oer] his 1 Coole my Col -`._j I VVI a'cTq =iivh4 :aei.add%3irg:%vhard*` hind Durban,140`-`milea.dTiit3h; lie, for` Comada, whetfhg` -__a_'r,i'i,v _d; '3 month ago: V ' -_--._.ay-- was upon the honesty of ceirsinpenuxons. Mr.,1`srte,V he -said,hsd insisted upon the reservation being placed in the order in Council, but is wssrnct the reservauion of "the people of Gsueds, ` who _ here ` willing that this`; station .- shonld form a precedent. "-The menu 'of7d:e VPregnjer that the n`Gcyern'?' mm where forced by `public .opinibp' W408 comma iniby Mr.'?Bennet, who; ;' said ihsnhexr action [was i by; I: , -tho`0cnse`r_vstive_ p'ress_T sud. `me ``.`.`,`3 No: in `One!-crio.%c in`Q`ib`5`Mi':::;Bh9 J " '1 `passage through Outs;-io on, his return to Ottuyva, and poihted out that sub- afquently, notwtthatunding the state? ment of the Prgtuieti, a contingent wan `Ant ..'}'...I ...-..~ `I: 1- - meat,` and described. the`repr_eaentstions al cowards because ihey had since taken the action when they had con- demned. Mr. Bonnettzeaid that on 7th `October The Globe was taking the ground that Parliament `should be called, but the Premier svasstudiously silent in his speeches in'Ohicago- on the` important` question" which was then agitating all classes in Canada, and if the Premier would admit how many cipher telegrains reached him in Chi cugo from members of, hieCabiuet'and party in connection with the matter it would be seen that his was not a bed of_ roses._ Mr. Bennett spoke of the seething condition of public opinion against the inaction of the Govern that were made to the Premierin his i` .M_r. Bennett's Speech. In the House of Commons `last- : .'1`hursd_ay Mr. Bennett (East Simcoe-) 1 charged the Minis er of Pubiic Won-ks . with being responsible for the delay in r sending the con_tingeut, and for_ the ' situation of which the Opposition complained, The Premier had been, -he,said, the v-first man to go out of his way to ridicule the proposal which was : thenbefore the _ people, to send is con _ tinzent, and he quoted the interview. with Sir Willrid published inThe Globe in proof of his assertion. Mr. (Benn_ett' also suggested that an apology` was `due the author of. the article ln = The Canada Military ;-Gazette, which i i was critized in that interview, in which he also mead the hand of the Minis- ter of Public Works. Mr; Bennett then quoted from--Ls Pattie, to show that the Minister of Public Woiks, whom he held responsible for the utterances _of that paper,` had denoun- ced members of the Cabinet as crimin- Dr. Livinqhcoho has left a muvn-br or pamphlets on the war with Dr; Rich'- atdson. j ` " 1ir.`*eLieiuglaconi ta. $.}..d hose st `hll station. in`. the rnei-that-n ` corner of Zululand, within a T inile_ of the: herdcr (if Swszilshd; of the deacmt *tion- of his "house" and 3'of ` those offhis three`. E.-ssopenn connpsnions . on the station ; - oi his e_scspe_an_d long yolk across country to thevnesresti police station, one hundred u`nd'torty miles. sway, nndzsgsin of. two hundtedfsnd ftymiles from "there to the Toaela. He expressed the opinion that the services of the young Z ulna who offered to ght to keep. the Boers out ' should have been accepted, and that With a smallforce of them, the dncult passes from Sivazilund'and Zululand `could have been held. 5,% ` , " `V - .%I%`9i>`1P19\%9f ,.`[ `p`31s0-T > ?i39."'e!# ac-and Mm: _U.s;.1..uy.na is . deep. *i%1eyelTi`% v`-may. %DZI.`::,' r-r`4:n..d'.-.;::~."hi,'h 7 th ref-ad ind '.iihe:5'{ _"f`idv the_" V River "and '} "- Thin} valley from one to twd_ miles Svide,` and wpn'ld' be on JmdndalI gun_ from" t.l1`e'-hil_l_nou both sides. The oohntri to be_tuverued by the relieving Vtorca is very. similar to that glrgddy dpieured, `C; c.` - Robero Hare ffuce. something] ln0!6 serious than a charge of. cattle sealing in the near future. The Her- ald has pm. f -from reliable -eeuroee Lhathe win he put upon` trial fer the uiurder of `a young men named Alfred- Reynolds , lvihoee jdneuppearenoe {about ghtfee; yeere ago wee, mega than _I levee "l_`y :`1ro`hr3:er in *thee`=ln6ishb0rhbod "of ; Ai":- eeree uillte -luooeeded 1it*!iins 1-iiv*58i@i.09ll;*` '0 $9.6 livi V t Dealingewith the question of whether. p {m- not Britain was justisd in entering it "upon the presentwar, Dr. Livingstone A grew impassioned and eloquent, Are. justified, he asked, in taking" up fgthis quarrel. for has not Canada com- mitted herself as deeply as the Mother ..Oountry, andare not her sons spilling V`: their blood on behalf of their South :jA_i'ricanpfellow subjects? Are not we here in "_"Barrie interested in knowing wl)eth_er_'onr boys are ghtingin a just icahusepi llBtit9dl_ Yes, the war is a_ A nthouiasndt times j ustied, and no other: co_urs e'{ would have been _'justied." applause.) "If President -Kru p gas has treated the Utlanders whom he invited to the Transvaal like human _ beings with bodies and souls, Dr. -Livingstone continued, there would _ i` have beenno need for war, and no war. `pThe_ groanings and throbbings of that - . icountry under the cruel `tyranny of < ` ` ' Paul Kruger and his Boers were-pitiful V tohear and to behold." . "This is not a ' struggle for gold, Dr. Livingstone de- V olrared,` emphatically, but for liberty." ' .1" -;.Tra nsvaal," he said again 5 the `Trans-" . -. `veal went to war with England. In I a support of these opinions Dr. Living: .""sitone enumerated some of the griev- _...cdm_r_.elled to pay two prices for that 1' necessary commodity ; the uniust ta`xa- `1 fgtiun, bearing ten times as heavily -upon P "-4;the:foreigur8_ei`;upnn the Boers-; the ;_;_rail way_ eitortions by `whichfreights F` iers chargedgl =ranging from to n ajsven times the value. of the `goods. 5* "r hich3the Uitlanders were `deprived of A s" trial in courts subjectto the will D1 ii:-Ovgtll President; the iniquitous _ran law, which made` it "utterly t impossible under any circumstances for "511 .{i:n`a`n to get a vote intthe "country till; 0! phadbeen fourteen` years ,"_lthef.e. and re . *'9I'tv 19'1": .'s9se#d*s'!>ih even. "71 `thlraleft it very .doub_tful Vllther `be ill hum 1 More Reports About `Robert Bare, The.Alhst.ou Herald has the follow- ing new in las; weeks` issue about. vubert. Hare who was sentenced a few days ago to eighteen months in Oenufal Prieon for cutie stealing :-- nI,-=nV| " H V, at Pretoria. Here is the story of a 3 Dundee resident whowas ca.ptn_red by B ers and lodged in Pretoria jail. He says :-Our prison door was opened at 5.30 in the rnornlng, and then our morntngmeal came around, consisting of-meslie meal porridge in a tin dish and a piece of bread. For dinner we had bread and boiled beef,_ while the water that the latter was boiled -in was carried around, and we each got a pannikin. _1n the evening ` we got , menlie meal and porridge. After the _ evening meal our rooms were searched, as wellss our persons, `the roll was called, and we were then looked up for the night. on Christmas day they alloweod usa little hot water to make some tea, and a few days before we left ` they allowed us to buy a load of wood. - to boil water for coffee once a week- We were allowed to buy any. food we ` wanted from outside. .We __were not ` allowedto talk with the other prisoners and we had each our bit of ground marked oil . One thing I wish to bring to the notice of the public is that, while we treat the Boer prisoners to good f00d, t6i| and co'ee, our colonial I volunteers in Pretoria jnil have to sub a unit to prison rules as it they` are con- 0 vicrs,`and get`nothing_to eat` but dry ` bread; me;ai1e_mesl-,V porridge and corned R18" l I I I s .7: A. . , t ._.I,: ..--5 mtylsv - I E .; II ; Ff` vi`. 1. :, H. _ 3.1` .3 i is nature's .grandest remedy. It contains no [mm- eral substance, no morphine, opium or other false stimulant. Every box is registered and num-l bered, and contains a guarantee `that in case a purchaser is not cured after. using one `boi: as directed, the price of the medicine will be refunded.` OUR NATIVE HERBS is sold in tablets, also in powdered form, at $1.00 `a box, containing zoo day's treatment. " If you can't get it at your drug- gists we will mail it to you on receipt of price. we ALONZO o. sI.Iss-co{. 232 3:. Paul sum. lethal. cmaa. ` -3 -- ~, an .- . ' rfgu` ` . , .. 'v ,., V " smmiut $ emu nun. ..r_'nlcKl`.l-;l8ll`__ : WT - sunsmnuu . mow noctu- wonimon ---- sucmm_---- lnherbs s and barks gis `specic :rfor`*s'ome~particular disOrdet~iz_1, the human systenl. ;_; Thesom binaetion_ of $11 fhese s cnrative properties in one tablet ' Ld 1_1ees'. ae remedy - ifqr T all diseases V` of A , Liver, Shtomaich, Blood of Kidneys which, for quick and ,,pe1jm.ane,I_1t results, has never been equeled. X - -`--_An~fppo_alia about to be made to ,P_arlia mant2 thiodgh [_-the-` W.O.T.U td .pt6hibi`; s1iav:fiqnpoj;eaugo %f;and *muuut;.% WT: g a'h9~ ; "'.."?=% w}*.'."` i-`_m1iosui.nip as *rg1..;%.1.1i.%1.%a% thedog tga x.V _ _ 7. . ` -u-----Q-3.------2 Washington and Cromwell. - 1 After the American Bevolution,l Washington s great character, sound common sense, and entirely disinterest `patriotism, made a bulwark both against anarchy and against despotism _coming. in, the name of a, safeguard against anarchy; and the people were [it for self-governmnt, adding to then f erce jealousy of tyrannv at reluotan I and by no means wholeheart, but genuine, admission that it could by- afverted `only -' by coming to an ment among themselves," In conso- que_nce, Washington would not let his olcers try to mal;ei'.h_im ` Dictator, nor allow the Continental -Army .-to much against the weak 0o`ngr.ess. which dis- trusted 'i_t,wss fungratei_`ul"to' it,` and refused vzzov ,i)r6v_id`ef" rm-~ y it; 1 Unlike .. rOromwell, he _su'.\:' _fhat_ ` FP' .'*I4'*L "f"9*!%! ;.9.:hfi'itf: 9'!-4 ;~!v.t-W-sch are-I l_:t.P=on8.h:;`fi'!9!'Af.<:`h9'w9d. i When`yonng Reynolds arrived av IIare e place he had 8100 in cash. He was only there two months when he `disappeared, leaving behind all his clothing,.inoluding a watchfand other valuables. The boy's mother lives in. England and up. to the time he went to live with Hare he had written to her regularly. After going to Here's tha- lad e mother only received one letter from her son. Although she has had advertiaementeinserted in newspapers tbroughontvtlanada enquiring for hiu. she has been nnahle to get any ' tidings of him. 7 T i the missing boy was a, forgery; Much more important evidence than this has been secured, it is alleged, by Detec tive Greer in the vicinity in which Hare lives. One of Hare s young children, in reply toaquestiou by an` implement agentabout the time the hey disappeared is said to have re plied :--I never saw him after the night pa struck him with the pail. Pa said he was dead and put him in the cellar. O_n another occasion u. young son of Hare, while picking potatoes in a heavy zinc pail, -re marked :--`_".l`his is the pa'il pa struck Alf. with. I styls. % muons INVALID! PORT Aaeucv. 1731`. umts STREET. . - T ettgehed to every bottle. -. ' For" the additional convenience of the co ~ .} For weak` and~~'rundqwn<:people a Tonic - W by Physlciansjrrespectlve oi me BEMRUSE ca, Gents N etura.44xBeaver Caps. . Astrakan Cups - Persian Lamb Caps. . 64x72'in (lotto Bl _ 64x72 , ext! 56:72 % - A1}; % 'oolB1anlets.. 40 inch Dre in Ngw Prints, Gingham Qretonnas, 'Ar'.,.'Hr?;?erie8' .43-,_g;_;:,1$%Iuslins, Sateens, Fm 'M J,l_81i_IilSV ,J' -Dr6!ss. Goods," _ V "bched, Half Bleacheda ;Co`loi',ed Table`*Linen' ` ' u 4 i E I8 A1 OLI. DIUOOIITI. ouonllmvc ullooun um` run. WSPRING Genus New mam 1 CERTIFY Wakes : In- `vaIx`d:' Par: IVx'u to 6: a wine .qf;ood>qa'I:'!y, fleataxt to the last: and that rub the }n'uc:`- }lc_: of Ciackou Bark {chick 1'! cbulains it 1': at nurd tonic. Terms, Cash LABORATORY.OP PRAAL SCIENCES ' `col Blankets. . . . . solgl oal:_Agont. French An: - v _:; i ., On;every_ ``.S1ater_Shoe , put there by `he _a'_s,._a.-ggzarantee of wear value -a pft E extortignate prots. , . `l V .- `_'.`...`A_,__. , Ef L _ Made.Ain' twelve ffo`ot-mode1 shapes, all \vfidtI1s,1 eat11ers, Evri pair coca-4 Many men Slater Shoe A - ithe sole -- this : ._ Value of the she tn:-ers. A %f.9?A*?'5,?"`F%` $5- FOR sALE BY JOHN '. _.`?Y3.`1`11:.would rgadily pay more for %`??..S; 9.7w"Wre not the price stamped ?5 9. M01, (A I._A oumu nu :9 %followisB%ials : tical Chemist, Eieur L. Mini: '4. Minier, says about OI` vw oobs. Produce. AVOID IUI ..35c.to50c , ..Q. 3150 $10 fhomitt. Monti "~`?.i `m..m 3-. is 5 00 I5 00 125 150 350 300 350 650 5 00 REG. SPICLJ jl`;iinu'tone gayaf gs deaoriion 4|-0` ;mn<!? I-:-'dxIstni'*h- A-t {G V leavi $4..-- the j3't'l`1el deli apt-$iipg*i11iia{r i.livduec1qi:ts:ri-1.sets !l#!ii9Tt9?!?5: l .9'79 S trio. Dr. eL;vriag`;a;ne ss_id,~had failure. It and ._ mung; ' levee` British: ; sta_t eeIne_n * may `gataav: credit ` for ?_.charact_e`rtstrc`s reheat they, didnot frag; had :s,"e cteditafor was .sraticndu. aajd imam` tea virtues aim-1y%ro::gn {:9 mm. `After opaaaiug ram-lane? at half years atnong the Boers; treating` lthemvand mixing with them, he gave_ itals his deliberate and candid opinion; Qfrthac the better you treat a Beer, the f fyorse he will treat you. ' On the other ~j.hand,the'more rmly they are dealt vith, the greater will betheir respect.` l'l.vi.'1'his feature in Boer `character should 1 never be forgotten by thoee who . guide `Britain : policy in South Africa; The Natal Boers werethe beat of the-breed, ~ .Jyv'rhlle the Cape Colony and Orange S :.l'.[Eree State Boera `were very much A superior to those of the Transvaal, and _the Boers of -S waziland were the scum of the race. The retroceasion of the '_`_'.l`ransvaal in 1881 Dr. Livingstone ` characterized as a crime, and the great- V est mistake made by Gladstone in all a his career. One of the objects of that surrender was to bring about a fusion of the races, and to quiet the racial ` jealoueiee of South Africa; but the re- sult} had been exactly the opposite of _ whathad been hoped for.