am vMu;`T ll 51' no _{_which has been closed during the month of February, VVILL BE RE-OPENED" White FULL STOCK OF A inMAiYlimery.% NEW NEW Theincreaeing expenditures u` n wart like preparations incurred by. other uropean. nations has rendered necessary an increase in the precautions hitherto taken for the safety of our shores and commerce.` The counsels by which other powers are guided, and which di of their vast forces, are at present an ormly friendly to England, but I have no right to assume that this condition is necessarily secure -from the possibility of change. ll!I_2_ .s__..I__ ;L-_1____ LL- _.,_--__L-_o...-- -1 OUR - on- 56 Dunlop Street. Shirts! - RU HUN IIDIIIII Wu: Uv -uwvu Irv Uulv wvIv- caption but until the money in mid. subscribe:-I now in trust: for three months and over will-be churned 81.50 our annual. "':`.'l""""""i" uumm The Town Council exhibited an interest- ing picturo>'_ _ou_ :M ht;.A gr `I. pleasure tone the vheeli.iiu.h 0Iit 01* old rut: even though the edqeuhgos may not turn out as great as peoiile oixticipate. The citizens are thoroughly interested, as indicated by the crowd of epeotttore; Thin II1I_-_. u.- _-_._I- _L-... (Su IIIIAVO . . .._p ` 31 Per mnmam%gqvta:u .as1:`j ., ' '- ) ._. _ _._ __=_.-"._n`i| L. .`i]`..i"`J.. ox.` 'l'll0UIl1l'lIPll0l.. ` There is one passage in theQueeu s speech` at the opening of the Imperial Parliament last week that possesses more than .ordin;ujy; interest: A "n `T - 1 ` . V. W T`'_ '5'? cs " vmho sdciodto the Sub- ua-Ipuo: n`; ::?lt.ho Inf:-auulhnrn an: in Anna!-I for thran manthl `him. he prosecution was mainly for an ex- ample and warning and the Consul did not press it, as the coins were not likely to de- co r-ugvu via. Ciillll , " A German workman inNurexnbur recent- ly got into trouble by making imitation Am- erican coins for `his -childrenito play with. The American Consul charged .him with makin - counterfeit money and prosecuted ceive anyone, so a jury of the man : country-` menacquitted ;_.i.".: ., . .y !\ .. At a meeting held at Granville,` _a resolu- ;' tion was adopted favoring an international T convention by which qtoamera would be for- hidden to pace thoewfoundland banks ; l""'=k'.32""uT'-','"? d'7 7 . \ .uasua1sx.a'non. The Ottawa. Government is abeolutelybe- ; eeiged by deputation: asking special lemela- r tion in favor of body of industrial: or other. Such a condition of ie V unfor- tunate. Privileges ycannot `be; to, any body of men in the state without at the same time interfering withthe rights of others. If any indnetgyfi the cou'ntry' nrpxlcan ata, disadvantage by reason of p_rivi_lege_ V eil to foreigners, Inch hociylhae a V; lief ingthe premises, That privileges ed to any indusu'y`hy_ which a tank is imposed ` on a greater number itentirely nnjnettje. ` The Monetary Times has a long article the case of the Canadian _1nillera,,_jn,.vaIich the name ground ie7' taken. * ' biiingthe eta of life, every in whatevereecte The The CIl19K1lI|IIg_?lIti;l|lG5l'I~lelI_aV,.6:.-Neolvefc'l `toe _ M e , _ , ...., f ___" y `N - _ _P`u: u!` I` A -1 ' -z-H-, mm b ' I booxl!e u.m'AnoRi& A uuusa rll xoxwwunguy a. $40!} 2-inhabitifnt `of Gra.nvi1l'e.."` low sno world.` Mrs- Lizzie Mcsuleychicagas. and her two children were `found dead ilfbed together Monday mornin `. In the woman s mouth was a rubber tn; connecting with the jet. The ' was turned on ull; ihdicat n that Mrs`. cAuley haddelibertitely Ianne to kill her children and herself.. e shot and killed her husband on Dec. 4, 1887, while in a't of jealousy. No indictment was found against her. . She haslsuifered from a mild form of insanit ever `since. One of the children wash.` y, tin-ee'an`d' -a-half {ears old, and theother a girl, one and a- alf years of age.;i i;;;,*i..:;;i.;ei }a`i.i;yfiI.I;} oTm}$x}{x "is cigar. There` is net one redeeming feature in the modem prize ring and its agsociations, but to publish the deta.i1sAof.a ght inpapersi which find their way into i respectable` families is little short of an out:-_a.g`e`. A V ` ` . U IVIWHTFUI The London Times, commentin upon the "addition of four States to the nion, says `the Union has passed the ordeal too many -times for the latest increase to `cause top- lieaviuess. But it is as impossible for aVcom- munity like America `not to be transformed by the plunging into it of realm after realm as for the infusion of a tent in `contact to atfectachsmicalcomhination. he Americans themselves in: rleotly oomprqliend. the ac- tual amount o mehmorphosis.;1.H"less can they predict the, eventual modication to which it , points. - Butgineitller nor for- eigners cnnlhaln nnainriuilinir.`n'n..l.e..`.. -6 VIIlIUII'CU 1 M _ I` Ill)!` I01" W 33 the centre of eignem c.'mA;i; sulistantially lte a r- na.tiona.l gravity must A_ __ ed by accretions BCh'I .______ noun`. mn.'"?re. - If there is any one thing more intensely disgusting than .anjothe_r, it `iafthe gleseriptiony of Ta prize _g_h,t_ between two .Ghume._xibi;ne. Yet `we have some papers which call them- eelves respectable who regularly publish all the details of these worse than brutal exhibitions. The men who go to these exhihitiems are fhe very worst {of the `gem- bling"arid plundering fraternity who wouldi .LL!__I_ _- _____- -D _-I.L-..-_ L` , ,, ,5 ~ w a The Marcli number of Harper's Magazine contains a paper entitled _Cornments on Canada, by Char_leI'Du'dley._Wa`rner.p We ` have readthe papsrjwjitli agood deal-of "in-_:` ,terest, because it is evidently an honest esti~ ` mate of the Dominion and its position by a well informed and fair representative Ameri- can.- Some of the conclnsionsand . infer-. ences of the writer we cannot aoept. buta very great deal of the paper may be read witb profit and pleasure by all classes of. Canadians. We can now simply call atten- tion to Mr. Warner's paper, but will endea- vor to give someoi its more important parts next week. ` i ` - V `A the duty wan roquired to'onSb!6`Cm`adig I I mall. on nnnnnlnr n'nnnn-aha- 13: `night. 4 I VII! lllliy WK` HIUIIIIIIU an . , , ` ' with Aw m u said, yap gal-go and pgowgtul, audit inenthd ._ the Americana an undue advantage, -; o 5_ point.wa_`=not,. ` dwelt upon, and ore dqes,,not"_appq have been any at- t.1ng:1at' `a `i'i1alheniaic(g){edemonetratien of t e evancea eged._ , gqmtlgcnagmput. tin the demand on a`newefodt{ng.eih"d the mi era ought to have a protection of twen to twenty-five perooent, because that iudu `- gence is _'8"0W'0d to dther manufacturers. nu. nnnnlrnr said It um: I. nnnnnn of vnfnn- w-v.-"v u---- '- r-"'7 .a"" V? W`? patchwork nature of `Grit Grit friends may rea,Izvassu_if'e`c1 tha;fhoi1f'i3a5se is hopeless. that tlnevpeople willj_naver: fen- truetthem with the government 951.; thin Do- minion until` they, have a Canadian` polio)? stead of a Yankee one, not until they are prepared with a policy which will build up a great Canadian nationality than the one under which lthecbouiinion it now proepering. _ ` ' ;_r-' V -- 4 The Times then goes on to inquire how much wheat is necessary to make a barrel of our. ' This it seems isa variable quantity, and runs all the way from 4% to 5 bushels. : It -is a. little difficult to glean just what the qrlevanoeaof = themil,lers arrand` how to re.- `medy them. Whetlfer a_ dollar `a barrel" duty would do it and be just to the `consumer who would have to pay` it, is a question of serious _ import. It is certain that the poor man is ill able to pay more iorhis loaf thanlhenowv pays, and this should be an important factor` in oondsldering the Canadian Millers Delega- I tion arguments at Ottawa. - I - guuuu IQ ,uuvwvu '00 vjauvl. Iuuuunwuvunvano One V `or said it was a. question of votes, 1 and t at the deputation ought toextort 3'1: oonceuion, if neceseer ,`hy a demonstration 1 of electoral power. -A eputatiou that should ventureon such ground would run the risk of being politely asked to withdraw. And i if it come to that, it might well be question? * ed whether there are not -more ple in I Canada who desire untaxed flour t on there I __- A` `-l.I-__ -J Q`.A:- `undn-ac`; III`\l\ tunes` 1: ` UDIIDIID wuu uvluru IIIIIIDAUVI uvus uunu vuvsv ' grog! 'nb`l)l&erslanid their friends Xhol wantcg } ora rre_n imposed. cespai from Montreal wagead, showing-the stock ! of our there to be 95,000 bhls., not includ- ing that in the hands of eify-millers ' about 70 per cent. of which was American. 'Neither 1 Quebec nor V the Maritime Provinces josre. 4 where the our theyeomsume comes from; = they only desire that it shall be as cheap as . possible. The millers desire an opportunity ` of making our dearer, and if -the succeed the consumer will have to y the iiference. ' Nevertheleu, ii~it_ can , shown that the V _..-_---A. .I__A.3_.. _I!_--`.!__2__L._ -...-_`_-L LL- IV-.. 593] VIIIUIUC ullllllly CIJIHUTICW \IQII`- gdlan" miller and in two: o?`uhe American, they_ are entitled to redress. They ought not to be placed at a disadvantage in their own coun . At the same time; th e"soal'e`a` should be eld~ evenly: the millers should nnf }ua'n1-aura.` nnnhu in hunt-nginn lm. *i\I|a.l'|n UIIV UUUIUIIIUI `VIII IICIVU IOU UIIU \IlllVIUIlUVI me our "shown present duties diacriininajn against-the Can. ninn millnr sink` in fnirnr A? flat: Amul-{nan duties discriminate against-the Can-. adian" of ` the They not` in their some tiinei the"sea'l'e's` he_ should not beallowed unduly to increase theggprice of bread: for their owifprot. * on how much wheat is necessary barrel seems variable quantity, and runs all the wav from 4.1; to 5 bushels. ' 29 IUUPIUU U QITQIUIIII LILIIIIUIIIIII Illlll Will IV blame for the nresent strained relstione; which `he declared existed between the two j countries. By this `policy of" vaeillation and 1 `:`.".S"`.'."f "'.';..`T.`2"."l3.`. ~.;.`. .'.."` .i` .`.';`. .'r. `$162 l s V -I e o _ ` pert "> f`-:'he`U.S.d8iaChslt{'lee Tufm3;r. 1 _{gr % warn l0 ones 0 e post ion the country i in this_ respect and \ that yearlnu passed aw_ay mtlxout snvtln.n_g I being done towards puttmc so end to tan terrible uneertsiuty. When Mr. Danes the other day ulred the Go_\'ernmeu_t whether the gzodus -vivenvdn owes to be continued and nhhep `inguinal nrqnl n.` `nu QM: anon- n-I them! vu*ii?io. . ii; {';::';n2:. '91: 0:1 J.~:.:_t H`, z.s.*.*.u-.;-rux :s19Ai3.'z01`1:-@933 . mg`--..... -..._ I_..4.....u. ..n... -- ` mm gag` :_'iz.!,".i El).-'1""I'-h"'F\.l`T' . Jqq;~1in.*Eg.:q.=ag2!$u$1atu ?3mr-xndr.- is: hozinrengnv --._.. ..., uv nu :.uu_ r.-4,; 1:-.\;,q1 in. tour Ndw Staten. fj ITO`? C VTQCI Mr. Herman Henry Cook, the versatile and polished representative for East Sinicoe, has for the time being turned from the con- templation of pine timber limits tithe Home Rule question. .Not"withstai1`ding the snub given to the Dominion Parliamentjqr 1882 by Mr. Gladstone, who was then pu"s"h-` ing the Parnellites to the wall by.coercivg'v laws and who instructed Earl Kimberly to tell a our legislators to mind their own -busi-V_ ness, Mr. Cook seems desirous that the minion Commons shall get another snubbing. The only possible reason for Mr. Cook's ing in Home Rule waters is to catch Irish, Home Rule voters in the Grit net. ,_The , Globe on the other hand is trying" to alienate , Orangemen` from their allegiance to Sir John ` Macdonald`s Government. Bothporangemen and Catholic Home Rulers will have no culty in recognizing V the transparent V crisy of these Grit tricks, and will govern" themselves according1y.. While appeals to classes and races for political supportis to be deprecated, one can hardly `fail to be amused at the multifarious methods` of the Grit wire pullers in their hopeless struggle to get hold of the public chest. Sir with his treaty making resolutions, `Herman Henry with Home Rule, the Globe raving i because the Ottawa Government _would :;not i disallow the legislation of. its Grit. friends in j I\.--L-- . ...!_..-.. .. _ ..._*_A_L_ ,_;.` _ 1 Lu *1-.-sue; qh 1. pu-u ueuuueney met ned beeuiplnndered {tom e bank en 88. Albens by ehend `which had 6ue'o n: ofcenede. The GoVermn`ont_oI the United States bed eckuowledned these evi- dence: of lriendehip on our pert. The Premier ; believed that President Cleveland end Mr. Beyardwero enxioue tq have the Itoety o! 1888 reglfed; but owing so ch Rewhllcen imejoriur _ inn chezn=J"I`:,_the enetvit `wee throwilzo ` -bud .rejI|ld.,*' Thee wee. not our fault. we thought it in: e hit treaty. `Were we -Ghent to: en: humble pie end fear to down nipon our knees! I do uojjhink -1iI9';.\V!|.`_eaiI;-4, - 31 '93,. !9=s!!.ie,. . .. *t|:!`v1-It W-f` 3.00-.. -`.11-Id `;!.Iia'f cevmrr will comma; - eny i_'u`ch e` .._.......... pnrpwu Vuna ,muraereu_ . who ...Iu , " ` ::'.id :3:'moy su.`c".'.a um 5%.':'.'.:.a:.:3 % bank at St. Alhnnc Iw . 5...: _.:.:.I. ucmlreu an , aonn; were not with; the South. but with the Gdverntnont 0! the U.S. W'.fI_ gun I waqmbor of the _Onnadia_n Gontnmonc so the -lime. `acid the Pmpier "andjl knovwhqnofflpgnk; W; navoi pon`i'tted this country to '11s nude a` ban of .o_peratiom- -against tho Govern- ment of `thy United` 8:: W0 nur- rgndored pu-,st_ And ,.mu e._rr_|, . who : ill`! 'Il'ldtoII.-. -gh n11|v"'~."Ig-gu'Ian.a'"'A&A.i=, I" IVKUII `ll? WU!` UIIU Mlniuter of Marine that the Government had that matter under -00l`ll|dl`Il.i0I!. That was .all the aatiefa `on the Home or the chantry could get a t the matter. Mr. `Laurie: then went Into a renew of the eorte and reaulta of the reciprocal trade relationa -that had ever exiated between the United },Stat'ea and Canada and he claimed that -the golden `era of tlti coun- " try was the twelve year: of the `ate recl- procity treat . Our relations, he laid, with ;the United tatee ahould be of the moat j friendly nature. Amity would ever follow in the path `of mutual trade relationa between the two countriee. The licy ol Canada towarda the United tatea had been an unfriendly one, datinv hack to the time of the great civil war in the _ Republic. The G_ou-rmnent and people of a Canada at that tune aym thized with the `I South. T _Thnt _ uulriend y apirit had uuu ucculruu was uanaas and never set up 0:7 claim under the clause: of tho` ooncenyionv of 1818 that the pqoplogf the United Sae|~hnvi" not admitted to be ugly ! and just. VII in, only the , Opposition melt that aid they won, 'n`ot. V We hue Always bean friendly and want to bo (rlondiy - with the Americans. Thu ~ uy'InvMh.iu. of `* ch: Canadian Government during the cxvil war, declnred Sir.-,, John; with 3th! South. hm this ch. (1.---------- omitted t at; He declared amid cheers that the ` should be rememhered- that Newfoiindland,` ----4 r---~,v_- ----.v vv---at - ` Sir Jdhii "B acdonalil made a lengthy `answer to tie leader of the O posi- 'tion. He laughed at the idea 0 the tire million peopl of Canada acting in a harsh and uiilrjeu ly spirit towards the poor down-trodden sixty millions that inhabited the United States. His Government would not admit that they WOl`O.Wl'Ollg,&d'lahGy were not wrong. Eiery position that Canada had taken in this sheries dispute was right and the pie oftlie United States had ad- people of Canada were not going to lower their national honor h goiiiir down on their knees to the United tatee. .Tt_ie question of . the modus vivendi was very inopportiinelly put. In a few daysa new Government won d take posseission of aairs in the United States and we 0 not propose too n our ports to their shermen until Fer. 1890, until we know what the new administration pur doing. The Premier said _he did no t he ieve that President Harrison would think for a mo- inent of proclaiming the Non -Inteieourse.Act.i "I have not heard thisfroin ocial sources. "said Sir John. -but I believe it e to be true all the same." We are Just as willing as the people 1 of the United ` States are 'to` enter into,& enlarged . trade relations` [with thzgi, we are only waiti fortheir intimation. -V . he. will also.hitoog tozo furtherand all: over; .the homing question of the sheries.- .10 an important crowucolons, waseqiialli iiite_r- ' s ested With` Canada. and that ' colony srtily approvedof ourpolicy of the inodus iiiiendi-. and would. act ,..with V us. The .-Premier then declared that Canada had up a:' - underthe clause: of. Ihn; ..o UIIIIHI II IIIII IIIIIU` Iylll illllnl WW" 5 In! foutli. That ' uulriend i been inaintsiiied up to the present day by our Government. In 1885 Mr. Davies had ` called the attention of our Government to the abrogation of the sheries clauses of the treaty of Washington and pointing out that it was inethe benet of the countr that they should `be renewed. But instea ol a lriendly policy our Government's has been to coerce and force the American Government to come to us. This country never com- mitted a greater mistake than in 1885 when it_ refused to `_ship the.` fish of the American shermen in bond,seized their schooners and.even forced them `back tosea Jnthout being` allowed to purchase supplies. Mr. Laurier then paid a high compliment to _the eorts oi Mr.Ersstus W-iman to bri about _more lrendl relations on the part o Can- _sda with the .S.l8ir Charles .'l.'iiper.hesaid'. had paid a similar compliment to . Wiman in this House "a_ year ago. _ The `Leader of the Opposition then-i enthusiastically do,-procgtod I any resort to the provisions of the convention I `of 1818, as had been hinted _at in the speech ` {ruin the throne. He counselled a policy of friendliness on `the. part of this - country towardgtlie United States. and thus acid the possibility of ai-esort to non-intercourse on the part of that country. so . ' l on. 1.`-l.'.. .'|r.".1.`..--11 ;_ . -_.___- -.,- --g...-..---.. -- .y- vvnuv uuvuup nu i-2uo,bec',V- givers |g;';ec5f~-n hnfnhnrnhb nnbnnn 4` (lift ,'.L-LI.-.J_""J t\.__- _ III IIIII IIUYCIIUCIIIWQ ZIQII , V vu-w-- _ F. nggollntlons hoin nnfnvornbl; ;|.I`GlG-ti npon and to nlford ovl once of thonnxloua desire of Lonnadn to promote road tooling and I-anovo; 3_ all _ bio suhioou of controversy. thiamouu is o oglnlon that the moduli vlvondl pxfoponod {on be all or the British Government to tho ' Governmental the United State: with respect `to the sheries should be continued in opera: ' tlondurlng the shing season. A- . `VITAWA. l;8"~`Ilc,""l1DlIu.ll-|'- -uIIII_vI -Iv!-7 ghepfolwlnwing amendment. to -the ;mo_IIon coco w.8I.wv1v=' L. . :- . ,. ~ 1 The! In vlewol the reiection 1 t.he.80_I|&U.` nhhe United States of the Weeli? men `Irony. not IQ; and the nnlbrtunete and rem-etehlep use taco mi hetweelneceaneda 803 "I0 .-Unit States on the Fla ery queellomuthis * Home to of opinion that steps eh I be tekeu. at an e:u'l dayby; t _e novqrnhont. of Canada I foreeeus nctorye nelmentoteuch difference; ; and the eecm-ingot unrestricted freedom In the t. trade rclauonev of `the mo count-rlaaseand that r ln-eny .nespt1ntione entered npxongor each . Em-poeee Canada ehouldbedlrec rcpreeemed - y eomu one nominated Ice vernment: that In the meantime. en to prevent. euch negotiations nntnvornbly entered upon and In nlfnrd av] anal; nf l.hQ nnxloun desire of 1` . ' . . _ } Mr. Lam-iosr iunoeiriug his amendment not , sogoiuto mpply upuka-Io: aboutou hour on "the allvgad uuhvurablo position in` which V Condo now stood because aha shery trusty of 1888 had not been rsciod. Ho Iacuckad \ the policy of xho Govenunemo at length and `sud sum `it was the - vacillating. hai- snting, halting policy that had been % Idopted by Sir John Muodoznld that was to Islam. Inn tho m-n. .m: an-ninnd rnlgnnno ,uIum' alumnus gruuwu: lU|' II I` O0!!!` in season they were told by the % M nintnr nf Kin!-inn that u: flnvornlnnnh ` ` %I6oi_{:n'7iy3;iEi'[ i'v's'i6""bo"'36nii}}iaE \ slung luoenua granted; for the inn nan gnu 0 how uni:-A halt` luv L'71:i:sV`":4jI.`::s"cAzA5Ae$5h%LM;oua w|7 %%`m'=* 98"? 3`7, T4TF8+ V :n"u.a..%* um - an n.....` ...a .GuI_Icn-.-Iji-. 1! `lhln,_|i, Imuou um-g I Oruwa; F;ab.`27.-on. Mr. Liurioi Honda ; A|ni `nn-n:nn nun:-nainnun n Qh HO mnxggzgrnl-ms ADVANCE .. .. ,-_m..$. among 5- '-Rinhptbhau _ ;1r:.w :i::tr-Jnxlngst o--wpcvu-vv- we v--w v--v- - cw w`-------~ -- is a good omen. When` the that they are awake municipal stagnation - will cease. The report recommending the_ re-arrangement of the town `oices was ' carried, and we believe with the approval of an immense majority of the ratepayers. Banishing from our municipal inonetary system. an unsound and dangerous principle, ' is worth agreat deal, for which the people will feel indebted to those who initiated and carried out the reform. As we have af Council with backbone enough to looitafter the interests of Barrie without ,oalculating how it will aect them next Januaryfwe may condently look for other matters of deep import `tothe town's prosperity to be fairly and squarely taken up." That s.thee policy which will secure votes without a house to house canvass. ' ___....--n-.-uuII%U~ l'Il'lIa , I 3 J nmon-.` rag; dug: P ...;z::.*..'*"**-L h W vn_ pugs}; ll}, WW! `"5 In thy Saga :;l!.i:. up-tho Gonrnuonuooxtoid` 0 t . uh , th bud -Btlttllr [ - A~a....%....{V %.............L...., ..i. Arc :aooIln,Ipudo'e. ' . ` '1" 4 ; to-du Hon. John KI 1` non : tram tho Toronto ' daninatbizliill fit! livi3w7 h*?_``*'-I~.-'1` gas. rlsxsdnxama mi. \'{"t`.$Prl'i1>'c 1\3<-2"`."f_=SfIl5a&& 1 .."'s'.:.::;'.`.:::'...: s..::.'.'=.::.;;::.'=.:.*'-:*.*:':I would not. bo_ Idvipablo to loll. tllfqrlntonda-g` ohm railway; . `non. Johlhtiinild "enacts 165` iib Iii" N .c `a mac" htntlu so an run an: o1j`I?x`I":x chqloomlng work. . 5 V11; In tho Sandi. nun- it... 1-:--- n--1A---- '-..'|';"'".W.|'.'- .9; O'rr4WA. -Fob. 28,-ll 37. Dru. Potts and new- Art lctcfor Toronto to-n ghc. Their mission at the Canilul In Toonnocuom with- the voonego ado:-miou`n nuooeu. -They Jhtalnod 3 number at subscript-ions . to. Any.` non. Jbhucu-mag pus his name down" Funmfgyqgdmhty of the - ten-it '~ . Label! ..M.P. I ' than alao_ Latfello _la'V.tho, ranch maxnborior Rlcho n,`and-in Vina ."::a`:9*" aa".'::2..'f::.2W*s:':. . ' wan c n a. .- _:'ho `(gait o!-dI)rl.lP6ttu {ma l`)q`vr':rt ' g`1(')l.iot:w 80 me Ill`0ll 0l`l`0 0 0 !:l.epro.3::n which had tpggd root mpmu and 0; the rovlnco. ' - A do utatlon at non .`-plpo` "makers from How `;::;::..:r.::-:.:*"'*'*"*:.`:.r' `W 3' "'"*-W l1:I.'mAQo!`.dtit.HI;oI'1icd1It es: mm maa d_ amen A They mm. nnocmah-nu: .:. ..- Jam tor, I Y-,,=om my. > . . oqmitw is I wont Io-` {om . moumon `Mr. Oh lllll They 90` Njrgdgy. glut ill! UPC`!!! I288 lhllfl II Jtilom. tn" mniadn II .3 xvnsp,-_In9cI$o hum VVMUUQI-5' . III FllE' 1'03 ' `O Ody`.- .obna'n'i 3%" Etsgiggfi .rutq'r._"` ` ' `TT"?--' --J ----_u- v: awlllulllullvo Papers in connect._ion withjhg cpntraou lo! military clotlnng','wxll'ho brought dbwn at the next meeting. " Ountrdcton and othp; wit- nuu'u"will be summoned. Sir A-dolpha Caron Loont,e.ndI;tbI; tha` I I C aha: olothiud madqiwcausdsnin on v mun; -in. u... .-gnu Q vuIlU|lUl'3o Hon. Mr. Foster `agreed with the Oppoei5 tion thug public `expenditure should as 3 rule * be-o -n to the fullest enqui_ry,.bgQ in thmcele. ol i:iist.erum$vall_lng expeneoe he tbonghi their h'6nor might be trultd to nerd egeinet. my abuse. more` especielly en t nay were per- eoni who enjoyed the condence -_ the noun": try and of Parliunenoa ' _ . AILAIQ in ...\_.....A:-.. __2.L LL- - - ` - "i3:}E"I:ie1'1Ii>wa a... uncertainty of the peaceful` relations of the powerswhile increasing and perfecting preparations tor war. The threat of Russia to attack` the forces of the Emir of Afghanistan should he approach the Russian frontier, the despatch of German ironclads to Samoa, theBoulan- ger affair and the Cabinet crisis in France,- either one of these disturbing factors may start the train. which would set the vast armaments of Europe in " motion. The words which we have quoted above show that Lord Salisbury is fully conscious of (the; AL__-L-_2_.. 4--.: .1- 1.1.. |_._:___. I _ _.s' ii'__;- In puuqliurg. .. ' Hon. Mr. Bowell eteted It wag the practice 0! the`Miniete'r lx-for-e_ undertaking A journey on departmental buelneee _to `estimate the ernourrt re uired and draw it before `starting. Hon. L. Device contended thet if the traveling expeneeerwere nomxnal the Oppoei- tnonewould not refer toit. but the sums were to lured! that he thought they ehould be rem:-' lltlhdby vouchers. T ' ` - ' "An Mm 1P...e-- gnn_._`I --1AL -I - 1` `I Illslllrnuuer 0Y'Il|l:UIllI(lIIlI-I.r(IvUI'lIu|IuvI.'l fugitive criIn_lnele.,-_except political olfendete: yr 0 31.310;-ou8lrtt.:nI_t.~..nay|um in '00"-dIM!.3 -I:v,,|-.6 ere obI.l`l0:d'!lt;lx,1tlI9 oommiuion 0! NJ and offeliit `cl, crimes Riven in the echedule = hill phat. euchrilninule have fled froin 3' `country with which `Great Britain MI no ' extradition trcety eoccin Omeda. Second, tlIe"bill provide: that in t eons of fugitives from oouutrien with which Great Britain her` an extradition treaty that they may be m- , rendered for crimee named in the schedule end not named :u the '_treuty. :\`provision will also makfohe laiiv retroactive as regards fucitiver already in Ceneds The ecl!-:dulo of crimes includes all but very minor oencee. nu _tnn 109 `mu. IL... ,'..lxn n-raiagn uun Iu uuu Irvin: Uurvluu tuuui U! UIIIIIII." A number -of private bille were introd todey. Mr. Jexnieeon introduced shill to in` corporate .the Supreme Council of the Inde- pendent Order of ,I"ore4t.e_r .Mr. Corby Induced e blll gxaoorporemng the Bayol nu Bridge Mr. Duly intro-T dneed .e bill `to lnoorporete -the North- ern Pacic ` end ~Manitobe. Reil-`A vny Co.` Mr. Kirkpatrick Introduced ebill to inonroorete the Dominion Mineral Company. Mr. Colby _int.roduoed _a* bill to incorporate the Donnmon Suporplxoephetee Company. _. W .4 ' _ T Mr. Smglhntrodnoedabill proriclin that ` the elecmc telegranhend IekP`)on`e w reein 1 the city of Toronto ehould be.buried.. The j city council has petitioned for such 3 measure. % The-House pdjournedu 10.50. * K JIVL- I_I -____ --- ` lllllllcif Ekpeigeu; V ` ' Ormwa, Fob. 26.--The *l ublic`Accounts" . Couunitteemet thismoming. Attention III drum by M_r..Som,ar;vil_le to the fact that thdro were Very large, sums charged in thy?- public accounts for Minigtors trawelini: oi-I ponies: Th; Auditor-General-stated What V` tn` the Ministers did-. not furnish him with voucher`: he hadno chock whstever on tlioir oxpondixurg. , : . "nil `D.....-II -5-LA` {A ._-_ AL- __- UUIIU III LOO(' IUI Wllllill UHUKU `(U U VUIXIIUIU except the paid checluund aekinr me to " fare} nieh you with information as to the disposition. of I. these sums. this information I must of course decline to furnish. The sum: referred to were ex nded in accordance with th intentions 4 VParliament. "In his aim report the Auditor-General "printed the abov letter without comment or explanation at t foot of page 164. "The Free Press of this city! and The Boston Pilot, one or the leadi Roman Catholic wet` '93 in the Uni States, in making r- e me to the letter. asserted that the Mini.-u-r of Inland Revsnu controlled the secret service funds of th Dominion and that the 8500 in question w paid to isecaron. the informer. Sir _Joh llacdonald said in the House the other da that the G:-vernment `ol Canadanever pai the man a cent - of money or ever had an correspondence with him. Mr. Costizan th' alter-noon told the House that he had no can . trol of the secret service funds of the country, that he never saw LL'Ct\l'0!I and never eve heard of him until . he saw his name in th papers. "The sums I referred to by th Auditor-General," he said, were expend in the preventive service in connection wi eolleetimr the inland revenues. The money i voted by Parliament for that purpose, and th minister of the dav has it in hie power draw what sums he requires withoutuiving account of its expenditure ortowhomiti Id. This isneceesary for obvious reason have only drawn on this fund about four` times since ` my eight years in oce, and then only for small amounts, the largest hem I500. make thisexplanation-to set eel right-with the people of the United` tatee,where the statement has been extensive-' ly circulated that I paid money toLe Caron out of the secret service funds of Canada. A -an-`leg- J.` as-aa.-e- LEII- gm-..` -_a..-.l.--..J -ugw pavuuv _UvI-JV!-I I.II:\`I!U avrvvo , ` The House was ooded with pot!on:I" today from pork dealers and provision men of Hamilu.m,~~ToronIo Kingqton. Brocknlld and Montreal. pnymg ttha'tr'tlw..dntlcI on lard compound; he nap, dilmrbod. Jndgukod for by the 0ut_`a_r'_ Pork,-"packer; `Assooigsion, The potitioufcliiui? tha lattiiwyxfioungl. ii`: wholesome-subItth'co'ooipo'oad f I laid," beef fat and pure canon nod c:5ll.`?g].`|1irIy' doalen In 'l`orouI0 likned-the petition. ihtd I63... J . -- "11:.-`n!:6f d:d u qnojcibtiz 1 ~.8iuJohu wulbnavkd. MM.-` 1 G. .~E.l.Pom:z~ and Mm -1|:-.~' Mn. Eda! chovshnd; `manta: -= -igolnoyol gma. ,,,n.,9n1d- ho;-utengled .lri9.o.d_- I Em: r~=e.r m'=ea}tb- llllllol snao KIlIIlQ[~,U')Il_l_i _ ,. ol the Onnpouftoui ipbikm of*ay'u`apag" tor`tho 'toi[n'::% `Sibel-man` v -of. t Maiiitimt " Proiiiieco; J8 'vu:o|| for the peoplofnl the Uimod ,8.or,vility." declared Mr. Foster; ',`w:ill never I.` _...-._ I... n. -_ -1.53.` Wm |,N.b.IIed under 1-ma my .ul goons. slvy. -1 _ ' "l`ho`obje'cc qf shofbillfo inch Di , Wgldon. `Ma P.`for Alhert, N. B. hn '.ven_ names It) -1 bttindithe in-oyiuiom `tho am-aditioniA_oI\ J in Iuhfold : Fir'u; it ioipropov.-d~ea amhomo ` thamirreuder In sh: Uanadian Govorlrlncntiof `cc;-:b:n- nn:-.In..|- -can---L uu\l:O;nnI nnnll` Q"XI',Y|llFy" IIXIITQI Ell . I In worn by mac:-bldre. II- lI-'l\-_-I.l -1 II..a... UNIV IJUIU DCIIIUHIV ID lull UUIIHUIUIID UK threatening cloud in thejnorizou," and` _- __- _-._ _--- _.L--- -_ _.L._. !A. '---II L--.._L VKIIIIUI IIHHIMIUU CII UHF `CK IIIIIIUI UIIUIlVUI- I On Jan. 19th lash Hon. John Costigun, Minister of Inland Revenue , wrote as follows.` to the Auditor General: in reply to your! o_, the 15th csllinsuny attention to two payments` to me out of the preventive services expendi-, ture of 1887-8 for which there are no voucher: ......... .5... ....:.: -|....|-- ......I ..u.:... ..... ... - t..-J on by mast-Blaze." % .. ;l;r1; ' at .-linrongmovod no ads oununen: of the debugwhaoh *.&9.w'I'I9<!-,1! ` :t`ed. th st! '!b5.'..1"1|'LImFA ~ w_i:lxb":9bhried':xnd:l?i-mt::i):;' about. 40.--, ' `TH: '_nBio'-1. nf I.h'hilI`n ifnnh Dr- Weldon; : \-- "' ` I n_raIu4Len.Io`:iu4o 1 -.` A E ` .o`..', and. 37 M2` _ ._ , :63? $4 , Js7~3'-&1v`7i:m?<'1f7$A3'i."3i": E|_ngla`\i_lV1__i,,Ir Kilt , thnycoss i_I_no , ' `cum: 1 _ .9` - A L > `. . _t `J_` f _:. .;:' ` _ ` w H Ni} !}::'u:rx::-3;:-4-xunfztca 15;; 1 [ 111.:-; ,-.; ~ l who has had charge of our MiI1 in- e1:yj;4;DepartjmeVn%t; :2; in attendaVm':'e"%at the Great Millinery _g_p,ng.;eJgctingPattzyglys, iSha pes,,&c'., and will be found" pbgiition.`dx1ringLhefc;piipg season. "on oi" having I 7-.R3.r STRITOII who is` now at the Openings study- ing the Spring,Fashibns, and se'lectingTrimmings, &c ,` will r.adfy to se` c_ustomAers, and execute all orders en. mama to her, at Moderate Charges. 3$5.33;}}.al{vi.e;To}"yiEa}}F'wf3.;-E; He at any rate is apprehensive or the oin- ing storm and warns the British people be prepared when it comes. ` Monday, the 4th MARCH. BESS-MAKING ! DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT! At 50c, 65c, 750, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, _3_nd $2.00, just passed into stock. ' git xi gig: m:r;:3;.-q ?5.'1;!lA".'r`)' `um xl.L:.If!.`S o .L QUALITY AND VALUE GUARANTMM). Gents VRESS GOODS! INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVI/TED. W. A. MGKIM, CW .".'"I'I"I&IV III,Iv--u-wuuuyv.-. no 9:30.} 0oIq:owIp9por. II Puhlhhodtr-on um J =~nhn1qIIppt; thoCountyot.8|uooO.thoP{6- " _ x V V , , _. k `A I A_ 15"` "