In the above w_e1l`-lmown"Rh' `e\ the word s run run miminm and -is tob6._ 91lndz.00_u_9e_aIed ; % PI-ATIN9 Twas. PAnI s.PA.I!E_Ls.% 1'o PA.NELs. muqxncr Pnnzus, 1. t":) LU 'J|`UjJ 2'33} g`."~'71-'1l .T'7'!'xi -.-W:m_)I-E8AIbEsAl:lIh:R_E"1 :A1bn-3-!., In Ion" vu -moss I .":.,v' )i' ...;` A ' "}it5i.`1!Ro9 :i.nd'b'Ii"'" #51`; mvsv1votbxaut1i':':ue.i;rav-:'3a!n=od: ndinlinonngnd unvh -nI.~Jni-n nan-Ingtl 593' ram Wm! ~-I 0 -O V .:w1nz.uu=-,'1'$A non. 1 n.`.. .1- as tf, vsvws A vvvs-sauav uv ll(l\I wuwll I. WIDE llu up, and for some weeks was unable even 1 to move. Many of the men on" the line can tell you of the condition I was in. 1 There was an accident on the road and I 2 had tovbe carried to a hand car that 1 might be brought to the scene of the .1 _occurrence, in order that a -_ proper report . ' believe I would still have been helpless . `Brenner-; knew .119; =vsszm'psuac iasiieiwho . ; ` el P1` i. , so 51211 .~ 2 I. 0 might be made to the railway authorities. ] in my house. or perhaps with the silent majority, if a friend had not told me ' of the great merits of Dr. Willi`iins [, .Pink , Pills and `urged me to .try_.- t_hem. .All. nther remedies had failed, physicians were entirely unable tocure, me. and I had given them up in despair..- You; can imagine the despondent condition :I' was in when Mr. Rainey, of Grand -Valley, mentioned Pink Pills tome. T I had little hope that they would benet ine,`bu_t drawn- ving vnen clutch at `straws, aha that was my frame of mind when I purchased the rst supply of Dr. Williams` Pink Pills; `I `had not used the Pink Pills long when -It `began to nd relief and this naturally made me hopeful, and I Vperseyerediin their useuiitil the _cure wascornpleted. The change wrought in me by `Dr. `Wil- llIIllI _PlulI Pills is as delightful .as_ .it.`is marvellous, and for the iirat time in years `I tindmyself free from pain.` -I. was weak; V `helpless and hopeless---doctors` and. other remedies had done me no good, but % Pink Pills have restored me to health" and strength. The sciatica disappeared, `the rheumatism went with it, but 'straner still, I- am cured of tl1e`pl)l'0>!l'cl1ltl'I_,I,,'l1_I_l come to regard as incurable. ' I say stranger stiii,` because I notice that in the- list of ailinentsfur which Dr. Willi_s_ms`g' claims his remedy'1hsneqiil, 'br'one_hiti_s' is not mentioned, and this f(hce`a in`e'to ithi ioonelusion that" Pink? j.Pill_s"";h'aVej_ `eSlll' more 'il|.53Y'1l!".".'I'll 9P`31`,'.oi9|litl15l|`..`,I!5! Th-'9 .besn.9resiited.!!th-` : !rh,i almost incredible llptgtliere. ' hOl'O'ihQ;I! wiipgggggg, gt jig ,;Q.:,hj oven the two-Hcp&i9~l;must: bencllrinr t ed, and I firmly" helie,veIDi~. Williaina? Pink Pills will cure any-.trouhle;.,with which nianis sl cted. `This may seem to be,enthu,,s.is_sni,`f)ii1't\I have ,the., right V to _ `be enthiisisjstic aftfer`w`h a tthe'y.hs,v`e pne ' for ...*e.* and` I` ittdnulri` !irs: ;t:1it!56fifI{:=ts2si "!i*h.:W-2--` 9t_`9hie:2=i9 t $1; Y*f`i1.- gga-ofgfg ?!ll`*:?`ll9;K ?!l!};9 stems . \ '-.;.7 . .3` ' ':?,'-"_:,`.'J wni.v-.'+,H ;l I3>Li'.`7 -i 2 _z narrative t!!Is_.,opnW_nl$-met s_l>sotDintt\;Interest;. _-azsriisolarlm ss;rc.tli's. V0ld,B!Igg IIOE.fot51[ lam *2? 74.15 . 3;ii:n!' The story of the case _w_.a_s,_;9orrohorsted ....r*",;':.{;..:"*E"*%?'i.j *.*":i77?i H 1 \ fl" %`=.~' . . h . : - sii_;gfs;;1i',~_iz~f-Exsmgi gorovn. 01': no ,0 r,1':;uV&1;._-` y_baa.c. H` 13:23 Ivy. 5'0ur_- 4 `Lgi~_I`Nox.'Apur. ~KEluc azwmaru-. au- ` ,j..ris_s.e,1"... 8041 lore of the_llDrame Court. ~rnp_t_u;ra. nutgricp. convey Vceraezo. Mono lovgvm. R0,il1t:-_l:11ng'; 5 act. oopp%tehN. ` .-V Y b _[-'!l!- I9 51;` Aa.m'a lfnivokg ,_131ja:Qt0r4_.9.' . 1` (`rs A'1m_su_n;1_rnrons. ___..-._. _.. -.._ .:_._._.._. HuhGE v. LuUN'1`. BARh1STEn. AT- mrney., notary L-nuuvo. Olcea an bank or Torunpo bnudmxs. Uwen 5.1`:-.-;l., ba3r:*io'._ um. 21-ly C. . W. PLA X l`uN. Barrister, . Solicitor. No any Puono Conveyance!` &c. omas oyer rxaser. Unuk 6: Lou: more. human 5:. barue. money-_--privuuo and cumpauy mum: to lend at lowcat rates of innate; on no wn Iu.(_l farm property 32-.Y ' Allglhl L'lJlL\1L\\.l' AI11lJIJo"\lD-VJ. DDIJJJ, _ Lu-,enur uua Luildtr. and manufacturer or Doors, sash, bunau. mou.u1uga. cw. mn- mm; or `ah nun same ],l`uLupu;' unu l5utlS[u.0- horny. 1" Jnhn uuecb. nu-.13. ' R. PALMER. HURGEUN. LYE. EAR . '1`nro_ut. none. 46 U'n1`l`&L(1-If-l`I.0l.` east, 1'0 mum. may Du_uohbInl.u. up we Q\lceu'a none]. nu-me. vu mica),-may 5- e 1-m , uum 8 lo 11 mu meuoaua .l"noay of evcry month. L WALD] R. J.` F. PALLING. Graduate (1 Trinity ,-UuiveraiI.y. `tor-nto. Feuow` or Tnuuy gngqaxogl uoue..e.~ munner or me Gouge at .x hyuAcana,uud an 3 J Uuuario. Unme- corner iuweu and ` `er amen. oppomue f!J0Ow4l'ful'8chooI. ` ' ' ' MbcAnTn. PEPLER & MbcAETHY. - Barristers, boli. inure, Lonveyancers. etc. D'AL'l`oN Mo `mars!-. (1.0. J. A; M9` tgnrur. ' ' B219. P;IEPLul.,Q 0.. E. honnsgv, _ me. ' - Mccnrrnv. Pnpmm, Mo Anmv &. Duxcuz, ` Aluawuund , .`.oCLm av. Evns. PEP!-=8 an-TM0CAB'1A'BY. I urillus. DILIDQLLLJ X DQLILLV. _ _. M _ BARRISTERS.` auucgtura in High (`onrt ut Justice, Isoiaries ruouo UUl1V:ya.b0e1`B. Omoea ovum the x-.a.nk ox 1'orom.o, bar in. `I. ll D_...~..--.- r\ (I A `up an _ AR.Fh:R('}l.J-S-1-J!-'. ABARliIST1!.R,' s61.'1cI-. . TU1. ox cue auun me no rt. ut Judicature tut \ nturiu. UL nve, uncer. ew. Money w Loan. uuuea 1n Lauk o1"L`orouw mock. uweu street, Barue. 50 TEW4ART 8;" BOYS.--Barrial:ers. Solicitors of - upreme Uuurc, Uonve)unce1'u, cw. V\.tceu-_-2 uouru no:r.n_of hunk of Toronto. Uwsn st... nurrw. H. D. brxwuvr. LL.B. W. A. Bows. money to Loan at Lowest Batu. A vIEs E|JWAhUS. Uaunveyamcez-. Iseuerot Marriage Licenses. Lmce uuuuuy pu- vaw. Punt. Umus ouuumg-. ban-1e. ana `m. V we prsvuo It.B1u'c.l_A_uu, Mm-gj areas. 1:.-1; ` `R B. E. Mxnnzxw, 14 Bloor street w., Toronto, pm on at. the Qu=en u Hotel, barrio. Ju.u.. 28m. March 2651:. mm. was Satur- day or every second m-nun, ` ' 2.01.` _ Po ln u-'\.J-- VIII... lo ll. 1ll`_Uu ' o`uuI.e uz '1nmty_ UulVcr:1.), 1'uront.o. -Fe:_low= 0!'yLJae`1o`.1`Lu.lege. '1 orouw. in-ember.Coueg,u Phseicuum and zsmgeona. Uut. ].u$6.'UI fa oruuwr ueucrcu lioupmu. u..'ce.-- next. door to Mr. haul`: awn .. 1u_u:mo.a. A. u. --v m b.a an. Ny every Wednesday. t om 1 to 5 D. In. Wm bouui auburn every Janna). ubm ,1 to tip. m. ` 2&5! - .|J DLBEABEB ol the 11:11:}. EAR ATHBUA 1" .. nd:1\0:s:...nns.v bwoousmten undue QI-1eeu'B hqt.o_I`.;` Barrie, .1110. cu: nrmu or each-.munl.h. 8.. WM. RlCHARD80.\. Dentist. Graduate , . at the naoyu you 0 on.D_enuu surgeons, `a iad hbm1r_.' rmnulp 9 '1`oron._o VLni~Aers1,t,y. Pneaeivamon ohhe-mwunlf :a upeghmy. Oh` `1UiI`~+e-uoI.n.woh n blocks. uumop auaeou. A!!!rAvs.s99t.~3: V A .- V . ~ : sax-% . uu-ano. el Toronto `(ll-Han lrl I '1`. SPROUL. Barrister, Soliritor. Notxrf. . conve; ancer. money to Losn. Umce-' Bot.hwe.l's 15.0013. Dunlap street. mu-rie. ~ l T.`BANT1NG..CLEttK COUMY or 511-000, v~ in Do nu. ma ouioe. at. mo Court. uvue. Burns.-every aauuruau . necmeuoc and r. 0.. Loqluwwn. VEQD, JIAbbARhN,`Dent.ian successor ' r Buunno.e`onIeo;'--_1xooma lately oo- uuptea.;nmr.: _1_1_gte1. , . idduce-Quu eats , _ _ J-Wyn :Boanko'.'-Jtu ylritigelitton I I '- ` ` I . ` ) V I'L. I . _ _ V ' I ' ` , l H.wam-on ..nzm x WELLINGTON AOL`! ' % Juan 1:. Kuy.n., '1`. u. A. Wnwnr. H T ARNALL. M. D. c. M.. olce in Boni- . wemrnlock. Alumnus. On we premises at night. I V` any nose at AR'1`b UR. Physicians, Sur- . ueo nu.~et.o.< W. A.-Rona, 1.. ts. u.Aa. Ea1n.. L. kt. u.`r . London. J. IL Aunur. M. 15.. 1o- tontgn Umve;-.15)., L. u..P_. and .:.,.um. Ultes And n-qt reglnoncga,` B:-o.wn's bgook. Dunlap nu-we`. mm 0. "1emyhone;77. ~ ' "'1 .--7 ` D. J. 'GIBB`W a . ,, u1BEAeEB in m`emxI:. g A1~'1x`1`h's ;"X;- .. ~ nlllnllllull Inf. . I n I-Iugnn n VIIIYC `-_%,pg,.,;yy;ui;gg='_1?i;;1:gmla j tr; ha; 4; ~ 1:.-tent: < msdioinp in. .t.h.n.' I.-ems " in Ulrich jthgu storm. in: ulnlllv undormzod, . but 5: aomntidprepdrstion: I-'l`:h9y` contain In 'oorjdoI_nod.. fogm `all? th_o 9l6Alll0AlIt_l `l)O?;O0II`I:Yjy V to givejnaw-l1fe`a.nd.r1ohneu_ to chip, blood _and restore g_hatt_er_ed n o:`ve`._ `tie: igp Vmifgiljzgg qpefgln _fO1"`iI'_3h\dl!el!0'l, as _ ~1oojomqtoi-j_,nyaxia,, sneuxeiglb/`.t:t1;vmnt:9zi!.` [net-l.v 3.'>'u,i hqpddgh _$lie .a.:';;;-~}'e' .v-'!6cro&_ g - Zgpippg pg]pi-!,Iy5.i.0l,l ofxhe ;l1eart,Tpale;ana` Iallow..c0mplexiQnI and the .4i`d__'sf91508 gealllting . from norvpl .Qr9::3tInL:;- nil .: diseases-depending.upon Nms ; lI|'l|0l:l- ` -in the blood, sue: 18- T Iorvftllag ehrczxg;-' `oi-ysipe1aa,V etc '1` 6y are alto` a .apeic ' for tro'u bl_e peculiar to fem.lp.__a|';c_l; an `an ppgenions, irregula)-itfiea, `gmdI__a/l.l_V 3. fqggyp `, .of`we`akness._ "They buxld up .th,Ve blogd _ and; restore the glow of health. t9_.pile.:r.d allow cheeks. In thg case. of; .lnO.l.| ; :_tl}ey` - _e'ect- p radical cure .111 All one: mug. , Zfrom mental worry, overwork, or 920913. - of whatqvor nature. / J T ~"~ IG9gDm%u..m.&n; uuu 1. l1l!lVY`D`V5 ac UnI1i3W1i.'.K|!i. BAR- . uqteu.JSol;ci;or~_ptt e Supreme-Court or agzdicatnre ot; Qntano. o Noturie 3. ` veym gets; rte. Money to Loan. Oces-- _ Block. B_arrie.M - A V D II!-- I .;-__._Al\ 1!! 5` - -` ' ._`__/I V g A, RAb,iIN_ U :sT.-.1i:mms'rE`z. A?- torhcyi `Sb ft`! `or In Chancery. Conveyan- car; etc. Oice--B`irat:door'0wen atrev-t over Bnnk at Cowmerce,.l-Snrrie 49-18 _ , :..__.;....__...__.. 1 van gun.-._. to nUl.n.u -13. W. H110 N, 1 Prop. ietor. Excellent uccommqdation for we tmveing : public. . B -1` an ' lander well supplied with the beat. Good stabling and 3 - t.ent,xve hoqtlers. Luggage of guests cunves ed has so and .from all stuns A Few doors west of Market an-eat on lmnlon street . ',end"ot.tho term. t`.. H. 81` 3 INVESTM `NT on good ! , freehold suoury at lowest. rate on mums. No pninclpw nu.-neg req Air (1 un- A'l`x:lY. Solic- itor, egg , 37 __.'_l0. _ EIIT:z`'s. nM'1;L -Z._7s?. "adv N ietor. Excellent for lhn fnnvinfiloin on-5.1!.` -1 _ ..__ . ! . *'----- --- --- PRIVATE FUN 0:! T0 LOAN hate at I-aweetn es Fu-morn` bboaea Dtlmnnlod. Collections nude In any put of -016 County. Real a on a tough: and qold_,_ ,(:9nvey.anoinz.In allknhnnches. Mar-. "Damon" I d. on -1! Bl -k. I-lace 1,10 mow 34311:. oe on M (1);. -AK T These Pills ~are* by.'thp A Dr; Awtllhmo -Medioihd company. ~ Bgbck-A vii1e,'.`Odf.", `jndi _Sclienec't.IdY, - N; ," "id 9116 `Hi-`of~;sig_>;i!__ bearing! the_ n`:;:;:5',si .~ti:`9d .-tnik"n tha,;wirnpv9r, -i;m50..,t__!'. f9 *9}! of-.i= r W503 CTre.82~50 B3-riin miaif `tbs:-t.;D:`. ,.W.;lli-nu Pink-.rPill.-z ere never .,:q1dgin'.bulk. 01" by the dozen or hundred. .eni-anydealer vr.ho,.o'aro Inbutitutcl defraud you and ahnnidbe. uoided; Dr. Williame"Pink Pills-amny, -be hndiof all dirmizgilta or direct -by mail . from Dr.` Williams` Medicine Company from either address. ' '_l_`he price `at which `these pills are Auoldmakefn` course` at treat- menticcomperstively` inexoeneive ll chm- psred with" ether" remedies ,er.i medicl "pegmegt._--Gmhd Va_lley'Star. \ I -.1 ..-V, can. n "'12-. `1-1: S'l'1iA"l`BY,`-. C. .T,.3.._. [.9-vvxp` .5-.._.v. WM! sir` ..-C. - :"" V x.%.n. yrngruy as nsmx. . 3h1 l'l(3n :Bu-r1e.;lat 000., 1:305: 4113119 PLALILNG MILL.-GnO. B.sLL;i I an-. an!-nun . niArl.n- ..ud .L:nl.IIfA.l'!I`I|I'.-I` ` ' oUN1'.`1mwsn~: 3: Tnicsw ;- 7 . J Haters. Solicitor`! of thn Snnrllangaamlinr?-egl __:-1._.-:_ [ NEY -.q In land 1: .- ' ONEY -ro `LOAN -3-250 coo at and 6} men- cent. J. '1'. 8Ph. UL, solicitor. etc.. `1'1'h:. A. MCGRKGOR. M. D.TC. M.. F. T ' hhLull.;'|u In! `I I-inntv IYnivA-r.| \. ' fA a At Inwnn. fl. an F'ArInnInn' Mrs. J ahn` -Lnmbard; 61 West} 'Gwillim`- bury, died"-on Tuesday the 3rd;;inst; V. *1, `T , M; J. Agnew has b'upu appoi::e teach er of Deerhurst school for the coming year. He holds a first -class certicate it Is said. ` - ' ` I van 1 --.3 `large amount. 01 private funds to land on straight. luana at luwegr. races. "MCCARTHY. 3-EPLER & Mo-".A RTHY. Z` " "` lift GAVILLJIR-DOIIINIOII 4 mania! Land Surveyor. Harlem v`nBlnnh_ us `I \ -_.. ` ' . MAN lJl_.vA1.'1`lJula. VCB`EBWlC.K.., BE` " _" -5513235 ainrmnt. of pnvate!-(1:33 .0!) traiht lunnn A! lnurpnr run run ruvsxgulss. ; DI'.I'lb'l'8c I L-Ivi`aTaT Lu1raiBodci'y iahome1aft,l` .apn5l- I 3 couple of weekain N ewmarkeh 01- FICIAL. FINANCIAL. -Lannf .C Loan. G. `H. llsn-N. Ah: 3 u D M 414:! I `HID JJIJLVII I-DIJIDJJIFIILIJ KJUAVIFALV 1 It based on a solid foundation of economy 01'. management and sound busineae principles. Special f_eaturee:.Forty years experience; Lib- eral tor-gm ' of Po1icy.Aand non-!orfeita.blr sitter twoand three years.` Prominent object : sound l1fesssnra`nce;,`37,o00.000 paid in claims; 4.006 families beneted. Cost`: 'lne 'owest consistent with` safety. bonuses every three ears. never less than 20 per cent. on the `life p en. noiless than 14 per cent. on the endowment plan. Total Abstinence Assurance: The only company in Canada offering special advantages to total ab- stainers. Accumulated Fund nearly s6.000.000. Head olce for Canada. Montreal. _ . . H. N. COURTLANDT.- 29-tt Anvnzos: Oice. Asrent tor Barrie REEVES L 36 Duplop St., up the Y. M. C; A. Stairs. Some pretty novelties in Photos for those Wishing to make their friends a present of their pictures at Christmas or New Years._ Thorezular meetfng of Farmers Vlnatitnte was held at Bmd {`Head `last Thursday and Friday. ' 9 II In no as , ..__vY- -.v---v ---.u wvu-ug |._u. 6601.1 lull]. - - Poataze on letters for the Dominion and the United states 3 cents per ounce and for Great Britain and Iremnd 5 cents per fmlt ounce. Re. gistration fee 5 cents. Mail` Matter taken from the street letter boxeadajl (Sundays excepted) at 8 9 cloc|__ can. and` and 8 o'clock pan. Post Omoo, Barrie. kune 28th. 1891. n N 36-11 `A J. DWARDS Postmsste `.- T ECURE the shaddw ere. the substance fades and 0 do so to the best advantage go to ` L ms LONG ESTABLISHED COMPANY 15 Innnhnnrnnnf nn l\i'II|l' 3-rnninnnn nv-in:-inlon } 90 DUNLOP STREET._ ---jn.p [conjfoablerooms and % 6 o clo_ck Dinner. Insssu ovsmzs~ Aumurs l!|_ snack. LIFE ASSURANCE cum? 1 Inn ruuuu 15 -mrormea was uns new [Hotel is now opened for the accommoda- tion of travellers. IN 0 expense has be: .apu'ed to make this the best hotel north of Toronto. lulu been furnished with every accommoda- tion` `and ' comfort.` in` the latent am: most pnnroyed stile: Commercial men will nd the nunmnroomq; and ~ everything they reqmre has nnenlnllv ntnanrlnd tn- r -- Soups, Entrees, Jellies, e'.c.. made 11;- order on the shot test uutice. ESTIMATES AND PRICES ON APPLICATIO3`. Letters for registration must be posted 1!. minntga before the closing of each mail. . guy vvnn -uuv llIl'IIlD UL U Gflr uuu I [LID Dnnlnnn 5|-| 1-55-... A-.. -1, , . The Agricultural Societyv` holds iefgn. nual meeting to-day at the Queen : Hotel._ `ID 111 in Q1 ' A 119 . in II n une Poatmn. fans sFA Nn VRESTA9ANT [Qu E=EN S HOTEL: w V-.7'r\ v-\rl11-1' ~r\ . 11 HE -PUBLIC is informed that this now Hotel accommoda- -Hniu'nC QIIQ!vnn1|nn \ A -.._.._.... L..- 1.... ....._..A ,\-7! `glg _111`1t`a.ct"1x,;-i)ge(i n v,. .' -ugh 83111818 Q , N _- Y ` ' .qr J31!` I)` B pi ? In ngt other good tumuemnhtonlh luewl . cnergvtic. Jinan-t `nan-.nnusnnn..normsm...r. uitnujnm. nn '%&~- Olce hours. 8 a.m. to''.. (Sundays ex- cepted), and 01 20 minutes after the arnval or the Toronto night mail on bauu-day nigh; only; ' `A V o ' ` Money Orders issued and paid onand from any moneynorder oica in the DOIIJJDIOH or Canada. C1341. Britain and Ivefaud, Briti.-h India, Newxoundlano, tha United States. Africa. Westlnoies. Auqtnulian Colonies. Asia and `almost. all tor_eignVcountries. and ha\'iug~ Bank deposits rccelv d lrcm $1.00 to $3000. be `tween the hours of 9a.-tn, and 4 pm. Lnttnrn (nu I-.ainO-o9l4... ...--- L- -- -' - I H '_1'er,ms_ Iron} .61.!) tttandanll trains.` I ` , . ~IH9%MAsisHouLnrcI `c *tc"f'sn"-ii s1'%v &`; s; uf;nu5as3?vrL?%` :`-1E`{w%f -DRAJK 8. :&u.. :1 Job: not-kand~ general repair- hi. I... I ~,H dd * U I ggggfno rmoqop._ A an (11:09 '_ J1 ,9..Ig;-hpuqg ,Vyg'stf or: ` fe Ggpworka. ' |`.' I J rm`: .I/V ,` . 1-_unu.nue men (0! I190. m"U itn:F Ii , 1 ?.`1!{...~ 2-n %,___.__ in hand. at 5} `and 6 er cent, to 1UFl 34HI80Nl:3:x;1;)|l:rF$;`l>IiT:x?el:a::. 2&3: '.J..`.'.. ..... .,_..__.._._-- The first auemblyof the season which !va__ held last. Weanabda y, .wa_s `numb we ceapful _in point of attendance, as the promoters wouldyhave wished. Probably the fact of another one being. held in Aurora on the nine eveninghad aomething `to do with the small gtte~ndanoe. ` V `I'Ul_lIlII': IISI |0|lI'l'IIlQFDlI'U'J ISWII. CllUX'K"'Uv ` "inal 2-::=':.t aim-tiom on aae*sm;~.`%'?@3..a '...%*.::;>:; Vuuunurnl uuonaa)-s, wedneada) 3 8 ` Fridays) at ............... . o - o no Gren1'ellq'1`uesda.ys and F1 idaye. at. A runs nvxcnv nu nun neon Torontoau 'l oront,oat............................_, Toronto '1`-:rontoo.t... .............. . . . . `Railway mails from the south at. .. Vmeaond Branch Railway and North Simcoe I ranch Rnilwnv no nueuvuzu nrancn mmway North Simcoe ranch Railway at. . . . . . . Collingwood and Ulllli. at . . . . . . . . .. Gravenhura-I. branch Railway at. . .. tliuadale. Crai9:huraL.v Dalston, Ed- Rnr a.Ld Cruwn Hill at Luunuluc, u.l`u.ll{llllV'8l..' Ualston, lid- . gar ud Crown l:li1lut............. Midhurst (Mondays, Wedneada) & Fridays) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { acunuru or .1101! nnnway and D or 1) Isixncoe Railway am. ............ .. i Collngwooa and c -. mm at...... .... .. Grnvenhurpt Brarqh Railway at... .. !: Crown` Inn. Dalston. lccgar, Cung-= pi hursuand Hnleaale ax. .......... .. I- pm-own am. uuluwu. xcgar, Cm;-= Jxuraciand .......... .. ' Midhurst (Mondays, Wednesdays &' v I-riduyu) at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., I K \a K \-I L`. nu. , I` \ ~ DI`; . .~()W7n Q . \ ..`~ It nuuuunu. uuuuuuya, W eaneeaays & I-rides H) at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grenteu Tuesdays and Fridayunt. filingEui>;);i:i::)}fAu;;a;;1:,`i)aa hm} ppending shiholidpya with _her aist6':,NMr'o, 7 Dr. Sgevendon.` ' ' ' ' BOARDING Houst-: 2 " _`:f~roa*rHBAY.. L EDWARD LYNCH. - ipnopnmrror; VCIII nnu ISVUIJIILIIIK INC ruumn, `opeqially to. I.` T ` . ; ~ .50 d . .m..f. :1'. .'1.1';'ni".-'.a._`- - "' "' `Y 1 B H.l.TI:`I-I EMPIfBE_. :jU .ESTAUkA --ANI)--'- 4 nAi1.! nuns I-on f Lcan. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. Jgnpary 19, 13:3, , . ` The carnival at 'Ohiii'-dim! to~mortfow night will Be hugely pstronized by Brad- Ifm-_d-Vpeople. A hockey, _m atch~' to be playedby two Bradford teams will be. fa fdrawing;c_a.rd. T . L "10 57 V he 57 I In On 940 I IUIIEUII ylpuu J.'I|uu_y [.11 um Mama; G. }o;,-mi: nnd `.1; _B exm-one , | Superinteudan; mid Bible clan "teacher, of Lhe Amavtelidam. -Sunday` School, have invxted the. pupils to a taunt the residence of_Mr.- Ogilvie. {IV . " -.- -- .- - Mr. J: G. Cook .o'1d his residence 1.: week to Mr. Broonehead of,Schomberg. Mr. W. Mackie,`oAf West Gwxllimbury.` has given up farming and is En-route for Chicago where he has a situation with the Street Railwsyvcumpany. ` 1- `II ? As. its 0 1 1 Mr; . ML-.~St.eve`t;no"nV, of` Barri, in: in town over Friday` night. .-g -1 A n W 34;.` J. B. ogmpben, as A;ht.tn1a}b1{i, spent a couple of days at Chestnut Vnlla. hat` wek. V 1 -' ` ` .44 1 ;.\;v . had their first game of th I u`eason }gst Fridsynight. '..---_ ' ['1 (\`.u"n;n an...` '1` nhvun-A ' The oicdrn of the Epworth Leaguo were appointed lat week. The Presidentieldot is Mina Gotten, V-the first lady who has held the position here. , ` .- o-. u n I -_- V. .._-_-_ _. 7 _, The attendance-of the High school in much incrraied this week ahd the old hall does` not a'ordf`ui1cient seating capacity in some of th_e_foA1fma. Thiakiwill `soon be remedied` ad thhew High Schooi building is almost zeidy` _,f'pnocciipamcy. and Q mo'v_4'ei will soon he_madc.',__Ti1e new building (,1; tbcneuiz H. S; huilding. in..Simcoe ;.pith good ventihntion and is will be well hutacll`n`tainno,`,lib1-u`-y,~.' reading roumi_-an_d `gyiniininmin addition tome club robust . A =grea1_r New in` mag: of ` pupih a`tten'iiI7:1z 1|;-'-`='.i'_..`..uutI. IL-3 vkbujta ~ -Ann` Wkh 1' rnkhuihba V n:,`{._` , : `_)_;;'a v7 ,~ ._ `~ , .2~ ` ~ A o. `M ` M*f8niey,?)$? `*4 f . Q |__._ V _ . . .. . , ,. v' ___-_A. - `I_I .1 IN 0018. E The th"e'goo&IooompliIhBd' by tzhijf fl:lAll`5i)"l": *3 = ' lguhment, tdld tlyno `Scar thy ion unfazed at the grant and growing demand f V_ g W!1li!!!!g'__l. 1.u.L.l .illa....,-If_-.1hQ_nmd;L,. _' A on popular in other part;-5 Ag git gngpngj |_I9.!|.l G.f!nd MY-illey indo_od._.,.mn|t. IVUIIITIK IIIVV} `IL IIlklIll"$UVUIFII|$ 'th1b"i chVaol-ihthat board can *bo:fb'gqured cheai)oi`.`_thi"s 1 i id "1 lbzr` thin, ~and- t'.he'r aye g0og1`boafd_h)g hbudeb nvailubl; ;Ml"'. J no. Wh'ugl`1iaA1'-elady to give `all dhiyed xpformation` on"the,u Afourth t;`m ha been. qtarted for pupils \d,eair'ing ,t;'> take nptpt class -work. A .1::_..'___1_ :_- --.....-__ _:Ii .I.'-K'a.I`.`; y.-:- -r -`..v ---.__ A Joint'8t.ockic'e';:'o:1puny 'boT :tli; `latest venture here. A IIIIIAIVPIQ1-of-i06' 1169` `been forwarded for I'uapr`;ctionAand` if `-3, favorable report is received the company will gonhead. - . -17 .. U no.0 I 3 - -.-v.._ Miss Davao, of Toronto, is visiting her brother Mr. J. _H.'D&`yay. A -L ' -Mr.` S. Lg1ke a_-oegw oioo, on Holland St", in o,mp| willhe r.eM1,'.f9rl panoy in 3 few. ,d_IyI. The ..o_u-pontorjgg -.11 beautifully; done. . especially .mha- oeihng -which lirof inlaid wood; ` Theloioox in. the `moat handsomely. nished-` .ono_ .`ina tdivns M1-JE.-*-E. -MoKee,i:Bngn'pov, has ~ routed thu'ppf{f W.-"`;' I o I _ - , . .- o_.,1}.,-..`. ,.l=i`&{)o, f.b:j1`rbn`t, her'gjo;; . . -V T*,.H!"Z'9!.i Mqudiy)I't\z:illlhg;_ , V , ,, . ulna an warn --H-W,-I-u;!'r'~ -as--5, `["..-"".. ..`.'u $9 `yeny.-., -, : _; j e'fV -iianioxn-t`i. >n ~-_~ :1 ~-;: '.=..'1-ma: .""""'.*e"'`-4""'.'."'7"w 1-1:-2 9.`!-m;*';'.' 11>-=,.'3$-2 f sa 1fnglut.thoeventtmng.the tweqt,1gl_zh_,_ )3 (lay of _their ,dnughx'er, Ids. A `good; quarfrillcahlljl $!t0!'1d0lkxllLl1_i,':Ad danc- s_ug:wqn..kppt,n.n.saat4A tmzwsqmsgnqm 0 `haw W05"; L ounbngat ;:IOEml,l6ia-to: :u.--Dhmcial ,-Jiai min: Mrs-.= zltrins Mi u.~.Ray;.- i`xMdlh`.9 M3." and M. Sharp and the Muses Shirpgili Advsno;-;-(3-1'1;-a's.n-ca`:-zde:n41oe.L Sr Y. TI? 1' .3 aCIlII>I`IIQ % . :;d_`W._n,Inil 1:. o .,v,i-.. Mr, Geo-"~ - 2 `i-9 mom.` y_ . T ogue, Mm Jennie. Keown. .Mr. - ,; snd the Hide: Lennox, Moan. ..'*:`:;.z:`.a.;~-" ;...'o "*`":.f`r . ,;,.`! 0,. "if. ,. . (`._Q*WV z`-. :95 D;{:GnnlnK5hfJfi.;to|d;Ji`[iu..._.E:.- . . !~-:6 ;;;` Iin", , _;a`ij`_Tsjzi g_:7 ` ?M::Wm. `R.-sbihldns `Mr. ahdom ' Wnllace`,.Mr.;:And :Mtu'Ly_ona,:.oMiu';;Bu-_-`; h,e_r,.~Mr. J 00. Elgli_ol,:t,: Mr, Mn;-'28: 'R.7`BroIih. Mr.-a'nd`M r'a`. I. Brown, Mr. Albrl: and Miss Ban-son, Mr. Frank and `Miu.*..Unma{ Brm`hy,~ . Mr. Chris. Nixon, the MiueaHanden!on, Mr. Mills, `Mr. W. J. Mcclean; PaluIe1`S3_0n: Mr. Hender- son `and MiesK' Morgan 5 Montreal : Miss Sharp. Tne kindness of Mr. Mid M"- Burmn willnot non be f0|`R0W3_'l _by those who had t-he.vp|oaouro of omoylng jhgir hospitality. ' 4 .: . - 3 g obtkwn` . H .;hove`:8uoiety m ot.-zoo. Wdn'esd $y vanin'gr lint foi='1hb. olhoti'onr of `oo osI-in` 16:. rtho qgauing 3931'. %`l`lja- foI19'i(i_ng'gsi.en : v`ve'fe o'l'!56'ted`:' 7) " '?,`iP9iid`n:. oIp`i;Whiah ;R.N, . - `,_1at.J`.v,`l.i,:`:'I_P!'.6..;};!I5j}?r W`idg, 4 41 -\ '[ `.35{i1'F`9%%'?*`!-u-Q-Ii!!`T'r - . 3.r.d Vina-Fm .-G.-= Q09P1'~,,:n' . . Trauurer.Ja.:.S. Sanders. ~ . . Secretary, W- Wiilett.e.._ ~ ~ A '1 -. ` ' ~Chaplain,':Rev-GmonRainer. V ' ' Mdrahall, F. J. Brawl" " = u. w . . Audntora--A.` H. -Ureowicko and Mn3r1rSAmith.t ' -. `I1--.._.2A.L_-.'* .-`la 1 n` vvnulu, DJ.` J UIJVII ` Ila .$a VV*lIlUI'Uc' `_' ' tstowatda-Jon. T,Andet-o'6n, A." E`. H. 'Crfe`s6vicke,S. `?Ki02'.` R-`G`} di -.Im,'w`e1" ,`WaIi3,W1]1Bt,te; g V _ . . Q = Stinidpid B67sra!a,+,S. Tgnch, A."Naah, Geo.,;W_;;lton5_C.'M9ekuni. ' ' ` - . . QIQUJU; ;__i@|Ilg. .' 2 Managing j . ;bn. M E; -H-.-v.;_0reswickog,:~L.. 8`: Sandoi-s,* -G. % 'Meekum; S.>Tan6h,' J'. E."W='1llera.v T 3 'A_ A A . `II .` bnmnnuln` . -.4I..z'_L'-.. ~ "1 `The following Ioicera wg;-9 V elected for the year 1893 : __ V 4' ' ` R- T; Banting, Oookatown, President.- Hanry Bi:C1,..Barrie, "lat Vice-Pkeai- dent. V , _ . ' C. Pulling, Innihl. 2nd Vice-Preaidient. John Hogg, Cullinqwood, Se c;etary . - ` Oommittee_of "LM ah`ag`etfnent; '-V-S." `J.. ;Sa'.,n.ford_, AL` FI_'awl_ey, _ Z, :..Ev';aI1:a',]Gfao}ge `zsnoasth, % H-. sw_itgg`g,` T - __ __x_ .___.1 L-_.--L :`.. `D-.. A A ihgtg named MAllis;er,' of Kingston, On_t...,Aj.1u,. . corpmitted 8uicide,; '._He ivap ,over '14) ypaig Vof, age- . .L ._ ',"!",P.33!,l!Fl9l ; . L .G'ENr.Lnui:ns=..~r?l'h.ave?';f9tsnd B-%31B- fii.x- .ce11snt.rews:dvo i:b9thu.IslS -9: b19911. P.K*"`.'1.e!?. W1 general famiiy inedicine, . ,, . ,1 yhjas _fur_,o, loyg;.i;ne ,`-Oblfl-with Sick vh.9j1d~1..1, .934 .h9`bm} and tried a bottle, wfjch gave In: such- rpeect. .,8msf%t;i!11hatu1 have .81"!~`.. i11n~lu.sed`it as` 3:!!! Mnilysmedjrciss-g - . '1"--`l : .lv"ii Ilrlrnv n-bk an n..av Despatches report extremely cold weath- er on the continent; In France many persons have been froae_n._to death, , [The l'lV0l' Loire is frczon over.,:at `Mantra, and the town of Dijon is snowbqandw 1" Italy the Tweether is very severe, snow having fallen tor many hours in Rome. The cold spell in Paris has given way to warmer weather. , Snow and ice arerspidly thaw- ing and the city is enveloped in a dense fog. -~ The cold in the Southern Provinces of France `is phenomenal. Twelve de- cm feather on the continent. . I grees of frost by the centicrade` scale (about 11 degrees above zero Fahrenheit) was recorded at Carpentras to-day. _Oold weather continues to prevail `throughout Austria andungary. Most of the rail- ways in Hungary areblocksded by snow, and many trains are stalled in deep snow. drifts - Railway service, between Buda '*l_ _esth and Vienna-has been suspended. "` Now is the ivinter ofour discootent made glorious sumoxer by Aye_r's ,_San+-.aparillo. Thls wonderful medicine so invigoratese the svstem and eu:'1<.hes the blood tlxet cold weather be- comes positive1_,I enjoyable. Arctic. explorers -would..uo?wel1 to make a. note of this. . - LlC_I ` PIC'I' *`lI{K p!Ful' LII [C6011] muuu. .'J,,.pnb11`-.. ' " L;:,H;:B'__ ._ Wm; Qakland, {3x1_`t`.(_' *'=* A-'uun!'ugu,;I vac], Uni. .s.m?:;uIn or} I1:.dT(:::L.=uI) .'x r . -1 .-; ,9`:-ad ad vs; ' 4h'n.:< ~%'s::ne'fR3I 2 30 s>znv.=[ ) _ Municipal Omoors Annotation- I = a _-Last Wednead.-sy;.the llth inst, A Muni- I cinal Oicera' Assnciation`for the County was brganizad. The meeting for that pur- pose was held in this town. 'l`Ino `n`InIm;nlI nxnnrn Inna` n`An`nuA 3-... The ;1`1ee.t.i.:`1:gb;i'V'j.n`:A\.I:I`)If4`3d ;o meetfin 3., tie in June, dtnjuniz theTme''of th County Council. , ' . - ~ "- - 4- -vgrwvi-.1! nwvuovn Iva -`V-V6-0 . . " 'EN'I_`I'EMEN,--_ I hwe 8. tlittl of 5, ; f whos;em`9atest.trouble is 1hecroup,_,aug1T1 `nd "that Hagyarqfa `Ye1'Ij`m_v Oil L gives` speed religf, therefoxlitke pleasure `in: rbmmen '- %+..m. in c.mwm1.1m: * W T` ~ ` When a cold is neglected it ireqnetly~de- velope a condition bordoringfionirconeiimption. No other remedy W11]... so. quickly relieve d cure cases 0! thnsdan group kindas Dr oud's Norway Pine Syrufpeecdusg nojother remedy P93993.`5..,811.P.!`.'.9,*~ eurekive. powers. as does tl1'iB`pl'ii!e 0f piactblai ;jf'j_ |-'=-;yraiVwdn1va;oa;i;r.s .>. \ A , H1;T'$*`t!'5ii?i5?I 5!*i1iix`` *',hi'.iiis1iU- " `ff "i7jla.t j;o51e}?Iv6r}Efh81r~to g +,= Ls! h _s'j&ea'th- e_dl1ng'e1';`e`my*'ofli'n4 `1rn"'rnii5-Wu-""'l Wn ii'r\i'r3'AnfiiIhnfuH'1hnbrnaniiiii- I n,-u-- uqvvuv _ ~unuwnu Uy I n gL:`=3;'FZ'st?1Tg ;a: 'uiea1u3-'Ii{E;y`= or-has inhiiry `1nbi"sub:gfdI"war''ia- iaf"iI B'iifx`g` 't'taaliI'y""<:a%`t txedJ" "(iii by ~'Burd,_ 4` "661: Blood Bitterslor dyspegsia, constip'a1%ion;*`hTad ~bIoo&,> mu,` situ=.bBw- ` Hist :. nun? V1 n`.-22.4.-1,.-. .1 '3-1 .-`u\.':-*5-a -'.si?.x~:7 O _ (Lnni-pn1sW1_v,,; 1 truly i%ciihR*I51 yui-mm-_utomt;Ba1mn fsinmaupughnud cam. isss lms Iv cgrcg {qgy:~t3~ggha91a:*i& .1xa.L.'Lru?...h`Ii':' r?:{'sz:x;' -4-? at SASS! mun `Duo uvI.'uv* virus may v'uvguuy1:o{ 4" r ygrgoadizz xfIu:;.'n'o e;'::y,~js(;:aL) ..:-:%2 m .:;'s::'x:q Y .2.<; a..::ng-g.rngun:'j`.}!ox ` "1v'gg'@i`g..'.ui` J _t3.1E?2;i:;}r) 2131} litviiiaui} ATE -: .,`1-+11 .u{ r-.? I `EM: "-'iI'rIi r"lia"`})_ "*'6ai1'`iie'&`_t6 `t,!;ii-(1>eds`; :5; " ' wgihuj 3 fiie 1s2gek,`;;nu==):m,._ 5 plii 3 e`eEsn`1libifnt'g sf mimic M aaanaf-fa tl:&%ybi;vli`f(il{ ma gihfil "ig"it'ioi| -'of* -k"*Bloosl`m1;ue"f whic drives out the acrid poison fron" ~`tI m..`.u LI .'..o......i;.a.I.|.4-.u.._au:_...a wuwu uuvcu uuu. um uI:uu pumuu. ll'0lll." l moan sea _r'utoreshiultQ:rlo ~thovgiu:tad. -:_-_, _____._W_ x::.nn.:nu.`;'t _-11" -L no .z,i.1u:IA 1. -. - ` B9rd`or1n 0-. `mh Babylru vie ne. her who Ih_ewu`u ta:-. Oattais" """" ""7 ""'..T"`."" `."` "."""". . ; 2 I '2 .1 -31 7' V '.- .. ,i,_"-,~}"" '/,_:' ,:.. ionic; :.....,u: If Lguggn the I; -. ..A*'-" ~4 Rglief tor.iGtop. V. 7 Pssreoftsni-feotv-L `.1... sdiitzia-Q .` ` M E. BAILEY, North;Bqvl.Qn{:.V +'_1.:}n.n'1 ;- . Q ' e e. segiua `him; -`at? rai;`seocabt a*s .vh9 d9,1!9; In-ogv ;lr- . I!-'19 mam, r. story! ' me: `L: in ,poxi3S.'!!-i s 11 9 i senemm who `I-h`orbmi`n3} "'91"!- .l_.."3.'..`ie!'1.d W551! -1510"" ` ;uo..:911s you ar:)"h|!1ityou_ can depend. : "upon it3~ever3't ~-time. -'-:e 'W0.; ~`9f : "elude-to:`"au interesting eatery?--the Star. , - .. go zen, : For some -time" _paIt`_&.. `R7083 ,; 'A0'al of novel and entertaining literature yhas appeared in the columns of the -vprels .1 lthroughoutthe country, giving the. par-` I iiculars of cures bordering on the `mifac-A :1 .,ulou's,rin various parts of the` "'jc<)u_i`;try.. 4 .".l'hose who have read , these. narratives` '! xnust hsveput them 10Wnl_l:ll1el`Vi'l.i!_lOV0l` -`v _.and daring romances,_ oii"f;i`)in:e "to `the Ceonclusion-that truth` is indeed` stranger I .than ction. The Star` must` oo`iifes_s that ,. -it did not pay much~"`atte_ntio_ii to the i_'e- _: `jorted miraculous "cures until ab_out*a I inonthrago, when it was toldjthat a; cure -A quite as notable as many 'of-tlio`se` publish-. 3: ad `ha_d. been'rvroiight;withiu a "few-'~"'miles' - 01 Grand "Valleys who fa``/that?-`grefa`t : three, or aocidentsybr tragedies,-;i;when 2 -they occur hunklredsnof 'miles~:~itway-sno +3 natterthow exciting: orgholv,-=7 th!'iW:ll8"'d ` {not usually arouse- more ,than.,a. passing. lime!` Where nth! W9 ! -0t.t,.th9..oentra1 gures -.'.'entire_ly unknovm ..Bl1!=. Jet * oohnethins. onion: in I one-' on rnekhbor-` :1 hood ]a_h'a'lQgous to_1 that, reported from - 9 ;, ."d,,;;nqe,' and with what dierent `feelings 3 1. 31,, n`e,,~_g reoeiyed. , Vvewhsd read `of j: mi,.c1e, wrong-`ht at` Trenton; London, Hamilton and other P1*5_o` `h"981} *_'h, 1 use amp; -Williams ~fImb`uI..'P1nk` P1118 :1 `(or PalePeople. `But we W9l'O`_n0t~*8o- A- Qquaintod with the parties restored`[0 1 , the newspapers, we were at once` interest- health; we were - in the enjoyment-3 0f F; ' ooa health ourselves. and the memory of '1 he great things done in other sections ;paa'sed`fr-om our mind.` When we were j told, however, that we had only to "drive down to the pretty ,village of Waldemar ~ . to act the full particulars out miracle has 1 Jtrikmg as many that had been reported -1'0 ed. We were further told that Mr. Thos. Moss was the man who owed his restora- tion to health to the use of Dr. Williams . . famous Pink Pills; Remembering that . Mr. Moss hadbeen laid up with rheuma- ; tism at intervals for years, and that there ` was a time last spring and summer when his familiar face was entirely missing` Irom he railroad, the Star determined to. see h m and get a conrmation of the ; L`n--u ......a -an LA aL.. -.-..- L_. AL- -___ Al rm: NORTHERN %A1DyANcI. _-- T, `r:uHof: 3| A gold brooch to eacucodsn .0 anawera. (I 'v_ uv. Q` next ea] .1: eceaehkn-'a` mm heinvjted `r33.W3,l'3s A _0mu_ from thepublic so bola _o_f'l o19,` mthe_`wm_d or to_'ibe`prsent and adaiatjhe Judge p_ Z88. `J; :, ~' ` . _ mu 7] he tantiato ti t'th nets vgdmako . a cross ggax`-aslmpemgnotgue sm leta-=-s \Water) 7 and send sarnefto [134 .wlth.ten,three;cent:pf. .4I}P8- ml `in (or 30 cents in silver) fog one Kc Arts. subac to Our Young Peopleswhic ' 8 (large; beam- xvml 3111 at man, ;tm.'ga.zin8.) bee um e1en'l;ravi`x'n '3'1:h 1r1rK m' wnuse fintuee by return ma. to every ansivvetreceived.` `Remember that you get the paper -for - tn eht3veuvean..a.m1 5; nhsmce (nroneorjxl0t0f_*s1.1?PF3?'94- '. 149.18 I |GHRl8IMANN0V[lIiE3 E PHO'I'uG@l\Am, NJAGKSGE, ---rs-up:-1-V. --oval-GIG-7: i %;:;`an`ufu`I[;%iiisiiviuma` autumn Elfnll 2r_uanua.~-.uml is (`J ,'19.(.1.l.i (-113 "-`;mo'n",v.1:;g J"/'..rt"}'L far.`-11.33.. BL. YIKLIIEA. _ _ V I!-.:<.:2 `, L.` L`! I X . U NN'i'1l565fbr" d'dli'Inh'i.'ei* -f61Bd " fibril > gculinl. .I YDIIDOIAI um '0lillBl' HDWOI5 8 no 6 ftmdiuiehnnnd yuh mulch: twp:-tped how cheap they are at rstmoonsg qydfglgg Bulb: will In} 59; you: with ` 04'`. . .552 p 0-lite \IIl UVUII-I `Illa HLUUD EIJIL getting the facts from him, we `found that}!!! story was even more surprisinil ' than the one which had been going the `local `rounds. Mr"- Mosshad not) only been troubled with rheumatism, but sciatica of a most painful type, and had -also been aiuoted with bronchitis which [he had come to regard as chronic. `um rA'rmN'r 8 STORY. " What you have heard is quite true," laid Mr Moon in reply to our query, '-` I have used Dr. Williams Pink Pills with wonderful resu_l_ts. _ For years I had been a sufferer from rheumatism and `bron- '_ehitIs and had cometo `look upon both es chronic. . Last spring I- met w_ith_ fur- `Qhettrollble, when I had `the misfortune _ to be aiieted with a severe attack of acid-' gtica. I became so bad that I was laid .... ....A C... -1..- ......'.I.'. .....- .......'I..I;. -..-.. %`.".`.te. ff`:t.`.`:'.:`.`$f'-":r'. born. Toronto. WI& "18 BE!!! ,' uuu `ID vuwv, A\7|ll\I}.vvu vv-n... ' f. ack sqd-Gill. . . >0 glhlishers. inthe vex. 0 , . of Oh!" otfgg ~l e6pl`e7w1Il` ' " [Cash to the pemon who rst can n .- the Word `-` '9 .1; tin aboV,0 Di?-Wire. To the second ` (55: Gold Watqlg. To the third 1:. ne S9'l,ve_r ` a &lI."Tothe'1'ourtha.nelegantFlve0 (3lock su . . 3 . `w3?5=??92$2:,:3$?'3!:::x:.;:;::; ;.A.Splid Gold Rn. a_n!wem_ A` h8'.J!'xt,l`gh)'ee. A to em? .::`an"::.+'::"t:;a."2:; "'"1'3- Am"'m! l-__ ..... ..'.mnuunv1m1 '90 erv on. To thezfth an imported man? : r- nttrntjasannun, A\!I\1)`IFlI'IA`Il. . r , aunt ny llllll ll! any polntln u.3. 'e.':...'s:. ';:?.":t9!_1s?ffa`i only. Tell; you hwlog Ape I i regret ` """""""'" " V ' -f -' en vewveam . :2::z:`;.s2.:::{,*;*.s:;..:h`;,y:; I `a . Ul"(`A(:3i I?._`Y.yl-1fl'1AW1Il_mi" *. p ':".n"v3e M710 wwme 1m 20":-'1')`:-x -`-P;-'1` answers received V !-'1-hll1dB0mexS0u\'c1u'1` ,.3%>p of Colllmhllss . Anxirrr rerun YdU"I'tie'SAi'.{vli,t he1"`r`rr um I you `will have 0ur`Y0ung People as a` rcgrular 1 visiborxat-your hdmeforz he} Il9X_t`fy8,al",I)I( :1 \ ohnnmi. nfwinhixlic one of :he. above,, l'f I you Wt CV6 UH! IULIIIE L_UUplI: In a Iulnlnl visitor. v. at 1 your qxdmea 191'} &1|11e: next jyqay,- my: 3 chance of winning one t e. pnzes, you are "not `perfu- :'ninnt.ner'e.rsc ('DDV:'0 Our huh; Hy Isunsed with our in.'v.zt-3:.` `reopw yuu :7" -'-'3' w_;...f:--`~_,-~,. .. ., ` this fair. "A The envelope which contains correct answer hunt-lmb am; mmntdnnrk will receive that revqarq UIIII! I11 I envelope which answer beang first qnoat-mark will that re ard * lndjhetbalaxxce in, dltder agfreoeived. Be `sure. nfl . nnswentqgday and e_r'1'c1dse_ 8o`cer3tg` `and you M I ; receive the best value von ever dui for the money. 1 Address: (E)'.0UR- YOU:`r.v PEOPLE.-King Street.:We:t..Toro.n*o Can 8-. . A { `p o.I-.n.1u1; : ~ ' DI C'U.Ild| 'I;]e;IlIlI In in} pulnun U.B- 0.! Villllllg IBIIIIQ 1 "guns for '53'r'-'I3do":W We I-'Ac`I'8" for mu ` Tell; , go qnd any well. . Inch...` An. All` my nnu.-an nlsninnulp nn . ' . acge ana::$::iclIu|mes3. 1 .v `lllq MON . 01111 0' one ` f men suef-{n -from c e'ects of tom: .u : d `ea 7 Ietdrd-I6 eb!1Ie?a`ltB',-mahhood hnd vigof.` .Rm.|xr to nounnnanmmnn Humming Ru `IBSIGIOIIIO CI`!.|$lm,"m3I100C Illa Vlgofa` ' ' _` Rnuxr ro nouuxmsuwnnxs Hummus Ruulm _,._.. \Julll 5`;.;n`u.:n . ` .5., q:. :3g9195:,1_. 2:"; uml. . l`,`i:(z-Ht: miil V , , j---o-1 mm the japb-ve` w`e11:1nim'n'- Rh` ' "e` word \ Water "is misain , in me b91e:cnts9f.AJl93., d3!!!- l?.'.`:`.F=,r_. --:7.c:-- - it- : "?u:s'.I.6stPo1w e'1-,Nervious I'ebility, Nilit` ALgms,oni.~ 488551383 . Y , w Ind` '1' ` ` 03231 61` Back of -var, Enagyg L Mei'nOfy, am` ache and;_Wjke.fu]ncss. ` v.m.._ ...:A.n.......A .. .11 Jack and} mu; mm 1:p.`tl#9..hfl1!'T:t:'.; 5: ._a ,{ pal! -V4-____._;.. I mm nuts. mmeoaraa-vs. F-Iv --Ian uuu SCI! \iUlJI.IllI.l.DlI|UlI U` ILIU tutor aoat. as to the cure by` the use of Pm Pnla. "On seeing Mr. Moss and; naps}..- cl... 5.....- l...._. .I.:__ _- `...-..J