A .1/.:"_H.~V'_l;(`):c>-'1"rAI,` G..- ll`-VLIII, .V - . `.1; " 3: V "'*- H A '83.;-3 : \ . SHIV..- . "C M.` Ran y , . ge wlth hot W _ eNla.testA designs. ater kg ` . V P-nces Modexate .ghg . , `N. "/A wnsonx LENNOX. `Wide. Width. Vigtoria, Lawn, 5g_ perm AQK 1`);-s. ;La_.cl'ies Hose for 25 cents. -.%C11i lA<%i'r`p}n %.s Cqtton Hose at 5c. per pm ,":s:KFQi :R _du R: 12eimian ts. % Bilttons only 5e. per doz ASKAr:*R.;9"!!f%.Ves2s;for fadnly 25 cents AI-Iatg at 150.. each; EChedpest Shirtings. and Ceylon Flannels. `Ba1fgai'ns", we always have them. _ nxgcu m unlgurnq, -;anpua.1evary.:1'nurI;;_. 3 : ' _\ ' p AMIJEI. wnsnnt.` 4 rnopuu ;-ton: aLI;Id S1pVoc|n!%i@' pf Scotch Tartans `. . . 1. .j ; In Hahdkorohlbf%s%.'Sa%shos, Rugs and Wraps. VvEAsA~cMrm A SPECIALTY fa..L_L1 `.l.J""""' ' A Bargain to;r%%aA week, Double-fold Dress Goods, |A ssnume %Prints,lle|aines,%|]ress Goods ,..,-$623 1'iL1'a"1i`2n'3 `noz?e??S``;:' ` 3' d. u?:'}2`??'i 3'.Yz.``r;`:$f1 5`?s<`e**. .i'.'i.{.`1.".`` nu: SLAUGHTER TeMl`ephon e No. * % I % 96?bun'u.oI [ st, sums. F PLAXT 0 N x::-_ I: I1`: ` H) of all shoi't 1ength pieces in `and a very enticing pile of VANCE -j: uvvQ-3v--v Q C'IaDI?Q Sir Jo,hn_Thmpqon,.`on his return from; Paris, vial 'pr`eeen`ted'"with `an address of welcome` by the LM1 mioipality mof Qtt;uv_s to which he replied in most? appteoimve; V and wisely chosen t.eru'2a. Without dis-E tinotion of party th p9_Qpl_e_qf Canada can endm-he that aizii of welcome.` V Prvovisions, _ K36iBaye|d Street, Barrig. }6ATouLv I 2c. PER m Ffuits, Etc. PR5}.""` ..- `--w-- J.---_ . `Odrrentw account; ; V . Farmers and C6mmi`cinl`v iiaper die-' counted. ' _ A F ermere -Sales Notes collected. . Advances made on Farmers Sales _Not._ _ ' Note form: free on application. Dnurs ISSUED payable in all_ parts of Canada, Great, Britain, . the [United States of America, and elsewhere. `V ` 1-3:`, H. 1v.:c>~:<": I H ` ' VMANAGER. .AUGU8T 31, 1893. .;.IwW 1' ELSA: Ch -[ford W -3.3:: u.'ifh reset (1 Lg `Brrr; faninfall Elm-ice, York be `yesterd -- Tn Oh Icnhlllil Ions of "yaq vex` f hour. A l ' unssovg on was: vvuuv] VI. nuulivvg IIIIU 1'11! fivtgce of Ontario, 0anada.,ev9ry.fl'hurn_:_. dui`mor`n1`n'n.B`y" ysnyn u In th -u. Lup- fiat "wry 1211' the !.1k_e {blown a {he mar blower p W928 luau: . L.-Xhbu [Was pz_1r - nu... was . `ijnd wznl Lgeigl VLLIS F terrnpi uxcn W81`, mums `O Rff6.` I V 12 Per Annum in Adva.nce. $1.} `WW, :1 '3 Arxe _0n all ghurch IV a u.. `3_In_thi mnnxsiann-.1367. OAPl1'al.. - - - - - LII IIUI UB1! Ell` Ii; year. DBPA arm Deposits of $1, and upwards received and Interest `nllnwed. : "_"'~ 5. .'f":?: 7_ Y':`t'Z"'m7'!"'!`tPiT(f"T'JHHl} " ``".B5. ,1"! .e*.;1 i,9*!9!A ;!.|.!!9q -mad 1`: ' v 0 -"~ `u;b.?ln~. i=8! .E~3 .I.:':::.' *.,-"st: :1; : amines-:-BANK {'32 N`bO.RT\[1 ERN:ADVANC_E,_ BARRIE 8 !o_iri];i1V)er`,1""' Published 1-om thg Omoe. _Dun/lop Street: arrle. ln'th'o Cduny` `of 811noe.'t'ho Pro- -ufnnn AC f\un6--In IV-_-J- --`__ llIL___ , Interest added to fhe ;);i-ncipal twice in gunk` Inuun . was now,` IN roic riinuinn. Tg-roanoon Q I .,v`.y,- ,1.`--- -.7:--v 15.-ih3'iiI:'dd 1;1.aa,_m,,17_5,.s5c ; Mm. *9`?! .193. . ,H9'?hW!! a.8.1e.08..~. 25;. To achieve the abavii`-riuMi!; Ji" _-my DfZ"nC., ' I. T 2` ith shing \:.- I e- oiver obrg . r ' ~ S.a..'_I...x-a..n_\- `1Lnu1 .`-.J.:~.nss_n:;..1: mg, _~ nil -V:-waft "OIVU GU V,llUIlIlUUI "'v".""" ~ ' u. .. , _ M, ` = `.3 -tha.pl1hlinvJnaiIarUsi!L* mnie-::v`3 W % "We oz.noemi:msiabaaami.s~it1i+ioa1 "`,f??"_"f,.,.' -`3"","."? .-Y .Y;..`."f".`_.". ; :'"tS" 3'S! g 5;,` Quebec. 82s235;733`s. our-=io.iI;2 o42.%1os;* Dninn I'.r`-nuuI 1;`-all Q1 1370 OER - `II`_..: I :n.;1i;.*.`"`n'2*s2!az:viq'd=I3:.3L;:*aus*mi. .'..z 'I'_EI VALUE 0!` OUR FISHERIES. A supplement to the Annual Report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries for 1892, just received, is replete with in`- tegestlng inf9rms,tion'.w.ith regsrd -to the l)_eih'ini6u"iheries, ', Their vs_lue fer the 1! yeo=z'i!;!!enr1si$19.00Q.0Q9,; 191|!!iV9 en the qu a%tiey`ot sh cbnilhed by the Indian Vpbfpulstilib bf British "Columbia, inch is estimated at "over $3,000,000. 7.._'1`h'e giant 5: the different p:+dvthoia-*1: 4 thus given : ggggyogtilgsgtghkgs the lead emu 36,340,724` 1\`u?",B:a`asv`tiok, is 33,. 203,922; British Ooliinibis, _$2,849,48' _ . :fa M heard its correctness impugned on many. `occasions by that class of political agitaf :torevihof1I`l39'7I'l:viays on the out for points againatitlie goyernment.' There was laxgc1`~i:.u;m.`m.d;g;h.: the``gures'i ` segue -not-`be correct. Frontier Pavia a'sked"_th e '_De_p'jartment 'uf. Agriculture. for a detailed se't,a_t rest. doubts uppn` questio_n.- feneiiisndi-dialsPqbinoislmgibrnmontfor "result ;has: oontirmfefd Ithe correctness .,of `the census gures in every particular; and -_._.-._ .._ ...-vv I much _dissatlsfaction"_ in "British Columbia statement of-the population, ivhich vy`ould- rue l.enun1'rht_i>rs`.7 ,bf o6ks you tgmoea ;i_nij avrecount.-.`.This `took and the -_is quite __a triumphpforl Mr. Johnson, the ipublic statistician. Treniier Davie had an oioial analysis" of the original returns made by Mr. R. E. .Gosnell, iand that gentleman declares that the comparison leaves no doubt otthe correctness of_ the retiiigns. What istrue of British Columbia presumably true of all other parts of the Domi_'nio"n.. Many :01` error that had been noticed in the preceding. census were eliminated. and `it is questionable if a nynati1`_)nIl.t'oensu`s` -was` ever taken more generally reliable than the last `Dominion census`. It is to `be hoped the British Columbia test will effec- tually set at rest the question of the general accuracy; of. the census returns. V The men referred te by the Weekly may be enemies of the pub_li_c'we1fere,' and so are all men who put their private interests before`tiie;__good"i6f Mueh more re they enemies theriiibo welfare, who slander their country (ind seek to destroy its credit in order to qgreau I3110;pi(i)lViI ;fi-,'c&1:]II>l"t;`(-3'}-)f;)0.lBd to 1-.'hem` for the purpose of gaining place and `power. V` V e _Aecording`fto fsifesieeweeiiyi the salve;-Z purchase =bill:is: the cause, and the "silver, kings` who are _in the `Senate and House of. R:-oresentatiyes are'directljf and personal-. ly concerned, and do not. want_ to "be . instrumental in _cIifting down their revenues by the repeal of" the `purchase bill, by which the government are pledg- ing themselves to purchasealarge amount of ailvergper months to be paid for in gold at a price of nearlywnfty per cent-. in ad- vance of its present value as a commodity. `Some `of the men ` who are `thus placing their private interests against the public welfare are Senators Tellerand .W_olcott, of-- Colorado {Senators J ones and-Stewart, E of Nevada; Senator Vest, of Missouri ;: Richard" P. Bland, ,_:R.epreientativefrom iaaouri_., Senate:-German and -`others; ' e um. n ot;very{.often`rthat`%a.? politician's? private interests. -will yield .to the demands of .`l5:`,'i.Q.tsi'i'n9.w :'1`he P0-W99 aims is ": jreryfaingular m;`e,i .which placea men in .pi;1>lig positions in whc_h,.{thei.r .yeta_ bgtwewin their @193` .Pl81"R!i`n.9h` the! on,ei'hand_, _ and_`the public`wwelfare on the: ofthe_r.;' Q" i ,1Aga$u; apart altiogetheiri fronithe present . crisis in `the United States and whether thatsilver purchase law!-lsresponsilble for the present ,;t_roule, :: it fairly }be asked`. ?=*' .'..Y 9"'.`l.`iF.18'.i.,1.`.5."? wt -9 1,-mob. right: the `gold kin'ga".-jg-(The gc1d5kings'-hate Lthe3` 15? "?.P9'949i9""e'?`$1is Vii.l.39i1t16!3keb it for the time. But. why a'pe_rs'o;n` should . .'. 9.?9`."I'?S".1.'J`.?S3'9!?l1C#,bu a1il;wlieat or a "day's labor for a;specied,$,,nun;_ber of number of grains of silier, or al`-certain number of "sea shells`, etc., there can be inuence of those who make gain out of this gold and silver traio. VI"!-.4. Inna -'-Vn`n-_-.I Ll. L_ LL- 11'? I II ,.tov.piieeaVth`e clainis'of silv;'er`for.`='n1,_on'_ey' . grains of gold ,;;o`E3`*';_1;.:.c`rn- `a_ ce-_r`ta'in . no reason given, except custom and the I _'-M-_-b-guy syn H-II; III-llllllt `III llIllIltl_DlI_0l':-. as ` ii'a"p'uiblio no: we find in the ettitiudiof `the-Iilver their.-bl -.Iotnoyl_.:i!r the , oi. the Uniw -States. -The dist:-son; ,cs_nIo.d 5! the p.-"assnt,,.bn_'sins's~ is growing st 5 sh--shiny, rate 1; from.dsy.tods'y more and more mum of? hnsinebs oouoernlfthet would be perfectly solvent but for the; diionlty of obtaining money on -good se- curity. more and more msnufsotnring establishments closed, and more and more thousands of working men turned into the street for the some reason. And no- body can tell how far the ruin will spread unlers something` can he done to remove the csnse of the general disrrusr.."'A ~ `7 58mbb"6he barioumwal taken-we IN -'33 0" ..!. !IJ1uo.wsnrA:f1 *..:3.`,&3 -:-.yL.= ." my of in i..i}y7 5;; eitiiiiauon git `mum .|int'inhinA4I~ -ah-3-- _...:a..x- r.-.1-n. .v"`. :1` . L ; Dr--V w.;}?7; tr;.`;`?;i~i*n'?""P"r?-: s:..;: i~ I V j J . nth? Gr-.nd.Iood: Ennhlf. 2u r 5.9 .`9.1."F'!!9!| 9;`T. .. i_1_-warning here the some I ` - ` y x 0'-".~':" . - z ' ~ A I. _ . . \ `um. ,-v if v -3. ..; . ' ` , ,. .P.r . ' v (The .;.t..;.;; ;;.. not published um week an the Editor was et=the World : Fair. -- ` Mr. G:-alum; -eldcct `non `of -Mr; T. Sv.`Greham, Reeve,;died on Monday afternoon after 3 long" illnoll from con`-"V n'u;;'ju{at_ion. . He I.v'u in" the 'emp1oy.9f' thfe` large circle of ` ` -_ Sjuindnrd Bunk,` Aandvon coconut of failing. heqbh was compelled to give up work in , the spring. ti._e,__\v;|\a'_,20 year: old, e_nd_hio 1 Iintimely deM:h'- hoe, coir! gloomover 1' H `jgvi. Flint. :"1-`V;-c'>nto,V"'\;zho has been nupplying in the Methodist ..0hu1-ch during Auguu h_u_`_nhhed..hip. term here, ind Rev. Mt. "Fo_rgt'non'li a'xp'ooted't_o. re- turn this week.- . Mr. mintahu ben very well liked herp.. 1- 7. -, - " xiii}; E;}Li.IEnS =Z2EI..}1 .. n..g.5.p. Eon after -1 vasipto Mi'uL. Oampboll ere. ' vi. There is a giant nnpbeg Qt ntrang on in toyvn now. _ . _ _ `-Ro_v..'aNnd Mt`I. J. Wain, of Southamp- ton, Mina May Harding. jof Stutford, Mu. Macferabnf and"Mi3'__ Grace Steven- son, of Barrie, -have -bee guest : of `Mrs. John Boddyfthit` lg: 'w6fg!:. ; V ._ ,_,,,,. . ,..a-.-nw--r -._.v %;;a:p9t3$;}"3!r;;9!wm.;;ssontiden~ to those Silhtoxa Iiho are opposing` the re- Qhirju*Hnm1nVt`?3a0*'i`a`iii iu"$s`**: _ 'f. . nun v: ;....-?"x 4.3.; ` .....,_.v 3. 7 "Me; wi11T.%"1h}; at the :o-t;f{ Settle- zment, died very` iuddbnly in the harvest eld lat week. He lqftthi hpuie in his usual health," adorn` `6r_)mplainqdf of notvfealing very w6ll,'and"hiu Jbrotner hgyiug 3;IdQst_W()vf0I1nd of the ld .9aI'h,b :9 him and found him`Jesd.' J i ' ___ -___--vv v-quvr Anw{in:t:ert:aLt111T;gr genial eventpf rece:n't' oe-' ;currence `wan ' the _mL$x_-rihage `of Mr. Alvin Orton. Priucipalbt the `Model Schpol, _to `Min; Adele Kt'lken`ny_.~' ' "0qly" a_ am'_a_ll,` fnV(nnb,'er -x`1eatawitn'ee'ned the_.ce1"em_on_y,. which was performed `by Rev_._F. Smith ut_ ;the residence ef_,the, bride ; at}h'er._ e rt: - -- ,M_1'.`,W. `Eliij, eff` 'AH$h`dale; :hi_'| : t,k`en_ fp`oe_ees Iion ' ` `of the`! 'Quee`ne ' `Hate; `Here; Yo'ur oorreepoqdeng together ,w'i th all our townspeople, hopee.there.wi11;.new be '9. min-ked_ ignprovement in the manner` of oendqctingjhle,inatitntiong_ ' _._r._- _ . .`_... .5. ---3_ --.v-,_--- uuv,u- unvnnf .j _Tlie..ric.Ee``ru ,Veidiiiaion sB$y .2oip' and Bdrm: was cros_t1y1 enjoyed by tzhopexho t._o.ok. it in._ The, day .-was inoat: ifggox.-able, but the crow'd- was not large. enough t_o enrigh t_ho- cricket` club.: ~_ s *3: in-:"Jgii1s',A`Edmnhbn,`o" 1; }aae:ora, and Miss` Edmanaon. of St.` Luke : Hospital, New York, were called here last `week on nooountiof--_tho- lovi state of Mr}. Egimsnaqn.' `__f r A few day; go Mr. .EJ,. .8, Bgddy little d.I.m.zhter., K*I*51'9'i:V."9.11 .`*1!f!i`8h I cellar ivlhdpw "xhilqi j`z,!_aI`yi,`t1|z` a'ngi ft-aoturobd o'n_q offhe;-";vv.riIti._)` " - ::. ' ' .:jMr.':~Frbd;: Gzahimi hnivhoenik 1$::$:a}ti home from Mnakokas 1n `n. V617; low, utatdof ho3a.lh'.: ` - " 5 - ",1`he 10541 Refermere D'r.e:-A Aparationa to join in the reception which is `to be tendered the Ho:).. Wilfregl Lsurier by, the Ref_o_m`;e$ if for.'th `Y_<'n"k.Mon Sept.__ 5:11. ` 1 "A `, I`3;I1!,>_1ti`,>t 'I.>'.i<'>.:.Ii.,i;.rill the 7 held it; ;VVi11i3.'l?""8.fV'9i.9!"'ana.'P999 7 will he Ii9d.~-`by T101!-k9ow.rn;;men;:.:tho chief of whom will. , on.t11iu.=oocaaion. Jae the I-ead1ar.of;the'Reform |i.atty. V ; E 1 A L-__ .I___._ -__- II`, 1 be 1-\ go I u. - .~. 7: ~_;,Ad.VPP:C11'-5li9nd! . > . ow t..b,&,t.,,l',hQ yygrm_wea11e: i.a,dra_wjng ' 1:9 3 6195.9 aiid petpl' uq jzttinfz "d_oIjn 39 j _wo tk again aici` their` 'ho}idy`u~;-` ybur i-eapondent will ttyAto'nd.aome 1nt'ere_:t- * ing noten,.to,.writo.. r:~ . A ' - I'I\n -- I V 5 trujarnmu Law an-:s1.nn.. V `The Sherman _slil'ver pVnrch ase law `has been repealegl by the Honse of Repre- sentatives at Washington. _ _ , Several `amendments were defeated} The repeal `bill was passed by a vote of 2411.0 109. y.'What the Senate will do with It is yet to be seen, but it is quite likely it will pass` that body. There are but -few who are not thoroughly,_convinc'ed of the folly of a government purchasing an article and storing it away with the certainty that it must be-sold at a ruinous gure below the _purchasing price. There is no doubt that the action of Congress will to a`ce_rtai`n iextent tends to restore that condence in the monitary `system o_f_the government that will-`entice capitalront of its hiding places and `start the wheelslof industry into motion akain. _We do not believe that the `purchase law was by any means the. entirecanse of the commercial collapse. Their whole commercial systemyhas been largely. tinctured with `thebspirit of specu- lation and gambling, and it; `will tek 1?- jlong of honest bnt. somewhat slow going to 4bri,ng"about a healthy `com marcial, condition again. ' ,' _"1`he. .w`h_o,l,e case is a line `object_,les_s6n.lto; those 7 "want Canada, annexed to`; Uncle Semis t farm.M` , increase public condence in that institu- 'tion as a nursery for Canada's glrileless rural youth. In last Saturday s ,Eu_v_pire Professor Shaw makes reply to thenreport - of thecommissioners who were appointed to inquire into theucausesof, the dispute. he charges that they were unfair, to __ him and that all evidence that would "tell in his favor was suppressed and th'at-undue - zeal 7 was manifested to get anything adverse to him. , He charges thathe was.__ unduly interfered with `in the discharge of his duties by Principal Mills, while it is averred that Shaw wanted. to run the` institution. without reference to either the Principal or the Minister of Agriculture. ` The whole case presents a sorry picture of cross purposes and lack of unity and _,harmony, without which success` in a school is an 5i_m'possibilit`y. I t "becomes a question whether the `work the`--` college is doing is fullling itsoriginal; purpose. The college costs the couutryinearly $100,- ; 000 a year,` and-it has been 'asserted that i this money is `largely, used'.,iI_1-;zi\ilitTscm'e- thing like high school training-.;tc_;the j students, quite a perceutii"g'eo't"si~hoiii "sire from*t'he United: States and ' b`tlier~ `co"un- ` tries. Itatwculd bea,V-subjrctiinterut, ~ to the peoplecf Ontaiioito learn how ' many of the pupils who have Been ' ed in this college at the public expaxiiai are now, engsredin practical-farming, and how. m!'9.-foreigqesq hIgIrlo.I:,:. ' -S.--_`t.._j AI____- on E _ ;:it_.i.t. ` `menacing; of ma Siytavciic-inf?` `piimdac. vniuaseatanm-sean *peui;e.ne in he: attcinptd to onjonrhhing raaarvea iih the tight-~y't'reI"ty tonaeaonr Ishrico withontgiving ah` q uivaient. It in c aourccof aatisfaction that a `man like" the Hon. Mr.` Tupper `has charge of our 'msrine`and`aheriea, and that under `hia mule, they up beingiadequately protected and are increasing in productivenecp and Value. V ` ' ,`,,Adyanop:(3o1re;i9nde;_ice -11.4 H; _.-..'. .....-d..... :- A..- T: L3ti}gt;&si.Eu;ni"shed, P;-ices Mow ' _, r_ tin; workmanship. LI: s'I'A1-`T3 ' \ Side Street` ~L-.;-'.2'b.st-3:`: .s';!" C. ' V. w` -` 7 ` - ' x.` "' - 23?. - . ,v . 3 mi >I -dii; I .:iyJ{'.t1 .3.L;:.~ ;f-$_,`'._,{:g_;} :`(j,`t::V' : .~`,:~=;( _ ',.,.v.. _,,,.-...,_.. uuqq-n, u_nq, III me eue of -juhuin-at wind. the mdjoty for car: was`; ; ,on,ly;26 ;`;ThO..llI'ti|T=1ild3a` very enthneie" utisjugge _.;,__z-when sh.-ymnlt of .th~.oou`- tent w_,._Th`_H Ad , .k;d(;% mvac 1?ra". 3*3m:ma u**, "a1J:a7' on A themselves that they` '5' ;) the` u`1s'ority egeinetundey can from 3,900 ln'J`enneww:_189&atn zazzhlriithoniad hi August, -.1893. .1It=1Iztneely=.auertod, how- ever. ._that. Jzhe. mm M a........-......-..._ ' 3 1 vuw I-IIIDI IUIIIIID * , Voting commenced st 9), m., an tihue till77\p.~m; ~Th'o'vUte out {rid the V $._:9V.I'~P011.d ;919mn!'"1iiPnl*9loetlnu pgeyioqply was 24,500 in -tho. :hm.:--:u`oe~snuaa{`y ms 13; 153% hgtinif 14.157-;fmoju-lip ? aunhayuu largest V-by covert! -fhouiuidd over but `in- Toronto. totalllngto 27,31-L A;'-"I0 , __.I1nds,_ oau`:pdgu.of"l892;";1? hovv6to`v?hdi:icf:' is-in-t . .2 -;.0t,A:n_I;e,;A2.4 t.ix~oitr.~-u, A -vat, Fir-t. E04) am A m.,-,- ` 10!?` '.R|*'!..'.* `.5IW'I. Id. I9 Of _i_t;'t wgrd, thq` inijty foioafa `uni -vw-----eoig --WV VCVE educated there at the public expenee. Will the Hon. Mr`.-`3Dry i!`ii" instruct his "~emi-i9ew_.2;v!sv9%hin' . ' . thei -who r`6i`lt, J c e*`w3`:1: ` honestly dohe,`:':%dul'd?be t!ioie1E;ti{yin'to the, PS1R1. t,h9:$.h?~:99W'E8f*hQ`i8W! : hinkllzrnlf .".i3n-Inmnnl llullg .-.'.I '.I.:.. ` vvnlvl-I UIIW DDIIIIW citizens -.for their decision, a` majority of-` nearly 4,000 votes wag rolled up -pgnlnsr it, One of they most remqrlg blehthlngu in the" campaign which nddh ` "" " nrdny in the: fact that out of `the uoienda`i1yneinpaper r which .'1Toronto `. - uuportnv but .. zoxie `(tho Worlgi),1nppo}'td the innovvgtion. ; Theta W-I intwo pxcltqment ha`-aI,'.. the 130119 '3 closeg,` afd thalstrutaw?` 1:11; 1) -A row...-.0 .,.;,`,1P 2-` eta? 9.-1r.w I: :he n`ar .531 `wu`_ig1u_'u9d:`o`iond zfaus? I Votlmr commannM:xt'`&*. .. -..a -- with` Aw-t Sn-is!-rr 4 . Aftr the hottefat and mpqt bittar elec- tion*`c`ampa,ip,1`:'_tha.t this oity_ has ever been the queption _of running the of the _Toronto attest railway on Sunday: was votpd on by thegitizena Saturday, and the pfodial _x;`ejo'9te`d `by 5 little qvor 1,000 ntnjiii-ity. About yeiridhd {half ago, when thoumu-` m-maul mum. 3...... an-2: I-nIuJ\rsAI| o Ills"-Wu. ._ D proponal chmo befoie th citizana..fm- {hail .I...a.a.-...., . _-.--_.A_ ,..~ -_ . _--.., ......g. .- 1|?!" vyu 4IIUvlVI_lIIII The _ Pqtronl .of -Induutljy. will hold 5 meeting on Wedneqdey evening res, to complete arrangements 0: their annual plowing match. I "Cm unable to uy.u yet whe`ra*the match` will beheld; ` _ 1 Shbbl "1-i).17>ven9d,; bn Mondii In}; tholr '2l'st, instdd `of't.he __14th',' the wogk of painting causing bho`8'elny.A - " 3 ' . `D....'.......l.-._ -1`. :1 I\ In -' - - - - invited, gag ._e_v_e1jybc,>dy welcqma. . V *1: "'-*'--a """""""'l" ' V ' _ -`Remember the-S. O;T. pi'cnio"at'S`sndy Cove; on -'ube_od;y," -the 5th `prox. All are 'l|I..'.. D..a...`-..- -2 t_:r ___-- --_ v annual`) UIIIJVO ' ` '. Ti); icing looke-ciivfor "and much heleded rn1ng;hu,a.t, pr:-ivoid, andlhe -face of the abused Eu.-ner ig.oneq,m9r_e bedecked wiv:vj=A~,mre-. A ` r V % `shocked then ) in the umo`time. 5 Mr, .A1e_x_. ;D;_1ncgn,` with 3 F Ieufysbind-2 efgpd two horses, out _eight Lacrea of; oat: inf: li'tt1e'nior_e'thah ve hotirg} one day last week,--=`s'n`d- Mr . "Ohm. Reyholdg ".l`he` Rev. `Mi; Rantoh will occupy _, the pulpit of`-the Mebhddist chqrch'_h_aro dn Subbath. mic.-:`Szvices'. :5 10 -o'clock .-.3-9n.d..7;-'Pi!9e '6 ' ,. 1:. A4,, -- - I ' Tho` latu ntvfelmln ;`enw neckwean`-V and urnuhln . w 3 on hand: I Hunter, S_arjag:`dc Corn! .. ' at No new name wm be added to Jiiivsubi ,3: rlption List until the money is paid. Hnhscrlbara now in n.r1-an-n fm-rthn-. month: A an-ona .. Advance Correspondence. Mn J8,-2. Gaza! bf Toronto. spent Sunday hind M'on_da y_, with. Mrs. J. Mgonkay. ` _ .` _ I pnlpit.of'-the church 'i1`e'o Rnkhnfk hnr ...L--2-A-- -1" `A " ;.- . uuuuuaaa. . . o q c o-UUUDUI n o s o o o o no U151.` W..`0 Bri'en; .= ` 4* . .E`, Clark R. McRa.e.. .;.t~ ~Home. . ... .;Fennel J. H.,B00.th...,.- - .. . . ..Dalton R. Mbrrlabp} ;.ou:.idfi3gu., ,, ._.1zier_;ie E. D'onald. .* . ..`.Inuid`e` Home. .`.V.M_arsh_all J. Dunhamgi. . {Field 1.` . .".*.lmfnI i Biefxra-`-`-`.73 l1'.`iPoI rei`a.'* The nt'gauso'laited a'bo`nt8 minq15es," and. rm; loo:-ed~ for Alliahad-`by "Booth; The Iqcon was .al|_o_. scored for Al-' l.iIt6,n by Mo`rris`on..i,n-~3 min._ute- ~ Than A1landal`le`fl:.thg`eld `irithbut giving any reuon; and` 'aft'c`1'- waiting about twbty minuteI'Allinton lined up and the refetoh`. gave themathe gamwby 4 .;t0.0. ` I.Allan-.- dale have any agnuk in them we will ylay. them again` with _'the name team for any amount of "money in Oookslovyn. ` . ,ri?`?3}?f,.EBT:$J=7.'5" 373$; j;-`a, Hand Allandqle. and resulted in A Allisg t.bn"`wlnhing=';by"4__to" 0. "Below gage tip} Ivnnrnu o Arranging tor a series of Dem'on"atrnt1onn- . ' . lathe-F811; ' , Reuftew Mercury: Mr. .W. G.` Fee. ,Iecretary-treasurer and general organizer of the McCarthy League, who has -been. eautfor a day or two, left for Montreal last evening, but will return to` Ottawa `to-marrow. _Mt: Fee says. that he has yieited every riding west of Kingston. 'and,'inte1_;da`-to' com lete this tom} by "going through the St. ' `awrence counties. Themen - he drake: a -point of meeting are,` he says; 'Cuunetvativeu, and.the result of-his tour bl! been very encouraging` Hekia arraniD., for` `the demonstration; *'Mr."Ml';C'arihy`11'as_ been `naked V in addict: meetings in various 13a:-is of thePiovine', and will be able to announce; than in a few daye.-Toronto News. - V sul. uvuuva VMi-s Killen, of Grenhurst, wnithe guest of her sister, Mu. Reid, over Sunday. n -I 1 :_ _2_2;1_.. L..- :?i:'? I ldlfalicoewz)-`o.:'r6fsup`.ond'enoo. . .- `. :: ._-A: lacrosse match was -played in Aljiiton nn. Qnnlltinn QROH `nab LnL-..-- AII:..A..... tho= rr9v.` gentleman and Afsmily to the "- -`\-A - In Alli uilhl time `I. hongo. where an enj vyublo ting _ Iput-, all ex_prouing~ their qinooro. llhil for`) hot:-t_y Liygloomo boob ' once more- N ` '1- A'|-_V-- n-annual` `A Q nservvioo? of-V song, at V the Presbyterian church Sabbath evening. Sept. 3 d. I! `_l_AL That Sir J -.hn;T donip`so'n'did hll best in: the interests `of Canada, and of` right,; there can be no doubt forywhichit `is; the duty-of every Canadian to accord_l_1_hn due credit; Ir. is no7smkil-9* honor " to "this country that-one; ;.`o1_;,j=her .public. men should have been chosen as , arbitrator in such an important "international ques-, tion as the one now happily settled. Per` haps no man. `could Lave been chosen better tted` for the gositign of arbitrator in ' the Behring." see `case than` he. Thoroughly conversant Jrli `every : phase of the controversy, endslgilled in the nicest points of, International law,- his . concise and . `accurafeiietatements received the most; marked attention, from the 3 other memberstofitheitribunalg 'an`l.s'v`te!r`e' ; accorded due weight in the _d`ecisions,,.,of i of the court. Whateveropinions may be 3 formed of Sir John Thompson's? political ,i course, by friends or opponents, no one ; will question his transcendent abilities or ' the value-of hit-services, in amost critical . international dispute. He is A man of * whom the country hasyjust reason to be proud. _ Mr. L9iahms1`1"'av:.;;-'::`i<:t1'r;)Vn . gabbnth last was the best we have heard in Angus for some. ' V - - - - .1- Mrs. Tye, of Uodeuon sister, Mrs. J. M. Smith. with the neuuunu K0011! Wllncn Ira being made out of their old Furs at E. 0. Simmons Fur Store. In the Music Hall Block. IOI'~_l Vvllluiv Il-vu T_17 5 ~`su_oua*% b.e.sab;i;aLV1s..`n..n euiijza to pity for the -here Sept-T lat. Oreem are, Lisle. 8:.ro'nd-. -V Elmsrrovo, Everett-and Utopia` footbnllfteamo will Eat-ticipnte in the tournament hero on the The of L with than Imnnll nub, Mrs. Tye, `of Godehoh, is visiting her :-....- 1:... 1 M` g..,.n.|. slaadlo; Battle are do had the beauunu good; wine are p .....I. out of tlmar old Furs at E. 1-V0050 r 2 _.," -V3` AnocAnrnY_noou. T3` ROW IN T. COLLEGE The unseemly row" betiveeii Principal Mills, of she Guelph=:vAgu'ggl;ur_;lQolI63e'} and Pwfehior Shaw}, is no? ba.1`6uli.t.-d to