NEXT DOOR WEST OF BARBIE} HOTEL. . ----mug m wen` support. Mr, Eleasli spoke very stronglyin the lune line, an we: followed by -Mr. Phelps. ` Bimooe, who objected ,to the districts 1)." . . . . si::'.,:?*`.`::s:`..=.::e.*:!!..:':z .`.:`.5:.':..:"t.`: S."`Q vvuuuulautl Jllllllllly lly IUUKUL vveuu 0e._ He stated there weree number of ""Renxzed townships in the dictrictc which IN! the roads end institutions of the other o_! the districts and of the counties . did not contribute one cent towards ha" "{PDOrt_`; that numerous let e uw. mill muse exxmd in those towns: pipe" which` HAPPY -:- NE`W-2-YEAR! uukiogzignn PARRY sounn.` December 29. 1887: IO PER CENT. IO PERCENT. We are,_Yours Respectfully; COULTER,VAIR&REEDY, Wish all their friends and 'custo.n1'r`s, a AND - COULTER, VAIR & REEDY! bore no` assessment whatever, and would contmue todo so until the townships were organized. V M: lnnvn nnbn Iuhnl`. Mnnlrnlrn. tn. organized. `Mr. Mowat asked what Muskoka had to- say to this, whereupon Mr. Marter, M. P. P., stated that he considered the district was not yet able to undertake county formation without Government assistance, and advoca- ted delay in cutting 03. the districts. - Mr. Isaac Cockburn advocated the same policy. _ Mr. W. C. Mahay, of Bracebridge, stated that the districtshould be furnished with ` county machinery and that the Government had laid apart a lot of ground in Brace- bridge for-county uildinas, and that the only reason anyone in the districts had against county formation was the expense of erectinc the necessary county buildings. He urged that the Government should use some of the money derived from Muskoka. pine in erecting county buildings and defray- inc the judicial expenses for a few years. Owing to the distance suitors had to` travel to the present county town of Barrie-some times from 100 to 150 miles--many persons. snlfered gross injustice because they could not incur the expense of going to the court and he believed that if the Government de-. cided to act upon the suggestion of the` deputation the village of Bracebridge would ` gladly place their uresent commodious court houseand town hall at their disposal for ty ui-poses. - . _. omr. rury, M. P.P., also addressed the members from the Simcoe standpoint. `I. |l_...-L naaa` Mn Warsaw Ianth laminar- etfeire preveuea In more-oounuu Iuu vuuv .. wee time itehonld be changed endgeome meeenre introdnoed to ugeet the requirement: of thepertiee. eeoted. b hire the matter into their eerioue ooneider_e- tion. -Toronto World. They promised to , members rrom we uunuuu lvnuuyuunn _ Mr. Mount and Mr. Hardy both appear- ed to think that an extraordinu-y state of affairs prevailed in thou -`counties and that it .... 4.3.... aonhnnlrl ha ohmnod mdvuome nvu-onnmis. _._I__A. CLARKE & CO. THE GREAT WINTER srmzx % SALE! e.a. cnoiu 8:. egg. All thl-onghthe Month. . ,. 4.- 2 I -;;n'..a.;-.'.;..;a...=s;.-...:-~'- -MERRY CHRISTMAS-% BIG BARGAINS! STILL Cl)N'l`lNUES AND WILL no so L HEIIIHJING : IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. "' ," *f"' '`F.rv'-v'....-.r..--, `-` - - .4` ~ I ' , ' I c . ' % Iho ERs`%% . I _ ' . _9RV.'1`HE2jR.N ADVANCE -OFF- -OF- i_We tender our most cofdial_thanks for the liberal]: patronage accorded to us inthe past, Soliciting a con. tinuance of the same, , ` `We extend you our thanks unani- mously. We believe We have g1ven you A MERRY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR. `in the past, and We promise to do so in the future. There can be bought. for a Lady or Gentleman no article more acceptable or useful than a HAN DSGME X-MAS ATTRACTIONS; PA1R (>13 HANDSOME SLIPPERS. At the price w are selling them, very little money will do the business. We have handsome patterns in SILK and CHENEILLE EMBR0l|)I*`.Rf D CLUTH, and VELVPXI` OPEHAS for L Ladies` and Gentlemen at 75 cents and $I.O_O. 2[| PEBENT.FFNllLLlNERYGS ANB HATS-2|] P. C. `V For $I.25,T $I.5O and $2.00 we give you exquisite lstyles, wnn uA1.s1.D .s`lLl\. and EMBROIDERED SILK L PLUSH. ' 1Jo;HN{cLAvIoN AND COMPANY. BOOTS. SHOES AND SLIPPERSI tivizhf L51; [1 4.3 for Bo ys Gir|s,_`and little Children, that will please . '. ."thcm_'e\jrer_y time, and cost you very little money. ~N;ex%t -ddxoito Eramley 8;. Devli'n s New Grocery Store, '.'_-j .'.::'~ 47' .?~:~;-5" -2.-:,. g :.-k 4- E a . . _ ` DU'N'LC.P*"ST:REET, BARBIE. 66 QUO P._S.-We have some very ALI. oun cusromr-.'ns mo FRIENDS We have cholce and serviceable ROSES AND ALI. KINDS OF` I"'U'RS EL Mantles, Ulsters, Ready-made Clothing, Overcoats, Blankets and Quilts. '----AND -:- WISH -:- The Government Asked to Separate These _ Districts From Simone and Victoria A deputution of reeves from the counties of Victoria and Simcoe and some gentlemen frun Muskoka waited upon the Attorney-. General yesterday afternoon to urge the necessity of cutting off Mnskoko and Parry Sound from Victoria and Simcoe. 11,, n u ,l`7.'_L,,__:_ 1_--J._.I L1... .l........6-.. UUUHU XTUUJ V IUIIUTIH uuu |`.|llI.IUUUu ` Mr. Fell, of Victoria, headed the depnta-l tion and introduced the members to Mr. Mowat and Mr. Hardv. He thenproceeied to state the reasons whv the counties named were anxious to be separated from the two districts. He claimed that those portions of the districts which were annexed to Vic`oria for municipal purposes were in receipt of more of the country : money every year than ihev were entitled to or contributed; that `hey had too large a voting power in the Bounty Council for their financial position in the count`y ; that it was high time those districts should be formed into separate `municipalities ; that in consideration of the l "R** revenues derived by the Government from the sales of pine timber in the districts, We province might well hear the expeuseof 9reotiug county buildings for them and assist- `"8 them until they could defray -their. own l>enses; and that at any rate Victoria and Sluiooe should be freed from the -burden of limiting in their support. . 1`. H.m.I:n nnnlxn noun -In-nnalv in `h THE NIMBLE SIXPENCE! ._.-.._-.___.- . . j__..-;_..j: um SALE