`Li `DU wnrvuu-cu VIDGV_ BIIV ll again to-mo:-row atternoon. ;;e'.'1',: .aa.a't."2.i. ;'ii;.. " '15,; 13333}, T Tqueennldnd, in the ._l_Ipt` mint. of epsrturo and the first port of`. oil VI `The: Cnnndmn ' Pacic Rnilwnv Oomnnnv _`Fa`l:e"Z3:;::i1a1: Railway Oompsny ` have entered into an agreement to men {agents for his Loompany In Canada. am; the T UT nilun-I Qtnlnn nut` 3n `W.nIInnn' ' Tho nan U UHF IUF `III 'UUlllPU_lI Ill WJIIIGIIG nuu UM` nitod State: and in Europe. Tbe`new' fijnezig cgpniderod L. to bggq um red success. f-_t. .'3'1" _f,: ` ;'*;!Id9:Fv'wnt!9t`3 ` 1 Mn. Mann,` 1t'6~hI'wfe fpb` iSho',wau"lAutA xovylnsjto tug; 'n`6 tm,_l'y an `s76.00.0aaot V s. 70 151:3 ciif ihpposev ' ii riiodlin _th6 -A burning building. , non sitting in, 1119:. roqm,- and `= ud`den_ Ipre"d"`of_ (ho n;_me`s ` tuna cduld given; _ ' 3;; 6:0 in eptimated Mha-bout rd bzhlnx-100% ~ ~ ; r sawmill uni! l.uI`nhor~ BuIund;' % _-Bds.shir. ioiit.-ifA5"3I.7:330.-4To1i;i'1_HqiIn`\Vd!c_ V Bani mill `Mid Ember it` Ten lfile , Idkai wu totillyideitro by re last night. an d to hsvo. Vn oauud by; 5 _ a mark 1:33.32 Jin- Iynnuugvyu :. .. .}f:A`i1;grnn3GCf=?Ahg;.'-_ .?_1rs:. .ocnrr;d- intho dry oodp=u_oroa:;of_ Qllelll J;-`Rondot 91.-=`:? 1`~`.:9!99k::-s 0.l!`1!3.`-`s`:`~ ~) 1 ` fl: .."9f 1* `'.' &;'&' !:`;".'`'l.``.`'=`'| `1n*i*`::i' ' . 31'. 02.? . 0...` ' "Io1! 4L-ff.l,s'7 . 0Q`C)..A'_.:_y:'.`; _5.j .`\ mev. CANADA,-/\UST.RAl.~IAN ss. LINE? muu 6110 were urowneu. The storm was worne on 'I'y'beo~Is1and. `hichia at. the mouth of the Savannah Rwer, and is the port of the city. . LMPI" Tho `Inf A` fnllitil il arndunllv atorens? shot DOWN." Q-3-as IN MQGREAAL j ; ADVANCE I1; F.]JHa|'s_I_e_d_,_l1_.ll, E EF Auru-:s EHEUMATISM, M LUM- BAGO, SQIATICA, ac. J rmnthnu Down." (on 84 yr-.\. aria--svllh, Ont... ssss:-I had rheumatism in :3 let: hip twants (yours. then hsving produ ' disloca- tion, it attacked the other oau~1n|r,mostinto1er- nblensln threeyesrs more for whieh I could nd no relief until two. years -urwhen Br H.-elated cured me, 1-emovinw. the pain in forty- emht hours, so it never since reiurned. . ru___.__ 1 an . - ---..v an-wuss: Irv o l-uvvs all-Av`! lvnunnuvlnu Samuel Semplo. Fevernlmm. sayr :-Atler auerlng with and` doctnring for sciatic; ht momhe. my phys'.ci 11 told me I was incurs 19, then. two .1"-are ago Dr. alsted' cured me. removing all pain in twenty-tour hours and it has never returned since. `p,-; `_- . --u n - sP.Ec1A`LI"s'r; 1'? T --cw _--v v V. ovuuou nnIl\Q wnanvvu Matthew Ferguson. (age 76 yrs.) K1l'nbBI`lO.'r'. says:-I suffered with iumbago three ears. sometimes being quite helpless. than 1;] else having failed. nearly two years ago Dr. Hal- sted outed me with one battle of medicine. so I have had no symptoms 1 f it since. . `lI_ 'lr..I.....I ....alI 1.- -4 .1... tn..--._o.. mm, mm 15 we porn ox me any. . Later: The hat of fatalities in radunlly 3'-`ViDg. and it is impossible to be ltovwhato. txtent it will grow. Several jhodiel Of ; drowned persons have been ioked up. Ind Search is now being made. or others who Ire missing. Every hour brings` some new.; Ilory of death as the result of the storm. : The f`L-.\ 7 run I, `l"I',____ :. L_:I`n ----vuao-yuan: ngnnaprvsannnu-aovunan v `Dr. Hals:ed will be at ;l;e Qneeivn ` Hotel, Barrie. on Thursday, Sept. 21st. 1893. consultations free. 84-tfv. {E11190 111 I COITDIII IIIOTVRKKB lll =wn1cn ueruuw has baen made and which will, be rodnced gt the time of sale. there will be sol by Pnbhc An:-Hun cl-: fhnl)ndnn nI'1'nfA1 in thn Tnwn nf I-"J0 l.I.IUIIlII.I. DHUIUDIIQF. 'VV.l!II.l. l.l.l.UlU|I GU BIA yql; 4 cent. 1 .; There will ha {Reserve}! Bid. Further my the, ay of so. a and oogiitiozjs will be made known at j M top or In tpe; megnf.lme.on app1lca- ` I ` ' n .nu\'-u n_~ u:\Qvn- } Under b virtue _of.a. Power df Sale con- tained in 3 car :1 mortgage in which default h_as haen n;a.d_e and whinl;__wi_ll, be_ pr9dnge_d_- gt U119 ulna DY BBIB. ISIICFB Wlll 06 30! D] `|lUll.'$ Auction atthe Queen ; Hotel. in the Town 0 ` Barrie. on Satin-:l'ay.the 9th ofsepramber. 1893, at 12 o"clook noon. the following_ valuable pro- nnvofv ngmnlv -_ ' DUHGTSU 5UI'1'I,lIl(I"D 0!` 18%. . . `Elms on` SALE--1Z0.per eiiu; of mm ` mqnevfon thqday cf. sale and the T co in one month thereafter. `with in`.'erst at` `six pop punk, at 12 0011133 null). lane luuuvuug vuuuumu pru- perty.- nnm_el!_:-- ~ ' ' - " ` ` The son 1: half of lot number t urteen in the ninth oonceseioniof the Township of Flos, in the County of Simcoe, `aforesaid containing one -hundred acre: move or less. . 'I|l`.Dl' HI` Q A`l .'ll`._.1n nap nnnl: nf nun-nhnnn MORT_AG_E SALE Cvvnu-5 - mane: T0 cnannons. 1 Noticeishereb glvonynursuant-to Revised .S*&futP8 Of On 0. 1887, c _ 4 _a A 'pter 110, s -`etion and amendments thereto. that all cred`-tors an _ . other persons having claims against. the -`estate - of William Patterson. late or thev llam of Thornton 1;: the County of `slmooe. tanner. - decvessd who-died on or about the. 8th` day of J uly. 1893." are required on`or before the 16"h . day at Sontemben: 1893. toeend by East pre-paid . to'l`homas Black. Esquire. of Coo stown. one l. of the executors of the said deceased, a. state- s most in writing of their names and addresses `2 and full particulars of their claims. and notice ` ls.hereby.aiven thatatter the said 16th da of , September,-1893. the executors will to ' distribute V the assets of the sai deceased ` amen the -pm-ties entitled thereto havin regan onlyto the claims of which they shall ` have had notice. and the executors will not be liable for the sand assets or any part thereof to ' any person or persons of whoseclaim or claims they shall not have had notice `at the time of anal: dint!-ilnnfinh ! '1 I I I =1 } such distribution. F118] Ulllll IIDF DIV Q"! Suva: 1- uqvn nuuvnvgau STRATBY'& ESTEN` A. _ - ' Sdlioitors tor the Exeoubors. ? a.t.Barrie. the 17th day or AVuguot,'1893. ' Perohs `against -whom the "said estate has anye,--claim ;-will kindly pat: same .t4o~-Thomas lack. of Cool_utown.;qne _o the exegntora. 34-37 Notice Vh A%BrediIorsA !7 In the Matter ot.8EP1VIMUS NASH. or` i , , the -1`own_of,Bu'r1e.1n,the`CounIy | 9'. .81'!"!!,=9~ .-,'9,V,V.1!,r-: . ` - .: . . Nptio`e,is he bi 'i'v"n.tnat the" above. `, ed ebtimu`s,Nasll;e`ha$mde'an mignmenan his`: est,M:e'-land beots to `me. Oliver Hmmnon Lggn. of the Town 0ffB8l'l'io,1ii1 thexcnnnty of S __ coe, Ea uirg. for thehenetof n!l.hi,s.cre_di- I 31-_. under .S_.O. chapter 124 b.h;l`am'e;ndments , , ` . J `_'..: _ . ' H. . . . A meting .of":reditoru will .h'aI at-the ! olcea qf Messrs_.St1_-gthssg Eoten.AOyven street. Barrie. on Wqdnesda.y."the 30th day of,A_.ugust, 1893` a.t,th'e'3 hot: at 2 30 o'clock 13 m.. for the ap- pointment of Inspector: andthe giving 0: in- atrnvti me as to the disvoisal of the estate. ' 'l`}~m m-nifnrn nu-A 1-annnnted tn le their clnims Bl .I'll(.`U 85 W H13 (IIUINBII DI H10 @5596. . ` The creditors are requested to file their claims with the said Messrs. Strathy 8; Esten. duly In-Aunt: an Ivonliinn hv nuntnfn, nn I'll` th with me sam ylerars. .-an-nmny cc naeoen. uuly nroven. as reqmred by statute. on or before the ` Fifteenthday of Seotemher next. after which date I will proceed to distribute ,the assets of the esfate. havinir regard on1y~to the claims of which I shall then have notice. . I'M-null tho Pith aw n'f Ananat `IRQR By`S'1;m19Irr ac` Esnm. U. ; ~- ~ ma Solicitors. .--vac.-pg- Freehold -:- Property . V. ,->1 N'um-- TOWNSHIP OF-FLOS, ` m"'rHn:_coti1I'rYAoIrTsI`u_co1.r. .."..._.. In the matter of TIIMIIAS NIILBEE. of the` Town of Barrie, County of Slmcoe, Insolvent. . ` Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent has executed an assignment of all his estate and effects to me.-the under-ei nod for the benefit or all his creditor! and t ey are hereby requested to le their claims with me. do`? D1-oven. on or before the 19:11 day of Sept. next. with the vouchers attached thereto. Afton ti-nl-I ll-fa 1 TIM nnnnon tn int!-Ihnrn me omma'or.wn1cn 1 man men nave nouoe. meeting of inso!vent. s creditors will be A held at m 011109 on Thu-nda.y.~ the sun iAu.. estate. at 3 o`cloo p m.. to receive! 3, statement of his ahirs Ind guivise as.to the disposal of said i W. A; CAMPBELL. A __...I4__ .-..__ ARM T0 REN'l`.-10.0 bores-lot 1. con. 13. West Gwillimbury.` good buildings. plenty 1:! 11- clan A nu-I117 On II. A JITJIII f`.t\n`(If1'\WII. BOX`. WIIIL EHO VOIICDOTI IEDBOIIBQ IHBIBBU. Atterrhieh date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate having. regard only to the claims `of which 1` shall then have notice. nnnntina AI Innn`\1nnl. a nrnefnr Cl r`#:.:`.;w*:11:"':;--*"",..d*'.:;1:3:.g..`- '":~.:.; m u .` . 1 e ofwater. A Elyto A. JEBB. Cooktrtown. ; or JNO. M. 58, Simone Hotel, Barrie. 34-87p $`{:ruI1"d"Es sx7'`s`.'n}:".?-i"ir"12'a'f'T`. "" TERMS SALE--10-per cent. 0 nnnnl-r"hn thnnv rf nhla 11-H thi: A . 1 -.< . ~ . 5 T 2 \. ...~.=i m , ma __ - -A . . .* ", ... ' .-- (L1! :1` ."- "'0 . ' , . `u. ugly,"-_?_ [ E`. ;_- ..,u. ..z. V 4).. ` * ' -. x V` 3 1 `*4 . - ` - ` J53 .. e. ` ,.=:4. _-,.. .... . 2-`:;.u'-:'-s -.~~`-- 3, 1 .~ A . V . . 5 M :5%??;bbV%%;%mentioned, and are oering them at Inspect these at once and fchn 9 131 DUNl[.0P-V T. ` `I `.7: 2` . I .4 1'. _ _ _ .. - I. =E}h;vjustreiv a..A1aV.rge stcick of the Goods rrvv. Dated this 231-_1_ 1g_Ly.9 August, 189?." VINCE I. anau men IISVG IIOIIOG. Dated the 17th day of August. 1893 l'\`I l"I \7 vv.4 32 Front St,. Wst. Toronto, Aug.1_8th, 1893.` sT1:w;A RT aanovs; i ' Ven'dor s Solicitors, ` Bafrie PD. The (,`ov.ernmeuu uuuwx, ; uu__y, pm, ....,., harlotte m_ a damaggd condmon. The lske's shore 1s strewn wlth wreckage. ` ~ In this city more rain tell than eVer'be - ' are in the same length of time, trees were blown down by the scores and small build. 'gaunro_ofed. Street car service was |eri- - wily _ . opylemployea were ungble to {egg}; gheit interrupted and many clerkbgtxd ago. ~ -01 VALUABLI:- | IIDUQ `GUI 0. AH. LYON. Bell Pianos ! hTh;epre1ninenee acquired~by' the BELL instruments has ;Afb;j`L,11 _`a{i;hieved by the satisfaction they have given to 75,000 e'rpuIehz1-sers during` the 30 years the Company has been in _'fbi1siness. Bell Orgen and Piano Co., Ltd. Canada. s Largest F _";i1dfL'eading Establishment. Teronto WareI0oms---7O King F1! Q.I._.<'.' -1. 'Ill-4.I.'- Q Ciel-IAKA .|.u.1:vs A Lsfroot West. TWI N E. 115.-535%iAP BLUE 3133031, $:%s1LvE.3 COMPOSITE, {W.-JD:J%%M.69NKEY :--- jhrtioles and stock sold on .the market on con_1m1seion._ ed ashore ab rurcaunvvu vvluuvngu u 1 . . . . - axllng lnght. It. 1: suppoued cr:`:'mIcbr:,:sp?:rished. The sol_1oonor L. D, Bullock went ashore at Mamtou Begqh; Lof here. The crew wassaved. ` - A-._ Government cutter, Perry, put into .. 4-... ;n :. damaced The % "AT FACTORY "PRICES," McALL|8TEB, smnv & cu. 'Or.dera itt at Tim ADVANCE will be promptly I attended to. . . 22-Ix. krA_nM_sAu-:7\ SPECIALTY. A TOWN P OPERTY FOR sA1.m.-Beau:1-' fullyhi ted on Kempenfeldt Hill. near thmwnfnr, halnnrnnmnonnd of Lot: 10 and 11. ,P' No.1. 1. sluuuwu on nempenxelui. run. near thewnher. `composed of Lots 10 and 11, S. Davis Stan 1408311 fronting on Kempen- teldt Bay;6sores more or less excepting the portion conveyedtothe Railwav Company as showninregiatered Plan No. 1. also Lots 1' on`c12S.DeviaStreet in block. K and Lots 1 a.uq12tront.ingon_Kempenteldt Boy. 4 acres moneor less. exceptin portion conveyed to Railway Comganv I-I shown in registered -'1` e- almve is very suitable for f y residences and will be sold at a. bargain and nn muw tax-mn.- Ann]: in MRS. JANE runny resmenoes snu Wm no son as a. on n I union on terms; Applv no MRS. Jla`. .1 McDonald St . Barrie. 45-tf, ton Bros. Special Prices in Lamnoodsandranite Ware forsalde 6f the fallovylng well known i _: `bran1_d: . % V '".V 01 (letibh H18 !'Ollll|'a 0! ERIC IIOIIII. . dThe ChaLham s Club House` in Wed. The pavilions on the beach no ` 3. 80 is the switchback. _ An empty train is in the woodn. = T_x-nine Ea11roads are coming in irre ulhlly. V .Th' Urch steeples are demolishe . - ' V Direct from Great ritain As]i to` see the new French Coating for Ladies Dresses. All new shades in stock. s % 0. %REEDY, 12 cases New oods WAUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, % ` APPRAISER, &c. I i REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS DISTRICT. 'IIIstruments may be seen at the Boot and Shoe Store of I I-I; B. MYERS, 38 Dunlop St, Barrio. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. If you Want to get IMPORTER. Duringnthe past week we have open- ed our rs!) shipment of 12 Cases New Goods ` B1'mLo, N.Y., Aug. 30.-The`lIVe:A1vie;t. _:_t-Il I........... .`.. ulna Imintnru nf tho china` Consisting of :%i|ks, Dress Goods, Laces, Vei|ings.. Braids, Trim- mings, Hosiery, Mantles, Flan- nels, etc. o Bellllrgans ! S The out represents 3 Porous Respirator and X the patient in the not of breathinl \ Throa; and Lung surgeon, 02 78 cCa.11l St. Toronto ' I .\_,_ ,4. &..__.___ n_.__..|_ .1 LL- u---; LUIVHUU Drsmsns. TRVATID -Ca.tarrh of the Head and Thr.-.at. Catarrhai Deafness, Chronic Bron- chitis. Asthma and Consumption. also loss of voice. Sore throan. Enlarged Toneiis. Polypus of the \ one. or any other Nasal Obstructions l`6lu0Vr.'l'1 wiihaut she knife. 17-iy. ` 0S1` snout the [at of August from 101: 1*, on . the 8:1; Hon. Innisl. 9. red andwhite cow with on white spot on her let: hiu in the shape of 111 letter L. Any one retaining her after this d&tn will be prosecuted. J AMES ARTRES3. Bur.-n 1 P. 0. 33-359 ha. WASHINGTON Graduated in 1872 at Vio- toria. University with honors. The same year oasaed the examination of the College of Physi- cians and Sm-eons, Ont. `su;ce:ssbLvtr'. he devoted his whole time no the specialty of the - Throat and Lung Dis- ` ~ EAR, w 2 j30- .%,[, ftoI ,C-9 Au.y '3! Yr, IIASH15GTON dp&tcb totfha {tam gm. We oqlya I-eceiV9d as t9lgwgyB::3,d" ~`h C`1mh'rn8` wag-ail1'.d tpv 5'2" 0330,, in VVj*C 9, lnttle Wmxngi". Florence. 5'1 gwn 83! Comm '.- j:.`j.1_9r V %ween- Ch `Eu. from fo11w_ 7 ciao. gxiatch e` d 23-' 1 . 4 em, 5-0-9 Aug ntSu1liv . *1e;=;.`v"` d hi` " 9 an 0 name of A Brya dro bf .;,na.n.. day ` an ; Island yester r vvn"% .10- 1101133 wned and M11. G. was % `-`E 7,- , - haul? OP. fglllf d oval , -' killed by ay *1` .305 um Were "133: :1` 1 dam the ialan W Axel! . the in Sullivan 181* ;I`-"" ,1 "" :I- X; Ocean. 8*`-"`"' ,,m_---v-nu uemfuction of ~- 1Iv.ir0f!.3'.- I-'il1, ". on fairly nwnrm over who-`3gI0l! ,Il'?7 In W ten-itory And the infmitioxi `M59 western vlido of tI'IiIi&'~0` d0Itl`I`0-N :1 I3 AND D3818 COURSE OF .` Aoausr HEAVY RAIN AT BUFFALO- _" vuv `lnctic 3|! 5.,` Sullivan Inland storm-Sx_wep.t__. NASHISGTON, D:C., Aug. T30.-.-Upto2 no the nnlu Ana-Oak A3 Ann.`-`$11 Scores of Victllns In Georgia. glel` WEI UUVVII Uu xvnwull guwu, mileseast of here. In crgw 31,1893. N.\ ., Aug. .'5U.-'1'ne neavlean miufall known in the history of the 3' no] mvice fell on Buffalo and western ew York between noon yesterday and 8 o'clock yesterday morning. In the 24 hours 4.:2`2-100th- inches .\-hadg hllen, which is about Western New'Yo;`k _l` In that tima i xthe. weather office estimates 3,600,000.000`gnl: I Iverage per month. lonsof water [fell on Bu`a.lo.. Thowind hour. wasvery high, running up to 40 miles an , nssuworzox _ sf _ L :51: ran aroma. 7; `_ V 3. - vunv nu nuuu._1o,Inu Igqlljfipni a Ohio and Waihin`guon,e the. storm were relponlible for destruction of 1;Iv.ire`g._*'..I4'ilI,.; y ova; "hQ=" l$9!'!If a war. .puIu., `sot; ;""I;!1I 3'53`? 5 thud ztiill: amuse 'IJiI,nao,;-. We '. ol`o:'t.:-i'c}al'tinTglo, the wori of the "storm in w . more keenly felt. `Mutton. at the Board of: T!'IdC"`It'ld""I$ " tho" Stock Etching` looked dubious yum-d'u_ ~- u v\uI"e j NiW*`i1Y93i, Au 7 7 50'.`-LL -l-`he etormlwee vol`-y Ievel,-efend dl much damage to pro- perty elpnggthe `beech. The elmm of Grave eeind Bey;ie'1lifl:ered with wrecke of yachts Vmany yearn. Two canal boat towe are ten 3 and smell bontl. Along the Lower-Hudson. it wee ,the worst. ettbrm experienced fox ` rlzed to. have been wreckgdilieer Rocltlehd l ke and several liven loet. II! nIqn,`tlmMlpIzon|,:ot.~ Boon Demand Be ` 1:` u 4 : :;"'9-`.!`J.i**7`- : - .B1n3.l:;IN,';Au5g. 3Q.,.-'-4-`An old man of neurly 80'.IfuaTmed Sixt, who for several months has ' been` living with J acob Cluthe of"DQoh,' and _L Ii';p`p6eej'_by the ville on to be 8 wealth; ` _Germo_.n,vdi e1 `quddo'nfy_o n Thursday night. . The} hurrie nipuberin which the man was buried nfberhie death," which was given out an being from epo lefy, aroused auspi~ 3 cion and a number 0 Erominentrpereone in ` `the village petitioned t e coroner to hold an in nest,` which will be `done-nt~ouce by Dr. owlby. of BerliI,I`. awho. :._hu given order: to have "the body` ` oihumejd for that ll rnnnn, 7-MI IIIU IAHKR > BABE-73: .0n-a A8- . 30.4A` pitch-in be- - ho:-_e last. night. A lnnlnl 6.-.h.I., I.....` `...{..n;- --...._...... `Juan two G. T.R. -._fl'lgh_t trains - oc ' J-:-.-- Frlgmtnl Dutruotlon In North Carolina u RALEIGH, N.O., Aug. 30. -Keruellavill was struck by the cyclone. Four people; were killed and 100 house; blown down. F There was frightful destruction and loss at ` life uoubh of her . ` ' ~ cotton Damaged by mm. and wand. Nnw Yong, Aug. _30.,-A Worid from "Aikian. S.C Q L min and viind in this iection has cot cot- ton planters fromfteon to twenty per cent. of their-cron. V " ` Ipeciaiv-3 Iziya: Fifteen `hours 01 : vvu rluulait LIIUIII 1 cent. their-crop. Irlondbnrst. In `rennosu-9. A KNOXVILLE,VTennV., Aug. 30. -4A special j from Soviervillo, 27 miles 11 the Pi eong Rivergsayn-a oloudbnrut. in t_~`Q}'0VO.I_ ya` that place` yogterdgy {iterno_hh cnusd"tQr- rilile destrilclion to. ?roper.1'y.;.nnd `crops. No lives were lost. out midnight. the street car_gerviVg'f' wasparalyzud by the breaking of trollliy" wire-s_. Allover the city Ttreesn-1'6 ind windows have been broken in by the weight of the rain. In the. outlying co};_a- .. hr Jiah-int. Any-Ann 64-. Flag hinnn hnl'h'n'A'I`I'-" K3" i'g?g{a' "3?':fLi,';-."7I.`Z'&}:'}'ii.`t`"'3I ; I3 employs 1;of thgj C.P.B. `Hie id; received` `his .m_onth I;'~` wages, {and `ad ` taken it -ii -om his -pdkt for the purpoi'c5`61 minivan 95 in -n fr-3nu` nrnnnninn it-nnnn. A Nmb f CMQB Killed--Cru Thrown ' !: a i0_ _I.ho Ialkh 13.--... A\ ea ox lumber Andaevernl can of cattle. wan sta.nding`_I.]ong the lake shore trick /mun the station when another special ,ra.n.. intc T the rear end"o the utanding train, com- pletely wreclnng several can and killing a number of ca.ttl`e`. One or two can wen thrown into the lnke. Hm- og_8..".`.....1`_i."` . _ . _ -33.` 1 ,'v `- ` ' C"- uv|_v IOIU .l.|l5llIl.. _ `- V .. - K - _ A A apeoul frenght fronthe north`, cbmpos-_ ad of lumber and seven! of ca.t_.t:lo. nfnn:`i'nn -1.u... AL- I_L- ...I_ -_- 2W-`W!-h.~, |Ie,rQlIzono491.4Daion is I .. ; I..".....ru;..`..n , sI;|lri;<;so`.`A Bali manger i`uo wu yester , Winochgstan` ; ,woun`ding_ Bowman. A - nnnn jllfad Kontuclilavio Sun on I Ifynohing Excursion. Mrnnmsnonovon, Ky.,;.Aug. 30.-.-Ania; roin on the Middleaborough Bell approaching Half-Wzgyx House" ~ Q gun to Mrs. Mary Bolin The gang then u an nnwn I-nnnhn fawn Rho!-{H of men `armed with into a cat, mortally; o.nd-Mru. La- A Bqmlltoh ;{(_:"lgnnnn .I Son Drowned In Lake Ontarib. A 1 HAMIL'roN," 0nt., 30Aug..-A and drown; ing uc<;ident4;,97cIir17ad,a.,'t`; Hgmilton -Bone!" Tuesday-: tAf-smug `::nqn;:nmed,aI m`ou.y1o in cmpuny with V Ievgrnl yqun men. was bathing.jnL unnffgjn ;J,pk_ ntnrib. when he gpc;j.go_;fg`:-`:jr.ori2 x!"-diore, and, becqmigg xhauutod, wgnt d wn before, cg: -..a-Anna nnnldrellaih hlll. fa ----'n TWO;.`h0lo `Lifts:-Ml Win]; xv;-..g._ ' `rm-sn `A -_ _. aux "nu :_'-"".'|0I`O_ `IaII tOI'Pl' W V-Nl=W"1Y91u't.. Au . 30.. rm`-.v Iowan-`--A Lt} _.___ L VIUSIIU UL LHC LIIILI. LII III` IIIIVIJIII5 try districts damage to th jot;-op; ha.I`b|1 >1-'-r '1. very large. In the summer; camps a_l'9;lIg'A lhelake shore terrbr M Tr`e1gn`o d;` HMS ,N .~ blown away, and the campers were l6`ft`Kt lhemercy of the wind and ..r&iD-. 13 *9 lower part of the city the street; Q81` trwki ` xre under Water, and the cars have ben Ifopped. ~ Ai`TsM'P'rEb MURDER." > if I;n;=-.-%-'-'* -~ ~ Qvnnnc,-` Aug}: 30-'-"Aui ittemjst` at mur- der and_ rob_bA.e_Vry_wasA recenly Jnade on-thI A. C.P.B. Employ-j__ gqfurqkod iqn 3 Night "cars of "ue ' `night bxbress from'Qubec, a mile and .9. half-beyond Laohoyrqtiere,-~*on OI-no 1-uni-Quin nfv , Mil "v"T.htII{IIAhf.nn mm and .2. na.u- oeyona uaongvrqolere, on the pgrpon of Mr. .1. "IAd_uru.nts 0, 19.; _emp}oyo`-.'of thoj He id: -nn.uunt`I' In`: n-:'nnH| n'.v Quinn `Anal 3` W0 I 111030., _pl.'9_VG"(llII IUI 8 29 . . .. me` -diatl! tgr to :~ 9Vhi e on the ` O platforrifhetweeh the tw e was puddenly seized by four men. e\tx-uc`k,~'.; B.:ViOllIt`bldI on the head with Na - bottle, robbed and thrown o into aditch-. where he `remained an hour and a half without conaciouaneu. On recovery he crawled back to'Lachevro- tiere, where he passed the remainder of the night. 1%"-was so dark at the time that ho a was unable to recognize his `assailants. ueorga vvagauer were cu buruu. ' One hundred mn `ti; in ;e'vening'"' xen- Mingo, the home of the women who . were ` shot, and it is laid tihatothey wilt] nob the prisoners, who were tgk_en_ t.o- uaavillo. l`.`:I DUWIHDH. Luv suns vuvu lLk \.Io As soon as news reached town Sheri J oliu 0. Cohen summoned u possea.nd"w,ent. in pursuit; John and James Marlin an"8 George Wagoner were cattured. -- nn lunar`:-Ar` rnn 1. in ,n`vnnindH Inf!" DBCl!`lllll .fu UAIlQuIIIvu, smnooj owls! 4 :eeovBred~'Ihi3`ptlyv sf! extint. F `I _I.. gx `HA Ali becqmlgg Ollllllllnvu, VVEIII u nu Uvlvxuy urn. whoa ooumreaoh ch. -5 - F. .rma, `%w`V ` .--.5:-un-`. % that it rolled govemthe L 10 1 Lyle, 6'r= 01 _ Cti7h}d`:l"-?~`IV"'!"6i t>ytorian Churc of Hamiltqp, and ,va.n1iviq at thug =1-.r9s`rt-- bib " ' A hqsvy, IuIff_h_o. ,peen.rolling it on a on all "mowing," and 16' high it time: . ,. ... . s!s- 0' "*'E2?%?f8WV`T??*%?# W`! 2 A-Vth; `Qff: gffamuei I; o- Mmcnnsmn, N.H., Au` *. 30.`--A terrible d'rwnlng;;gcciden acqpmr jut`; the muck -fBir`:r' have V *-yodtorduy.- Edmond B't'"v'9.h'.'s-.`_%g`gfl8 4: ndutz %mud and Alex} it unt! bto`th`ora,':|`god 1`! and 15 years` uIpac.t_iv_plv,_. wqrg Jwimujing when` ono ofthe{nM.qIIV I_;6'H.' 'iVv4i t.l1_ Vcnvmpa slid the other! want Co` `in ulintunco --- ~-_.. I...I.._.|....I hath: ffnnlin` mormng Dy uwppung Luuu may auger uuuggu we bottom of the shaft, .~t}_Ie._~_bica;'g failing to work because of wqe'r" in_-the wheelpit. 'j 1;` `:5 AtChurchvi1le an old maii na'.med`Cr5;w- ford was probably fatally injured by fall- ingwith a limb which he was cuttiA g?fr_<:ii`173 E me; that blocked the street. .~. -1 .,. Whu ortanuqn wV|vu_ BI-lulu aid to" his dtivin `fdgethor. odiol wexge recovers _L-_n'.z-.`u'.`..,. I I,`_i!. '5 X I . > `?3``Q -5zW' down shortly` tffair.` '` ban K, Ioronuu, sun; of Britilh Ameri? f'i':J. .` .4. . '"'.'!,'.Q'.!R;_- .. .. 21!!!!- Dat. :,:~ N'.'.`.'..; hm Aug. 89.-Em of ' ' T 1,; ' ` ' " ` V 011 nnn0 - `Ann. m.-,WMIl!.|1_ vs'LvF_!;f!2}.--,~V-54` ` I/?1?lI IV I11-Ill! `IIlU'.[l\~IUBVU IUI UIIU.!lIII!l.U.U VI gwmg 5 to 1 jrggng, wpzgqpggdln 1mme~ diatl! %I'ftol1"- to `|no'h0l?.?o`a!t.*`*"NVhi 52237` carried to Dutl; by s_T}`)_rAiv`v,p`ing` Boy. Mmcnnsrlii, 1\1.n.;% J. 30$-'-A I_....._A...4. ...-..:.I-u.tr nunuuun Iifta lhn 37 ; I] Z I 3} meet Cur service Domor:IIIzI~;`-'8er|'oI,1:s Damage to Crops. ' ` TWOVMEN SHOT on A THAIN. `naowmj AT THE? BEACH. PIT3;H~I1'INAE,Ahl`BARR|E. j cl0AlldblIVJ'IV `lbnnmuu-at. -`vs-ur w - PI`-.. ._ A `....-... V ... Gold for Toronto, - C,._ `vcvtvrtv I "!'.`L! r: H. -atom Ill 0 9` S.u'AN.\'A11, Ga., Aug. .30-The fatalities mulling from the hurricane of yesterday will number over 70. Of these one-half are low known to be dead; the rest are n'aiasing. _. Twelve barks and barkentineawere blown- ligh and dry upon the marsh. ` ~. M .~ ` ihe ruin at quarantine is complete.` a The vharves are gone, the new fumigating pllnfu j: _Il:ich has cost the city so much money.-u lithe bottom of the sea, and nine _veIIelI, -' which were waiting there for release to some to the city, are high and` -ary iinthe ' marsh andno doubt will be total wrecks. . _ The tug Paulson, from Tybee, four-,.. Iegroea engaged in clearing the .r'ai1road_- tracks and a sailor and the cabin boy on the tchooner Harold are drowned. V It is reported that eight of -the crew of a terrapin sloop which went ashore on the tomb end were drowned. TL- _n _ , _ ___-__- -.. 7r-.LAA.Td1nnt` Eii `rho Dunner cnnopgq _ In-Inga Word to; n -_ mfg;-un_su;Iu: 'l`hnI.;lho was-_ smma In jl q` .A!`w1o_! tho` Allan -x'.a;_.,.-. -uomouaun` 3ouna.. tor` London. MONTREAL, An . 30.-The inten|e.n.nx- ioty which uni ed 0.: to thdfute `of ':-he Dominion iuer Stu-nin was relieved last. night when Maura. D. Torrnnco& Co.,' her ngontyreceivod a pt-ivnte denputch from North Sydnoy lnnnonncing tlant she was bound for'Lon'don in tow of the Allan Liner Montrovjdinn, Capt-. Cnlvett. In: haunt- um-.. L_-----`Ls `- - -`l Hy` ggqzrza 1_ll1},lJ?l`A_ : mam rag-1 lnnon ntmlru run ANXIETY. A } munwlln, Uapt-. Ualvext. . } The news was brought by the steamer Canopus; Capt. Eutoz-brook, who lighted. the two in latitude 53, long. 33. Th!-Sunni;-' Inn mun In... M.` In 3.... -: vwu m uwuuuo 05, long. 33. '.|.'ho;--Satnia-' has now been out 31 day: from Montreal to Ltvex-`pool, andwu lass reported on Aug. _l6 with her machinery dinbled. -Captain Couch refnaed assistance frdm the Iteamahip Ripon _0_it_y. _ She Ind 300 mm). nn 1..-......| .....: -L-6 scum ma stesmsmp uipon City. 7 M had 300 cattle on T board, and `that neither those not the essengers need sutfer for `food is shown by t e fact that she had a car 0 of hay and s L uentity of cheese and pot on board, toget or with 71,000 bushels ` of split pose, and 81,000 bushels 9!` corn. Rome, Watertown and `Ogdgsbuiy Many bridge over the Genesee a_t Chir- wewas damaged, and an engine hfted o' me track by the wind. All through West- nNgW York the 'corn crop was. gregply _ d,maged,,also apples and small fruxt_s. At the Rctsof salt` mings, Liv/;g_gaton_ County, Elhott. \Vethi1(')eOl3 fwaa illeg taxi: ' v dro in ear. mv.a. uc g .3 .`i`.'.hbn ..n,npIZrgt1.e mm. .m.e...mm'. '1:-dope nalxoelxon-s W;-1 or a D`le'ordoI-Iy` I V Such` In sun Sebastian. M ` -MA1 )BIb, A Aug. 30.--A riot occnnrbd leaf " evening at Sansebeetian, the well-known Spanish, `watering place ,inthe,Province of ; .Gni'puzcoe.. .. A conceit wee being given in i the principal.-promenade of the, entygend ~ the.`et{dien_ee,- most ofwhom were the native Basques, deme.nde'dthet the b.and,pley the Basque hymn. - The leader of the musicians `refused. The mob heoted the players end ' `then nunnltqd them. The police. and egme fpf the endionceedefended the musicians and a furious riot resulted. mL- _:_;_.._ _..-_- 3-2,, I I Aluusvui ILVI lvltlllvlllls _. The _ rioteu were driven from the vicinity of the bsnd_Itun_d.- b.I,nfthov,`prooeeded in as ` body. to thehotelawhre Senor Sagut.u,~the 1 _.Prime Miniite'r,'-in `staying. and stoned-the building.` The olice were unab1e_onm1'- _.nge the mob an t.r'o_o l_ were Innimdned ',to` aid them.` When t. cxsoldiers ippenred ' -theywereitoned by the mob and many of ` them were cut end bruised by the missiles. - An nu-ap `man than nhnm 5.. n... 9.1..-..-... In u5I:uuIv I |UUlv|l'l'GllUU U1 |1llU=lvl'Ul|UI9u'- ' . The old city of Sa.ragouc,vccpita_l.of` the % province ofthat namc,'vn.c _aK`l'no tlic cacao ~ yesterda.y'of 5 ierious. riot growing out of % `tho dininidfcction of . the spectators It-I bull ght with the character-of -ne por- formnnco. A bull that `had been dtiycn. illtfl F;I\(I Ifllna Aunt-Jan --\:n= 5, nvsssuusvvo 41 Hull vuulo lulu UBEII ul'IYll_- i into the ring refused to display spirit l enough to make the ght interesting. The 1 epsetatorsdemsnded that snotherbull he fn`r- % `nished, but the manager of the ring refused ` to replsee the spiritless animal. The crowd in. attendance then rose in 3 body, smashed the seats, toregthe doors from their hinges and set fire to the `materiel. .whioh,theyj had piled in the.-jbnil ring. `The re was ex- tinguishedl by the bull ring attendants; and V the mob then began to riot outside the `bnildin _." +._ The police ,e.ttemptsd';t'o dis-, perse th in end were greeted with e" vollei oi stonea.",~- Not until;, rein'fo'rcsments er- rived iwere; ythe rioters dispersed. Much diienlty was met ~with in driving the _mob o , and many of the ' rioters . were -wonndedh the police, who had to use their swor s to restore order. ` V The Dosnlnlosr Government signs a Ten . Years Contract. 4. O'1'rAw.A,~Aug. is-The Government yes- terday made an absolute contract; for ten years with James Hudd ss msns 3 "qwnelf of the st9amships_ o ` the Guns isn- Austrslinn I St`/osmship =Com`psuy.;. A third swift sud largo steamship will be immedi- jstely added to the hue. Kepflo B'sy,' f\nnnnn`n'I|t` 3. dlsnrinnf vunf. II` blInl|f.I1I'A But site song`. _Rlg1nto`d' pflnlt and named Join` A`II Evo:iK eol; ' - T LIv,E1u>ooI{, Aug. 30."--[ .l`he. new Cunard Line steamer Luca'nia,~a aieter ehip me-the Campania, went into. a Vgraving-`dock `at Birkennead eome days ago; lt we`: eaidiatr l the time that eomeof ,her plateahad been 1 damaged: in a collision she had haduwithv `a' dredge in the" Clyde. ' To,-`da'y"sli`e`.. wee oated out of` the dock._'.- .';Wvlule. eoming._o_` ehe listed to port. and. there "was great --excitement - among > the dockyard hand: -and ethere who our the great vessel heel `over. She won riglited; however,"a`n'd< when wholly in the ~-water oatedon a n{`even keel. . It in thou `ht that` poeeiblyiher tail is touched the lgri iron at the eldeofathe ock= as she cameol. It`ie' not probable that ehe euetaiued any dame e, _ but`ehewlll_ nevertheless be placed on t e blocks again tomorrow morning to'allow_of amexamanation other bottom being made. V: It-ie expectedrthat she will _`be' A taken` elf nnndn f.n,I-nniuvnnv nl-nanny-an jhun ` Iln ` Wiiinn Iiiiinposed To Iinvc -80. J amen -Itr . " : T.!. .r|.sh9<|:III-.l.I my-my-n _ "MONTREAL; Au?g'.'"30`.'- \-'Shoxtly `after 6 o o1o last. nignf; _u actions are occurred in V 9 `thq re brigqda got to work on.tho build- pxtoh t`o[Ieveru1otl:"oiI'-'1si"ga hildiui, but `gutter two `_hour'|" hifd WO!'jk_; :jlf:hfr wag` go; Hider-`c`6ptr,oI.", _. s`5=m;.'M..an;~-1o vin .6`f supposed fil; :i;\5.9il3i8.'3hl5ied. `by Msroowo `re"_rI_-,- `,:qt,i{>$eerna .5,` ig'l2ho'.-; `ames gainedondidefnbie heaidwsy bfbro ` in % , and owing totho"hi'glr' wi'gd,_b1osgin_g it - ' us no ivisTIa&e'aA.AthdLt.,tL 9 ;:'1`f\irould'. g -..- Tl3|%!:1..LucAN;i.A} H!-:t=.Leo.foveaJ. '-.-_.j-' {Z3-ictor, Capt. W. A. Russell, cumin`: ck to Charlotte. The three schooner: uanheir cargoes were valued at $42,000; wnce not known. The gch00IlI' Singapore of Kingston med ashore at; Forestlawn without 3 _ n was nailimz light. is suppoued