CHARLES FALLING, V Township Clerk. with Sick Pets. lat; ` .5; mm,tuwuAun mm was aonrlet fever and othorjnfectious` diso _ - . eases. Great care Ihould be taken L A M -3 - Great` .ll'I0l`1ld, `be ` khan during an jepidomio to keep pot animals ont of the reach of infection, or` away from the children, and as any time a bird or animal that seems ailing should be at once 1aolat.od.-Aptil Ladies` Home Journal. T 4 House Of Remze Notes. The House of Refuge Committee are expected to visit `the House on Mon- day. ` ;1`he posts for. the new wire fence which is to be erected in front" of the House, are being peeled, and as noon on the frost in out of the ground the new fence will be erected. ' Seventy cords of four-foot tamarac have been delivered at the House. Messrs. Fisher and Harper, of Alhaton, sold 54 cords tozthe County at $2.50 per cord and.Wm. Bray, of Teoumaeuh, sold 16 cords at $2.75 per cord.-- Beeton World. -Tl.1e Spring Aaaizes will open on Tuesday, April 17011. (N: I, I.l|AI-I-IU\A KIIIJILCIYIJ XXX --The Orillia Times says :-`The commissioners appointed by the County Council to. visit the different munici- palities and endeavor to arrive at an equalization of the assessments, are now on a tour of inspection. On Thursday last Mr. James Ross, of Oro, and Mr. C. E. Hewson, of Barrie, spent some time viewing property in Orillia town. They were driven around town in company with the assessors, and in- spected different classes of property. They were satised that so far as the town is concerned, in comparing it with Barrie and Collingwood, the assessment is as high as it could be made 3 in fact that it would average between 90 and 100 per cent. of its real value. -A"sto1:e buildmg in. Shayher be- longing to E. H. Wnlliams, Barrie. was burne_d_ onj1I\_lf_c_h 2396. Barrie is beautifully situated on a. picturesque slo e. overlooking Kempenieldt Bay. an arm of La e Simcoe. nine miles long and from one to three miles broad, and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and from neighboring summer r orts and parks. The population of Bar- rie is 7. Streets and sidewalks arerst class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- tricitv. The waterworks and sewerage s) stems are very eicient and rovide spring water. good drain- age and reliable re protection in every art of the town. Barrie is a railwav centre-for &ntral and Northern Ontario. Thirteen assenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postai) service is all that can be desired: thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt tal collection and delivery throughout the town. here are eight schools (one Separate). em- ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, ihree weekly newspapers, one commercial college. every day is market day. machine shops. planing mills. rist mills. saw mills. marble cutters. bicycle works. ioat builders. taunery, breweries. ten butcher shops, sever- al first-class hotels with reasonable rates. th ree liveries, three laundries. one creamery and all `other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry full lines of all kinds of first-class goods. com etition is keen and prices are as low as in a city. elegra h and day and night telephone systems connect t e town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. -April 13th 18 Good Friday. ' 1`-he Ol;iReliable Aubtioneer] VALUA;'OR AND APPRAISER. HANDLES ALL KINDS OF AUCTIO SALES. _ ,,_ FARM F ST_OG_l(_ _ALE Are a. specialty. and pagties intending to have sales, will consult their own mtereats by placing their using in his hands. . sales, Wu! consult u sales in his hands. 2' Orders left a atu.-nded to. EXAMINE |1'Hr-: A DvANc|:."| 311d rich; T|[L80N 8 PAN-DRIED BATS. THE T|ll$0N COMPANY. THE TOWN or BARBIE. TAKE OFF THE COVERING (Limited) TILLSONBURG, om`. An Oat grain` and notice how tightly Nature has wrapped its covering around it. Then you will understand how dif. ' tioult in our task before we can invite you to test ADVERTISE IN ands. . at Tm: Anwmcn oice will be AL. 7:30, AXIIIIYG 13 fl for freedom trom hulls; SPECIAL ' A'N'35`s'i>. o. IXIIUIII 93 , W LTZIJVI IL GI-Ill via: oomfortab 0 frame dwelling. (Va-..!...I--.I Qt NT Q `Do A? T,. I BAI;RIl-OENTBl WARD8. Dnnlop Street, 8 8-A-Large Brick Building. known as The Moore Block. I1-II2__ GA---` Q Q `I -L_ All __J A` IJIZIIUIII Lilli II \)`.-LlUl0U 8, 0 auu UBO LOB:-sedford Street, E S--('l'hompson s Block) t . V Charles Street, W S-Pt Lot 49. Elizabeth Street, V(Boys Block) S S-Lot 25. Sanford Street,.E S-Parts Lots 21 and 22. Bay .Sh0l'B-S of John and E of Ellen streets; 2 blocks of land, about 7 ac. ' BAB.RIl+lAS'i' WARD. Blake Street 14, 15, 16, vWith excellent solid 17, Collingwood St., brick Residence, 11 S 7 and 8. Adjoining rooms, furnace and Collegiate Institute other modern con- grounds. ' vemences. Blake Street: N S-Lots 48 and 49. Blake Street, S S -Lots 37 and 38. - Cndrington Street, S S--Lots 23, 27, 28 and pt 26. V Amelia Street, N and S S-Lots 5, 6, 7. Eugenia. Street, S S-Lot 6. Theresa Street, N S-Lots 4, 5, 6, 7. s E 5 of 24 and S76} of 25 in 8th Con. . INNISFIL. Pt Lot ll in 14th Con. This property in- eludes-Minet Point, and has on it a number of beautiful building sites. * 030. E Q Lot 20 in 10th Con. SUNNIDALE. Pt E i 12 in 10th, W S R, about 85 acres. VESPRA. Po W 25'in 6th Con., about 90`acres. W Q 5 in 6th Con. E Q of 10 in 6th Con. Lot 10in 12th 0011. Lot 13 in llth Con. Park Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 on E 22 in 6th Con. , 21 acres. Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7th Com. 5 acres. STRATI-IY a." ESTEN, ' Solicitors, &c. , 14-ly Barrie. gemug-tag. mid sunny Tania. VIUII INIIIIIVI TIIIU IICIIIC ILWVLIIIIKO Cumberland St., N 8-Pt. of Lot 26. Jacobs Terrace, 8 S--Lots 7 and 10. MarcnsASt., E S-Pt Lot 23. Bradford 81: S S--Lot 11 and pt. Lot 12, $5`: `ning t`1n`i|ao LII`? II-LVVIC IJIVUBO "53'1'1'i' Street, s 8-Lots 40 and 41. John Street, N S-Paxt Lots 5 and 6. Bradford -Street, VC "S::Paz'ft:_i;>i: 34. L. Buttereld Foundry property. nrnfnr Qlnnnnf `w.Q+T.nh:00 92 R1 n` .,........... ............, .. .. . ..... ..... ..... Bradford Street, E S+Lots 22, 23, 31 and 32. Chan. _ I""\nrnI\aAn,n Lot 12, s s 7th Street. Lots 41 and 42 in 6th Con.. Nottawasvaga. V 50' A necessity in the use of coal for cooking is clean- liness. Coal dust in the victuals isn't pleasant. With dirty coal thiw is hard to prevent. With our clean coal it never occurs. Our coal costs no more, but it saves you in other wavs buside expense. Try 8 ton; __ - ;-n L: ; jj if-"' <=- E This man knows what he did and how` he did it. Such endorsements as the following are are a suicient proof of its merits. Oaluwn. Minn" Feb. 22, 1898. Dear 8lrI:-Pleuo send me one of your'l`reatise on the Horse, your new book as advertised on your bottles, English print. I have cured two Bpsvlno E and one Curb with two bottles of your Kendall : Bnnvln Cure in four weeks. III UIIPD man 5170 D01 Bpsvin Cuxje in tour weekg. tor lusnuauua arnvlu I~uI also "11 Treatise on the Horse," book free. or address { l'I'lUU. Uli III Iur 03. An up uuuuuuu uu it useithasno ual. Ask ourdruggist. {tor BNDALUS SP VIN C B. also A Fl`-umnn An flan npun `" Ivvr fl-an or nddrann Guire, Jul! east or llI0_ vwuu-nu nu-mu. and has ed un business in all kinds of Black- smithing. orseshoein . etc. All work willbedone promptly at the lowest gure. Remember the place. 14-tf ' W. MBLA RTY. I LATE or ORO, Has purchased the premxses occupxed bv Chas. Mc- jun east of tho_ Victoria Hotel,- and Inn: nnened un FARM AND TBWN PROPERTIES :____:4-A--7* The N. lot 22 in uth con. lnnisl. n W. n 25 on 4th to Essa. II S. W. n no It 7!}! 19 Tiny. n S. E. n an H` llt n u n W. n :31: II Sunnidalc. Late 7 an "8 eat Charles street. Bingha.m s Block, Barrie. V ' North art lot 66 North side Collier street, Barrie (Orange all p rt . Parts 1013 2 an: 3 West Andrew street. Orillia. in... It 1. at It: 8 Int in in nth Con. Vesnrn. lnuvanise in "THE Anmc."l on. J. a. (mum. 00.; auosnuna FALLS. vr. `psvln Cuxje in tour ween. - ` FRANK JUBERIEN. Price. 8:: ii: for 85. As a liniment for l2`. ...;":: .`.`.`?.`P.`3.: .`i\`,`}a..*`..`L`_' `.`.`.':`.5``F? 95 295 150 950` 450 350 CLEAN LINESS. "F03 The 1 .. `U u a -- Vldujv luau: yaw 2 The E. of E. } Lot to in 9111 Con. Vespra. Dated h Feb. 1900. - 9-2: , Apply to'AULT & COWAN. Batriplters. Barrie. Don ! Guess At Results. 'uu -`-:____ (mice. 97 llunlop-St.. B:u-rle. 45-ly BARBIE-F 8111']! WARD. Near Market Square, 'r1'1.% NlcLarty, COLLINGWOOD. S.AI.E- Building and Loan Association Calls attention to the` Special Facilities ofered to Investors mdBorrowers. U iU"'II` I ""J r1} "V" month!` pa cntl. you _m.n beco-' 3:; I1- lord ? nu ve the chotoe of repaym at 3 monthly rate of $, $1.50. or $x.9o for ac $100.06 bot-_` rowed. 'r|-u: PUBL|c-Wh a n V money? 6oc. a month placidusrnetah tits 0; 3% - Loan Association will yield you in about 8.yeaI'IA PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot of $41.40 on: your monthly pavmenu. THE INvEs1'on-Why not piano your xo ._oo_\yith the O. P. B. & na'n_. a_nd7I!'nvn_lt ,INVE$TOH-WhY P1399 $xoo.oow1th L. Ass'n. and lave It doubled in :2 years. besnde receiviiag during the in- terval 67; per annum paid to you every six month! In other words, for your $xoo.oo you will reeeive ll interest $66 and a. lump sum of $zoo. mking a grand total of S265. In OKIICT WOTQS, total of $366. u... v. y-v'. An investment safe as government securities III much more protable, realizing the inventor an equiva- lent to :5 per cent. per annumnaingple interest. A For printed matter and further-jnfonnation call on 95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Barrie._ uWell what luck?" I -asked VMme. rrimel. my concierge, as Ieame-~ ..hevot1,-er evening. Her daughter in t on must know, had presented wont; fyor examination at the Conserv- hergee that day, and I always make a st0i`:t of appearing interested in my , .:on-cierge's" family affairs. A I nd it a o. NE smchard, you come at just .........m+; I was longing for WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, O.H.LYON, TEN ANT-Why pay rent when on such nonthl can beome ygour own 1:2 m-(I 9 nu In-_ fl-an alanine nf rnnavinnr at A month]! Make Your Will. Blak Will Forms can, be had at ' irnendvance Office SEC.TREAS. BARRIE LOCAL BOARi). 1:-If jWill pay for VVi11 Form and postage to any part of Canada. Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. fuTuLnnuAa1 AIIBTIIJNEEB G. R. FORD HANDLES ALL KINDS OF AUCTION. Avila Ia urucn attended to. CUT FLOW-ERS--Roscs. Carnations, Violets, etc, fresh every day, Bouquets--Buttom hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in any desi nu. VEGETAB ES-Cele?', Crisp and- Tender: Lettuce. Cabbage. arsnips, Beets. Carrots. tc. SEI'fDS-Flower Seeds. Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. C WM. TAYLOR SEED -"TORE I` I-4\Jl\ ` Telephone 15. V ` vurvnuunuu unu- Anyone sending a sketch snd descrl tion my quick]! ascertain our opinion tree w ether sn invent on is prob ably glitentnble. Communica- tions strictly condent . Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ncy for securing Patents taken t ion h Munn & receive special notice, without c urge, in the Q .2 4 LAM: 4. 1"ggAAggz`,.`. VVIVIUQIIIV -U--v- -vvv-vy A handsomely mustrated weekly. Lu-nest cir- culation of any scientic ournal. Terms. 88 3 Kent: four months. 8!. 80 a bum newsdealera. IIIIIII a ll. -___ ,_,,,__A.||____ --L VUIBIIIUIA UL our: n'i 3x .c`ifi.'iioia`6I1 niihdilbra. y,;m ca. 625 F st.'. wumnzton. 1 :j,`;?ci, g;?; 5 ';1;I:Ty ';&}{1{-."A*1 and v EYE? we right moment.` I was longing . somebody to talk to about it. Sit down [mere in my armchair by the latch- i string. an L or. , - *t...y,-n nu vnn know. Leona had d I will tell you thewhole` FARM STOCK SALES pedal 1503500, vmnour. onnrge, Ill buu Scientic Hmerican. . u.-...:-.......I-n1n.n-gtul waaklv. Lu-amt, gig 'FL.0RIST AND SEEDSMAN. "`4 -J In! nnnlnn-SL. GO TO THE NEW 6 Cts. --AND- D slslsuamnu. _ :55 Dunlop-St., Barns '0 '0 O 6 iii./EVREHEARSAL O A stow "Well, as you know. learned the role of Blanche in _`Le Roi U515- "" 8,53,? sif1.1sband--you know his political" 0pmions--ch0Se the piece. He thought n would be a good thing to show the people the goings on of the kings in the cm days before we had this blessed re-. public. Besides, it is by Victor Hugo, _-.. lynnw and it seems to be fairly DCluCO, by In nag v ------v- --'-5"! you know, and it falrl wen written. Leona s teachex--that {at little M. Guillemot with the red cheeks, you know. andu very nice man he in. too, I must say, and always very pol1tetome-well, the teacher made no objection. and so Leona studied up the part of Blanche. . T T ntnhn annrnn fn hnve hn Created .g N3 1" "3"__f.".i '1' -nundint shell T pan 0). Dnuuuuc. She seems to have been created expressly for the role, M. Guillemot often said to me. `She is Blanche her- s_e1f. _ H ,.t-_;.-.: 1... 4-1..` awn:-nInnI>InI| {kn 8.611.. She selected for the examination the scene in the second act in which Blanche confesses to Dame Berarde her love for the king. We went through it several times at home after supper; __. a_:...: -...1 ..a.....4.:...'. ll. Dvvclcu Luuvu uu. u u... ..-.. - .__`.`,--- The prince. ever kind and attentiv, held the book, and I took the part of Dame Berarde, which was quite suited to my years. Ther s a. ring at the bell, M. Richard. Please pull the cord. Thanks. Where was 1? Oh. yes; I re- member. - -2..-- __.__-n 4.|.- ILIULLIIJCI v Leona knew her lines sowell that she could have spoken them backward. _ u,-,1 ;___1-__.:| 1.... .......4....... IUU \.U\Al\.l uuvu u`1v..y... --....._ ..... .._ _. "The prince had ordered her gsifume and had even been good enough to go with her when she went to try it on. I -._- .....~L VVILIJ uva II uvu unav vv u--u -v V.` -- --~- `` `You need not leave your post, Mme. Bourrlmel. he said. `I.will at- tend to everything. HAL L-.L LI__A. --..J..-...;. on-an nncv\nII'\' CLIU LU CV UIJILLVJILJDI Ah,_b_ut that costume was superb! Imagine a toulard with honeysuckles and humming birds on a white ground, the skirt trimmed with three bands of purple velvet, square cut bodice, `point l_ace sleeves-but I forget. V You are a man. and you can't imagine it. llI1._;_ _ 1, ,,, AI._A_ ;l.__.... _-_ _.- ~----, ----- J V- v---- - -__.._a- ut when I saw that dress my me.- ternal heart leaped for joy, and I threw my arms around the prince's neck and exclaimed. `With such a dress as that Leona cannot help making a success, and It will be all owing to your gener- osity. 1 `A g.` . 4 *4 C I_. .-.._,. ~ > . I Indeed, M. Richard. I was deeply moved, I assure you,-and the prince himself was much airected. I even -thought I sawiears behind -his eye- glasses. Well, the great day came at last. and we ail set out for the Conserv- ,} atoire, accompanied by our neighbor, Mme. Frimard. and her daughter. who has tried theexamination in comedy for the last six years and failed every time. ` T xut. Richard, the bell has rung three times. Please open. ' WI Han .n.....:-_ In___ I-|____...l_..-I Y 4`... '\-H LUULICIEC. lclllclllllclo `Where was 1? Oh, to be sure, at the Conservatoire. Leona went to the stage (`Ann -n.'Ll. |nII_ -1- n _,,_._ L- "'vv uuuvno _L ICGBU Upcu. I beg pardon. Mme. Bourrlmel. I am ltreen `concierge. remember. \XYIu-u... --._._ II: I\I_ ;- I._ ,4____- -1. LL- vvvv an va.|.uut:. ucuuu. W!-.'ul. LU Luv: luugv door with Mlle. Frlmard. who was to lake the part of Dame Berarde, and Wile. F1-lmard and I got seats together lll the little red theater. They call it Etruscan. I believe, but it is quite faffrr V`l\|t -1! 41, , . -~......., . ucucvc, IJUV "' I uunly ` pretty for all that. . . j_ . T _ Of course the prince; beig nncl`:l , ed with the Russian em.basSY2Au-. not be with us. He sat in 8. DI`03,ni?fmV box. right-behind the president 8 W ten Ah. there s a lady who knows 110W dress! I couldn't keep my eyes off the b Tight yellow caP0te perched `"1 "top or her shiny black hair. can; ,_____,, VOID. . `"8 for Leon '- -u-u_y UIEICK -Half. ' Of course Mme. Frimard. 'Wh5_ daughter had been going through the mill so `long. knew all the critics and the members of the jury. and She D0"-1*` ed them out to me while we were wait- a to a `ear. Th9? Put ---- _____,-___|__.. ._.'-an (0 .u. uuuuu. [0 399931" I , {:That fat man. S`:w:;l:esI;ep.t at Maurice '1`ourceY- He .8 7 these exhibitions. The was for nt- Fessard. who had left D01 ed rl he k hiss Spaniards. um`. - . 1: pie Wm ght and left to "j:;e:,s people new,all about it Q View . dark.` shabby ma" W rature at the age 0 5 and _ `theyf, 3. bullghts to pretend [ V K _,...ual'U5- hail` ntlemn giethwag L3 and the big mujutitixess ltselfv an aye. who W89 " IV a Genera` man who looked kc Auguste . - and.` Destu. an ` scholar. I Ilgmu, , again! 6i*eu!2 ofht`.* mt" e.e.'n:aioc1imx A l,li7!l.I1;;eth5` row wui Uidtf ot"`l!ii"'O61:i`e`d!" cane. . It was tun, tor..me_.~- Mme. Fttlmard knew_1 them all -vet? well, she hedbeen to see them so often on her duughtet-'s account. - u\1-__- __ _I A- --up Iv JIVBVIIIIBQ e -_`l\'T ow and then the prince for- ward tron) hi: seat in the 'oincial box anqgave me a little condential smile ' with a sort of wink. which meant. `I cannot be with you in person on ac- count ot my olcial position, but I am. with you in spirit. Wasn't it nice of him? At last, after several other debu- -tantes `had appeared. _Leona s turn came. There was a moment of silence, and the master of ceremonies an- nounced: " `Mlle. Leona Bourrlmel, aged 20 years, appeared last year and the year before without success -Why did the wretch have to say tha,t?--`assumes the role of Blanche, in Le Roi s Amuse." assisted by Mlle. Frimard. `KAI. l-|~-A--" `- Iv` ICIIOG Ian JXI-1, M. you don t know * . how I felt! You are not 1 mother. My heart was In my-- Oh, the second floor is waiting for his candle! Please hand it to him through. the window. Thanks. A __ - - T About Leona s scene. I must say that the management was very mean 1 about the stage setting. A tablewlth a green cloth, two plush chajirs-that was all. What would they say if we should come to their theater in rags, I should like to know? _ ___--._- ---v vv -.ov v `_`But,s ah, how pretty Leona looked when she came on, with her owered gown and her old fashioned cape with steel clasps. A . murmur of admira- tion ran through `the. theater- M. Du- mas twirled his mustache. and M. Halevy adjusted his opera g1ass-both good signs. as `for M. Tourcey, he kept on sleeping. but it seems that this never interferes with his ability to criticise-not in the least. When Leona, as Blanche, confessed her love for the" king. he looked straight at Prince" Tapaloif. . 1 III I. If I'I.l-I._..J ll _-_- I.-S .._-_ _._.I Ah, M. Richard, if you had seen and heard her! She was theliving, loving Blanche, and one could feel the force of the passion that consumed her. The jury felt it evidently, for -they became intensely absorbed and excited, the lit- tle dried up man especially. And at his age! ` .-p u '1. ,n ,e;1 I,___In;____ iwxbily daughter went_ on with her lines, which described the noble appearance of the king. his graceful-bearing in the -saddle and so forth. and still she kept her eyes fixed on the prince. She sure- ly could do no less after what he had done for 'her-the gown. the cape. the jewels and all the rest. l(t'\J ..... ...- LI... Iinnn nnlnunn `t\ Tzintl ` J`, 7' VI? IbI.l\J Ilnll lull`; .\dlJII' Of course the lines referred to King "Francis 1, but theprince no doubt saw .in them a delicate allusion to himself, and he smiled in` a way that showed he was much gratied. And indeed he, too. is a. tall. handsome gentleman and a splendid horseman. One might have fancied that Victor `Hugo had him in mind when he wrote the lines. Tgn- ..._.lI-.1 -1..- l.llI.l.l ltl LI.llLI\l vv uuu uu Vvnvvw us- The president s wife smlledmnieo. Perhaps she was thinking of the pres- enteruler of France. But all of a sud-' den some crank cried, fFace the audi ; ence!' an A_I___ --.. __.a ...........-I CLICC5 . The cry was taken up and repeated from all parts of the room. `-Yes; face the audience! Never Vmind the fine people in the boxes! _ ._ J- . 1---...4. I......~In.\ 4-how E Illll-ILI uu: I-Ill`: yvvyav an wean. -av..`..... `_`The tools! Just imagine. "they thought that Leona was looking at and playing at the president s wife. and so they were jealous. uv _-...- 1... any . Qnhnnn ant` maid in I uwy wcu: Jrcanuum` I rose in my place and said in a loud voice, but with great dignity: `But she in not looking at Mme. la Presidents. She does not care that (I snapped my ngers) for Mme. la Presi- dente. She is looking at Prince Tapa- loif. ' " ' ` ---AA I-`-A---`-4.1` IUL|.o ` At this the . disturbance mcreased. \ In the midst of laughter.hyells.and hiss- ` el I turned to the jury and added: In .1-.- 1' ......I..4- am Irnnur, I CI I. l.ul.'uI:u Lu uu: Jung ...... .......-_- `I should think I oughtto know. am her mother. V --- - A Can 9-Cu` Inn! am net` luutucr. Then there was a tearful row. Leona could not go on, the jury retir- ed and presently, by M. Thomas or- ders, I was thrust out of doors in com- pany with Mme. Frimard, who, as her daughter s lines had been thus cut off. protested as angrily as I did. _ , u A ...I I-Rafi. fhn `vnv Drotesteu us l1_l~|l. u; an . ....... And that's the way that Leona. through a silly mistake of the audi- ence. has again tailed to get the `prix.' -For my part. as soon as I saw the prince. I said, with great dignity: `My daughter's career is mined and through you. It you have the instincts of a gentleman, you will know your duty and perform it. , ' The prince's conduct,_ I must admit. V was perfect. u 11:... Dnnavnlrvln` h"`I 8 W88 pertect. .`Mme. Bourrlmel. he said. I am a. gentleman. and I `know my duty, which will` also be my pleasure. .. .- nu .........-u 'I .nnnd hf nn. Which W111 8.180 D8 my pxcaouun `I will marry Leona at once. We will leave for Dieppe tonight. and you and your husband shall join us within a month. f . And, in fact, he did marry her, and they went o on the 8 o'clock express. Ah. M. Richard, I begin to think there is a future in store torus." 1 Al1's well that ends well," I said. A Allow me to return you your arm- chair and latchstring. Good evening.` Mme. Bourrlmel. { Translated From the French For Short Stories. . Bolivia : Innoupnum... ..--_...-__ Agriculture makes slow progress in Bolivia. In the lands of the upper pla- teau. surrounding La Paz and Oruro, barley is grownand potatoes sown to a. considerable extent, but the yield is ` poor on account or the very inhospita- ble nature of the climate and the con- stant trosts whlch.occur at night dur- : duced, is utilized for food purposes and the straw` for fodder; -Indianapolis I News. G13 EV: u-v new people ` un-___l._p-`QC }perties of H nonvwn iphoupxtabxo ounnto. ___ _ u_..... n`AII? nrncrrn . all their a_uperstItl6_n.- and dis- .4 _ n._..a..u.m raliclnn -the Oh]. V. v__ cvv yrunv - ` cmifumrot the d. tr. 11?, ms ln:.6oir`_n1onl'ci_dc`y. - `I"rwu J. Jr, Ks 1 h- 1`-9` M this ahi ` v-wvu-u-u the Qookatown Advocate, was in town on Friday. IE2-.. A ___:s_ j Mr. B. Lewis; `uQ{'L{$ 'to`-l`%;gi;` near. ` which town he` has `secured a school. .... __. _- vv-- wu- 1.3331. ` T Mnnie Slasons has been visiting Mina Maggie S_horIf.roed at Hilladale. Mince remen iayne has returned from evieit at the Rectory, Cooketown. Limlllagting, ` ' Mr. Chris. Moore. Orillie s pioneer auctioneer, has retired after thirty years service. A * Mrs. '1`. Elliott of Oookstown ivaa the 1 guest of her sister, Miss Macdonald last week. 7 Mrs; H. Lesdlay, of Oookstown, has ` been visiting friends iti Barrie and; Midhurat. _` Ju.ZA. Raid, an attendant in Qrillia Asylum, has joined the North-West Mounted Police. ' _ ` ` Mr. 0. G. Strange was a delegate to the C.O.'C.F.` convention in Toronto last week. Mr. J. B. Johnson, of Mineeing, `was also a delegate. % Mrs. Robert Moore, of Killyleagh, returned hoinelaet weekefter visiting her sister, Mrs. Alexi Brownlee and other friends in town. in Mr. John Clark, of West Gwillim- ` bury was in town last Wednesday on % his return from a visit with his son Mr. Ira. Clark, Orillia. V Mr. Duncan Marshall, Provincial Organizer for the Dominion Alliance, will shortly take up newspaper work, p having purchased the Herald, and the 4 remains` of the Standard, of Thorn-9 bury. Innisl Council. At the fourth meeting of Innisl Council, tenders of M. Goodfellow and Ana Warnica for cedar on 13th Con., were received ; also communications from County Clerk, S. C. Webster, M. Atkinson ; accounts from 0. Gross, J. McCabe,' '1`. J. Atkinson. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-'1`-, J. Atkinson for gravel ling opposite lots 23 and 24 on 3rd Con., $65 ; C. Groae, work on 3rd Con_., $8; Robt. Neilly, for 52 loads of gravel, $3.64; that the account of Johnson dz Sarjeant beleftdin the hands of Mr. Sutherland for further informa- tion; that no `action be taken with regard to the communication of Mr. Webster; that the account of John Mc0ahe for tile be paid`; H. Warnioa $1.50, for attending Committee at lIewitt a bridge; John Nixon, $10 . for work on 2nd sideline ; Clerlai salary, $50`; Treasurer a } salary, $37.50 ; ` Mra. DeRivera, 85; Mrs. Mowder, Q 85; David Hill, [81 "for use of room during audit. nu L `Ll; - (`II -.-.1- Hill-Ooleman-'l`hat` the Clerk notify Mr. Atkinson, -Manager` of the Bank of Toronto in Barrie, that all cheques issued by order of this Council for the year 1900 must be signed by -G. W. Webb, (Reeve) and James Black, (Treasurer) and that a_ copy of this resolution accompany said notice with the Township y Seal attached thereto.--Carried. e UIIVI vvvu V... _ _ e Groee-'Suthe1:1'and--Thah the tender of _ Matthew Goodfellow for cedar for bridge on 13:11 00:1. be accepted.- Carried. _ A` I C III A ;I__ \JBl I ovu- Colemen - Sutherland - That the Chairman or the Road and Bridge Com mitteebe instructed to issue applica- tions for tenders for building the bridge on 13th Con., over Hewitt e creek.- Ca_.rried. .. - . a nu . .I,,.'I'j____ \lB_I Ilvvln . Groee--Sutherla.nd-That the `Reeve be instructed to sign cheques for all , accounts penned up to da.te.'~'--Cnu'ried. "L-`- `-A-_ `man nnnnusfnll CUUUIAIIVD llulnu-4-. -.r -- ..--.V_ Hill-- Grose-'-That leave be granted to introduce in By Law for the purpose of appointing" certain oicore for the 1- 1-__.:-m 5... 4.1-... mam-ant. llrwnu-V---a V - _ Township of Innial `for the current yes: and that the By-Law be read a first time.-Oai-ried. J ' ` ' " - ~---_.1 -...: n..:....I nlillla lII|lIUo*'\Iu-u D-`Iv-u By-law read a first, second and third ` ` ` ` `L A In Ullllvl ..0ounoil adjourned to meet at J bit.t u. Lefroy, on Tuesday, May 1900. T 151 ---_ .--1:111 Avoid Contact Pets. Dogs and monkeys -are subject to tuberculosis and are said to be capable of communicating the infection to human beings. A large number of canariea that die in captivity fall vio- tima to ` the same disease. Parrots anfer: from a malady peonliar to them-`J selves. .'.l`he `bacillus that causes it isj "thought to "originate pnenmonia in man. i an 3' heen'knoir'n`r:to, be:eth "5 Pan ` ` uofius"