Northern Advance, 16 Oct 1873, p. 4

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% * " ,. V " _,;mnrann"'or`Jonm ANn Fn0N'l` STREET u---- }USINESS STAND For. SALE. umconnmanu mmo stone. _ . ' T uboto loaded Vduels alopgsido lung-ryAf,`Afrjeo-ofchnrge. Adeireu` - Barrie, June lltb, 1.873: IOBSALE V two Huunnn,Acns or mun '.4?'! 920?: 9` ."`er- '2*?."=9_.I-at N<.>-_8- :5 q`\l`4\\~Iv\.Vn\.\\\a\\\o\ ?5BSESz ]31`c:?Rv.2Q;AL_1s: FALUABLE FARM FOR SALE; WHEY ONE SAYS; iELIGHTFUL,` V WONDERFUL, `H, ME :. WHAT iICH, JELECTABLE AND_ RTYLISH GOODS Eon _ .....-.-.uua;;ua.=' [omen To nmpnns -svnxmcs. V *I-Ir-- Ann mm cmsm ?4a PALAcE?T0nEs:| `"1'ti'uvnLnxnIss`nf,* r ` GLORIOUS SUCCESS. CULVERWELUS )`lA!1D mbrtnnun .....2 nnnnrn ?E"N T. STO-NE AND GLASS Enid '1iIii1I=}' IFi27u? 353 R08 R1` cox, or J! )9 REP!`-I A1\'Dj AT UUA, Ur TJUSEPH ROGERS, Barrie ;fa'am1J 1>.imc COUPLINGS, ELBOWS, ' ii. }'.'nil'{~is. . Barr C. A. PERKINS Annaun , Club House, Barrie un, Bariieo` , L nu, Barrie. 9 tf rib ICED, Battle. 1 A DI!'l'l9o `Z-J4-tf. 37-if na._ 2441 `K33 P; is E 4%` F I \ AT I N GS X ? K:`s2;`.e sep:. ~27.}Tha Brish` steam lbsip. 1,eVwb_e.[arrived to-d_ay from Omeo, Hundums, bringing _the _fe1!o'wh-7 . ing intelligence :.--The Estrabafs 3.rocpe,' after nseassinating. a delachmem of ` Polacio e forces, which was under a flag of truce, a.ppro_achedA the fort, sack- ` ed Omeo, and imprisonadnll the British T , Sllbjecta gutted the Co asulales 01 Am- erica, England, Spum and Portugal, _and tore the American ag to pieces, `sucked the merchants warehouses and V `safes, leaving them a perfect wreck. . 1 Thu Ninhn nnnn` nhr crriirn. and `BU-ll -75) AUBVHI5 luI1_lu In IJCIIUUL wxuuno . .3 The Niobe soon" alter arrived, and demanded the surrender of the im- 3 C prisoned foreigners, end an explana-E` tier) of theoutrage.- The .authorities- , refused to accede to the demand of the ' Commander of the Niobe, when n bosn- 3 bardment followed, until a agof truce was "hoisted. The prisoners were eur- rendered, and compensation guaran- I I ( I teed. 4 I . ' V ' ` | ,From a circular which has just been ` issued by Mr. Spieer, Grand Trunk ] Superintendent we learn that the tem- . . perance pledge, which he sat on foot 9. 1 short time ago, has thus far had ap-i pended to it the names ot 4`26 em- E! ployees, and the movement is spread- `; ing to such a `degree that it may soon embrace the entire Grand Trunk sta. In no evocation Gan total abstinence be more essential and inebriety more fearful in its results than II) the work- ing of railways. We observe also that the Governor-General has sent Mr. Spicer 9. let'ter'iuf`orming him of his _ approval of and warm sympathy with the effort. - ' Judge"-- Have you anything to offer to the Court before sentence is passed on you `P Pris ;ner--No, I had ten Hdollars, but myjavyyer took that. A ____r_____ __ , _',, 1 4L _ 'mr___ 11-, I, "iv --* ""1---" -- `'7' "" H corrspondehi_of1_he Ne;/Iv` York Mail says that kissing a `lady with an Elizabethan ruff on is about as much fun as embnmiug a. circular saw m full motion. - The Vdying words of El Delawafen woman were: `?-Hen1';l,,_ if/you many again, remember that it only takes a` cupful of sugar to sweeten a quart of gooseberries. ` (run scalped. \4 _A young man who went West a few months ago, has sent only one letter home. It came Fxiday. It said, send me a wig, and his fond parents don t know whether he'is married or Ix`, I ,`,, rt` 1 1," One of a party of friends, referring to an exquisite musical composition, said, That song always carries me away "when I hear it. Can any- body whistle it !~ asked Douglas Jer- rold, laughing. A I1;I__.- _._-.. __._L 1.- IL. ___..L_.-..-` -._., ._.-.O-..-.. A Galena man went to the oemeteiy,` dug uphis 1s.ther, s grave-`stone, and offered it for sale to 9, marble cutter. The_G-azette triumphantly adds, as a challenge to the world, Bring along yourfmean men ! Hello, Bill !" oriedla boot~blaok to a companion yesterday,-` heard yer bld dad had broke l1is`leg. . He did that, replied the` ~shiner addressed, and wnsn t- it bully for me, though! He wasgoing to whollop me that very night. ' - @a%@aa'2E mums an FRUWSI It is.said'thatV the Nebraska Indians are allowed to ride free on all trains they can jump on while in motion. The tribe is being roducd very rapi.:l# |y._ This is by all odds the most :eect- ive and -economxcal systemof dead- heading' on record . mises, if`-the fellow 5. Some malicious person having enter `ed the ofce of the Yokokna, 1nd,, Ee- publtcan and smashed thiriga generally, the editor, with great mrbanity, pro- wiil confess, not to . gproejecuto him. Thisohamtable agree- .s.Wins1.1i` -r'$P.u-er 2 i(.h$"' ` meat, however`, is" someevhgp; qugtied by the qIitor_ s expressed intentioh `of ' the;:w(n9:.:;;a.ttez- I1 "av? 1;`) if; A "grocer being solicitecul to contri- bute to the` buzldmg of g church, prbmptlyi subscribed his name to the I\Y}I` in .(\l'|VX`lI.YI(l' I'YI"|l1l:l I ltlh lllvlllklhl ` DUPDULIUUIA A183 UGIIIC BU l-HO paper in the following manner zl John Jones, (the only place in town where you can get eleven pounds of sugar for 9. dollar) 25 cants.~ A Frenchman. being about to remove `his shop, his landlord inquiredlhe reason, stating at the same time that it was considered :1 very good stand for business. The Frenchman replied, "Oh, yes, he's a very good stand fer do Business. Me stand all day; for nobody come to make me move. ' The Governor 01 Illinois `recently pardoned Ea penitentiary convict be- cause they said he was dying of con- sumption. _The pardon!d'd more for that young man `than-would` have been do-no by adozen bottles of cod liver oil. In twentyrfour nhuurshisb lungs were as "sound as if they had been made of brass. " A Sioux City lady went to a gallery to have her picture taken. ~ After putting her in position, the amst put the plate in the';;amera, and told her. to look at dcertain place on the wall. She wasn't_ certain ..of seeing it Well from where she sat, and sogot up` and walked over to it, but failed to discover anything curious about it.'_ " The subject of impression at rs: sight was being lallsed over in 8. family `circle, when the mother of the family said, I always form an idea ofn person on first sight, and generally nd it correct. AMamma,[sa2d her youth- ful son. "` Well, my dear, what is it 2 I want to know `what your opinion" To! me was when you first saw me. Tl-IE Hvsn/mn s Jo.1 as gd 1' t M W ` 1: 3 P 3 73- _ `"8 W: gssfze ascended the sgcond ight of stairs In her new re- s1denc:,_ 61 :-ea`l`l5'ft3.annot mn"*ap a_uy mores 9.`Iir81.l- A course not, t_esuly augwere er husband; `(but 1f we stuns were dress-makers bills, you could-run them up very ,a5;1y___u]- do detest puns exclaxm d Wiohtb, Ihn nnzrf Anlv ...._-._?...:___M.l'Is. A man whose morning dram had been too much for him, In saddlmg his horse got the saddle wrong and `fore- most. J nst as he was about to mount, _a ` neighbor came in and called his at- tention to the misitake. The horsemah gazed for 9. moment at the intruder, as if m deep thought, and than _said: " You let that saddle alone. i How do you `know which way I am going 1 And he looked daggers atthei oioions ' neighbor. " Viatchmaker &Jewl1er. When there is not abraath of air stirring, and you are in danger of sti- ing, attempt to lighta cigar out doors, and you will be `surprised at the breeze that will start up. We have seen 9, man try T this experiment in a dead calm, and by the time he had scratchell. thirteen matches it was rexlly so windy as to be uacon1l"ortnble.. ao aetqasr puns," exclaimed Mrs. Weighty, the next day, recottnting the conversation ton fgieud. . Th Allfia; xfrasu` Inn Rana Ynfn Inc! urnnk Tl: vi:-nnnaI Gimmes Ixdnh _Jj LA1IJG}nNG~ STOCK`. A KentueRyW`ejditor `reeeivedwtheg f following note from a. subscriber,"aek- `V .ing him that a false notice of his death might beacorrected: Sir, i nouea vfew arms in the obituary of myself t which appeared in your paper of last wensday, i was born in greenupom, '1 not oaldwell, and my retirement from l 1 bisnese in 1860 was not owen to Iil 'he1th,_but-tu e httle trouble i had in '; oonneotxon with a horse, and the core 5 of my death was not small pox, please glmeke corrections for which 1 enclose a 50 cents. ` Bnssxrssr.--Erps s UOOOA.-GRA1'IlU!. Ann ,'0oxson'm1e.-By a_ thorough knowledge of _ the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by n cu-efnI npp1i- ontion of the ne properties of wellseleoud ;co_:on,Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast nobles with n delicately svoured beverage, 1 which may save us mnny heavy doctors bills. .-Cz'vrI.Se1`vice Gazette. Made simplf with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is nbelled : - J was E1 :5 & 0o.,Homaaopathio Chemists I ; London. 1 lfsurvuunmrvnu Au nan... __,l( W74. quill noun . 1.1:!) Lu.l_|_n, Lvvvu,- .Lwuvc1IuIuGluo. IVIIB `five days late lasg weak, Its principal ,_ compositor *;bad~ eagun` twenty-three him reconstructed on tune; ~ I . I ears of com, and the doctor didn t get I B BOUQUE- 3 Muunoa-uavx or 0oooA.-- We will now `4`s;r2"JZ`n":,`L`p.' 3.`i:o"':`f"" by! p . manu use more 0 Q dietetic articlel, at their .v;orks-in the Euston g Road, Lqndou.-Cussel}'s Houshold`Gu1`do. 34 . Gxmus AND LAnoa.-Alexander Hamilton once said to an intimate friend: Men give me some credit for geniue-but allthe genius [have liesjust in thie-\\ hen I have a sub- jentin hand, I study it profoundly, and day and night it is before me-I explr re it in all its bear'ngs,j nd my mind becnmes pervaded with it. Now a (:reatJealofstudy husbeen bestowed upon the Canadian Pain Destroy- er to make it what it is--the first of pan re- moving agents, and the best medicine _for the` cure of col-ts, coughs, rheumatism,_nenrelgin, summer complaints, etc. Sold by atl Drug-' gtal-nd medicine dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. Two Horse Sawing Machines, Straw Cub.-b tars, Root Cutters to order, at.G. J Beanies` Barrie. - Tun EXCEL.-:.Do`clcvr JosephuIs Shoshohee Vegetable Pills now'supe`r,- ioriy s\3';arcoa!od cannoI_be excelled as 3 Family Medicine for general purposes. The P111 contains: the anhvn nrnnmlipe nf ` - .;GREATRUNo'N 'T . Watches. sEm`gs, Weddingmngs &7 Fancy Jewelry :'-T.-\Dl!T.R (`.OV1'PAT\TlONR, RODTIET `H(')I.Dc`.R.'\" wnmz nnvno -n-nu- n`:u~n.m- ruzuuj .vn.:uu.;u|u IUI genera; purposes, The P111 contain; the acuveproperlies of Mandrake and.~D.andc1ion,as_ we1_1 as~com- pound Extract of Colocynth and Extracrof Hyoscyamus. _ Test them for yrmr o_wn :-:2:i~3 ' falion. One box contains about `I8 1 ,5 mi and each PM is a sufciamdose for an `azhlli in otdinary oases. Try them. ` . 1 1; Thoa who want` good groceries at a low gure ' ought to pay the Oanwn Store a viaic; Mn. Luuzs I. Fsuowe, Manufacturing Chemist: Sm: For several months past I have used yom-Compound Syrup` in the treatment of Incipient Phthisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other eectioue oi the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excetlent nervous" tonic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous system,and through it it invigorntes the body. ` ` It nhnhz ma nlaannrn tn mnnmmnml n Iuruugn H H. Iungunuua |uU Uuuy. 7 `It affords me pleasure to recommend a remedy which is really good in cases for which it is intended, when so many ad. verlised are worse-than useless. I am, Sir, Vnnrn h-nhl la. 0. E411` St John, N.B., January, 1868. Scu:iug Machines.--Be sure you make :1 Christmas present to your wife of a. Howe or `Lockman, you cnnget it at G. J. BE A'1"I`IE'S The efcacy of Bryanfs Pulmonio Wafers m_curing coughs, colds, rnd all Bronchial af- fections,:1nd cheering the aficted, has passed into n proverb. In the United States where these marvellous Wafers are known, they beardown alloppoainon and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them. -has steadily increased for the last twenty years, until now_ the sales average over one hundred. thousand bcxesa year. Eminent members of the medical pro -, fession admit that they know of no prepara. tion protlneingauch benecial results as these wafers. Whcnlaken in season they sffzscia permanent cure. Sold by all druggiele and country `dealers at 25015 per box. If Look to your room: now that wants. cheering and borne-like appearance, for our spring stockof Wall Paper, comprising the moat b..autiful patterns, hae5_`.jn3t nrrived. -, ' l7-tf ' = J. EDWARDS & SON Hoaaxzs 5AVED.--`The lives ofllmusnda ol; horses have been savedidunng _llie past year, and the credit is due to D;uley s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. This preparation is being extensively used, and exacls from all the highest praii=e. Nothing of the kind has ever before been half as suc- cesslul or given such` universal satisfaction -, it canno! be equalled. Vv'e`nan conilemly recolumendil, and would advise all whqown lmrses'Io keep a supply of it on ham!--il may he the means ofsaving your horses life. Re- _member !!io- name, and seejhat lbe (signav A lure bf Hurd 81. Co., is on each package. Nor; Ilnop & Lyman, Newcaslle, Omario, pro -Jriemrs for Canada. Sold by all Medicine dealers. V - - V ` Of any house in town, ar:\d as cheap asthe cheapest. Mrs. Rowellhuvxng had an exten. sivo experience in England is prepared to full all orders entrusted to bet, proxpptly, stylishly, and cheaply. Ladies and gentlemen can be supplied at this establishment withvery -good . , nmnnm in sun as ......._--.. Look to your rooms now that want 2; cheering and home-like appearance, for our spring stock of WALLPAPE R, comivrising the mos 'beauifu1pgstterna, hasjust arrived. . - t u , , _ r rrxurnnnn . .-..-..- can and see for yuzselies. Sigh of_lhe Watch and Spegtggl9e,qpposile lhe.N.R.R Station - \.< \` . \'\.\/\/\~4\/vf. -.~.-..\--~.xx '\`\I\&'\.'\\.\\/~ \\4\\'\-'\-~ V TANTED--A BOY--G JOD AND ,. Strong as an Apprentice to .the Brand and Biscuit Baking Business. None but u. boy from the country need apply. . . 1' smswozzm. Barrie. Ang..1th. ":3. I ' GU` '19 BE%SS-MAKING manages Bgggur mu sow.` _-_--nnn1u:- I I! u Illlilili 2 doors West. of the Wellington Hotel, and wiil guarantee to make the" most fashionable TB(.)$V1iV'r!5lwms1 ' ` l3EFi`i';Ef;3lPliLZfii:%i'HIN%| V At heap Bates. Ladias waited upon,uttheir.'msidence. ' P. S.--All kinda of PATTERNS constantly` on hand for sale at a low gure. A From street.'Barrie.h:m mm` 1: gm 12..-:--v on nnuu I01` sale at low gure. ' Front street, "Barrie, between E. &* W. Roth and Pnl1an s stores. { _ .8351" .39 ",.3` -' ' " ' , . . as-xy " -.-_`v`-- was --c.u.'.a`UIf\23-` Lately from Enyfand,` respectfully informs the pvulslic of Barrie and vicinity that, she has upen- ed out 9. III!` 9 onus-nus-'w n _____. _._ . no L van u.\` . ?EI.IzAaE?H STREE1 Went. nf um \v=.n:..-..;-.... u.'....: __.. - M L Lj%|-;;;%:Ta"*`@ l .. and wvu o:rA` 1'. j AN D. u N p"Eh c'os'r p R.|Ac.E_s_,' To info-roomzfor fresh importations. T Thu ntock mum. Inf : 1...... ..-.1 -_-__..._._ mg. a?@w]Ea9$z9J3 Lately from En;:`aud.`res.r:ect.`u1Iv infbrmq Hm M1LLINEa&;n1jp}{1gss-naaxam iBE![*`1!%`eI-t!f1E1';aa;aIythe' mcjs fa_`shions-fble 1 % mniymmrmm : J % .% IDDIBEIBSBIE u Imv [mum in fnwn and .-. -l....__ __ . Ba..rrie,A A n . 4th, l0&L\b LJLIILJLI, IJUILIIJVI-`.I'l" ANDUNDE1;r41;g;R. V to-2 cogN1en OF;DWl;1V;. .-mcbomLD=- |VD-W-ARD .BVY'B.NE illyautch. ,1 \A I-/LILJLJ `STORE ON ' ,L)lI, Yours tlrnuly, 7 R RA in` xuuw uuxy, `Z. S. EARLE, Jr. MD.- rv_ I968- Dn account of the disaolutisn of partnexuhigieheretfore existing between lfpaara Gialliiwjti ` , - son, a . . r M * O ...n. u...-u . M3. EDWAR1)S.&. $0N.' as-xyh LVL (1 314} man I IN IVIUUHIL, AS new on hand an extensive end genuine * `stock of Single and Double Harness (Oar- riage and Team), English and Common Riding S3451". Dmlbl anti Single Bridles, Collars. &o., wbi. .'he can oex at very reasonable prices. Also in stonlr,isome of the best English and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, 80., to befonnd in this market. _ Ant nralnin the h-min I1-Inv|r1'n(-On-Iv-or` 0..-- 66., I0 ucwunu In uua market. Any article in the tmdo manufactured, fur- nished to order on short noticc,and warpanted to` give satisfaction. l3PRennirn wall and nnntle rvanhhzrl I~i'liEplll'B WON BEE 3m_-tie. April 8. 1870: |S VI n-|.rvvl`IlIII IJL-lVlII\l9I-, Having taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie ` Hotel, bags to inform the farming com- munity and the public generally, that he has now on hand and manufactures to order 9 A nnmas - T A SADDLES, '1 TEAM SAD]! EKY AND HARNESS ES-. TAB BHMENT, - BA IEIJID STREET, doors North of the g Vulhngton Hotel. &c'., &c; . An assortment ofwell made Collars in stock and warranted to give satisfaction. Ridimr and `Drivincr Whinszf Rita, Cards. auu warrauneu I10 glV8 53USICUO- Riding and {Driving Whips .' Bits, Oards, Curry Qombs, Brushes, &c., together with com- plete outttings for entire horses; all of which he oifers at very moderate prioea. Barrio, July 16,_1873. 29-ly s`4`n'ni'Am` nmxsss mm,| ..A_ 1, n.1V1nrv_v As the edvertiier,is- practically conversant "with his business in all its details, employs the moet skillful workmen, and uses none but the best material, he can warrant all work made in his establishment to give thorough satisfaction to the purchaser. Singlenud double Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Uollara, Trunks, Valiees, and everything connected with the business constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Part- icular attention given to- Light Single and Double Carriage Harness. Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the Excelsior Buck and Hip Straps, to "which the attention of the public is specially directed. Rm-I-in. Inns: in, "IQ GA in 7 VTVHAV if 7 *7` "7, Corner of Bayeld 6' Dunlap Streets, B./JRRIIE I [swims ?:[gaVca%%?%*EI 0 give auusmcuon. - l3'Repnira well ind neatlytxechted. Barrie. April 8. 1810: 4 v.c.\wmA11s* MAWFAGTURING co. ? meme; ll 18 well made. _ 9. Non-linbily to get out oloi-dot, cxther by or standing 3. Perfection or adaptability ofall its parts. 4. Easy of workin ,IighL running, ;:nd not I1 5. En_sy of munagemcn no great 2!-nil ml e" to operate it. , ' 6. Reliabihty; M won ! skip slhchcs or break the thread. '7. .H`mn|ino.. ..r ...._-: . _ _ . ..... Land In vnnnnrnn 1. Simplicity of consirlxclioxi, partsnnd in meme; it is well made. > 2. Nxsn-Iinl.i|ou 1.. nnl` ..l.\.'..ln- nilhnr Lu furnish` with ' each Family Machine . one Hemmer,one oi . Hall : combined Tucker, Binder, Basgerv, Friller, and ndjualnbe Hemmct, one extra !TlironI Peeoe, oneGuide and Screw, - one Wrench,one`Scx-ewdriyer, one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Braider and ' one copy oi Directions. Highel guides of Machines Qqngiiy reasonable in plidv V ' - ' ` Iiiyzhly ordameumxl Machines on Iron Stand, ' Black Walnut Table anal Drawer, [Pohshed.] hlunqlbp `street, Battle; - onts_rIo- mam. - _ 8. Simplicity of stitch regulator}; easy to be unduratood. v ` . - 9. Capacity to do all kinds of work,;light or . ` heavy. - ' ' I0. Itmakes thalock-stitch rm and good- ll. Pressure"-foot can be regu|:ued for light Or henvv siilnhimr. ' ~ u. rre591!P/that U8?! r3'"'3 `ox em or 12f,]'&`8,z'ns1`3fc:6r`:1;)|E.|.t1tcd tbc take-UP-`-`P'"3 rd' ]3{n;l1:Tnst:.`(:`g"!m: ;;, lb`-W-.(\fr .loop ir`1 sjlunllc-race I-IE0 noodle bar; has ~"` ""0?" ,_pl,-u `.5, 5ac.', dac. fu'cAn1nv*s amok amok, ]F:AMELWA3HiEEl EDWARD BEVMROSE; [nvimz taken the bromine; lnhalv nccnnirnd } Is excellent for the following poins W- H. FREEMAN. % @cA3:uI-:1` MAKER AND uPuo|.srnn, Manufhcixxrea and km`-nu nn hand a lnwnnnn H upacmuy Ull'eCl(`Uo Barrie, June 18, "I3. zurcau. 7. Simplicity i them. 3 Q: ... -1: > Alt; HEINEEE ES:-ICXBLTS-HMI-*I'l;T. @oALL AND SEE `IT, at BROS. PRICE; $40.00. MA`F"lT pk!-QOORE, LS now bun An extanniva mm a THE JUSTLY. UELEBRATEI) long as '3 Sew-iug Mtg- chines have born at all widely known ' to the people, she = Singer has been in pm- mincnt cxlstende, nnd during ull these years hm; been nnderguing im- prov`eme_ats compatible with the demands I ;of (Image Juno, TEAM & CARRIAG HARNESS, nnrnnwan R_ \VA`RNER S, I nuv I-urn-. 5? "5 DRY Go`oDi-3, 2 - GROUERIES, _,;`t-'-E Pnnvrm SING}ER S Manuvfztcturc-d by of tensions; not hard to manage SINGER PLA!N._ a mac, BRIDLEB, 'l`R I" unu, TR UKS, kn... 24 13 -' IIlIll6lI- Has recited 3 full supply otall kinda of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES AND ` LIQUORS. - I= rovJ?.s1on. Store} ISGUIEIIIUCF HID an lop Street ; Barrie. HUMME & VA-\-`-Dl+_lN STEENI :\~r.'r1 1' `r IfI.\J.l.\J\I.l.hl1J.L1.u Of every dcscrintion, and all sizes, taken at all ' = hours of the day. Theyizlao keep in connection with the gallery a large stock of A... nu1.___,A_ n11,__,, I'\!_;____`__ A FINE M001: op 'F1zAME`s.} u nu E,-a vtv 3cs=-Albums, Albixf Pictures, LOCKETS, cuzzomma, LIVTHOGRAPHS, IND , II U "I AVI I`: G O,ri1ia.,Jnn. 21, 1872. )sT%0VEsEiZ; T ' T lTINWARE,' Fl \a o2u,n nmzqsnionmzxwuna. _ _ r\ I` II V II II I-`TI \I \I. I I" ing11'a-|-o_on'1 for fresh importntions. Thu atogk oonsistmoh lugs and ofoelintu-_ b _ ` - :50;-tment of " _ - ` . Trade Ma:-k-'-Blood nlxnu-(:.V The GREAT BLOOD PLFRIFI E R 5; RES'I`uR ER " For cl_ci1nsing and Elgrtniixg the blood from all Impnrmes, cannot be too highly mcclnnlendcd. For St-rolulu. S:-.urvv. Skin !)i.~.-.n=.-.4. mu! Sm-an Impnrmes, cannot he too hlglnlv recommended. St-rolulu, `S :-.urvy, Skin Diseases, uud Sores of all nude 1: Is a never-fading and permanent cure. ll Cures oid .".`<)rcs. - Cures U|cer8led Ssrcs on the Neck. Cures Ulceuucd Sure L-.-gs. Cures Bin:-!:liv:a or l imp'.es on the Fnce. Cures Scurv: -Sores. . Cures Cnuuerons Ulc-e>rs.. Cures mood and Skin Diseases. Cures Gramlular Swellings. Clears the mood from ali Impmc Mutter, From whnlaver came arising. As this mixture is- piensing lo the taste, and warranted (rest from am,-zhxng iujurioiis lo the nus: nlelicmcfconslilulionofeithur sex, the _Pi-opzicwr solicils sucrcrn to give it a trial to test its vtxiuc. Thousands of'I`entunonials from all pnrts. Sold in bott1es'2s 3d each, undin Cases, con- taining six timeathe qnqntity, lls each--sufiL `cieut to effect a. permanent cure in the grr.-st? mnjo ity of long-standing C113-`:3, BY ALL CHEMIST$ and PATENT 1`:IEDZCINE'V2iv DORS throughout the world. _ Snln nrnnrintnr F`. J [`.T.A`RT\' hnmiao UUBD ILIIUUEUUUL we WUflQ- Solo proprietar, F. J. CLARK, Chemist. APUTHEGARIES H.-`~.LL,.LINGOLN, E.\ 1 EXPORT `AGENTS. - I'i,.,,#__# _ -1.. vu-_ - nnuuli I VI Burgoyne. Bnrbidgcsk Co, Coleman London. ' - - nurggoyueg nuruzqgcs or U0._ uoleman street, London. r Newbery & Sons, 37 Newgme street, London. Barclay 3; Sons, 95 Fm-ring-ion street, London. Sxinger 6: Sons. Oxford strcct, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. iMontfcaI-Eva.xn5, Mrcer. & Co., Whojesnle Druggisls. ' Lymnns, Claret Co. . Toronto--F.'uiov.: 1: Go -,Who1csr-13 Dmggiats. _ Slmpter 3: Owen. . Hamillon-.-Winner & Co. Halifax-Aver_v, Brown 5' 00. 42.2; AND n@ou.,PAIN`ruNG`,.@ Wrdmn nr ufhnuf W nnnn 5. This` house is noted for producing sret. cities article at n v_ery low figure. The proprietor has put-' _chs.sed his Stock in the best markets in the Dominion for cash, and he can offer great induce- ments to these doing a business through the country. Country Tradesmen cu: be supplied to ad- vantage withc-ut going so far from home an Toronto. `Remember the stand, no. 3,Ster Block, Dune nn Rfranf Ran-in. `..'-s-saver`-rUH_ UUWKVEII`-3 which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparatioii, as lizzsiheen proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the p1`op1'ieto1's, It is, acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable p1'eparatio11 ever in- ,troduccd for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, , midis offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience ` of over forty years. 'VVhcn resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe casesof Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, VVhoopin'g Cough, Inuenza, _.Asthma, Colds, Sore .Throat, Pains oi-. Sore- _ness`in the Chest and Side, ijiver Complaint, Bleeding . ?a`t'the Lungs, &c.. .W'1star s "Balsam does not ,d1'y up a '~'_behi'1_1dj.;.-a. is ' -U Cogh,`ei1 leave,the cause.- the caseewith on,s~,o ,, but . -it: "cleanses-. th`e;_,.; itation* I mpaobucs TAK-5V-lN EXCHANGAE.a" 21 151:1}/.1873. )HO'l`OGRAPHIC GALLERY. %@ ;%FL%5?J WE TI-iE I0U__E-- .__._._.. PICTURES FRAMED TO 03023. IIUMMF. as VA!-3T r_x`-:;. .11 f:3`E.EN Ha In-. 01 1070 '. 4 If `1()R'1`HElLOOD is THE LlF`E."--See Deuteronomy. chap. xii, verse 23. VTIIE ,GREA'1: REMEDY FOR $'4Q.`:nnA-snap-u.-.....__ _ - _ ' ""L E3x':i`1L'LEZ;.' ' Pnoroagrns ,_ _1____. -4... ..`...I -1! -._..~ lair.`- M" V . J`. PULL,A.`N S, I Pinon Hm 7nll:..,.t,... xII\` milk lr'_`II"IIVQ Framed or without Frames. WHARDWARE ......1 GE ,REAT CLEARI\NG'_S'AL;E, %,ENTS IN EANADA. f'l`he'la.1'gc-at nssoxtront of `GIENS ever shown in Barrie. CLAB.KE S FACT. V 51;-ALL -.- - j-1 .1.l_l-la aAnNs: .~..n .......\x.. A: .n L-imla nf lof all_ the new patterns in ? great variety. Hear the Wellington Hotel. 111.131 `Jud SEWING ax.-uilrx-ms P. BICKEY. nu 1 A-l`4l\ can 1 v Lao .1'.UJ DVUULVD, And a zcrvicabl: lot of T|.fy8 and all Fresh Goods tbgrnumafobs lb `mgntfoln. :- The only Syrnpprepnred from Dr. Uhnn-`n hint; Formula, and ccrlled to be Chem):-any pure. For the prevention and cum cf IIIYI IIIIHI A IDT l'|A'L\'InIv4u-.-_ r IJIJAIIIILIJIII I mums UIIIPTION Also for the one of Dyspepsia B. onchilia ./falhma Loseqf./}. gm General Dcbility , &c. `P `' cIn1'mcAn: AS TO PURITV AND Inxczor. Laboratory, Imiverslty Ooltege. Torontrt, Dec. 4. L373, `To the Victoria Chemical Co. . - Toronto, Dec. 4 .1872. `Fro Victoria Co., G6m.lemen.-I have examined aha ". ticles employed in the Victoria Clxemiml wm. in the preparation of the Victoria 3 _ yrup or By. pppbosphnes._ The sex anal Hypophogw, used are clternxcally pave, and the S,-1-up is use quitefree from any unpurity. Your Syrup of Hypoplnosphifeg will unduubu:-dly provaauery valuable Medlcma. HENRY H. CROFT I Drnluamu. nO' n\._._s_. r...... .. -.. un. rs-wivuvnvn nun UV! Cl PULMONARY CONSUMPTION ' u ./I Speczc Remedy 501' all Diswu.-I of the Bladder and Kidnrgs; ropaiuzl Swtllings; (`o,,,. plainls incidental to Females; and all ,Dmusc.- ,f the; Urinary Orgrns 27: either Sex, Trv it once fur mm nf tlm am-.. n:..-_.., uu} urmary urgms euner sex, Tryh. oncefor-any of the above Digo and yen will be fully convinced otlzs pr nent ':1`rtues ` 7, ` . Price $1 per Bettie, sum by 31; Dmgg; ,,` ___iA_ _ ,_ rdm, e-':mi- I -W I cw: era: In nu 'l`huKing .='i`a'r.l Llzaluncnts For I~.',l1eumarixm, Gout, ;`\'mraIg:'u, Lu.-;;bu.~-. Sciu(ica,`WumIcrin Pains, St;'[}`z1css.i1'z mg l_.,,_( or- Joints, Spmins, ruisca, Numbucas, ,9`,-,(';..., Heuzluclm, Euruche, '1`ovthucl:e, (iv ` l\ll\t I7 I -(`nu If I I uncut. n- . . . .M.m1:; s 1 I10./HPS 0 .1V S 5 B % %vl'i.f;6f.'..';$...A.5_:.Y WIIFI It in II: IHIAEAU 1 H LINIMENT. Th IRE lh':"\r` H llI'lPIllIIn- 99 .rv- up: Iulu llll Illuihll 0L1 Price 50 eta, per B91113. Sold livvall Drungim, vIuIuwu:2-IU' QITIEIIL-,| ."WorlIx its weigh: In Gum. - ./I Specic_for_Cu.`s Wuurids, Bruins, 1,3.-;,' Sculds,Baz'1es, Pilea, himplea ('31.. and (hry,y;;;, I)iucuse: 0/ Ma. Skin of ever bcsniptir 1:. Pxicp 2: ) 018. per Box. it _.- _._....__.__..__....._ _.___` Jury 1-mi, mz; the remedy she was P3`f`Uf"9`"d ` he" of 3i-ergix-0 V;-;;'niz'ie'i} hi): 7 By the continuancewg` You want nnblisb the fact: for the bonc` the remedy she was perxecuyp You may nblish 1 those nimilu y niicted T_ . .. HENRY H. anon`, ' Professor of Chemistry.Uc Price 5 per Bottle. Sold by _all Druggialg, v V...-uvuunuu GLYCERINE JELLY. II-tunnuntly the Inching? I`...-m-3... """`""' """"""7 *7 W 7 "_Q",'_:" " *"_"\IJLJ L.-.m.:::: co MPANIONS noqum ~uo:.mms- v6.'om{ noxEs_ AWE,` CRUET :L2{Ui'L` S'1`:~\2\'DS, bars 1; msxrsnjs, ' r RACKS, PICKLE FORKS, ' . uu'm:R &NlV.l'.S AND SPOONS, . . . servicabl: Tuvs Fresh Goods r"mnnm....`... oi. *...-...:.... u'.'.uun-u--- J. 0. Cnvuaznmm, Esq. This isho cor: chin about three `years ago I became niirte with Bronchitis which lasted about oighwil m."18- Iwr. so aficted for the want of V breath that it was very difficult for ma to arm` ' for about 1: year withoin receiving any andin the night time frequently throwing -9 clothes 0!!` and raising iritbe bed to keep fH'-3` Itrangling. I tried three ofthe most amino-` Physicians in the County of Northumbeil.-in bor:t'M* ' In-fuc: I continued getting worse all the time. I.At inst! was advised to L: _the Great Shoem- ncea Remedy. -I bought a 0:119 ofit, and WW1 II was about ninhed I began to {col al'il!P8 - bttor. .I crmlinuod (0413:: it untlil had taken Ibreobouien, whn; to my satisfaction, I {oh-' that Iwas as well as ever! had been prcviau to my illneas,.~nnd have been so ever eincr. V v JOHN 811.1 E. -Sworn before me At Bmitheld, this 6&1 43! ofApril, A.D., mo. .1. H; WRLLINGTON,J_.P- woxirnzrnrun cums. or mam nranmi- -' ' `- n_-._...... Aunnnu 1870. U .u .1. \./.u.Lb.L-.11 .u uJJ1J.U1. .Emmumu' the Ladies Favorite. For Beuuti/ying the C.r.mplrrion.4;m1' __/in y_.- n:0v.-`mz Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, P)mp!(<. .`,-._ 111.40 for (`huppcd Hands, Chilblums, I-'ru. Bites and Sore n. Price '15 Cts. per Bome. Sold by a1lDrugg`\s s. vmmonm -TOILET SOAPS. 'CELEB2x;:.TEl) 1-`on Tnr-.:n Uxii-`ulifri PURIIY AM) u. l'!F7l,iiJ.-`.314!!! OI-` ()ITAI.I'I"`l 9: 5. That the GREAT Suosousss linmzlr,` at-:. 3 cflhe Emmen! Indam Medicine-M:u., Eh: LewisJnscphus,c-flhe Great Tribe ofSin~ab;. 8riti:sl1_Co|u|nbin,is workiuatho most mm-.c nnd nstoniehingureathe World ever hr'.".rJ Neveri the annals ofCanndinu Medium! B has sue success attended the introduction on medicine hcretotdre. . ytvun __..._. --_`rfv ALUABLE - , PROPERTY ' I) L` E I` `III-LYI runll 1 Ann: L`. CELELENCE OI QUALlT`l'. VIC 1`URl.r1 (,'.l}n'J.f0LlC b`U.7I _ VIC .0RI.1 SULPHUR SOJ/P, ` }"l(..'2'()R_l."I UL YCERINE, HON]! Y, RI): .5! ./IN1). WINDSOR. Said by {LII Drnggia. vcguuum mgreuueuts, some of whizwc memion, such nslhe xtzacui or Wm: L. Burk: Podnphvllum, Juniper,Quns.=in.t3r.:npl\~ Dandelion, Hynsuyamus, Compoaznd "Color-._vnlh, Jnlnp, socotrinc Alocs, (Sin;-.\. .`,c. kc ) -which enter into the compoazzxon ': comlyinczl medicine, are mch and 39 us-.nn. um cim.-sied and co.-upcundud, that it is made -hr searching cura!ivc in the xuown wmld, nus? not bclp but am on the syalem in a vcrv snml`-it and desirable manner. No manor what H-U men! may be, or how long slunding.1lw;ii;i1'e spot and astonish yen by the ra xd mumm- which you are reltored to pcrfecl_ with and vigor. 'nm M.-M:-5...`. a. ..n....... .4 ....r.. .... IMO!"-a Ming! hwer. lhdneys, Digestive U161" &c.'&c-.aa well as Scrotu.a, the v:r1'ms >' Diseases, Human, and 'all -isucsce vnrisung: in Im urjly ofthc Blood, exce' "t;'!h- '1; hits! W of umumption. I-`urth'er,'r.;.:-15:. rn , .10-' directions to : using the `Great Shea? :'J.`.'!` Licnn 6a'Pil!s, and'conlnining 'I`ea'!ixn;.n ~ c:\d.`Jv-` gangs of Cures, can be obtained by =.u.a.*'u.`g ! Tr5a:iioa,lhe Hand-book, or the Ahmn:-.u A circulars from any re:pucnbk- Dnzggm In I Dominion-V-tree. ` Tho .'q-\ `u -'. ... . cs.. ll SIMPLY Bncwhn the Vulxinble ecu`:-a mum of V`vSt`-|}\b1c ingrenlieuls, of \`.'k:iH:wc '1 men'.!on. am-Ix nslhe .u....;.; M xv...- r=,..uv This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, 5! is warranted, and may positively bv rciiml u;-4 to make a permanent C-are or all diseases as Thmla Lllg Liver. K.dneys, Digestive (I:."v'- &c.'&c-.85 as Scrotum. 9l:r- 'u-rims: -"' T Gn6`_E.i=ms.3A ; . \;Lo .5 561.0116! uuxa so _u.'a| I I1I"Fo_1-Sale. by-allbrnggists and Dcaiex in Medicine. Aai.-ns-rou L$Annm.--John \`. ..-odav, A. V. Palmer At 00., Watson & Co` , Well {in s- ORILLIA --J.` W, bluven. Cox.x.n)wcov.-Z~ r- Caryvutcr. T . `Vhnrnn.-y 1-. A nr-_-1-.2 ...N'nvH~ `Ah h Lt-nwn. Price of Rcm.ed_[ 2?: large Pint I3'oz:J.rI 81. Pills per Box 2551.1. ` EI"F'm- S2119 hv- all Hrnaoinln and Denim Val")! ULCY. Wnonnssv Xcwcustlc ;v`: _Iiot ea 00.. TUBE OF BRONCHITISJ v A-lb\IJnILZ COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT * VICTORIA l`.AT}Rf|T.A"l`I?'T'\ BROCLAIM THE GLAD 'r1r;1N- QVAVJDLE OOMVPOUND SYRUP OF _ VICTORIA - nnwrmc VICTORIA Illblin cwnnn (YWEN STREET. BARBIE. [La Am::ms.--71"ort}_~:`op b Mayan, -Lymur. Bras. & (}o,Toron:r.; M- m.s..\.,;.. - , o_n,7` `.3 u guvbxsuulsx, gs. W111: PHGVEITH! nor Rania. Rnlrl In: all h.-...-.,.:.... VICTORIA lhln `In nln nvrrn ralicted '1'; 0. BBC WN- lplzoopql othodht Ilnilt . VI CTORIE- 4-,. _ - n. I_L.\JJ" CARBOLATED I-I-1\~r-:7-u-I VIC! 4WHY? .. .L- Iy_u ' friatored to hem. : bongtol G1-%OCE]3Y' Sammzm 1- .-_ I`. ...o! FOR '_INa.`3 c:5LAsGd`i__" HOUSE. A1` Irina` UBYSIAL PALACE STORES! BERLIN WOIIL AND FANGY 00003.. QIPPER, AND CROTOHET PA'l"!`F`.RNRe RRAIDR mm.n:w_r_< ,,,,_ ___--_ _ ----y w- u-ct I lit!!! Manufactures and keepnon band a large and cheap Mock of HI) TIN FUD T. 1) IPTTD 7\rrrn1r1) m J`. V`f.' I-IASTINGS. WATER uzumcmres mm xeepnon nana large and cheap stock 110 USEHOLD FURNITURE. . HIYDRDLDDQ DYTDl'4VA`I`Va vnlvuru " ' Rags to Ynform their town and county friend: and the 7 pajgxic gercersny. fhsat they have openedont injho above` s}ore a stock of NF.`?~i GOODS in the sbovq linpa, which I they are ofrenng at the low at living rate` for cub. -3---. AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE STORES! Ill lllnnl nun I-nnnn an STEA M G-UHAGES AND TAPS, AND` SEW19% %%%1Y1!`_CH1NES mam V|GTOR|0U8.|.| JUST WHAT WE HAVEKLWAYS SAID..] 'l`he Wheeler & Wilsot41 &c., &c., WILL|8E sot. "i>"iL:`(3`{7?s1oNs, ' , CROCKERY. . F and GLASSWARE, I THE BEST in THE _wonLD. The Wheele ' & Wilson Manufacturing Company have received a denpatch from Vienna, Dated` Augut l9'th,V 1873, nnnouncing that the (Jompany have been.n.wnrded' _ y. A GRAND MEDAL ON PROGRESS, & A GRA_NDMEDAL OF MERIT And ma mm mm mm In nu`-v Rom:-- II-at-=- "~------ -----~-~-=- * - A1` um` AT J. Hr-:NDEP.SoNis.{ L 5'l\'EAvR"'i`;IEvS1f_EAli GRIST MILL, BARR-IE. .;.1QUo1s;.` I uuvv hllvlllvlll um DIED "cnvs'rAL PALACE, EAR THE STEAM n`RlR'l` mm. 11 -u-TUITII II` "AGENTSFOR THE 00. SIMCOE. _ onboxzmng . - _ ..--_r-, v. .. \an.vL-A1l.IiAIJJZIJf`lLJ \JL' U113] And also that they were tbs only Sewing Machine Ocmpany recommended by the Internet Jury for the Grand Diploma of Honor. - VAN TASSEL & MORGAN, Q5} A nnuma ` nnn lI1"II!`l'I ru... All work warrtmtecl`. 2 International I 20-lw-ly :PmL I Span of well" mntchd Dapglsle Grays.` heavy _ built, suitable for farming or lumbering. - . ' ('1 ' DEV I IHHWYIF i 36-6t Barrio, Oct. 30th, 1872. . For sale {but Brick Store and Dwelling on th _ Market, Square. Ban-ie,'knownu the " McGor- , 3 i ` mick Building. Ap I to i P y - WM. BOYS, 1 Run-h, .7_7zese Goods"a7'e all new an:-1-70:11 befound ofi'at q'uaI'ty- CALL AND SEE FOR YOU'BS'ELVES- __j- -_L Hill IIIIlIIl|`|lll.I|IiIlI5 Ill` IJ|N_|l in he 4th Uon. of_ l`ay. being Lot No. 8, 13. clenred well,ti mbe1-ed with Pine avid Hard- wood, w_iI.hiz_1 smile of the Midlandkailroad, two milolfrom Hogg By. For particalu's_a_p- ply to: - _MAm-_1N MOORE, Rm-rie . Barrie, Feb. 26th '73. FOR SALE. . - A Kfnnnlanmn 'I)lu..'&n.. nurses, nuurny Dixon roa., 0'! Toronto; 1 Buggy wiih leather top: 1 English Saddle; 1 Engliah Side-Saddle; .2 Bridles; 2 Sets. of Harness ; 2 Halters. V ` v For further particulars Apply to. '1'. W. GEORGEN, - Exchange Oice. McOonkey s.Brick Block. I Within the limite of the Town of Barrie, eight- toenoacres ot.I.and, being` composed of Park Lot No 8, South aide of Steele Street. - Lot No. 3, North side of Napier Stree I. The above Loteexe well fenced and in a good- stste of cultivation. 'l`he1_-e is a large Frame Barn on thepremisn. For price and terms of payment, apply to - MESSRS. STEWART 8 LALLY. Ru:-I-In `IRQM WA}: 19']? 0-94 `L . A Handsome Phton, auitible for one or two holses, built -by Dixon Bros., of Toronto; 1 Bumzv with leather tan` 1 English Saddle: Fon SALE. Wfn IRA Hrnhn nf` Qhn Tn! MEDDND. i Barrip, 28th Feb.. 1872 'Beihg the West; Lot 1:, in 12:11 Con. Tovin- - ship of innisfil, distant from Barrie 3} miles, and from Ailandale 2 miles, and within the circuit of IL mile there urn several Grist, Saw, and other Mills, the Village of Peinswick with its Churches, Post onm, School, Stores, &c.- Soil stood clan loam. 50 nrea ulenrnd. wpll unumuea, rust UlI1l`8,BGll00l, tores, ac.- Soil gdod clay loam, 50 acres olenred, well fenced, with flame Barn, Granary, Stable, Oow Houses, and other buildings. Ten acres of Fall Wheat in ground. . POSSESSION I MMEDI4 TEL Y. I)... -6` U\IIhti`\lIl0l\ ............ ..-.. ........... -.. ll.._L .` \JlJ\Jl2lJIJ.K\.l.L' JL'1'1L'Jl- lJ1l.L`J`Jl`u Part. of purchase m_oney.can remain on Mort-. gate. For further articular: enquire of R08 R1` COX. or .1; U u u 1211 U141! .l' U.l`b1V.l 1 Uliu TABLES. CII.;1II .S, BEDSTEADS, QUPBOARDS, BUREEAUS, LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, SUFAS, LOOKING GLASSES MATRASSES, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, &o.,- &c., . Made on the premises of the best materials by experienced workmen. Special attention paid to - ordered work. One Chair! Re-Seated. ` .1. ' To let Town Lot situate on Mill Ros.d,"and comprising about 4 acres of good land suitabie or garden, we11~fenc_ed and watered, and good new Dwelling-House and Stable attached, within 1} mile of the Railway Station, Post Olce, and Market. Terms easy. Apply to Mr. 0. CLARKSON, 10 If Glnh Fl'nm-m. Rm-n 10 tf. |@-ms JIEEEY;? 2] |PnTEsERvE-aARs.| |PRE3ER`@E ms! CULVE RWELUS - HAIR DRESSING, saavme and SHAMPOOING ` q'A'r.r\r-\1\T LIB-ll-4| I `IVS! K.lvI.l\l llllllill U\IIL`\l S A L o 0 ZN` , ! Dzmlop Street, opposzte the Razlroad " Station, Brzrrzc. Razors Ground and Set, Knives, qcissora and all small cutlery ground and Iharpened. U.-\n.:u:u:m LILIZVILVIHVU am: U1'nUln3'l'.lSit<.I qusinesa is ca.rIied,on in his premises opposite the Railwav Station. Barrie. \I\JI-VI-IIVVIQI-nl-n VJ CARRIAGE TRIMMING and UPHOLSTERY nnuinnan In nnrn nn in kin ruunninnu nn..m.:4.. qusnwsu 1:9 carxIu.LI,(Ix1 1!] ms prenns9a _ Ranlway Station, Barrie. Barrie.-Sentember 12, 1872. - -I-Innlli HUGH l'IIIU I'l"II`UI OTTOMAN, SLIPPER, CROTCHET PATTERNS ; BRAIDS. FILLOSELS, LACES AND TR.`IMMlNGS, FLOWER LEAVES, PETALS AND WIRE, GLASS AND CHINA VASES, WORK BOXES AND DESKS, BEADS AND NECKLACES, _ ' PUR:ES AND TOYS, BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, &'c.. &c. . - . Call {and ezamzne the varied Stock at the The people in twn and county are pushing their way in thronged multitudes for those new and choice kinds 0'!` ' 1--.q-.q.--....__ ...__'. OLD PICTURES OUPHED 8: ENLARGED. SPEGIAL Attention mo tfa caunnsu .-----_. .._... nu:-an um ' PICTURES to be found only at STEPHENS New Pho- toilraph Gallery. Fatber a,m:ther"u,'-1nd children ` all want to go to STEPHENS. Remember he is over Woods Drug Store Ask for . - E ; Barrie, lltb. 1873: ST FEE-5.81:" T 1` he royriaton `are prgpdred to supply Dum- nion tone, ontor rough; Buiuding Ston_IJI.`in lgvelconrngnnd Limestone. ~ " ~ 11:03: Imn hm. 17.1.4. -1-..`_;u- Q1113 Iago goged /in?toAdXauel`s II V" ,, ': g,"._0.D,AVIE8,; _- gx,; , 2 Iain " ~.`._ *0 `I T ' PRESENTS AT J_. EDWARDS &, SON 8, Barrie. Barrie Deo.18,v18'l2. V _ " 51-ti LOIIGFOIIII STONE QIIAIIRIES, RAMA, , . LA:Kl oouomouma. I - anie March 3rd," 1873. 1?m-rie,'M_arch,`g 1873.

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