Northern Advance, 14 Jun 1900, p. 9

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more .. Ibis estimated that th loss in trade, wages and by damage done, resulting from this St. Louis street car strike amounts to.$22,(!)0,000.' - 1- ' _ - . -.-- --nu III Captain and Mrsi John `Y. Phefifs have started .fr'om Hackensack, N.Y., on `I2,-coaching trip,` which is to 183* three months, and cover 2,000 miles, R `The important acts of this qesgiovn, of this United Sta`1:'es.;0ongrea,a? include the ifinanoial bill and Porto Rico and Hawaiian bills. Appropriations will reach $7(I),000,000. ` A Maud`: ;I`ho:'j1u, Ta 1:7-Vyj_aT.,r-olcii gi-rl 1 did the Joan of Arc_i{r_i._ck with strik- eraf at St. Louis, o_ver/1,000 following- ~,her throuch the atreats. ,wgLp gr"- ` V 1` . Thnee men naymied Roberts were! s'hot'an'd killeq at \ Sen Augustine, . .l`exas, as the result at 9. e1.1d;that h`a-a_'been `in progress for `some time; and had already provoked severai.1nur- dera. _ T 7 `- ....--_--_. . `-1 u-v- -. I ,. GENERAL. The bubonic plague ha_s been stamp- ed gut in Argent_in'-a. ' T ` - II!__ A ' 1 ,.-I a - S'ix new cases ot" plague_ and two lla_.'ths are reported at Cairo. _ American heree '_meaIt iis} being sold iii Sweden as smoked reindeer "meat. . 1Lordr_(;1urzo n ihat 5,770,000 famine sufferers in India are being relieved. 0 i The mice of soa in Germany has. been indreased owing to the short, yield of oil seed. " Shaih i e1\sia,`who is" making a) tour of Eu rqpo, was given a big re-, oeption at Warsaw. ' '-El`i?{x;;;_e1;i;`}a;e's'-i1's3_lE--11`-p a st6am_. launchwbhich was_ towingtour junksr, off Cape Surman,~1ooLed the entire odnvqy and atom the la-unch--..,V _.; j nu, v_ , an ' Q` a o" I .At'the .-.1'uv_teu`il,V Frainc, President Ldubot was attended by 9-. police qorpalon bicycles; 1'1 viva`: u I AI, n \The Japanese C_row_n' Prince, during! his visit to .Constantinople, avoided "all dipl0mats..exc.e_pt tho;vB1:i`, Am-I baQss:_agior,.A which is said togshow - that,` England and Japan are allies. 1 I 9 Emperor William ha-st decreed that: thethree new torts near Met: phall3 "bear the names of the Crown Pfinoe,` Emjgreas and Lothringen. 5 The mcreased industrial} and pom- mercial prosperity of Germany -has de- creased its egnigration from 120,089;in '94 Lp. 28,740 l.z,st year. 19,106 of the I 1-atter going to the United States. Foreign Marines Now Fox-oibiy `Re- pairing the Raiiwny.. `A. special despatchl tram St. Peters- A burg, dated. Satnr'day, says, :- f"I have learned ftrom an absolutely re- liable source that minute despatches have been sent to the commanders of Russian troops "in Manchuffiis directing them _i;o;prepare: three a. regiments.of Cossacks on the Chinese frontier, _to be in rea.diness_ to enter on the."da_yi orders are received." ` 10.000 moors FOR PBKINJ; . The Dairy Mail 5has the 'foI1o\}v1'pg from` "1'ien'Tsin, _dIa.t_ed .Fr ida4y :-3"The wildest rumours a1r_e currnt hre` Lb`. the" etre'ct that ' Pekin is bu`rmng`,' but" they hick confirmatidnf ' ' ` ' Oing oi; Fii"d.,:;}c;}Vd{L.; to a` dspatoh to the Daily Express from S'ha"ng11a1,a force of __Cossacks reconnoitring out; side of Tien-Tsin w_as`attackd 'by' a rabble of" a-thousand armed vwithg spears and swords and some rifle.- The Cossacks fired upon thelr assail- -agntsykilling ss-ve`x;a`l. -"A Russuin l1eu- ltonant was wolindd by"'a bullet in the 'st'oma'ch~. .The'rs` is a serious rising at Ma nking-. [Yesterday th' x`n'6b71vs` sai Lofhaive affatjksd th`ss.p_a_laoa `of the} `Viceroy, .' '-"` ` -r '_ A --; dearpatch- from Lorenzo;-Marquee aayis~: -Unit`e'd' State; Consul Hollis, who .rturned}here -`on: Thursday from- "t;heJ1`ransvaa.l by `special . train, -had a. tzwo-hours" ;intervio.w. in close "gncie .wieh=;Presidont`K1;.uger` at -Macha- dodorp.- It- is stated . that Mr. ::Rollis,- ; {nraaxhe `bearer. oi-t-riexldly; despatchel t`:ro'm' the Unitod_8ta_.tes~' Government:-. urging; Kruger? to I tree. t-_: tor` peace. TREA-1` FOR PEACE. % S. `A Cdnsul lmlis sees` P1-Vosldent ;cA1>IUREn'- m;cms;eun.% .#the: Boers hfeavy 1-03.8-.. " A .,.dggpaoh f}',OIIl_...Lnd_QD, .B`1jldp.y. [gays :-_-A...daspa.toh ~.from- Prebor 48!: capturd` a mai}hine" gun, b.'1i c'l"*`6"ziIusd ties` being slight. .Bitlsh. Uhdei `Is-'::a:]'-61' vbellslho. L ` Cauov _ Vthatitlgp British'i1_'nd_ei' Mhjbgf` e'lisl'o, B6r.s~ heavy '1oas,`- -fhe `British giiluil-" [Hm Bum: BEBELLIUM minus slrungxjor Armuns in % THE onmrr T0-DAY. ls Trouble In-sh ` ` ~. Far Bub-`lf'leets of interest` Nations in "Chinese W8C0l'p-'llIllIl I' Deep-lnld Schemes. ' ` - n - G_rea.t Britain sank a British'war- .s hip a day or- two ego, just to show herself, and. p_ossibly,_her neighbors, I what British guns could do. `A few i broudsides from one of her big battle- ` ships and a million and 9. half dollars. "had sunk beneath the waves. An 8- Vminute job by the watch. _i L At in-Jtiig1;I.o;'t1.i;;i.Z;.s;ve target practice seem; to trend 9. little on the Eextravagant. But, to those who knew , genceiof the British Admirelty, there ` is a deep significince behind this lit- tle expenditure ot. powdefand steel. In view of the s1_:.art7_ling news from China. and the st' startling, nevie-to.-come, these broadside: from -the Terrible are A. believed by many to be'the first guns ohtha greatest naval battle theworld has. ever seen. ` virhat method `there is in the extrava-' being! u-.-g- -.-v-_v --_ .. `__V. __._f _ For. months the naval adogsoi war, ` have: been hanging about the open door -wot China. ' Secret preparations have beenmade by t-hegreat fpawers ` tor. the 1ookedofo.r'struggle.ot 0 ants. War -vessels of a dozen nations have been steadily mobilized within `striking distance of `Pekin. Two na- tions-Russia and aJapan-have been ` "gathering large armies ready to fall upon each other at the word. Japan; ` it is `said, has 200,080 little brown 301- qdiers all ready to sail. She haebeen smuggling` troops" by the thousands in the guise of coolies. Russia, hoping `to hold back the proclamation of war until the completion of her great `rail- way, has also rushed troops Ito the; _border, and has concentrated""a force at Port j_ Arthur numbering not less - than 75,060, - ` ENGLAND S ARMY READY. 1 Long-sighted England, the friend of Japan. the foe of Russia, has not only poured out, her great ships with pro- digal hand ,where they would be available, but has fought her whole, Transvaal war with an eye on -the Asiaticpossibilities. She is prepared iat short notice-. to send the finest, `army that was ever gathered under . her colors into China, and to back it up with her_ invincible navy. - ;u9__._ A__L.-..- AF n`I up Wvltu `uU_ up-vnuv-w-u .... ..,. But, most startling feature of all to` Americans, the Administration at `Washington has also been preparing for trouble at -the "open .door.'And tto-day when. trouble seems ready to ibegin, that country has more war `vessels in Eastern, _~wa.ters_ -than any other na'ti'on,`Japan alone excepted. . RUSSIA S DEEP-LAID PLOT. The Boxer rebellion, which is be. lieved to be a mere prelude to greater lthings, the overture before the drama, 5is just now occupying the corner of the stage. It is believed to beapart of Russia's scheme for seizing Pekin, The landing of troopsby other nations has {put an international aspect on the matter that may checkmate the Rus- sian designs. _ i " 1 3 n _;--I_. -__L ._--.. :4. ...A--`I_1 div-nu an--. If war shoulfl break but now it would uvvun /find Gfeat Britain well p'repa'red on sea and Japan on both sea.Van.d land. II A,S_L!, yvvu tn-.\a um`--.. v- -v.._ _ Great_Britain has on the Asiatic station 33 vessels 0; all classes. 0'! 'these three are powerful battleships and four are armouerd cruisers. Be- sides .th.ese. she has one first `class cuiser,. fouzf second class cruisers, one" third `class infuiser, 15 gnnboats, three tdrpedo boat Kiestro'yers, ' three cdast defence vessels` three" auxi_lia'ry t;r\iis- ersand _on_e despatch laoatg . ' " I. ,,_. `_ .___I_ Btu ianu uuu lucapuuiu . . . All thse `vesls `hve ,been' `newly tik_tt ;od up 'cIm"d, `aria up to date. Cljheir complements of men arg full. Thy pare on a -WaI.'_fo`oting. ' -u_o.q._ . go-\ `sons-c osv 11- A own`-as-sv A -r IJUIIDO w:Eng'vlan.d has plenty of convepient Ibases. She has coal, provisions and |s,t_ore.s, at- Wei-Hai-Wei. _At _Hong `Kong she has another. depot, and at no time Would her fleet have to travel fer for supplies olj repairs. .5.` ` ..~. 1Japan,.has 101 vessels.-three battle. ships; seven first class cruisers, five -t_hird- class `cruisers , seventeen gun- ihoats, twelve tbrpeddboat destroyers , forty-fo`u i* torpedd boats, ten` eoas`t-de- ` fence: boats .-and 7 three --despatch boats, i I Bet torpedoeboat flotillas : are wonder. `fully gttective affairs and manned by ; Japanese crews, who are absolutely`! tea;-lose. *.. : - I Japan ; w.-arships are honestly-_bui1t" and. up to date.` I-Ier policy has been .to disoardnntiquated vessels and .bu.`ild. naw~ ones:-~as* fast 'as [types changed.` Her ships,-.aI"e*bui-It with;espec1aI re-. terence -fonwaters adjacent ._to the -Is- land, , -Empirm. Her 4. ships ; -are , swift, pqvnrtnl andadaptad to the .work `thg.y,>...'woul51'.,bG pal_1ed`on `to do. Her `h`a.-`rh_ors` -aim i, nggny; . good {and well ~ de- -te_~ndo', and; -personnel` showed it'- el_i:;in hemvar `with.-Rugsla. when she .aa.don'hQ_d,*;-the`,-Wfldi- Q: ~ `T A -` ' _..-nu...-An 1-as--Insvlnvr t\f.1 Ali}? A ` ;3;.;'s' 1>'IV.fE31'4I719.Y" b1' cm. .~good.`. l`.0lli`1_`:i`1I8~ facilities. ammuni- tion without limit,.;~,a-n_d,A in `short, 18; able Lto~;t-a_ce.e[ven -,no.p9.wer1ul_'a too! as ;l3._ussj-a.L Whbfe `np.,,rnot so clean : ms-hugs .-by A-a. 8906411931. 3; - ~ -A W ; ' .'_!21Mne'Ii4u.s8in!._1:!leet.~*oII_ tha Assume sta-i ies_.,a, compg.ra;_t_ive,ly, . unknown, It may develop a..h1dden` -a't`re'_x1Rt-h `beyond expect-a.t1`on. It 1:` ::E'Qi.AN15 _RICfivIN MATERIAL. `East coast of" 'Slb6'r{a. ' But tho'J #9615` one spies have boon industrious. "and Japan piobably knows jult what she has to contend with; -va-n- ` .` It ieknown that she had two` battles ahipe In readiness, -ve armotred cruis- ers, one first class and two third olaee cruisers, eleven gunbdaote and nine torpedo boa-ta. It`is in the 1108803` sion of Port `Arthur, the "key to Pekin, . th_n:t ., her greatest naval strength is manifested. But Japan` believes she could capture Port Arthul as she didv betfore, if given afair chance ' OTHER POWERS `RE WEAK. , 1 Neither the French nor German no.4 wan forces compares wit`!!! those of tun LUnited States, England, Japan, or `Russia, The combined squadrons of these two. countnies do not include .a. .si'ngla battleship. "France hasvono armored crvuisr; four" ordinary cuis- ers, fiv'e gunboats and two despatbh` .m- 3boa'fe. '0! the Kaiser`s eight vessels bhnfee are email Vg-unboats. And yet Germany In "the country `which more thhn any other has stlryed up the anti"-foreign demonstrations now crys- ta-l-lized into tih'e'Boxer rebellion.- France'snaya1 base is at "1`onquin.- It is 9. long. way from this possible scene of oppmtions; Germany has: nearer base, at Kvbao-Chou, south o! Wei-Hal-Wei,` where she has an ex- oe.llent.harbor. Both countries have been storing up cowl against a pos- siblidneed. Winter About the lloetlslluulsnt Pcoplb` (`an llwe. , Many persons rega`}d the winter season as an unfortunate vjsitation. It Is_ considered both uncamortablo to the body and harmful to health`. Time Is an error. Gold is a moat poteni agent for the restoration and pre- servation of nomnal. activity on the part bf the organs of the human body, It isawisa plan 01 Providence whm gxves us a change of seasons. V V _` The winter cold comes as a tonne. to repa}r t'11e injuries done by the enervan mg `heat of summer. Summer, it 1; tine, "has many. wise uses in the mat-` tor of health. It induces outdooo lite, ride the system of poisons though copxo-us perspiration and through the scofching rays of sum destroys get-nl lit-e. Winter, is the great braoer or! 130 system; It stimutatea activity V Ln eifery organ. When cold asttaoks the surface of the body the blood is set 1-ntos [more free circulation as ameans of "bodily warmth. It in through the po1_roujlatlon 01 theblood that the hu- man anatomy is kept In a stateol repair. -.._- .. Q 1 u u g. _A_, 1 - vr-'-r - 1 When the food has been digested` and converted into liquid form, it is taken up by the blood and carried the rounds of the system for the pur- pose of repairing the waste places- When the cold causes. increased cir-_- culation it also brings about mom perfect nutrition. 1 O , , I, 2II__...L,__L- L-..` each. `- - - - - v v - - - - - - - --- Man's taco and hands illustrate how. weather-proof the `body beoumea when exposed to air. Continued activity in carculation on the surface caused by_ the air coming in contact with the skin, tends to nourish and thicken the skin. Thus man's skin grdvws thicker in winter just as animals are supplied with adouble coat of.fur. The "sav- ages who dwell bareheaded in the open his` are seldom; if ever, known afflicted-with bald heads, While Wlfth the civiliim who shields his scalp sxpalp ='rom-`air; ba'ld'nee`e is prevalent, , L , ,,, 1.. --Y---`- -- V: ..-_ 3 former` days" roamed -` our -western -Tha` Indinns"\;'la(r; lnot- now, H1. borders, ~.pract1cally :7w"1t'hnut clothing '- to shelter. their bodies, became. through long exposure, so isnured to cold that it-gave them but little dio- com-fort; FEDERATED. oum AFRICA. Eetal Government Asked to Re- ` nounee Responsible Government. A vdespa'tch- to the Central New: from Newcastle, Natal, says it in Ink. derstood that the Imperial authorise ties" are approaohaing the Government of Natal with a proposition that the-. colony shell - voluntarily. renounce. re-. sponsible government for a certain ,period,r so _ that ` a system of Crowl. 5Government. I may be` establshe throughout British South `Africa, head-f ing, in course of time. to federation and ' the subsequent ._extension -__ov1 au- tonomy. aimultaneouely to all` the :--.--u.-:--.._.- A curious rrrtfshiap has bgtallen Mr.-` Sgmcox, Master ,_;of the .Wycoml'o U-mon Workhouee. the close `of the Last} meeting. of the Board he was sit- tmg "in his office, when two gwardvana ante_re_ them struck a lucifer otythae burning -;b1-iixnstaone flew on the mn`atr's.a..ce., With a laugh the 01- tncial brushed the sulphur of! ma beard, _lmd' tihxejncizdent was apparent- ly tq;go_tten;.but i_n the nvgamng ma 'm:aetch to libht a cigar, and a spark. face} began: to swell, and he spent` the" n_i'g_'h;t,-'iri `grmdt agony.` _ Eryt-sipelaa of: fa_"v'aVry""f_s5i'15;gus (S hi_aracte_r had not in I like-"$Inicba:~t:haca116 veiry at. ---~--A. ..-..'..Il- nuns `fnnfnu . IMP. DIu;Uu_.L -UUI_4aA_.15o' v_u._,_ ---,,_ v _ `one tune the worst result` was1feared,.- but he is now slowly_ recovqnng,` cow AIR HEALTH. Barr|o.. F lnnelu "'p'"w egg print: an Inter- '1 [g its Lorenzo Marques cor- d yesterday with'1 Kruger at Maohiadodsorp, . President Kruger constructed in ant!-, . the nresent contingency. UIu\ILIIvcr _ State Secnetary Rettz were d . _ tdajwtablfshed in aprfvate re- am wmgh M 0! the pgesent ' cm which is cosmtotrtably `but usly furnished, was side"-V - the station. '.l"h'e_Pree1-` was smoking -his pipe when correspondent met him. He up-V. red depressed and wuorrled, butiwde A ,quiet determined mood. `He did` slightest objection `to ` smterviewed. After admitting" W was true that the Brusw were? Prgtotria he ssuid:- I T . _ ever, does not mean the cube war. The burghera are ydetermilned to fight to the last. yivill never surrender so long five hu-ndred anmed men the country. I 'aun deelply en- mged by the fine work De Wat Steyn have been doing in the ngefree State. V he correspondent here interjeoted. , LL- uynr in nvnr nawlthe uvu --- letfective.~ V be correspondent said be presumed eaident Kruger had left Pretoria lvoid capture. miling feebly, the President laid :- was notso foolish as to be taken um. I provided this means of lo- otion with precisely the same pur- ethat the burghers supply them- veh with horses in the field. It is essary that I be able to move` 'kly from place to place. That's By-and-bye this car will takeme up yv.-- , (surely `the war is over now` . th ital 1.9 taken W resident Kruger exclaimed with rgy:- Capital? What is a capital! not consist of any particular co] - tion of bricks and mortar. The ,. n'p`*l~ the Seat of Govere. t. is here in this car. . There 1;. ` 3 magic about any special site our my is invaded, it is true but it not conquered. The Govern;n .. .. ,. out 1; |EIv'v`auNs`MoUNTEi)} . schalkburgere installs --Three Batteries of Artillery. ' despatch from Pretoria, Sunday ht, via Lorenzo Marques, says:- .Schalkburge1' has returned from no nburg. There are three batteries Irtillery in the `forts, "where heavy Hlre also mounted. ` nother great war council was `held midnight. At its conclusion strong mandoes were sent to Rustenburg Waterberg to await the advance rihe forces of Gen. Baden-Powell Col. Piumer. ' he Volksstem, the Transvaal organ; (night bitterly attacked the Portu- se authorities. It alleged that Por- 31 has been guilty of numerous hle'sVot neutrality, and said it he Powers would see that the _'m` 311-ublics received fair play W the r_eeou.rc`es of a world ~v- -vuuu "urn UUIIVFGIPJ Tcan Be Resumed. . dpatcli from London says :-The Wing deeIp~atc;h. has been .r_eoived "10 Colonial Oxffioe from the Bri-; High Commissioner in South Me` :53? kitted Milner :- CW8 Town, June 7.--It is report- bi telegram that large `numbers _ Tx'.1nsvzw.l from, South- _0n.on Saturday. Cannot apubiic Ication be issued warning the. 1 Ca-inst prem: ure return here! _.a will be detained at Cape .p0Vg_1 -5,` ` Will ...I y1"`i3l:"`n5't Drexpaz return_hMo.reI Wm 0501 dgtzuned pays,` Md 3 y mc.1.'e:1se the numbers. me my b31') - It must_ be 9. of months d.'L least b`e!oroi_%the m M :I;now m the colony gndw allowed to return, on .'ay can be 'reumVed."' ' ' I iOX. r'18Yet Before Work Generally nun DA n.......;.-.: ence of British Warships}-9;.-% .-- t. . (`fr , Sggnigdon vruursday. r ' , Dtllllh to the 'D5 l:y Lorenzo Marques V 39'y't_ the" I W Bignificance Ls atta0h.`,1J ;q""-1573: nce of many British W`3jr} `id; _ . It is s'enT.1. '. :-iig; hat it there is twub1` ;,,;,,;, Mvaal border between Pmuues. an-d ser1o0"d_?:v *8 follow, the Briti-Sh Portuguese. The latt91'~.?'_ I `over the prospect an,` M ot the 1and1n;`I`;. at Beira.` " despa 1 ch 33-A des MlLNER S WARNING. 500 Armed Me1nL%* ,% _ 1`: 31.A`G0A% BAY; from London` myst- prints an inter-' L20 cor-A ,___u.|_ . 1`aQ;.I > back to Priorla. At'~presont{ It en-` ables` me` to keep away trox'n`='Pretoria, Where` I could be ofno sprvice. `and. Vshould only? play ==1nto7 the` enemy's. hands.` ` Theqcorrespnondont agkedv` wheth'or' it was true that he had brought 2,000.- I000 in gold" with him. . ` - n n n.u`,LLI_- '7 V\i'-11e'1':ever monetary reeotiicee we. hiave are `simply those we require for, State purposes. eAt the same time, I am not going to tell you`-where our `treaenure ie." Roem ma it it he "i>ei71'e}a't E;':1g-15-1'-'-_;lec1u1'ed" t'l1'at the report was 'untrue,`and added :- " ll `I111 , L _, _.-._-___.-__ ..._ `VI ltlgvw lupus`:- ._.'1"he corresgondent expressed sur-V 1:-risevtheet Mrs. .Krug')&-`hed left? her husband, whereupon the -President said, "Why, she is quite safe in Pre-` toria. She would only suttsremrsoneli inconvenience here. She -wil1`A"aw}"`eit my" return with` calmness ind.' She is a brave woman. I am here awaiting further information. We - -. a n... n_u.I.:.-I 1...-minim: W'i`.l'1e "correspondent mentioned the ru-. mour t};`athe intended :tb~take refuge on a` Dutch warship, tdwhlch the Pre- sident " repnliad :-' -.2 ;:~ ' _. . I2- .I 1...; n4\_ ` you-vnav 9 vf-nu A"`That, aga`i-1;.` is 0. hie. - I k`now' ho; thing about 9. Dutch warship,-{o.nd I. do not contemplate taking refuge any-v where. I shwll, not _ leave my bountry.. Them will be do: ndedgto do anything 0! this `kind."A I I - _ _ . . _-J ---15,. _ ariable cumaw . 1:109 for hglaitqmg ' ,-...- .._. GUERILLA WARFARE, SAYS nmvnz, `Herd State Secretary Rei_t2 1nter- GYVKILDIIIE auuuuvn on.-v.-._. . . . _ _ _. are surrounded by faithful burghrn, and-are quite e'mte."` . ,` ' " w"`II:3ref S1 po1ated:- FIJI EUR] Q? `.'Your may..dej:end upon it thatftlgei war is not dye; yet. Thane will`_ be guerilla; waretare over an eno'i'mAoua area. We willtight to"th end. We will probably. retire to ydenburg, where we can hold out tor" many months." - u _ can ' I i _.L '7_-_..:-_ IIJUI-I llll "`Y_e, added President Krugiexv-, "th;e,:real struggle hue bnly now begun. I fear there will be much bloodshed, but the unit is the Bvritiah"Govern- men't a. ` J A V A - -- - I A :1 .1 _,,g;__ The; in a high voids full o_;useion,_ he oqnoluded:- - _- ` ' " . I. n -V __L v_ H0 Uvuuuuuwuo-- _ `'The' time for talking in. put. We have done plenty or talking. It did 'no good`Not`hing is lett"tor us now but tolkeep on fighting." ' ';1=oUcHI AGAINSI 319 onus. A despatch from London, says :--The list of casualties now coming through indicata.esvthatthcre was severe tight. ing before the 13th Yeomanry `surren- dered. 'Already the names of 19 men killed and '23 wounded have been issued.- The - killed include _Sir John Elliott Oecil""Po.yver, Burt, and among the wounded is The Earl of Longtord, Four Irish judgeshad sons in the battalion of the 18th Yeomanry which was captured. Mr. A. M.` Porter, son` of Rt. Hon. AndrewAM.arshall Porter, the- Irish Master of the Rolls, was killed, and Mr. W`. Holmes," son of Bit. Hon. Hugh Holmes, Lord Justice ot_ Appeals, was severely wounded. The Ir1s_lIY9oma;:;y jLst Hosflii Befor surrendering. Composition of the Yeomanry "Corps - Taken at . Llndley. I " ' A despaitch from London says ;-The Thirteenth Imperial Yeoma{nr'y' Bat- talion, captured by the Boers Friqay, near `Lindley, Orange` River Colony. consists of two Irish `Emits and two companies of the Duke of Ca1_nbridge s Own, V inVclu'ding`Lord Donoughmore s company, which :was regarded as the crack company of the eorps,:a niim-1 ber_of men in the ranks beingclosely allied `to noble faniilles. A`_.'mo,ngi.the officers are the, Earl of Leitrim. the I Earlf'of1Lon.gford, and the Earl of En-3 nismdr. Agitation 1%. It sRomiva1vtoJonan- . Vnesburg. ; ' - , , A despa_tch from Cape" Towp, says`; -'1`h'e foreign residezifs of Johannes- burg a_re ggitating tor. the rgmqvgl` 91' tlne.-'.l.`rax1's'v:$1a_l t'o,thast.ci_ty.,'.' ~ 2 ~ - - - --I A.`-hp-n`lvhn+ ' CQO 7.I.'I'll.XlBV'du_I Lu -yuan 9..., ._.. _ Y,_'l.There is a,ge1}eral degixfethagt Mr,` Rxbse-Innes, the Opgqsition _1ea der in tm; ` Cape Pggliamepmpghoqld })_e_` up-_.... pointed Lchiet justice ot:gt he .'1`1fa.ns,vao_.l_. f`ro%% TH E BITTER ENI); A Thoha;`1ds. oi ;:l:'gher [agr llnhl -.'- . i " Uubm - ` IA idespartch tr9m`London, '1'hu'x-sgiaiy}-` saya:--A>?`despatcht.o tho" >1'im_o`a from ! Lorenzo Marques; da,-`tad Tuesday, says-' thaat thousands _~ot%l burgheri-`under. Gdmmundant-`-Genera -l,V >hg`:Vv.`.t`ai.`~`A ran an oa;t.H.-+l;(`)`i`i:.ol'i ti`l'IlmA=. t`.ho`:; I7|}l`1ild.1 tothe bitter and. V ._ `I n;.gNsvAAL CAPITAL. CAPTURED. [SPARKS FRBM IHEWlR[8@l News)" Items About Ourselves and Our Neighbors-8o`n1ething.of Interest From {Every Quar- ter of the Globe. ` . ?ETl1 eqx1;w'.M;nitoba_ eigotion hm dis- franchisea Galiciani and Donkhobors for seven years.` Ilijjl n o I 5,- 9-.. an-y-v VIIIIIIVI .~. - Engm'eer~ `Parry. ufa` killed by. the - . explosion. o[a.boilor -at the Domxmon {Iron and Ste6l;~Comp9.ny'8 . near S_y.dnoy`,, O. B. ' ;..- H; Walters, an manlabtuxra 03 Huu, . has race_ived._a trial order for - -a n17:-n_1ber'.Jot` axes `for use mtheb Btu` `is-h army and navy. an I,_-.'I _-nL `Ohau"d'u_ere water power concerns at Ottawa will make imbrovementg val- --uu .."_ &{1.7Jt s$6:Kt3nT -hIw4i`t'il.lese;"<:-<:\'1nt.y receipts from Jan. lat tio were 892,542. and ex-' vpenditure $42,947,, - ' ` 'l'_-I_ 1-\,, n `v # ,_~- 1_-_I.. ....I. `-v-`u--vu-my 733,0`: .3 Jack Roach, of Napaneo bonk rob- bery notoriety, is being tried at Mont- 'atore thare; ~ real` on 9. `charge. of.-"x"obbin_g a, `0iA89-1`v Z _IIII,` L.__ LL- ---_- -----pa v---no -n-vi: A lA.'n- attemptbo poison 23 head of cat. tle-` belonging to Geo. Gates, near Kingston, `was made by putting Paris green into. their salt. ' I -- `l_-_. --..n'aIa|. '1`rip2e'ts, two` `girls and a boy, were` born to Mrs, C.` S. Mogre, of Porivalo. Manitoulin Island. The ` boy was named Powell after the hero of Mate- ---a - - A . . V, Winnipeg `Immigration returns for May total 5,0013 out of w_-hatch 1.433 were Galtciana. .T-ot-a_l returns Vth1s yar show 17,000 newnarrivals in the west. ' ~- - . - ',_ '_\._;. 7' TWO ' Francis Kerr, acity 1abouter, "shot `and 'wounded,h1's wife. U19 3ht mm" salt prroobafbly fatally at W`mp3 Thov quarrellod over PIIWWB th baby` to bed. v. j An `qtfempt `b0 7`.w.reck_ an electric` street car on V the Penitentiary hill, Ki-ngston,ewas made by `placing a large boulder on the track. The oarwas do; railed but no one was hurt. ` _ L1 _n `W1 .|`|ll.U-U. uuu uv vuu vvvuw nun an `A Montreal despatoh says the Nobel Dynamite Trust Co., o,London. hag Qacured a. majority of `the shares of the` Hamilton Powder Company, which has been `do`in business -in `Canada. since the sixties.` . HIIIUU UIIU Hlnlulvwn The Government will Improve the Intercolonldl Railway with several powerful enginnes; also .-cars of `the latest dosign. Over. 20,000 tons of 80- pound ruiils will be ordered to relay portions of the road. 1* > 1"-----g-n;;-IA fl kc IIJUIU-u-ullbu uw. 1115 Luv yavuuuv iv.--- Hon; W. S. Fielding has received a communication signed by Sir Caven- dish Boyle, Governmentisecretary of British Guiana, and Mr. J. H`. De Jonge, enclosing a" draft for 8600 as a first instalment to the -Ottawa` tire re- lief fund. .._u. . Ii`. -.1-av:-1 A --no yuruuua VI. tun Luau. Hon. George A. Drummond, speak-`at `the annual meeting cit. the Bank of Montreal. warned the buelnea commu~nity that there was a. danger of bveruprovductton, and over-stocking by, memh.antLe during" the present` year. I'1...'..` `I? Q 'l.`2a.I.I:n.:- I-non u-nnnevnl` n sow- - v--_- . , GREAT BRITAIN. ` _ `All horse cars in Glasgow .will be re- placed. by V electric cars by J amiary next. V I ' - - `A3 -comfbinte H of tube _au.rtain- nianufac_- tn-irers pt 'Nottin'g`hIam .a'nd_ Scotland is in pvrdceas` of orga`niza_ cion. _,j 1-\__2___A._I cL-...... any as. T. w-av-- _ -...___-__,, The P"eninsuiar and Orie1T1ta.l.Steam-. ahip Company, _ of` London, - hnaal donate and 825,{I)0,__to thve_India&n tam_in_fiund.~.; - _Thb Secretary ofstate. to; India has j1.wt,putfch'a,sed 2,500,000 wor-th otf; sail.- wer. for coinage intg- rupees for . qixf-. c1_ul'ation in` India. . ' ' :A c6n_1{Llimen;.71'jr'_iiz1_' wasgivn hf th?SavAoyV Hot e1. `London , to `W91- poma home Sir Henry Irving aftexj ' his American tour. ' p AL- I-__:L;_|. 11---...1 I115 zsnsnvnsvv-.. ..-__. , Tahe fstatementof the British Board .of.'1`rade` for "the mqrnth of May shows i-ncr6asea'of- 2,999,000 in imports, and 1,685,700 in exports.` A -1 .9- __!.l LA Inn anal-Inn-n:I|nv Q` England is said be gathering. a, fleet at Malta with` a view to land-9 lng troopes_at.Tangier, Germany to ` give _morai backing` in `the move against France. Lord Rogdnor, oivner nfone of `the 3 finestm'n_ngiona in Engiand, who was far .s_evera1` years Treasurer ht the,n`s .Ho is dead, aged 59. iviwonqt ]3`nlkeai'qne snceeds to the title. , ' ' ,The_ Earl _-D3-vrniey `ha,s _rginsnd tn` `take his seat in the Hougqfof ,I.o rdg i because he believes that he has 'pm;.' qd. conclusively. 9. miscarriage ot- jun. tug ojgaiinsti the._law a.dvise1:s'of `the :.~:.Y7 V -=< - `n J '. .e ..m __ - 1 `,sn-. -..1ien_ry. }.Campbe~ll-Bannerma n.` ' in'- a.vgp e'8'0.h 'G}:a'.iIQ nJv'v:, :s'alid-' it was tor. the Govern1ne_nt_whp had.:p;11owad';the ii` ri80;000.000.5bi18i<`-}Il:- , ._ n r , '_' .691; .=otia;:~_u<:w;a:eLf rWhsliington;.?daa"b war` to deal ,.!!Iith.,,tlLe__..r.esults. ,The A `' "members of 59. 9Pv`n; 9n1!,. 9nl'3oka_rs" a1i1 jo'riti'os;:` " ' . _UNITED'fs_ ;Ar1fr;s.._ ' . v~ ` ~ CANADA. K mnfiiitea stAte3VAnou1tur%a1 `be- partmamt will test.._dried beef uarqxy e.m`ergen,c'y ration. mafmea in one -`day . at t`."Joseph'-,'; Michigan. ` ` A ` _ j Set3(rta'I;e'tryf'_;>i`1-11T&as:1_1w:>'fv thsg B_iis1x' Embassy, arrived at New York with? 22 `trunk-"s full or clothes. . A g1xpfb}i;z:i::11qa".`1our man and imprisoned 175 iii _a.~ con`! mine ne ar Glouster, Ohio, Friday. ` V ` n-____L 1; LL-_ `l'I.;J.-4_I. `turned from Paris says'th'e Expbsition 1 `A A}; -;z_x'1`er-i(:*.:1-1: `Qt '1L;'ork `j us_i:_ `541 is t'h'e worst frand _ever perpetrzited} on mankind. ` I

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