` Among those `honored by the Queen on her birthday none is` more worthy than our townsman, the Hon. Senator Gown/`n, on whom has been bestowed s. C. M. G. by his sovereign. No man in Canada better deserves a distinction at -the hands of Her Majesty, nor is there one whose career more ttingly exemplies what is most worthy, conservative and dignied in the public life of the. country. . The Empire, in noticing the `honor conferred pp the honorable gentlemen, ssys: `D..'I........:..... 1.- LL, ,1: -- - ' 7 % . oaprljau %- - - uuusw-o ssuuuu w Luv pnulupgs IWIQB launch your. , . L Current accounts opened. " ` - Farmers and Commercinl pspero dis- ` counted. Farmers Sales Notes collected. _ Advances made on Farmers Ssles Notes. . Note forms free on application. Drums Issunnupsyable in ell parts of Claude, Great Britain,` the United States of America, and elsewhere. . 12-1. 1-3:. Moanis, 2 T _ . MANAGER. ;_ sAv|uAos an alt DBPARTM ENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received and Interest allowed. . , `Interest added to the principal twice In nnnh unu- BARRIE BRANCH. y v--vv V- 1U?`CYI 'ul-ulIAg UVUI" IEUIU" _ day morning. by . . V V QADIUEL WESLEY. ZBGPRIITQB. il 3 l ll0o480olunnNo:Inpnpo1-1 ' Published n-om tho Ooe.DInlop su ..: Bur1o.Intho0ountyat_8imooo.th_oPro- Vlllooot Outs;-lo. Osnadn;o'vory"1'hu:-I-A tlnw nnn;I-- L- VQHB can-.A:]:>::zu.~7; 1`HIfII`l ~`Q1 AA TERHB OF SUBSCRIPTION. Professor Briggs has made a bold light, and is built of sterner stu` than Dr. Swing, who was swung to the right about a few years ago, and seems determined not to yield one inch from the position in which his now celebrated lecture has _placed him. What is really the charge against Dr. Briggs? So far as we _can gather,the charge is that he questions the infallibility of the Old Testament and maintains that while the Scripture lain- fallible as the rule of faith and practice, it is not inerrant in many of its details. He claims that human reason and intelli- gence, as well as the authorized interpre- ters of the Scriptures, are aids in matters of faith. He is also `charged with being out of harmony with the church on the isubjectrof election, and on the question of hope for the wicked after death. He is also charged with declaring that while the Bible does not teach universal salva- tion, it does teach the salvation ofthe race, and that cannot_ be accomplished by the selection of a limited number of in- idivlduals from the `mass. He is moreover charged with teaching that those who die before being justified by faith may in the intermediate state have possibilities of re- , demption. Dr. Briggs opposition to the doctrine 119tin -H411 * cf the idea of eternal hope` are lttterly-V-ip ' reconcilable with the~'Presbyter-ian oo...',.. ision. p "The decision I of ethevassembly `settles the point , clearly, `showing . that within the a 1reer.view ot_;the old '1`e_sta'meii_t 'cannot_ , per,mit_ted:`+ The . `;oo`1leno._.:willf- mm nrayr bciu;.;e~u.se, Eliflz % -`l0`:9`r-hi 19030:? be: the &ho.lQId. h!,Qp`ge{rtthe.c ` ` . . .i 2 -.;, . r saunas: mag; * `_ 4; isseaeaodzci; i r.` ,- .9, _ .. :1 : __-",;.._V.r. -._ H_V,_ - , _ 1- v` ` . l. . .,. I r 1 -run names nnnasv chem. The Briggs heresy case has lately lled considerable newspaper space an`d'furnish- ed matter tor pulpit reference. _ The Pres- byterian Assembly of the UDi0d'5t&t0l has found the professor guilty of teaching` doctrines not sanctioned by the church. and suspended him from his functions as a minister of the Presbyterian church. It is alittle diicult to divine what will be the elfect of the teachings of Dr. Briggs and of the action of the Assembly with reward to him. Although his teach- ings have been condemned by the As- sembly and the doctor himself suspended," it is manifest he has quite a number who sympathize with him in the trouble and who are in accord with his views, however erroneous theymsy be, and the possibility of , "a serious split in the church istroubling some of the staid and conservative ad- herents of this important denomination. Hemsy take with him some strong men and may institute a Presbyterian system under which a wider interpretation of the Scriptures may be permitted. ; ; =: .;..=E.=1rs:f??,`i=.$;=F:.?F,z ; l ".'|`.9` e 1883 `that `hundred been` steady until last year it amounted to s151.51o;ooo. .boi'na~ 9Ixht.} million dollars more then the -alarming total" of 1891; The sversgei `loss . `since `l8""5-'hss'j_ been ninetyeight millionfdollsrsi per year. mslring'in 'se`vent,ee_n`_y_ears` the incompre-h hensible sum of one billion six. hundred and sixty-six million `dollars worth of property absolutely lost.` How this en- ormous waste is to be checked and lessen- ed, is one of the most important economic questions` of the dsy. A` close study of the osnses of res becomes a primefsetor tsbnlstes the dierent classes of property, the number of `tires in each class and the peroentsge `of causes. Incendiarism in thecsse ofoountry stores accounts for nearly 60 per oent., groceries -over 26 per cent., saloons over per cent.,- hotels 27 per eent.. drug stores 21 per. cent., cloth- iers 20 per cent., hardware: shops nearly 12 per cent., boot and shoe establishments 19 per cent. It is a little singular that res st ssw. mills are notmentioned in the tables. Of forty thousand res men- tioned nearly twenty-seven thousand were dwellings sud tenements. Defective ues, spsrlis from furnsces and._smoke' stacks, the explosion of lamps, -the misuse of matches', sre_given as the csuse of quite a percentsge, hut electric wires. singulsr to say, arenot chargeable` with mucli of this destruction. Under`slle-thecircumstences the wonder_ is that better means have not been adopted to prevent this almost in- The person who can devise means to ssve a tithe `.05 the property which annually goes away in smoke will be quite as much entitled to the Rrstitudo of the country `as the man who makes two blades` 9f 3!!!! grow where only one grew before. The incendiary element is the factor of great- terisl is s delideretum that the inventive genius `of the age ought to be able to supply. Is there no Edison in the land that will solve this re problem 1 in the problem. The Insurance Chronicle- cslculeble loss of wealth to the country.` est importance. I` Fire proof building ms- A 'I...aI. :.'. `oi`.. I'1Z.n.;: u-'3'.. `;...a m....a. . `Vi-.F During Vtqlii you wgljo 29,332. are; in 'ti:>gf;Uj:_i`e(l station snd%0anpan.% hrbud that we have in this br- 'tibI.9lo"_'\1_I'f I,i..I'._.fP|'0vin'oe, _o odmpdny with ::'s"::1.:.,:.*'..`;.'.%:.:;::.a:`f.:: .:1'.:*.::*:`; 1 We, the guests assembled by your I courtesy on your magnicent new steam- er, The City of Oollimzwood, on this her trial trip, cannot allowthis`exeeed- ingly pleasant day to close without ea- pressiug to you our high appreciation of your very generous invitation to aeoent the hospitality of your splendid ship. At the same time we take `advantage of the on portuuity to ogngratu ate on u nithe hfiilding and launching of thisp_g?Levi- athau of. the upper lakes. _1cqu' oped, ab gheyis, with alltneneeeasitiel ind, ['- uriej;-of life` on the water, she is. indeed a oating palaoe; her a_tsu-eehness and amthinml which `Woiihm. al|`eIh9rouh.lr , ., 9095!). have .s`urded:a-:pleaaa_n_ta ilnl erpgmxisyrnot_gxqpy;',gn;aaoomugni. . .5` nine t,ofT'erefI,idjed Sxourqipno oliltllie` eater." Wi_th- 1; .-.-.uugnhgr.. of, people. _. on 'the:.:eoI_nu1edt'efuanese of -your ~ ves- ~ \ 5150;. .4 .,- nu-uu v-uvau. .s.uu vuusuuuy, vvuu their characteristic liberality, provided an excellentlunch for the eleven or twelve hundred guests, and enjoyment was the order of the day. The " City of Coiling- wood "is a truly magnicent boat. nish- ed` in superb style and perfect in all her appointments. As a sea boat she cannot be surpassed for steadiness in rough weather, and perfect safety with comfort for passengers. She left Midland about six p.m. andreaohed Collingwood about 10 o'clock; C The following address to ` the Directors of the Company was presented on behalf of_ the guests and read by Mr. Birn_ie,.of_Collingwood, `the chair being occupied` by His Worship Mayor Cres- wicke, of Barrie. In due time the train reached Barrie, ending a day that vnllbe long remembered for the pleasure the trip of the City of Collingwood" `afforded. The City of Collingwood starts on herregular trips `to Chicago on Saturday, 17th inst,` r 3 On board Cit.y of`O`o1lingwood, ' June 6th, 1893. . To the President and Director: of the No:-rth Shore Navigation Go; and Capt. Ba|'gettAsnd' Oioori `of 1119 "City of Oollingwood: V ` ~ . G1m'rI.nnlI;N;-- The members of the Barrie Town Coun- cil and a large number of other guests left the county town Tuesday morning for Collingwood by special invitation of the Directors of the North Shore Navigation Company, to enjoy a trip on their new and magnicent steamer, City of Col- lingwood. A special train left Barrie at half- tr ei ht, and took on a goodly nam r at ewo Lowell - and Stayner, the train having about 350 on board. When the party `arrived at Colllngwood the steamer was about ready to start, having on board a large number of the citizens of Collingwood. The weather was beau- tiful as could be desired and the trip ex- ceedingly enjoyable. The course was from Collinigwcod to Peuetanguishene, Where a short stop was made, and thence to Midland. At the channel near the Christian Islands the City of Coiling- wood was met by the Manitou. a boat belonging to the same Company, with citizens of Midland and Penetang. on board, which accompanied the Culling- wood to Midland. The excursion party- was met at Midland by W. H. Bennetg Eng. M P., Andrew Miscampbell, Esq 3; M. , `P ,A and lathnrl Tho (`!nmn..... -e|. Es$, Andrew Vliinoa'm-;;be-l|-,_I-13.31;: M. .P.,. and others. The Company, with thnir nhnnnnfnntin Nhnnnbn vs-.u..l...l -.. ` This country has subred a good deal from the sharp tricks of Yankee traders.` $ome years ago, when the eastern town- `hip. egpo .-ted some of the best butter made in America, it W. P1 h3d 5! `Americans and sent to Europe, labeled Vermont butter. and inferior stuff mm the` United States was also sent under the name of Canadian. Inferior American cheese hssheen sent to England, marked Canadian. We are glad to see that tricks of that sort are to be rendered impossible in the future. `rho lxourlon ' or and city at coinag- xaunl 7 v The masterly ' of Sir Oharlss Russell before the Tribunal of Arbitra- tion at_ Paris in adiooaoy `of the :Br'itiI'h case tore into fragments Mr. Carter ; logio and elicited warm oueohgumg uni.-`om.< the chairman,` Baron De Oou"roell.i `There `is - not a shred `either [in international law otireison to uphold the contention of the American` counsel. The intimation that the Amerioan government would re- pudiate the verdict should it go adversely was rebuked `in fseathinn terms. %..`.e...... om... ....:.:.....1a...sm_g ti; on it-sidsra at rm-bnori-n sh-rs! ;;-rfwo6ps_1-bcx. T I i9dod~'by a lame. olootorl of Ox.YoI'i_,I fif dnoynigo,` ind two udareual `were presented to. him, exprouing mi- `Invoring ooqdonog inhim` an thy advo- vuu-v--_._'. .`_`_v__.vY-vv ._ ._-: , _ o-so; nfotnhLr.-;d:hs,xNiih"{ ri7sIie N orthieut to control its-edncetionnl cyn- tein. McOnrt_hy s. vupeeeh; did f not contain anything more then his addressee eleewliere, but_[t_he enthuninrm `of the people is e uignicnnt indication _ of what` may expected when they have the opportunity of recording -their vote: again for porlinmentery representntivea. ~.._ * ib A lnuqrpnob "df:j1TIyi .;. 1 xoegrcav-V-s-emu ~ T~ ohm ronnma. V _ The debate in committee. on-the Home B.ule,b`ill last week -V -waef_lively, "deeply in- teieating and instructive; ` Mr.` Gladatone has acoepted a number of modications after long debatea which he refused at first. Mr. Sexton -ia said to haveaeverely rebuked the Premier fo'r.aooepting amend- mentfaowithout conaent of the Irilh party. 'l`he__go"vernment a majority has been greatly leaaenedv; on one diviaion the ma- jority"-`waa only $2, and it laijuetpoaaible the bill will be, killed in oommittee." The third clause of thelbill had not been fully diaonaeed when this paragraph waa writ- ten. A IADDVBESS : `w. 6; neu-i{'i31i:17n".'Joonuuoor L. Tebo `for 810, Harrison Donn $5.25, and R. T. Banting: 34, were mid. . Whitlid.-f-D03.-The following .10- oonntl were id: W. J. Wilson, cover- ing bridgo` 3; John Mooney, $3.50 ; `Jamel V niighti, for-jojodnr, ya 50. A ` R. Bell-Du'-Menu. Ned` and White were paid 812 for removing ice and drift- wood from 30th tide lino bridge and `[:1l3i`ll3'._.tQ 10132` timber`: for protootion of H 9. . ,_ . . mum of 84 was Thrn _ ' for .opo'ni_'n.a `ditch- ron oontlI=t`ov vnli'no `at ioolitoh.`Toon'|moth ?fP`. ..i.3.?P.. $1!-T ,-mam ' , 11...a... -.. rII-.I' On niogion Duff, seconded by Mr.. Whi_t.e|_ido_. the account of Thou. Elliott. for supplies to Mrs. Griu, an indigent, nmountxna to $15.58, md 810 , to Dr. N orriyhoslth ooor, were paid. - ' '11`? 11' 15.1: _ , ,,___:__-_. v- -v---' #3?` Du'--Whtteuide-- John Nicol wu psid the sum of $130 fox-timber providpd and deliverodVfor`repsi:ing Nottuwuugn river -bn.-idge on; 5th aide :-oad. There is home talk of 3 grand Conser- vntive demonetrntion being held inCookn- town this month. Itwould be ngl-and idea if such were the one, no such he: not been held here ' for 3 great number of years. , - ' Eging oropi since the recent rains no looking aplonqid. ' Mr. Pound, of Oro, is doing s_ good business In his line, stone mason. He has so far built foundations under the barns belonging to` the following gentle- man: Mr. Geo.- Dsvis Mr. Frank Arnold and Mr. W. Thompson. ' C|--__`I_L l,A,._ Ly THE NORTHERN ADVANCE`, SosZrilqatff;avI;a`1_"h;nVfiutEi-1.13 in` this locality foftgaome time, but it in almost stamped o'nt. ` ` n.`....; iuiaiaseu were piopodd at the; last meeting of L. 0. L , No. 450. and a nu nber more will be initisted before the TL; ;:;i":;1`ta|-(a;l-lan-l:_t;a"e.e-ti:1.Ewor6 ma and conrmed. ' ' ' - Thd Ro:v;a"-vproinentod seven! noobunta which were 1-oind. ' ~ - A Iv Iluw vvuuvl IIIIIIIII ICU o "`"iI(;;ned f- the N. s.'"N. co. and apt. auett. 9 O as --. : Mr. Geo. Mcclear and wife, Mr. J Amen Nixon and wife, of Newton Robinson, Mr; W. J. Walloon and wife and sister, were in our vilhge onluc Sande . ' I at e no no A... - _Mr. and W.iGilp1nil'1aVve the nym- pathy of this entire neighborhood in their sad bereavement in theloae of their eldest eon, George. He had -been ailing about` a year. He was a model young man, one whose exampleit will be well for no all to follow. Hie remains were interred in the Episcopal cemetery, and the services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Ounning- ham, the pastor. - Hinntedol on: session has Oonnou. 1333 VI... ........-:I _.-a. L- .1-_ InA.I up 1---. ----v- -- vvpu -vw-COV1 T VVKIIWIIQ `W " The. council met to-day (29th Mey.1893) M; Stewart : hotel, '_I`_hornton.,the Reeve in the choir. All member: "present. .f[__ __g___;_- -1`I ._i ~ CQICIIJ IIIJIII PUIU WV WI`! And we think that she has proven her- self to-day in the lergenumber of people she has carried and the high rate of speed she has shown herself capable of develop- ` bel' th e h ' 1_'.'.".Il. w..'.'. .'$ . u-"`...f " nE..5..!`l."..'. '33? - ,7 .- -___. __v-vu 32 Per in Advance. 31. pm! over will be oha-and 81350 d b .'No nown|teth1;l.hea}'_;d` thesu Iuluorlbers no'w in`u-rears for three months vvv I-rvllvvv IIIIGII VII IIUI avsuans UIIPD tonthe World's Fair, Chicago, she will show the great improvements in `Ship- building since the time of Columbus, and that she is equal to any modern craft that will visit the`World s Fair, and will be a credit to the country she sails from. Qinnnt` An Ln`:-I` II` LI... `KT Q `N (V- _ Advance Correspondence. A. J. Brown, of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, in visiting the menu of his youth. * ' II. In: C an -- - IHUVT I , CID? ` II$- Z YOU XV . K '3? :t"6lln0l' City of _Oollin_gwood':_ Gnu":-t.nnnN,'--On behalf` or the Dirac-' torate of `North Shore Nsvig atl'o`n'"0o., we` most heartily thank you for your kind`- appreolstion of` our efforts to provide -in the Str. City of Oollingwood, a boat that. we think for safety, comfort and sea- worthiness is not excelled on the inland waters and we assure you that our 00 has spared no pains or expense in supplying a steamer that we believe will be appre- ciated by the travelling public and we trust that our guests to-day have `fully enjoyed the trial trip and we feel` that we shall be fully recompensed for our efforts of to-day if our guests will bear a kindly recollection of to day s trip We hope that this magnicent steamer, under the able command of Capt. Bassett, our faith in the Divine hand, that calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee during her life on these waters will hear her travellers in I safety from port to port. Aral` can 6|`;-`lo `Rab -Inn `sun I\Dl\QIAII `Inf- witheoeleginteend Iofeele: I Inceu- us trenuig. eerou, enjoyment upon. 50 gpu-klingw of per inlendeeu. Our Iiuoere "hope iiid our if:-ongeet. high, in `the: The City ofollingwood my long plough theme ' wetere. "betting -110! passengers and freight in comfort and safety from {$023.30 port, proving 3 source of revenue and -prot to the owners end of pride and delight _to the public, VII- ...... Rust Reuntt- in m:.t 7 ' V: | SE6 mvaniag ma pro?-inrwwkins whiz: _:..I. -- -I.._'.. --ul an Infn I M33.` `To the olV1air`nI1 n:; _<'>'tho . Ootnipany up-' . pointed by the guests qn bout! the singing`: nin ti` nnI`;nnwnnl`. 0 of pride Ann not at 99 um yV|l|lWV,-1 ; To you. Capt. alletto. "9 NW9 oordi-I-. ly, extend our cnngrntnlctions and thinks --'co'nnntnlanono that your nbilitiel in 0' thorough-going neumon have T been no ctingly recognized by; your Company in placing you in command of so valuable 3 portion of their property, our thanks, "on account of your painstaking, kind and ounrueum treatment to-day. .'We trust; that you may be long opened to nail this magnicent host. `If. -I..). J--I-4; in ninrann nnr nnnrnnin. magulnceuu uuu. g We also desire to express our apprecia- tion of `theqlliet, politeness and attention accorded to as by ` all your -icers `and crew, and in particular we commend the steward, Mr. Mestenton, `for his ability In providintz for the creature comforts of .. 1--...- - nnmhnsn nndnr nil-mnnntumnn Ill Ptuvlulux uu vuv vnvu--u-v nu...-V--- ..- so large 3 number under oiroumntnncea which would overpower so tau capable mm. = . . - 1172 1.2. .. _'II -..-..-- L- _ . _ _ . _ . . -..-.n- W 'Tl1eWHenorsble Senstor s' msny friends ndlsdmirers in this town, as well as in the country st lsrge, will heartily endorse the sentiments of the Empire. ' IIIIIJ. Wishing all Gwmpany. Signed on Fohalf of four guest; fttvcaeos to at Vprcareuiva - ca`-w-1 4-: J. Li Bmzrozt. Vino-Prom. (I); E. rnrnn1'ws, 896. Tron. I A , . inn-an 'n:--_L4- .13. usnrnnnu K1170. < A. Lnrr, Di:-zactor. `E73; Burma, onuk. REPLY. A. E. H. Onnswroxn Jxo. Bmzun; Jr. W. Wnmnus. O,` H. Ross. . D.uunL Smut. J. W. BRADY. Jxo. Barnum: - (1 II'1-..____ as on*.;.;;i.o*Hf.;t:..;. """" ' , Alllerican coal or wood Cooking Ranges with hot W3 T " A .a_,_J \_ ,;~,.:.,~.`_ . VA ' workmanship. ' ` ` __._, __,4_ _ _-I-K- ll.-I WUI'KI.ll.1lB.l.l STIR. N13 1 ' "`T..7,;,,-, `-"I; " V A." -- tuvuwv JV Side puznop street we have scarce1y_ had time to ad-* mire these beaut1fu1 goods; they: a don t remain long enough with us. Call early and secure a beautiful summer _dress. There is nothing so becoming for the season. Bright inpattern and cool for Wear, that s [What you require now. ----vuv Rvpavnulnlwtl I- U- . S Belonging to the older generation of ` our statesmen Senator Gowan has served the state in many capacities, and has al- Vgygys served it well. While many of his contemporaries and colleagues like Sir John Macdonald have passed to the silent land, it is his privilege to survive in un- impaired vigor of mind and body, posses- sing the regard and respect of, younger` generations of Canadians. Only a few 9months ago, in his speech in the Senate on a constitutional point of great import- ance, Senator Gowan aorded evidence of that vigor, knowledge and sagacity which are his, and we may well hope that the honor Her Majesty has now been pleased to bestow upon a faithfulpand distinguish- ed servant of the Crown is not the culmin- ation of his career, but that he will be spared for many years yet of usefulness. /of assidnous service, of devotion to pub- lic iaairs. rPlUl4l|N0% on it I-afoot Sanitary Methods- II}; `"..I;... -.._-I TTAA A I 0,tIUB;N8. PAI2s~ANu %sHovl%s. ` df.Pfints has been great e terns are still on our tables. Wash ly reduceddurin the trad f A past twe Weeksxut the bgsgc 1% ing Prints, fast colors. BOYS SUITSi I_I'11i1_16I`y. season, generally; speakmg, 1s half we through, butj owing to the _g_rea.t emandcfor ourgr Hats, we ant1c1pa.te extendmg ourtr season seas t_o g1ve every onea; cha;nce;;of havmg perfect and be; coming` head Wear. ; F j 7 See our Midsummer Display. E McDonald: R. I. FF\ A$ER,& (39.1 PRINTS A ---FOR Tl-lE-- Spring Season. was oxaxanvrum uarrlxa. The Ottawa cabinet held a meeting at Orangeville last Thursday for the purpose of neutralizing the effects of Mr. Mc- Carthy's speech a little while before, Mr. Clarke Wallace. Hon. Mr. Foster and a number of M.P. s and M.P.P. s were there. i The member for North Simcoe was beheaded and torn to pieces in his absence by the members ofthe -cabinet present. A They did not seem to. have things their own, way. however. Dr. Henry did good knight service for the, absent leader of the tari reform cam-' paign. An amusing incident in the meet- ing was the carrying of a resolution, by the Patrons of Industry embodying the tradevprinciples which Mr. McCarthy is so ably presenting tothe country. There is no better evidence of the inuence now being exerted against high dutiesand dis- crimination against Britain by Mr. Mc- Carthy's championship than the. efforts being made to check and neutralize it. The means adopted by the` Dominion cabinet to lessen Mr. McOarthy s`inil'u- enoe demonstrates a consciousness of the peoples sympathy `with the member for this riding in his tight against unresson-s ably high duties, which serve to enrich a class by the impoverishment of the many. l. _ 7_._:- Plough Lines. Wire--Plain, Plain Twist and Barbed. Mill Furnishing- Steam -Fittings, Packing, Oak L Tanned Leather Belting and Lace Leather, Emery ` wheels, Files, Shingle Bands, Oils, &c. g,C'arpenters Tools, Cut and Wire Nails, i._.,_l,_ _` `faint Brushe s,_`Paints, Ready T V _mixed Paints, Linseed Oil, X Kalsomine, &.c. "I - ---1n1j12L4::--L Frawley & Devlin, `UR assortment of Boys Suits for this Spring; will be found more than usually extensive: andvarled both In Patterns and styles. % oun pales: wm be the Lowest yet knowlg In tho hlstory of the Ready-made clothint Trade. our alm ls First-class Goods aft Ldwost Prlces. At J. I-i"'E'iiiiS L-:`i2soN's. MILLINERY %M %---suoomssons 'IV`0-- . ._Jf.O`I_IN`_ L-:-` PLA'x*roN. See our Goods . .{ . Before calling elsewhere. DELAINESE I %DUNLOP STREET, BARR|E~t :; Rumor hes it that Mr. Mo0erthy s chsl- lenge to open Oardwell is likely to be shortly eooepted by Mr. White, the pre- sent member, tsking the oolleetorshipof the port of Montresl. - `It is toyhe hoped III`. McOsrthy will be eble to are the eld should this be the osse. Snob s test use would be very importsnt, showing in e strong Oonservstive `foonstitn-`may : haw the psrty stsnis on the trade Tissue end the Hsnitobs iohool question. It isfur-_ ther rumored thet Mr. Mooerthy in: going" tolnglsnd on professionel*husiness." We hope there as not -and `ground tor `cu rnqor, but thet when the light comes Mr. " He0_sr'thy~.~mey be on` `hendfto errev h toms: and diootv'ghbii"ij&'$iiu&ihi:i`- "1`h9u` !_3~h1s_.rdl!i.!{ !l!`9P . r '\ ' ` ' v -' W . wggssnlt of, -the pontsst. .. - L .3. .2 .~.n ..~-a:,*`4,. = ,3 1*. M o