ova VIa\r vvv, www w--- _--_-_-_-- V- ____ , _ A woman in Toronto killed hoo6.}ooko. old baby by cutting off its head, and then `cut off an arm, boiled it and ate part of it, putting the rest in the cupboard. ` If-nlbg Qnnn Vml`.rx--iI (resiZievn(1`tm(`}revy is ill, and he re- ` oeives no visitors. Twenty 0rkney shing smacks, }Auw.e% been lost in a hurricane. ` V. V`Homa Eula to be formed in ` the Umveraity of Oxford. Russian trc;ops near tine Austrian fron- tier are suffering from sickness. L It 1 1'\ `I'\ n I` A church Dynamited. A dynamite bomb was discovered a tew dayaego on the steps of the Reformed Church at Irviugton. New Jersey. The fuse had been lighted, but from some cauaehad been extinguished before it reached the explolive. The bomb is made from a piece uf_ gas pipe plugged with lead at one end. 'l`hei-ewaa a gathering of children "in the church that evening and had -the explosive done its work there W001d;hIVQ been a terrible loan of` life. * lluvnvu DIIIIPBD New? Haven, Conn.. has `voted for license by over 2,000 majority. to 'llLn _ __ `_____`__J '"L}"oi3 'lEtiI`5izv1,ev `fin;-;1Tx;rHv;aVs knocked } down by burglars the other day, and rob- bed of $32,000,- whichhe hag! in a trunk. _--L - -1-_ Austria. will prepare tack from Russia; men .;....;. % - The Philadelphia police ar raiding th bucket`: shops, . II I n A wvw w- Yv-,-vv, ~-__--- -_- The Mormon Chureh, oice, -5 ledgera, books, am, at Salt Lake City, ` hltlrvle been seized by a United States Mar- 3 a . , I ., uuuuay lulu vvuvn \ICJo A correspondent of the Mus_kokta-Herald complains that the Public School .at Bra.ce- bridge 13 swept on Sundays. l`1,__AI___ ._I_ 'I'`....-. D-Anna `VII Grant Garrett and Col; Waggoner shot each other fatally at Berryville, Arkansas, last Tuesday. The duel was the result of a family` feud. , ` on warm. ICHIIIJ IUI-III . " on World. ' % M. "Goblet has undertaken to form a. Cabinet. ' ` ` IJUUUII-IIIUI, IIIUIIBIIV, CU 6 o Ill It is hoped that there will be a. large end representative attendance at the meeting. Yours, etc., ` Jas. Smvsnsox, _ { President '1`. V. 0. Assoo n. `IR A `l`_,.._ CI--l__ _ l 0. IE. '1'. 3. Band of nope. 3 I, L`,_ _,. __A Re Trent Valley canai. `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE; for a possible at- Mills I Cash paid `for wheat. ALWAYS open to BUY in quantities to suit those oifering or de- Iiring to sell. . . Wheat. taken in exohan tor Eleni. FLOUR for sale AT MILLS or E? . Shorts and Bran alway; r; hand and for sale at moderate CASH prices. T Chopping also attended to. My Ultuu Lu uvv urv you -V--.--v_' -- -See our Gentleman's Txes, Braces &c., just to hand. `The largest assortment in town. R. A. Sfephens 8.: Co. I I`7'II' , ,,-_ `l\ l\ l".....-u.-I The Prices mmng"uTthe an-no anamo- ronto Markets During the Week. 1\A--...`|...- `A `I000! In thanking the public or Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past. begs to state that he has at con siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger Business than ever. BREAD spring Wheat.` Full Wheat Du ..`nI1 Madeinth arl :1 (1 null :11 -Delivered. 23. .1:*"'..m.'::.*:.';..:=....* `- PIC-NIC PARTIES EOCIALS & WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable V terms. . DEM VV Ill: Barley .. chili ,.._ "`:xb`_a-`_.-._i=;'v'A`N: " F`. 3'. BROWN ~tu`ly ask for your support. hoping you will In accordance with the re uest of a large number of the ratepayers of lctcrla Ward, I be: to offer mvselt as a candidate for a seat at the Council Board at the comp Municipal Elections. Ifaelected. my aim w ll be tctor- ward, to the best of m ablllt .' the interests of the town. to favor 1 legl ate enterprises looklnu towards its prosperity and to advocate the strlctest econom in the use of the people's money. consi-tent th needed improvements. I now place myself in your hands and respect- place me at the head of the poll. 1 am, Ladies and Gentlemen. Very Falthiplly curs `Ilnn-InVN| nv 909.11 `I227 T 08. Beef. gar carcass, per cwt ..... . .` Beet." ndquarwrs, per cwt.._. .. . Reef, forequ: rters. per cwt.. .. . Dressed Hogs pex-cwt.. .. .. .. Mutton. carcass, per cwt ..... .. Snring Lamb. perqus.rter....... Veal per Chickens per pair ..... ..... .. Turkeysper1b............ Butter. roll, per Lardperlb ...... 'l`allowper1b......... Eggs per dgzen..... Potatoesperbsg .... .. Pursnips ner bushel... . Haypervton ........ .Straw per load.... Tallow. Farmer's Cake, per 15. Wool.washed. r Wool. unwaahe . per 15.. .. .. ... Flour, Hakers. per cwt.. .. ., Flour. Familygper cwt .. .. .. Flour. Pastry. per owt.. Oatmeal per cws....`........... cornmeal percwt............... nouau mnns. ("nu-9 -nun nu-hf Our stock is now complete tor our Xmas trade and comprises a. full lineot Flue Gold Sets, Fine Gold Lockets Chains and Charms. In Silver Plate we lmve the latest patterns out. consisting of Tea Sets Cake Baskets, Cruell, Butter Dishes, knives. Forks Nut-crackers, Chlldrems Mugs, an Pickle Dishes. Call and be convinced that we intend to do the Jewelry business of Barrio. Christmas will soon be here. so call earlysnd get first choice. R. A. DOUGLAS, me mums JEWELEH! FIUIIVIJVKA Inn oananuvvu nu-v-. -V---..- Rwads arounzl Fawkham are"in terrible condition, and the water in Black River is very high, nearly over the banks. - A 1: I1 _ -1 , -g 'IT:_A..._:.. tI-..In.\n Innln nun TO THE ELECTORS OF VICTORIA WARD. T,...-1.`... 1...) fJ....J7..........' FUD! Rye tadiea and Gentlemen,- -._ _ __3__._ _4_ 4L- N0 IIOIIIB II 00lld6l.'0(l. Iurnlsneu 1!! I00 resent a without a musical instrument. hrietmne 3 now close upon us and feativ ties and enjoyment will "he looked tor. eepeoinly by the oung. To those who contemplate pur- choe on Piano 01' en.0ran. we would any buy 9. Dominion -you cannot do bet-er. The instruments are good without question. They are pronounced the bent in Cannon. 8'*.::;.::.*.':..:..:`;`:..'2`.L':*..:..`.:."e "'1- Ieeeon 1' your- nu-Jl` by snnlyinn to Wm..Shex-wood. om-nap nf "".`.".'v1" .:`-:.?.`.*?.;- =='.E;`." - ~'5'~=~.2" .=.`='`i====='z= -rs W? `'09 toxytho com: or anon: " u" '1 "`"` RUB Cowperowt........ Steer per Snee skins ea.ch.... Lam `Skins eaclt.. Pelts each........._. ;... '-AnraeIun llama. tun, won 2.-:.a. '.::.:.*:.':..r"-~ *-~--- [DIAMOND HALLI manufactured fresh every day. As]: iotir grocer for them and you will use no other. VIJDIVUIDIU Ubtus uvvsuvu -vvv----.4 , The Alliston mouth organ_ba.nd will fur- nish music at the closing of the Public School there for the Christmas holidays. . ,, .,_ IT,__1 00M_W!lE_-5KE3? j v---1- -u-at --uxvivv No home is conducted furnished in the n-nmnr. nan nlthnnt n munimd `Inst!-nrnnnf Ban-to; Nov. 29th. 1887. w INNISFIL, ALLANDALE r.o. _j'-.-:. Dominion organs and Plan L-..` .!_ --__.l .-__j n.._._1_L__I 1. Toronto l'armon .Ka.:-kot. no'ruwn:I.L s mock, BARBIE. 44 Bnznm. December 14. 1887. mmun: GRAIN MARKET. onnA.a nu BISCUITS AV; \lu LII vvp 5`!-onvv-alt --'l`he demand for our Bren Goods still continues. The secret is we have juut what the people want In good: and prices. Gray ac Leemlng. A ,- _;L _.. _.'-_...... .. "nun :n `Ln no-can `I'll UABKIT8. -'.V|i)'i'|Ii`[I?.ALBBI'\ITI|. aa.ir..............;... 51' tb.................. xiI.'II.'I.'I.'IIIIIIIII'.I >ushe1................ VIII uni: wnwnwrhw .1 nnown THE Inc .s_o 74 @ o 75 . ` 74.... 80 K` `!5' THE GREAT WlN'l`a<)[{ STIIIJK IIEIIIJIIINB a sum E. n;cnuiiu&cm& STILL ()0N'l`lNUES PTIIJUIO `zany an -vv------- Another pioneer is gone, in the person of Mr. Richard Boyes, of Innial, who died on the 30th ult at the good old age of 82. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. 4- 1---_n_._ -1 I.--_.l-..- annvn I-_ --FIN E D! J *Book;.;;;,;;a;i;;`ea;;; 1s3:c;1;;`Books. Bib1es,_ A1bu11_11_`_& c., BOTIIWEI}L'_8`BI_;-dC;,. -v --- WILLFI-- At SCO'I"F S Eookstolfl V -_..a-.-n- oovvau Sash us nsaanvu --......__- THE MOST An'r1s'r1c x-mas cums AND Novr:IT'55' T soofvrs 3T)Ks'yg_%E- 'I'It\-no---___-_ ._ , `I3 AND WILL DO SO All through the Mcbllth. E.B.BBOMPTON 8!. 80., Wall Paper at Cost Price WEB D IIJUIIJIIVI vs raw n. .---J v---..._ ---___ -41` you are thinking ol buying an-in tracnan Mantle, do not fall to call on Grav 6: Looming. The! Inna a choice - stock. and are not atrqld of comparison. - 3 - _L-_-L ..---..I- ........... 3..-... BIG BARGAINS! MAYOR ROSS,| FOR - THE - HOLIDAY - TRADE OVERSHOES! T T :_ j- -j -j- 1 7-_.:-._ THE IIARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT HF MISCELLANEOUS $|.OO AND COSTS THE VIONIIEIIFIIL cum MAN, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TO M.:Kll:_ noon FOR spnme TRADE. ON THE SIDEWALK. , .--- -..._ _. -_ __ __ Wm. Holmes vrgtnrned last Wednesday with two line mooae. He ha:e|v escaped death while securing one of them, haying been com lied to climb a tree, from the ahelter of which he deapatohed his game. after loading him with nearly adozen bnlleta. Little Tat Lambert, about 9 veara of age, was aliding on the hay about anal: Wednes- day, and hauling his sleigh after him when he nnfortnnatelg ran into open water near the railway doe andaank before he eunld be rescued. Anthony Gendron hapgeind to an hilnlwll the thou. Indeaivinu t 0 . with several-other: immediately : A _a boat antwent ton thaiapot. an mar-an e hon:-'0 `grapplhg-*!or him brought him up.- FOR EXPOSING OUR . EVER `OFFERED IN THE TOVSVN. IFELTI mpontans. ---4-AND-- BY- December 15, 1887, 2 |BTS OAPTUIID BY SIICOI AND DlS'l.'3IG'l' SXORANGIS A8 LOCAL IIIWS. 3 IJIALLIIIVJ VA \i|JIl\AI\lIa ..-.,__n -_.__V_ . The Beeton World is going for Inspector McKee on the certicate extension question. See those beautiful Chenille Table Covers and Curtains at Gray as Loom- 1ng s. "" 7 V - A-- 3- `ALA I4`.....1:..l.-. nknlrhh` 1115's The new organ in`the English Church`, Elmvale, has beentried and found to be a. good one-. ` - n I"I._l.I.'.. u-I.{...1 1.....- vvunnvnw vv-vw--v- Rev. Dr. Sutherland, of Toronto, mission- ary secretary, has been to Uington. He had but few tovheat him, in consequence of un- favorable weather. IIVUl|| Itllinuu-v -guru-u- --- V- --___.-_._ _..-_- Complaint is made sbont vessels going from Midland to Collinqwood and Owen Sound for repnir, which ought to be repaired at Mid- land. Lack of accommodation at Midland explains it. 'IN,_-_I_ TI'-lI'-. A` `kn `nun nnnnnn The `t.i;ht,for the 'reeveehip of West Gwil- limbury is expected to be a hot one. Nleeere t Booth, MoAfee and J : Re have girded on their srmor and taken the eld.--Sentinel. An `ADVANCE chestnut, two weeks old. :1, I,__, -_,-_'._ L-___ And condensed mo zneeruanx rus- naplu tor Advance Baden Who - mko `rho narrow of tho lost. - - Parry Sound has organized 3 cheat club. Midland in to have a new $5,000 school house. - ` _._ _ . . A--- .:I-I 9 KJIIIVIUU \JlI|-IIUII, LI.l.DltU|\A, up. .u-vws--1] "'-' --'l`o secure the beat vulhe In Flannel: go to Gray dc Leemlngm. r\- I n -, 9, -_1___:_.._ L..........L Dnnnn`nD;t'INA VGRIICCIXS IV! I Frank Huffy, of the four corners in thotl south, tripped on a. protruding nail in the sidewalk and stumbled against Barber Aqin, who promptly hid him out with a black thor-uu. . . .. I0 ,1 I'I'1__L n._2I SI) III urn; II IlIJI7lllIll ~I Diphtheria is playing havoc at Bmcebridge, 9. number of children having fallen victims. 1' T-____L_._ I-lalllvvnaaa The South Simooe News says that persona who formerly went to Barrie and to New market to do their trading now do it` at Bradford; We may remark that the store- keepere of Barrie have not become conscious of any great falling 06 in their trade. 11-r_- rr-I_...- ....a....'.....a 4... \`l'....a|. II. Inc- _uUI.IVU|Il (III `-'I1\l\J\IIl\ba w..- V--.-- - V -___ D. The Lord Bishop of Huron preached `in Christ Church, Meaford, on_Tuesda.y 13th. ooIIurio,1i|7--n1srn1ur% nnnna.1 The grist-mill at Kirkville has again been leased to` MI`. McKenzie, lute of Barrie. He is u pushing and upright mun, urut-alas: miller and we feel condent in introducing him to the farmers generully.-Oollingwood Bulletin. ~ ` . . -IS.ien a Felt Boots,_ duly $1.75 of J. Paul's. . V . . ` IIIII SIIBVVII `II Iv `sun; Ind --v....__. A above shipped from N ewmarket to Mus- koka a year agohaa just been delivered. ? `I 1- , 4-__n .:_...a .11 ........`I hang Gnu on Bncebridgovwill run a skating rink this winter. I IS Muakoko teachers" convention was held 1ast`F`rida.y. - -.__..._._.._ a._ ..............n.. no llnw Ar WU I-`IRAQ ! -BaralnI In [oven-coats at _GlY ac lae_em1n9u. - -A big lot of Eclt Slippers very cheap at W. J. Paul's. . V 7 ' . ' _Penville in going to have a. foundry with a " tall chxmney. - ` u u ,', _n_-_..|.:..t.. `D A lliul Uuu.I.I.uv_y . --See our 250. Silk hadkerchiefs. V R. A. i Stepheqs & Co. --.J __....I_. n... L-n'n:-an Q nvunnlvln UIUUIIIII` `I! II! III 3 In u-vva-n--- Mr. Dxxon, of Stisted, lost two oxen the other day by _a tree fallinw on them. A an... icy. ..I t1I....'.I- Ila-nInnQnD-WIhl ovuvv, vvvnvu av vvu-u, -. -. _. ._....._ _ The Bracebridge modelites gave a fnrewell concert at Bracebridge the other evening. A -.- . i\0 . 1- t1',__._ .._..-..I.....-I `:-n |IUVUl_y urn: up: u.-5- . The Penetang Hereld.ma.n wants a tohog gun slide in that burg. . --See our all wool shirts and drawers at 60c. R. A. Stephens & Co. ' Twelve moose have been shot in the town-` ship of Finlayson this seasnn. --0ur canton and grey. mnels are won- derfully cheap.` I . F. Ewan. . W. H. Bennett and` H. 5. Ruby are in the eld for the Midland reeveship. I- .4- `1...._ `'15- l`|IuInI-IIilI|- V\I"I-I] LU. 1. kltblltlldlaw yr -:v- Rev. John A. Williams, D. D., General Superintzndeut of the Methodist Church, preached at Alliston lastvsundav. 1 -r1 .1 I ,,,, .._ ... - L......LIn U Vuvyywlu un uvuuavvu ....J. Cookstown merchants are talking of clos- ing at 7 o'clock during the winter. '-`A -AAIIIAA (Inn Ilhf `7|II `II Ills DU 5 Uvlvvn uun u.-B rug`: .. ._---. -'l`o secure the best value In Under- clothlng go to Gray as Looming. , C|`L_A.-.J I--.L L-u-4` noon `kn yuuvl uu_y u; _u v._vv .-..--. -_ -_-_. ---For Wool CIouds,FauclnatorI,Wrap| and Shawls go to Gray at Looming. ___ LT-__._..I...L 4... M..- ` Obvpuvuu :14 UV. , Parry Sound people are, having a struggle with diphtheria. 7, I .1 _-_... _..L.. A... L--..-. - nuu\n`l `\-nnfn V7 I'll \lItIl.l IIIJVJDII-I Collingwosd expects to have a small broom factory `next spring. I'I___`_I,) ._._.. .......b. n 4-nhnrr_ 1V3 K Jvll 5.61.: -5.`... u.-- _'V__ ______ __ _ 7 --LAsdiea full aizeid all wool hose for 20 cents, worth 25 cents, at P. F. Ewau's. , 3,12`.-- ...-..-.. - ........u.1I UUIIJ IUI IUD .u1AAunun.n luv v - _..-`.. --Choice stock of Far: for Christmas A presents `at Gray at Leemlngm. `r, __ -_ n-....:u..... .....A nnnn art: than nhamninn PFCIUHII II Illu vb -Jv\'------'.. .. James Hamilton and sons are the champion wood choppers of T Sturgeon Bay. --~ --L__L- -..A `n1:t\1-n A` nll\_ -but of com-life win .hittIo;Rovi- lsnd Col-biota was ihning behind himind hnt`-A nan-Inn!!! nnnnnn An ha n:-nan` {hula in gl.VlLIg Elly UUHLIIIIU Upl.lllUl.|n I The examination in connection with the Senior Division of our village school comes off next Monday afternoon. .All who had the pleasure of attending last year gave Miss Maley great credit for the way she had her pupils trained, with only one year's work. This year. we presume, will be far in advance of last. I do not hesitate in saying, that our School.Section has been very, fortunate in "securing one of the best teachers (both in system and in government) that South Sim- coe can produce.` . T.nn|z Ant fnr 1-.1-an I-in-at sannnnrnnnn nf tlrm KJVIAIIVI vuvsv I-\Il vuv \/nan u..-----.- -__._.r,_' _. They go one by one. -Mr. George Hazel- ton, one of Vasey s pioneers, passed to the majority a. few days ago at 3 patriarchal age. Robes. Gray an laeemlng have In` stock a ne lot of Robot, but they wont keep them long. The prices wont let ' `he'll 0 . -.;..n u. . no I ` I I AI , l\,,!II_ nuuicu :uu IIULD nnuny cvwunus. Our town was favored with an entertain- ment last Friday evening, given by the Barrie Glee Club. We hear that they are to appear again this week at an entertain- ment given by Mr. Herb. Lennox and Mr. _Alex. Oowau, brother pedagogues. `Mg nu... o-In ! 0-A I-ennui that-. urn Art: {an `intro ICIl\I \.I`lI IIIVIC IV` IKHXIIIB VWIIIIIVI HIKI IIIII had: narrow escape, as he turned iint in time. Mu.` Lambert has that sympathy of all in the ad osla`lnity.--Pohetang Herald. ,_n..A.:._ :_ ~ 4).. ll -_____I_.I _2A|_ _A.__I_ _8troud.- ' Advance Correspondence. Things in general are booming at Stroud. As usual, lots of fun. every person appearing happy, as the Christmas holiday time is so near athaud. The majorityof happy faces appear among the fair sex. We refrain from giving any denite opinion. Thu nvnvninofinn in nnnnnnnn th UUU UKIIIIDTUUUUU. Look out for the first apnearance of the Ladies` Aid next Fndav evening. Dan 6...... -nu. `-uvnnt` nntk an nl-|I'.nI-I*.n;n_ U Uy li IUIIIIUIIIU lllly On behalf of the Mayor. I wish to thank the ratepayers of this place for the honorable posxtion in which they have placed him. Dec 8th. ELIKTIL. \JUWIIl , utuuuur We are glad to hear that we hre to have `some weddings in onr town. We wonder if the young man from the West is from the N orth-West. If so, we hope he has not been driven from there,_ as we hear some others have been by the the cruel horsewhip, wield- ed by a. feminine hand, n knlnnlf nl k Inunr I Ilnh n thank L3-fxtellion `in ac," oou ed with style 9 India: who PO und mah, ii the verdict of putronize our W murnn -...._~-_-'- - ----.-= -----~--v dreu-making department. M - Ivy. Advance Con-esDondence._ Public School examination here on. Mon- day, 19th inst. . The Methodist Church here, intend (D. V.) holding a lecture or ten-meeting at a date (in the neighborhood of Christmas day) to be announced as soon as xed. They have already secured the noted choir of the Methodist Church, .'I,`hornton,j to furnish music for the occasion. I r-:,__,_--__ r-_r__ A '. n 1'? tn 1...". ULI IIIIU UIIIL llllllg ` Bell-Speers--Ordered, that `the Council do nowadjourn sine die. ' ' llll-IIIU IUI IIIIU UUUDUIUIJI Lskeview Lodge, A.` O. U. W.. . have arranged for a public meeting in the hall on Wednesday evening 21st inst. Rev. 0. E. Sills, B. A., will deliver a. lecture on the working objects of the order. In addition to this, music and readings by Samuel R. Brown, Esq . and others. No admission fee is asked, the object being to let the public know more of the working and principles of the order. Visiting brethren will be welcomed. t\_ I] -_-J--- I--A. 105`. .'_-L - -.-:..C_I --y 9.:-V-` n v-...._... A man was arrested at Thornbury a _ day or two ago and sent to jail 21 days for break~ ing windows at the Meaford station of the N. & N. W. Railway. T - _ H- 7 _ : Av... -_..~I|...._- 1\.....I- .91]! J 10 puu vugv. Ii4ennox-Bell-Ordered. that $14` 40 be refunded `to Thou. Soythea, being a. mistake in hisduaessment fol-"1887. and that W. J _. Spears bill for cedar $2 25 be paid. V Qnnnr-_T.nnnnv._n.~(lnrnr` that 390 00 ha CPUUIH IIIII IUI UUUCI U POI. Speen-Lennox-Otages, that $30.00 be paid Samuel Erwin for repairing hill N o. 11 on the 5th line. ' n," n__-_,__ t'\_.1__-_1 A.`L_A. `LL- l'I-.__-:I VIHIIIIIIK UTUIIIIIVUIJ WIII UU WUlUUIIIV|Is On Monday last 12th inst , a painful accident happened to Mr. Samuel McDonald. He was driving a spirited team attached to a wagon with only loose boards on it. The team started to run and Mr. McDonald having no footing was nuaole to manage them. They ran for some distance, till the wagon struck some obstruction and Mr. Mc- Donald was thrown to the hard ground, -. the wagon passing over his body. We are pleased to be able to say that he escaped without an very serious injury. a slight out on the has and some bruises being the only marks he carries. ' We hopeto soon see him around again Kn-ning] nniiinn Assn Cabin Ital`: Ii` {Jan Jan IIIVU uuu uu lauv vvvuluu Ill dnvy. uvuu. In: raise money to build crossings and sidewalks. in our villsge The eonqlof Mines Mootoon, Fllhel`, Tonto, Ay rest and. Armstrong were well rendered and brought forth hearty ap- lanee, as did those also of Messrs. Banting. iluonxand Msloolm. Mr. Jamel Arnold, of Barrie, furnished 0 ne piano forithe occa- 112.; n-_._..-.. -n n:u_.1-I_ -.1.1-.1'..-... nruuuu I_v,I.u Municipal politics are the talk of the day. The air is thick with rumor: as to the probable candidstes for `honors. A grand`::`-);1:c;;t' :v:v:ml'1.:l'c.li`;1-;I1'e Temper- ance Hall on the evemug of Nov. 80th. to -...-A inn-`AI! in Innihl nnnmnnnn and nirlnlnnnrn IIUIL ' Misc Hunter. of Hillsdale, ndded `very much to the eiicceee of the entertainment bv `her choice "selections of inetrnmentnlu and the citizens; feeling it their duty to support the pi-oi-ct. turned out in large numbers, oomplutely lling the hall. The committee will realize about 850. ' T Killed In Intake to: 3 Bear. A young -man named Jacob Ballot), whuue father resides shone 9 mile: from Aylmer, P Q.. was accidentally shot in a MIOhiIn lumber camp on Saturday. In spyeauhe wu `ctartiug to wurk befuro it was oloalf dnylight and 3 huuhmon taking him for their. lirod a,nd,I,lmt him through the hood. hlliua him initbutly. V _ " "T Ewan. 1 `On Monday night, Anchor Lodge, A. 0. ` U W. was viuited by D. D. G. M., -Bro. In` `Inns-3n Ann-I qfbnn n an-up nbgunn- '70. VIC` VIUIUVKI II II: U0 `J3 Hie `I-lllle V: g -MeWatt, of Barrie, and after 5 vet-yAintereat~ ing neuron in the - lodge room, an adjourn- ment was made to the `Grand Central Hotel, wherenn elegant oyster supper hnd been prepared for the brethren.--Collrugwood Enterprise. T _ -l!'or holiday presence so to an-aye: Iqeemlngu. ` `Va ...h..., .........J .,.-_ ____ _,,,, A Mr. Heels, of Victoria Heeeor, lest one of his feet the other day, amputation from erysipelas being deemed necessary. " ~4- ~--LL _____ 1..-...-I `um All` 1 xv`:-----. --w Three little boys were. standing on the bank of the river near Fletcher- e saw mill, Alhaton. the other day, when the bank and denly gave way, precipitating them all Into `he water, They were rescued. but one was carried down the stream to the wheel, and his face was badly cut. The breal; age` in the Anna nun- ..--.-A I-an Inn-II`: rain UEKV IUUH PUIIUI l.IlU\.I LUI IIIIU UUI PUI GUI` 'llI Lennox -Speere- Ordered. that the bill of John T. Fletcher, treasurer, forvattending the sittings of the : Council and going to Barrie on township business, amonntnng to $32.00 be paid ; also $1 00 to Samuel Rogers for postage. L . I13 HID ICUU WC IJBUIJ VHO. Luv III dam was caused by musk rats. DSHUDBIIIUII Va Speers-Lennox--Ordered. that the sum of $6 00 be granted R. T. Banting for `extra services performed "for the corporation. l'.nu-unnv -HnnnI-__ nnnrn Qhnf. {aha A` - T llua Gonnoll. llth session for 1887 at Thornton on 9th Dec.. 1887. The Council met to day pursuant to adjournment, the Reeve in the. chair. All members except Mr. Chapman Minutes of last meeting were "read and con- rmed. --. _.-...u- unannoun- ' MOTIONS. Spears -Bell-0x-derzed, that the following sums be paid: E Rutherford, for putting culvert on third line opposite lot 19, $5.00 ; Robert Smith, for repairing bridge on con. 7 .oppoaite lot 21. ' Speers-Bell -Ordered, that $21 50` be granted to N. C. Bell, for repairing road in his division ;` also 33 25 to W. (J. Hand, balance of his account 1885. ' ' -_ -n_n n__I..__.I LI.-A. I:\.I...-...l UNIBUUC Ul IIIU HUUUIILIII -IUUIIA Leunox-Bell--Ordered, that Stone be refunded $3 59. John $1.46, and John Croagn $7.00, by assessment. n__--__ `I'_____ n_.1-_-_1 LL_L A ..'ran Anvmon uoo . you. Advanzo cor wwvvru resnbndenoe. Edward Leadley error in It is difficult to divine what the Orillia. papers will claim next. Their electric lights, says the N ewe-Letter, are mistaken -for the mrora borealis. non w --w-u vow--vi v--uu-c Wereoeived the following letter from Mr. J. Stevenson last Saturday. We need hardly say that we entirely agreewith the View of the necessity for concerted action : PETERBOROUC`-H, 7th Dec._. 1887. SIR :-~The Commissioners appointed by the Dominion Government, will, it is under- stood, proceed at an early date to the investi- gation of the matters referred to them, and therefore it becomes necessary for those in- terested in the project to at once take steps M for the snbmissionof evidence, 850., in sup- ` - port of the construction of the Canal, to V the Commissioners at their several sittings. Ii`..- `iota nllwnnnn lII\IIt\$`l' nn`:nI| :n Qn1'I!. ru ms uunnnnsma minms. saunas -rm: 1'rrn-om-`or A noun comnms nu-o own. Edwhrd II arringtf$n, M. P., has been sent to jail for one month for publishing 1 reports` of League proceedings. ` - .,..J The London Standard and the Cologne Gazette hint very strongly that the Or- leanist wife` cf 1:. member of the Czar-`s family was implicated in the forged letter affair. V T There seems hkely to be 3 grain block- ade in Manitoba. ' - P:-eatsident Carnot has intimated that a. general election will be held towards the end of 1888. ' There in area`. excitement over the etory that a rich gold lode has been discovered in Cadet Iris, Wa.les_.- T ' --u. up: -x q Ll` E. A, Pack, Sec'y. VI and Q has nrinl V: navy!!! Held its regular fornightly meeting last Friday, which was the most successful that has been held there, bein between 70 to 80_ children present. His onor Judge Boys. gave an address which has been looked for- ward to by the children with great interest, and was one that the youngest child could understand. The greater portion` of it being particularly addressed to the boys, must have made a lasting impression which will never be forgotten. . Owing to the address, the programme was short and consisted of the following: H) mn, B. U. H ; Reading. Miss Eleanor O'Connor ; Recitation. Master Stanlev Smart; duet (instl-.), Misses Birdie and Charlie Mason; solo (vocal),` Miss Eleanor Smart; T-reading, Master Joe Edwards; hymn. B. 0. El. The next meet- ing will be held (D. V.) Friday, Dec. .23rd, at 3.30 p. m. sharp. ' ' gvuu Vllull . The trustees of` Fawn Public Schbol have secured the servxceg of Miss Staples. fro Cobourg. ` v \ If`! A" _ _-A.A.I.... .... f\..I-Inn nl\.' A 31:44 : no inow of the World to: nu-oo Dnyu- Gundlnn. United Stuns do Blowit; says Rina; has refused the o'er of a. $160,000,000 loan in Paris. it 1-: 01 M. Geblet h'a.a feiled' eo `form a. Cabinet, and the task has been entrusted to M. Falieres. V \[lII.I.l IAJICIIIIUIJUI D Ev Iluvll DU 7 GI GI DIIIIILIJEU. For this purpose concerted action is advis- able and I therefore request the members of the Trent Valley Canal Association, repre- sentatives from the municipalities interested, and all others favorable to the work, to meet at the Council Chamber, in the Town of Peterborongh, on '1`hursday,"the 15th of December, instant, at 2 p. in. T0. in hnv-mt` that than: mill Inn :1 Ins-an inn:-I U-vow u---vvw-g S1;-e.ri-{'1-"McKel1ar, of Wentworth, a.nd family have `gone to Florida. ,2 .1_- _:;._ ___L__ -4. {\A.L-..... uvvnnonol _-u-yv v-- -- _ -v--.._. An analysis of the city water at Ottawa shows no indication of serious impurities. The third car of Canadian cattle sold at Aberdeen brought an average price of $50. a Principal Dawson's Lecture. We have read with considerable interest the annual university lecture, of McGill University, Montreal, session 1837-8. en- titled, The University in Relation to Protessioual Education, by Principal Sir J. William Dawson, 0. M. G. &o. The facts and suggestions it contains, are worthy of most thoughtful attention. One of the points clearly made is, that professional. boards. by setting up a standard of education- al antainments for candidates for the several professions, are doing serious injury to the cause of higher education. Another impor- tant matterdealt with in the address is the tendency of educational methods in Quebec, and the utter unfairness to Protestant students seeking admission to the professions in that province. The lecture deserves to oe widely read and thoughtfully pondered by those who have the educational and` general welfare of the Dominion at heart. ` -V-'l`:`1': >I 'A mmc: and The Empire, the new 0oase:*vVp_vo`.'oty'np;V for 81.75 POI` you-. Oraugeville hoteviwkeepers held `a. `mean ing last Wednesday and denounced the late dynamite outrage. ` in so u C rm .1 ' `,g,`_ _v____3_1__V`_ ""1;'I;.J '9. "wealthy resident of Montreal, has been arrested on acapias for $50,000, at the instance of his wife. \. .... llln ` . T J oseph Thompson, a settler tn Oakley, got very severely crushed between a log` and a stump the other day. . . LL- u_--u.-u.;. u......'m