E3. Der yvw" ans*rAMps% `lninn-v` nan`-in4u. .`.1 : ' .'_,;r'.V".".':.9`;I! ` A. ' `uanutdoivithf :31! ' nu *3 - no Bk ' 2 mas %wWTs"6TII"tTA7u|I: uom. .s%umIw81AIifii7Ii?ias!*I MEi=i0HTAN'r ` TAII.13[B- [M.AcK.ANn%1?ANi:v wonsmsxl swmpnnaunonncg 4 v ozone: uonxnm B||EM|8T'ANO' II_nueaIs1; A ` thogolootlon ,o - . Dominion Orgnn _ ' Ihown them 1 Toronto mnsloionn saloo- tionoot Dominion Phnol tor lsaottholr public concern within tho . lost and gaunt Inna ':*2.`%`o%:a% a'::`:.'.:`i'.`:.9*:..:`1..;`..'i;":'.;.; ' All Inotrnnnnta. warranted ' . :. E ? _sH=tIN a A119 :su=_MMER; : [cjA%L}L% AND SEE THEM --.-n-- :4 R. I. A. SPILSBUBYQ Tnolwc urw jvjjv: f-F i1 Q `oi? Vii! The Dominion Piano and Orson com the moot oomploto. mun pull : tloh Ame:-Ion, employ: the moot I . workmen and the best materials and than in no 1-onuon_tobol!:x`e'tl1nI: it cannot mnnutnotnro .`1.29 ".`2."';'..o......'?%E.`.'2A..?2,'.`..`." .`.`.` `.'..`...` inuuntnzonn` gnlyvur < -v3o-- ::u-- u-wuu 7 - r01'0t0.o......; Tnnnnfn , , , tween the hours one. m. end In. In. - Letteremuet hehen ed In 15 min- utes ere the clone of eee mail. _ The letters (and an other mail matter) are taken iron: the etreet fetter Aboxee every day; 2.:*.'=...'3.z':..:=:2':.*:. .-:`.~9 '1* 9- m- mm ' MORE Ulllrl WI! (III III M0116 UNIS!` Omoee Oenede. Gnited Ste Greet grltein Prince Edward Island. Ne oundlsnd and India. and Savings Bank depogiu received be- the hours or 9 e. p. T Raaintnmd Lnttnrl mnnt ha hnntlnd In `In min- A A-QIQIAQ I:|l-_`n -Q1` g;-- l`---`-.-- Vlvrunluuuooc-oontcccocoooouooouonocoooo ,T w.....V`.UI`..C......`.........'II' Northern Bailwsysonth IIIOIOCIOtIIIQOOOIOl0I'ICpII oouococooololutcoonunucool Alhnnln .1 ...... .......... .. :1. li.A.::r1upuuzs:. -. D Nosnbum Em. ~ ' Late Clinical Auiaunt. R um:-. mamas` 1th Th t d N d` % ung De mxzmggt ot 3:311: ':o%3mm inn 'II`.nai`nntI flnn QIIIIVA nan Aug-ni-` Ill`; 3111 . tta1..VIon- Alllllllll loionuoOo0IIO"9 Allandale ................. Ilnvnlllrnn Ir HA: hln 'nl'l|n 'Q? : Ind Montrll--.... o u o fhvlln _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 00! Oiiioohom-`s.8 1. m. ta! 1. m. and tor 20 minutes aitorthe distribution or oronto night mail-8unda `a excepted. Mnnnv 0 an nnnntnll nn Ah Ilnnnv Dulut- W QIIIOOIQIIIIIUIIIIOIOOWIIOUOIOOI o0mn8W.O0dnu.-....u.......u.uu O0mIW00du.J.g..u-ouu_-nu..." Northoconuooolon Mnnfnrd RI-nnnh Rn.ilwn.v.... . ; . . . . UWWIIII MIMI.` WW [Na 1) 3003! : .'.`." 3%:'.x.,--:::::::: Tom.nh0t`tIo`oIoIIcIcIOII0II00||l9"0;` 'l`nnnnOn '10 Tommy-oocooIooucocvncttcoocvoo-so T0l'0lIt0..-onu....uu.u...._.......... MODt1>`6Il..._o.--......... N0hO!'nRIuWIY(N0l'th)........1... Gl`IIldT! lIkEIIt...a..n.unu.....I Northox-n:1IsilwsT8outl3;.......;....I Nnrth hnnnn 1?; Ian: _ nntnnunl. IIIBIIB III nnuxunun Newmuket Nnunhnubnf , 7IUOIOIIIIII0I lIIIIUV.C .'C..'I.IIQI.'.C..CC..CI Ihnnllhuu nun` Ilnnl-An `III-Ann]: `R: o;ooiaooioou;o - n o s Iunoooovuonon H1l1$aliLe,Oraighurat,Dalston.CrownL Vmu O 0 O I I O O I I O I I I U I I I IIOIIDIIIIOOI ":.m2.s:'2::.e:.;.~-w;a;;;a;;|t and ll'1-idnv ...................... . . 2&3 "r'n::.`%`o`'.m`:`-1.`%o'3`;x`u1.'i"x7o'.5f don. En`, d. 03100. 87900 go Avenue. To- ;-_9_nto. ll_1_be gt ghg QuoQn's_ _T opal. Bun-lg, on 9&1. n...u.:':az'::ia;;.;; i;;a;;.;i.'ie;n.' Dnngtgnaninhnnn Ililllh I U01 `WmU-IIOIIIIIQIOOIOQI000005199 No l`t:l'IRuW8yNOI`th u..-e......-] Moatord Brunch Ba1lwsy.....;....1 m}'`;.".2'.. . .'.`f`.`? " . Ul.'0WIII1ll.lu.......u.nu o o o o v 00.9: |W..".'.:...'*..`.e.'.":..m_+. :-a:'$'r"'1 1."i"`n':`ei'c'1""u's'u73"i'ii&3I ` Q . . . a j tuldh - -M L 7. W0 - B yd,i.;n'o`uNo,ooYfon o -rnp.a.'yn"`a '1-1m:-`nan ; ..... . ;...' `3"c`1`:`u7"" `sv'.'."7 iiti North Slmooe wax. I shone and Mullen .. `Tannin Q nnlt OocotlooiooaoocooonlGluco- Hamilton and Boston Branch Rail ` WooccoIoIooI}|oootoI0n000090-01: Y Mestord Branch Railway... . . . . . .. .. Oolliugwood ` IOIO oII0\I0IIIIccnoIIna3I0 .`..`.`:`:';.'Y'.`."_ ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::: q-g ` (`IO IHVVI IIUUUI I UIUuI I_nunxn;~==_ = -` V ONT." AasJN'1w$f . rotmr Am-zoma;..4 mu. Iallil .1u"2`:`s.... a*.`:c`:$.$ig3i`:`n: SOD 0 . 9 ' l `KY6! B1300; gltfy. 090.. Of I0 mallty. dlllf. Snndnvn nxnnnta, - - mzson 4; SARJEANT. BARBIE. Im. V oporters and Dealoninoonlsot all klndl. Ind. rgotown. Grey and 0119! h Whlzo Flnllhlng` B an "n....,.- :.'-=,{..~,r=.s.e.:.*..*.:= .... 1:::... Rullwny Switch. toot of John urea e gitpot. The bond of thtldldtgxe In be of any other kin Min. 6 . Omoo -Corner of Johanna El bothlu-ecu. I T1-roM%P.g. '%c`,ix;tr:.w.% ? .`~Manura V .1"`1:'.'. v'.-ma` .. - lll5ll"'IllIU.I I Ux0pD%o Mono 0 or: had onslsnone Order` Jmoea nited tun P1-lnm: Edward Tdnnll. NA nnndlnnd Ami llim I 1 jbt C133` `.g.`;*' r -- RoIs-8treet.0ppoI1-tp-1l7`oun`n" I`7-U" II V 3 D _-1` IHIUIIHQIFQ :9-u _ "" .i."icnw.mns panama nlnnnuknt. , , pl ! IIIITIF, IJIIDIIUII Ill JIICIIU. UPI!` ..9.'.`.""`...'..' '.'.'.:.'.'.' ".'.'.'.;.'..'.'.i.'.'. -uuunuruu. m and F!'if1&V. . G E0.-_.M AYIS. EXT? T If 1- 4` ;.vnm l'0g.NlgBY. ENG. nu-r" g`n'uar1;uon of Enlhli an . Ed 8100! _ .. `B11011 ! gusto &u`- o`-v-u--- nnI|'n`I Vlknnmlnw Ant` Fnlnv, , _ .- ` "-'-'.'wui'I:'o:iia;I.' r-' vv-n-nnrlgv Ill GIIIQQII . D; o:MITLLA ".5 7 an _ VA _ uj-:2 A.*-mm-w-~a%:a.......... '` A8347 .otc.; .} D.....**:.::.:*..'.~..1.... -.-2:; 4009111 .. v~ -. TH `Ki _- j : , .. `WILL BEJIEMOVED BACK TO BARBIE. by so t. 15*. 1888. _wl_aen,he. will no propu- ed to handle nll kind; of Auction Snleu. - Farm Shook` sales are my specialty. and A on intend- ing to have Isles: will consult olrsown in- terest: Ty qtll_Igr.ubn xggilmu ,, ; umcvrrmaaasuavmnirAnIm?l &l\'D:'Dt'\'l"lIIl. u,A.-ls-I-urn it-u4._.... - UHHIUQ | latest; ' ' `piimxix rnu: hr":-`ion or Loxppx In: our amr.inL%.1y:Ignuznl j .:_-_ -._g.v_..~ &JllIil:IIC.UIl.'l~.|fUlII \l\ll3.'5..'_'lllI I ' kcbr nuanawn. W . DESIGNS, DIA G'R" Am 3' "A'1'D{ sumo. r1eNsmm;%- - xx? vn':uv. :- SIGN 4 {I nEco.'Ii'i"fon'il olL;AVlI1'lt Aun'_g1_pn;`% Tm: %msaoA wa.mNnoA N msiiniixcn Oompnnnot Gust _ j Tun mpmnur. msumxbn dam-Lni 0! London. England. A .. .- ; V _-_..._ -Y_--~w-. cw ---2.-r :.IuvI_I' I gllivjl `n-orrosxu- smmn Iaossnm-f |'r**:2.:s :*.;*=.:.$. ........ mm Innnninmnnt Add unnu-I Iihnlnbnd Juunul C--2%: T IIIII I-fjx-H ._j rmnua oct. 29. 1330, ivo. 25:51.- 4 Sam Rails and Po:lt ;lyl!t'gr Rishtu 1130:3161- ln A 3:... '-'."a u-i`;L'-I`A`!.3VA ` " " 12`. "` "'::."";`:.?:.":x-1:" W '= " .;...~"....... blldor Prlnto Trun.' `Acct - on Ttn: mooturpmved plans. Int Othi Io. ' A . A _ u>moauu1nuunn ` `Auo'o_`l:`tl ' un3"ue'rund,` ;5oo.9oo. 15:-H A:-o`$?. ! ` V for E10. Private % :1oit._317'"o6f' jto ' gr, M }LIFfI?Jj=1'iii'lii ii7IiP7NY| ` E I fSxT,Q1?'I'Q QVYVV L951 LOCI? SCICIIIIIIVW u for Torotuto uddAlg:in:hea.;" an . s = 01 000. oonl.y Brlti|h Ooxgngglg. hm. `ID-mung": Inf; nnnlno Hand: 1: tin: Idnl . I1. 810. RBI! IIBBIIB Illa ll-IUIIIBIIOO Ilia. ' UIIIDUI-- 9 Owen-st. (1 `door north ot of Toronto), B"i"11:1b1t?r"I'.ot3F'n}o1uunnoe' co. 0 e o n on 000.000. Reserve, Q_2;;50,000. Dopodt at Ottawa Canada. 8 mo. - OD`. mo 0 Norwich Union. rue Insurance co man. 135041797. A.D. 0.49381. s5.soo.ooo. New York mo Insunnoo Hood`oo'e'I` Canals: Torontoond Monuu.l.. - V `lnntlnn llnnnnni-AA A-A Annhlgnli ('95. nL i 0 Land, Insurance andjnnny Agency V wu.|. 0. B.nsPnv,` n Real Eatat and Inaui-once at`. -Oloou-- II Danna! ll Inna Inn-flu AC. Dan A! 'I"nv-nnl-n\ upwvywv V *..3'VAL M | N O .rN1ia'i1.::L~: oot_. 81. 1888. 43;: . A .-Noyngukuphootu z `r > .r .> ` .- .I . _ 5,, . A. 4 .1. \ "Aaloq"u"l'n.rgo ;umbe.r of vedntgil. in the Town of Barrie; Band for Price List. FLETCHER egnnownnn 8 Dunlap Shoot. wt` .5 We are now showing 3 LARGE s'rocx.ot Wxronns. consisting of all `thevwell-known makes. viz.: Wnlthnm, Elzln, ll_umpde|_nV,V Illinois and Cheshire. Cell and examine before purehuing eiuewhere yajiuuu"aijgs;"}"'am21t"a;| DFIVIVKIIIIV , JED l\l'\'l7 `DADDIIII ncrunssun mung: mun: ROGM +MOUl..DlN08 =1!" .T _. .:i~ 13 L gnwmcnus A "Rt. 4" `E > [`.;SH.E`. ..`.}?F*1*3 *"4` snann's |Mrnovi1_EuGEJ Ilntnninnl (Inc, an 1na'n"u.. is 541.. cum: L." s A~m=.`ns.% .."II--`"31 ALI `T ` : -.'AL_. ,.-"zT7"` Km`! ,,/`(Y7 ' V /. _' ~ mom '. . Next doa'"." ( R.==F;i;: ILL mu Immnvmn n It A onI01:I:'i;cozz&Jr .!i'i.`fISif'; ..:.'_.____ ' 'n5'17nw1_::LL' BLOCK. mummz. -- - * . v -` , .' ` a_.- -n_44;.- -_V-..._:_ _ ___6___ It " 13 I0 u 15 an 21 10 AI `$ n'a';"i'nc`:`.`:'.a`f'- sums FOR 8: 7 `..' Nb, 4 .,-11:33: ton.-`,-` .10 II `III u. 10 t no 12 ll -IKE; UIIGGI-Iuovnuwulvl DIIIUI ur- ronto.0won8u~oot.BuI-lea"-' n. n.`su'nmu-. A J. '1'. smm..' . ,'-,7 THE NORTHERN .A.lJVAN uoaance` Vesgra Iinn"l!l' . -.roii `nu:-- % MIIMON. 9 -.- an-an Allan Illll. I'll`. 3 ,4 E01, : -3375: young gm: 53.13.; usipriniiarp ontoringncha Buuhon:.gl?oItp.:iI,I>ala888.e ero V %-run 3015' `-11" ,l_ . Blhln .22. -u--can-a-ua`I Iillllg. ' .B. P.' Shillaberb bttr known as M:-3}.` Parting_ton,"__ nowlivea` t _(IhoIa'es,% one bf Boubnu 1I;"iy -I:`t 1bul'b.|- ', `He ia"aeve`u'ty+ four} mr-$0., ,. % , I` . _utism.,: .-liiem-ARA `.the,_ho9sg,xitl;_g' . 'o_sn9=, quiet". my:-.1 1hu..=?nnt..- n:..-in 5-Bglton. fox. Coven .601:-n;:xHn . ' - ' i. [$iId70f1`iPI515d. With; rhonm > rhpsimooorordllon. pay um for the late York and coo. Battalion hnvegbeen gent the gap- tainl of companies, and prgivggtes ._..,shd. non-commissioned _.oioan may -g1 v,o,-. in-, atruotiona tor` them to sign-,tho~.uhoetron theirVbe half. . The kit nllovrauoforoodh. V mun amounts to $8.50. .It Ifould rhdvei beenlnore thuhin bps for the fact; rthut boots were Iorvodout to thmhottalion at Humboldt. and the value of those article: V has` nsturu`ll3' `Men; dodiictdd. T "will be `tho-`u`Ii' V , which required: Vyxeird settle.` uot:`o'ryf`end of i:ho,~ques`tia n --IlIlll'I II uen what 9_ 8:01-o..und you parhupn Soc. ' G our rarnool all V`0Il'lII.'VQ ilI'.QlO.0ll%lI,I at-the J: .9 a nutter . _r;n;:nw." ? T `r rI`bde'n'~`jSnzli!'I, `-`b %mjmaLcow.aa;LLn% \ , ntos later the good-natnrad: p1'0p.!'l9.0,1.':. ouvuua; vvvu van uuvutlll-Oil !!! `. UITKII gnu whils- glfevlgp drdf-'hiv'w b_qon= Q1-y: g1to'dUvi'I& Io_mo any 1_n'othq'i! '!o'r"m`1_ei to 0637;! 'thoir house! _In 6ub`o!'ro,';'tho wily tuxnp ;"_|I' to~`l|`O'v?hI)- n!d*got`iif.,`. ' "nM*1IIsu~f~` donne1_l,_str%e%"hbt'iiPhii \yhic'h' ratchet yigmixf Ii.Igf3_e t"`oI"-`the"` out; 0'33 3 9'? it th5..0*1I91'I,h7u.,1.t:" H"4!'.I`V15!l.'1!D`-;0?!i It t_o thii'tl1Ii`t_l'l_tb}'yiof {hi I5hil`din;g."o'pe;;;` ed ni:'n ;1o `axid"jn`ni'p`'d ins A-' V ` ' ' ddpr open .11l.1`fby,` n'nil" th`o enter'ed_` `the `oompartIh'ejjt;_` ;1o`63 his olbths and laid himslfswiy to)` the Jnighf, A Inthe mornin he arranged h_ig,toi1_et; and` went down :11 of He ' X ywalkad.o_uj ," iEut od.'d_oin1` di-coverad the triokmd 99!th.. h_- doilbt u" .to;iher,.viId0m- of V being II1pp1iOd~.With a reenoape: n - _*_ , _ ;A few} 'm'inL ` - --c uv--vogue uvvvnvyunvuv V5 IIIJI EIIIIITI, .binm.thn.oo,nst:noti9u of 1th.o:o)d Noxthom . that ImIn:'.l`oronto to;AllsndAh and Col"-7. 1inwood.. x- -. .'L . mgncnangy. Tani Anm`dn`*Vhi-5. liI1il!Iber3..`:i.'.thu8t~'iIi ., magpzgno, :1! ight `ind Day, _whioh give! an;ac_,op'p,,tJo -aha, wondorfu}. work. among ruin which Dr; was `Di-., thu|',wi`tli ufetnbo ftoz 'Woi'1i{} . 5 ` On Thurhdsy. 28th Much.-.: oh: Fix/sf `vaav uuvvsu uu` uu|n1uu.uu.uWU in! IIOIIICI? * .9` I -have the .-In-goctgffcmilyv.,.on saith now = under my : care, - oi -3,100 babies, boyaygirls and olde_r-~l'adI.* = The Annual Meoting=oI*-atho Inltituk tionrwi (DIV;-) be heldxin~Entot.Ha'll. "on Wednbudoy, the 2211:} Ms y','?.whon`.the' 24th -Annivdmury of our _Hojn_cI will tlikpl place. A Choir of 7(l)"ol'our'*ohi1d1ou '-:n . :nm7 `l'- _...;. ..t _4L.A.'_ -14 4--.: L yu-was cs vuuu UL avv VI. 0Ill."IJll1l(ll`Bll will sing. ' .My median! pa-tyx o'..y'oun( Emirnw1v_ill*beo_n`viov_r."' N Wrlgol mm mm rete:onoo.ao:mnwork,;:; Tundsy, Mu-ch,-; om: rim ;EmlgrJ ' tion Pu-ty..for the c_IirroIit 009-10593 of 226. Tnincd %:_soy-ma. " nailed" from Liorpool -in the I-"eI."uvin fol` vMdntx-cal, on their way to (lands, in t11_0i.1'.f\1flIl'G=H0IIIO.- One` nndrod uz_zd VIVL8-5- -8 LL--- A.L...|. A- ...___ 4|___ I. _ID . , as uum , In. IIuI1lU,, Iolliir` lll,l-DID. Illl IIIII` WK whole nnmbeznuworo sotntllyi taken (com. the streets for admin|ion.into tho'HAoipon:; . u 1' 3.--- n.- 1......` .:._.:-i - _ 30 GO IIIOGVVVQQQI ocnvrmr. lPLI "noon-1~n1`.` 309iH_ll`l. ogrloa uoasllomv `Aumu M'nAl'lll!'- O..C.` . . .-----U `uvwvn vuv` n_.uuu:uu um Thirty. of them that-in mom. than halt the tilnin nnunkah . -n-A --l...-II_- A-L-_ 1..-... vvus can Illllllll VOID VWIIUII. II,V2|1`, : In lmkins -Lt - Don-laienmlwa ..,m; in -oonnnction w.ith;tho.,notI: `pp "given in this xopntt, one h.iItonlIh.' .03` the wonderful development ofthn; hinnn.t.hnmnnt2nntinn nf 6.'I|n~nI:I II'....n.....I T`~.V_""T1l"IalA.'0"A. 110% Q 9 11.37 ' '`1`'` " Y9` W! 'ria waavth *` ' Or tlidjnuun / `,5 11 I __ 1-; `'11. A Q : 33i":3<'I. ~", ?;`.iI"'5-7:' '7i"s"""'j%"" and expru cu-I oimoa _ hired, 23.; cattle. and box can ownocl`, 324,918 ;V do. `dd. 2952; _. plnorg` cm owned. 12,750; do. _hi.re(I, , .`242.; Vo'onl and dtiihp can ownu}, 3,0474} ; . _ , III Q` A TIA.-I-..-_ -mg`...-1 _.-.'_ ,"483 ;' ' 0'. do.*` Ila - vzupuvvrnvu , '7'!!! V ' $30,652,046; netenrnmgn, $11,507,106 ; pulongerl carried, '11,4;16,79l,; * tom of V -freightuniodn, 17-,172,759; mile: run by train:-,.~37~,39_l.206 ;- pnuangoru 20 ; employs: `killed, 107 4'; other: killed; 104`; total killed, 231 ; nnmboroi-olouto.n,.28:` number of `guarded lovol: ctouingo`, 115 ; number of unzulrdodi` love!-' crossings, . 7,910; -averhndabridgu,.-364; engine: pwnod; 1,614; _enginos=hirod,- 3_9;:u1oopor and nu-lot anbv`rnod,: 71 ; do.-do. ` ,8_; nt-olul owned, 742; do. dug lurpd; 17; Iooond-olI'li =iIIimi(rint iiou`I' ---5-} KKO*.` `I- .3-.. I.__QI!: 1! _ .I_.*._ .._;.r. w . OIIIV, `cl- \I\I`Z IIIIIVU, ifflib. ?I CI SUV.` 448; Government bonuses $134,278, 219; Government loin: paid, 820,920,085; `Government Inbeoriptionu t0.Ihll'6'I paid, $300,000 ;- municipel aid paid, $13,144,- 224 ; mile: `in operation, 12,163; earn- ings,` $42,159,152 ; Vwonfking-.-expenuea, QQARRO l . nab Agus:-`Ann `I1 Kn `Int! . "i'*`'o:2.'7~"s:u}`.u'";.a.ry" `"vv 5'`IiE3" ; ray 1... tel-eating facts. -T , - mm..- -4: ..:1_-- --..-1-;.{A /.. ...;I. |..:.a\ V` UVIXUBIIE I Miles of-r:.Ivfay compl;te.dA(t1.'a(;k laid); ' 12,701 ; do. aidings, 1,532 ; iron rpill in main line, 1,037 miles ; "steel rail: in min` lino, 11,664 milen;.oa.pital,pn idg $727,180,- : anxnnnnnn` LAOIIIQQQ M , Illa QUVAIVUII SIX KUIKIVUI-I IIUIII I'll Di: ributionofee, ozum, the Ropoi't- '1' Railway Statiat1caofG'anada, and_Oa ital, Traic and Working Expenrlituroo the Railway: 'of* the Dominion ior"1888.; It gives in detail the location, termini, `ength, paaaonger and freight traic, amount ox`p_en_d6d-,t bonuses; received, working expenses, earnings", etc.,o gt-c , of e'very railway in tho Dominion. `D-A-us -L`u'nu~Q'n\nno-`A19 nth l'nI'IA`l`Q :-3 new the New it` iupoilwtck. `Ned-ly every roity`. ~hotd*. in :8ntfbrd' in numnnullul -kl: ..n..:...4.... 4...: ...1.:u_. And adds mofe betuty to the"ni_h:t II... . blag n6nIIn nan nigh` - 1: mkth Pomcy content, ~; - To Sorrow `whii`p`o'ri*pu`oo; . '9 "It in aigift from Bouvehuant, For moxjtalu to inoreuaq ` V; It meotafyod with I unifeit thohi. Agzlulhfyon to rzpue: p; .. bop .. owor o_r,peer _ rn . An everlutjng _ , A char -m` to i5hish' glgif Iwsy, - To Imtoh thobrow from 'cs're~: Turn tears to smiles, mike dullness gay . 8 fend gladneu everywhere. An yet `in twenty Iummorwdow Thst gems the lily : breast ; . ' A Ienunnunn n: Inna an In-an LDC! EUIIIU UIIIIAIIJ -U I-Ilvaai , talnman for love as true As ever -man , What my this wolidiolu spirit b}, T With power unhqard before-'-' Thii charm, this bnglit amenity? Good To"mpor-`-nothiig more I` ' - ` ..`!:`.?`1"..1. .I.`;'...f!_*"...... "`A .`?.'...F"'%`I `XIII-VKI LUIIIlJUI"'_ UIU UIIU VIII! ll Th|t`woIn|nVhomowa1'd;l_`;';;':. GUKQWI-g I-'-_-uwvwu ;_'l'_n_1_s _ovAl1_fgmT hf: _`re'9ivfd_t:t6m tho! -.'_-:__:; -A Lllu. lull! Iuurv IJUDIIIJ In: van: 5:` ha: all the stars can yield. IWU WU `IIIU ' Luu VIII Inc [:00 To_ bliu nnknownlo kings; Soioiatiifmen pay `Roach other delicately ap'i"opriate compliments nome- times V Possibly, no modern botanist has V |li dwn'more` Iueoeutul pet-uevr'anoe u 9. odllactor in 1ib%"dang'erouI regions of the 8outhiv,ept than til? Rev. C. .0. Pringlg. Iti`u`i`xnfn'g'z '_:IV:I50`j {ex-h',A ~' ntlsolma1 rin'gldi, f_r6iII Mdiibf `ME. B3Veripbri: ahys : `V_'!3h`9 v;r 9_ngi_.e1,-fa] ten `icy winth wh_u:h_thia elgdqt . * ;gs*1;o:as*",;: iijaga jiif egirguigp of! .;. Vinmb 9Tv`u:er!;i "`i3.ii'I:I-nttb`b!9 h?**8.&i -#4 cum`; .p1omNg2x MAOV&1 nI3_.og. common ~Bl`:l.'h-i)nn|o 10150011 0. . _ . \. . . . .`m.llII)of Y/18,79 there his been no. period of The gun; nppesamto be now_ pacing an !n0.t minimum. . Since the mini- ` ?un1)rol_:en_ qjiii6gce"nce as that from October `4th to 24th, when not Q single spot was obde1`v e,d" ;;0f ; '1.ee,j too "I',the spot: have been mstry fvry.ner. t e inn : equator, very few more _th'nnffteen or sixteen de- igreu distant, with 0." decided preponder- ance` o_f",n,mnb`ere in `the lonthem hemi- ` qnhere,-7:` condition `which `teams to have Olit`ni`n"e'j1o.`iatinct1y ever `since the great _ontbr'e9n;_k `of Nu3vembe1*,' 1882. ` Ah Spoefer chow: -in :-recent paper; in the early` part of the liiticentury the name was the case * __ formany-_ye'sru," do much so that when in 17071 `considerable? t` appeared `north of thenn-'3 equator, duini and Marcldi ;both' d ecl|red'~ it unpreoedented.- Since`? AA nan Ann` l\` .1! LI... ..__L AI navrsavl-II? ysvvvu 1. UIUOIIJ Ill!` ' 'u``?e original. On_ one cylinder four varieties of `coughs were taken. `In listening to these we are the: it is ..e,diionlt to `divest the mind of `the belief that it is not the patient 1116 is` reducing :the`e`eot by his on present e _ ' . As regerdsthe prsoticsl vsIne"of these `novel spplice'tions`of' one of the ln'te'sHrl\ Imphs to-besb!e`to-compare.-'w oough'*'ol~-to-dsy with 3 conch-*`of'~et-`-mo`uth'b!`h"s . would-be I =ob_ssrnon.: sud spay be so immediately `e'uilsbIe~ in- the 1' hehssudeterminedto bring it into pisetlosa rFor ur- tlziswpu-Q-o!.tl'seAwos"k` wonl ` be .- :qbviogsly uIeil.5 sun of ithe. `any sound whatever; Indicative ofwheilthim diIC,`:.II&_ any Illlllx motisngol; heslt-ll-.91. A-disoAse_ -that W-.I__2L.. -I____,,. _ .0 - - of science, Dr. Richtidhbn ohs'eHeI'=thet"` uuvu all UHIJIUIWIIUUWCQ` 511109 `zwpor cent. of all the spots thatl havo been `observed were in the sun's southern-`hemisphere. It is impossible to my jua_t_how long it will be before the upon again bgtn to incl-one in numbers ; iris no `imp :-ob7ab1e"th:t It may be 3 year or morp yet. X = ; . =..`.A:A.'.;2..` .. _-;_ _-- - -- .,..........n. vttlljl-13511112 Int! Ill] moonnof.-. A-diloue gdmita at intoomo.un4. can `non.-xho uooniadga mad.:.-purmunanhzaaud ;fbr3oompctiiox'1;'li!1ouuti:-stioni, or 6bior_v'i'- '3.-". . . -"-I"-@ -is ' ` .. raprodno9d`ii'f iuihloi ohtitiicly roithbi- ; icrenhephot! sgaeuogusno smpaoou. ' -~ ,Dr.'Richnfdioir has been `engaged? on tome curious, sad, as it seems, ooxhpfetely` aI_I_oba'Ibfu'l~` e`xp'1rimo'ntn in-` " 4 the oito account for In ' L pur- polar. '.l`ho`6`x'erime'i1l, ivhloh dividd I_I'mm..lu....-...A.... M... l...-.`l- .1 r_..1-- v onuu .5 av ulvvvu uu UV lluv lUIlVIIlIIl"Ul o Vciaughlinnd. coughing soundn. In than one (we are told) the results were awed- ingly denite and practical. Theoough had simply been taken an the (peaking nnd singing voice is "taken and the return cough by the gr: hophone proved an, plenrly du- zuupua--~ IlIU,;`$lU (pun U8 HID VII, 0! Paris and ity of New York are becoming-_ old" - _. ` - . , uq Illlllll Iuuluu to II] Unit 111'. nlcnuulon -huenoooededr inteking impreluiem on `the wex_ cylin_der of_ aevenl vsrietiee of puhe.-.-murtmttent, u-regular, qmek, and Ilow--and the respective quelxtiea of heard By a more simple prooeu, however, it. is found preeticnble to produce: 9 record readable bytheeyeton gape:-, which _t'nay be trammittedby pout. . mm V reoorduzg. the pulse oli. the; wax eylitider he moved on to the reoordingfof nnnahn nllt` nnnnknn Inna]. Tn LL}- yvwvwo -I-our UAkIUllIllUIlZ IVIIIVII ILIYIQU thexnuelvet under the head: of pulse r`dmgP"&zIangh ..dingn `re details for minute do- horiptxon hue. 1 An rogudtpnlao reading, `f. Illnlt alumna `It can GI-uni `nu `I33.-In--2-)... uuusu--uvyurllux-IIWIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIXB and place the line again in the from rank for. Tho.-.Toutonio and Mn jastic will be out soon and will revive` 3916`-an-6 4-q-L -- LL- ____ -2 LL- I\:L_ -1 -s--`- i V ` " x. B.A" a 1002"`: 0'10)?!` M ` Ivvuurvcvil IIVIVI " Cl. Daft. IUUIIIW it mutt suffice to any tlnt Dr. Richardson - VII? IIIUI K WI For eevz years the owners of the 'White Star` Line have not taken any for- iverd _ete`pe.` Thev here the first to plnoe feet ships on the great ocean ferry, and ,for ultimo their records were the wonder of all, while the comforts of travel by the new shine. w"ei:b;ioI`1%l.hing quite unheard of before. ' Gfndtie i other" lines hove come to the front-indlin size and speed, have excelled; Ind -whilethe White Star lines are still looked upon as safe and com- forteblehoet,` theirreoordeheveoeued to -6`nAn non`:-A `L 3.. --1 __._-__.I -1. -_- o\; V - ti ` uuingn. nvvuuuu uuvv Iljuls IV A coin uni. :11 u--. as. raw vuv an-u -uu Will KUVIVU jnut,.II..~tho run: of the City of llVUIIIUu JV ID IIUW .9 U". of -`ziontoptopau-the records all fat Khan: Ant` nInna {Jan in: lI:l'| {n 53.`: C-an} > -nu vuvllqu uv vvuw uuvrh r..- it, feeling himself notV '. - `u of work. Now, 'ho owhare. With pen,`- and pills, I sit; here from Hoax` nda and wait for a bet- te; li{e.K" | and, patient as mayzij sz..r-., 2 V _v the,g'reat ocean liners `which sre_ev.er! few .da.!I startling the public by the already remarkable trans-V atlantic record, nd a diiculty which in- creasei with`. `the? isizeiof . 1 To build a strong steel ship of modern dimen- -sions;'Zand7iiiak'e Her? ~'perfectly'i. right. is a matter of no small .difI`icnlty,'but when the length grows into the neighborhood of 600 feet it-isalmnst impossible to construct a ship that will stand. th_e,._ne_cessary tossing to which ocean boata_are,snhJected and at the same time '_RlV,9 {l_10;iIidixc:ationsAof soak- ness. The trouble comes atvthe end join- ings of the ` `steel The usual method is to rival `the bnduzof both plates to s steelbutt strsppn the insidelof "the; ship. This Ieavesthe outside nioothyand ii -trona. .pvur1ed it it hot `subjected, to too greater strain. 1 But swhenm `ship 600 feet long have these{rlvet.I' Iro,very-.hIbleto;give}ia and if the the vessel's cha.noII-wsutvivingfareismall f In budd- .ing.the'0i`ty'.'of exam York the seams. were umngumsea " laci "{hu'tt strapa on the `_1tlid96p` ".l`hu?hl;1' siggillri regulsrvintervals with great `patches of steel sn..i_nch-Vin, thicl:`neu. ,` In order to overcome the resistance these 'c`eriin pass- ing .thro.ngh thatrster` n eteani power was increased-'2'per.-`cent.` In; construct- ing the White ` Star ' steamship: Teutonic and Majestic, both of `which are 565 feet long on tli`e"w7ate_'i`line`,' the builders welded the ends of the plates together, making the streaks ual to one continuous late the entire ellength of the shi Girl-eat strength is expected to'"result 1:10!!! this mode of construction, and the owners `be- lieye . that` the large additional cost of budding will be fully returned by the in- seaworthiggsd of the ship, as well e increased s . Ta` A Q Q A can-Q` conga. C`-an A134... at LL- fitnzclwthounqh he was 8110:, an ac-_ c...I;m. Mmmlt nut --w vi wvnn vnnv ow VI "w6m"en to eve1;f00` _ period the mendity _ 9 women tu {every 100 _ W ,i` Wo during preg- ngueyhre e to contract arkiilney` ' ' ' neglected will . terminate in B , : ~kidney*act1ve,=- j; d A ' ' 3 healthy ow of` hi-ine by the freq 1: use of Warner s Sgfe}0Iire during the of pregnancy. ` It will keep the kidneys healthy and active. " the. Keep the ` '-WW " Wuvsvg 0 uuuv ~W1u1 unugcn :4_wore `divorce billsbfid 7 were general 511]! The number" of addresses and d1" , ..0d;WII 96%" The number of re- 1-. Iit`1fiIi7`!a.tt$I! :i;T&i!~i-iii ;in rmsonse to said wu567, and fourteen :6-ahead `to rmnm t m and. orders of i1883- 1.1": ~)".i.. . us Q0 LVIIUWIVZ 11U.pLIII DIVE P835` Of; 45 were Government mea- '{'_l: 2`pubhc bull: (combines and extra- fhtlon). affected loan companies, 5 Insurance _companiea,.- 9 Jaoted churches, 1 alfooiod aooll ` ,*2 deilt with bridges. `I. -man `(Hun-.4` 8ll;'1-a`..1 ry _-_- ..-.......l ' oohI'd.o!thonbm1nlon8u1on. Thoreoord of parliamentary work this lelpion in as follows; 110.billa have pass- -:""`,f thln tang f:!....Q.;.............L -nu- . -uuuu av. vur vu-as lIll1.lI-ll? DIIIKBG find` unit iinporhnt working fe;trsxertibn of removing _W|l8t- Wbld-`bdttdf H670!` hdfo been taken gntoltho ' V A ....,.._ mug, -ya uvv u_uw uuunsru uanc `ol_ V. _. 1. `The. us the figures 0_of~.. `u cslcnlation,-and gures are acknow- `lodgdf-to- beItubhofn'~flcts. He states that.1888 gnultiplid hy365 days equals 689, 1320 am, eo.'ih'ih must be added 460 leap-days, making.-a total of 689. 580 days, Twhlohggoontsin 16,546,820 hours, or 99'3- 995,200 iliinntea, that id, 7,004,800 minutes '10 than a millitrd. The full milhard of minute; will not bereabhed until 10.40 a.- m. on April 28, 1902. ' Au ' g calculation, solving the question of--how mnnyiminntos have pm- `ed at *1838Jiho6 the beginning "In in`: (lial. $. -high 41.5.44 9! mg ohriiAIi' n. has A `been published drh. - 1l\Al\I\` v--- 7..., --u- -vvv ruvanuuvu >i>oIm:1n . recent 0 `W1- _.....--.. ..._-4 _- 41 n insueofno Nouedto achri hten (Mun- muwwm bib hhfpriae to A good many, for `not _gnoV milliard have _ WILLIAM Ronnnrs, M. -D. F. R. C. I .. 4Pregnanoyia-A fl'lli$f|ll~.0IUIO of Bright's (disease. The relqtivo portion of cases _betIQQn`the ` _ of an_*45, are 80 A..- " _ ' u.vuaa av-I I` I148? I lHIEI.VIIlIUlU qUII1' tity of food. winter`, with` the temper- ature of t:f0t;!C:inIl`Ii.l' ailt 805(1), the tem- perature, e oodin eal y persons in 98.4` dglreea,'t;n; d.when tgfeullaeag of summer `vac mercury e t er- moijjet"dr`near`to` or above the mark, the The marveleuavmechama` _m _ W 15 um- 31:-m h1ood`temperature in maintained at season: is not neoeuary_ to con ide , but it.I`n'n,It-_be evident to every one th::t the force needed to raise the temperature of the whole body to. nearly 100 degrees in no longer sanded in summer. e totelamouut -o i needed f e- pair `form-owth and for heatinlr. Phyeigaliorgy teaohee ua, in much less than is generally .imagined,*and it impreueu us with the trut5"of the great surgeon Abel'nethy'a .|l!i132._-that one fourth 0! what we eat `keeps us, `the other three-fourths we keep at ,lOD6l'il"0f our lives. In winter we burn up;:.the -I9_rplue' food with a limited mount of `extra-exertion. . We can not burn it. Our vital furnace: -are banked Ian.) d-'..`-.__'E`1I_`- ...__4 2;; ,. nous `Agni puck Ill euv Juueuxul. ILUUUB. V Petentel`Iexity- in to bleme if a. young menbr `young women begin: work with only yegue notione of whet honesty means. Too meny~ pereute eedly neglect their duties` in thie particular. They do not ' oversee their children ee they should or hold 9tlxem`to`e"etrict e8countebi1ity, but faulty etegglseeed over or not eeen. Per- entienehould not be he:-eh end exacting, but they ehonld train .11 p children the very way they ehonld go. The honest boy is fetheu-`to the honeet men. nu; orb: oval:-Isaac." Growth and -wutotnd repair go on in a nearly uniform wny the whole year through, but the nmonnt of food nem- anry "for-theoe- oporstionn or purposes is surprisingly small. The` generation of bodily heat I most` vnrinble quan- tity fdod.` 9: winter`, withthe temper- ICHIIIQ DIITIU -Iluaqaupuuuu UI.aUvv-, lnvanwox Immox. ?Wnu1a'rou `Arm. ' lonxll. XIII. -- _ mV U1 unu_;:oe1fa nt botanist tov ; here going` to ` the *. 1` T;`L., . IIV \lIUy9Il-9`. WIUIIO The great stress cannot be laid upon this truth by all who have dealings with the young. Temptations tobodishonest should be 3 far as possible removed from the path of those whose chsrsctern are not fully formed, and those who are older and wiser `should-be friendly counsel lid in rmly xing right ideas in the youthful minds. `D......I-I.-:5.n I- .5- 1.1.... :: _ _-__,n 11.9505 nu nan uwunnuguu A reputation for integrity is one_ which no man can afford tobe without. Iiutthe reputation is not the main thing. This is to deserve it. It is won by right doing, and is kept in the same way. Once estab- lished it is the beat letter of credit a. young man can have. Without it he can not hope to succeed. In most cases men of strict integrity have had it impressed upon them in their youth that honesty cannot be dispensed with. 7|... can-5 AnL-n-- `--.-..L L. 1.1.`! .-._ _,_ AI ' CIJUWVL In vllclll IIIJV enquiry 13 who 90 reputed to be good do 3; wrongrn many cases, but these are few in eompsnson to_ the number of reputed men who do not go wrong. It is no surprise when it is learned that a mu who does notbesr s,good name has done something dishonest or unworthy, be. cause in this csse the expected happen. ind there is not s going wrong, but , further pursuit of it. The good man by repute-snd` the better he is reputed to be the more surprise and shock if he does not best out his reputetion- is the one who i. trusted, sud when we beer of one who ho. proved` fsithless, it shows that his reputa. tion was not deserved, or that his moral hsd been tested. The man who i. upright and honest-honest with himself as well us toward others-does not go for wrong in dealings. A -unusual:-Lg-.. EA- -_.A.-._2L__ 3, , ` Vt Ilu T139.` he remv-eu `S; e"_qf `an _45,are ;_ w 10 aftertl V, V ` '_ . so ` . ti ' ; healthy t _ .9, L of thimexoelleut bm not- e_ dedicated. . `u llontau. U.8. ,' -91303` EIIBIB Ami. ' _, no vw'c,~:_a Oo ndonce toilet with toin lent: Province of Alberta. , .'l`. A.`- . IOVITTIE. Address CaInl'!'...- _ Be U H .1. nose." nosfouauea foe `use now` Bum. :-Iloohtlsto ,1-eutdonoo in" WV` -`healthy 5.1-1}. A` vT'.;ngnn- -II VI :gg._ c::j-:-: WBON an ORESWIOKE. BARRISTERB. Solicits)`:-`pr?! the Bum-one Court at Judi- uturo of On 0. Prootoru, Notaries. Oonvg; nnnnuu ha- Mnnav tn LOIII; ' Ll. BOIIOIUOTI I I0 uupruuu LIVIIIU In Innu- uturoo! Oonv - uoorphao. Mono to Loan; 0f!loea-Bog- nw:'1I'I`_ lpck. up to N. & Vnmststipn. n NIDIIIIC Illll. Iillu-. 31 guests conveyed ow doors west or may nnnlnnntnat. 7 * llslluuomuuu-uni. laws Itraot. `Iot tract on Dnnlon G A. BADENEIURBT. BARRIBTER. AT-' A . tomaasolioitor in Ohsnoery.-Oonve an-. Eg loo. on-Pint Door South or Post 0 d ! Block. Owen Street. BIrrle._ g-E moans! OM00-U70! RBI UIKIIIII 01 Commerce.` Dnnlov It:-cot. 16-1! M"`3`.'-it "3 -.`r"i>' .. , o- 0 Bu-rlo. In Out... 1885. mswtd.--"roHini-'rouout"' '7",I':'l6_'.7 '* nonnouu. Foot-of ntoikqruuuan. lie UAIJMHIVQ EU 5 Throat. Nose. G ""`-`u':i-e.`$:`.`." $.11` _ ionto. may be oo 'lt.e d st the Queen : 0 Barrie. on Friday. my the 1am; n-ours an `A. o..m., and the second F1f1dey_ot every month. _L- ncunooinltvtl V-.. ______- [`.".`.";'.3.`P.'Z`%.`.`.`. .;.`2.?'.'au.`.?. .;1.u"`. .315 r'.."'.'. .. 0. E. Hlwsow. A. E. H. Onllwloxlg -----*--- `(TIW !-.! 9L.1i9.1 AR ! In 3913-07 00 In )-.~.."..m`.;. x`.`}`.; 2;".,~....,...."` Ig;.".H'.`.-?.~'.`*. ..;.2a.r.=*-2=.1:Ia.<,:.~;zI:.-.9.-.=:**...;...m~.A| _.... -%-- nmmnv as uonunu. Anom'13n't5'fs.' Barr! :1! and Building Survoyou. o o oo- ngcu-thy'u Block. Toronto omoo-Mon JOHN -----9--v--L--- .; `; .!I'uI.nnA.-p hnnin` Va -In" . ....-.--1.. R. J. r. mLLtNafian'id " {'1' lnit. University. 'l'drono`. Felfogg 0 I y Jladloal Colleges Megnberot thr Ogllsg ot Phyuioianrsn olI Of .osim1o. Dr. Bounkdu old o co. west of Post O1oe.,. 85 `of `Trinity: ainm comm: % mbuy hh_`_ A __` 1% the` UN !!! Enl- ) H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS Tu uuan . on Real Estate stlowost nun. Farmers cu Discounted. Collections made in An: In at tlu0onnty. Roulutoto bought an gal. Oonvgggoing In all Ito bunches. 4. `M ` [EARN & MUROHIBON. BARRISTERB. _ Mgggmnoonvgymmm to. Money to n _ var _ J- Mm-nhInon'|. Store. wnron GAVILLER-DOMINIO_N AN-15` Provincial Lsnd. Surveyor. Batting olo nli-utlnn Inni- lIO_'Of-Iv! V . oxmr '1`0LOAN.- aaoooo to? a ` Lgonk 1.. 1'. BPR.0UL. 3ou'or.e: IONEY.-A In-so umount at rlvste fund: to load on Itrslhtlouu. ct owutrotu. MOOARTIIY EPLIR an MCCARTHY, W. MOVITTIE. D. L. D '7 A `to ` nunnnmlannn nnllnl W11 , , PRIVATIFUNDB '_l`O LOAN - .. n..1 mum ntlowent any as news. FERGUSON. BABRIST : not tho Bnnnmg Con:-tot_ - ` 1 "WV .7 -__.~_ - BARRIlPLANiNG lL!a`.-GlO. BALI; 3 utooumr .` cupum a:dn.I.Ir. nu mm mm an '* `."-'...':*.-;.. 33. ~'2"*z.m'*?'~ f "1. W LEN E MUHDHRUN. DA.l.\lSl'l.'lcnB. Iollolm-I. Oonveysnoort. Oloo-Over D. J. Murchison : Burg. rtstroet Ban-lo. Bnnoh0moo-Pottou Mnttnn Am- 7 W V== QUEEN'S H IL.-Ao . mnrlatnr. ant nooommo sax. AOL!` to K _ nu-raters. ""&'..:': "533m ~ toN. '.w. _ . F`-....:.-.=.'.`: a.':.'=?` -.m.:.,m....*a _..... I --u-..- \I7-uivununin Ai'rI.I| ` ton mvmsrunm on` good` 000meho1d nooumyu lowest rate at. No prlnol lmone%reul1-ed until !_t_h_.a_tex_'m. H. . STRA H . Bolfltor. . nnnnnaraanbo umnu. Court at Jultlno. Au Dhguvoioloory Omen 019! W.` I Dnomnn J A. ndl ' Iuxsommu-.novs.~" IIOIII. I5! I Block. ;',L.:.;s......,"% 6011. It llllllo UIIIIXI. III IJOII AVQIIIIB. TD` route. will be at the Queen : goal. Barri Thnndny. May`-Ind,` tor oouuultnlonp. `O U1 1' 03 U D.'!'. Msown-r. .___.___..___._ FINANCIAL. HOTELS u--- -H V` ENNDTT DENTI81`. Harlin (Int, mhm. Sudan 'TnTu"?i`i.'" D. 0. HUIOBIIOK. .. 2! O 6; iii mm ll-tf I nuuu 51-lv_ LII! EUW AKDH. UOIIVIIIII ute. Poet e laleenlel. oe Bull . prlvete reeidenee, May rnArmALnons= mun. , - ' ' ' " ~` "A \"".' ` _ " V `L->-'> " ~ ":*' `.`'.r . . ' `H A , . ,,,_.__._,u.. E I _. , Rm: 81:1-ant. nmnnimwnnaini. tr _: C jjjll & I III: " ' ' ml `Of Ewri Description: nAI`anIn:~ * =:? .. . IIUIIVUF Dllllg quallt daily. UIIU`. PIER]. .. A Sun aaxoeged. EHO . No.-65. O0 . ,3 REIT. !m'nu= sA%Imfnv-I umnoou *ro.VuTiT( or'couImI.| am an an J. ='~...:V.e.:.e:::.:~. :?r`:.I=*.I::~=:-.-.:.>~,-..,r:..m nn-tfnvnnn Anal in In-ihinn than 6}.-. 1.- I.-- 1:. wnm: `i-` " u...1.` the nwaor ot .:na'91on,:o. tavoun. um! 90 1n,tormthoV_In thus. he has uble and Single Human than in Stock at the lo.weotm-loeI._:A1_1 rdu-3 entrusted tahhn and o`B'&`;i$`*.`.'9.%"a&% --9': 9 -` `wgan was :l:e HAll9nf: ngpurq nely 3110!: `*3 W-- -rd..v:;I~ ban . _A_auaou1to_d`tgr'u,;nk:nd- g` G8, PATENT MEDICINES; DYE STUFFS, _8OAP8:OOMB8, E E E AND n1zUs1n:s.E _