Lefruy. TITUTES. ITREAL. 95 1 20 295 150 9.50 450 350 lddres on Hockey _Brist1ing With Good 8anse% "-?7i;'ve I! right. you take (:11. I- ,,.... ._--_ He 10 crazy. bu (6 ([711 "Will yo (I 5N0. you take llY`?_\I] ling " lie old he want 1 wife t em ; 'a' WO for : I..h.3 Ejochey Ulubain the Mm-io Hall last Tfiwednesdsy night,; Mr. W. A. Briys, -fririeaident of the club; took advantage }'0f_the large attendance of hock~yists ;to address them on hockey as it should the. He thanked the club ` for-electing`: `hiin as their president, and on behnlt 1.0!` the club thanked those `present for their e attendance. The object `of the eeting was to raise money to wipe out the club's deciencv, and this led him toonnsider what could be done to :avoid the necessity of concerts, em, for the purpose of raising moncv, the anxokiv g concert given by "the '7`w_e;-11 questio rm; -Wash 301118 0 cloud penet the hi is slig miles ` miles donic 77vs?Zii: very 1 air blo to eas the R dinary v ;,` 1; .;;i?] 1 VII.` `face t nh'nn enorm each over ons. the e cnkud ': f"Wh1 u. ..v- . `I94 Prote 1 lea quib P354 `Formean Hockey, Shortly after the bdy had left Hare`a. employ. I was written to by the Crown Attorney of Du'eri_n,' (tat- iog , that Jertain parties had written hin),__ ehqtjging` Here with` hnvings` used fqgggp qoldm. He .iaked_me_ Last week's Cieemore Scar eaye: --As certain sensational articles have recently . appeared in the Allieton Herald intimating that .Robert Harn had been guilty of dealing fonlly with the boy Reynolds who, several years ago, rather unceremoniously left'Hare e place, Kiernan, Esq.. J. P., has for- nished us with the following written statement, which should set at teat all rnmonre concerning the matter, and -which. we gladly publish in justice to Hare who is not here to -defend him-` self." Mr Kieman eaya :-`- e . Barrie Teaches Hamilton. The Hamilton Spectator complains grievously of the cost of cement walks ~ in that city, and prints a letter from a correspondent in reference to the price Barrie has paid. The writer says :-Last summer I was in Barrie onia visit and noticed some new cement, walk put down in thattown. The walks are smoother, whiter and appar- = ently harder than the walks put down ~ here and less gritty in appearance. `In conversation with Mayor Wells, he ' mentioned the cost per square foot, which was much below the estimated ` cost of same kind of walk, and, as you will see, about half of the. actual cost A, of a good deal of the walk. put down here last year. To make sure of the cost of the Barrie walks, I wrote Dr. Wells, now ex Mayor, for the cost of their walks, and received the enclosed statement from Mr. Donnell, Clerk and Treasurer of Barrie, which certainly shows we are paying exorbitant prices for our `cement walks. Of course, . where curbing is put down the prices must be higher, but even then our `prices look much too high. I will ask you, Mr. Editor, to publish Mr. Don- nell s statement for the information of our citizens The letter from Barrie is as folio ws :---Dear Sir,-At the re quest of ex Mayor Wells I give you- the tollo wing particulars of cost herein: --Ce ment walk on [High street,` length 557 feet 4 inches, 4 feet wide, old plank walk removed, grading, excavating and lling in with gravel to a depth of about 6 inches as foundation or bed for concrete and cement nish. We used gravel. with cement for concrete and cement costs. We have gravel pits, consequently there was no cost except for hauling of same. Worsley-street length 1.046 feet 4 inches, width'4 feet, Collier street, length 2,106 feet, width feet. The latter two had been laid with asphalt. The asphalt was removed and very little grading or filling` was required." `Quantities of Star Brand cement'used on dlferent walks were as follows: High, 55% bar- rels ; Worsley, 85%; Collier, 206}, at $2.60 per.harrel. Total cost $1,383.77. High-street walk, cost per square foot, about 10% cents. Worsley walk. cost per square foot, 8 cents. ' Collier walk',cost per square foot, 7.53 cents. `Song, F. J. "Robinson ; vocal solo. Dr. Arnall ; eqnilibrist solo. R. Ridlev ; character song, A. E. Robillard (To- ronto) ; ~violin solo," J. A. MacLean; fancy drill, by company of I6 led by W._ D. MacLasen ; piano solo,` Dr. Arnall ;character song, A. E. Rubi!- lard; sleight of hand exhibition, F. J.- Robinson; vocal solo, W. A`. Boys; whistling solo, L. D. Beattv ; and two sparring exhibitions of three rounds each. The receipts were upwards of $50. . Mr. Boys he had` ot:oen_been' called the father of hockey in Barrie; he had devoted `eight active seasons to the games and. latterly had been like the theatrical star who was ever mak- ing possibly his last appearance but always managed to re-appear The present year was, however, positively his last. He_hoped,V_'however,; that his business would be lucrative enough in. future to enable him to give the national game. as hearty support with his purse as he had given in the past with his body.` ' oh'v~ through sneihibition of only too, muohebravery. ` All this. goes to show that a young men who displays courage and pluck in the pursuit of sports is bound to make a. useful "man, and as 9. rule will prove a. suocess in business. The ligh;er vein part of the pro graujmg was as follows :- The Hare-Reyzfmlds Matter. % Mai. l;oDonald `Lwsbout. '35 yam 3 hr.V~M9Donali%`is hignpelf a tvr'ib._` The neighbors of thefamily have been `J ocking to the McDonald hom since the report has been oi`toulsted.n T ~ I -' Yejmerdayi `Mrs. McDonald gav birth tofour babies, two boys -and mo iris. `- _ : . % `. Is--'-* ` _ u The-` -qua;-tot average 3} pounds in weight. To-dav it is tporsed that the mother agd children we doing well . Thu ihknmn 1|` `kn `.._.:I-.. `.-.._ I___.. , vow-_w r-fr-4- vv -on IV`: V. an-nwvovul About six months ago the M0136 nald fagmly moved from Midland, Canada, and took apartments at thehotol at the corner of Sax Male road and Wood ward avenue. The family consisted of Allen McDonald, his mtg and two young chtldgen. ' ' up --cu -- 30 Cent Butter. Not for many years has there been such an unprecedented scarcity of but- ter in Canada as there is at the present time, says Farming. yWherever one goes, in the country or in the city, the- cry is the same. pMan_v winter cueameries have had ready sale lor their supplies- in their own localities and have not had to go to the trouble of shipping to the larger centres. 80 great is the scarcity that large quantit- ies of butter are being re-shipped fI'( 111 England to Canada. Prices in_ Mont- real last week reached the_ thirty cent basis forchoice crearnery in large lots and some sales were made in a reiail way at 33 cents to 35 cents. Cream- eries have been able to dispose `of their product at 27 to 29 cents at Montreal and inferior quality has brought within a couple` of cents of these gures. It is not expected that these high prices will prevail very long. The warmer weather is approaching and the season is at hand when the milk supply will begin to increase very quickly. But with all stocks cleared out as they un- doubtedly will . be at present high values, good protable prices are likely to obtain for some time. i _ Twice A5 35.4 As gfwxns The following paragraph from a De- troit pgper `wall of interest :T-T-A- . I nae; and was shown `a letter from the bov to `R. Hare, written from Burke Falls asking Bare to send, him his clothes and wages and adding that he was in the employ of Mr. Burke of that place, a hotel keeper. - I made some inquiries, and wrute. to Mr. Burke. In reply, I receired a postal card from Mr. Burke, stating the boy Reynolds was working forhim, had gone there `straight from I-I_aIe s, and asking me to have his clothes and wages sent to him.` I re- `ported-result of investigation and on- closed Burke's card to Mr. Mo- Kay and was informed by him that the matterwas so.tiafac_toril-y settled. ` It. is purely veg.et_able+--contains `whatever--and cannot possibly do any arm, even if it fails to cure you. And if it does not cure you yourimoney will be returned. There is no reason, th fore, why you should not (and every reason why you _sho , begin treat- ment to-day, if you are suering in any de from . mineral drugs Our Native Herbs tablets is sold by drnggists. at V a box (also in powdered form). If you can t get it of ` ur druggist, we will mail you a box-2oo days treatment ; receipt of price. ' -453 1.00. Our Native`Herbs THE Amnzo o. nuss 00.,232-81. Paul street. Montml. Ban. llvor oomplllnt kidney disorder nervonu noctlon sick headache blood poison _ temulo tronblo PROPl3 1'Y F_OR SALE. 3'-` ;'*.."::P*:;'.:* ...,..`**.`.:::'.."`.#``*'%': .......**` . us can Tw '- ouso rhoqmstun ox-ynpoln nonnlgin dnnemin nonrugu (1.7 in cogt? `E15101! nnvnln A '. A `safe and instantaneous cure for 'Headanh and Neumlgia. . Gnarnnteed to cure. 1- ` .. HAVE YOU TRIED MacLara1_1 Perfect Headache l} uia.% These Tablets are the latest production of modem medical science. They are innitely superior to all pills and similar _`preparations,. for the cure of Indigestion and all. diseases of the Stomach. Bowels, Liver and Krdneys. ' For Nervous Prostration and general weak- nessthey have-{ no equal. To nervous and delicate women these Tablets will prove a positive blessing. Price, 50. per box. Sold by D. H. Mac- Laren, Druggist, sole agent for Barrie. In 1880 it was estimated that there were 650,000 princes and other hexeditary . nobles in Russia, and since then the number has increased. - v- -.- uosvvuuu nurullo or. th-,o-'3-8 umilia who have ruled the Ottoman empire since the con- quest of Constantinople by the Turks,` Ia` have died violent deaths. T New Run! For (tfvstal Palace. An entire new `glass covering has been `ordered for the roof of. the Crys- tal Palace in London. The total glass area to be covered is about 15 acres. _--Dan Barry, 9. shoemaker, aged 65 veare, was taken to the House of Refuge from West Gwillimbury on Tuesday last. He has been a. resident uf the county for upwards of 20 years and was committed by Reeve Jetmg, n. Fecundity cf Jliornbmi. The fecunqity of microbes in pro- digious, so much so that if 15 drops of water po1luted.with bacteria, are allowed to fall into a cup of broth the germ population would have in- creased in 24 hours to 80,000,000. Mr, Boys then referred to the -`physical advantages of hockey and the hclesome exercise it abrds young `llmen in the evenings. The noblest feature of the game was the develop bent of courage and pluck in young en. There were many proofs of this t the present time. R. D. Wren and larence Hobart, two of the best Ttlngby, baseball and tennis players In e- United States were conspicuous " pmong the Rough Riders in the Cuban `air. In the British forces -in South ' are to be found some of Eng-' ' d`s best athletes who have already Jlnguished themselves p for valor. ` "grade was no exception to the rule. 3%? fun; men have gone to the front In Canada who have devoted them- ', _ more or less"`to athletic exercise. ' present had often played with to Private Findlay who never "fgame fro . `qt. .. ` I . .` 1 "1 I ,; _-. ;.V "SI-'4- . -.> - _, A , . ~u' ( . ' - rv A f n .' `l w` . m ,1!g!= 9f_ he The babies are'all living , to day, and give every appearance `of healthy `con- ditions. City Editor--Well? ` Reporter-Can I have 15 minutes? this afternoon? . 1 City Editor (frowning)--For What? 1 Reporter-1' am to be married. 7 _ 1 City Editor-Well, hurry up. Andi (absently) get 4 he name of the bride` and all that and if there's anything; sensational enlarge upon it. I shall: expect half a column. Get a. hustle l Mrs. McDonald says that she never knew of quadrupleta, triplets ortwina in her own tamily. D. H. MacIAREN, Danger in the sultan : Job. no 1`. -. ARE NOT A PATENT` MEDICINE .4 ._ . Nohios an Thick as Fleas. A-.. .oHEM1_s'r ANAD ianucaiscr, % BARBIE. Th one I: -4 nid Days. WlLS0l_N'S INVAUDS PORT AGENCY: a1 81'. JAM as s1~'n:'r. .- - - it revolutionized from what it was to the foot of today by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness iand freakish styles. . iS.a preparation. i1_1 which are com ed rare Old Port Wine with I Cmchona Bark 1n proportions ac rding to the English and! pf D11 01-911 In t\t\r\1\n: n A ---- -`- -~~--- -- .I:""1' French Pharmacopoeias. For . When the human foot was rstintroduced to shoes it was exactly as nature had made it, strong-symm\etrica1-handson_:e. THEBEMRUSE 00., lye Mklicinal Value In discussing the question of pro- fessionalism Mr. Boys said he never had any sympathy whatever with young fellows who play the game for `the money there is in it. Barrie has as enthusiastiea lot of sports as any a town in Canada, but the moment they nd that the home club is being recruit- ed from outside places they lose con- dence and do not take the same inter- est in the success of the team. The most. enthusiastic season in Barrie s history was the year the club went to Berlin, when with one exception every member of the team was a native of Barrie, and played the game from love of sport. From what he could learn Barrie has a team of young players, In local boys, who give promise of heing very fastghe hoped to see them secure the championship next year. `He earnestly requested them not to ;try to secure out-siders nor expect `money, but to play the game for all it was worth ; if at the end of the season .;"thers was a sbaianoe in the treasury the ?:f;;hoys should takes. trip to Kingston, Ottawa, orsome other city and enjoy ,_ themselves in that way. As it `once W/as. 54 inch Ladies Costume Clotn. . .' . . . . . . 40 inch Seabelle Dress Serge. . . . . .` . . . S. . Gents Worsted Pants, `made to order . . . Tweed and Serge Suits, to order. . Top Shirts from 25c. up. 64x72 inch Cotton Blankets . . . . . . . . . . . 64-X72 V extra. heavy . 56x72 All Wool Blankets. . . . ... Gents Netura. Beaver Caps . . . . . . . . - . t' Astrakan Caps... Persian Lamb Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . e iSome Special Valuesin NEW Prints, Gingham Cretonnes, Art Draperies, Art Muslins, Sateens, Fancy Muslins, Dress Goods, Bleached, Half Bleached and Colored Table Linens. 40 inch Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Tweeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THEBEMROSE C0. ' LEFROY. _ oucmnnvn: cmcuun sum race.` A1 _Au. nuuomrn. Avon: The Bheap Bash Store. We quote you the following specials : iee or is tripi>ed;.at all times such methods are a sign of weakness; :1 jvinning team never resorts to such practices. -- n . 1 I A I CERTIFY W :l.s-on : In- valid! Port [Vine to be a wine cfgood quality, pleasant to the taste and that mth the princi- flcs 4 Cinchcma Bark which it contain: it 1': a powerful tonic. Terms, Cash Anemia, Fvers. Indigestion, La Grip on of Appetmv sleoplouness. Ncrvousneu and General illty. of Cinchona ark as an effectual Tonic is acknowledged kit `Jag Dan-u1L u u A - - A - . . ..-L-_.- _-___ -.- --__ w--exponent; a.\JLI by ecu1ty everywhere. I, J. Frawloy, solo lacy! Agent. OPINION of the Great F&h Analyst : 1:03 SALE BY JUHN vsoobs. (A_LA cumin` pznou) K` .v.. ----.c an I 5. av: t,` '`` V Twe1ve shapes, six widths, 8 sizes leathers and colors. _ Goodyeatweltcd, name and pr1 stamped oi1_t/he soles, * He urged the boys" in attending Va game to do all they possibly could to fairly encourage their own `men but always to treat their opponents with respect. During` the play there is nothing more abominable than the practice of gnying and hissing at `an opponent who perhaps tumbles on the . Slater Shoes o are made to t feet as they are today, comfort first. but 800d appearance" never forgotten- " l\..___1, , 1 . ' .. - 11 OI` $3-50 8E $5.oo. Serges and Produce. Avou .35c.to50c $150 mm; 22: 5 00 15 O0 125 150 350 300 350 650 500 "L He was in thorough -svmpathy with ..,. M tl:e O.H.A. and its oicers and with ltlmost every decision they have I given ; he had come to the conclusion; however, that hockey cannot be made I success nancially by the 0.}! A. The xeason of this is that there is as a rule only one home game. whereas the .home club has to go out of town at least twice, and more than thatif they are at all successful in matches, and to `defray the expenses of these, trips they hadbut the receipts of the one match at home. ' Mr. Boys proposition to im- prove the nancial situation is to form a northern league of Oollingwood, Barrie, Orillia and Newmarket clubs. each club to play home and home games with the other ; thl would give each club three gates and thus secure them ample funds. '