Northern Advance, 14 Jun 1900, p. 3

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gm oei ' per inlier 6: ' eta gm: ii; he ,....;,.u, "paid `before, the end o'f,A,pril. Also that _we appeal to the leading dealers in lumber for assistance in one `work in. the camps?` A Resolved thet on there aregirls as Well. on boys in our pnblioesohoole, and we believe the interests-i of both would be better served it` there were women `as well as men on school boards"; we. urge our moieties tube on the alert to avail theineelvea of. every opening in this direction. Resolved, that the thanks of this meeting be presented to Mrs. McKee and oicers, for the eicieut and pleas; ant manner in which they haveconduct. ed the business; to Mrs. Thornley for the instructive and important lessons given; to the Mayor for his cordial welcome to us , `to the Press, which has aided in our work; to the ladies who have `so hospitahly and cordially enter- tained us; to the pastors and oicials "who have allowed `us the use of the churches; to thosewho so delightfully entertained us with music; and to all. who have in any way contributed to the success of this Convention. i Electricity and Airriculture. T Nioola`Tesla, the celebrated electric- V ian, writes on a new and startling ` application of electricity to agriculture. He says that by intense electrical i oscillations he can agitate the mole- cules of the air in such away as to pro- duce "nitrogen "compounds" so that these compounds may be manufac- tured all over the world" at a small cost and in any desired amount, and by means of these compounds the soil can` be fertilized and its -productiveness in- denitely increased. This is a problem _ that the scientists of the world have been working upon ever since the na- ture of nitrogen and_ its agency as plant food became known. The sup- ply of nitrates in .the earth available for plant growth is limited and in the nature of things becomes less with each harvest. Vast quantities are wasted in the"forinwcf -gunpowder and other explosives which the scientists tell us .can never be replaced unless some means can be found,tor the extraction and xationof. the nitrogen of the at- rnosphere. Nitrogen can be extracted from the air, but the only agency thus far known for adapting it, when so ex- tracted, `to plant growth, is that of cer- tain bacteria, which are able to apply it as nourishment to the roots of cer-' tain leguminous plants. If Mr. Tesla can do for all vegetation what these - bacteria can do for our garden peas, he will conier an inestimable boon upon mankind and receive a corresponding `crown of glory. S. 8. No.8, Oro and Vespra. Honor Junior I1._ 'T:;;l '(k)-C).-4-Mary Key 189, Adell White 185, Rilla Watson 180, Newton Young 180, May Hart 177, [Myrtle Salisbury 175, Willie Beath 162, Emma Salisbury 153, Clif. ford Hart 145, Louis Nixon 140, How- ard Robaon 14:8,. Alma Bonney 1'35. AAA Senior II. Part. Total 200.-Lizzie Goooh 180, Ernest Key 174, James Beath173, Ida Bonney 170, George Spence 160, Vivian White 153, Tm- ;n 1KI\ 1'-...;nu P"IJUV LUV v nv----- .. _.._-_ -, ' man Wreggit 150, James Benhem 141, ' Jennie Spenoe.155, John Watt 130. Junior II. Part. Total 200.-Luoy Robson 195, Mary Goooh 190, Maud Watson. 182,'.Lavina Williams 173, Herbert Bonney 1715 Ernest Bon- ney 164, Helen Watson 150. 7 I. Total 200.-{Harvey Spence 162, Harvey Bonney 154, Willie Debenham 143, Thomas Walt-134, Isabel Watson 129. . Attendants and good conduct Infant Class. Total `T l6l.-Peroy Bon n'ey'l59,' Eva Nixon 152, Hattie Key _l50,.Vei:ner Hiokling_140, Effie Elliott 135, Gladys.Oaborn 135, Wesley Key 130, Alvin Salisbnry .130. T T :3 I Y "'91? ddheidenhly mangled.f- - %* ....,.T..;.,,.....,..,j.;....`. orxev. J. B. G.-eig.oa.on. LEATHWO0D-I Llo` dto Ma thy _ the wife of J oh'BI"Lea.&w gfna. sci `goo. I-IUST--In Matchedash. on June` and. the wire; of incl Hunt nf A dang-Intnr_ - ' llUI--Ill IHBICIIOIIIBII. JIIEO BEG, use WIXB 01' Samuel Bust of a daughter. WOODS--A`t Orillia on June gun. the wife_of mi. ward Woods, of a." daughter. - _ _ MADILL-At Creemorc. on une 5th, a daughter to Mr. and Mn. 3. F, M ' . HUG!-IES-At Collin cod. on Thunday. Mav int. the wife `of obert Hughes. Government V nspector ot Hagbor Works, of a daughter. .AG.rR-B%LFRY--t the rgsidende if Ian. lJho. o . , t ,T . . . . sm' 5., (`Stan fgomgg igaro 1109-ofda. aneevBelfry, both of 3:53. A wHm:.`.sHAw_Ae Midland. on {me 4th. by Rev. J. H. Sheppard. Mr. B. S. ite to Miss Sa.rahA. Shaw, all of Matchedash. 'WRIGl-lT-At Collingwood, on Sunday, June 3:4,. 1900. Joseph K Wrizht. used 75 years and 5 months. _ _ _ REDMOND4At the Batteau, on Monday, June 4, 1900. Mr. lame: Redmond, aged 82 years. - MITCI-lELL-Aecidentally killed in Medonte on June a.'Edward, second-son of Mr. _J. Mitchell, aged :9 yearn. . 7 KINS_EY---In Allistou. on May 25th. xgoo. Abel Knneey. furniture dealer. aged 70 years. BUIST-In Bolton. on May 31st. 1900, Marv Mar risonywile of W. S. Buist, in her 6131: year. WHELAN-In Toronto. at 81 Winchester street. on June net, 1 Helen Marguerite. infant fl3.l&l`l)teI` of W. ?.VV'l-nelan, formerly a druggist in ketown, aged :6 months. ` . PI-IAELEN-DORNEY--In Toronto. at her (laugh ter'e residence. aoa Spadina avenue, on May 30, 1000. Mrs. Margaret Phaelen-Dorney, aged 89 years. . MORGAN.-At Anten Mills on May 27, Mr. Joseph Morgan, aged 50 years. ' . BELL.-At Kiesyth, on June 4th. Alexander Bell, formerly of Sunnidale Corners, aged 37 vears. `cannon `run...- Advance Correspondence Mr. Fred Mosaington spent Sunday at Jaokaon a Point. : ' ` -v vw--:..v- ._ _. Mr. Geo. ]Yic;l_cV spent Sunday nnder the parental ahin_ g`1s , Iv 11-, - - - . _ . _v`,,, A new a;'ri}al at ti; home of Mr. and Mrs. E: H.V_Sloan J 11119 6th. Its a girl. ' ' - Miss Watt has returned to her home in Longford after a month's visit in the village. 3 , or! Ann 1 ~ `. 1 ` _____ W. `Sloan 'hes` returned home after spending two weeks at Maple and Toronto. _The Y.P.S.C.E. held their meeting on Sunday evening instead of Wednes day evening, to allow all who wished to go to the Sunday School Convention at Bethesda. ' " What .! N 0 picnic at DeGrassi Point on the lat of July. What a shock to the neighborhood. A Everyone looks for- ward to this as the event of the seeson. Cau o we have a substitute? Killed Himself. - The Muskoka Herald says :--Tues day afternoon the citizens of Brace- bridge were thrown into a state of ex- citement by the tragic death of Mr. Robert Hutchison. `Monday A evening he was unwell and during the night medical aid had to be summoned. Tuesday he remained in bed until noon, having taken several doses of medicine, which, it is thought, affected his head. About noonhe arose, and: some min- utes later he was found in his room with a wound in his throat, made no doubt while under a tvof insanity caused by overdoses of powerful medi- cine. Physicians did all in their power to save his life, but in vain. Deceased was 37 years of age, of a genial disposi-_ tion andhad many friends here and in Gravenhurst, his former home. These Tablets are the latest production of medem medical science. They are innitely superior to all pills and similar preparations, for the _cure of Indigestion and all diseases of r the Storno.oh.- Bowels, Liver and Kidneys. For Nervous Prostretion and general weak- ness they have no equal. To nervous and `delicate women these Tgblets will prove a; 1 positive blessing. on 13 1__`l\ 15] ll... w-_-_. - .._ Price, 500; per box. Sold-by D. H. Mac- Laren, Druggist,` sole agent for Barrie. - . HAV_E YOU. TRIED ' . MacLaren s Perfect Headache (lure; . A safe and instantaneong cure; for Hpadnche and`~N9mg'gl_gia. {I GI_n_iraxted' tgqum. Dqr Nahva ||er.h.s J1 Ousvuvuavs av. u-` ... tablet form. Makes sick % folks _well and well 0 I` _{__g________ AVID) wvu U-new .-v- folks from sic In 1: 1 d: Id` ' a:}'.`:m:'93x ". 35'3`:3'uo.ipt '3 pics. A resistors aunt in every --- l--_.- -an nnnln An! Ilnllibll III`. `""."."'i' `..:I""'.`.:..:.'a.:'r.r:;.'- xhnru you can my pouiblo rut. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS 00.. ..- -. n.---n nn_..n n-..5-gal Amanda (Too late for last week's issue.) A IIIE lllnvlinv vs no--vv wv t 8!. Paul strut. Montreal. c:Md|. '5;`%Ti:.Am.LAnzu, ARE N01 A PATENT MEDICINE... ~ . TABLETS cHEmIsT AND DRUGGIS'1f-, % I ' 1 ' B_ARRIE.l FORK:IR`Oi E, 1=ULLEY s, .IeIA-RvEs'r TOOLS, I LAWN MOWERS, RUBBER HOSE, SPRINKLERS, 1 , TREE PRUNERS. PARIS GREEN, LAWN RAKES, EISHING TACKLE, RLUEELAME COAL OIL STOVES, HAMMOCKS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, . I OIL, GLASS, Em, AT BUR WALL PAPERS Scotfs Bookstore; A coffins and Gaskets of all kinds in stock or made to order. V Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. \JI \[U .aI\Jaau----\n---, Steam Vlorksand Show B-05}: GiIlier-st., Barri} ;j_j_-j Q11 JLILLUIAJ \In ..-..u.._ _r _ rates. Magazines` and bound in sledid style and cheat} prices. ' ' Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. VPLYMCJLJTH BINDER ""T'\NINE , All 1Ei_uds or Blank The Oxford Clipper, Front and Rear Cut Ask our Aget to show you the New W Patented.Ball Bearing Knife Clip. ` Supplied only when Specially ordered. ' \ We `also manufacture the `best and mom IN(_} IMPLEMENTS on Earth, comprising _...I .... . . . . . A minn nH>nrn}nnnn1'sx if JPS` most. colnplete line ot CULTIVATING AND SEED- ING \IMPLEMENTS SPRING 'I`UOTH CULT VATORS, (fitted with attachments if desired) SPRING AND SPIKE TOOTH HAR- raiu and grass sowin A IIVS, GRAIN DRILLS (all kinds), HORSE RAKES (friction and OWS, DISC HARRO ratchet dump), etc , etc. . e If you need anything You will nd ll: very much to your interest to do so. _ . 4- _.__ lg: 33 ~I O__AgA__' in our line send for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent froe).' lam. McDllNAlD,Agent. _-`-_B:%OK House of Refuse Notes. `Mrs. Gain, who received e paralytic stroke a short time ago, is very low mid death may come at any moment. She. 1ivzge,eomn_1it.ted to the House from - ` T A(;)Vne. hnndred Scotch spruce frees were delivered aembe House on Tues- day morning from the nursery of;DrL Morton, near Barrie. They have since been planted in front. of the main build` in; I mg. Among the inmates ot the House of Refuge in a young man named Bainey, who is truly a human oddity. His head in entirely devoid of hair, and is of unusual shape, the back of it being on a__pu-$14191 A_wit_h'hia _n_eol_:._ J Hie whole Mownas ROBT. CRISTOE, . ALL SIZES. . Wtth Roller and Ball Reanings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. will nd. 1!: mum to your xuucscau uu uv av. T THE NOXON 00., Limited, lngersoll, Ontario. II I I R. _1. n___ BARRIE AND STROUD; -. G. SMITH, Acre conceded by all who see them the best as- J- sortment ever shown. Notwithstanding the `in- crease in prices we have Wonderful values in 5, 8 and 10 cent Papers with Ceilings and Bord- ers to match. Will be pleased to show samples. No. 5 numursvg, mp mun. PROPRIETOR. IN *4 Onthly Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonabli Music cheaper than city BINDERY o.-t. com}: nnlil body shakes almost continually, and he cannot speak at all. He is twenty- two years of age and stands over ve feet in height. He is kept in the hospital ward, _and his mother hl| charge of him. She feedehim as she V` would a child ct two years, and much- es him up and down the ward tor exer-` ~- Q3-------- 4;` n-:ll3- Amalgam UH IIIILI up uuu uv nu -uv ----- -v.. V-_-- ciae. Mr. Sisaons, of Orillis asylum ats`, who was in town over Sunday and saw Rainey in the House, any! that out of 660` inmates in the Orillh "A institution. less than sixty are 'n_l~ idxotigal as Rainey. Rober;*LicCnb1>1n, of East t<)_1v.hshi;p`gf a carder by trade, was committed .16; ..| , 1'1'_....._ 5... LI..- o`I.u.J I-I-an an TIIUUL U sunny. vvy. _.._-..- II In In: v-- v- the House for the third time on Tue! day evening. McUubbin was employ--K ed at Mr. Geo. Upton a woollen mill! ; s %.Nicho1ston for a number of yeltls NOXON... Highest Drive Wheel Made. Brass Boxes. Roller Bearmgs. Seventh Roller for Elevator. All the latest and best improvements. cent per wo Lwnl vvul-IBUH r of insertio 5 FT., 5;; FT. AND 6 FT. CUT. Fiyfiialvd `Street, Barrie. New Victoria Binder. Lwith The I gland. S uran_ce Co In capxtal, $25` if 8011: morts'885- Fxni ' Insmumq monthly n4 Vaterloo. Ont! unit in we non! bum. D28 0031!) Dunlap I rst paguu ound. prope es, etc.. etc. cash, and ' nts. per wo cent per wo g rmnnlrui - SMITH] 3 Stor, Ban . 986. I I1. VVII 14 ` sweet ' . . ople 88 I ' W'G' `M; of the Convention at Allis- 'wo weather was lovely and the W, Th9 _ ' . - - - A . P19 dgd everything they could wmfoyt of their guests. The pwgident. Mrs. Stacy, proved AUWD um equal to the occasion and amen! her `mu:-esident, Mrs. McKee, con? Wunty ' of the convention I 91 able manner. Mrs. Camp- w of collingwood, read the minutes 10%,; convention which were adopted. The T,-egsurer s (Miss Evans) report Union in a good nancial .lmWl the S3-11 ' W suwewomen at will be cherished byimanyfj i a memorable days. were perfect. A The `M1,. Miller an T'l,::1::i1owing ladies were appointed Bernard. B" mason; nie, Aylesworth, Gibson and Misses Evans and d Miss Wilson ; ' Wom- no.1, Miss Richardson. Then President's annual address. y our space will not per-_ wit the whole of this. After speaking of this as the annual stock-taking me, though we cannot, as ordinary mcwkem, set a value on our per- formances and so can't estimate their pub, the speaker went onto show mg 3 grand work the Union is doing ; though meeting discouragements still persistent, asit is the constant dropping wears away the stone. She "id the liquor license laws are better enforced in Simcoe county than in any other. The subject of the canteen was dwelt on, also the alarmingly mcreas inghsbit of cigarette smoking, and the mot strong narcotics among women. All great cause for disquietnde that make us shudder to think `what is to become of the next generation. Moth- --~----4-_L.n.l us: an; cgme Wegre sort a on credentials :-Mesdames - Local Press Reporters, A IMRII-UV V. w-. __ , ~ 9 er'a meetings were suggested as an antidoteto these evils. Reference was also made to the help the circular let- ters are to department work. Reading reports from the di'erent departments iollowed. `' N` `n IUHU IV was Evangeliatic.-Mrs. Stevenson, B3;-. rie, shows` things in a. satisfactory con. ditidn. "'- 'I\ ., uuuuu -- well done. vvvvvv vnuvl Press Work.-Miss Campbell, Col- lingwood, reports an improvementvaiuce last year. V Purim-Mrs. Tracy, of Mfneaing. Under her _contr_ol this department promises to be 9. service 'of strength to the Union. Work among aa.ilora.-Mrs. ~Bassett, Collingwood. This report was dis- cussed and adopted. T ` -- C19 . Unfermenteci Wine.-Mrs. Watson, Everett". Out of eighty seven churches vegsixcha use unfermented wine. V I , ca Orillia. Franchise.-.-M"' Lifwrezl 0:18 chose Work ver? encoumgmg . . lines. Scientic Temperance.-Mra. Asmithr Barrie. This work must be pushed in schools as the need is great nd 07893 Parlor "Meetings. - Miss Miller, Orillia, suggested that these and moth- er a meetings be occasionally combined- Juvenile Work.-Mrs. Stacy. V9`? Ipprecieble progress during the 7631'- Miss Carson, Midland, read a. paper ' on Sabbath observance which was very interesting. (V . Svstematic Giving.-Miss Mitchell,` Alliaton. This has not been taken up by the local `unions as it deserves. Lumbermen s' Dept. -Mrs. Scott, Bmie. Work well done, but mission- Iln .._ J af ,.-1 . / ' how?` arinnder P9d' ape, by Mr? Tr`Oe" ` An excellent ugoientic Tempe ` son, Orillifhon nVen Mb ' . O was `man 3; ch18 5 tion. The Cor. S`eo. report byinlrs. Gibsbn `h:'ed very good work for Siniooe. SUV VVUIQ LU` KJIIIIUUUO `paper by Mrs. Bernard, Calling-' 'd: On Mother s llgeetings. Thi rlavery interesting subject and was M Thomas, Barrie, contributed '8 P9 011 Press Work. . . Mm Thornley, Prov. Ptes., wus here "'dm`-ed and gave .s telling addrel on MnlL.._L, -up .. Q. gm. 1 Wed in a pleasing, helpful manner. '5 "men to tell at these meetings he has found the most helpful in `N313. With` certain troubles in_ her M 7: also to prepare qhort paper! an :8s08ted such subjects 8! Hon? 5" Obedience, Heredity," pto-. '$Ws was full of h elp__.' oi --:. ooNvmN'rIoNff 5 Ql---- 7, _' . , ccn as convention manner. Jd, AENTS ; 5&0. and Hazmaniqua _ -. A'l`Ial>1\n of answz-ad very cleverly by Mrs. Thorn- ley. V ' .011 Thursday eveuingl a pfublio ing was held in the Methodist -church,` which. was beautifully ' decorated, for the occasion. The Mayor, Dr. Mc- Cullough, gave an address of welcome. [Ming 'Wi1;on, W0_cV>VVlIih;o;-!`, " paper on A"NarooticIi, which was food for much thought. ' The choir discoursed sweet. tnuaig at intervals through the evening. Mrs. Thornley s. address in this meeting should be heard to be appreciat- ed; it was so helpful and %fu_ll,ot` sug- gestion. l ' ~- ed to use the outside the: (1 they do: for such 91 V Rev. Mr. Carroll then good wishes for the W.O.'l`.U.. U Friday morning y;g-";1'e'yged to business. V L 7 - Next place of convention, Graven- hurat. A Eleotion of ocers :--Pres., Mrs. McKee; Vice` Pi-es., Mrs. H Bernard; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Gibson; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Campbell; '.'l`ress., Mrs. Richard- The auperinthdenta of depdrtthenta were mostly re-elected. The following resolution were read and adopted, after which the convention closed :- . V ` - - Whereas, we were led to expect some measure of legislation with regard to prohibition, in fulllmentj of promis- es and pledges , made :--Resolved, that we are bitterly disappointed and ashamed at the attitude of the Govern- ment in shelving the question and treatingit with an indifference that is entirely out of keeping with the im- portance of the question, and I8 insult- ing to the intelligence . of the voters who gave a majorityin its favor. Whereas, it is seen that the tobacco: evil is every year becoming more alarm. ing and causes a blighting and baneful inuence upon the youth of -our country :-'1`herefore resolved that we follow `our provincial leaders in their e'or.ts to exterminate the use of tobacco in all forms, `and that in our home life, our social circles, and in our dealings with tradesmen and others, we take care to emphasize our determination not to support or enconragethe sale or use of this vilenarcot'1c.- ptions presented by thecanteen bar, as Whereas, the subject Canteens `at 1 Military Camps of Instruction will come before us again this year and we have serious cause for alarm at this form of temptation to our volunteers; -Therefore resolved, that we warn parents and guardians that the regula- tions governing the` selling of liquor at. military camps have not been carried out, and there is danger of the worst A lind to their sons and those under . their care, and advise that they use every legitimate means to protect and shield them from the insidious tempta- administered last year in deance of law at London and other camps. *1 Berlin. Whereas, the general trend of social life and customs of to-day is fast lead- ing people away from Sabbath sanctity to the desecration of its holy hours in amusements and recreation, we beg to urge that the law for "Sabbath observ- -~-~"- ---A no.-inannl: with re. V compulsory branch in large oorpuumu... ....... --_, _ employees to work in fear of? dismis- A sal :-Therefore resolved, that _as heads of households, we emphasize more fully than ever the keeping to God such set times _as He has appointed in his word, expressly one whole day in seven be a holy Sabbath to Himself, and that we sorupulouslysee to it that it be spent in the public and private .exercises of God's worship, except so much as is taken up in the works of necessity and meroy. Whereas, at public examinations of young people, students in our educa- tional establishmentlamentable ignor-. noranee of the Bible ishetrayed :-"Re-A solved that we do _earne'st1y ask that tht teaching of the Bible he. made a all schools, academies, etc., throughout the Domin- ion. -_:engaged the 2 3 "V of WU` IIDVV -v--_. use of liquor on the Northern N aviga- ' tron Oompany` is not permitted this year :--`Resolved_ that `we desire to express our warmest approval -of this set V and trust that the `Board of Management may-nd the present are rengement pert? vsatisfaeter:y."_ .. view] of the fact that we , have .6, hm nun` ban. S` Full! VI-[U 137' any. u--._..". be made more stringent with ` ~ - I-A --noonwul-, clonuurnn 9 PIOVHIC1 oclntlon, e

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