Northern Advance, 31 Aug 1893, p. 8

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r - A Hundred` Poisoned by Koulnlol. llosoow. Aug. 80.-Moro ,ehan2;00 por- IVIIIII. Bholunovodnz, s cnmm`or"rioort_in the Cnncuuu, have bpon poisoned by ken- uuu. Tho run at the summer visitor: Inn Me" in s-phnlo. Bntfor a few pox`-soul to'oA II! to bi movgthg hotels u'p` be the best Exhibition outside the cities this year-A i lCentral A . Exhibitions ' which i i will be greater this year ` than is e ever before. `With A attractions that L outnumber any i previous ebrt and a large list of entries which is increasing daily, the Central 4 Simooe anvil UIIIII DIITUUPUF UIITICI I gull. - Several cues are on record where men have bought wives or tnded for them in this section, but Streeter in the first to de- _ liaentely steal an entire family. ' treats: has -mm. . nun-f. .3 hi. I::....`.. - Ilnaun ms. ` . V-I.u..4-_, I=n-9, Ln. And % % Agoldont lnsuranq. F. A.LETT V - rvpuuflug u 'Il|l'lll Hill.` ' WASHINGTON, D. 0.. Aug. 30.-'I`ho Com- mittu on Way: and Man: will proceed at Katie wit_h the preparation of 5 general ts:-IE yFANOY STORE ~ ChinaSi'l:l.:s, 25. per yard. % Lovely Silks,` 700., $5 in. wide. . Far Dtaperies, alsci Bengaqs in all shades, for 1 ohmnp PE8E[lTED EXBEEDSI INSURANCE In; eur immense Variety all tastes and Purses can be pleased rnnwm & nsvuu. ~gua;rantee these Goods to surpass in S%;ty1e,Qua1ity;{and Low Price All our former eorts Thecontents of . . . .__- -- ..., uvuvlv cu uulninerclll pl'M- x'.it;y. iiscnfglunders and unsound s ecu-' ntion count for much, but it may be oped that. the--removal of the silver incubus will` enable the Amoricnns to see more what` other measures are required to put businoss onfm sound basis. A -:- Step hens 130Ys9 %4% cAsE Several special lines InzMen s Suits, from $5 upwards. %This Week as;-3'9 z-=1 .':J. i3k}6 into I013! UIIIOK Hand um! T010! In` loo 119 12 ` ` Man 1'; 3 H 3' {s A91ga'i-$u'`1u1 ao'x': nun1oat.$;_ 3.. oloo. Tole hone No. nnly Association t settle! the money to the cred mm`, _ , 0.l.C0LLIN5o " 011150 ' ' D'OB'ogt%rtor3`mDl-tr" 'Tn;a -`I... scan curl st:-`ecu : Cnrol a Gun and the Plundored Husband. _ VI, --`J A man Credit & Protection ASSOCIATION. LJGUUUS GU -'- "" celebrated Toronto Bisstli In: fact anything you Want QI n Canned Chicken, Ham, Tongue. Be ' Salmon, Lobsters, and n ` V Vegetables of all - - kinks. Condensed in Tea, Coifee, C0 3 Sauces and Pickles. I Es in`ockTust {hat fouwant .I.u IIIIJD any M11115 DUTTBN _oo:.u:.1soo. nun mil Going_ Campmg? T;e roc --v gnu-uevv "SUI! ll IIIIU IllIll0l'lKvy V very rema%able declaration or opinion of the Lower that the severe and continued depreseion int ouse can confer. It is` evident` trade hae worked a. very decided chen ein` the popular views. It seems impro ble. . ,at anything will come out of the Voor-; hees bill. his the expiring etfort of the silver party. - Silver, deprived of the` support of the Sherman Act, will. sink to a level` `too low to -suit the bi-metallist notions of a proper ratio or to-facilitate the establishment of a double` standard. The passage of the Wilson bill` will not produce the unlimited improve- ment iuthe situation thatis expected in some quarters, because the Sherman Act ie not the` only obstacle to commercial pros- rity. Fiscal blunders ltion count. for lnnnh 1...; :5 ...-_ L. ----J - _IJ Ian --A cre Sun nid `D J. .0! Sim will an next at his wi Toron afores Date; V -Septe n U0 Mate `Barri greate MUI 2 . '+'-- . 4 Grant (`Image In American Opinion. Lmwnnn .Ann "on ml.. in _ ,, .-. IVUI held. His H the Barri ijlst at 1! sever ' B n `Y AS The `at the carri D nu] any-n at 2 0 the SI: and p AI- A-1; about J ewe In III II M nuuung Will Come of the Vool-hm-1 Hill. The Times says: The Wilton bill goal to the Senate with all the authority that tho. very romanhbla denim-Atlnn .-.: ....:..a... .n bvvu 58811 -}U. , I 5 All xequi l'ut brak in j ur c:..m cam tow wi al eve ofh vxol the go igni- -1----: lothlng Will Come A m:___ A_ 1:: /53] K; .r,. -.. TEE _ ..- uuu s uuuuyu Ill AlllOt'.l0I.UI ()Il|I0lI.v Lonnox. -Aug. i30.-The Morning Pout say: that the - vote in United States Home of Ropreaentntives yesterday indicate: I grout change in American opinion and shown that the Democrats are prnotiogllly united for the repeal of the Silver Act; V the face of such a majority, it nddu, the ` Itruggle in the Santa will ..probI.hly `ho ` shorter than`wn_anticipated. V - 1 WASHINMON, Aug-. - -The `Senete"Co u i- mittee on Finance decided to report back to the Senate the Wilson Re eel bill with the recommendation that the oorheee bill el- iesdy on the Senate calender be subetituted or it. . . The committee also resolved to net beside the Netionel.Benk Circulation bill. whichie new nnniehed bueineu in the Senate, in favor, of the Voorheee billeandito prese the letter measure as rapidly as the taper of % the Senate will permit. `f WA'1'l'0B::6l.It-.-: Iu`.}:'"'e:<'>f'-Tiara. John Wilton. who live: about four mile: from hero on the fourth line of Warwick, was in town but evening with hot non-in-low; Hr. Borrower, and had just _|-oturnod to 11;. ower : when he ' got out and led the nu through the gate and went back Atojuhnt it up while: Mn. Wilton hold, the. lines. The team utsrto of, and an away, running into the wide of the burn, out- turning tho on. Mn. Wilson had but f'5$a"Tlnwl.iabt'to '.i:.a"5:.`&*`2'.;.,. `:33: oftorwnrda L = .sho II Bonndtor 80 Efrmll ("ono|ng the Ocean 103 Death: Occur:-_od on E ";I!o u.r_d-.noooma `oh: otgnro ~_.Ja'noI:ro ;`:`!I'v.-,-n_ crui`a_nr. . . -. r` . 3* : `VAL1mAIso,'. Chili, T Aug . 30.--'A, d0- Iplwh frtn The Herald : correspondeht in Rio Juneiro, Brazil. shows that the ateuuar Cgrloa in onxthe Atlantic` Ocean, `bpund for no 01-t, lled with persons infected wnh ch_'o era and having 5 `recgrd of 103 death: on her voyage across` the? ocean.-f ` `V . dnnhntldk nan: Clan -5-'----- I`-"" The United state: Senate Finance- mlttoe PI-eton_'l`hln Moniurv. II1 . .;.--_-- -._ - - vuuct VUyG8C I070!` Ina Qc0In.`_ ' _ " `J, The deepetoh eeye the steamer Ca_r1oe'er- rived at Rio Janeiro yesterday from Greyd Island, Cenelee, end that 103 pereone on board of herdied -from cholera on the way over. ' " ' V V'- When the rehip got into the herbor and made her report she was refused permission to land. or even put her orew end pauengere in quarantiue.- She nun anon:-too` nut 1-` '5- -- -_.._. -. ........ ya uvl crew Inn palleugerl uura.ntiue.- She mu escorted..out.of the lat or by the V warship Republican: and ordered not to land at any` Brazilian port. A lrlmms THE 0.! BL :*~ "-`*,'.' `*" -"s. ` ii . svrrnnizha. ' ;' -MAY so mro LIouIo_A~1'I6r. u--o--at-p r-navoas THE voom-ass eu_:.L. sl-corsv o-uis HIRED MAN. STOLE A wt-IOLE FAMILY. rour nmba, Twenty-tour Wounded, ; Bnnnnt, Aug. 30.--A telegram from Dar- uhullnn In that on Aug. 12 Licut. Axt ltd 'o;l_Tth'o ,0:-tiod dump of Bultgn MuMll_ gs - lihiih-Jdro and -'four oflvhilvmon vim klllodfpn`d-24 wounded in u attack. mus. t:?.;:'. .. W- Killodh Bi I 'BunIway; I` nun Ono A n. on "!`*PIIr|n: a nail! IIm. runmnu "l\ (1 A--- an on .. Il7:l_-__ Ln: . . Deilu (`ong- (II-Ill VIII ll -Ul'I`lIVVI'0 ' It is -a moot question Wvhothr "every individual in not at birth gifted '*wi: the same amount of vital energyJ.and ot life-`sustaining `p0'\`V'c'r." Thb `pl"<'>babilityf` is that each` `is. The =ci;'cnn1atan;c`q"o the onvironmnt from the cr,ad1e_.t0._t:h. grave 'deterniin_o; tutu:-6' dO5i!;V; ~ f ' This is the` hgaviest "Parliamentary session on: rooord. jxugo jmgqy . q;en1`1er'g `~ have" never beta:-o_b,eqn _ao conxinuouily in thgvouae-. says: "the; Pb.IlI[b,1|'Bud. E; The (vex-ago` has been 500, and. of on an` avoi`M 6:5 460 `l15VZO4dineZi I 611! ant` Iiunhn ant` -n-.-...I ......`l-.. Ila 3|; taunt Uuv VII pu. Q,. , is may be burned out to` little" eecg` in a , litttle time, or carefully huubanded and f preurved and thus made to Inuit longer and burn highest. A V ' - .- "Is In -n nnsnlt lIIIAfo\I|;~:-`%`\A'`u`d': h _ '9: _I_ ' How He mbau 6! Pbilliinant `Agra `Food, WU XI 3 VQIQ` ZVV xgghtly and limohzd and Ill under e roof of the Iaegiulatuim ookly the % consumptio_n..ot moat has, hegn ..u':1-:91. lows; 5: 'shiep;2.5;' '1 gmb`; 20; ul .200 head ; `Ialmon. 10, daily. no :1 " ht tliciowere 700 !..hdi 6!`;:QI`1:`(`;tp `- m.s.....u~ --oiI:'a..sI.i .o-.~-~. l'..In.`a'r Lad. -. Wonhlppon at 3 camp oating Inter- I-npcon My 3 Hunt. mmsnm, P... Aug. 30.-'-Over 20.000 wonhi per: and onlookers at the gross Moth at camp meeting at. Rcwlinavillo were thrown into on u roar yesterday ly 0. . ar- piltol shot that hem n allot through an John Patton : leg. . Patton met his hlrad mm in 4.1.. ....... "5%5`5-T""3f'a3I73'te`"7=53?bi??r -borriefl. a j,thp`.whole c9x1su:.15ecl;;_],(); Inn: A! nndnns GI-III UIIVT UL UIIU VUIIIllIUIIiWo . It -is the inev.itablo"law of natui'e tho} % we must die. The vital energ that is implanted in ._thp body at _ irth is only meant to it.->;f<>.r 9; certain number of yours. It may be huabanded or wanted made to but-:41. ql_9w_l pr rapid- ly. Itisiiko -the oil ,ll1 -..a. p, and mnv ha hut-nnrl nut Ian` Iita" h-`nook 6 n vuv ul.uv`I 011100. n-it IIUKCIWQ Gill` >_ `V!!! Ion: of cream. DVGLIIII-JG IIVUUUI UIIGIJ G UUIIUIQ ".7 -Any natural death but from old age and general decay is an accidental death; thatie, it is due to causes which might, and even perhaps could, have been entirely avoided and remedied in earlier years. But, of course, all the secrets of attaining extreme age are not -, even now within our reaoh,,and the few i that I.hIVO,' inted out but ggtew, and those 0 the commonest. f 1'. 3.. 4.1;- :..--u.-I..I-~|--.. gn __.-_.`__ `Al A. uvu uuuJcvwu vu luylu uuuugea Ul. IBIII` u rature. When the nervous power is ` ecreasing ah the result of age, and the system islosing, the power of combating cold and strain upon its energy, a atimulatiu diet invigorates, and is con- ductive to aintaining constitutional ' stamina better than any other. ` .Lnu natural A-Incl-H I-nut 'Iu\I\-n ALI A...- I ndtthat it old people are uton a good meat diet in the way 0 stron soup , beef tea, and animal food, an only just euloient farinaceous food and fats and eugarto maintain the heat of the body, they increase wonderfully in enerzi. and, as they often expzees it, feel twenty years younger. This is only natural; it is a food of energy: the food that builds up muscle, nerve, ` `and con- ` etitutional stamina. ' \ ` HVL- ..-_---_-_.-_A- .-D AL- _.__A, ., 0 I I ` ` DUIIIIIIIIIILIGI UIICIIIILICI The requirements of the system in old age, as a rule, `are not v y great, and more harm is done by takmg too much food than by talking too little. 1 have known people considerably ._ over seventy derive the greatest benet from a thorough change-ol diet. It seems to rejuvenate them. Of course, in old age l care should be taken that the body is not subjected to rapid changes of tern-. nan-ntnrn. When thn nnrvnnu ntiuvnv h. _vu. - nun. in w uuuv VI vvvv IICIIUU I! once ou had Ioentod The wil older blosloml 7 Tint bloom bytho old nil tonoe. A violet scent is onscent thst is neat, 1'0 use in one : twentieo the odor most meet, A tram-once quite free from antenna. -v Uuvv nu velv - vvvvuvlwi uuv vuvl IMUIII move, frag:-enoe quite from pretence. But have it for mud: to bind in their braids. . Andve me the tenet of scents, The bl;:t=l'gf :11: blossoms a e w er loeeome That bl b th Id mil 1 oom y e 0 once. . heir tn-exile white grece in like oint de Venice` They drepe the wood piece: with frecrenoe" 1 pence: ` ` the-liwrng at Cooper & smith may Bo Wound Up. Toonm, Aug. 30.,-For uevul month` ti`. than-o ha been oonI'ido`rablo `men between` "tho members of the wall-known` firm` of 0-0 1' & 8mm: 36 Front.-otredtiyveut. The an in compouii of James Co'6_p6r,abd John C. Smith. '5. again: in `IQ OK; -A-.-..-I l_..._--_! V W 0 -u_u_, nu-yw uuu vvvvu yuwcn wuau IIIKFIII P0300: _ A vlrglunl charm they dxapense. ` Liko I la: of uixteon that no lover ha lean, They spell you with bright. lnnooonoo. V In childhood they won me, The wild older blououu -T That bloom by the old nil Iona. ` --"hA `nnnnnl _.._- ..--..- -. - - --.-nu an-_u Into. It pleases all nodes, or mad or bit: It in the most re lo scents. But tell: as you will I hold to it still, Though you eem my perception in dense. There : nothing so sweet as` ' _ ` ` The wild elder blossoms A That bloom by theold nil fence. rhe [odor of musk is e scent of old time. A whit! in the dusk ll 3 theme for a rhyme; "Pin the perfume of all most intann-_ A wnm in me dunk in theme t Bgtugg Th mil X or rhyme; A perfume most intense. to: the smell that nothin u d wish it 5 mile or tr 3 cm quell! 0 hence Air` AI: hinnhnnnn _.-_-_ ---uuvgglgp. The new of rose in qunint and rare, ruddly It in the moat mg-ml n lnanltn Ills] . No, said Mr. Edison, you can no more make a burglar-proof siafethan an unsinkable ship. Even" with a safe can neither bore nori crack the burglar with -a dynamite `Lcartridge has it-at his mercy. The. burglar `can carry in his pocke; what 18 equal to 100 horse wer. Ten pounds of coal 3` have esame horse power as a d - mite cartridge, but the coal in burning expands the power over a, lo time, while the dynamite concentrates it in a fraction of. a second. `No sooner is some new resisting substance found` than `we 0 to work-and learn how- to destroy it.` his is the history of armor and guns, and they are now experimenting as 170 how the nickel-steel armor may be ierced. Indeed nickel-steel has already Keen turned against itself, an made into gu _ ably ada ted._ The modern battleship with nic el-steel armor gains, in s cc, and strength and lightness. -_-New or]: World. d is being i 4 ! 1 ns, for which it is admir- ' _--- u--- ouunwvuuvva I-II 15 LIUW ECU. `U0 some extent. in 't.a`.tVle-ships and guns. It makes splendid armor. The Harvey. izedsteel is one vaziety of this metal. Steel will crack. N zckel-steel on cannot crack. - Iron you can bore, a mi nickel- steel is hard to bore. ~ uu ...:n n...__. ...__1__. LI_. - ` - ` ' - uvcvn In ucu.!._J DU l'Ul.'C' . It will then m` 1: th I)` la 4 .sa.te;for which the ~\\?orldeha.surl)geez: mg ` ` Wn"nn3:I \f.. IFA:...... n-_-_ , . ' 5nlQx;l|:llg}l}B`:_IIU `|_P3U|,3,lls_1IUlilll.C(l`;@: 3. ,'.'Ri5,-';,sig_1,_i'4e.-:~:tuer9~ ii Wuhmggm No matter hossgiviwap "Em-416.)'b9Q9In.~`i. will hm! `n.'_ pI' , ' oricoi)Tsti`uctioh__;T ,_'[...,.', 4. ..- ~,a.._m "How is`that?" " " L W` ` ' AlIm1`inu'm h-is no strenfftYx',`fepTiegl i\Ir.EVHs'u iv. Ycu migti "as." welt-"use tend. it is as sufrw as -'l`eiid.' "Its only ~_n*clliial'ity'i its ngutness,~aud it will min" be useful In making ornamental u .je.c,.-. . it has.Iauleuin.prioef1_'om some .:.i5,u.p.ouud.tuabuutthe-.oost of. brass, 50. _Cents a..puund;,and,it is cheaper than brass: because you get mon:e_ to the pound. Ha_viu_g n_o strei-gt-h. this new` metal, as . it has been, cahed; is not a v`.1il;m_1ef for : machinery." I "Can u. not be used for building steam- S lips? ` V i ` ."No; iecause it lacks the strength, and xveighz. does notcouut in the con- structio.-1 "of aship. - Au aluminum ship would hardly be stronger than out of paper V It only gains strength when aail._`) ed with some other metal, like. (:o',)p..-1'." ' _ " Wiiut is ahe metal of the future?" "`Nici.'.ei-steels is the coming thing, answered Mr. Edison, without hesita- tion. "It consists of sure! with an addi- tion of about 5 per cult. of nickel, which gives it ductiluy and increases its hard- ness and resistance. It is now used to some prim-n. ii. i.u:rI.._..r.:... .....a ....-.._ Mr: one made. u.| -tau IBUIJ `WI! IISKEQ `'3! I118 la ' Q fe at am: a;;:o`if =a`llimiia um-` '?Iro1d`-:tf- xigst SQlVe:l1anxry-_`:'o. ebb` Iprokil-his of. \ w.|,Ie_u ,it;.sl10uld:uultJimatly become! as- ` che. a,s,.h* iszsobn.-destiuedt`oe'.s " .q',"_.,aid:ue, `.fuuer_e_ is-notghiug,-in Lt. xi. ... ., .-4';-. 3 -7:x:aI.Ie ;chu;t;ou:m_g'hIo:a|;? 2: . . : : ka%_ ai fe dawn a_ra if -mill: miwnm.` s:..m..M.;;...u- In IIDIIIII vvvyvl Iluu uullll Us Dlllllllo It seems to be the general impreuioh in bunlnou circle: tint than will bev I dil- solution, or that the rm will go into liqui- dation. . nu Ill UIIU I BWOXJ q` luva it for mu: T why Grow oak? Elder Bloubml. [Ill "3. -'!l_1e Independent. sh-Mb! =35 4 ,..-t l.1%_i"I:7i _f3!1I=II%iiiI2l!L!!'!:';!4 % 9 n. . . - ` . The EpioiEhTLddo; Iilcliyita. M'tl.i-. bdilt church, In nu attended and very 7:2muoh en1oyod >bv u1l_1.rhoIro present. ._,_ Vcisithii iiittriq: .3? udvnnhga.~~.-=ot-. ntvlc holldny visited fr;ieaiiin;our vilh'g"o;. ~.' ? 7 . .2 Q`-qn` or an ~- was vvsy III 'y_IVu`IlIll3 wuluu IIIVII beonaylg `out =buainouL 5: Hits :' '%I-lndir* R0biiQ`i "ha rotumocl homgi i{!,{.V15itiiait'tengIa Rugby. ` .;.u.;. .;?.......L-.. -1 III_,'_;_;-__'1_.__5._',1_ -III eruull IIIWUII II IE . ' hie hxred men intheoe end they became involved In as quarrel. T e hired men drew e metal end aimed it at Pett_on. e head. He pulled the trigger, but e byetender struck hie arm and the muzzle wee `knocked downward. ']`he bullet entered Pe'tton e leg and peered clear through it. The would-be murderer wee arrested, and the rel ioue services were seriously. inter- rupted y the excitement. ._ `Wheat; `be 60c:bu_'1ey, to 400.; rye," .4550. to 500.; newoate, 300 to32c. ;, 5004 t955c`;hay.x87.oo to $7-50 per ton; strum. . $4.50` to $5 '00 ; potatoes, 500. meg;;beef.,hindquu-hers, $6. 50to$7.00 per cwb.; fore.` mutton, 85 90.,bo'$5.50 ; mut- ton,;7_90 to} 00 ;_tnrkeya_, l0c_. to_11e. :- lb.; geese, 70".; ducks, 500. to 600. `a pa 1'; fowln. to 50 ;-butter, 19. to 10. per e1b.;;1wd& -W..13.; . 10-'.0e11- Der `dbzj;;hi "160.--to_ , I, 0081. ; ii 400. e?`5?`mm' ;medp"i1`i'& ` '3? ' 'i3..of~ A. _ . - no 33150 lamb-kin. to wool. P.r:.=lh":m.dl uooeper, cord; to Iii: EC}T.Z.2.i'Z'5.'}'i1.;..n""s2y"2'.'e'nl." u' .3 was very dryludvploughing won! hayo kn ' 1* ~ The uiarketbn S.a-;t;r:i`aA"y-; a fair aver- age o_ne but" there was nothing specially noted exce t the Icaroi ' of butter and hay. I1'he follow 3 were p cell on the market iequ qufe that day :- :_L' pr", . `an 1 u .. . ._` uvvuuuu nuu uuu.Iuuu1ngI,'nlrIl Ind an WC! ' &mAJ..EmY on the mmmh`Il:s. ox-Aguylottex-to tgqivsi 9 Post ome. - ' ant, ausuuuo 111101.! 0110 mqnnenglna re&cnea spot the bodies were `soon recovered, but 'eEorts_ at resuscitation failed. `Mr. Miller wasin Bnalo at the time and when the news that` his home was thus wrecked was conveyed to him, his` grief was unspeakable. He immediately left for Parry `Sound ` The bodies of the mother and son were taken to the family residence, Toronto, on Monday, and -the funeral took place on Tuesday. Mrs. Miller was 32 vaarn hf Ann 4...; 3...: nu uuv unusual. UUUIL pllu OI! 1'|'l98(1auyn Miller was 32 years (if age dad had been married 12 years. .44 `in his struggles dragged ,_ _ _ VV on 9000 UOIV shore the water :u_ddenly deepens from 3 to 15 feet. .Claue'o'n, the _elder boy of 10, got beyond his depth; _' Seeing his struggles, the mother, who was on shore, ran out into the water to save hereboy, but he caught hold of her and erdown. Miss , Cunniu ham_ ran to save them, but seeing` she` coal do nothing. rowed distract- edly to where a man was ound. He could not swim, however, and Miss Cunningham. was obliged to row half a mile to where the steam tug Minnehaha was resting off Sesetla Island. "*-When the Minnehaha reached the m0 th IDA-A `-Ann can-4-.-`---J `L--A I . . . :LABGE BRICK RESIDENCE -FOR SALE ; .inAllondele.onthooox-neroqt Wlnum ,ond Burton Avenue. Seven rooms.` etwohslls. xpantry. double cellar size of house. Lot hos 125 feet frontage. nice lewnwith abode trees .2Th!un-opertvwlbeuoldohew, end will bee ,BA bugletn to anyone in need of: good home. * *th - luo , 5l1.?i':._.;.`'3i"i.f__ f 9" `" `x ` ` Hotter and son 1-cum. Among the manylead drowning: of the present season` Tn: Anvmcn A recollect: none `sadder than the drowning of Mrs. J. B.` Millerfnnd her son at Sloop Inland, Parry Sound, me Friday. ' ' Mre. Miller was wife of the president `of the Perry Sound Lumber Company. She. lwith her two `boys and"-e friend, Mine `Cunningham, had gone out rowing. They stopped at Sloop Island, and the two bo 5 went in bathing. A 'tew yards from` e suddenly feeIs.CInnh'o'n. izha alrl'au- hm at In M; t......_.: I_____._m..__.________=_..____=, : 8'l'' Into the uremlneu of the ` undorsianedflot 14. concession 2. 01-0. about `mmmdl cm red toenwith w:?:t.-.u3?n tohtm. ``.?#n%r mu um: him away or he will he sold, an the law dinota. `PETER SHANACY. Barrie. Aug. 19th. 139; - ' M-Mn sue rumdered Husband. PALMER,, Aug. 30. --Curl Streeter of Brimeld has stolen from Chu-lee San- born of the same town a wife and three children. He dees Senborn to get them back. . eh citizens of Brimeld have no oordiugl hreetened to give Streeter I can of tar sud festhere, but ere deterred by the fact that Streamer curriee I gun. 8C'Il'Il mm: IPA nil rnnnr tings: -|`n . `J , '1 of Iv 3 npnll J Bxa;;x+;;5;.:" `Contractor kinds of exeavutin In SEWERS. UELLARS. WELLS. OIBTE N8. DRAINS. &o.. Job work and general repair- ing do-.e on short notice. Address 201 Dnnlop St., Barrie, let house vest Gas Works. 38-ly. frAuou|As-_H9yLp|ce, Jo,H~u ] ALLAN DALE, --nurw nc1-vain on`-- '51 `T "j5'j``" w'_ 3 Cu` ; Barony T. v ggvunvwpvx 1"lAio`Ex4a'i-1; bf 'Tuudoy;lit';;-av; bit} 9 thoi fngnog|oou1:'lootl}ty up tie` gt-gund caItskina..................T 5..".. ' 6 45.... 50 _ Toronto Farmers llurket. Tonouro, Aug. 29. 1893. H` Wh t. mt oooso Whgtagvunxo ....... ... no-.. w 2' r..L.L..[.{.;CT Gqw or Steer, .F'a.u.faer s, per owt ` Cow or Steer, trimmed, per cm Sheepskins each No. lGreen Hldea.. ......... (`all Qlrlnn uvuuwuy. Iwlu In anuro tlllllly. Stuour has spent 3 art of his lifoon _u much in the west, and as returned to the DIR . an-mg nun"... .3--- -...I ---A 4*` --- m ?&'.;-; 3 , . r. ` w . .- .a'l`uvt-EotdllnJhfa:a1: P9.9.7.~.:- :..-'~L~.~,.-A-k '3."2~.'! 94- .-'- 9-3-43 49 -.4 a . . am-.--. - cu cu-4.-n--..- ' 1 fir": l73"7"U"JT$ """:'i~'??"." ~ T". . D -- ~ Ant .5, ." t Y. 77u':~TTf5 tTT'TF"" ..I1 ufl '3 10- ' ' ~31: *_g;;'.3_- *},":`3"b?%`}! "..~er' 51 O. ` --j--_- nmrr 0.0.. mmrnn. . 2 : . R. SULLIVAN nun) Oommiadouorot ` 3. Box 73. name. T b3'-.--. mun Au: on T0 RENT.- "K15-mm 1533311: north omuo vuuge I . has :1] od im 31%!!! and ot1::IlIJniltl?1nn .2E 130611 I"lIUB3o........-. ll Calf h liking nnnlu `-nu.NmIrAcrvnnn .17`.- L In-tot Noun. on-uvu Ill IOIIU Wllv, II! III! TUUWTICQ to `D. out with some queer xdou and part of an Irma:-I.

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