Northern Advance, 15 Dec 1887, p. 3

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1 % ' k d d t ore BU%1sEg%SA%&eB`?Ee1a`Eo1:2,%3 as fV%%;RY. ,- L1- -.L LL.` 1:r;\-I-Ir~Ir\ 1f\t'\'l 75$` Ii UHUY LVLICB. .L.lUUBUu I Mrs. Hobson (sadly) - Yes ; btit I had `a lit_tle dog called Carlo, who died not long ago, an1I ve named the baby in his honor. v Scrofulous humors, eryaipelas, canker and catarrh, can be cured by taking Ayer s Sar- sapurilla. " I have used this medicine in my family, for scrofula, and know, if it 1: taken persistently, it will eradicate this terrible diaease.-\V. F. Fowler, M. D., Greenyille,' Tenn. . . T T go you are really goinglto marry old |. Moneybags ? said a friend to a New York , belle. A | - u u I iv.) ,_1 ,1,n,_,, W.`|`es, -indeed; but it's merely 3 dollars and sense arrangement; hefurnishes the , dollars and I the sense, you know." I Patnt. ve got just the thing you want. It is a book holder--/-" . (:`.niIvv\n~\ ....-.__ _ , 1117 u 1 1 I` , ; Jun vvnflu. 1|: 1! ll UUUK H0109]? , _ German pm-ofe5sor--Vell, I don want him. I was hold on to my books poodv yell. Vat I Vvant is 9. padent uh will pring back dot books vat was borrowed from me. T A- - uuvnu - -..--_- _-- - w- Mamma, is a. shepherd" a ,....,l.. ..1........ on uv... Anna . ar uuu nu` vunlulnpuvcl. Scott's Emulsion or Cod Liver` Oil, with.` .VP0phosphites, is a most marvellous food and medicine. It heals the irritation of the thioat and lungs, and gives esh and strength `lulcker than any other remedy known. It is :97) palatable, having nothin of the dis Ereeable taste of the crude oi Put up in 500. and $1 size. ~ A Model Sanitarium and Surgical Inst!-4 L-g BUSINESS CAN .Bl'.'1' U.|.:U5.|'.'.i.IJ U.I:' .L.LV J:".n.i.I:5.I:tLu::.J:t 1. . R p g It is Well known that the House has had the reputation of keeping FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and as the stock isC1ean, Fresh and Well Assorted with almost every class of Dry-Goods, this furnishes the Greatest Opporlunity of securing What you may Want, at FAR BELOW THE REGULAR PRICES. i This GREAT SALE, the Greatest ever made in Barrie, commences at 9 o'clock, on THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER1st. Extra help is being secured so as_to save people Waiting, but as many as possible should do their purchasing in the forenoon, as the rush is alvvaysin the afternoon. H ruse. Invalide Hotel `and Surgical In- at Buffalo, N. Y.,borga.nized with Sta of eighteen Phyeioienl` end I. and exclusive! devoted t9_ ` the '1.` men: of all ohron et-dxeeueegweo ned end ereoed, tp qomln Mo `number of inuli tom every Sate end Territory, II The Ititu rho H When Baby was sick, we geve her Outmle. When she wee I Child. ehe cried for Cutorlb. - when she became Mine. she clung to Cutorie, j When me had Children. she gave them Cute!-In _% amber Dy A .E.LLI\JLU I.|JJ,\I\.I\l VI \I-I- U-I-db \-r-- 0-ur------ $1,000 Tweeds and Trimmings. ,` 0 . .3P153e$-' $800 Gents Furnishing`s, Hats $2900 .. M1111n9rYR1bbnS 83- and Caps $888 i4i,ii1iiiii1iIiii&ieEi:ihi~ 0 $1,000 n 0 0 Carpets, Matting and Oil H 0 $700 H W Glovs and Hosiery ' 0,` A C1thS , , $1,000 F1anne1sa.ndCotto1:is. $2.500 131933 (30008. I-I1I11I1-SS, BU-1% $5,000 Sundries, Staples and Fancy tons and Trimmings. 0 0 Goods. ALL T0 BE sou) AT SLAUG~ll'l`l3Rl_ RlCES mm CASH. Food for consumptive: I T.1____I__--_ _. A ,1 v.- .n 15, 1337. man who .:n7,n __ A well as from many fofeign lands, that they mayvavail themselves of the services of thesta` of skilled specialists in med-icine and,surgery that eompose the Faculty of this widely-celebrated Institution. Only men who are by thorough education and experience especially tted to ll their respective positions, have been chosen to serve as physicians and surgeons in this Institution. comm on snxsn is APPLIED _ so MEDICINE. inn LITTLE THINGS WHICH MAKE` THE WHOLE WORLD KIN. It 18 a well-known fact, and one which appeals to the judgment of every think- ing person, that the physician who devotes his `whole time to the study and investiga- tion of a certain class of diseases, must become better qualied to treat such dis- eases than he who attempts to treat every _ ill to which esh is heir, without giving special attention to any particular" class of diseases. Men, in all ages of the world, who have become famous, have devoted, their lives tosome special branch of sci- ence, art, or literature. A By thorough organization, and sub-division of the prac- tice of medicine and surgery in this In- stitution, every invalid is treated by a specialist, one who devotes his undivided attention to the particular class of diseases to which the case belongs. The-advan- tage of this arrangement must be obvious. The Faculty of this Institution` having conned their attention wholly to the treatment of chronic ailments, having at-' tained the `greatest success, which has given rise to a practice of such vast pro- portions as to have necessitated the recent enlargement of the building originally .....,...L...I' an -nnnvnvnnfint Hfowin |""'-nv,--v-- v- --~ ---------n_ - .. . - .oreoted to accommodate this growing ,practice. _ ' - ' ALL cunomc nxsnsns 4 SPECIALTY." Although we cannot, `in this brief `notice, makemention of the various ail- ments to which particular attention is given by the specialists at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, yet we may state, in a general way, _that the Insti- tution abounds in skill. facilities, and apparatus for the successful treatment of every form of chronic ailment, whether requiringfor its cure medical or surgical` means. Alarge pamphlet of particulars, entitled The lnvalids Guide-Book, will be sent to any address for ten cents `in postage stamps.` ' An I. M. nf innmu-v nr nf oonlultl-(D-I1 , postage lumps. . , _ All letters of inquu-y or of consultations should be addressed to Wor1d'sD1spensu-y Reason! Association. v 663 Main Sufeet, `BUFFALO, N. Y. Dickens : Phlnstlnun. _ It is diiciilt to say where, in Dickens, the humorist ends and the sstirist begins. but there are in his works wholo classes of chiiracter in which the sstiriet evidently predom- inates. His method oiassailing social and political sbiuses is to make them ridiculous or hateful, and he makes them ridiculous or hateful by'imperson- sting them in"men and women. . We quote them as we .4 note s jest or bright seying-not as c sriicters, but as epigrnml endowed `with individuality. Hiir.humoro_us personage: spring from his sympathies; this" satirical ones from Sdntljietliies ; end. antipathy `never gives -us the whole and inward truth Caps. s Cloths. Dress Goods, Linings, Trimmings. about. a;ybody, but makes usexaggerate t_:he trait we dislike until the indwidual -- -._L:-.-Io.- oJn`nnb Lflllb WU \IlDlllLU I-lnavna vn.-V ---..v--.-... is al_l merged in his particular defect The popularity of such characters in Dickens is due to the fact that they reflect popular prejudices, and never go beyond that preception of externals which is our easy, intolerant way of judging the people we despise or de- test. The intellectual_ limitations of Dickens are also. revealed in his satiri- cal sketches. His heart is developed out of all proportion to his brain. The abuses of a systems blinds his eyes to its merits and its purpose. He is a re- former, but a reformer whose common- `sense is unaccompanied with compre- hensive intelligence, and whose moral sense frequently impel: him to be prac- . tically unjust. - ' HIS TRANBFORMACION Ci? THINGS. Dickens must not only have had ex- ceptional powers of observation and imagination, but extra-ordinary inten- sity of sympathy with ordinary feelings and beliefs. His genius in characteriza- tion tends to the grotesque and extrava- gant; his personages, in their names as in their qualities", produce on us the effect of strangeness; the plots of the novels in which they appear would , with any other characters seem grossly ' improbable, and yet his mind is unmis ' takably rooted in common sense and - common humanity`. He thus succeeds in giving his readers all the pleasure I which comes` from contemplating what is strange, odd,and_ eccentric, without ` disquieting them by any "paradoxes in morals or shocking them by any perversions of homely natural sentiment ' The Christmas Carol, for example, is 5 as wild in grotesque fancy as a dream .- of Homann, yet in feeling as solid and 1' sweet and humane as a sermon of Ohanning. It impresses -us somewhat l as we are impressed by the sight of the ` Bible" as illustrated by Gustave" Dore Thus. held fast to common," homely truths and feelings by his sentiments, he can safely give reins to his imagina- , tion in his `creations. The keenest of ` observers, both of `things and persons, all that he observes is still taken up and transformed by his imagination- becomes,Dickmsized,'in fact--so that, 3 whether he describes a landscape or a | boot-jack, or a building." or a man, we ' see the object, not as it isin itself, but l __ 2; :_ .I-I:..:......I.. I-mail-nhm-I hvlhin see the object, not as 15 15 m uuuu, uuu as it ` is deliciously bewitched by his Ame,t.h_ed of lookmg at it. Everything is suggested by hisvoutwerd experience,- but inddied by hie inwardexperienco. The result is that we. do not have in -him-an exact-transcript of life, but an ingrgaqaugd` jgaeal of life from his .1 pvuuuwvu v- .- voint ~.>fe.vvr,-A 1 Ohruunu" II] II Duo; :8 O I Tmmnms UFHUMUR AND%%PATHUS.%1 J. G. STRONG, Barrie. ; The on1yTaper Machine Ground Gross Out Saw in the Market. Coopers Runner. Silver Steel. Thin back. Every Saw same guage. 13 Gauge Face. 18 Gauge,Back. FULLY WARRANTED. LL ' the Town `Junction R; Nun bw-inc nnalllnlt ' PU RV [5 B Rosa S-C->'|.-.-E-_l_\(.:`.ENTS, BI;\RRIE. H6'1:"II. F108." twr 3 3 mg -the Town of Frequently requires prompt action. An d hour s delay waiting for the doctor may be attended with serious consequences, especially in cases of Group, Pneumonia, and other throat and lung troubles. Hence, no family should be without a `bottle of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral,- which has proved itself, in thousands of cases, the best Emergency Medicine ever discovered. It gives prompt" relief and prepares the way `for a thorough cure, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. ` ' -up vs I}A. 11-..-.. Witty Sayings Sandwiched with Para.- gmphs for the Serious--'l`he Beat the sensors can Find. Wheri a girl is little she has a. doll baby ; when she grows up she has adolman. Visitor--Is the baby very sick, l .ubby 7" Bobby-.-Yes, I guess she is ':*.r such a little bit of a thing. V 71.- IIID uvu Unuuvu uwv S. H. Latimer; M. D., Mt. Vernon, Ga., says: I have found Ayer s Cherr Pectoral a. perfect cure for Group in a 1 cases. I have known the worst cases relieved in a. ver short `time b its use; and I advise all amilies to use tin sud- den exnergencies, for coughs, croup, &c. 1- 11!: .1.._._ `It `I'\ \l'8AAln6An9-\ IIUII \IlAJ\.lna\lnn\4vuv' av- uv---' v- V -_x, A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middletown, 'l`enn., says: I have used Ayer s Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wonderful repara- tion once saved my life. I h a con- stant cough, n_i ht sweats, was eatly reduced "in es and given u y my Bhysician. One hottle and a ha of the ectoral cured me." I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, writes E. Bragdon, of Palestine, Texas, believ- ing as I do that, butfor its use, I should longsince have died. V A- . .1--. -3. . rnnunmi BY . 7 or; J. c.% Ayer & Co... Lowell, Man. A Bold byall Drngllu. Price 01; six bottlelio Hi7"Ijp{r_y fecturalg To Save Life PERFECTION AT LAST! $2,000 $1,000` 0 $800 $700 $1,000 $5,000 LIIBKOKI About $2,500 worth of Ready-Made Clothing. $1,000 and Trimmings. $800 Gents Furnishings, A--- .`I I`I_.... COAL OIL. TARRED AND PLAIN BUILDING PAPER, ' ROOFING PI'I`CH, CATTLE CHAINS, -: so HOOL -:- BO0KS! :- TTOTFKRMERS AND THREHE"1is}-*rhe ' . ` 0iltorMa.oh~1neryLis made by MOCOLL . BROS. 86 00.. Toronto . gnbuyi`g.;_g_._ggg_;`-ii ___.3_ ._'_ 7- H; ,1 c..-`_;- .. 5 p.: r ' 1 `mgcmgi-s%$unrsme. mgcmns om. % A_ ow'r 1o'N`.'--_Any aeuo bud aomna other om as manna on: wax he jprouooutod lily Q BAIKIE S BOOKSTORE! 7 Public School Arithmetic............. ..25 cents. Geography..............75cents. Grammar.e.............25 cents. Tempe:-ance.............25 cents. ` History.................35cents. - ` Music Reader.......... .40 cents. seed for a. eemplece Catalcgue of'High.School Books. Mailed free. \ . . , _ The following is a list of New School Books authrizd, and to be had BEAVER sAw wonxs, Hamilton, om. At J. HENDERSON S. '1uauuuu, In it auupuutu II Iuulu nuu `tends sheep ? Yes, dear." Well, 13 2. coward a man who tends to com '1" "No, dear ; but women are when they see one. ` - . . .. .n a Q1 1.` `aw. ---wa--V - Gkall at Ba|klo s_ Bookstoro, Barrio. `SAFETY 01L CANS, X CUT SAWS, CHOPPINGA AXES, &.c. CARPET FELT, LANTERN& ULAUI I A clear head is `indicative. of good health` and regular habits. When the body is In- guid. and the mind works sluzgiahly, Aye:-`I Cathartlc Pills will assist in the recovery of physical buoyancy end mental vigor. ballet` -`,`7Isn t Carlo 9. curious name for 9. baby, Mrs. Hobson '1 M..- TJ:'uknnn /....n..\ _ NV... . hm. I had

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