -2- W Montreal is to have anew palatial hotel on Dominion Square. It will necessitate the removal of St. George : church and deonery school house, the Dominion Methodist church and par- fonage. and the Y.M.CA.A.. , Du_luth,1.Aug. 7.-j-Wheat--No. 1 hard, cash, -79 7_-&:; August, 79 7-80; Sep- tember, 79 3-87 to:79 1-20; December, 79 7-80.; No.1 Northern, oaalr, 77 7-80; August, '17 7-80; September. 77 8-8 77 7-84;; No.2 Nartharn. 76 1-40; No. to` 77 1-2.; .__Deejnbgr, 77 7-80; 3 spring, 72 mo, Corn-`-39 1-2c. om.- za 1-2 to 23 3-40. ` . __ .Min,neapo1ia,' Aug. 7-.-Wheat-5Ang- ust, 75;`-Septeanber. 75- to 76 1-80 ;` De`- opmber, .176 1-4 _to,76 3-8c ;.,No.:1Vhard. 7774.80; No.1 Ntthern, 75.7-.80`; No.2 Northa_n_z,.-7; 6-8c. Floure-I9`-i_rVst pat- ents, $4.15; do.. Vaecandss ;$3.96;.- first cleaxje, $3.05; second do., 82.40; bran, $12 to $12.50 . - f jpurtod 56 10045 taken tin` e XP%rl: ;" in-3 board clearances were `equal to l75, bush. Estimated receipts`--wheat. 295 cars earn 300 car_a;_oata. 315 cars; hogs, 20,000 head. ' ' swan at camp vxzum. DomP- I BOER PRISONERS. AT CEYLON it: [ fago with 80,000 chase toodstutfg f `hag not since bee 1 - V with which to pur- Ol` thdburghers. He n heard of. W111 Pay Burghers for Damage ` Done` Their Farms If- ' VA despatcrh Arolm Pretoria says:-- President Kruger-and Commandant ,.Boit.ha_ have issued eproclamation "`psromiis'mg to pay all damage done to ithe farms by the British, providing the bu{rghersrema'm with the com- Imandoes. " WA cheque vA.vaVs -re_<;o;ivei at-Ottawa) for 350, for the. relief of this fire` ant- -terers. collected in the field near Bloemfowtein, by the Northumberlahd Eusiem. ` T _ ,, ._--_ --u-uuuv marquea. days:--A large quaanti-ty of materials for the manufacture of explosives, oonsignedto local firms. but destin- ed for the Transvaal, have` been dis- voovemedt on the steamer Cassius owing to a fire _on that vessel. The mate- rials waramanifested as disinfectants. _ I-I-I consisted A of Materials f or I - ture of Explosives. 4 A despatoh tram Lorenzo 1 ,- _.--.......... nuuoco WU "Ian Hamilton met with e sition at Vitboalsnek, His `wore light." DISINl-=.ECTAN&'l`S" SEIZED. -. .....;uu I3 U111 manding hisvsurnender. Be oould reply the Boers opened fire. The British losses were 01'...` u..__!IL; - __ __--..-.-., .:.-z.n.u.1_y gave: {no date of Gen. Smith, -Dorrien .s repulse of the Boers as July 3].. The deapatch says :- In theUm`onrning a flag of truce name to. Smith.`-Dorrien's camp, de- his surnender. Before he A despratch from London, 5: official despatoh from Lord dated Pretoria, Friday given (If C`....:LL' l'\ ' PAUL xnucaws pnomss. Answered Boers bemand for sur- render by Routing Them. A deepatoh from Cape 1Yowa1, eays:- Lieberg e commando attacked Gen. Smith-Dorrie-n, near Potchefatroom, but was easily` repulsed. . Gen. Ian Hamilton has gone to Rus- tenburg to bring away Baden-Powell : garrison. ' Sevenwhundred and fifty additional Boers have surrendered to Gen. Hun- tan-_ - In hthroe days over 3,000 of` Weatexn cattle have baon shigpod east -by one firm in Winnipeg, which- has tent 9,000 head this-season to Mont- real for shipment ` III`. u n--- . - s'roI%.B THE FUNDS. ,_. -_-, "an. no nuuuu. It is stated that only the Russians and Japanese, 23,000 strong, are start- ing for` Pekin. v .- A-naotxher Chinese exodus from Shang- hao has commenced. It was caused by disquieting rumours published in the native, and some foreign newspapers. Chinese Officials-I-1-leclare the Minis- V tors are Feld as Hostages. A despaitch from Shanghai says ;- Liu-Kun-Yi, the Viceroy of Nankin, and Sheng, Administrator of Tele- graphs and of Railways, and '1`-aotai of Shanghai, have both declared, offi- cially, that the foreign Ministers are held by the Chinese Government as hbstages, and that_ if the allies march to Pekin they will be killed. , . - . `I _._> _.l,_A 1 . reached" 2 MARCH MEANS DEATH.` Illkado's Forces Alone Render. R6- ller of Legatlons Possible. [ A deapatoh trumellondo-n says;-In reply to a question in the House of Commons on Friday evening. Sir Mi- cshael..Hick5-Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer. said that there was a painful impression, since -it was im- possible to deny that the despatch ot. Japaneeeomes elonerrenders the re- liefs of the Legations possible. Their advance tnom Tien-Tsin was report- et} to hare been delayed by the neces- sity for waiting for the British to set ready- th`e u.n; (the advice of _ Li-Ping-Hang. for having recom- mended. that an emu-t should be made to conciliaite th'e powers. The message adds Vt-h`at Prince Chang : only supporters in a peace policy are Yang-Lu and Wang-Won-Shao, wahoe influence is. small." ` the Be- g . heading of Two AI. dulpatoh. from London, Saturday, say; Times Shanghai courtes- pnaident telegraphs: "Li-Hung-Chang -received to-day 9. Perkin dosrpatoh stating that. Hauohingoheng. ox-Min- isteaf .to,_Rauesia, and another official wero fpubllcly-be-headed by order of +1.5. 1:~..__._-__ - 42o %PUBL1cLv fBXECUJ'l`ED. suuru-nonnism nmv. `The ott}3&} '1{i:rd ot"rru.stees has: `rented :1 part of that Amateurs Athle- `tlc rooms for manual training for some of the schools, which will'bo` opened in September. L . l norms near to` JAPAN. ROBERTS TELLS OF IT. Marques, J16-II-.. _ J ses sligilmit: slight oppo. . n:... --, 'Doned Va geavyl Lu 1:rn_- _I! L Lofd ober; the date -Five Laynd-. 11. says :-An manufac- "*"9 "V `* MZili(t(ary ofdera issued from` Ottawal ."a.nnunce that Maj.-Gen. _0'Gra.dy-; I:_[aly has assumed the command` of the` Capagian militia. A (V min .l___!_I_`.1 L__2_. :___-_.-.t' '-` oasuaft-ion .".A1.';ATth`1I` Bean, son of 9. W Blkburu trzLdea1u:1n, WHS "3 fh`??1` 3* night. 5' man who accuse( hi-s wife and fou protestations that ' disbelieved. `native wounded. nag--.-5 -V.-__._. I , ,Another Berlin mission yince of. Kiang-Si, near H1` K_waTng-'1'uug, has been 10 ?f Rev. Mr. Morgan I-Ieportsa T'" l . Slaughter `of missions: A despatch from London. 5378:-Rev. Mi`. Morgan, 05 *18raphs that tiny mi.-ssionari05 _1" been massacred in shen ' End that the native (fhristialls during tearful persecutlon. Pr ' L-:n"I _.._..- All the Fot'eign'e.s in This QIIBP of Pckin. A despatch from Paris, says:-- Delcasse, the Minister of Foreign- fairs, has 1`0(`t-.`.\'`=1 ll desputch W the French Consul. at Shilha which 60.) % that Li-IIung-(`hellish firms the statement fwelgnera in Pekiu are now Parial 0!` `_`Forbidden City." in H10 L0-Feng-Luh, the Chinese Minido has communion ted to the Foreign (ice the following despatch fromi Tsung-li-Ya men :- "Pekin, July 30--The foreign Min` tors are all well. A supply of r tables, fruits, and other fuodstuffsll been repea tedly made to IheLegll0 The Ministers and the Chinese nut 4 ties are now on very friendly terms- successful termination of the conla eno for their conveyance under new to Tien-Tsin is expected, but, owins the recommencement of hostilities` Tien-Tsin, code telegrams for U3 mission to the representatives ureco aidered undesirable." ----o---- FlFTY WERE MAssACR 3`'I Ministers and Chinese Auihorm Said to Be on Good Terms, A deapatch from Dondon, suys:- Foreign Office h-as received from W. Caries, tha British Consul at Tie `ruin, a despatch datetf A`ugust cent by Way Of Chefoo to-day,saying`. News of /the Japanese Legation Pekin to August 1hr ha been received the Japanese Coxxsul. The advance: the allied forces cummunced to-day A `L ` nr Noighbora-_-Something of V Interest - . toroftholqbo. - OCCUPY FORBIDDEN cm.| `WELL ON Auausr .4 The Times Sh.-mghni oorreapond, sayg that information has been rmei ed there that Comul Carla: learn from his Japanese colleagues on A net 2 that Gen. '1`ung-Fuh-Stan tmops were massing in the Vicinity Peiusan-g` to oppose lha adv`a.noe on allies. and that an edict has been i.-.1 ed ordering the reoazpluro at Tion-1' and the Taku furtg. ` advices mad the desputchi from T gdict Issued Ordering Thamle "Is-`n be Retaken. . A d.e-spatoh {mm London, Tum says: Theme is nomrther news on engagement between the Chinese; the allies at Pi.ot.~5an.g, (lomman '1`aueIsig's report mad the ' 2 ports being all that is known he Neither has any information hm ceived regarding the general mu tions of the advance, the Wahingt TO OPPOSE 1 them. ` Theflsfgl ling the Boxers. heard tneE&pZ'w;`;:" begged the Boxers to 6-3;)... n-u lag in the bay. __.. --- ictafate Jelfs, at Haniilton the! dtvhar day, fined a boy five cents"tori not being properly clothed when bath- : 1 1 A Chlnesq the borders looted and ` 2.rrang`eTmen-`ts are being xnade at Kingston for the convention of tha Cagn-adian Electrical Association there August 29th. 7 ` U A. minfalwwator spring of great "will develop it. `dgpth and curative power has been dlsoovemd at Chatham. A syndicate ._ . ._n n.. .- '3od . nificn She [Ullm o a Iirg ed won Gerald. v --' ----v 3 v- ._-._ --- "Last year's 9:11;:-1' cazchfin hrith .0o1umbia' was "$6,744,012. 'p'6npda, an in`-. gene of par 13,000,000 pounds on 1898; . ~'I'-L___'-_.__._ _A, L`. ' GREAID BRITAIN. , __!Birmir_1gham Quakers are opposed to Wobhterring the freedom olth'e city on` (2rd Roberta. ' - V let be` rmal_1' [the look ; . __.-..._- -- --v -- -g,vvv.vvv r w- --vv. "Labo1iiers at 116 smoltingnworksnat inmiltoal have hid their wages in-_% ibneased from 131-2 cents an Hour "to . -15 cents. . Armin-gemanta are being made for `moving anumbar of F1"eno.h-Canadian fjimilies tram Michigan `to Edmon- qv cc. - 5 and I-AG Ll -I!` i4Ye.!,"`A :1 I him at ` I. 11"-cw uvvo VIII` nvuuav JV`-or . Hamilton ' civic labofiwers will get) 3718 cents an fbonr hereafter, an {in- of three cents an h_>'ur. ' ' ` _`;Ou'atemLs collectianset Montreal for e July amounted to -$984,419, an increase _o"ver July mt year` _oz +;1s4,ouo . V e :00." cnific rents, _--.._ __. w__.._ .`v'-(untoma collgctions at Hamilton du!'.`ng'J|1ly were $62 5 7, an ot -Q5,149 over July last year." ~ 1""! II) 0 0 1 I, `Ix , _-_2Ii '__L .. Through telegraphic communication .g.v_ith.Dawoon City will be octiblinhcd ;b'y.octqber 1. i . . ; Work has becn begun on the erec- .f't`i,on of. the crcmatory at Montreal, - t_he first in Canada. '7 and fwo deathqtrom the `-`{)`_.ut_)onio plague `are reported tram Lon- A '%`B.- ~-Ijnounts to $817,636. 7 P This (a';i;lB`:aii.-P:;.triotio Fund nfriv if Tbey are box-int for .natural" 3;; gj-{ii - Owen Sound district. ~ `:f.:L3aV.{J.;,"TE;};}f, '5;-i.'g'-':ru1y ma an f 'I na.r'rlage-, 64 births and 42 deaths; = ~cANM13A. .- % % ' Bram.'u_>rd need 8 ,488,175 `gallons of Rirater dating July. ` - . : C+l:;e'ndon hgis been up; bhted Lord Chamberlain. succeeding n rm n I Botha. Will Resign lf Burghors shrink i From That Point. ! A despatch from Laremzo Marquise. say;s:JDalmla/nutlha ia~ strongly foi'ti- flaed, and `fighting is expected any day. Lord Roberts is advzamcingn slowly and emhre-nah-ine his nposition.ln , I ' If Oom~ma`nd.ant-General Boyth'a[ finds! the; hm-gums hrinvliing from `Danna. n-u_t.h?a.he will resign his gunnmand} The V Bder`any will `titan : are here. The Auieriean monitor` Mdvnterey is,here. There are one `:1 French, one British. and tivo Amei'i- '.1 can gunboatn at Canton. 7 . `I1 V4 ' -A FOURTH BRIGADE.` '4 ' A deqpat,ch from Simlva, says:-Thei` xjeport `that a. ntourth evbrikade not In- ` troops had been ordered to China.` 1 Garrison at _ Hong - Kong Relnforced by 4.000 Men. . A despatch tram" Hong Kong, says: --The `hast of 30 transports convey-A ing the first division of" troops tron; India has` arrived here. 'I1ho'recent' alarm (mused by the supposed defonce- `V l__esI1es's'of the colony:,_ owaingotod the: twithdrawal of troops for the north has subsided. The garrison hos been `A `rein!-Vogrced _by 4,000 men. ` "1 Garrison -nvubvlll ueuuuubs, W110 ivatftchedvf-theAAeffeots of the deadly. green drug, will jointly Write ahook at their observations. _ -T . -At yo'i1ngvFrenchmen committed eni- cide,_ witlrabsintghe in Paris the other '.de.y.v Two medioal. Students, L who watched-the effects of the deadly green drug, will jointly write ahook of thoirohservations. ' nnmnuutun {Is sumac. rh iirst cargo at American coal im- iported into `Russia. has arrived at ; Reva! for the Warsaw Railway. ' . . . Th fiff nor-nun -5 ` -~ 7 A Qteamer with _aboard has been plant F tine at Gibraltar.- 'n|.- 5! Havana has lever. `d-noaloo_l{8 have abolished _theV"long customxand in_ tuture:will give_ '12- .me?asuVre to. customers, owiqg to `igxgo A f , The foreign commerce of the United States. for the year` ending June 30. 1900. is the greatest in the country : history. The import: ot merchandise `were $849,714,670. and the total ax- ports $1.39-186,370. ` R. B. Dixon. of So.n`Francisco, who want to Name in June with 200 hqad of _cattle, reports that 10,000 men are iiwitbodt money` and without work. `many ofmthemmliterally dying of star- vation. ` - : _ai/g*h- 1 A wwecking crew on the belaware, Lackawanna rind Western Railroad in digging a big locomotive out of a hog near Cresoo, Pa.. into which it had itallen and xcomplately sunk out at `sight, ' ` .... ..., .. uuL__uug0 co mazntam '9. fog signal; service on the crib, is being tried here.` The Anchor Line" is- seeking $80,000 for the loss of a steam- er- V Si/.(((-.'};i`a'toms officers at NEW` York have seized drugs freIm"'Canada to the value of 82,500, I1`he`y ward smuggled in, it is said, by a gang .which= has been operating for a long time. A unit whichwill determine whether j ,__ -~- v--vvu I-vs AH-`lxl-|ilyP]_-Hug`-,` A "ta 6! .g'~old dust and bullioh in the S,eat.t1e_ 'assa'.y ` office`; 7during: J uljr asgresatg begf month's businesdih the history of the ofti'i_:e. .v-o .. -7 in value` Q6.250}000.'. the Iuouul tnoops muva. had"; afreatd fair kid"naV1`>ping`., vinoad that the "plot to kill King Humbert `wag batched in an Anarchist headquaffterat at _W_eat Horboken.` _A detective shot" and killed Fred Zeigler at `Lebanon, Pa2., `wane, the latter was struggling to escape. He Denhifn Al ..'...1.a .:.;.-4.` ..-- Philip" Schno1`man,. `who 9.t_ 'Utica. N, Y., while driving, broke neck is r"eoove_ring{\ao the debtors say V _ Thomas Sheridan, .01` Iron Moun-' tai-nl, Mich, `tell 1,300 feet down a_' shaft in a. mine there. He was out in; two. 5 ` ' " T I `A max; tell from the lift at Torqnay and for tour days _and five nig`hits lay with` his hoa split,. his baclrbroken and otherwiu,"in_juro_d, while `within earshot of opttagbrs, who mistbokjhis` groans and cries for we moaning of :O|_1_t ot_ titiy .e$mplea'_9f inilk, citing- ined-`by tile 'mo'dia_I otficer iiinVt_l1e.'p.i1rV.. ion of St. Pancras. 7`I.o1 1HdonV1,"oh:ly ,ai;'- teeh were touiid to` be of normal con- dition, the owe: pgmplog being aigty, containing "microbes; pus ` and tu'brL onle bacilli. i V . sea: `brot'h`e"r. olihat first ogiuaina,` -forty . _throe.'soond cousins and "an ` unold,` making ' fifty-fdur fighting relatives. Her sister is a. nurse in Maritzburg Hospital. ` Eilid avy rains `and oods caused damage to I UMTED_ s'r__A1fEs. GENERAL. I two oases with "a plague. 0:159 placed under quaran- _l. genditions prevailing justifies them *n*i;\aking for an increased wage.- v'l1..`.`I`l\:lI..6- -0 LL- ~n-_:_,_.,. s in Jamaica the banana =01. yollow .. --..-- I71. vvvr J-' Ivliwulato .' 5 Chicago, Aum. 7.-Wheat was quite ' firm to-da_y'. in am e at the decided , dullne-S. .and closed at an advance of - 7180. Hig'hm` cables and 9. good cash enquiry.` withjaome `bad 11;`. Western I thajeahixig retI_1rnl`_ made >tx"ade,r,s tav- " buying ' the market. , mtl;_u_.oox':t.'ro.ry..' was weak; V 1. dliva`rieI ._`i,laok.-otA cub demand. nd*'-tavoumfghlpv 1 1'-'gpov1ft'c,= wmcer WnB8.l.-U1d'. N0. 2 red, nomin- lally 79c; -_new, nominally _ 770; No.1 Wwhite, old, nominally. 78; new, 76. 'Oats-Quiet and `easy; `No. Zwhite, 28 1,-2c; No. 3 white, 280; No. 4 white, 27 1-2c; Nb. 2 mixed, 26 1-4c; No. 3, mixed, 25 3-4o. oorn- Dull, but firm; No-8 xellow, 43 8-4c; No. Syellow, 48 1-20; N9. ' ,4. yellow, 42 1-20; No. 2 earn, 48 1-4o;,No.` ,2 oprn, 42 3-4 to 44. Barley-common. "new, 45 to 460 offered. Rye _ N,,, 2 l 0,11 track. , offered. , .Flour-Q_niot. I - hvfnann A"..- H V'nn._-;- -- ""' "7 _ ."" """ """l -` Vo _. g Elour-Demq.nd Aiqulet. Holders ask .32-35101` 90 P61` Q&'nt.'pat'ent; in buy- Vere,` bags. middle treights, and export- fer: bid $2.75. Special brands sell local. ly from 10 to 20c above these: figures. ! 'n..aa..I.. A..- n a__._ _ . v . v v.-vuuv, `.5 35 gg. 1: 7-Buffalo, Aug.T7.-Sp:rlng wheat--No, ,1 hard, spot, `car loads, 85 34c; No_ 1! Northern, spot, car loqds, 32 1.4.,_ Winter wheat-Old'. No. 2 red, nomfn, Allr 7911- -naur nn..m,:nnIl.. m9-. 11-- . E 0at-Easy. ; New white oats, west, iaoldj at 250. Old wh-ite oats, north and `west, 26 I-20; and east, 27 1-20. ~ T "'1-.u-___ I\;____-i . - .. .. Byte--New ry. 49. outaidefand old,` 61 to -520. I Corn;-Ro;ther easier, in sympathy with Chicago.` No. 1` American, yel- 'low, 46 1-20, on track here, and mixed at 451-29. ` ' Pe.a,a-V-Oar lots are -quoted nominal- ly at 590, north and went. and we east, Barley-Qni_at. New No. 2-, 88, out- side; old No. 2 400. ` v- 7-_ vv wavy 1-Ben Tlt, of t_;e . D013`!-tors Union." ,;.=,|:5aI;.'been chosen candidate for the next V `yotion by the trades` unions at thq Banpeo. parliamentary ' division. ` I. __`,-_ __ -_____ t-.. -.. _-- -_.-vvI TMi.1lfe4ad-Scra:r`c;2 and steady. .Bra'n, I12 to-`$12150, andplxortsf $14 to 31450, West. A " v ' A BREADS'DUFFS. A % Wh-eat-Quo`tatigns as follows`-0nt., red and white", old, outside, 700; and naemf. 68 to 690; spring, ovutsnide. 70; Manitoba, No. 1 ha.rd,\ .1.t.',. 9113.; same .To_rbnto and West, `88`c_asked; same, upper"port_s`, 850 askd, ' CESIII, I Sheepskins-Dealers quote from 81.25 to $1.40. Spring lambs--Dealera are paying 40 to 50c._ ' - Cal-aktns--Steady at 9c" for No. 1, ra.nd 8c for No. 2. .'1`allow.--Local dealers are offering - 41-2 6 4 3-4 and asking 5 to 61-40. ` Womet-(Fleece. 16 offered here, with holders in country askxng 2 to 30 higher,-. eat lots; pulled, extra. 20 to\21c; fund superb, 18 to 19o.r -v--. doalera quote green gown. 7 8-40; and stqorg, 8 1-4c;cAurod B1-49. Country hides an quoted at 110.. I--- I155 ,___ _.--__.,,... V vvvvlii cu.v-ua.I.uLuu LIBS` ly, but as been the case for some time pas`-t demand is slow. `Export outlook poor. - Skin: are about steady. Tallow ls,.oasicr.-` the average. `Wool: areotfered tree- 'uo nd` _- `I_"--- l-- - " ' e{d:-3:';;;e;." >81-2c; tubs, 3 3.4a; pailg, 90. ` * " breakfast baicon. 12 to '12 1:23;. pigi hams. 91-2c; roll .haoon, 10 to 101-2c; mated basis. 12 to 121-2c. All _moata out of pickle lo less than prices quoted. for smoked meats. -:____' ,, _-_ Smoked meats--Hams, heavy. 11 1-2o; medium. 121-'-2c; light, 13c; 12 1-20; picnic ,hams. `;;;a;1=ower Co., 1: given V. "the right of way through Hamilton. - build Van electric railway to Galt, 1 did later to Guelph With connec-r ' Lions it will bring the city into touch f,.'_|Vit.h 100.000 persona through an hour- _ -gy service. 0 The Algoma Genera; Rinway, which it has acquired the cha.r'ber'and privi-* yegeeot the old Hudson Bay anil Sault Ste, Marie Railway Company, wi1l.~ex- {toad its present line. under construe- *7tioxf;. tram its terminus at Missapabie A` Moose Factory, onyudaon Bay,250 1-- ..- vvanvsu 1.5%. v - for proviions are as. tolloiwsz-Dry L salted shoulders, 7 to 71-20; long clear bacon, car lots, 81-2c; to-n Iota, 8,1-2c; case lots, 3 8-4 to 90; shbrt cut park. $18; heavy 816.50. I -v.v- u Iavv ' ' heps and Limbs.- Shaagp, per _owt.. ? . ' ,.- Spnngilamba, each}. . 200 Bucks. per cwt. . . 250 -[halal-llllv-Ill, par OW`: o. Butcher, choice do._ . . `Butcher, med., to good. :Butcher, inferior. `Stanton, per cwt. '.MiI'l'n'a;'s Jud c.1JZs.` Oouws, ea_ch'._. . . f . 2509 _Ca1yes.each.L. '. . . 200 ,, ._- ---w --u yuunasua IIIUIIBI T ra} scaling from 160 to 200 lbs. the top price` in 61-41:; thicl; tat. `1085. 5 8-8; and light hogl. 5 1-4c `pun : I I ,"'Eo1Jl'. the range at am- tiona`:- . ` `. S0me~_good"_v;al' calves` 'id Ida-. 1 Sheep and lambs .ire,_re quiet, with values guottbly .nn`ohanged; but` the tendency is downward. -. ._ d -- ' \ TI___ ---- -- ~------_v' --v -- -v wv avg... T Hogs a.rg.:steady and nnchedged. {many 118513 11088 are coming glong. I`)-uuuvsu-3...- L-.._ _-;I!_'_ n . -.... . Toronto, _Aug.`; 7.-The receipts in-z Olnded about 1 1,000 hogs, . 650 gattle, A550 sheep and.lam_b_s, with a few calves and milch cows. - - ' A G.'1`.B. freight train" jumped. `a. ' Vawitcb; own Ann street. Montreal. and hrashed through the wall of Goo. `Jacob's house. No one was hurt.__ 7_It is said -thiat Manitoba "will not Vjhuvve more than aevem million bushels at wheat for export thisyear. come: I pared with" twenty-_-five million last Price: of cdttle, Cneie. ai:-am; - In the Leiding Marketa. - `To per ".0 425 A El ".}!rI'l~A An Came. . 3'55 `I O1! _ 45 oo 10 oo 8&1-2' ' _ I \TBespatoh, from Pretoria says :-A I number of Katfiywomen and ohildreh ' on Thursday, pauses} through Pretoria. 5 weeping and vfailing. 'J.`I)a__Bo_ers ha d_' Pom _W?$*-if fa; large majority in favor ot manag-o Bnocckv villo fotefJa-);;'ow11'ave daclar-: ad, by a vote at 413-to .67, in favor of -purchasing a gas and electric light plant for $100,000. The vote showed [mg the plant by five commissioners.

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