Northern Advance, 31 Aug 1893, p. 6

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ae:;:-u:.;m;zaz::*:zt;::zec:u*;:: EVO ' the keys down tat ebu h, be con useda typewriter as we 1 -- The ma or s wands 1:3-.1 been oomin V llower an slower and ! -. they stop and-,gav vv_/a_._Vy"_%t.o. a\,wi;:::-._ snore. ~*.No"` Drakein Pittsb_urz,DiI|i a. ' `90;.WBK9:..31 "3"".- fdfeMI1i "' nwente 06%` A3 uognq, mumur 0011130653103:-FRIED, W1 Una` ` ' F V. E, In `i. ranuu %?:m,er 0RI'l_` Ltor Bmahln .t.. ernnd I or. `where time i with the line steamers tor the Boo.` . . . _ .2 For tickets and further information see folders qr,gpply .to nllugentp ct the G.1'.R.and C.P.R.. or . ~ ~ - o.'m.s1'm> 'Na.~W M.n'tm `N 2045 sec.-Treagltgomnawood Mam.` Wolf connects TDD 'M.'A1V.l'1'UU WI]-I IIIIKB IUKIIIIX I11]!!! 1l.'Ul.I.l hone. connecting with trains x from `P magma . ; _, theensoout Ionli at Midlaud`every'_Monday..Wod- nesduy; Thursday a'.n'I* Saturday on` of G.'l`.~R. rromall pointsmonth and cast for Parry Sound. maklnu connection;-there" wl tl_1eA ggggmgr F.1LrVORITEL,!or BM Inlet. . 3 `an and 'uIInsunau'n' 'g.I.1.... OK}: -Qfhn nhnnnzi utd}. Jl1n6?l0ll|.'- 3.115 -'V~l'I~ unuucuuy Loludin 'turday24th~.Se tember. . or round_ .ti'si'romf Colnzygqod. 01:" ..Wn souzjaou1y's2s?oo; Forjurtherbartioutera see folder:-. `ox-apply -to e.'r.R=., `or 0.'P.R;_ agents- MaLLANn&. RIXON. Owen Sound. or M. BURToN..Mzr.. 'o1linzwo9d.- t A 5 CITY OF MIDLAND. CITY OFJJONDON. FAVORITE. w MANITQU. 1 Running inconneotion with the G.'l`.R. and C. ._R.. wm saiidnring the season. a t 'v oi'.e1893.-as foilows':- * ' The CITY .01!` MIDLAND and the CITY OF LONDON will lenvecollingwood .at-1.30_ p.m., e very Tnepday and Friday on arrival of G.T.B. morning trains from` 'l`ojronto,`:and' Hamilton; calling at Meatord`. Leave'~0wen' Sound same days at 10.30 p.m.. 8-.flerfarriva,l_of? 0.P.R.o train from Toront -._ oonneoting, at Wiarton with night train from the south and atoplng at all intermediate rte to Sault Ste. e_. Re- turning. leave t e Boo at dayli ht. making rail- way oonncotione at Wiaruon. wen Sound and The FAVORITE will `leave Collingwood Monday-and Thurpday at 1.30 p.m._ for Parry Sound. Byng Inlet. French `River and Kmar- ney. connecting. there with linenteamere for Sault Ste. Marie. Returning stop at French River. Bying Inlet and Midland. makln eon- neotion there wi`h steamer MANITO for Pan-y.Sonnd.and G.T.R.- tor south and east. and at Collingwood with G.'1`.R. for Toronto and Hamilton. The -MANITOU will make rokulax-trips from . Dnnntnnaxal-man mmnnntinrr with I51-Linn}!-nm n L mom-uAIt=L=ms*or mus ix .+. -wx `:;:.=. "x\.>us*ez Columbian -~4:=:v-E:positionMn! 63.51"!`-f. --" s The new nalb.66'ok"p1'!a -`masher, -`orrir or ' OI .. 0 3- -fglks .. Ill `triva- ' `tw`%%o1ir%'v v&31 wen $`:S1hd. le _aving mg` train Collingwood at 1.30 omit-rivi.l or 1:: fr m Toronto and Hamilton. commencing ,Snt- urday. Jun 10th.: and~"ema1'i Saturday u to .....a -InnInlnI!HlLf.`l`I1"dn.V24Ih Sentember. are 53:7"-;--.-.v. ,-~... 'u.:lU.-xi Lif1.:....,x-xsii -1!-m.;s.t.m Lu.:..;. W R0RTH~8H0REIlH.YIATI0N 00. Ltd. [.-pv-n nurnnmsnin axroms ind dlfllfjlnllnn I-A n-A ALI- _._A.. no` 4- unit an porn .DIll`Ill.lEEIlll1'l'I'UHOn " ""-"*`*'-"""""J """"""" ""` "" \""'*")-9 U""' "U' luau Um V UAII School Bools supplied with strong, _Manilla-_co_V.er_ free of charge. .% A A i % ~ & ~ % + receive prdmpfattention. t%%?h.:%91Rn?r&}3R?io; .3 8 d; 1' . . _. c1X'izL%:'~ci: aoN. innmm ,4, t.0wen8oInd;o1-to j T` OHARI.E8'CAMERON. Mg: E11115 Anlcihthe honey those bees made! It was the sweetest honey you ever tested, and every morning when I got down to break- t test there was.-afresh bottletul for me-the bees having made- it in - the bottle itself over night. They were the most grateful gets I ever hack and once the saved in` e. They use to live in a ive I h bgiltfgr themrinsone corner of m room. a :11 uldfko to bed` and, sleep wit every . door "1nthe housewide 0 en and` notbe afraid of robbers. because hose bees were there to `protects me. One mght 9. lion broke loose from the roiyal zoo, and while trotting alon the me looking for son_:e- thing to eat e saw mg front.__door vnde open. In he walked and He sniffed here, and hesniifed there, but found nothing but alpot of: e.nchovy-paste which made him thirstier and hun ier th ever. `Soheprowled into the par or and ad his appetite further eggraveted by a bronze thn nmnnrnr nf (`J-ulna Irma 4-Rang RAIL Z i2vA{r.' ':DE)13iENWI1 N D;*sA - -nvuwv Ialvvg II D. POTTINGEE " (TINA! :1.-u.1.'..`.~nH T`d. V H-IWRlV5>! r 1 av! ll` `I U . \*.-~-- [Nam 7' .. `cfhet rmtendenc -_. -v.- mung LULVIIUUI I 9' V` l9o;BuIl 6110 my other. -. Through, 5` B50051 d - tercolonin.l"ro?m znann-(I-ninht as nut Yifii` -'/bkvu`;:.: . it!- ; 4 uppuuwe Lu1'ouu1'._ugg1'uVuUe(1 D B DIBOIIZO `statue of the e ror of China. had there. He.` thought lnat e dim light that it -was a small sized huxnan bein`}, and he pounced -upon it in ammute. couldn _t make any headway trying to eat 3 bronze , `statue, and the more he tried the more hungry and angry he got. He roared until he shook the house and would un- nv'|,\I*.'nTt1hnvn onvubnnn u-nab Inn.-I Nu -ml.` ell, of course he. 5.:-,r A ` r- L'A` ` I I r . 3 "R .3`; ENE`? 1'3) if on. 5 :2 ,Weare_f ung.prepared with a stock of TEXT Boo~ ARI: E CISE BOOKS, &c;, &c. `Ma`ilQrd I u3sr'u.3ns '.\g.,{;....;`a. ..a.a.....a;':}.... A n o_L _ -1 `n 3 :"?AT_:,:;cHEAP_ (:{%:;`lTES'.*~ . . :"`--n ---`-' 3 "- I. :~ ` `J I... A.-.. , 5,. K "'13" 'oni`3*n'iao nniyjglaizend Rnled to any pattern. All work guaranteed Music 3 lpeoinlty in.G4lot!`L- orn`Full Luther, Su` and Limp COW"- . . T P91-tfolioin _:ndo.qfsny:siu-gnd Ity . _~ . . . .. . . . V. ' how *5 _ "nothing the Binding and'Ru1ing line that cannot be do x-at-clan." " . . 4. , ti` eihdving Bookl, &c.,' to bmd need only aendd :eIt):`nt1 H I rnpresontntivd will` call for the work an ans Low AND mums CASH. NDHEAB T A K E Lodge .Books % L ........uuu5 uuuca, 1 av uuu. 50 DECK I30 I11! ' swarm. He wasgonea week, and then. he `ame back, helhad grown to be so fond of I me;as_we11-4 he- might, because -1 fed him- p we1l`,_gi`ving. him a large basket of owers 0 three times a day. Back with him scams 2,000 or 3,000 other bees, and whatever J ang did they did." . . Who was .Iang?"' asked: Jack. u ' . 'l`hatr`was the rst bee s- name--King .Jan'g.' `Jangis Siamese for Billie, and as I was always fond of the name Billie I called him J ang. By and by every bee in the lot could hum `The Star Spangled Banner and _`Yankee_, Doodle as,y011 0.'.Ic0ti_ld,- ' Ind it was grand on those soft moonlight nights we hadthere to sit on the back porch of my pagoda and listen to my bee orchestra dxscoursmg sweet music; 01 course as soon `as Jung had learned to hum one tune it was easy enough tor` learn another-,.and before long-: thebee or- chestra could give ns any bit of music we wished to have. Thenal` used to give mu- sicales at my house-,..and all ..the'. Siamese people trom the king down asked to be in- vited, `so that through my pets my home- became one of the most attractive homes of -Is.-;~sia~ .1 L1... I_......_ LL--- |_---, _, , s - I-- Journals 1 - ` rD%a%yWBooks Cash Books % W `;._I;'('l'i3i`I'l~de'1` Of. Blank Books -_ ,-,. Manufaciret -.iz;;.n i`, '_ be -1; skin mg: - Jig,` , . -u :;-;::.,~ I! Iqilrgi} Ii I.` I. 1;. .. _ schoonnooks! School Books Pmmcscunot... FOR * +i~* cu1u=.cIAIE msmun 'PAYS F032" A1F1}::'J=xQcelflent Investmen xiunuv vv annuals vv nuvuubluv LUI. LUU PUUHUS UI._ _ ' ice a week at $10 a pound, but it never came 3 ' to anything because we had` no means of `preserving the icebergs after we got them .3 them up, and we nearly got ourselves into -_. "very serious trouble with the coast people ' rknow,.is a huge affair. and when adoien ' added so to theq1iantity_ of water'_ther'e 5 pletely ooded and thousands of valuable `but their affection` for me personally was A naked ".TBnk_ into the gulf of Siam. The water was so hot that they melted before we could cut . for that same reason. _An iceberg, as you . or two of them had melted in the gulf they that`50 miles of the fcoast line werecioom-It sh, able to live in warm water only, were , so chilled that they got pneumonia I and died. You can readily imagine, how indig- nant the `Siamese shermen were with my ` company overthe losses they had to bear, no great that they promised not `to sue the company it I would promise not to let the _( thing occur again. This I promised and all went well. `But. about they bees-it' was 1 while I- was living in Bangkok that I had.}{.. them. and they were truly ' wonderful. _ There was hardly anything those ` bees couldn't do after! got them tamed." ` ~- How did youtame then), Uncle Major?! Mirmt Books V 8GIT,:ABaokse||er, Barrie. V onlsfoa, PROPRlET6R. l,l}._1% f;l;`D`unIop:=:Sfro%I}bt, Top Floor. Ledgers i*g;`4i The schemewas oertai:nly3 ..good one; and I found many of the wealthy Siameser ` quite v5vil1ii1g 1:6 subscribe for 100 pounds of `(E8 8. Wk Hf. $10 A nnnnd H11}. 1'1". nnvnr nnrnnk 3Aa:IIE AIQIDA STROUD. F*(5R ;THE ADV AM FOR ONE YEAR. , _ - -~---'--n *'WlK0l', m 3 - Steam Works and Show Room, , j ooL:..1:EB-s'r.. BARR COFFINS AND CASKETS`O` ALL K i j. I31 stock or Mlde to Ogden be S, Cra And All Funeral Rquisitea Fumhm Ogden by Telegraph or otherwigg attended to. G. 0; Mlngegl K ' i imdihrutrtrts ot the :0?- .,izt:a.1';$1.';I1rst-01166 how * i 3N'|l..l.1IIlt outside th Ii-.40 ----'-- M. ".3-" ~,i':.;HEW80N an 0333 84' .. ::PtlI'!I81', srnoncssw. -;;;;,'; - . F In I `.':.::. *2a:.2.;=;-.:',t::3 :,na5,nnd'` nun. Aosnpqulaaopounds mm... . Doll by All Grocer! Ind 0 1; `gr. ` (3.1-1-.1-.-mIr'.I5 - c.\T.E_:Tf's| or to Ron'- nsk:oI17;T!i}}: . A ,7 way wuuv vupu_J, U uupu lVu1J01'7'_' Pd`wpr o=l,sh`_o'=-ehje. ietmne33thn': `major; ._,I'.ta`med1the king hue`. and when he ha,df_`lo!$rI_l9d. , al.i.-nqrts tflnny Httlb tricks, such as standing on his head and humming tunes, I-` let him go back to his nwnnn no Inninnnan uuml. .....I n.-- 1.- `-vccv'v . _ ___ ___f % _?___.-r rum: was MW ' V` PIJl'l`l'II:.r----~ ;; '.1`h; Po!5KE1' DIRECTORY for 1898 l ow ready. Reliable and W `Price 25c. __ _ _ ___.M.. . I.-W6.-. :`" W .- V-gsgi `" A- `.4 1.1; An (`I new GEST, Ikine BEST PQI g 1: 3! quantity, 1:0`, . nd, Pamphlets _ Sample Ca: &c., &c., &c. Periodicals Law Reports ...-V--. ~.v-._ -..., Isa Jul.` uuvuynvvuvs; uvwtvg I ggza. very warm -country, and a.syiqe.Tls,a. 5; thing in warm countries e9e1Eng'li`sh.'1;eo-* ple thought they might make an 1rast..for-fa tune by sending tugboatsup to the IAtlan-.'~ : tic ocean, and with them capture and tovi icebergs to Siam, Where they might be cut V up and sold to the` people at tremendouq 1 A prot. ~ : '1'-`in an`unvu-\n.ouvnn .....I __Q" -_-av au.u\.AA doctor :1 th 3 frown o clock t._ic ILL, n nauu. 8. shade V ,his br paper p Mimpossibl ud clock` ethane so ing Whe do but 100 en there ding so a landlor 3 LL... .~. fife} 39?: V.sF `T shes.and cov" r;od 1t: `. aangmn o_t;:ftIfo er of the alnhnhnt. an that then th lor man. nty hair showin 8 skin L19 DCLJ o e s Huc ated whis tor, "and e doctor Iuu_ ,;u. L s was hap ,Tn1-us Rn) IU Auuunv. then m owed by rs man __,s] Auausw ` '9r._readi'xgg.a As tow` 3;-Emgnity `j V. 3 read. much inuat be} `A `and habitsotthduh;L j*ii1ibeI4s' um F `T u` VI UUUILB --r pony -c-vu I l`iiE'l1'is"let1:q_1js, vand . letters it w V ug `Win 1'4 WE am 15294:-as. mu; :2 ha: . I 'l`oo,M'n_ch * -Itwasasayinsof;. M _ qhag r readiasfmulifa-_ ethr M ,. hsiwzpnfd 3%? * ls s have sliared their _ gs :-incl xi}: temnde ab bold `c'ouldd1`iIi a!!5i`d 6 be'inado by a man endowed with great on ties for 1ndepe_ng1qnt..thou3ht sand? . J g! bhq; grand magmas btgehiuss M A030 0913:`; less'wed.haW,. in1'e.0.,t.he . ` tor bf beiievingthat we ,,elves-.havg pg\b_op1;bent'vgn%:, . . ojver a'1;aZ;ixx.311f95.1sJughv:a 01 01: I er minds thnn`"our own. Hap 111 t A V `q;-` isting tendency. toward nghottgivfga, _ 5-_ labor and the cheapening of books aoxzd-1. Inn!-n nnnnn-nuinui ant` V2 Ia..s.a..;.;.;i 21.. ..iIn..n -_. Eg- wl?;b;`Kt[ay was 8 months old before 1 _ tnfmy hp&l't;I know an Va . . .l0u.d ':Y011l .. 93.35 1:`-'r`\nn `aka 5 11:`: was allowed to leave Morton Ha1l,`but I left a smiling d bright eygd `matron 5nd 3 proud. happy fhu3bLf"ld,.g I.2"..` -.'..- A .r_."; '.;I:e1?y;i;:i?:h`:P:Eb. g n'reciatd.-`-`New vm`-1. ms: cu uuuv wucu Hue 01101131.? _._l`l__I'56lI ll 8 p`reciatd.iNew Yofk EVviS3 in `Post? nvvlua vvuxua uuu nuaaua." ' ` , ' I marched the nurse into the next `room . with the baby and then took, John to May : side. :With a . tenderness more I touching from his naturalreserve he bent over the pale face and spoke one word: e ~ uDarling.n ; V; A I ~' _ She looked into his face and meteyese full of deep. true_ love that involuntarily i the lifted her weak hands to draw: her=h'ns-_' bandnearer. _ . 4 . .. V. Darling. be repeated, and his li'p_quiv- cred, how pale you are, and so weakly "Oh, May, my own `sweet wife, it``6t;e be you would die and leave me! .When"will 19... \ some to mewith `ba`b`y'May `in "y6iir ` as youdid with Harvey. to ask me if I am not mud to be papa?" I30 you remember! she whispered. Remember! Why, May, there is no word or look of yours I cannot-remegnb9_r. ' `I stole away. meeting lrafval An lieu: lfater Iwenty Asoltly. `lyingin lie,r,l;u_`sbaz'1d`_?"s`,-`e , , _, his faee with-*.lo`ving eyes. `a pan If" ' heel: was a faint ush, and the smile that greet- ed my entrance was like the smile of four Innnun nan-` - 2 m uuuuuv yculvuu. ' 1 ` A .' . ` Tell her. you know it. _ `I said. ;"Letz her see it. in your yes; feelit -in your kiss. L Go so her," take her in your arms and tell her how dreary life will be to you 1f she is lost. Bid her live for your-`sake. a,nd,she will not die." ' ' - - ` urn--- L`, ' `:'.But the excitemen. the agltationl? he said-. "I have scarcely dared togpeak to her or even to kiss her for fear of agitating hm._,7v, ., _ _ V. ... .. - .7 her`7'- ' , , . ,_ .` . ~. I V . , , }&hd she is dying forwwant of those very loving words and kisses. `- ' < V " '- ' I nnnnnlnnpl LL- ....-..__ ..L- LL _ _ ___4` . , V am going rorthe doctor.- ;' A~ . Before morning, a tiny girl was, sleeping in the nursery cradle, but the * niother lay - ., in 8- dangerous stupor. For three-lon'g_w,eeks `loved her. .. ' we`watched the `frail life hanging-.on a thread, sinking little by little", with no point of hope for the anxious hearts that The most dangerousiayxn , ,x)he doctor V` assured us, was the patien s` own apathy. -days moreof this du1l_apa_th y 'kill`her. " ' ~ It you can rouse li_et}; ?Jiddai`d@r:jp1p,g`?to tryhto live, she may yet recover. gut afjew _ -surely . ,...0~.. 1 , _` Then I resolved to make one great eort. With my resolution taken, I went after that interview with the doctor straight to John Gordon's library. He was sitting in l a weary, listless attitude, but; rose to place a chair for me`. ~ May. is betterf. -. he asked,..wlth touching eagerness. face (ailing again {shook my head. ` " - J ohn," I said, plunglngationfee errand, will you let me-speak stew plain words to` you? I have loved May since `she was a tiny baby. and I cannot see her die without an effort to save her. , I believe you love her? a p - `.- I would give my iifeto see l1"'r well again. he said passionately. ' And VAC T cult` nnrllw H 768.. -A--- .4-_a.- ' we um; 5:16 ylcaauf uuluuige uley l0Y 9.'v' '~i But surely they alwaysfglve Do you imagine} do not: how`-.lov`ely my wife`, is. how patient and carofull mother to my boy. who will make him 5 L uebl. tru man. Surely I know `my wife is almost perfect. '[`n `-1 n n Q A nu 'ro'sA.-. ll. Iii.` __.!_I` `:1 4` I : upuueu I) gave: vp`1`ng`ne,Wl8ne(1f't0 say. _'1 -`wb1'11d'to ow -1; mbvixfxenth 1ose1y',and' Wesgot wpttgg gwhe that _we,could doti- verso for hours without any trouble ~wlmt-"~ Ioevext. _I re ly_~1;e_1iQy_e that it Bani` I HI3.l'.`A!' hlurl II In that-.1\A nnh``-vnhn1u'~ uuvluo "But women like these things. My mother always kept the house and table a.o,A he said. ~uIIr.;...;-_ |n_- A`. --.. ..-.. .. .. - ' ..- -p5usu. uu aatu puaaxuuuwly. And yet, I said sadly, tis your want` of appreciation that is killing liar, V _ I do not understand you,{_' he said, he was perfectly sincere when"`he spoke; Then very gently I, pointed out to him how faithfully May had lled ' all wifely duties. ` Al\.,- --` uuu: `W3 v_{f_ome}}"1ike A them, `L'"replied. True, loving women 1_ike them just in propo_rtion as they give pleasure totthqie they love.`if surelv their alwnvn wivn rilmiaiu`-.1 VI3Jn . But even the proud light of mothe} love ' ' `only lighted "the pale face for a moment, as taking her boy by the" hand May led. the ' way to the dining rgom, yyhere the bgllyhpd ' fglready annqunqedfus. h nun T innit can turn.` .Il-`-'I ' F every pleasure swell ` _. -".7i'17 v;:s"3:1`{i:: :;P:1;.?h;{1`?g?l1May`:'uve me no spoken condence, thatjhe fougqmt ' years had been in a attstfgto ! the lcvirlirsuhmiae `:69; v. i ..; , 1!: !;Wn ... I . " -T0.,11n` G6rdpn.;waa; } s. I lglve. He was gentle -and conne" ' `is, "`d'-"it wumevident that he was a model husband. was self sacricing and devoted, not telling even her own heart -that she had any; "ground for unhappiness. yet surely pin- r },or open, cordial love and -praise. was a fearfully hot night` in August wh`n" John Gordon, rapping at my door, called: ~_ ~ ` . p _.Wi_1l you come to May? She is ill, and I going for the doctor! ~ - . nofnnn nnnvu-unn. 1|. 4:.'... ...l..I _`__ _I--_l_ - fgxreuuy HIIIIQIIIIQCQ. . Us Here I met my`host,' ebiifteoue }1igiIl- ` ed as ever, charming in conversation ` `full of polite inquiry as to Willoughby and ` its inhabitants, and here, for the rst time. ` I b'ega.n',to.1nd some of the of dear ` May's pale cheeks and sad eyes. | `TI . was nurlnnl-5 in `ma I-Id 4'ui-iIu`.'II .-'-"";.___ was uJ,_|g.|y uruuo Lu u_ 1uuu.|uuu,nu mugg- ns. hzissobbinz. caressing. : fn_i, with ldvinglwords j _` * , Ilgading .'me" to av beiuti11lY.!iPD.01nte,d -room, May allowed me thereto -get`/my first `real look into her face. = I_,. [L 1,11-' JVIALU Lunvbiu UL Lvubo While I;wa.s dressing the patter of little feet across the hall and a sweet treble call- ing Mammal prepared me for the en- . -trance: of the sturdy litle urchin of 2% years, the heir of Morton `hall, or`, as May . proudly Introduced him, `,`Our boy Har- veY- . s '. - ! D O l\.Ol\O| cl... _.....-.1 1.l...I_; -1 _..--I.-_ I'-.__ :~When I had seen it last, it had round and blooming with the fresh young _heia.uty.',of, 18. As I looked now I could have believed the young wife had aged 10 , "years instead of fouy. ' - TITLHA I ....... .1_.............. LL- .._LL-_ -n IRLLI- M Y 1;. . :;.I1`1}1&`zd:1lib, 12.3. that. nnmmmvir mml`. a....; .mI.a nnvvio vv vvnn any EIIJJ vulugg I-IV VVUILIIL II. - 1-`Sm one gquare to anothenuntil be M e r' ~` -j 3?u1ar3 . t'In "`h. ishe d ..:I owwh hiiliigvgxgmt 1_ ose'f!.yii1 um .....I- .u. -14-.u. ...'-.I..lJ.. 4.I...A. _- --._ .1 .:J 4, IAIU ILVVUI WA u ` uu `gvuuvu VII 1 u. W!-;`iZf`.s;: .. r ._.r. -.w .3. -~the 'd'weII1n Iii-I-S)` -IIIV5 IICQ -c--ua Ia uuwnnnlguww-wua,ul,:; t `t W rsof_ pl 5w_exe ggied. In} " 162. 116$ '/8$3~h`8atlme intlgra I: Vesaables ;wer..,.brn 31:2 and fruit d..rIed.,9!1 thW"657.} ..?;Th %`fi.r!!i!.!r9`. `WEI? .\"?3'.1'!!`.{k ' `%;6t!ses cmqkeifand aphlg, _ 1:3, nH"M1n " `in (ii 9|"`s\1|v"`a '1" 4` i."`?`.f" av ( 1 u.v uu[_ sunny vlIu'lw0yU,|'_18ll - nt "pounds. 'l`tlie wigh;1 ' 't!i fbovifsq diersf clwlf the 0 B!` 11110! ._ _ V. '_ _' g Franc .. 61 noun. . ;lI?t?th.. ...`f327<`i:>u:g:; G5$15*?-.61`~ % rnds:eswier;$69`o'$!is: -Imian 53 ptitinda; % The Russian oldier 3aioe ed than an other. in er iuxhaarapy of- mggt V qIZ.oet,_%`iptW- * 1;; 'I)ounds. ul Lu` Juu an}: uuu It s e powerfn1l_general,'es well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it` builds up and invig. orates the entire femele system, It regulates and promotes gH_..the pro` 1' Junctions. im- proves d1geation; enriches t e blood, bringsre- freshin sleep. and restores health and strengtg. ` `V " `sensaiiol, .,_gr10dical and. all female complaints, . '3 Favorite` Preicription . . is the For.n1ceh;tion; .disp1aoemente,.beang-ldlowxlln only guaranteed reuiedy;;;;- Iitfever fails to be- A net or cure, heck; "Look up, and not dov7vn," if you're a suffer- ing woman. Every one of the bodily troubles that come to womergonl has a guaranteed cure in Dr. Picrce s Favorite escription. That will bring you safe jand`oer'tain help.. - It s a mvifill nonhmijn mm 1.. m....:.... - tn... us out gruuuu nuu Iauen 112 and that out of a bottomless! pit stones and debris and a mass of ames shot up into the clouds. 4 The shermen sailed` away in their vessels to safer harbors. ' `They declared the world was coming to as end, and were badly frightened. . The Windsor,Lake saw. the re distinctly all that night as she steamed south, and it is certain that no ordinary conagration was the cause. The whole country for niilesand miles inland is barren, and the undergrowth is too spare. to cause. a large re. `A mysteridugk-r:.ion Caper Iliarrison has frightened Labrador shermen". While the "mail steamer Windsor Lake was passing there on Aug. 4th an immense column of re burst above the bold headland. A thick cloud hang overthe fire The ship's` oiceracould not account forit`, but on arriving at the next ort they secured an explanation. The day - fore the Windsor Lake passed the cape the men in -the shing vessels of!` the cape were alarmed by the ,strange noises from shore, and shortly "after saw the Whole to of the clitf are. , Thev landed to `extinguis it, thinking it was a bush fire, but discovered that a great part of the ground hadfallen` in and that b0llZOD`llRQ/hi}. nfnnnu Oil!` Anl~.-.'.. ....J - .v -. - --ova vv IIAJQD LUIIICIA . W `}J , ` B ` onf 'a.i)o\`ro` _lVi`t->"e,r:alj at. Woods Drug Store, our sole-agent for Barrie and vicinit . Those who connot call, address A ' ` MEDICAL INmLA'rI oN Co., } Toronto, Ont. ; An Honest om; (- I`f.'yo_nl Catgrrh "and" desire cured without risk ot 1osiii`gVou`r money. call at our agency in Barrie "andyget a. Germioide Inhjnler, without eaycent of pay. in advance. After you have given".-it a fair trial at your "own home. `and ' you nd it a. genuine remedy, youcgn pay.$3 tor -seine If not patisfacbory in every `vvag, you need not pay one "cent. Nothing ooul be fairer. If you have Ca- tnrrh _calliimmediafe17'Bnd get this remedy on` a. We 1ibe'ral"t'ex`-ma at Wanda 11...... \v' gnohgh I-HUSH bum r" 2- , so ' Why. ns told me himself. replied the ma or calmly. Chou d be talk?" cried Jack in amaze- men. : ..~ . Not as you and I. no," `sidgyth major. Of course not, _but' J an): could spell. I taught him how. You see, I reason it out this wa : If a bee c'an be taught to si a : song, w ich is only a. story in mus o,`_w y - . can t'he betaught to tell ya. story] 3- tea - words? It was worth trying any and I tried. Jan was an apt pupil; auras the most into ligent bee I ever met....and it.- , didn t take me more than a monthto teach him his `letteg-s._'a.nd when he once kngyhts -4` hnw!nind1 .~ "` "'3 `F "`~`W .........., ncuv -quay-u an act) ; uuny-;,ul_5p.UBIug 01 the ,wastes.,consequ,ent. on. the activity; nhut during slee the.s ysh free to extend its ope:-ations eyond;th`e mere replacing of worn- out i_rticles;.hence.the `rapid T wth. ` Ts is why so many invali a need so much rest andsleep The system has been taxed for `years beyond its ability` to repair tissues, and hence the organism has become worn and disableci-from the `accumulation of waste prod- ucts, -Aand disease hasqresnlted. With the` pro r';'con_ditions. restored, and/a seasons of per ect `nature `will. reassert herself, nimn-inn un I-In. .-.1n .:.....A-...'..`.J .I:...L- a..',__..-_ __J I P'~`"e.'-' T955; .1_13t!1_1'e 'W1.1.1. T935597` h91'31fa f qlearing ygithe glggggd and _dirty jispues and osto1:iI3gV t: th6'Li:r__A1; 1o1-rngpl cpndition. x'.u'u))I.u_e 'p;auU Inc. 7 _ _ . , J. [A 'I_`he same fact is true of the animalizreation. Children igrow morompidl y during the night Ip the dsvtime, `while the child is -awake and active, the system is kept busy. Ldisposmg of thewastes. consemu-nt on` Hm'+u. Ama- ' ' `Night Growth. - t .~:_It is. a '.m_'iona_ that night is the, time wh,ch nature atilizesefor growth, ' plants grow inueh "mr In the nfght than in the daytxme, as can be proved any time by measurement. "Measure at night, than measure it again `m the morning, and the next -ni ht. and it will ,be round: that the n ht gro is` two-or three "times ,thataccomp iahed durin ~-the day. During,is_very `sy gather.- ing nouriahmt from vanoua.-sources, and duningthisutime. raw...material is assimilated into the plant life. . '- V, TEA nrvhn `uni Cu 6;..- .'.fLL.. .....:_;..1 L.___Lf._ .`,r..:. _ `;. ,_}_ The oldi L `": ` T ` :b"": `J [1 than nnu othal-_ ` 1313: 1 ;;,:':1it13o1:r;:'~t:g;p:c?i`fz5:le I 1- ' .thu..t6.\Vtilfd ojered bl9w._,.._ ~. : How-3:0 Sneeze. A:.~REW:ABD.~ - .ll.I V1116! U0 Ilrlituuuvv `xu_v1:InuwuIuu uve reward list for their Greet .E:igh_gh, Hg. Lmaayrxcsesaeian :3`: the 4% Iuninier of 18 _. mp egt9_reglQ'jnj9;jpvritten agreegriefft pay thmngli the Judges all These gvho -2=beeome- siibscriberrican ic`o'mget_e` free * ' of hdrge. A1l`thh.t`ist,1_iecess5,ry. ia3Ito take a. [few sheets of .p"aper.-'a`nd ;mqke';all the. words you can out of the letters in the three words, Wor`ld s Columbiau Ex osition, and send them to us, iziclosing $1 or six mon'ths sub- Scription to either The Cauatlian Agricul- turiat or The Ladies ; Home Ma. azine. two of the choicest Illustrated perio icals of the 111117 ` \J`IIll.III,Q |.c\.Ul UUl_.'Ull u _ Aamrrs WANTED;--We pay $1120 $5 per day salary (no commission) to men, women. boys ,a.nd girls. Write for rticulars. Register all money letters. T Ad ress, AGRI- lcunmnrsr Pun. Co., (L td), Peterborough, 1 Canada. ' vvvLu' Wlu l'Uh'UlVU.IP5lHl ruwurm. - i 3 ._ as nsen , no :33" 11 ea an I Win that the prizesafe fairly awErded-- _Commod9re Chalcu-t.t`,` (Prgprietor Ca.l'cutt- s I-il,.10 of-S,teo,mer's), ;Pe`tex-borough, and Mr. EV. . Robertson, President Times frinting Ombvgny. Peterborough. Aawzn-In WAunrnn'__l'Vg cm}, 7&1 4... Qt: ...... : iwox-ds_,. etc. 3 Names *of persons and i. places barred. 4. No charge for packing or shipping, but all prize: Winners will be ex- Igected to help us to `extend our circulation. _ A111 list: containing. over 100 correct } wordswill receive.a..gpecia.l reward- .TU`I')l1`ll'. _'_'l`hn fnllnurann I1vn,Irv'n-nivn nan. na.lly."whet1Jang"ca'.1n`1o i';`;`i-n`'e`&`Y?r`*2.`? `l1`?:?%I.?):: "$f`u"` wanted to tell me anything. he would from auto another until he .-nallm1'?sn`r(4l:vnn+.HIn6`hA midlad 4.. `'....~ `I 'rt`ow'd:emm'a' , V Bums -}1-..Fereigu or obsolete wordsfnot counted. 2. Letters canifot be ued oftener _ then they a pear in the words World s ,Co1umbiaa xpoaition --thatis, the word riHdlD fl'IIV AAIIIA run` `an nan` xSei5s{ \lVl|lII_lV_l_Q] QAWIIUIUJ, ""'I.lIII?_Il, DUI? VVUFU. ri`ddle,;forinstanee, could not be used, because" there is but one d! in the three .._-_.1_ -1- n 'lY-,:.__ \|IlJ I The senderof. the largest list will receive r 33 `per week for. life ;. 2nd,.$l,000 in gold ; `3l'd, $500; 4th, $250; f5th, $100; 6121). Ticket to "World s Fair and ten days ex- penses : pianos, organs, ladies and gents gold end silver watches. silver tea services, ietnond rings, and .over - l0,0C0 other re- wards, making altogether the most valuable prize list ever olfered by .auy- publisher. Sand for printed list offormer-.prize-win- HATE ' III III` day. VI` In ...|L..-:..s. :..a-.-. `Man: `Ia.-unto F.II"`I BIIIDTUI atuuly runn- "*'` , `:,;;If s praem " e~an`o.iiiu'n -0 A U L, `l f,.4 --I_~a__n_4m HIL-r*L._".sL A xyjtorann rm. uuvu 'l.lU_BLlUUl.S IJIJU HULISU Bun Woulu un' doubtedly have awakened me had it. not been that I am always a sound sleepler and never wake .until.I have slept enoug . - ?`But the roaring of the lion disturbed the bees and J ang buzzed out of` his hive to see w at was the matter just as the lion appeared at my bedroom door. The intel- hgent insect saw in an instant what the matter was, and he sounded the alarm for the rest of the bees, who came swarming out of the hives 1n response to the sum- mons. J-ang ke t his eyes on the lion meanwhile, and ust as the prowler caught sight of your uncle peacefully snorin away on the bed, dreamm of his boyh ,* and prepared to spring own. upon him, ` J ang buzzed over and sat down upon his a back- nutitimz his sxtinnr when it would an 1 ` V'lIiV.ltAI4:`BI V4] I(3{n'%":5kE.1.N" _v--`-- W . . ~ :u:d-. sm.Eva:t'h:nnmn .1m ' 3f':{'g.. olIowh'e1-o.`;.; 1 4: .~ ...~; 1:'>:m. ;`'.'::2 HIV; '. `AAA . v ` * ' .-p_ __ _-_ An A : Malian and Ho a. latest 1 . ga`iV\.Ty':l'l `l;t.I.1NT-\Al%.& ; .3:.'ae, '3%a iitlat. treats all. stun )2 ti: aon"c:iiadEr &I;d"B`Ii' %hixT" 36331:: KI you was fast asleep while a this was In penin -howdid you know that Jung ' ,1 nan. B31443"! -4-`I in ....~. `u f f > I - .' 7 _ , _\ '; curling` and rurxmpmg & J % % -; 2`: ;:; $.13: - ' . ` I ` J 5-, V `. `:;g_:.:, 1.7 A .` a:.3`~:` :;:..*:;P.r.:*.?f.':'.im::r.::z%*.i-: """3 "' "'3" **'S'8" pct-tq.,ormho{:r;9q.-rntaotorv;-1, % , `ZIOEASHQRTESTNQTIGEg] In J i I 4 32.2.? i iff}.`3`z%`.?.f:.{`:;.a ....%."`*.1..*'%.>`:'.;':`;;;`EJ sum ` nokhta my be `obtained and also marm- ti bautth to I bet ht and push erratgsnf)1%n1.1. a has `v?.'rT'ia1`;Z.`;*p..s. ;g g on r n r n 98 Roaain 011:: Block; Y3: st.8,'l`oronto. I1, unmmtunun 4, _- IIIIHIIIIEIS All! EXPDTEIS willfnditad. to `this; ' u i`a`_t11,quIcl`:f:_a::mg:?:intud.? um...'23&fu23 ratetarejas low as b any other.-. heights forwarded bv t-gpechI'trn1ns, and exnorianna hm: nmmnl +1.- ..o.....:-_..... _-_.- ' _nlo t,hia.lin.A s'umPullmuurm.oors loovingaeontteolngn Mondeoy. V Wednendoy d %dny: run through to Halifax, d on Tu ` y and Saturday to St. Jo .N.B;. , diput change. - . `close oonnootions made at Point Levis `with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu nnd.Ontn,rio Navigation Comma : oteameu g;rn._li[&xht1-eul. and at Lewis in the North ore way. . 1 allouant rst-olou. Pullman burst, and am can on all tlmouzh trains. . o dawn. H rptreghgnent rooms at convenient Authe nopuiar you but `tubing and 1119;. aura resorts of Canada are um um; um, . mm lanarlna `Item 1... In-....:-_ THE DIRECT ROUTE From the Weatfotall poinqm _ V New.BrI1nIw'Io5k-.VN4ov`Va. seam. Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton u1_dNowtonndlInd. uuug uuzajacu uvcr .uuu. Bub uuwu upon ms hack, putting his sting where it would do . the most good. The angry lion, who in a` moment would havetastened his teeth ugon ` ` me, turned with a yel of pa1n,,and the its which was to have een mine wro ht havoc with his own- back. `Folio 1:3 Jang s example, the other bees rang themselves in line over the lion s broad shoulders and stung him until he roared with dpain. Each time he was stung he woul whisk his head around like a dog sftera. ea. and bite himself, until nally he had literally chewed himself up, when he fainted from sheer exhaustion, and I was saved. You can imagine in su rise l when next morning I awaken to nd a dying lion in my room. RI1t, TTnnln Mninr nn,id.Mnl1{n WI 9el:o`uR?:e?'a:3'K iTr:oo:;g:awnn" with thqmain line steaxnera.fpr,Snult Ste. a returning same route.` reaohing .Co ood- Mohdars a'nd.F1-ldnya intimo for ` Dllgn. :3 . .d.. Auiawz IIvooia.l..uouulqn ake ':.1ll`blgia,:19dnt soframco ,oodor Midland to`Killa1-nay and lfjeturn, y ` P gtiaund. Paint an Born, Byng-Inlet and hen V I - _ . , ` - - - W 2 tickets` snd further. _ onlara, to all (guns of the G.'l`.R. And G.P.R.,. to . E. SMITH. 8 Ind v Owen n : tn-tn nu ugnulpt me u.'r.u. and Nsngrr. Owen Bonn ;or to ' H vAR,I.F.Q` A Il `, . ` r -- 1, Ir . toMB8.`E8 .-wo:s1ey`ig't2snc.`b`Zc`.'7:.`{., and 7 o'clock p.m. . .12. |NT;EB0lIlf7UtTl 1"5"J*'"nB`&'r" x:aa y- ';u('5.`I,r?!';1?:;:`1|::-`r`ivv':tls:).f : G.` .R. alnledvinir qronto 51:1. '. for] :::.-~'a-0;:-:=m~ in-m-a . . . or .5 -, .. like 011 River and Kill:-zeyvtham magnum unwuaua 31117:): UL lulu V-1 ollvo ULHKT `lull `o,c.1o,a5" "$1.. caning at Wm:-ton botlrws ' ' Six dz `sailing man the beautiful ds t the_eo1_-gi.al1tfy.;Lt:i nligjnd Lake uron.oa.llIn, Va , or lnao._ , oomng-'woo3 or 6..;.& Mackinac" and returmzonlyr 14`? 2 Toronto, Hamilton or. hon- `?1*n`.?e`..g.2.q`i.,5';$?7.a2I.'2 8.a'.n.Vaa. Hghtful n`l'ea'sure" trip/in canada, .' agnjn-1: implies,- t.ion tontaterooma; em . requea . . .l. arl'r8oundan`dKmarn,e . Thesteamer NOR EERN BR.I_.LE.leavee , inkwoodovery Tale` agnnd Frjday- t. (;p.m.onarriya1ot- the ainleaviny o_1-onto at for Mid- land Innolnntlugng -09..-g-I-.'-1.1.3?`l:"._ _ ..*_r_ on? `"22 i'ff'13a."`Y}3"v1n"53v::8,7> .ev:eningon u-rival of_ mac. .R. express tmlna at-1o,a5'p m.. at both'wa'v`.'_ A RI! 11117: nnlllnn Ilmnno tlnn hdnnltllnl i,i9-fvff Thn'ridyo q'nd $8 n`rdsy`an ` in-rival %`"~"~.z:.'**"***:..*.':."': .:.:.=':==.t....." r W I at oatoid. Ia`: cOwer8pnndu:1e' n'11aicIoann'n-lnhlnlusrv D ..o....... 4_.a-- t.i%i`f6`.`3e8m"""x' Er% 3i`f 14133 0 il- uynug upu Lu uly ruulu." But, Uncle Major._aaid Mollie. "I don t understand one thxn about _.,it. If vnu nvhni fnnf Iialnnn Inlin in `I-Ida I-015": Inn...

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